Summer Programs AUP 2024
Summer Programs AUP 2024
Summer Programs AUP 2024
Mission Statement: St. Mary’s Dominican High School, sponsored by the Dominican Sisters of
Peace, is a Catholic college preparatory program for young women rooted in the tradition of
prayer, study, community, and service. With Jesus at the center, the Dominican community
preaches the Word, radiates joy, advocates peace, promotes justice, seeks Truth, manifests
Catholic values, and ministers to others.
Computer Access:
Computing, data storage, information retrieval systems and communication tools are
designed to serve the campers, parents, faculty and staff of the St. Mary’s Dominican High School
Community. All technology resources including, but not limited to, network access, internet
access, voicemail, e-mail, Rediker PlusPortals, Microsoft Office 365 (including Outlook, Teams and
all productivity tools and applications), academic software and research data bases are provided
to further the legitimate educational goals of the school. In keeping with its philosophy and goals,
St. Mary’s Dominican High School also provides computing and network hardware resources for
the use of campers, employees and others affiliated with the school.
Campers are required to register their personal computing device with the Technology
Department and maintain the registration sticker on the device. Campers are required to use
only the Dominican network and virtual desktop when on campus. No 3G or 4G capability on
computing devices will be allowed on campus. Cellular devices with 3G or 4G capability may be
used before or after school in specified areas but must be stored in camper lockers during the
school day.
St. Mary’s Dominican High School has taken reasonable precautions to restrict access to
materials which are inappropriate to our school setting. However, these precautions do not in
any way diminish each user’s responsibility to act ethically and in a manner fully consistent with
the philosophy and values of St. Mary’s Dominican High School when using the school’s electronic
Furthermore, it is expected that all use of technology, including social media, at school
and at home and whether using DHS provided resources or personal resources, is to be consistent
with the Mission of St. Mary’s Dominican High School and the rules and principles outlined in this
Camper/Parent Handbook.
• Accessing the Dominican network or authorized resources, including but not limited to the
internet to retrieve information from libraries, databases and appropriate web sites,
newsgroups, and list servers in order to complete homework or class assignments to enrich
and expand the curriculum.
• Using e-mail in accord with protocols for campers and/or parents set forth in this handbook
for communication within the St. Mary’s Dominican High School community.
• Using school provided cloud servers and/or network capabilities to facilitate learning projects, to
save and/or print academic work, and/or to collaborate with peers.
Acceptable Use Guidelines:
These guidelines are provided to ensure efficient, moral, ethical, legal and proper utilization of
electronic resources in accordance with the Mission and educational goals of St. Mary’s
Dominican High School. Violators may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action including but
not limited to confiscation of a personal computing or phone device until after school hours
and/or barring the camper from further use of any personal computing device at St. Mary’s
Dominican High School, penalties, suspension and/or dismissal from school.
1. Systems accounts are used by the authorized owners for the purposes defined in this policy.
Users are not to share their user identification or passwords with another person.
Ultimately, each user is responsible for all activity under his/her account.
2. All use of electronic resources, either hosted on a campus server, cloud servers, or accessed
via the world wide web, must be in support of education and research consistent with the
Mission of St. Mary’s Dominican High School. Dominican reserves the right to prioritize use
and access to these resources and the right to access and read e-mail and any other files
transmitted through or stored on the school’s equipment or provided recourses. Any
camper using a personal computing device on campus also consents to any review of
programs or materials on such device, in accord with applicable law, by any St. Mary’s
Dominican High School administrator or teacher.
3. The use of the internet is a privilege, not a right, of the user. Equipment, software, hardware
and network capabilities provided through the school are and remain the property of the
school and may be monitored at any time by school authorities. Any inappropriate use will
result in disciplinary action including possible cancellation of those privileges, confiscation
of a camper’s personal computing device until after school hours and/or barring the camper
from further use of any personal computing device at St. Mary’s Dominican High School,
and other disciplinary action. Transmission of any material in violation of any national or
state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted, threatening,
obscene, or racist material. Should a user accidentally access any inappropriate site or
material, he or she should report this to the attending teacher or supervisor.
4. Any attempt to by-pass the school firewall is not acceptable. Use of unauthorized
software or hardware, including but not limited to personal virtual private networks (VPN)
and proxy servers, personal wireless access point (hotspot), or personal cloud access will
result in disciplinary action including a detention and/or possible cancellation of
computing privileges, confiscation of a camper’s personal computing device until after
school hours, and/or barring the camper from further use of any personal computing
device at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, or other disciplinary action as warranted.
5. In using electronic resources and in posting information on web pages approved by the
President or Principal of the school, users shall abide by generally accepted rules of
network etiquette and behave in an ethical and legal manner that is fully consistent with
the mission, philosophy and values of St. Mary’s Dominican High School. The school name,
logo or shield may not be used in any printed or electronic material without the express,
written permission of the President or Principal. No web page or electronic link should be
made to the St. Mary’s Dominican High School web page without the express, written
permission of the President or Principal of the school.
6. Users shall fully comply with all licensing and copyright laws regarding software,
technology and printed materials. No user is allowed to install or download any software
to a Dominican-owned device without express, written permission of the President or
7. Any camper or employee use of the school’s network or communication tools for personal
or financial gain, product endorsement or advertisement, political lobbying, unauthorized
social media or visiting “chat rooms” or similar sites is strictly prohibited.
8. Vandalism, which includes, but is not limited to, any attempt to “hack” into the school’s
network, any malicious attempt to harm or destroy any data, hardware, or software,
including the uploading or creation of a computer virus or loading unauthorized data or
programs on Dominican owned machines or another camper’s device, will result in
disciplinary action which could include financial remuneration for damage, confiscation of
a camper’s device, suspension, dismissal, and/or other consequences as applicable.
9. Teachers will make discretionary decisions that may impact tablets, laptops, iPads,
computers, written documents, calculators, personal notes, audio and video files, and
electronic data of campers in the interest of viable learning environment for legitimate
pedagogical purposes.
10. Nothing in this policy is intended to preclude the supervised use of the digital or system
resources while under the direction of a teacher or other approved user acting in
conformity with St. Mary’s Dominican High School’s mission, philosophy, policies or
11. Violations of any e-mail protocols stated in this handbook for campers may be cause for
disciplinary action.
In accord with applicable law, St. Mary’s Dominican High School reserves the right to monitor,
review, confiscate and/or delete all material accessed, created, or transmitted on the network,
any tablet, PC, laptop, CD, DVD, iPads, iPods, USB drive or any other hand held technology
including, but not limited to, cell phones and calculators owned either by the school or camper.
The school reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether specific uses of
technology are appropriate and in conformity with the mission of St. Mary’s Dominican High
School and the rules and principles outlined in this Camper/Parent Handbook. Violation of any
part of this policy is cause for disciplinary and/or legal action such as, but not limited to,
confiscation of a camper’s device until after-school hours and/or barring the camper from further
use of any personal computing device at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, revocation of user
privileges, suspension or expulsion and restitution of any monetary expenses incurred either
through damage of software or hardware, or through legal or other fees. Decisions by the
Principal on disciplinary action in these matters are final.
St. Mary’s Dominican High School
Agreement for the Use of Computers and Telecommunication
St. Mary’s Dominican High School has chosen to permit campers access to digital and
telecommunication resources using a personal computing device to further its educational goals
and objectives. Reasonable care has been taken to assure the appropriateness and educational
quality of the material available through Dominican’s network and resources, educational
software and telecommunications. All use of technology is to be in accordance with the Mission
and Philosophy of St. Mary’s Dominican High School. However, parents and guardians are warned
that St. Mary’s Dominican High School does not have total control of the information on the
Internet. Parents or guardians are the primary authorities responsible for imparting the
standards of ethical and legal conduct that their child or ward should follow.
1. I/We am/are the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the below-named camper. I/We have read the Acceptable Use
Policy for Computers and Telecommunications (“AUP”), and I/we have either explained it to my/our
child/camper or I/we have assured myself/ourselves that my/our child/ camper understands it.
2. I/We request that my/our daughter have access to and use of the Dominican network, virtual desktop,
cloud storage, telecommunications, and/or internet resources at St. Mary’s Dominican High School.
3. I/We agree to allow our daughter to participate in virtual “home learning” including live video lessons if
circumstances dictate home learning is necessary, as determined by the school.
4. I/We also hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless St. Mary’s Dominican High School from
any claim or loss resulting from an infraction of the AUP by the camper or resulting from a violation of
any applicable law by the camper.
5. I authorize the use of my daughter’s photos and/or videos for publicity and marketing materials.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
Dezenia Giron
Name of Parent/Guardian (Please Print)
6. I have received, read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy. I also understand its significance,
and I agree to abide by all terms and conditions. I further understand that violation of this
agreement would be unethical and might constitute a criminal offense and/or disciplinary
offense as a camper at St. Mary’s Dominican High School. Should I choose to violate this
agreement, my privileges may be revoked, my device confiscated in accord with this policy and
disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken against me.
Camper Signature Date