Acceptable Use Policy For Network Access
Acceptable Use Policy For Network Access
Acceptable Use Policy For Network Access
The information systems and Internet access available through FCPS are available to support learning, enhance instruction, and support school system business practices.
FCPS information systems are operated for the mutual benefit of all users. The use of the FCPS Network is a privilege, not a right. Users should not do, or attempt to do, anything that might disrupt the operation of the network or equipment and/or interfere with the learning of other students or work of other FCPS employees. The FCPS Network is connected to the Internet, a network of networks, which enables people to interact with hundreds of thousands of networks and computers. All access to the FCPS Network shall be preapproved by the principal or program manager. The school or office may restrict or terminate any users access, without prior notice, if such action is deemed necessary to maintain computing availability and security for other users of the systems. Other disciplinary action may be imposed as stated in the Fairfax County Public Schools Student Responsibilities and Rights (SR&R) document.
terms of a preauthorized licensing agreement is a serious federal offense and will not be tolerated. Modifying any copyrighted software or borrowing software is not permitted. Do not modify or rearrange keyboards, individual key caps, monitors, printers, or any other peripheral equipment. Report equipment problems immediately to teacher or program manager. Leave workstations and peripherals in their designated places.
Appropriate Use
Do not use offensive, obscene, or harassing language when using any FCPS Network system. Information may not be posted if it: violates the privacy of others, jeopardizes the health and safety of students, is obscene or libelous, causes disruption of school activities, plagiarizes the work of others, is a commercial advertisement, or is not approved by the principal or program manager. Users will not change or delete files belonging to others. Real-time messaging and online chat may only be used with the permission of the teacher or program manager. Students are not to reveal personal information (last name, home address, phone number) in correspondence with unknown parties. Users exercising their privilege to use the Internet as an educational resource shall accept the responsibility for all material they receive. Users are prohibited from accessing portions of the Internet that do not promote the instructional mission of FCPS. All student-produced web pages are subject to approval and ongoing review by responsible teacher and/or principal. All web pages should reflect the mission and character of the school.
I, the parent or guardian of (students name), the minor student who has signed, along with me, this acceptable use policy, understand that my son or daughter must adhere to the terms of this policy. I understand that access to the FCPS Network is designed for educational purposes but will also allow my son or daughter access to external computer databases, networks, etc. that are not controlled by FCPS. I also understand that some materials available through these external sources may be inappropriate and objectionable; however, I acknowledge that it is impossible for FCPS to screen or review all of the materials available through these sources. I accept responsibility to set and convey standards for appropriate and acceptable use to my son or daughter when he or she is using the FCPS Network or any other electronic media or communications associated with FCPS.
IT-121 (3/99)