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Open Sea Cage Culture

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Edited by

K.K. Philipose
Jayasree Loka
S.R.Krupesha Sharma
Divu Damodaran

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute

Karwar Research Centre

Handbook on

Open Sea Cage Culture

Published on behalf of the Director, CMFRI on the

occasion of the training on Open sea cage culture
sponsored by National Initiative on Climate Resilient
Agriculture (NICRA) and held at the Karwar Research
Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
during 27 to 3 March 2012 and 19 to 24 March 2012
CMFRI, Kochi - 682 018
Karwar Research Centre of
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Karwar -581 301, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka.
Ph: +918382222639 Fax: +918382221371
Design, Printed and bound in India by Maya Creative Mind, Calicut, Kerala.


Cage Culture -Mariculture Technology

of the Millennium in India ................................................. 1

G. Syda Rao

Regulatory Frame work for Mariculture

Development and Management ........................................ 15

E.V. Radhakrishnan and A.P. Dineshbabu


Site and Species Selection Criteria for Cage Culture ......... 27

Jayasree Loka, N.G. Vaidya and K.K. Philipose


Development of Innovative Low Cost Cages

for Promoting Open Sea Cage Culture
Along the Indian Coast ..................................................... 37

K.K. Philipose and S.R. Krupesha Sharma


Different Types of Netting Materials & their Properties ... 42

M.K. Sambasivan

Marine Fish Nutrition, Feed Formulation,

Feed Production and Feeding ........................................... 47

P. Vijayagopal
VII Broodstock Development, Breeding &
Larval Rearing of Cobia and Pompano ............................. 59

G. Gopakumar and A.K. Abdul Nazar

VIII Nursery Rearing of Asian Seabass ..................................... 72

S.R.Krupesha Sharma, Praveen Dube

and K.K.Philipose

Transportation of Fingerlings and

Juveniles of Marine Finfish ............................................... 77

Jayasree Loka and K.K. Philipose

Mussel Farming ................................................................ 84

Geetha Sasikumar and K.S.Mohamed


Review of Prospects for Lobster Farming .......................... 96

XII Fish Growth Parameters and their Monitoring ............... 112

D. Divu, K. Srinivasa Rao and K.K.Philipose

XIII Environmental Monitoring in Sea Cage Culture ............. 118

Jayasree Loka , S.M. Sonali, L.S. Korabu

and K.K. Philipose
XIV Diseases and their Management in Cage Culture ........... 125

S.R.Krupesha Sharma, N.Sadhu

and K.K.Philipose
XV Cage Farming of Finfishes in Estuaries ........................... 137

A.P. Dineshbabu


1 G. Syda Rao

Director, Central Marine Fisheries

Research Institute , Post Box No. 1603,
Ernakulam North P.O.,
Cochin-682 018, Kerala, India

2 E. V. Radhakrishnan Former Head, Central Marine Fisheries

Research Institute, Post Box No. 1603,
Ernakulam North P.O.,
Cochin-682 018, Kerala, India

G. Gopakumar

Pricipal Scientist &

Scientist -in-Charge,
Mandapam Regional Centre of
CMFRI, Marine Fisheries
Post,Mandapam Camp,
Tamil Nadu- 623 520

4 A.P.Dineshbabu

Scientist-in-Charge, Mangalore
Research centre of CMFRI,
Bolar, Mangalore

5 K.K.Philipose

Scientist-in-Charge, Karwar Research

Centre of CMFRI,
Karwar -581 301, Karnataka

6 S.R.Krupesha sharma Scientist, Karwar Research Centre of

CMFRI, Karwar -581 301, Karnataka

7 M.K.Sambasivan

Manager, Matsyafed Net Factory, Kochi.

8 P. Vijayagopal

Senior Scientist,Marine Biotechnology

Division, CMFRI,
Cochin -682018, Kerala.

9 A.K. Abdul Nazar

Senior Scientist, Mandapam Regional

Centre of CMFRI,Marine Fisheries
Post,Mandapam Camp,
Tamil Nadu- 623 520

10 Jayasree Loka

Senior Scientist, Karwar Research

Centre of CMFRI,
Karwar -581 301, Karnataka

11 Geetha Sasikumar

Scientist, Mangalore Research centre

of CMFRI, Bolar, Mangalore

12 D. Divu

Scientist, Karwar Research Centre of

CMFRI, Karwar -581 301, Karnataka


The cage aquaculture has grown very rapidly during the past
20 years and is presently undergoing rapid changes in response
to pressures from globalization and a growing global demand
for aquatic products. Recent studies have predicted that fish
consumption in developing and developed countries will
increase by 57 percent and 4 percent, respectively. Rapid
population growth, increasing affluence and urbanization in
developing countries are leading to major changes in supply
and demand for animal protein, from both livestock and fish.
Within aquaculture production systems, there has been a move
towards the clustering of existing cages as well as toward the
development and use of more intensive cage-farming systems.
In particular, the need for suitable sites has resulted in the cage
culture sector accessing and expanding into new untapped
open-water culture areas such as coastal brackish and marine
offshore waters.
Cage culture of fin fish and shell fish is in the developmental
stages in India. Experimental culture of seabass, mullets and
spiny lobster was carried out at various centres of Central
Marine Fisheries Research Institute with varying degree of
success. Although the results obtained at all the places were
promising, more works are needed to perfect stocking density,
feeding, cage fabrication and cage mooring. The results


obtained at Karwar were significantly better because of the

favourable environmental conditions and the water quality.
Karwar Research Centre of CMFRI has also developed the
low cost cage technology thus bringing down the cost of cage
fabrication to several-fold low.
There is necessity of transferring the technology through
training to fishers and the researchers. In this context the present
publication open sea cage culture is brought by CMFRI on
the occasion of the national training on open sea cage culture
funded by National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture
(NICRA) for the fishermen, fish farmers and officials of the
fisheries department. I hope this book will serve as the reference
guide to the researchers as well as fish farmers who are interested
in mariculture. Any suggestion to improve the handbook is
gratefully accepted. We are indebted to Dr. G.Syda Rao,
Director, CMFRI for his support and encouragement in conduct
of the training programme and preparation of this handbook.
We also would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the
contributors who helped in the preparation of this book.
February 2012

Scientist in-Charge &
Course Co-ordinator of
Open sea cage culture


G. Syda Rao

isheries sector in India has emerged as an important industry

during the last six decades. Fish is an important source of
cheap protein to the people of India, and also a potential employ
ment and income generating sector, besides earning substantial
foreign exchange through seafood exports. Fisheries contributed
about 5% of Indias agricultural GDP and about one per cent of
the total GDP during 2008-09. The sector supports livelihood
options for about 40 million people in India.
The marine fishery resources of the country include a coastline
of 8129 km with numerous creeks and saline water areas, an
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02 million km2, which
are suitable for capture as well as culture fisheries. The annual
harvestable marine fishery resources in the Indian EEZ have been
estimated at about 3.93 million tonnes constituting more than
50 % demersal, 43% pelagic and 6% oceanic groups. The Indian
fish production is contributed both by marine and inland sectors.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

While, the share of marine fish production in the total fish

production declined gradually from 71% in 1950-51 to 38.16%
in 2008-09, and that of the inland sector increased from 29% to
68.14% during the same period. The marine fish production in
India during 2009 was estimated at about 3.16 million tonnes,
which is more than 70% of the harvestable potential.
With the marine capture fisheries reaching a stagnation phase
with limited scope for further expansion, the alternative is to
look for augmenting the fishery resources of the sea. Since the
existing capture methods have exploited the resources
indiscriminately mainly due to socio-economic pressure, there
has been a necessity to exploit the resources in a sustainable way.
Under such circumstances, mariculture or cage farming has been
identified as one of the methods for augmenting the fish catch
from the sea.
Aquaculture has been the worlds fastest growing food
production system with production steadily increasing at about
10% per year since 1984, compared with 3% for livestock meat
and 1,6% for capture fisheries. Of the 300 species being cultured,
22 account for 80% of the production. The majority are filter
feeders, herbivores or omnivores, and one species (Atlantic salmon)
is carnivorous. In the finfish group Cyprinids dominate the
production with 10.3 million meter.

Cage farming
Cage culture has been originated in Southeast Asian countries
and now it is a major culture activity all over the world. Mariculture
in cages began in Japan in the 1950s but developed largely as a
result of the salmon farming industry in northern Europe and
North America during the past two decades. Cages account for
about 60% of coastal fish culture, and if considering Medite
rranean aquaculture, it account above 90% of all seabass and sea
bream production. The main advantages of cages when compared
to conventional land-based systems include low capital costs and
simple management.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Cage farming in India

As an R & D activity, the first open sea cage was launched in
Bay of Bengal off Visakhapatnam coast during May 2007. Due
to the rough sea conditions, the first version of the cage had
lasted only for 45 days in the sea. With further modifications,
the second version of marine cage was fabricated involving marine
engineering and naval diving experts and was launched in
December 2007. With a low stocking density, the trial was
successfully completed in April 2008. The recovery percentage
was 75% and the weight ranged from 300-1200g. The third
version of the cage was also tried and found to be seaworthy at
any extreme sea conditions. The first to third versions were 15
m dia HDPE cages. For easy manoeuvring and cost effectiveness
in terms of reduced labour, the size of the HDPE cages have
been modified to 6 m in the fourth version. In a demonstration
trial, these types of cages have been found to be successful in
many maritime states along the Indian coast. Latest version of
open sea cage is a cost effective GI cage designed for low
investment farming operations.

Open sea cage technology developed by CMFRI

Different criteria must be addressed before site selection for
cage culture The first is primarily concerned with the physicochemical conditions like temperature, salinity, oxygen, currents,
pollution, algal blooms, water exchange etc. that determine
whether a species can thrive in an environment. Other criteria
that must be considered for site selection are weather conditions,
shelter, depth, substrate etc. Finally legal aspects, access, proximity
to hatcheries or fishing harbor, security, economic, social and
market considerations etc. are to be taken care.

It is a fact that costs per unit volume decrease with increasing
cage size, within the limits of the materials and construction
methods used. However, very large cages may limit stocking,

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

grading and harvesting options, and maintenance aspects like

net changing and disease treatment also become increasingly
difficult as size of cages increase. CMFRI has developed open
sea cages of 6 m dia and 15 m dia for grow out fish culture and
2 m dia HDPE cages for seed rearing. Ideal size for grow out
cage is 6 m due to its easy manoeuvring and reduced labour. For
fingerling 2 m cages can be used.

Cage frames and nets

Culture experiments and demonstrations using different cage
materials have been carried out by CMFRI. Business entrepre
neurs with high capital investments long lasting and expensive
High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) frames can be used. Small
groups and fishermen can opt for cost effective epoxy coated
Galvanized Iron (GI) frames. GI frames have less life span com
pared to HDPE frames.
Nets of varying dimensions and materials were tested for cage
culture in India. CMFRI has used braided and twisted HDPE
nets for grow out purpose. It can last for two or more seasons.
Nylon net can be used economically, but since it is light weight,
to hold the shape intact more weight has to be loaded in the
ballast pipe. Sapphire is also good because of its high breaking
strength compared to HDPE and nylon. Cost factor has to be
taken care while using sapphire or dyneema materials for net
cage. The depth of net ranging from 2 to 4 m for fingerlings and
5 to 6 m for grow out cages are ideal. For open sea cage culture,
predator net to prevent attack by predatory organisms is essential.

Potential species and criteria for selection

of species for cage culture
The selection of species for cage culture should be based on a
number of biological criteria like omnivore or carnivore, hardiness,
fast growing, efficient food conversion ability, availability of eggs
and juveniles, and disease resistance. Economic marketability
and demand are also taken into consideration.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Mariculture is a relative latecomer in the food production

industry in the world. Following positive experiences in production
of salmonids in floating cages at high densities in European
countries, marine finfish farming in cages was successfully initiated
in coastal waters of Mediterranean countries as well.
In India, marine fish present problems for the fish culturists
since fry supply still remains as a bottle-neck in expanding of
industrial mariculture. Marine fish eggs and small size larvae at
first feeding make it too complicated a matter to rear them
throughout their life cycles. Culture of marine fish has taken up
only due to the promotion of cage culture of sea bass by CMFRI
and to the improvement of the hatchery techniques by RGCA
(MPEDA) which has enabled the fry production under a controlled
price. Asian seabass L. calcarifer has been proven as a fine species
for cage culture due to the availability of hatchery produced seed,
market demand and fast growth. Another species which has great
potential is cobia Rachycentron canadum, for which hatchery
technology has been initiated by CMFRI. Once the technology is
commercialized, cobia will snatch the scene of mariculture in India
due to its fast growth and excellent market value.
Among crustaceans, lobster rearing in open sea cages has been
proved highly lucrative. CMFRI has demonstrated lobster rearing
in cages at Vizhinjam, Kanyakumari, Mandapam and Veraval.
Within a short span of 3 months fishermen were able to raise
more than four times revenue by lobster rearing. Otherwise,
juveniles of lobsters are sold for meagre amount in the local
market. This practice also leads to reduction in loss of natural
stock due to juvenile capture which is not uncommon in Indian

Although stocking densities should be determined by species
requirements and operational considerations, the influence of
stocking densities on growth and production has been
determined empirically. The stocking density depends also on

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

the carrying capacity of the cages and the feeding habits of the
cultured species. Optimal stocking density varies with species
and size of fish. For producing 5 tonnes of 500-600 g seabass
from a 6 m dia. HDPE cage, 30-50 individuals (100 g) per cubic
meter can be stocked.

Feeds and feed management

Fresh or frozen trash fish, moist pellet (MP) and floating dry
pellets are the common feed for growing fish in cages. Feeding in
cages is quite easy compared to that in ponds. The ration can be
divided into equal portions and supplied at regular intervals.
Feeding can be done either by broadcasting or using feeding trays.

Harvest of fish or lobster in cages is made very easy compared
to that in ponds. Cages can be towed to a convenient place and
harvest can be carried out. Also based on demand, partial or full
harvest can be done.

Cage management
Cage culture management must result in optimizing
production at minimum cost. The management should be so
efficient that the cultured fish should grow at the expected rate
with respect to feeding rate and stocking density, minimize losses
due to disease and predators, monitor environmental parameters
and maintain efficiency of the technical facilities (Chua, 1982).
Physical maintenance of cage structures is also of vital importance.
The raft and net-cages must be routinely inspected. Necessary
repairs and adjustments to anchor ropes and net-cages should
be carried out without any delay. Monthly exchange of net should
also be considered, as this ensures a good water exchange in the
net, thereby washing away feces, uneaten food and to a certain
extent reduce the impact of fouling.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Fouling of cage net

Fouling of cage nets and other structures has been observed
at many instances of cage farming. Nets get covered with biofoulers. Fouling by molluscs, especially edible oysters and
barnacles have to be checked before its growth advancement.
Algal mats and other periphytons can be removed by introduction
of omnivorous grazers in cages. A fouled net will be heavier,
thereby increasing drag, and this result in loss of nets and fish.
To avoid/ reduce fouling, net should be changed as and when
required, which may vary from 2 to 4 weeks depending on the
intensity of fouling. During oyster fouling, net exchange has to
be done immediately after the seasonal spat fall.
Herbivorous fish such as rabbit fish (Siganus spp.), pearl spots
(Etroplus spp.) and scat (Scatophagus sp.) can be used to control
biofoulers (Beveridge, 1987), but their application on a large
scale needs to be assessed.

Disease monitoring
Monitoring of fish stock health is essential and early indi
cations can often be observed from changes in behavior, especially
during feeding.

TechnicaL issues in developing open sea cage farms in

Indian waters
Lack of sea farming policy is a major issue which has to be
taken care by the concerned states in the country before taking
up commercial cage farming.
Modification of the cage design to withstand strong sea
currents/ tidal flow and retain their effective volume;
developing cages that are better suited to the sea conditions
in different regions and to different species.
Developing stronger cage-nets that can withstand varying sea
conditions and fouling.
Producing associated facilities and equipment, including that
for safety and security of the structure and stock, feeding,

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

grading, net-cleaning, monitoring, harvesting etc.

Developing cost-effective and nutritionally complete
formulated feed to replace the trash fish that is used at present.
Formulated feed has been used in aquaculture for more than
30 years, but is not widely used in marine cage culture.

Capture based aquaculture

Capture based aquaculture (CBA) is a good concept for species
for which hatchery technology has not been developed. Southern
blue fin tuna (Thunnus spp) is cultured in Australia using wildcaught juveniles, which has great demand in global market. In
India also many species can be cultured in a similar way. The
juveniles of high valued species caught in different gears if brought
alive can be effectively used for CBA in cages. Juveniles of koth,
ghol, pomfret, pompano, snappers etc. can be used for CBA.
The only precaution to be taken is that CBA should not target
to any single species, which might lead to vulnerability to
endangering/ extinction in future. CBA enhances marine fish
production and reduce the wastage of resource as low value by
catch and regular supply of high quality seafood items.

Constraints that may occur in open sea cage culture

Biological, mainly disease problems, and biodiversity concerns
due to the introduction of new species in the region.
Market constrains, such as fluctuation of prices based on
supply, quality control problems, demand for aquaculture
products, etc.
Zoo-technical constraints, such as seasonality of production
Environmental concerns, linked to the location of farms and
the impact of their effluents on the surrounding environment
(in commercial ventures only)
Scarcity of potential sites for new aquaculture projects, and
competition with other coastal users (urbanization, tourism,
navigation, wildlife park projects, harbours, maritime traffic,
etc.) and

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Scarce administrative organization with regards to the integra

tion of aquaculture activities in coastal areas.

Economic analysis
The success of the adoption of any innovation or new
technology lies in its economic performance. The rate of return
per rupee invested is the economic indicator that guides the
investor to choose a particular enterprise or practice. Besides,
the analysis of the economic performance serves as an indicator
for the investor to allocate his resources in the enterprises. This
becomes very much essential, since the resources are scarce and
the investor is interested to invest his scarce capital resource in
that enterprise that gives the maximum return for his investment.
The economic performance of the cage culture experiment
had been worked out by calculating the annual fixed costs,
variable costs and the annual total costs from the cost side. From
the returns point of view, the harvest from the cage, the gross
revenue from the sales of the product had been worked out.
Using the cost and returns figures, the economic indicators are
estimated to test the economic viability and financial feasibility
of any enterprise. This would serve as guidelines to the
institutional agencies that are extending the financial support to
the enterprise.

Case studies
Demonstration of open sea cage culture for finfish and
shellfish was carried out by CMFRI in Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa.
Lobster culture was successful at Kanyakumari, Vizhinjam and
Mandapam. Asian seabass culture was highly encouraging at
Karwar, Balasore and Chennai. Mullets, seabass and pearl spot
were also successfully harvested from backwater cages at Cochin.
Based on the success CMFRI has developed an open sea cage

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

farm at Karwar bay. The detailed economic analysis of the

experimental cage culture demonstrated in Visakhapatnam
(Andhra Pradesh) and Balasore (Orissa) is given in Tables 1-5 to
indicate how the economic analysis of the enterprise is done.

Table 1- Initial investment of
the cage culture farm of 1061 m3


(in Rs.)


HDPE Cage frame

HDPE nets
Galvanized Iron Chains
Mooring equipments
Stone Anchors
Shock absorbers
One time launching charges


Total Initial Investment

% to Economic
total life(in yrs)


14,75,000 100.00

Table 2. Details of annual fixed cost



Amount (in Rs.)

Insurance premium
(5% of investment)
Interest on fixed capital
Administrative expenses (2%)


Total fixed cost




Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Table 3. Details of annual variable cost of cage culture

(crop duration: 7 months)



% to

Feed cost
Net cleaning
Underwater inspection
Net mending and Maintenance
Post crop overhauling
Interest on working capital @6%
for one crop duration








Table 4. Economic indicators of

the cage culture of Lates calcarifer


(in Rs.)

Annual fixed cost

Annual Variable cost
Annual total cost
Gross revenue (after harvesting from 5th to 7th month)
Net operating income
Net income (profit)
Capital Productivity (Operating Ratio)
Annual Rate of return to capital


At Balasore, the initial investment for a 6m diameter cage
worked out to Rs.3,00,000. The fixed costs for the culture period

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

of six months was calculated at Rs.54,000. The variable costs of

the culture operation worked out to Rs.2,31,750. Thus the total
cost of production to the participants worked out to Rs.2,85,750
(Table 5).

Table 5. Economic analysis of the experimental cage

culture demonstration at Balasore



Details of cost and returns

Initial investment for a 6m diameter cage
Fixed cost (For crop duration of six months)
a) Depreciation
b) Insurance (2% on investment)
c) Interest on Fixed capital (12%)
d) Administrative expenses
Total Fixed cost (A)
Operating costs
a) Cost of seedlings
b) Cost of feeding and other labour chages
c) Interest on working capital (6%)
Total Operating cost (B)
Total cost of production (Six months)
Yield of sea bass (in kg)
Gross revenue from 3032 kg
Net income (8)-(5)
Net operating income
(Income over operating cost)
Cost of production (Rs./kg) (6)/(7)
Price realized (Rs./kg) (8)/(7)
Capital Productivity (Operating ratio) (5)/(8)

(in Rs.)

The culture of sea bass yielded 3.03 tonnes at the end of six
months, thus earning a gross revenue of Rs.5,75,760 to the
participants. The culture has earned a net operating income of

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Rs.3,44,010 at the end of six months and a net profit of

Rs.2,90,010 at the end of the same period. The cost of production
per kg of sea bass worked out to Rs.94.24 against the value
realization of Rs.189.89 per kg. The capital productivity
measured through operating ratio was worked out to 0.50. These
economic parameters indicate that this open sea cage farming of
sea bass is economically viable.

Factors to be considered before the establishment of

open sea cage farms
Identification of scientifically suited, resource specific and
location specific sites for the establishment of open sea cage
Appropriate leasing policies conferring the rights/ or legally
valid authorization to the fishermen groups, SHGs or
fishermen cooperatives to undertake open sea cage farming.
Introduction of a socio-economically conducive mechanism
under participatory mode to share the cost and economic
benefits so that social conflicts are avoided.
Ensuring adequate and regular supply of seed of the selected
species from hatcheries, providing technical support and
arranging for suitable financial assistance with the help of
organizations like the State Fisheries Departments and
development organizations like National Fisheries
Development Board (NFDB).

Responding to the challenge of filling the gap between
growing demand and capture fisheries supply, mariculture
production has to satisfy the optimistic expectations. Significant
progress is being made by CMFRI in this area through cage
culture as evidenced by both the scientific achievement and the
production trends. The economic analysis of the cage culture
has also been worked out with higher net operating income and
net income in a crop period of seven to nine months. It is to be

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

noted that once the practice is further expanded to many areas

and farms, the cost will decline due to the economies of scale of
operation. Open sea cage farming is a viable alternative and
economically and financially feasible mariculture operation for
the stake holders to make use of. Open sea cage culture develop
ment must be sustained in future by research and development
in genetics, nutrition, health management, production economy,
product handling etc. Technological advances aiming to reduce
capital and operating costs are particularly needed as to counteract
the tendency for prices to fall as mariculture production increases.
Future project assessments should involve not only technological
and socio-economic considerations, but also its environmental
efficiency. Co-operation between government, investors and
financial institutions is a prerequisite into achieving a new era of
mariculture development in India. The State Fisheries
Departments and the organizations like NFDB can promote
the concept of cage culture on a large scale with their institutional
and financial support, availing the technical expertise of CMFRI.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



E. V. Radhakrishnan and A.P. Dineshbabu


ariculture is becoming a promising area of aquaculture

all over the world and is one of the most important and
rapidly growing components of Asian aquaculture contributing
substantially to the increased demand for high value seafood items
in the global market. India has a long tradition of aquaculture
from time immemorial and is a leader in the world after China,
contributing to about 5.2% of the total production in 2003 (FAO,
2005). Globally, coastal aquaculture is one of the fastest growing
food sector industries. The production from coastal ecosystem
through farming, which was less than 0.5 million t. in 1950,
increased to 10 million t. in 1990 and to 36 million t. by 2007
(FAO, 2009). A sub continent, with seas all around on three sides,
India has a long coastline of about 8129 km. The countrys
continental shelf is estimated as 0.5 million square km, within its
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that extends to 2.2 million square
km. The southern edge of the Indian peninsula extends in to the
Indian Ocean, with the Bay of Bengal in its eastern part and the
Arabian Sea in the west.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

During the last six and half decades, the potential of aquaculture
for food production were widely recognized and legal policies drafted
in many countries. The development and management of
aquaculture is likely to fall within the scope of various pieces of
legislation and the expertise of various institutions. Aquaculture
activities need to be carefully monitored and controlled because of
the numerous interests involved, the diversity of natural resources
used the variety of institutions concerned, involvement of a wider
range of stakeholders from both public and private sectors. FAO
insist that "9.1.1 States should establish, maintain and develop an
appropriate legal and administrative framework which facilitates the
development of responsible aquaculture" (Code of Conduct for
Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), Article 9).

Indian Scenario
Traditionally, brackish water fishes and shrimps are farmed in
coastal tide-fed ponds by simple extensive system of farming like
the Pokkali farms of Kerala, the Ghazani and Khar of Karnataka
and fish farms (Bheries) of West Bengal. Semi-intensive farming
of shrimps, farming of green mussels and oysters, fattening of
lobsters and crabs, finfish farming, seaweed farming, semi-culture
of clams have increased the production through aquaculture in
coastal ecosystems. The total production (excluding seaweeds) has
increased from 3,868 t in 1980 to 1,97,339 t in 2008. This pheno
menal increase in production indicates the magnitude of utilization
of water resources for coastal aquaculture and mariculture. In spite
of these fast paced developments a policy support to govern the
mariculture development in a sustainable manner has not been
made in the country. Rules and regulations to make shrimp farming
sustainable have been put in place by the Coastal Aquaculture
Authority of India (CAAI) and specific rules have been framed by
some maritime states. The main groups of marine resources which
are farmed in India are the crustaceans, finfishes, molluscs, and
seaweeds. Molluscs such as clams, oysters, mussels and pearl oysters
are mostly sedentary animals hence they are farmed either by onbottom methods by sowing or from suspended floating structures
like the rafts. Recently marine finfish and lobsters farming in marine
cages have also been demonstrated successfully in India. List of
mariculture practices are details in the table below.



Sub tidal
MusselsPerna virdis
Sub tidal
Pearl oysters
Pinctada fucata
P. margaritefera
open waters
Clams(Papahia malabarica Interdical/Sub
Villorita cyprinoids)
tidal Open waters

Crabs Scylla serrata

Lobsters Panulirus
Near shore
homarus,Thenus orientalis
Open sea


Sub tidal


ShrimpsPenaeus monodon, Intertidal/

M. monoceros


Sl. Resource

Lease policiesexist
in somemaritime
Lease policiesexist
in some maritime states

Lease policiesexists
states guided by
rulesframed by AAI

Status regarding lease


Lease policiesexist
in somemaritime states




In Kerala,Karnataka

in Kerala


in some Maritime

Commercial fattening / Experimental

Land basedponds, Commercial,

Land based
Sea cages



On bottom,
lines, rafts)
Off bottom

(Rack andren)


Type of farming Farming status

Table 1.Mariculture farming systems prevalent in India

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Leasing policies for coastal aquaculture in India

As per Article 21 of the Indian Constitution the states are
empowered to regulate and manage marine fisheries in their
territorial waters extending 12 nautical miles off the coastline
towards the sea and all maritime states have enacted the Marine
Regulations Acts since 1980. The area from 12 nautical miles to
200 km in the EEZ comes under the jurisdiction of the Union
Government. The provisions made in the 73rd and 74th
amendments to the Constitution of India empower the
panchayats to perform functions mentioned in the eleventh
schedule of the Constitution in 29 subjects including fisheries.
However, due to lack of legal clarity this has not been
implemented in any panchayat. The coastal aquaculture leasing
policies in India have been drafted mainly for shrimp farming,
particularly in Tamilnadu which also has a draft mariculture
policy that states in clause 11.2.7 that mariculture activities are
not permitted in estuaries, backwaters, lagoons etc. Such a clause
indicates lack of proper understanding and needs to be corrected
in consultation with research organization. The Government of
Gujarat has enacted a land lease policy for aquaculture according
to which an individual is admissible for allotment of 5 ha area,
co-operative society for 50 ha area while private company is
eligible for 100 ha area. Allotment is made by the Revenue
Departments authority. It is now essential that leases (short-term
or long term) giving the aqua culturist exclusive rights to occupy
the site and to the cultured organisms should be developed. Such
leases should be guided by a set of rules and principles relevant
to public trust responsibilities and should specify the size of farm,
duration of farming and other terms of lease. Rents thus collected
should be used for development of coastal areas.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Table 2. Principles to be considered to frame policy

formariculture lease in open water bodies

Policy guided by

Common property

Use of open water bodies for

navigation, fishing should not be
hindered by mariculture. Similarly,
mariculture activities in open water
bodies should not cause disturbances
to other users. Further, mariculture
when permitted by the state should be
afforded complete protection of
structure and stock kept in the open
water bodies.

Carrying capacity

Open water bodies have limited to

biological productions and such limits
should be defined by the state in
consultation with research institutions


The polluter pays principle enacted by

the CAAI should be applicable to open
water bodies so as to minimize
environmental impacts. Pre and post
EIA (environmental impact
assessment) should also be mandatory.


Aquatic ecosystems are very sensitive

to changes caused by human activities,
and hence, all activities should take into
consideration conservation of aquatic


Since mariculture in open water bodies

is diverse and region specific, states have
to draw-up zonation plans in GIS
formats with the help of research
institutions. Creation of mariculture
parks should be encouraged.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Registration of open water body farms

During the last decade several estuaries and backwaters in Kerala
with high saline conditions have been used for bivalve farming.
There are no environmental assessments made either prior to
farming and after farming. Studies conducted by the Central
Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi have
indicated that farming bivalve at the same site for more than three
years can negatively impact the sediment structure and benthic
faunal communities. These aquaculture activities are conducted
in open waters where there are other common users, to legally
recognize mariculture has become inevitable. Most nations where
mariculture has advanced as a commercial activity, government
leasing determines the appropriate areas for mariculture activity,
allocating the rights to use the resource and evaluation of
environmental impacts.

Modalities for implementing a lease: (eg. bivalve farming)

Once the site is approved, the lease conditions can be drafted
based on the farm size, the stocking density and other conditions
which will promote sustainable bivalve farming. The forms for
registration/leasing can be drafted and these forms can be made
available through the local governing bodies. Farmers can submit
their requests to the state fisheries departments and after evaluation
based on the approval by the competent authority can be registered.
1. The application by the farmer should contain a description of
the location of the proposed lease by corner coordinates or
boundaries with coordinates for one starting point, a map of
the lease area and its adjoining waters and shore lands, known
riparian owners as they are listed in the panchayat or state
property tax records.
2. A list of the species to be cultivated and a description of the
proposed source (s) of organisms to be grown at the site should
also be included.
3. A description of current commercial, navigational and or
recreational activities such as eco-tourism occurring in the
proposed lease tract and the immediate vicinity of the proposed
lease site should be indicated.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

4. The applicant should provide information regarding the

financial resources available to operate, accurate and complete
cost estimates.
5. The applicant shall submit a resume or other documentation
as evidence of technical expertise and capability to implement
the proposed project.
The local governing body makes decision on the lease while
registration of the farms should be mandatory. Besides being helpful
to determine the levels to which carrying capacity ahs been reached
for the region, to indicate the origin of the farmed production.
After the farms are registered and prior to stocking, the sediment
and benthic faunal assemblage study (Pre stocking EIA) should
be done. Similar study should be done and corrective measures
taken if negative impacts are identified. A Flow diagram of steps
and activities for developing a mariculture lease system in India is
given below.

Site Identification
Site Certification

Department of Fisheries
of martime states Moots
proposal and requests
Research Institute


Research Institute

Flow diagram
of steps and
activities for
devoloping a
lease system
in India.

Desing of

Local Govering Bodies (Panchayat, Muncipalites etc.)


EIA Pre - assessment

Decision Lease



EIA Post-assessment

Decision on
continues Lease


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Policy of Framework
The objective of the policy framework is to encourage
responsible open body mariculture in the Indian coastal
ecosystems. It should promote a decision making process that is
transparent, efficient, coordinated and credible with the entire
process taking 3-4 weeks. It should employ a precautionary
approach to avoid and minimize environmental impacts and
promotes integration into the ecosystem.
It should be consistent with existing Indian laws and Agency
responsibilities and be consistent, to the maximum extent
possible, with the coastal water environmental and aquaculture
policies of adjacent nations; also consistent with Indias obligation
under International agreements. The policy should be adaptive,
and should promote the opportunities for innovation, data
collection and continual learning
Certain mariculture practices like the pearl culture and cage
farming can be done only in bays and open sea areas which are
protected and not affected by cyclones and oceanic disturbances.
One of the major impediments in development of mariculture
in open access water bodies is the lack of protection of the farm
structure. State Governments in consultation with competent
research institutions can demarcate selected areas congenial for
mariculture as "Mariculture Parks". Those who are interested to
invest in mariculture can apply for lease in these mariculture
parks and after the approval by the competent authority they
will have ownership over the allotted area for the specific time
period. There are various Monitoring and Administering
Agencies involved in various legislatures and mariculture
entrepreneurs has to be need to be given guidelines to abide by
the different legislations by different organizations.

Monitoring and Administering Agencies

The monitoring process envisaged in this policy frame work
should necessarily vest with a research institute. The admini
stering mechanism for the mariculture policy should primarily


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

be vested with the respective state fisheries departments (SFD).

The chain of command should begin with the SFDs and end
with the local governing bodies. There should be considerable
synergy between monitoring and administering agencies for
sustainable mariculture development in the country.

Table 3.Institutions responsible for decisionmaking



Ministry of Environmentand Forests

Ministry of EarthSciences

Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of WaterResources
Ministry of SurfaceTransport
Ministry of Petroleumand Natural Gas
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of mines

Management of resources in
the coastal water
Scientific monitoring of the
of resources in the high seas
Development of fisheries,
aquaculture, fish processing
Ports, shipping etc.
Offshore installation, coastal
refineries, pipelines etc.
Tourism activities in coastal
Mining activities in coastal

Highlights of major policies and programmes

From 1897 onwards various legislations are brought by
various agencies and most important legislations are listed


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Table 4. List of important legislations


Relevant Acts,
programmesand policies

Salient features and


1897 Indian Fisheries Act

Offers protection to
fisheries againstexplosives
or dynamites

1908 Indian Ports Act

Enactment relating to ports

and portcharges

1958 Merchant Shipping Act

Control of pollution from

ships and offshoreplatforms

1972 Wildlife Protection Act

Offers protection to marine


1974 Water (Prevention and

Control of pollution from

Control of Pollution Act)
land-basedsources includes
tidal waters

1978 Marine fishing RegulationAct

A model act, which

provides guidelines to the
maritime states to enact
laws forprotection to
marine fisheries by
regulating fishing in the
territorial waters.

1980 Forest Conservation Act

Protection to marine

1982 Coastal Pollution ControlSeries

Aims at assessing the

(COPOCS) programme)
pollution status ofcoastal

1986 Environment ProtectionAct

Under this, the Coastal

(EPA) Regulation
Zone1991 has
been notified.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

1991 (underEPA,1986)

Coastal Regulation
Regulations on various
activities in coastalzone.

1991 Deep Sea Fishing Policy

Allows foreign fishing

vessels into Indianwaters
beyond 12 nautical miles

1991 Coastal OceanMonitoring and

Assesses the health of

Prediction systems coastal
waters (COMAPS Project)


A new international order

established foroceans
Provides a comprehensive
legalframework for
integrated treatment
ofissues relating to oceans
and seas

1996 Coastal Zone Management

Supreme CourtIntervention
Plans (CZMPs) that all the
Coastal states prepare
their CZMPs by1996.

1997 Ocean Observation and Information Generate reliable 1998

oceanographic datavarious
projects of DOD were
1998 Integrated Coastal andMarine

Aims at integrated Area

Management management
of coastaland (ICMAM
Project) marine areas.

2000 The Biodiversity Bill

With an aim to protect and

conservebiodiversity and
sustainable use

Although enriched with vast natural resources and numerous

potential species, the sea farming practices have not picked up in


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

the country, perhaps due to the lack of a policy for usage of open
water bodies. The coastal areas of the country are densely populated
and their major occupation is related to fishing and ancillary activities.
Therefore, demarcation of suitable areas for a relatively new venture
such as mariculture may invite multi user conflicts. Therefore, to
initiate such projects, it is very important to involve the local community and frame suitable policy for aquaculture. Coastal Aquaculture
in the open waters requires statutory support and the Government
is yet to take major policy decision in this regard. Therefore, any
major effort for commercialization of the technology for mariculture
of various species will depend on an effective policy framework.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



Jayasree Loka, N.G.Vaidya and K.K. Philipose

age farming is one of the alternative to inland and brackish

water farming to increase fish and shellfish production.
Cage culture has been successfully practiced to culture marine
finfish for many years. In Australia, Norway, Chile and some of
Asian countries, cage culture is being successfully practiced since
the 1950s. Due to their large consumption value there is an
increasing demand for the culture of many marine finfishes. This
further led to an increased demand for marine aquaculture
throughout the world. A number of diversity of types and designs
of cages are developed of which four types of cages viz., fixed,
floating, submersible and submerged are the most common
proposed by Beveridge (1996). To establish a cage culture system,
a thorough knowledge of site where the cages are to be installed is
required which can be met with the data available with Govern
ment organizations, local people as well as the extensive field survey
to understand the topography, water and sediment quality.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Site Selection
Site selection is the most important factor which determines
the commercial viability of mariculture systems. Cage culture
can be made possible only when the site for cage culture operation
is located, designed and operated to provide optimum water
quality and to avoid stress conditions. In addition to water and
sediment quality of the site some biological and natural
distribution information for the species should also be known
before a site is selected for cage culture. The selection of fish for
cage culture should be based on biological criteria, such as
physiological, behavioural characteristics and level of
domestication; marketing criteria and environmental criteria,
distribution and habitat of site (Fig. 1).




other process






closes season
import limit




recreational fisheries
future coastal development


maritim law


Fig. 1. Criteria for selection of cage site.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Topographical criteria:
The cage site to be selected should be of a suitable depth,
have good tidal flow with optimal conditions and ideally be
protected from strong winds and rough weather and have
sufficient water movements. The size of wind generated waves is
determined by (i) wind velocity, (ii) the duration of time that
the wind blows, and (iii) the distance of open, unobstructed
water across which the wind blows (fetch) (Bascom, 1964). In
general, the wind velocity should be less than 5 knots for
stationary cage and 10 knots for floating cage. The height of the
wave should be less than 0.5 m for stationary cage and 1.0 m for
floating cage. Culture sites should be placed at some distance
from navigation routes as the waves may be created from the
wake of passing vessels.
It is necessary to allow sufficient depth under the cage in
order to maximize water exchange, avoid oxygen depletion,
accumulation of debris and build up of some noxious gases
generated by decomposition of the deposited wastes. In turbid
water, silt will tend to accumulate in the cage preventing good
water exchange. The minimum and maximum depth of the cage
can be calculated as follows:


M - T + H2
minimum depth at lowest low water during spring tide
measured depth
tidal height at the time when M is taken
minimum tidal height at lowest low water during
spring tide

Bottom condition
For an ideal site for cage culture, a firm substrate, with a
combination of fine gravel, sand and clay will be highly
productive. Depending on the type of substrate present at any

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

given site type of cages also vary. The floating net cages over
rocky substrates require more expensive anchoring blocks, but
have better water exchange rate. In general, sloping areas from
the shore leading to flat bottoms are suitable for cage culture
because the waste build-up at the bottom is easily eliminated.
Additional site selection criteria should also include accessibility
to the cages and the ability to move them out of potential harmful
events such as algal blooms and/or low DO events. Continuous,
unattended monitoring systems that can send alerts when
conditions are close to unacceptable ranges are invaluable in these

Physical criteria
The main physical parameters that need to be considered in
cage culture systems include factors such as current movements,
turbidity and water temperature.

Turbidity: During heavy monsoons, water becomes turbid due

to the freshwater runoff and more turbid waters are not suitable
for cage culture. Freshwater runoff due to rains may lead to
leaching of heavy metals from industrial effluents and suspension
of organic and inorganic solids in the water column. Deposition
of solid organic and inorganic materials to the bottom due to
heavy rains may act as substrate for fouling organisms on the nets,
which further prevent proper water circulation .Suspended
sediments also responsible for choking of fish gills which may
lead to mortality due to asphyxiation. The presence of suspended
solids also relates to some disease such as "fin-rot" caused by
Mycobacteria (Herbert and Merkens, 1961; Herbert and Richards,
1963). Suspended solids in a suitable site for net cage culture should
not exceed 10 mg/l. But its effects also depend on the exposure
time and current speed.

Water temperature: In cage culture, optimum water tempe

rature depends on the type of cultivable species i.e., 2731C for


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

most tropical species and 2028 C for most temperate species.

In the Asian region the annual temperature range fluctuates from
2035C in tropical countries and from 229 C in temperate
countries. Some of the fish species can survive even at varied
temperatures the growth of the fish may be affected due to its
fluctuations. The change in water temperature will affect fish
metabolism and activity, oxygen consumption, ammonia and
carbon dioxide production, feeding rate, food conversion, as well
as fish growth. The best solution is to select fast growing species
(not more than 8 months) and avoid having the culture period
running into the months with unsuitable temperature.
Chemical criteria: In cage culture, chemical parameters of
marine waters play an important role in the assessment of water
quality of cage systems. The natural tolerance of each species
should also be studied for assessment of suitable site. Most
important chemical factors to be considered in cage culture are
Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites.

Dissolved oxygen: Oxygen consumption for each species of

fish varies, with pelagic fish like snapper and seabass requiring
more than demersal species such as grouper. In general, dissolved
oxygen should preferably be around 5 ppm or more and never
less than 4 ppm for pelagic fish or 3 ppm for demersal species In
the case of cage culture, benthic organisms and sedimented wastes
may also reduce the oxygen level. Solubility of oxygen in water
declines with increasing temperature and salinity. Hence
depletion of DO always occurs during night time at neap tide in

Salinity : For most tropical species, the optimal salinity is normal

strength seawater; they cannot tolerate low salinities such as 10
15 ppt. Suitable site for cage culture should thus be with salinities
between 1530 ppt so that cultured species can be changed
according to market demands. Seabass (Lates calcarifer) can


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

tolerate a wide range of salinities from 0 to 33 ppt and an

optimum of 15 ppt is required for culture of seabass. For culturing
snappers the optimum salinity required is 25 ppt.

Hydrogen ion index (pH): The suitable pH for most marine

species is from 7.0 to 8.5. Extreme values of pH can directly
damage gill surfaces, leading to death (McDonald, 1983).

Ammonia: The level of ammonia-nitrogen in the water should

be less than 0.5 ppm. The suitable time for measurement of
ammonia level should be during neap tide when water current
is slow. The ammonia level in water caused by the decomposition
of uneaten food and debris at the bottom, can affect the fish.
Normally in coastal area, sewage discharge and industrial
pollution are the main sources of higher level of ammonia in

Nitrate (NO3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N): For a suitable cage

culture area, nitrite level should not exceed 4 mg/litre while nitrate
level should be below 200 mg/litre. The excessive amount of
nitrite in water becomes toxic to fish due to oxidation of iron in
haemoglobin from ferrous to ferric state (Tiensongrusmee, 1986).
It will cause hypoxia in fish because haemoglobin molecule
cannot bind with oxygen.

Biological criteria
Phytoplankton: Although a few tropical marine species of
Cyanobacteria are toxic (eg. Lyngba and Oscillatoria, Moore,
1982), their blooms are uncommon. A number of marine algae
groups form blooms, including diatoms, Cyanobacteria,
prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates. Chaetoceros convolutus has
a number of prominent spines which interfere with gill function
and loss of blood from injury (Kennedy, 1978). Excessive blooms
of phytoplankton can happen whenever the suitable condition


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

prevails such as high light intensity, high nutrient level (organic

load), warm water temperature, stagnant hydrological conditions.
These conditions should be avoided when selecting cage farming.
Algal blooms can affect fish, not only by damaging fish gills by
clogging, but also by competing for dissolved oxygen at night.
Red tides commonly occur in warm water, especially during
summer months.
Fouling organisms: Fouling is generally more rapid in areas
with low current velocities, high temperature, high turbidity
(enriched water) and high salinity. More than 34 species of algae
(cyanophytes, rhodophytes, chlorophytes) coelenterates,
polyzoans, annelids, arthropods, molluscs and simple chordates
have been observed clinging to netcages after immersion for only
two months (Cheah and Chua 1979). Colonization of fouling
organism is primarily caused by silt particles deposited at the net
which serve as substrate for fouling organisms. Silt particles can
be more than 50% of total fouling weight (Chou, 1988).

Accessibility: The culture site should be near a shore preferably

with a jetty for boat connection with farms and near a good
road for land transportation. Good accessibility facilitates
distribution of farm products, (especially live fish), transport of
feed, fingerlings, fuel, farm equipment, supplies and other
necessities. The owner can visit the farm site more often to ensure
proper management if it is easily accessible.

Selection of species for cage culture

Species selected for farming in floating netcages must have a
good demand and high market value should be hardy, should be
able to accept external source of food under confined conditions.
Food from external source may be a. natural eg. trash fish or b.
artificial eg dry formulation. Criteria to be followed to select the
species for cage farming are


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

High-valued species

It is preferable to culture species with high market value so as to

off-set the relatively high cost of production of net cage farming.

b. As the fish can be easily harvested live, the farmer can sell
the produce in prime, live condition. In doing this, he
obtains a better price for the fish than would be possible if
they were sold chilled or frozen as is the usual case in pond

Other than Banana shrimp and seabass mentioned, other high

valued species include finfish like the groupers, viz Epinephelus
spp., snappers (Lutjanus spp), Seabreams (Acanthopagrus latus),
Cobia, Pampano, crab (Scylla serrata) and lobster (Panulirus spp.).

Hardy and tolerant species


Species selected should also be hardy and tolerant to

confined, crowded conditions and to the rigours of handling
during net cage changes.
b. Stocking in net cages is often more than 10 times that of
pond culture eg.5/m2 compared with 40/m2 for grouper
culture in ponds and net cages respectively.
c. Flan in net cages are also subjected to greater physical contact
and stress during feeding as there is often a rush for the food
by the main bulk of the population in the net cage. Both
estuarine grouper and seabass are found to thrive well under
such crowded conditions and do not respond so well to
feeding when they are small numbers.

Ability to accept external source of food


As there are usually no other significant sources of food

within the net cage except for small fish which stray in and
out, selected fish must be able to accept external source of
food especially if species is carnivorous. The selected feed,

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

usually chopped trash fish, would drop through the netcage

if it is not eaten by the time it reaches the net bottom.
b. The loss of feed is greater when dry feed is used. Feeding
trays can be suspended in the net cage to catch the pellets as
they fall and this is used in net cage culture of shrimp. Net
cages can be deepened to allow greater pelleted feed retention
time within the netcage, or a slow-sinking dry pelleted feed
would also maximise this retention time.
c. Some fish like the grouper, seabass and golden snapper
respond to feed discharged from autofeeders. In fact, the
fish will swim around the feeder in anticipation of the feed
d. Spiny lobsters and Rabbit fish (Siganus canaliculatus) are
able to graze on the algas growing on the sides of the netcage
and derive part of their food from this source. They can also
serve as biofculing controls in netcages. Rabbit fish will also
respond to feed given to them.
e. Seed availability: Seed, which is usually fry or fingerling,
can be wild-caught or hatchery-bred. In the former, supply
is usually seasonal and unpredictable but are however more
robust and hardy as they would already have undergone
pre-selection by nature. In the case of hatchery-bred seeds,
supply is more predictable, and, depending on whether the
parent stocks were wild-caught or farm raised could be
produced on schedule in batch-operation sequence. The
need to ensure that seed stock is available is important
because without a certain and ready supply of seed at stocking
time, farming becomes unpredictable.
Although many species are being cultured throughout the
world,Lates calcarifer, Epinephelus spp, Trachinotus sp. Rachycentron
sp. Lutjanus spp., and Acanthopagrus spp. are found to be more
suitable species for cage farming in India and are being cultured
successfully at Karwar by CMFRI (Fig. 2).

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Lutjanus argentimaculatus

Acanthocephalus Iatus

Trachinotus blochii
Raccchycentron canadum

Lates calcarifer

Source :
FAO: UNDP/FAO Regional seafarming development and demonstration
project in Asia NACA-SF/WP/89/13. Site selection criteria for marine finfish
net cage culture.
FAO: Regional sea farming project. RAS/86/024. Training Manual on Marine
Finfish Netcage Culture in Singapore. Species selection, culture and


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

K.K. Philipose and S.R. Krupesha Sharma


he progressive decline in marine fish landing all along

Indian cost poses serious question about availability of
fishery resources as a source of cheap protein to the common
man. It also raises serious concernes about the arising unemployment in the coastal belt of the country. Alternate technologies
are the urgent need of the hour to produce more resources from
the costal water and also to generate employment opportunities
for the fishermen.
Open sea cage culture is one answer to address this problem
partially. India has a cost line of 7517 km where open sea cage
culture can be initiated at selected places where these systems
will not clash with the fishing operation of the traditional and
mechanized sector.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

1.5 dia GI pipe fame

Outer pipe for outer net
Inner pipe

6 m dia cage
Total cost of this cage including
material, fabrication, epoxy coating,
floatation and outer and inner net
comes to Rs. 100,000 only. This
design makes cage farming
affordable for fishermen all
along the west coast

All pipes are epoxy coated

Inner round 1 meter above

for inner net 9 distance
from bottom inner pipe.

Fig.1. Design details of the low cost cage

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute being the pioneer

to initiate open sea cage culture in Indian waters has been striving
hard to promote open sea cage culture at selected locations in all
the maritime states with the involvement of the fisherman
community. Cage design and mooring technology has been
undergoing refinement through the dedicated and committed
efforts of the scientist of CMFRI. Efforts were continuously made


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

to reduce the cost of the cage and mooring systems so as to make

it affordable for the fisherman and also to help them to take it up
as a lively hood alternative. The present HDPE cage costs about
Rs.4,00,000/- per cage and together with the mooring systems
and net, the cost increases to about Rs.5,50,000/- making it
unaffordable to the fisherman. While interacting with the
fisherman they expressed their desire to have cage costing less then
Rs. 1,00,000/- and lasting at least 5 years to make it sustainable
and economical in the long run. It was with their interest in mind
the Karwar Research Centre has looked for alternatives for HDPE
cages for promoting cage culture in the coastal waters and
developed fifth generation cage.

Inner net
(4.5 m depth)
Outer net
(5 m depth)

6 m dia
7 m dia

Fig.2. Technical details of the low cost cage


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The low cost cage developed at Karwar is made of good quality
1.5" GI pipe (B class). The design details of the cage are given in
fig-(1) and Fig-(2). The diameter of the cage is 6 m and the
height is 120 cm from base to the railings. Fig (3). All the joints
are double welded for ensuring extra strength. After fabrication
the structure was provided with single coat epoxy primer and
double coat epoxy grey paint to prevent rusting. The total weight
of the cage is about 700 kg.

Fig.3. Low cost cage before epoxy coating

Puff or foam field HDPE cage is buoyant enough to float in
the water. However, metal cage needs additional floatation (Fig.4).
Ten fiber barrels of 200 l capacity filled with 30 lb air are used for
floating the cage. The cage when floated on inflated barrels provides
a stable platform around the cage where fisherman can stand and
safely carry out works like net clearing, net replacement etc.

Advantage of the low cost cage

The HDPE cages floats on water surface hence the outer net
is always in the water level and predatory fishes enters into the
area in between outer and inner net. In the case of low cost cage
the outer net is 60 cm above water level and provides no chance
for predatory fishes to enter in the middle space.
HDPE cage sinks if more than three person climb on the
side frame where as the low cost cage can take the weight of as

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

many as 20-25 persons on the platform safely. The cost of one

HDPE cage including netting, mooring etc. costs around
Rs. 5,50,000, whereas the low cost cage including netting,
mooring all together cost only Rs. 1,00,000. The HDPE cage
may take a minimum 4 to 5 crops to recover the input cost
whereas low cost cage can recover the investment in a single
crop. The diameter of the HDPE cage and low cost cage is 6
meters and depth of the net is 6 m. Hence, area wise both the
cage give the same performance.

Unlike HDPE cage wind action is more on metal cage as it is
floated on barrels. Hence, it will be difficult to float in open sea
condition from June to August unless heavy duty mooring is
provided. Except for this the metal cage performance is far
superior to HDPE cages.

Fig.4. Metal cage developed at Karwar

Open sea cage culture is promoted by the government of India

in a big way to increase fish production from coastal waters and to
provide livelihood option to the fishermen. In this context
CMFRIs initiative to reduce the cost of the cage to make it
affordable to the common fishermen, will go a long way in resource
and employment generation.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

M.K. Sambasivan

ith the invention of Poly Amide fibres (Nylon) in 1935

by W.H.Carothers(USA) there happened tremendous
improvement in the quality of fishing gear materials. There after
a series of petrochemical based synthetic fibres were developed
which is widely in use in the fishing net industry. The following
are the major classes of synthetic fibres.
(i) Poly Amide (Nylon) : PA. ( W.H.Carothers, USA, 1935)
(ii) Polyester
: PES ( J.R.Whinfield &
J.T.Dickson, UK,1940-41)
(iii) Polyethylene
: PE (Ziegler,Germany-1950)
(iv) Polypropylene
: PP (Natta,Italy-1954)
(v) Polyvinyl chloride
: PVC (F. Klatte & H.Hubert,
(vi) Polyvinyl alcohol
: PVA (W.O.Hermann &


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The most important and widely used synthetic fibres are

Nylon (PA) and Polyethylene.
Nylon :Very high breaking strength, high melting point( 215 c)
and high extensibility are the important qualities of Nylon which
makes suitable for the fabrication of fishing gear.
There are nylon monofilament and nylon multifilament twines.

Table 1. Different types of Nylon

monofilament & multifilament twines
Nylon multi filament twines

12 PLY
15 PLY
18 PLY
24 PLY
27 PLY
30 PLY
36 PLY
45 PLY
54 PLY
72 PLY

Nylon monofilament twines




Nylon fishnets
(I) Nylon Multifilament Fishnets Knotless & Knotted
(II) Nylon Monofilament Fishnets
Nylon Multifilament fishnets are commonly used for the
fabrication of various types of gill nets, ring seine, Purse seine,
Cast net, Chinese nets, Drift nets etc.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Common specifications of nylon multifilament twine for

fishing ranges from 210/1x2 to 210/12x3.
The mesh size commonly required is from 8mm onwards to
450mm for different fishing gear. It is more effective for fishing
than polyester because of the better sinking speed and
Nylon monofilament is better for long lining and various
types of gill netting. The twine range for fishing purpose is from
0.10 to 0.50 and for long line fishing 1.5mm to 3mm. The
mesh size is normally starts from 16mm to 450mm.
Thinner monofilament nets are more effective for fishing but
less durable and not repairable.
High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE):HDPE is a linear
polymer which is prepared from ethylene by a catalytic process.
More closely packed structure without branches and higher
density, higher chemical resistance make HDPE more suitable
for fishnets.

Other properties of HDPE:

i. It can withstand high temp. up to 110c.
ii. 1HDPE is highly resistant to dilute and concentrated acids,
alcohol and bases.
iii. Very good chemical resistance and high rigidity make it a
good choice for cage nets.
iv. Very low moisture absorption and high tensile strength are
other characteristics of HDPE.
HDPE twine is of two types; Braided and twisted. HDPE
fishnet is usually used for the fabrication of trawl nets.
Important qualities of fishing net:
(i) Raw material quality as per BIS.
(ii) Perfect knot formation and knot tightness.
(iii) Accurate mesh size, mesh depth.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Synthetic twines manufactured from HDPE are totally

resistant to sea water, acids, alkalies and chemicals. They do not
absorb water and cannot rot very easily. These are the main reasons
why HDPE fishnets are preferred for the fabrication of net cages.

Table 2. Different size of HDPE twines





(in Kgs)


































HDPE is more suitable for the fabrication of net cages

The following qualities of HDPE make it more suitable for
the fabrication of cages.
(i) Breaking strength of HDPE in water will be 110% as that
of dry condition but that of nylon is 85-90% only.
(ii) Shrinkage in water is 5-8% only where as for nylon it is
(iii) HDPE will not absorb moisture but nylon absorbs.
(iv) Weight in water will be same but weight of nylon in water
will be 12% more.
(v) HDPE is easy for handling and cleaning.
(vi) Because of rigid nature the mesh opening will be perfect
which enables free exchange of water.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Nets suitable for open sea cage culture

Mesh size of any fish net used for fabricating the cages must
be selected according to the species and also to ensure good water
exchange. Proper aeration can also enhance water quality, reduce
stress, improve feed conversion and allow to hold more fishes.
Because of the turbulent nature of the sea and presence of
cannibalistic animals a suitable predator prevention net is essential
for open sea cage culture. Considering the strength, durability
and cost factor usually braided UV treated HDPE of 3mm
thickness and 80mm mesh size is recommended and found very
effective. The diameter of the cage can be decided as per requirement
from 6 m to 8 m and a depth 5-7m for easy handling. The cages
are mounted to floating circular frames with ropes and rings.
For the fabrication of inner cage twisted HDPE of 0.75mm
to 1.5 mm depending on the size of cultivable species can be
selected with a mesh size ranging 16mm to 28mm. Usually for
sea bass 1.25 mm/26 mm to 1.5 mm/30 mm mesh size is
recommended. The inner cage has to be periodically cleaned for
better durability.
In order to prevent predator birds proper protective nets are
also must be provided. HDPE twisted & UV treated 1.25mm
60 mm to 80 mm mesh size will be ideal for preventing the
birds of prey.

Net cages for Inland water bodies

In the inland water bodies there are predators like crabs, certain
type of eels which can destroy the nets and penetrate into the
cage. In such water bodies Braided HDPE net having 2 mm to
2.5 mm thickness can be used as outer net to prevent the predators.
Otherwise 1.5 mm twisted HDPE net can also be used.
The specification of inner cage can be decided depending on
the species, from HDPE 0.5 mm/10 mm mesh size to 1.0 mm/
22 mm which will be cost effective and durable. Predator birds
are also common hence proper prevention net also must be used.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



P. Vijayagopal

ith the initiation of cage culture of food fish in India by

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)
the major recurring inputs into these food production systems
to be addressed are seed and feed. As the availability both of
these inputs have to be maximized, we shall discuss here the
pros and cons of nutrition mainly under the heads, principles of
nutrition, feed ingredients, feed formulation, feed production
and feed management.

Nutrients and their roles

Any material used for feeding contains the following five
principles.1.Protein,2. Carbohydrate,2.Fat,4.Minerals and
Proteins are building blocks in the feed and they are made up
of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids among which 10 are


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

called essential amino acids and the remaining 10 are called nonessential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those which cannot
be synthesized by the animal at a rate required for the normal
growth of any organism and so they have to come through food.
Non-essential amino acids are the amino acids which can be
synthesized by the animal in case they are not available through
the food. Therefore, proteins are essential for growth of the animal
and a deficiency can lead to what can be called as sub-normal
growth. Other than the growth promoting role of protein they
are required for the normal immune function of the animals
preventing them from disease attack. Most of the enzymes present
in animals are proteins, there are protein hormones, and there are
structural proteins like keratins. In short protein have multiple
functions in the animal body among which growth can be
considered to be the most important.
Carbohydrates (starch and sugars) are energy yielding
components in food. Even though fishes do not have an absolute
requirement of carbohydrates, they are used in fish feeds for
imparting several functional properties to pelletized feed like
buoyancy, that is, sinking, slow sinking and floating properties to
the pellet.
Fat are also energy yielding components if food. The quantum
of energy available from fat is 2.5 times more than the energy
available from carbohydrates. Fats are made up of fatty acids, among
which, a few are considered essential (essential fatty acids). These
fatty acids have to be supplied through feed.
The aforementioned three components of feed are called
macronutrients because they make up the major chunk of the
feed. Minerals and vitamins are called micro nutrients because
they are required only in small quantities in the feed.
Minerals generally looked at in feeds are Calcium (Ca),
Phophorus (P) which are called macro minerals because of their
relatively high levels of inclusion. Other minerals, Copper (Cu),
Cobalt (Co), Iron (Fe), Sulphur (S), Iodine (I), Magnesium (Mg),


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn) etc., are called microminerals. Most

of these minerals have diverse functions in the body and
deficiencies in the diet and water can lead to deficiency diseases.
Similarly, an excess can lead to toxicity also which can be lethal.
Vitamins are micronutrients which can be classified as fat
soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are the ones which
are soluble in fat. As fat is stored in the body these vitamins
dissolved in fat is also stored. The fat soluble vitamins are A, D,
E and K. Waters soluble vitamins being soluble in water cannot
be stored in body and hence any excess is voided through urine.
As mentioned in the case of minerals, vitamin deficiencies in
the feed can lead to deficiency diseases and excesses can also
cause certain metabolic disorders.
Having described the macronutrients and micro nutrients in
feed, we shall have a look at their requirements in marine
carnivorous fish which is summarized in the Table below

Table 1.Nutrient requirements of marine carnivorous

fishes (in percent)
Size of fish
Fingerling (1 inch 20 g)
Juvenile (20-50 g)
Grower (50-300 g)
Marketable size (> 300 g)

Crude fat Crude
or Ether
Moisture protein
(CP) Extract (EE) (CF)




Carnivorous fish feed on live prey in nature and in practice

also feeding the cultured fish with low value trash fish is practiced.
This practice is not only unsustainable but also uneconomical.
Trash fish feeding pollutes. It is fairly estimated to be 38% as
compared to 10% for pelleted feeds. This may be an
underestimate because there are some reports which say 45000 t
trash fish is required to produce 300 t of high value fish in marine
cages. In this situation, the amount of food needed to produce

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

1 kg fish equals 15 kg (i.e., apparent food conversion ratio or

AFCR). However, under well managed experimental conditions
it is reported to be as good as 3.5: 1 in the case of cage cultured
groupers. In practice, it varies from 6:1 to 17:1. When converting
this into dry matter basis (excluding the eater content in trash
fish) true food conversion ratio (TFCR) 1 kg trash fish is capable
of producing 1 kg fish. The fact which cannot be ignored is that
trash fish cannot be procured on a dry matter basis. Moreover,
under typical farming conditions it is observed that TFCRs vary
from 2:1 to 4:1 for marine carnivorous fish.

Feed ingredients
Feed ingredients used for making feeds can be classified as
protein rich ingredients which are mainly fish and meat products
of animal origin and oilcakes of plant origin. Energy rich
ingredients are mainly cereals and cereal by products. Other than
these there are non-conventional feed resources (NCFR) which
are used in feed manufacture.


rice bran
rice polish
wheat bran
groundnut cake
sunflower cake
mustard cake
sesame cake
rapeseed cake
salseed cake
cotton seed cake
rubber seed cake
copra cake
soybean cake
palm kernel cake
tamarind seed cake
black gram husk
green gram husk
mulberry leaf
ipomoea leaf
ipil-ipil (leucaena)
Tapioca leaf meal

Crude protein

Crude fat

Crude fibre
15.73 5.05


NFE % Nitrogen
(free extract)

Table 1.Proximate composition of selected feed ingredients of plant origin in India (%)

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Modified from P. K. Mukhopadhyay and Gopa Mitra 2007

Plant derived feedstuff for freshwater aquaculture in India
.AQUA Culture AsiaPacific Magazine 19-21 pp.

Table2.Proximate composition of selected feed

ingredients of plantorigin in India (%)
Rice polish
Rice polish
Rice polish
Rice, broken
Rice bran
Rice bran
Rice bran
Rice bran
Defatted rice bran
Wheat bran
Wheat bran
Wheat bran
Wheat bran
Wheat, broken
Wheat flour
Groundnut cake
Groundnut cake
Groundnut cake
Groundnut cake
Groundnut cake
Groundnut extr.
Sunflower extr.
Sunflower extr.
Palm kernel cake
Soybean meal

Moisture Crude Crude Crude






7.5 n.a.
11.0 12.9
19.3 10.2
14.4 20.5
18.0 27.3
13.5 31.4
15.2 23.8
8.7 n.a.
7.5 13.4
8.2 10.5

free extract

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Soybean meal
Soybean meal
Soy sauce waste
Rapeseed cake
Salseed cake
Sesame cake
Sesame cake
Sesame cake
Mustard cake
Mustard cake
Cotton seed cake
Cotton seed cake
Gingely cake
Gingely extr.
Niger extr.
Copra cake
Copra cake
Copra cake
Tobacco seed extr.
Maize meal
Tapioca flour
Tapioca flour
Coffee pulp
Colocasia meal
Eichornia meal
Pistia meal
Leucaena meal
Mulberry leaf, dry
Salvinia meal








Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Table3. Proximate composition of selected feed

ingredients of animal origin in India (%)
Fish meal
Fish meal
Fish meal
Fish meal
Fish meal
Fish meal
Fish meal
Shrimp waste
Shrimp waste
Shrimp waste
Shrimp waste
Squilla meal
Squid meal
Clam meal
Clam meal
Silkworm pupae
Defatted sw. Pupae
Blood meal
Blood meal
Meat meal
Meat meal
Liver meal
Earthworm meal

Moisture Crude Crude Crude






2.5 17.8
2.7 12.5
3.6 35.3
6.7 12.2
2.6 13.5
0.5 n.a.



free extract





Malabar Sole Kozhikode

White bait - Kozhikode
Shrimp waste Kozhikode
Black clam - Kochi
Wheat flour - Kochi
Soy flour - Kochi
Shrimp meal - Kochi
Squid - Kochi









3.14 2.37
10.77 1.63
4.27 16.92
15.46 2.95
85.13 0.08
6.93 1.67
4.79 00.05




INR kg-1

Table 4.Proximate composition of feed ingredients (analyzed values% on Dry matter basis)
Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Apart from these ingredients, mineral mixtures, vitamin

mixtures and other additives such as oil, phospholipids,
carotenoids are also added according to the needs. Non-nutrient
additives such as synthetic binders, anti-oxidants and anti-fungals
are also added.

Feed formulation
With a fair knowledge of nutrients and the feed ingredients,
the next aspect to be understood is the need for blending of feed
ingredients to have a nutritionally complete and balanced feed
mix. As is the case in human nutrition, when feed material is
blended the food that is consumed will be balanced in terms of
nutrients and complete in terms of nutrition. For eg. Plant
proteins are deficient in sulphur containing amino acids like
cysteine and methionine. Animal proteins are rich in both these
amino acids. Similarly, plantz proteins are rich in calcium and
poor in phosphorus and cereals are poor in calcium and rich in
phosphorus. Likewise many examples can be seen in nature. In
essence, mixing of feed ingredients takes care of these imbalances
and when done with a scientific basis a nutritionally complete
feed can be made which will be effective in producing the desired
results in terms of fish production.
In feed formulation, when we mix two ingredients in equal
proportion, the resulting mixture will have only 50% of the
nutrients contained in each. Suppose, a mixture of groundnut
oilcake (GNOC) containing 45% protein is mixed with rice
bran (RB) containing only 10% protein in equal quantities the
mixture will contain only 22.5 + 5 = 27.5% protein. If we vary
the percent composition to 60% GNOC and 40% RB then the
mixture will contain 27 + 4 = 31% protein. Let us not forget
that this is applicable to all other nutrients present in these two
ingredients. From this simple scenario, we will be able to visualize
complex scenarios which will contain more ingredients and more
no of constraints. Such scenarios can have only mathematical
solutions which can be solved in a simple Excel spreadsheet which


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

will be demonstrated. More complex problems are solved using

linear programming with dedicated software. Solver is one such
linear programming software available in MS Office in Excel.

Feed production technologies

In aquatic nutrition the feeds should have the physical
properties suitable for the fish to consume the feed with
minimum loss of nutrients in water. The evolution of the
technologies starts from a dry mash to a wet ball to a pellet.
Now, the pellets are produced which sink, slow-sink or float
depending upon the feeding habit of the fish farmed. For marine
carnivores a floating pellet of a slow sinking pellet is found to be
appropriate. Sinking pellets, mainly used in shrimp culture are
produced using steam pelletizers where steam is used to cook
and gelatinize the starch to obtain binding. For production of
floating and slow-sinking pellets the technology used is extrusion
which is the state-of-the-art in aqua feed production. In this
process the starch and protein are gelled using different time
temperature combinations forcing the feed mixture to pass
through two screws which are co-rotating (twin-screw extrusion).
Moreover, puffing of the starch which traps air imparts the
floating property to the product.

Feeding rates, feeding frequency and time of feeding are all
important factors to be considered in feeding of the fish. As a
general rule of the thumb most of the vertebrates including fish
consume 2.5 to 3.0% of the body weight in dry matter. Feeding
rates and frequencies are related to fish growth. Small larval fish
and fry need to be fed a high protein diet frequently and usually
in excess. When fishes grow bigger, feeding rates and frequencies
should be lowered. Feeding fish is a labour intensive activity and
feeding frequency has to be programmed in such a way that it is
economically viable. Generally growth and feed conversion
increases with increase in feeding frequency. Apart from this many


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

other factors affect feeding rates in fish. Feeding of the fish is also
influenced by the time of the day, season, water temperature,
dissolved oxygen levels and other water quality variables. Even
though, several feeding charts are available it is better to construct
one of your own with information on Days after stocking, Fish
weight, Protein in feed, Meal/day, Feed consumed as % of body
weight, Average daily gain(ADG) and Feed conversion ratio (FCR).


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


G. Gopakumar and A.K. Abdul Nazar

n recent years, finfish mariculture has been growing rapidly

on a global basis especially with the development and
expansion of sea cage farming. One of the major reasons for the
growth of sea cage farming is the availability of breeding
techniques that can produce sufficient quantity of seeds of
different high value marine finfish. Many countries in the AsiaPacific Region like Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines,
Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam have made
substantial progress in the development of commercial level seed
production technologies of many high value finfish suitable for
sea farming. But even in these countries, seed stock supply is
one of the vital issues for further expansion of mariculture.
In India, much research attention was not given for developing
seed production methods for high value finfishes suited for sea
farming. At present we have commercial seed production of only
one marine finfish sea bass (Lates calcarifer). Here also private

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

entrepreneurship has not yet been developed. Unless an

intensified research on the development of commercial level seed
production technologies is taken up, sea farming cannot emerge
as a significant seafood production sector in the country. In the
recent past, the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
(CMFRI) has been intensifying its research activities on the
breeding and seed production of high value marine finfish and
success was achieved in the breeding and seed production of
cobia and silver pompano for the first time in the country at
Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI.
Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and silver pompano
(Trachinotus blochii) are two marine finfish species with very high
potential for aquaculture in India. Fast growth rate, adaptability
for captive breeding, low cost of production, good meat quality
and high market demand especially for sashimi industry are some
of the attributes that make cobia an excellent species for
aquaculture. In recent years the seed production and farming of
cobia is rapidly gaining momentum in many Asian countries.
Similarly, pompano is having fast growth rate, good meat quality
and high market demand. Envisaging the prospects of cobia and
pompano farming in India, broodstock development was initiated
at the Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries
Research Institute in sea cages during 2008 and the first successful
induced breeding and seed production was achieved for cobia in
March April 2010 and for pompano during July 2011.

Broodstock development Broodstock Collection

and handling
Broodstock fish are generally collected from the wild and are
conditioned and matured in captivity. The main selection criteria
to identify suitable adult fish as broodstock fishes are size, age
(for those collected from grow-out farms) and appearance. The
following are the details of the selection criteria:body shape, age and colour,
absence of deformities,


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

absence of wounds, haemorrhages, infections and parasites

behaviour like quick response to feed and fast swimming
It is advantageous to collect sub-adults for broodstock develo
pment. Larger fishes would have crossed the reproductive
age and very small fishes will take longer time to sexually
Cobia weighing between 8 to 15 kg can be collected for broodstock development. Whereas,the pompano brooders could be
procured in weight range of 750 gm to 1.5 kg.
Stress should always be minimised during capturing and
handling of broodstock. It is best to collect broodstock fishes
caught using trap nets, hook & line, etc., which cause minimum
stress to the fishes.

Quarantine treatment
Upon arrival at the hatchery, broodstock fishes are released
into the quarantine tanks for prophylactic treatment. Fish
Anaesthetics like MS 222 (50-100 ppm), Aqui-S (4 ml / 100 L),
2-phenoxyethanol (200-300 ppm) and quinaldine dissolved in
acetone (3-5 ppm) can be used for broodstock handling. The
prophylactic treatment is given to limit the risk of introducing
parasites or bacterial diseases into the hatchery facility. Short
time exposure of brooders (5 15 minutes) in freshwater will
help to remove the external parasites. The prophylactic treatment
in hatcheries includes a sequence of medicated baths in formalin,
malachite green and Oxytetracycline. Prophylactic treatment can
be repeated three to four times within a week.

Broodstock holding and maturation

After quarantine, broodstock fishes are moved into 100 tonne
capacity RCC tanks for maturation and long-term holding in
the hatchery. During gonadal maturation, water salinity needs
to be 31-35 ppt. Water quality parameters like salinity,
temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, and fish stock
condition viz., general behaviour, feeding activity, disease


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

symptoms, prophylactic treatments, etc. are monitored regularly.

Normally sex ratio of 1 female: 2 males are maintained for cobia
while it is 1: 3 for pompano.

Fig.1.Cobia broodstock fishes

Fig.2. Pompano brooder

Broodstock development in cages

For larger fishes like cobia, broodstock development in FRP
tanks/ RCC tanks is possible only with recirculating aquaculture
system due to its high metabolic rate. Alternatively, broodstock
development can more effectively be practised in circular (6 meter
diameter and 4.5 meter net cage length) or square (5 m X 5m)
sea cages.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Broodstock Feeding
For quicker maturation, the broodstock fishes are to be fed
with highly nutritive diet. Diet rich in vitamins, poly-unsaturated
fatty acids (n- 3 PUFA) and other micro-nutrients is essential
for obtaining viable eggs and larvae. The brood fishes can be fed
ad libitum once a day with chopped oil-sardines, crabs, shrimps
and squids stuffed with vitamin, micro- and macro- nutrient

Fig.3. Broodstock cages at Mandapam

Tagging of Fish
Tagging or physical marking of broodstock fishes through
easily detectable methods is very much essential for selection of
broodstock for identification, selective breeding and segregation.
The most popular method is Passive Integrated Transponder
(PIT) tagging. PIT tagging also known as microchips is a radio
frequency device to permanently mark fishes internally. The tag
is designed to last the life of the fishes providing a reliable, long
term identification method.

Maturation and spawning

The natural process of sexual maturation of the broodstock
fishes can be accelerated by altering the photo-thermal period
and it is also possible to obtain viable larvae almost throughout

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

the year. At the onset of the spawning season, it is necessary to

move selected broodstock fishes from maturation tank to
spawning tank after assessing the ovarian development through
cannulation using flexible sterile catheters (1.2 mm internal
diameter, Fig.4). Only females with oocytes in the latevitellogenic stage, with a diameter round 700 in cobia and
500 in pompano, are selected.

Fig.4. Cannulation of Cobia

Induced spawning
Spawning can be obtained either by natural or inducing with
hormonal treatment. Induced breeding is commonly practiced
in most commercial hatcheries. The hormonal treatment is
intended to trigger the last phases in egg maturation, i.e. a strong
egg hydration followed by their release. However, if eggs have
not reached the late-vitellogenic (or post-vitellogenic) stage, the
treatment does not work; hence ovarian biopsy is essential for
assessing the ovarian development. The human chorionic

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

gonadotropin (HCG) is used at a dosage of 500 IU per kg of

body weight in cobia females and 250 IU per kg body weight
for males. Whereas, for pompano 350 IU per kg body weight is
used for male and female. This dosage can be administered as a
single dose on the dorsal muscles. The HCG can be successfully
replaced by an analogue of the luteinizing hormone-releasing
hormone [LH-RHa des-Gly10 (D-Ala6) LH-RH ethylamide,
acetate salt]. It is a small molecule with 10 peptides and acts on
the pituitary gland to induce the release of gonadotropins which,
in turn, act on the gonads. Almost 100% of injected fish spawn
eggs whose quality usually matches that of natural spawning.
The LHRHa is used in very low dosages, usually around 20 g /
kg of body weight

Fig.5.Hormonal administration to cobia

Spawning tanks
The spawning unit should preferably be kept separated from
the main hatchery building to avoid disturbance to the spawners
and possible risk of disease contamination. However, for
economic reasons, it is usual to keep the brooders inside the
hatchery in a specific dedicated area. Though we use only
rectangular tanks based on availability, it is preferable to use

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

circular tanks with at least 1.20 m depth.Shape and depth counts

for easy and free movement of brooders.
Normally the spawning could be noted within 36 -48 hours
after hormonal induction. The spawning in cobia and pompano
takes place normally between late night and early morning
hours.The number of eggs spawned by cobia ranges from 0.4 to
2.5 million. Whereas, the pompano brooders spawn 0.5 to 1.5
lakh eggs.

Egg harvest
The fertilized eggs of cobia and pompano float and are
scooped gently using 500 m net. To minimise the presence of
poor-quality eggs, which usually float deeper in the water, it is
advisable to collect only the eggs found at the water surface. The
egg samples must be thoroughly examined to assess their quality,
number and development stage using a microscope.

Incubation of eggs
Incubation of eggs can be carried out in incubation tanks of
3-5 tonne capacity. Stocking density can be maintained at a
moderate level of 200 to 500 eggs per litre. After hatching, only
the hatched fish larvae have to be moved to the larval rearing
tanks filled with filtered seawater. Prior to this, the aeration should
be stopped briefly to enable the debris and exuviae to settle at
the bottom which can be removed by siphoning. The
development of embryo can be observed at frequent intervals
under a stereo/compound bionocular microscope. The hatching
of eggs takes place from 18 to 24 hours.

Newly hatched larvae have to be checked to assess their
viability and condition prior to stocking in the larviculture tanks.
At least 10 to 20 fish larvae have to be observed under the
microscope for the following:
shape and dimensions
deformities, erosions and abnormalities

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

appearance of internal organs

absence of external parasites
The larvae hatched in the incubation tanks or larval rearing
tanks need to be distributed in larviculture tanks to have minimal
stocking density of 10 to 20 larvae/ litre for cobia and 20-30 larvae
per litre for pompano. Care should be taken to avoid any
mechanical stress or damage. Soon after hatching, the mouth
remains closed and the digestive tract is not fully developed. During
this period the larvae survive on its reserves in the yolk sac.

Larviculture of cobia
Newly hatched larvae of cobia normally measures 3.4 mm
size. Larval mouth opens at 3-5 days post hatch (dph).
Metamorphosis starts from 9-11 dph. Newly hatched cobia larvae
generally start feeding at 3 dph and they can be fed with the
enriched rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis) at the rate of 10-12
nos / ml, four times a day till 10 dph. From 8 dph, the larvae can
be fed with enriched Artemia nauplii at the rate of 1-3 nos / ml,
2-3 times per day. During the rotifer and Artemia feeding stage,
green water technique can be used in the larviculture system
with the microalgae Nannocloropsis occulata at the cell density of
1x105 cells / ml. The weaning to artificial larval diets has to be
started from 15- 18 dph. While weaning, formulated feed should
be given 30 minutes prior to feeding with live feed. Size of the
artificial feed has to be smaller than the mouth size of the fish.
Continuous water exchange is required during weaning stage.
Between 25-40 dph, the larvae are highly cannibalistic and hence
size-grading has to be undertaken at every four days interval.
During this stage, the fry could be weaned totally to artificial
diets. Larval rearing can be practised both intensively in tanks
and extensively in ponds. The major factors affecting the growth
and survival of larvae are nutrition, environmental conditions
and handling stress. Since there is high demand for essential
fatty acids (EFAs), enrichment protocols are needed for live67

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

feeds. The water exchange can be practically nil till 7dph and it
can be gradually increased from 10-100 % from 8 to 12 dph.
The environmental conditions required during the larviculture
period are DO2 : > 5mg / l , NH3: < 0.1mg / l, pH: 7.8 8.4,
Salinity: 25-35 ppt, water temperature : 27-33 C.
Green water has to be maintained in appropriate densities in
the larval tanks. While weaning the fish larvae from rotifers to
artemia nauplii, co-feeding with rotifers has to be continued
due to the presence of different size groups of larvae. The detail
of weaning protocol is as follows.

Table 1.Detail of weaning protocol

Stage of Larvae (dph)
18 19
20 23
23 30
31 onwards

Size of Larvae (cm)

2.3 2.6
2.5 3.5
3.5 8.0
> 8.0

Size of Feed ()

The juveniles measuring 10 cm length were ready for stocking

in happas/ nursery tanks.

Nursery and grow-out rearing of cobia

Nursery phase of cobia can be carried out in happas or sea
cages or indoor FRP / cement tanks. During nursery rearing, it
is advisable to feed the juveniles with formulated feed of 1200
size which can be increased to 1800 size from 55 dph onwards.
Once the juveniles reach a size of 15 gm, they are ready to stock
in sea cages or land based ponds for grow-out farming.

Larviculture of Pompano
The newly hatched larvae are stocked at a density of 10000
larvae in FRP tanks of 2 m3 capacity filled with 1.5 m3 filtered
seawater. The tanks are provided with mild aeration and green
water at a cell density of 1 x105/ml. The mouth of the larvae
opens on 3 dph and the mouth size was around 230 .


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The larvae are fed from 3 dph to 10 dph with enriched rotifers
at a density of 5-6 nos. per ml, wherever possible, wild collected
copepods could also be added as supplements. Enriched Artemia
nauplii are provided at a density of 1-2 nos. per ml from 8-19
dph. Weaning to larval inert feeds was started from 15 dph. From
25 dph onwards, feeding can be entirely on larval inert feeds. The
metamorphosis of the larvae starts from 18 dph and all the larvae
metamorphose into juveniles by 25 dph. Critical stage of mortality
would occur during 3-5 dph and subsequent mortalities are
negligible. The water exchange can be practically nil till 7dph and
it can be gradually increased from 10-100 % from 8 to 14 dph.

Nursery Rearing of Pompano

Nursery rearing could be initiated from 25 to 30 dph. At this
stage, artificial feed of 800 size could be provided. Thereafter,
fingerlings were fed with progressively higher size range of floating
extruded larval feeds. Daily water exchange of 100% is advisable.
Water quality parameters like salinity, temperature, pH, oxygen
level and ammonia are closely monitored during the entire
larviculture period.
After 55dph, the fingerlings with size range from 1 to 1.5
inch size can be supplied to farmers for stocking in the happas/
tanks for further nursery rearing and grow-out farming thereafter.

Live feed culture

Micro-algal culture
Microalgae are the important live feeds required for larviculture
of marine fin fishes. Algae like Chlorella sp., Nannochloropsis sp.,
Tetraselmis sp., Dunaliella sp., Pavolova sp., and Isochrysis sp. can be
used as algal diet for growing the rotifers. The size, nutritive
value, proliferation rate and digestibility of the algae are the critical
factors for selecting the algae for the use in marine hatchery use.

Copepod culture
Copepods have almost become inevitable because they are
the only acceptable sized prey for small larvae of many marine

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

fin fish species and the only type of live feed that will support the
altritial type of larvae. Copepod nauplii offer a diverse size spectra
and nutritious prey that can meet the specialized needs of small
fast growing fish larvae. Over the past few years, several articles
have been published and many conferences were dedicated to
discussions of copepod culture and the important role that
copepods can play as live feed for marine finfish larviculture.

Rotifer culture
Rotifers are the smaller size zooplanktons widely used in
marine fin fish hatchery operations. The marine fin fish larvae
initially feeds on the such smaller size zooplanktons and hence
suitable size of rotifers need to be cultured in mass to feed the fish
larvae. The important criteria for selecting the rotifer depends on
the mouth size of the fish larvae, digestibility, nutritive value of
the rotifer and easy for culture and proliferation. Marine and
brackish water rotifer species can be artificially propagated in
seawater and more popular rotifer species used for marine fin fish
hatcheries are Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis.
Based on the length of lorica, Brachionus is separated into 3
strains: B. plicatilis as L type (large) with long of lorica 200
360 m; B. rotundiformis as S type (small) with long of lorica
150 220 m; B. rotundiformis as SS type (super small) with
long of lorica 70 160 m.

Artemia nauplii
Having a larger size than rotifers, the nauplii of brine shrimp
Artemia are used as the second live food to fed fish larvae.
Commercially available Artemia cysts are purchased and hatched
whenever required. The first Artemia larval form is the nauplii,
which are smaller in size and richest in yolk, and followed by
larger size metanauplii, whose nutritional value has to be boosted
by feeding them with special enrichment diets 12 to 24 hours
before feeding them to the fish larvae.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Prospects of cobia and pompano farming in India

Trials on sea cage farming carried out at Mandapam showed
that the fishes attained an average weight of 2.5 kg in six months
and 7.3 kg in twelve months. The species can be grown in salinity
as low as 15 ppt and our experiments revealed that the growth and
survival at 15 ppt is comparable to that in seawater. Further, a trial
of earthen pond culture of cobia which is underway at Anthervedi
in Andhara Pradesh shows very encouraging results. All these
outcomes point out the possibility of developing a lucrative cobia
aquaculture enterprise in the country. Similarly the silver pompano
was able to acclimatize and grow well even at a lower salinity of
about 10 ppt and hence is suitable for farming in the vast low
saline waters of our country besides its potential for sea cage
farming. Our farming trials at Anthervedi and Aakkivedu in
Andhra Pradesh and at Turicorin and Vedalai in Tamil Nadu show
encouraging results. This can be considered as a milestone
towards the development of pompano aquaculture in the country.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


S.R.Krupesha Sharma,
Praveen Dube and K.K.Philipose


eabass, Lates calcarifer, is an economically important food

fish in many countries. This species is widely distributed in
the tropical and subtropical areas of the western Pacific and Indian
ocean including Australia, Southeast Asia, the Philippines and
countries bordering the Arabian sea. Seabass spend most of their
life in a lagoon which connects to the sea. They spend two to
three more years in estuarine areas until they mature, then migrate
to the sea water around the mouth of a river or lagoon for
spawning. Larvae and juveniles live in the sea grass bed in coastal
areas for about six months, attaining a size of about 2 to 5 inches.
The fish migrate to freshwater when they grow bigger.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Why nursery rearing?

Nursery rearing of seabass fry in ponds and cages to stockable
juvenile size is essential before release into the grow-out ponds.
The nursery rearing can be carried out either in earthen ponds
or indoor cement tanks or hapas. The main purpose of the nursery
is to culture the fry from hatchery (1-2.5 cm in size) to juvenile
size (8-10 cm). This can solve the problem of space competition
in the nursery tanks. Nursery rearing is an important phase in
the seed production since this transitional phase can be used for
acclimatization and weaning to artificial feed and environmental
conditions that could be provided in the growout systems. In
nurseries the fry can be stocked in higher densities and reared.
This would save the space and time in growout phase. Beyond
the nursing period, the juveniles can be graded into different
size groups and stocked in separate grow-out ponds. It has been
observed that the juveniles from the nurseries perform better in
terms of growth and survival than those stocked directly into
the grow-out ponds.
Nursery pond size ranges from 1000 to 2000 m2 with a
water depth of 80 100 cm. Pond with separate inlet and an
outlet gate to facilitate water exchange is recommended. Pond
bottom should be flat and sloping towards the drainage gate.
Inlet and outlet gates are provided with a fine screen (1 mm
mesh size) to cages can be fixed in PVC frames of floating frame,
sinker and top lid. Around 2000 3000 fry can be stocked and
monitoring of the fry is easy in net cages. Also, the maintenance
cost of the net cages is lesser than the hapas. The only constraint
is that, a floating feed should be used in cages for rearing seabass.
The mesh size of the cage is 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm.
The fry will grow faster in net cages than hapas as it facilitates
more aerations and water circulation movements inside the cages.
The best nursing of seabass fry is nursing in tanks. Cement
tanks supplied with oxygen and drain pipes are used for nursing
of the fry. This paper focuses mainly on raring fry in indoor
cement tanks.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

From the hatchery the fry are transported to nursery site.

In transporting by truck, a mixture of crushed ice and sawdust is
needed to control the water temperature in the plastic bags during
transport. The mixture is spread uniformly on the floor of the
truck before the plastic bags are laid upon it. The proportion of
crushed ice and sawdust is 1:1 for long period transport (1216
hours) and 1:2 for short period (45 hours). Transportation
should be carried out at night time. By this method, it is possible
to control the water temperature between 1923C.

Nursery rearing in indoor cement tanks

Rearing system: Immediately on arrival, the fishes are given a
fresh water dip and placed in cement tanks of 10 X 6 X 5
containing 7000 l of sea water. 2500 fingerlings can be reared in
a tank of this size. Continuous aeration is to be ensured (Fig.1).
The juveniles are reared in nursery rearing tanks up to 45 days
before they are shifted to grow-out ponds or open sea cages.

Fig.1. Continuous aeration system in nursery rearing tanks


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Feeding regimes: During the nursery phase extruded slow sinking

feed is preferred. Crumbled feed should be provided according
to the requirements and subsequently the pellet size can be
increased. The size of the pellet during the nursery phase is highly
correlated with the mouth size of the seabass fry.
From second day onwards the fish are fed with commercial
fish feed with a pellet size of 0.5 mm diameter at four per cent of
the body weight four times a day (6.00 AM, 12.00 PM, 6.00
PM and 12.00 AM) for the first 15 days. Then the pellet size is
increased to 1 mm for next 15 days while the feeding rate and
frequency remaines unchanged. For the remaining 15 days, the
fishes are fed with a pellet size of 2 mm. Eighty per cent of the
water is replaced 5 min after feeding with 20 min flow -through
thereafter. It should be ensured that the feed is consumed
immediately after feeding with no visible feed pellets settled at
the bottom.

Water quality parameters:

Water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity
and oxygen are monitored daily using portable instruments, while
critical parameters such as unionized ammonia (NH3) and nitrite
(NO2) are measured fortnightly.

Grading and fish samplings:

Owing to the cannibalistic nature of the fish, size selection or
grading is necessary during the whole nursery period. Grading
of fish is done for once in every week with an automatic grader
and grouped into different sizes. After grading, representative
samples are collected for studying growth parameters.
The mechanical grader available in the market can be used
for grading the fries. This exercise will give more survival rate
with better growth as the seabass fry are getting the suitable feed
according to their mouth size. Also, the cannibalistic
characteristics will drastically come down due to timely grading.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Fig.2. Automatic grader

The fishes are graded every 15 days with an automatic grader

(Fig.2) and grouped into different sizes. After grading,
representative samples are collected for studying growth parameters
like Average Daily Growth Rate (ADGR), Specific Growth Rate
(SGR), Survival Rate (SR), Biomass, Biomass Increase (BI),
Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and Protein Efficiency Ratio.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Jayasree Loka and K.K. Philipose

pen seacage farming has become a viable marine system

to grow the marine finfishes in large scale from fingerling
stage to marketable size in a commercial way. Major advantage
of marine cage culture systems is, unlimited supply of high
quality seawater and large carrying capacity for a substantial
aquaculture production. In order to stock large scale fingerlings
or juveniles collected either from natural waters or hatcheries
it is essential to transport them to cage site in live and healthy
There are two basic transport systems for live fish - the closed
system and the open system. The closed system is a sealed
container in which all the requirements for survival are selfcontained. The simplest of these is a sealed plastic bag partly
filled with water and oxygen. The open system consists of waterfilled containers in which the requirements for survival are
supplied continuously from outside sources. The simplest of these
is a small tank with an aerator stone.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The basic factors and principles associated with any live fish
transport systems are evaluated before the actual ways of fish
transport are commented on. The transportation of live fish
involves the transfer of large numbers (or biomass) of fish in a
small volume of water. During transportation, fish are subjected
to handling stress and may die, if survive, growth of fish may be
affected. The principles governing packaging, handling and
transportation of live fish are essential to minimise stress.

Major stress factors influence transportation

Quality of fish: The quality of fish transported is a decisive
criterion. The fish to be transported must be healthy and in
good condition. Weakened individuals should be eliminated from
the consignment, particularly when the temperature during
shipment is high. When the fish are of poor quality, even a great
reduction of fish density in the transport container fails to prevent
fish losses. If the transport time is much longer, weak fish are
killed at a much higher rate than fish in good condition. The
fishes should be acclimatized to a lower water temperature before
transport to avoid stress factors. To reduce the temperature for
cooling the water natural ice should be used and usage of ice of
carbonic acid should be avoided. As a guide ratio, 25 kg of ice
will cool 1 000 litres of water by 2C. If the water contains fish
during the cooling process, the temperature drop should not be
faster than 5C per hour. Direct contact of fish with ice should
be prevented at the same time. The total temperature difference
should not be greater than 1215C, with respect to the species
and age of the fish.
The fish to be transported, except for the larval stages should
be left to starve for at least a day. The fish with full digestive
tracts need more oxygen, are more susceptible to stress, and
produce excrements which take up much of the oxygen of the
water. The transport time of the larvae of herbivorous fishes
should not last longer than 20 hours and that of many aquarium
species should be shorter than 12 hours.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Dissolved oxygen (DO): The presence of dissolved oxygen does

not presuppose an absence of stress as other adverse factors can
still exist with high DO, eg. high water temperature, pH changes.
Fish demand for dissolved oxygen as fish depends on water
temperature, fish density (numbers and size), time of last feeding
(level of starvation) and transportation time. It is therefore
important to keep the transport water cool and fish biomass at
an optimum, with due consideration for possible delays in
transportation and the need for additional oxygen by the fish.
Starving the fish prior to packing would also slow down ammonia
accumulation and minimise unnecessary uptake of dissolved
Ammonia (NH3): Ammonia is excreted by fish and is reported
to be toxic at low concentrations of 0.6 ppm. Ammonia excretion
by fish decreases as its concentration in water increases, resulting
in high blood ammonia. High blood ammonia elevates blood
pH which affects enzyme-catalysed reactions affecting
metabolism. Starvation and lowered temperatures reduce
ammonia excretion.
Carbon dioxide: Fish become distressed when carbon dioxide
(from respiration) accumulates rapidly in water since the blood
is unable to carry oxygen under these conditions. Low levels of
carbon dioxide (36 ppm) may be beneficial since it prevents
the buildup of unionised ammonia. Carbon dioxide is also a
mild anaesthetic and may be considered in alleviating stress
during transportation.

Handling: Stress during handling and packing may be so severe

as to cause chronic and acute mortalities. Poor handling and
packing procedure may also cause osmoregulatory and metabolic
disfunctions. Therefore it is important to proceed gently and

Water temperature (heat and cold): Water temperatures

greater than 28C accompanied by declining dissolved oxygen
and increasing ammonia, create a hostile environment. This is

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

the likely situation if fish are over-packed or transportation is

delayed under tropical conditions. Temperatures that are too
low (<18C) can cause thermal shock, especially in young fish.
Stressed fish usually succumb to diseases after 12 weeks, if not
already dead on arrival.

Methods of alleviating stress

Reducing transport water temperature : This prevents thermal
stress and improves oxygen stability. Ice should be used in the
correct quantities and this depends on fish species and size and
also the transportation period. Alternatively, cooled water (18C)
can also be used by lightly sedating the fish in 18C water prior
to packing, and then using water at the same temperature for
transport. Under air freighting conditions, this temperature
increases by about 14C after 1214 hours, and fish are usually

Insulation: The use of insulated containers like styrofoam boxes,

newspaper lagging helps to maintain the temperature of transport
water, being poor heat conductors. They also reduce vibration.

Anaesthesia: Anaesthesia prevents fish hyperactivity. The oxygen

consumption of newly-packed fish elevates for 3060 minutes
and declines as fish acclimate to the new environment. The first
3060 minutes after packing is therefore important. Some
anaesthetics used are MS-222, carbonic acid, benzocaine and
phenoxyethanol. However the use of certain chemicals for
anaesthetising food fish is not to be recommended.
Transportation of live fish : Fish are transported live as live fish
are transported by air, road or overseas source to the local farm
site for culture. Transportation can be made by using cheap
materials and equipment like plastic bags, rubber bands,
compressed oxygen, cardboard or styrofoam boxes. Food fish
fingerlings are packed at about 500 per bag at two bags per carton.
It can be generally observed that as fish size increases, the numbers


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

packed per bag decreases (Table 1). However, a higher biomass

is tolerated by larger fish.

Table 1: Food fish fingerling packing conditions by

the plastic bag method and transportation time
ranging from 812 hours
Fish mean No./beg
conditions wt (g)
Fish species


Biomass g/L

Transport water
temp. (C)








102128 45




























200300 710




222267 67














Transportation of larger-sized fish (Regional / Local)

Transfer of live market size fish from farm to landing point (by
boat in tanks).
a. Transportation of live market - size fish from landing point
to Landing Centre (in tanks on lorries).
b. Transfer of live fish from farm to farm (by boat, in tanks).


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Seabass Fingerling Packing :

Packing in oxygenated plastic bags
Method I
Measure about 3 times the fish weight of filtered seawater
(eg. if fish is 600g, measure about 1.8 litres of seawater) and
pour into a plastic bag.
Transfer the fish gently into the bag.
Measure the height of water in the bag.
Insert the delivery tube from the oxygen cylinder well into
the water and oxygenate slowly, twisting the plastic bag round
the tube to prevent oxygen loss.
Gradually inflate the bag so that oxygen occupies about 4
times the water volume.
Secure the bag with rubber bands, leaving the outer bag free.
Make sure the bag is firmly inflated and not flaccid.
Secure the outer bag with more rubber bands.
Place the packed bag of fish into a styrofoam box lined with
newspaper (lagging to prevent rapid temperature change).
Store the box in an air-conditioned room (1922C) for 12
hours to simulate our cargo temperatures and transport.

Method II
Measure about 3 times the fish weight of filtered seawater
(eg. if fish is 600 g, measure about 1.8 litres of seawater) and
pour into a plastic bag.
Transfer the fish gently into the bag.
Calculate the volume of cooled (18C) filtered seawater required
to cover the fish (weight of seawater = 3 wt. of fish).
Pour the water into the plastic bag.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Calculate the weight of ice required (25g ice/l seawater)

and weigh the ice out in a small plastic bag. Secure the bag
of ice and place it in the plastic bag of water.
Transfer the fish gently into the bag.
Measure the height of water in the bag.
Insert the delivery tube from the oxygen cylinder well into
the water and oxygenate slowly, twisting the plastic bag
round the tube to prevent oxygen loss.
Gradually inflate the bag so that oxygen occupies about 4
times the water volume.
Secure the bag with rubber bands, leaving the outer bag
free. Make sure the bag is firmly inflated and not flaccid.
Secure the outer bag with more rubber bands.

Berka, R., 1986.The transport of live fish.A review. EIFAC Tech.Pap.,
(48):52 p.
FAO. Training Manual on Marine Finfish Netcage Culture in Singapore
Regional seafarming project RAS/86/024


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Geetha Sasikumar and K.S.Mohamed


he mussels are bivalve molluscs typically inhabiting the

littoral to shallow sub-littoral zones of the coastal areas. The
soft tissue of bivalves is enclosed in a shell consisting of two valves
joined at one edge by a flexible ligament called the hinge. Mussels
are found attached to the hard surfaces in the littoral and sublittoral zones by secreting long fine silky threads called byssus
threads. Being sedentary, they can tolerate short periods of exposure
to extreme temperatures, salinities, desiccation and relatively high
levels of turbidity. The two species of mussels with good potential
for culture in India are the green mussel, Perna viridis and the
brown mussel Perna indica.

Advantages of mussel farming

Less labour intensive practice
Mussel farming is a relatively less intensive form of aquaculture
that depends upon natural stocks for seeding and relies on primary
productivity for feeding.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Utilization of water column

Mussel mariculture is carried out in coastal and estuarine
waters by suspended farming method in order to utilize the water
column. Suspension of the culture substrate enables complete
utilization of the water column and facilitates increased
production per unit area.

Eco-friendly farming practice

Mussels are filter feeders, feeding exclusively on plankton
and suspended organic particles that are available in the
surrounding environment. Suspended materials available in the
waters are trapped onto the mucous coating of the gills and are
ingested. Mussel farming therefore involves the utilization of
natural productivity in the farm area, resulting in zero effluent
discharge and minimal water quality issues.

Food conversion efficiency

Mussels are efficient in converting plankton and organic
matter to high quality animal protein.

Short Duration crop

The mussels are farmed for duration of 5-6 months in the
tropical waters during the high-saline phase following the

The success of mussel mariculture depends largely on the
selection of an ideal culture site. Selection of an appropriate
culture site shall be based on careful consideration of a number
of factors that are critical to the species selected. The range of
tolerance of the selected species to various environmental
parameters will be the primary consideration in the site selection.
Further, the site will have to be suitable to the culture method or
system intended to be practiced. The important parameters to
be considered while selecting the site for mussel farming are
detailed below:


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Water current
Mussel culture sites should not be in the vicinity of strong
currents as strong currents usually generate high turbidity and
high siltation rates. However, moderate currents (0.17-0.25m/s
at flood tide and 0.25-0.35m/s at ebb tide) are needed to provide
adequate food supply as well as to carry away the excessive buildup of pseudofaeces and silt in the culture area.

Water Depth
The depth of water column of a location determines the
type of culture method to be adopted. It can range from 1-15 m
at average mean low tide. The most important consideration
with regard to water depth is avoiding long exposure periods
during the extreme low-tides.

Mussels grow well above 20psu, but the ideal salinity for
rearing is 27-35psu. Open coastal areas are usually fully saline
with minor seasonal variations. In estuarine areas, decrease in
salinity is usually the major and frequent problem, mainly caused
by the influx of freshwater from rivers or land runoff during the
rainy season. Therefore sites with a high inflow of fresh water
are not suitable for the farming of mussels. The culture season
for mussels is December to May, when the estuaries are in the
marine phase.

The presence of suspended particles above a certain level
disrupts the filtering activity of the bivalve, as the mussels remain
closed to avoid tissue damage and also due to gill clogging. In
addition, low primary productivity is often the case in sites of
high turbidity due to the reduced penetration of sunlight in the
water column. As a result poor growth results due to reduced
feeding time and limited food availability. It is found that water
containing a high suspended load of more than 400 mg/1 have
harmful effect on the grow-out of mussels.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Primary productivity and food organisms:

The of food available at a site cannot be easily evaluated by
inspection of a few water samples, as there are wide variations in
the quality and quantity of micro algae, seasonally as well as
annually. Clear seawater with rich plankton production (1740mg chlorophyll/l,) is considered ideal for mussel culture. The
presence of suitable micro algal species is usually not a limiting
factor; however, problems do arise when the availability of food
is limited.

Source of Seed
Mussel culture requires a proximity to spat or seed source,
which may affect site selection criteria. However, if it has to be
transported from elsewhere, it should be transported to the farm
site within a reasonable time and cost. Transportation itself is
not only costly, but usually negatively affects the quality of bivalve
seed due to stressful conditions. The mussel (P.viridis) seed can
remain without water for about 24 h and hence offers easy

The sedentary bivalve fauna are exposed to very high
probability of contamination and could act as vectors due to
their peculiar feeding habits and bioaccumulation potential.
Bivalves are known to accumulate trace metals and pollutants.
Waters with heavy industrial contamination such as trace metals
and organic compounds are therefore unsuitable for mussel
farming. Further, shellfish from contaminated areas are known
to accumulate bacteria and viruses that are pathogenic to human
beings. Regulations have been established in many parts of the
world that provide a system of classification of bivalve shellfish
growing/ harvesting areas, broadly based on water test results
(National Shellfish Sanitation Program, (NSSP) of USA and
Canada; Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program, ASQAP
of Australia) or tissue test results (Council Directive 91/492/
EEC of Europe) (Table 1&2). These classification systems assign

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

the shellfish harvesting areas as approved, restricted and

prohibited based on the faecal coliforms and/or Escherichia coli
levels. Regulatory agencies may close a fishery when
contamination is detected.

Table 1. Limits set by National Shellfish Sanitation

Programme for bivalve shellfish harvest (US FDA)
Geometric 90th Percentile Bivalve
Classification mean4



<14/100ml <43/100 ml

no significant


Depuration Evidence
<88/100 ml <260/100 ml or relaying of marginal



No harvest allowed

of gross

Table 2. Limits set by EC Directive (91/492/EEC).

EC Directive

Geometric mean


Category A

<230 E. coli/100 g flesh

or <300 FC /100 g flesh.

Direct human
consumption permitted.

Category B

<4,600 E. coli/100 g flesh Purification in an

or <6,000 FC /100 g
approved plant for 48
flesh (in 90% of samples). hours prior to sale for
human consumption.

Category C

<60,000 FC/100 g flesh.


Relaying for a period

of at least two months
in clean seawater prior
to human consumption.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Harmful algal blooms

Another criterion of deciding the suitability of potential culture
site is eliminating the threat of Harmful Algal Blooms. Some coastal
waters are known for the appearance of sudden blooms of certain
phytoplankton capable of producing highly potent toxins that are
harmful to marine fauna and any other animal that feed on them.
Unfortunately, it is often difficult to predict if any area is prone to
be affected by these toxic blooms, however, during the site selection
process, an enquiry of the past history of the HAB in the area is
necessary. Bivalves affected with red tides are not usually killed, but
tend to accumulate toxic substances in their flesh. Depuration studies
have shown that those bivalves can be depurated, however the longer
depuration time required would make it very uneconomical.

Farming area
Open Sea farming
This is practiced in areas with a depth of 5-20m. The selected
area of culture should be free from strong wave action, less turbulent
and with high productivity. Long line and raft culture techniques
are ideal for open sea farming. Disadvantages of this type of farming
are poaching, unpredicted climatic changes and predation.

Estuarine farming
Compared to the open sea, the estuarine ecosystems are less
turbulent and shallow (<4m). Stake and rack culture (horizontal
and vertical) are ideal for estuarine conditions. Fluctuation in
salinity during monsoon season and pollution through domestic
and industrial waste are the main constraints in estuarine mussel
farming. On-bottom culture by relaying of mussel seed in pen
enclosures is also practiced.

Farming technique
On-bottom method
In areas where water depth is less than 1.5 m, mussels can be
farmed by sowing directly on the bottom substratum/ or seabed.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

This method is generally practiced for thinning overcrowded

mussel bed by re-laying spats at lower densities in locations with
ideal substratum, that are free from silt and predators. The
growing sites are usually prepared to stabilize the bottom before

Bouchot culture
This method involves farming mussels in intertidal mud flats
on poles combining spat collection with ongrowing. Initially
poles are set in the intertidal seabed in rows to allow mussel spat
to settle and grow. Mussel spats settlement occurs directly on
these wooden poles or onto the horizontal coconut fibre ropes
strung onto the poles before settlement. When the spat grows
slightly bigger they are transferred to tubular nets and transferred
to "bouchot" placed in shallow waters in the same region. The
mussels attain marketable size on the poles.

Suspended farming methods

For suspended farming method, the water depth can be a
limiting factor as a minimum water column is essential all
throughout the culture period
Rack method: Suitable for estuaries and shallow seas. Bamboo
or Casuarina poles are driven into the sea/ estuarine bed at a
spacing of 1-2 m and are connected horizontally. Seeded ropes
are suspended from the horizontal frames or in shallow areas, they
are placed horizontally between the vertical poles. This method is
practiced in India and Philippines in shallow waters where the
depth is <1m. Due to the effective utilization of the productive
upper water column this type of culture gives better yield.
Raft method: This farming method is suitable in deeper opensea conditions which is not turbulent. It consists of a square or
rectangular bamboo or casuarina pole lattice structure from which
ropes are hung. The raft is buoyed up by styrofoam / ferroconcrete
buoys or metallic/ HDPE barrels of 200 l capacity (metal oil
barrel painted with anticorrosive paint). Ideal size of the raft is


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

5 x 5 m. The rafts are to be positioned at suitable location in the

sea using anchors (grapnel, granite, concrete).
Long-line method: Considered ideal to resist storms and
wave effect, in unprotected open sea conditions and are
particularly adopted in areas having high tidal amplitude.
Synthetic rope of 16-20mm diameter is used for the longline (main line). The main horizontal line is supported
with floats/ buoys at every 5m. The seeded ropes are
suspended from the main line 1.5-2m apart. The longlines with floats are anchored in position using concrete
blocks and nylon ropes or metal chain at both the ends.

Seed source and seeding

Mussels are characterized by a high fecundity and a free-living
larval phase. Though the key issue in mussel farming is the
inconsistent or irregular spat settlement in natural beds affecting
the seed supply, hatchery sources are not generally depended up
on for the mussel spat. Mussel farming mainly depends on the
natural spat. The spat-fall in mussel beds commences from October
to December along the Karnataka coast progressing from the south
to the north. Mussel spats are collected by physically scrapping
them from the intertidal or sub tidal natural beds. Submerged
beds are ideal for sourcing mussel seeds. About 500 to 750 g of
15-25 mm seeds are required for seeding 1m of the culture rope.
Nylon rope of 12-14mm or 15-20mm coir rope can be used for
farming. Seeding is done by placing the culture rope within the prestitched tubes of bio-degradable wrapping material and filled with
mussel seeds. Generally cotton mosquito nets are used for wrapping
the seeds, which degenerates in 2-3 days. By this time the seeds will
secrete byssus thread and will get attached to the rope.

The seed, which get attached to ropes, show faster growth in
the suspended water column. If the seed is not uniformly


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

attached, crowded portion always show slipping. To avoid

slipping, periodical examination of seeded rope and thinning of
the same is essential. The culture ropes also should be at least 1
m above the sea floor during extreme low water spring tides in
order to prevent predators from reaching the bivalves, to avoid
exposure of the molluscs to high water turbidity near the seabed
and to avoid losing the bivalves at the end of the rens. The top
seeded portion of the culture rope should be prevented from
exposure for longer period during low tide. Seeded mussel on
the upper portion of the rope shows faster growth due to the
abundance of phytoplankton. For better growth the seeded ropes
should be spaced at a distance of 25 cm. The mussel grow
relatively fast in the suspended farming systems. They attain 8090 mm in 5-6 months with growth rate of 8-11mm/month.

Post-harvest handling and marketing

Mussels are harvested once they attain the marketable size
and condition index is high, i.e., before the spawning and onset
of monsoon. Normally harvest season is from April to June.
Mussel ropes are collected manually and brought to the shore
for harvest. The ropes are washed thoroughly using water jet to
remove grit and slit. The mussels removed from the ropes are
maintained in re-circulating seawater for 24h and are washed
again in fresh seawater. This method of depuration is effective in
reducing the bacterial load of the mussel meat by 90%. Depurated
mussels are then sold mainly in the local market as live shell-on
mussel. At present farm gate price of green mussel is Rs. 4-5 per
Kg in Karnataka. Meat from depurated mussel can be shucked
in fresh condition or after boiling or steaming. Further processing
of the mussel meat can be done after blanching in 5% salt solution
for 5 minutes.

Depuration of the harvested mussels is necessary to increase
the quality of the mussel meat and to avoid the risk of consuming


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

contaminated mussel meat. Mussels during their process of

feeding, may accumulate undesirable materials including harmful
microorganisms. Before the product reaches the market, it need
to be ensured that the mussels are safe for human consumption.
This process of purification is called depuration. The mussels
are kept in cleaning tanks under a flow of filtered seawater for
the period of 24h. In the depuration tanks about 10-20% of the
seawater is continuously replaced. At the end of 12 hours the
water in the tank is completely drained and mussels are cleaned
by running water to remove the accumulated faeces. The tanks
are again filled with filtered seawater and the flow is maintained
for another 12 hours. Then the tanks are drained and flushed
with a jet of filtered sea water. Further, the mussels are held for
about one hour in seawater chlorinated at 3 ppm, and then
washed in filtered seawater.

Table3.Tentative cost of Mussel Farming Rack Culture
Rack size 30m x 20m (600 sq. m) (1200 ropes of 1 m)
A. Initial Expenditure
I. Farming


Bamboo poles of 4 m length 160 nos

@ Rs. 110/2 Bamboo poles of 5 m length 110 nos
@ Rs. 125/3 Seeding rope 18 mm (1500 m), 300 kg
@ Rs. 125/4 Rope tying the seeded rope; 4 mm, 20 kg
5 Semi automated seeder
II. Post Harvest
6. De-clumper
7 Plastic crates for depuration,
(30 nos @Rs.400/-)




Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


Aluminium vessels for heat shucking

FRP tank, 2 ton for chlorination
FRP tank, 1 ton for depuration 2 nos
1HP pump, hose & accessories




B. Recurring Cost

Cotton netting
(250mtr @ Rs.15/mtr)
2 Twine
3 Cost of seed (1800 kg @ Rs.6/kg)
4 Charge for seeding
(30 man days @Rs.200/head)
5 Hire charge of canoe
6 Charge for harvesting, de clumping
and cleaning
7 Labour for depuration
8 Plastic wares
9 Marketing
10 Miscellaneous



Expenditure Total (A + B) 1,90,000


Commercial mussel farming gained rapid strides since 1996

in India. In the recent years it showed spectacular improvements
with the farmed mussel production of the country reaching a
total of 18,432 t (2009). Though efforts to popularize the
technology were undertaken in the States of Kerala, Karnataka,
Goa, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu a quantum leap in the mussel
production was observed only in the state of Kerala. The
availability of large extent of natural mussels beds along the coast
for sourcing the seeds; high price realized for the produce in


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

domestic market; minimal operational expenditure and short term

eco-friendly farming techniques are expected to encourage more
farmers to come forward to adopt the practice in coastal areas.

Suggested reading:
Ashokan P.K. 2005. Site selection for bivalve culture.In Appukuttan K.K.
(Ed).Winter school Technical notes on Recent advances in mussel and
edible oyster farming and marine pearl production". p92-100.
Velayudhan T.S. 2005.Mussel farming methods & seed collection.
In Appukuttan K.K.(Ed). Winter school Technical notes on recent
advances in mussel and edible oyster farming and marine pearl
production. p122-126.
Mohamed K.S. 2005.Innovations in increase in mussel farming. In
Appukuttan K.K. (Ed).Winter school Technical notes on"Recent
advances in mussel and edible oyster farming and marine pearl
production". p127-123.
Kripa V. 2005.Bivalves and harmful algal blooms.In Appukuttan
K.K. (Ed).Winter school Technical notes on "Recent advances in mussel
and edible oyster farming and marine pearl production". p183-189


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



apture fisheries have reached a peak in production, and

stock enhancement or aquaculture appears to be the only
hope of meeting the ever increasing demand for high value
seafood like lobsters. For aquaculture, the pressing need is to
solve the dilemma of promoting expansion while at the same
time demanding the development of environmentally sound
technologies and farming practices (Mace, 1997). Lobsters have
excellent market demand and price and especially live lobsters
are the most preferred. Customers in affluent countries are ready
to pay more for fresh seafood. Lobsters are exported in different
forms; live, frozen tails, whole frozen, whole-chilled, wholecooked and frozen and as lobster meat. The live lobster trade
increased from 1.3 % during 1993-94 to 12.7% during 200304 period. The foreign exchange revenue from export of lobsters
alone amounts to Rs.53 crores during 2003-04. Due to the
increasing demand, lobsters of all sizes are caught and marketed


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

and the resource is under extreme fishing pressure. Though

Government of India has brought regulation on size of export of
four species of lobsters, undersize lobsters are caught in the absence
of any regulation for fishing and are still exported illegally. They
fetch very low price and therefore result in loss of revenue to the
fishermen. These lobsters if fattened can fetch higher price and
can be legally exported. Until hatchery technology is commercialized,
value addition to the lobsters, is possible through short term
fattening. Holding low value lobsters with a view to value adding
and harvesting wild puerulii for commercial grow-out appear to
be technically as well as economically feasible (Mohan, 2001).
Interest in aquaculture of lobsters has grown worldwide in recent
years as the lobster fisheries in many countries are overexploited
(Kittaka, 1997, Phillips and Evans, 1997). In addition, high value
of live lobster (US $40) has creased intense interest in lobster
farming. Among the spiny lobsters, tropical species have more
favourable characteristics and are amenable to farming conditions.
Tolerance to high stocking in controlled conditions communal
living without cannibalism, acceptance of pelleted feed and strong
market demand are some of the characteristics, which makes
lobsger as a widely accepted aquaculture species. However, for
sustainable aquaculture practice, hatchery production of seeds is
vital, which is yet to be achieved, though larval phase of a few
species have been completed. The biological and technical
feasibility of lobster farming is discussed in this paper.

Fattening of low value and undersize lobsters for

product enhancement
Ongrowing wild caught seed lobsters are widely practiced in
Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. Farming is typically on a
subsistence scale (limited by the availability of seed) although the
magnitude of production in Vietnam is collectively very large (1000
tonnes annually). In Australia and New Zealand, lobster seed
cannot be taken for aquaculture except under strict and limited
pilot license conditions. However, there is some in sea and on


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

land holding of legal size lobsters for weight gain and/or more
favourable (niche) marketing. In India there being no restriction
on fishing, large quantities of juveniles and undersize lobsters are
caught and marketed. Though there is good potential for fattening
to legal size, there is very little attempt. While some entrepreneurs
have shown interest, availability of healthy, quality seed is a major
On growing involves holding undersized lobsters, which fetch
low price or not accepted legally for export, for short period until
they attain legal size .These lobsters could be held in tanks, ponds
or cages fed with natural or artificial feed. Growth could be further
enhanced remarkably through eyestalk ablation and by proper
feed and water management. Since live lobsters fetch high market
value, these can be marketed to targeted markets in Southeast
Asian countries.

Seed availability
Among the shallow water species occurring along the Indian
coast, Panulirus homarus, P. ornatus, P. polyphagus and Thenus
orientalis are the most promising species. These species can be
easily distinguished by the colour and morphological features.
The hatchery production of T. orientalis has already been
accomplished. The larval culture of the spiny lobster species
occurring in India is yet to be successful though some headway
has been made. Therefore farming or fattening of lobsters will
have to depend upon either the post larvae (puerulii) or the
undersized lobsters caught in artisanal gears. In India, lobsters
appear as by catch in trawls operated in Maharashtra, Gujarat
and Tamilnadu. The quantum of juveniles caught in trawls is
low. Artisanal gears such as trammel nets, gill nets and traps are
also used for fishing in inshore areas. Lobsters in gill nets and
especially more than 50% of catch in trammel nets are undersized
and cannot be legally exported. These are either illegally exported
or consumed internally. The secondary holding centres keep the
lobsters under highly stressed condition due to paucity of space


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

and seawater facility and therefore the lobsters become weak

and highly stressed. They may contact disease even if brought
and stocked for ongrowing.

Breeding and hatchery production

Captive breeding of P.homarus, P. polyphagus, P. ornatus. P.
longipes and P. versicolor has been achieved by different laboratories
in India. Adult lobsters maintained in broodstock holding system
mate and breed when optimum environmental conditions and
feed are provided. Repetitive breeding is reported in P. Homarus.
Juveniles of P. homarus and P. ornatus were reared to maturity in
captivity and successful breeding achieved. Egg bearing lobsters
procured directly from fishermen are also suitable for egg hatching
and rearing. However berried lobsters procured from secondary
holding centres are often infected and not suitable for hatchery
operations. Phyllosoma larvae of P. homarus have been reared to
stage 6 in 60 days. Recently larvae were reared to stage 8 in 42
days on a mixed diet of Artemia and plankton. Similarly larvae of
P. ornatus, P. polyphagus and P. versicolor have also been reared
through early stages. Significant advances have been made in Japan,
Australia and New Zealand in culture of phyllosoma larvae of a
number of temperate and semi-tropical species of lobsters to
settlement. Japanese were the first to succeed in completing the
larval phase of five temperate species and one semi-tropical species.
Larvae took 132 to 319 days to complete the larval phase in
different species. The number of instars was 17 for Jasus spp., 9 for
Palinurus elephas has 25 (estimated) for Panulirus japonicus. Survival
ranged from o.01 to 10%. Phyllosoma larae of P. Cygnus and J.
verraeuxi were also reared to settlement by the Australians and the
New Zealanders. The method developed in northern Japan to
culture phyllosoma larvae of five species of cool-temperate spiny
lobsters combines the features of upwelling water, co-cultured
microalgae and use of mussel gonad as food. The feeding behaviour
of phyllosoma larvae shows that they are primarily predators.
Recent work has shown that the contamination of culture water


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

by microorganisms such as the fouling protozoans Vorticella sp.

can greatly reduce phyllosoma survival. Feeding with fish larvae
reduced the larval period by half (65 days) in P. elephas. However,
commercial feasibility of seed production technology is still
doubtful for most of the species because of the prolonged larval
phase (> 300 days) and poor survival. Until hatchery technology
is perfected, lobster farming will have to depend upon naturally
available seeds.

Collection and ongrowing of puerulii

Spiny lobsters after completing its long larval life metamor
phoses into postlarvae (puerulus),which swims towards the shore
and settle in nearshore seagrass/seaweed habitats. They transform
into postpuerulus and settle into benthic dwelling juvenile lobster.
In the wild, levels of puerulii settlement vary depending on the
species and geographic area, which also depends on the spawning
stock. Commercial harvest of puerulii and early juveniles from
the wild as suggested by the Australians may be possible where
there is heavy settlement in the inshore habitat. However, the
feasibility of such a proposal is to be examined in other areas, as
there is apprehension that this will have serious long-term
implications on sustainability of wild resources. Partial harvesting
of puerulii from dense settlement areas is suggested as high
mortality rates were experienced by juvenile lobsters between
settlement and entry into the commercial fishery. This will benefit
the wild resource as well as those interested in farming of lobsters.
Commercial collection of southern rock lobster puerulii for
aquaculture has already commenced in Tasmania. In India,
studies conducted off Kovalam near Chennai show that puerulii
of three species, P. homarus, P. polyphagus and P. ornatus settle in
rocky areas. However, the intensity of settlement is not very high
enough to suggest harvesting for ongrowing. There is no
information on settlement density of puerulii anywhere along
the Indian coast.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Indian lobster fishery is poorly managed as this is a low volume

resource and therefore fishing regulations are not strictly enforced.
Destructive gears like trammel nets operated in inshore areas bring
in large quantity of juveniles and sub adult lobsters which fetch
only low price. The undersized lobsters procured from the
fishermen were exported until the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, Government of India notified Minimum Legal Size
(MLS) for export in 1997. Illegal export of lobsters below the
MLS is still in vogue. Since there are no regulation for fishing
lobsters in any maritime state, fishermen continue to bring the
lobsters entangled in the nets and sell it to exporters. Nearly 50%
of the lobsters caught in trammel nets are undersized. In Gujarat,
gill nets operated in the reef areas also bring undersized P. polyphagus,
which are sold, for a very low price. Along the southwest and east
coast of Tamilnadu, an estimated 25 tonnes of undersized lobsters
are landed annually. By catching these undersized lobsters, the
total loss of revenue to the fishermen is to the tune of several
crores The MLS for P. homarus is 200 g and for P. polyphagus 300
g and those below the MLS, which are prohibited from export,
can be fattened to the legal size and fetch higher price.

Collection, maintenance and

transportation of juveniles
Fishermen either keep the lobsters in wet sand until the traders
come and pick it or sell it to local merchants. These traders either
keep them in holding tanks with recirculation facility (most of
them with inadequate water reuse facility) or keep them in cages
kept in rock pools until collected by the exporters. Since only
larger lobsters with high price are given more care, the undersized
low price lobsters are kept under high stress in very poor quality
water. Therefore they are weak and are easily susceptible to
diseases. They are unsuitable for fattening purposes. When there
are transported to long distances they become further weak and
on stocking dies gradually. The green colour of the lobster is lost
and their shell becomes reddish in colour, which is indicative of


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

stress. If the undersized lobsters should be useful for fattening,

fishermen and traders should follow certain protocols so that
they could supply healthy seed to the entrepreneurs. Juveniles
are especially susceptible to stress and therefore they should be
kept in water soon after they are brought to the shore. It is better
to keep them buried in cool moist sand in shade rather than keeping
at high densities in poor quality water. Maximum care should be
taken so that their appendages are not lost while removing from
the net or they are not injured below the abdomen. During holding
in unhealthy condition they are infected by deadly pathogens
through these injuries and there are instances of high mortality
due to infection by pathogenic bacteria.

Fattening in land-based holding systems

Lobsters can be successfully held and fattened in land-based
holding systems provided suitable environment is provided.
Critical environmental parameters include the concentration of
dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite and carbondioxide. Nitrate
concentration, pH, salinity and alkalinity levels within the system
are also important. In flow through systems, the main limiting
factor is dissolved oxygen. The requirement of oxygen will be
high during molting and soon after feeding. Both the process
normally takes place during night and optimum levels of oxygen
shall be maintained during night to avoid oxygen depletion and
mortality. Oxygen related stress would adversely affect growth
significantly. Unlike shrimps, lobsters are oxygen conformers and
may not show any sign of low oxygen conditions, as they are
capable of adjusting the metabolism even at very low levels of
oxygen. Sufficient water needs to be pumped through or the
water needs to be aerated to ensure lobsters are supplied with
sufficient oxygen. Sudden salinity fluctuation during rains is a
serious situation and in such circumstances salinity, alkalinity
and pH should be adjusted in a reservoir, before the water is
pumped in. though lobsters can tolerate gradual changes in
salinity to a limited range, sudden dilution can lead to stress,


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

susceptibility to disease and mortality. Tolerance limits for various

water quality parameters is given in Table. 1.

Indoor tanks
Two main systems are currently being used for fattening
lobsters: flow-through and recirculating. In flow through systems,
the water that is pumped into a tank is used only once. Water
flow is to be decided based on the stocking density and feeding
intensity. The incoming water is to be free of sediments and
should have water quality parameters required for lobster farming.
The water should be regularly monitored to avoid wide
fluctuations in environmental parameters. In recirculating
systems, the majority of the water is re-used after each pass
through the tanks, first being treated to remove waste products
before being returned to the tanks. Even though initial set up
costs may be higher, there is an increasing interest in the use of
recirculating systems. In recirculating systems also the main
limiting factor is dissolved oxygen: however, the unionized
ammonia concentration becomes increasingly important, and
is probably the next important limiting factor. Ammonia should
be removed from the system at a rate equal to the rate of
production to maintain safe concentration. All recirculating
systems remove waste solids, oxidize ammonia and nitrite, remove
carbon dioxide, and aerate the water before returning it to the
fattening system. Solid wastes can be removed by mechanical
filtration, ammonia and nitrite by biological filtration and carbon
dioxide by the provision of an air/water interface. The safe level
of ammonia for holding lobsters is <2 mgL-1. The flow rate
calculations must be adjusted according to the species held, size
of the animals, the rate of feeding and the holding temperature.
The required estimated flow rate in a tank holding 10000 kg of
500 g fed J. edwardsii lobsters at 13% C is 4500 L h-1. The water
management schedule and monitoring frequency of
environmental parameters is shown in Table 3.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Tank design
Raceways, rectangular, square or circular tanks can be used.
The most preferred are individual raceway tanks. Circular or
square tanks made of brick and cement or concrete are also good.
Square tanks will save space when compared to circular and are
also less expensive as they could be connected serially These tanks
will be difficult to clean and feed the lobsters. Raceways are easier
to maintain and with proper slope, the wastes can be easily
removed through the outlet pipe fixed at the end of the tank.
For complete removal of water, the standpipe can be lifted. Square
and circular tanks will have a central drainage system or a selfcleaning two way waste removal system by which both suspended
and settled wastes can be automatically flushed out of the tank.
The wastes can be concentrated towards the centre of the tank
by creating a vortex by the incoming water. This tank design is
used in flow through systems. For recirculating system the
wastewater flowing out of the tank is recirculated after removing
the waste products and will be a continuous process. Since lobsters
grow fast in subdued light, tank covers have to be provided to
avoid bright sunlight.

Stocking density
Undersized lobsters procured from secondary holding centres
transported to the fattening facility may be kept under quarantine
for 48 hours to relieve the lobsters from stress. The quarantine
facility should be away from grow out tanks. Healthy lobsters
may be stocked at 1.0-1.25 kg/m2 after segregating into different
size groups. The difference in weight between the lower and
upper size should not be more than 20 g. Hideouts provided in
the tank will help them to congregate around the shelter during
day and prevent them from continuously moving in the tank
spending lots of energy. Lobsters feed on variety of natural and
artificial feed making them suitable for farming. The natural
feed includes mussels, clam, squid, trash fish, and smaller crabs
and shrimp meat. Artificial includes shrimp pellets that are

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

suitable for juveniles and subadults. Lobsters feed actively after

dusk; feeding during night will reduce feed spoilage and waste.
In Florida, Panulirus argus weighing 300-400 g held in captivity
molted every 50-60 days and attained an average increase in
bodyweight of 40% and is reported to obtain 60% return on
investment. Table 2 shows percent postmolt weight increase and
intermolt period (days) of spiny lobsters held in recirculating
seawater systems at a constant temperature of 29 oC with 12:12
light:dark cycle (Lellis and Russel, 1990). Juveniles of P. ornatus
stocked at 43/m2 showed good artificial feed acceptance (>75%),
biomass production (4.7 kg/m2 ) and good growth rate (SGR
1.56%). It is estimated that a weight increase of 1 kg is possible in
less than 18 months. Juveniles of P. homarus in South Africa have
attained 60 mm CL in 18 months. In India puerulii of P. homarus
have been reared to 250 g in 18 months at Kovalam Field
Laboratory of CMFRI. P. homarus weighing 80 g stocked in self
cleaning indoor system at Calicut attained 330 g in 12 months
with an FCR ranging from 3.5 to 4.0 on feeding with an exclusive
diet of green mussel. The minimum exportable weight of 200 g
was obtained in 130 days (Radhakrishnan, 2004). Another study
in indoor grow out system at Tuticorin showed 172.7 g weight
increase in juvenile P. homarus in 150 days. In Taiwan, wild caught
animals stocked at 2g mean weight reach 330 g in 16 months in
small 200 m2 ponds. A fourty growth study on P.polyphagus
conducted at Northern Territory University showed lobster
juveniles grew substantially to 148.5 g in nine months.
Growth enhancement of juvenile lobsters by eyestalk ablation
has been demonstrated in P. Homarus, P. ornatus and P. versicolor.
The ablated P. homarus gained a weight gain of three to seven
times more than the normal. In P. ornatus, 100 g lobsters attained
1.5 kg in 8 months. However, food consumption and mortality
is higher in ablated lobsters when compared to normal.

Lobster culture in intertidal pits

Fattening of P. polyphagus was carried out in intertidal pits
along the Bhavnagar coast of Gujarat during early 1990s

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

(Sarvaiya, 1991). The pits are dug in the limestone intertidal

areas and are of varying dimensions. No standardized stocking
or feeding regimes were followed. 3000 numbers of lobsters
weighing 30-50 g were stocked at a stocking density of 20
lobsters/sq.m in a pit of 21 m x 7 m x 1 m. the pits were covered
with nylon nets to prevent lobsters from escaping during high
tide. Lobsters were fed with trash fish, small crabs, marine worms
and clams @ 10% bodyweight and also on compounded feeds.
Juvenile lobsters, which were procured at Rs. 20/kg attained 100125 g in 90 days, which were sold at Rs.250/kg during 1991.
The harvest of live lobsters packed in bamboo baskets are sold
to exporters. The highly profitable practice was discontinued
due to intensive poaching and non-availability of enough
quantity of seed lobsters.

Lobster culture in cages

In Philippines lobster culture was practiced in floating cages
made of nylon material. P. ornatus weighing 100-300 g stocked
at 8/m2 attained 800-1.3 kg in 6-15 months. Survival for larger
sizes has been more than 90% whereas in smaller juveniles of
30-80 g, survival was less than 50%. Trash fish is the main feed,
which is procured at US$ 0.13-0.22 per kg. Selling price of live
lobster was US $ 21-31/kg; hence a wet FCR of more than 10
can still be profitable.
In Vietnam, mariculture of lobsters in floating, fixed and
submerged cages were practiced in protected bays or lagoons
that have a good tidal flow. P. ornatus is the main species and P.
homarus, P. Versicolor, P. longipes and P. stimpsoni were also
cultured. Floating cage is made of nylon net material with a
frame and buoy and located at a depth of 10-20 m. Wooden
fixed cage is normally 20-40 sq.m and even large cages of 200400 sq.m are also used. The off-bottom cage is typically about
0.5 m above the seabed. This kind of cage is suitable for sheltered
bays. Submerged cage is made of iron framework with a diameter
of 15-16 m. The height is 1.0-1.5 m. the cage has a cover and a


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

feeding pipe and is used for nursery rearing. Seed lobsters of

about 25-30 mm TL are stocked (100- to 200 per cage) and
grown to a size of about 50 g (10-12 cm TL). Lobsters are fed
exclusively with either whole finfish or chopped fish or shellfish.
Finfish comprised about 70% of the diet and the preferred fish
is lizardfish. Feeding trash fish results in water quality problems.
The total nitrogen content in the seawater exceeded the standard
level for aquaculture of 0.4 mg/L. Increase in cage farming and
using fresh trash fish and shellfish has led to disease problems in
some areas. Some common diseases are black gill disease, shell
necrosis and red body. Treatment protocols followed are treatment
with 100 ppm formalin for 3-5 minutes. Red tail disease has
been reported in spiny lobsters, which is similar to the gaffkemia
in Homarus americanus. The symptoms are lethargy, reddish
colour of underside of the abdomen, spreada eagle posture during
late stages, poor food consumption and mortality. The bacteria
enter into the body through the injury in the abdomen and
multiply in the haemolymph. Isolation of the affected individuals
and oral administration of oxytetracycline through feed are
protocols for treatment. Antibiotic administration is possible only
during the early stages of infection. The disease is highly
contagious and spreads through water.
The estimated total annual production of farmed rock
lobster was about 1500 metric tones a year with a farm gate
value of US$26./75/kg. The average profit margin was 50%.
Therefore lobster culture is a profitable industry provided
adequate seeds could be collected without disturbing the wild
fishery. Suitable artificial diets are to be formulated and feeding
regimes established in order to succeed lobster farming in a
commercial scale. Disease protection measures should be
prioritized. Cage designs should be studied for improved lobster
Preliminary experiments in cage culture of lobsters were
attempted in India by NIOT, Chennai. Floating and fixed net


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

cages were positioned in protected areas. Fishermen fattened

juvenile lobsters caught from the wild stocked in cages. However,
the feasibility of large-scale farming is doubtful, as sufficient seeds
may not be available for stocking when more number of people
are involved. This may also result in high fishing pressure on
wild fisheries and negative impact on natural lobster fisheries.

Future prospects
All marine lobsters are highly considered as fine table food
and thus are in high demand. Most wild fisheries are
overexploited, with many stocks having already collapsed or catch
rates closely regulated to sustain the wild fishery. For these reasons,
lobsters fetch high prices. The highest price is paid for live
product, chilled or frozen products bring much lower prices.
Aquaculture offers the only prospects by which lobster supplies
can realistically and sustainably be increased. Considerable export
potential exists for live product to Southeast Asian markets.
Packing and transport conditions for live shipment of lobsters
are well developed and would not be a problem. Development
of a successful export market would require both continuity of
supply and a reasonable volume of production. However, the
greatest concern is whether aquaculture production would be
sustainable if recruiting seed was taken in large quantities for
aquaculture.Attempts in 1970s and in late 1990s to establish
large-scale intensive aquaculture of spiny lobsters in the
Philippines collap-sed within a few years of establishment when
seed supplies became insufficient to support the venture. In India
the resource is limited to certain pockets along the coast and
lobster landing is drastically declining in all the centres due to
indiscriminate fishing. Therefore, before contemplating
aquaculture, research is warranted to better determine the stock
structures of spiny lobsters and to estimate recruitment patterns
and survival rates. Such research would enable responsible fishery
management policies to be put in place to ensure sustainability
of the wild fishery stocks. Low intensity aquaculture of spiny

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

lobsters for value enhancement and export strictly adhering to

the legal procedures could be a profitable industry in some specific
locations along the coast.

Table 1: Tolerance limits for various water quality

parametersfor the culturable species of lobsters

Tolerance limits

DO (% saturation)

12 to 31C (25-30C)
Minimum 70%Preferably
above 80%
7.8 to 8.4

Salinity (ppt)
Ammonia (mg L-1)
Nitrite (mg L-1)
Nitrate (mg L-1)
Hardness (ppm)

Table 2: Postmolt weight increase (%) and intermolt

period (days) of spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) held in
recirculating system at a constant temperature of 29 oC
with 12:12 light:dark cycle (Lellis, 1990)
Initial weight (g) Weight increase (%) Intermolt time (days)




Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Table 3: Monitoring schedules for different

environmental parameters




Daily at 1000 hrs and 1600 hrs Thermometer



Weekly and before adding

new water



Weekly or during water change

pH meter


Weekly: (every 2-3 hrs 0

when new water is added)

Oxygen probe

Ammonia, nitrite, Weekly

nitrate, alkalinity
and hardness

Measuring kits

Kitaka, J. 1997. Culture of larval spiny lobsters: a review of work done
in northern Japan. Mar. Freshwater Res., 48, 923-930.
Lellis, W. 1991. Spiny lobster: A mariculture candidate for the Caribbean?
World Aquaculture, 22(1): 60-63.
Lellis, W.A. and J.A. Russel. 1990. Effect of temperature on survival,
growth and feed intake of postlarval lobsters, Panulirus argus.
Aquaqculture, 90:1-9.
Mace, P.M. 1997. Developing and sustaining world fisheries resources:
the state of the science and management. In Developing and sustaining
World Fisheries Resources: the State of the Science and Management.
Second World Fisheries Congress, Brisbane 1996: (Eds. D.A. Hancock,
D.C. Smith, A. Grant and J.P. Beumer) pp. 1-20 (CSIRO Publishing;


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Philipps, B.F. and L.H. Evans, 1997. Aquaculture and stock enhancement
of lobsters: report from a workshop. Mar. freshwater Res. 48(8):
Radhakrishnan, E.V. 2004. Prospects for grow out of the spiny lobster,
Panulirus homarus in indoor farming system. In: program and Abstracts,
7th International Conference and workshop on Lobster Biology and
Management, 8-13 February, Hobart, Tasmania.
Radhakrishnan, E.V. and M.Vijayakumaran. 1984. Effect of eyestalk
ablation in spiny lobster Panulirus homarus (Linnaeus). 1. On moulting
and growth. Indian F. Fish., 31(1): 130-147.
Sarvaiya, R.T. 1991. Successful spiny lobster culture in Gujarat. Fishing
Chimes, 10 (11): 30-31.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



D. Divu, K. Srinivasa Rao and K.K.Philipose

age aquaculture has grown rapidly during the past decades

and is presently undergoing swift changes in response to
increasing global demand for aquatic products. Recent studies
have predicted that fish consumption in developing and
developed countries will increase by 57 percent and 4 percent,
respectively. Rapid population growth, increasing affluence and
urbanization in developing countries are leading to major changes
in supply and demand for animal protein, from both livestock
and fish. The need for suitable sites has resulted in the cage
aquaculture subsector accessing and expanding into new
untapped open-water culture areas such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers
and coastal brackish and marine offshore waters.
Growth studies are an essential instrument in the management
of fisheries resources since they contribute to estimates of
production, stock size, recruitment and mortality of fish
populations. The study of growth means basically the

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

determination of the body size as a function of age. Therefore all

stock assessment methods work essentially with age composition
data. Fish can be aged by examining scales or various bones. Hard
body parts grow as the fish grows, adding annual rings similar to
the rings in trees. Because the growth in the diameter of the hard
body parts is proportional to the growth in length of the fish.

Fish growth and feed utilization

Growth is sensitive to environmental conditions and
measurements of growth rate can often be used to provide an
index of performance. Slower growth in fishes has been correlated
with a variety of life history traits from higher mortality to reduced
food availability and increased age or smaller size at sexual maturity.
The health and welfare of a fish can be influenced by a variety of
physical factors ranging from water quality to territorial defence,
unnatural habitats, stocking densities and available nutrition.
Stocking density is well publicized as a factor that can influence
fish health and growth rate in so far, as overstocking in a system
can negatively affect water quality and food availability. Often,
the stocking density alone or in combination with feeding rate is
adjusted by fish farmers to obtain a particular size of fish at harvest,
thus indicating that fish growth may be a function of available
water space.

Specific Growth Rate (SGR)

The specific growth rate can be calculated based on the
following method.
SGR= LogeW2 Loge W1 / D x 100
where, W2 is the mean weight of the fish during the present
sampling, W1 is the mean weight of the fish during the previous
sampling and D is the number of days between the two

Average Daily Growth Rate (ADGR)

This can be calculated using the following formula.
W2 W1 / D

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

where W2 is the final body weight and W1 is the initial body


Survival rate (SR)

SR = (N2 / N1) x 100. The survival rate is always expressed in
percentage, where N2 is the number of survivors during the
present sampling and N1 is the number of survivors during the
previous sampling.

Biomass can refer to species biomass, which is the mass of
one or more species, or to community biomass, which is the
mass of all species in the community. The mass can be expressed
as the average mass per unit area, or as the total mass in the
community. How biomass is measured depends on why it is
being measured.
Biomass = Mean weight x Number of fishes
Weight Gain (WG) = Initial body weight - Final body
weight of fish

Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)

PER is the measurement of the body's biological absorption
of a protein from a food source to usable protein. PER is a widely
used method for evaluating the quality of protein in food.
PER = Gain in body mass (g) / Protein intake (g)

Net Protein Utilization (NPU)

The net protein utilization, or NPU, is the ratio of amino
acid converted to proteins to the ratio of amino acids supplied.
It is profoundly affected by the level of limiting amino acids
within the food stuff. As a value, NPU can range from 1 to 0,
with a value of 1, indicating 100% utilization of dietary nitrogen
as protein and a value of 0 an indication that none of the nitrogen
supplied was converted to protein.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)

FCR is calculated from the number of kilos of feed that are
used to produce one kilo of whole fish. The ratio of the gain in
the wet body weight of the fish to the amount of feed fed. The
true F.C.R includes wasted feed and mortalities. The ratio, usually
expressed as a true ratio (i.e. 1 : 1.5) is often quoted as a "rate"
(1.5). Two additional terms are used by the farmer, the biological
FCR and the economic FCR. Biological FCR is the net amount
of feed used to produce one kg of fish, while the economic FCR
takes into account all the feed used, meaning that the effects of
feed losses and mortalities, for example, are included. Farms
reporting a low FCR normally have good management practices
in place, with no overfeeding and very low, if any, mortalities.
Overfeeding or underfeeding will increase the FCR.
The basic principle in feeding is that the fish should be fed
exactly to satiation. If they are fully fed, the fish are not stressed.
In an efficient trout or salmon farm, the FCR will be close to 1.
This is extremely low when compared with land animals. There
are three reasons for this; the biology of the fish, the way the fish
live and the high nutrient concentration of fish feed. Fish have a
low body maintenance requirement. Fish are poikilothermic
(cold-blooded) animals (their body temperature is equal to that
of its environment) and thus they do not use feed to maintain
body temperature as warm-blooded animals do (e.g. poultry,
pigs and cows). For a fish, floating in the water consumes less
energy than standing and walking on legs. The fishes are very
efficient converters of feed into energy and building blocks
(muscles) for growth and their feeds are also more concentrated
than those for pigs or cattle, since they do not need filler
ingredients such as fibres. Fishes use oils and fats as their prime
energy source and, therefore, this is more concentrated than the
carbohydrates needed by land-living animals. Finally, land
animals have a far higher feed capacity than fish and therefore
they can grow well on less concentrated feed.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Feed Efficiency
A figure used to represent the efficiency of food use. The
inverse of the feed conversion ratio e.g. a feed conversion ratio
of 1 : 1.5 becomes a feed efficiency of 0.66 (1 / 1.5).

Feed Rate
The amount of feed given to the fish, over a specified period
of time . The most common way of expressing this is as percentage
of the animal body weight per day. For example a 1000 gram
fish, being fed 20g of feed per day would be on a 2% feed rate
[(20 / 1000 ) x 100)].

Energy Assimilation
The food consumption of fishes can be summarized in the
following equation:C=P+R+F+U
where, C = food consumption in energy terms (Joules); P =
energy used for tissue growth (including fat deposition, egg and
sperm development); R = energy used for work (including body
maintenance, digestion, activity); F and U = energy losses in
faeces and urine respectively. The amount of useful energy
available to the animal, or assimilation (A) as it is generally
termed, can be derived from A = C - (F + U) = P + R. Assimilation
is often quantified in terms of assimilation efficiency.

Carrying capacity
A major consideration in the site selection process should be
the carrying capacity of the site which indicates the maximum
level of production that a site might be expected to sustain.
Intensive cage fish farming results in the production of wastes
which can stimulate productivity and alter the abiotic and biotic
characteristics of the water body, whilst less intensive methods
can result in over cropping of algae and a fall in productivity.
Hence profitability or even viability may be seriously affected.
Therefore it is extremely important for all concerned with cage


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

fish farming to have an accurate evaluation of the sustainable

levels of production at a particular site before culture. The carrying
capacity of a biological species in an environment is the
population size of the species that the environment can sustain
indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water and other necessities
available in the environment. In ecological terms, the carrying
capacity of an ecosystem is the size of the population that can be
supported indefinitely upon the available resources and services
of that ecosystem. Carrying capacity varies based on a number
of factors, such as, water flow, volume, exchange rate,
temperature, oxygen content, pH, size and species of fish being
reared and accumulation of metabolic products. Carrying
capacity is based on loading (the weight of fish per unit of water
flow) and density (the weight of fish per area of water body) of
the fishes in the system.

Condition Factor
An easily measured index of growth is the length-weight
relationship, often referred to as condition factor (C). C is the
ratio of fish weight to the length cubed. Condition factor, one
of the most important feeding and growth criteria. Since C
may vary between species, strains, diet and feeding levels, water
quality and hatchery management, it should be calculated for
each hatchery. C is calculated by weighing a sample of 50-100
fish together. After the average weight and the average length
are measured, values are used in the formula C=W/L3. A high
condition factor would indicate a well-fed fish, while a low
condition factor may indicate a poorly fed fish of the same length.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Jayasree Loka, S.M. Sonali,
L.S. Korabu and K.K. Philipose

age culture is a fast growing industry all over the world

and demands good environmental practices to assure
sustainability. The sustained development of coastal aquaculture
has reached a good understanding with the environment,
respecting it and undertaking actions that tend to diminish the
possible impacts that may arise from this activity. In order to do
so, measures are to be taken in production to avoid degrading the
environment, whilst still being appropriate, economically viable
and socially acceptable. In this sense, it has been considered
necessary to develop some basic environmental strategies to assure
the best site for the aquaculture purposes, avoiding possible
confrontations with other coastal uses. Basic protocols required to
have a sustainable cage culture are to identify the appropriate sites
for the installation of open sea fish cages, and to identify the
environmental management of such industries. Monitoring is an


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

important part in environmental management of mariculture, and

is integral part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
and should be included in any mariculture regulation programme
or coastal zone management plans. A well conceived and designed
monitoring programme is needed for measuring environmental
change and relating these changes to inputs from fish cages; in
effect, investigating impacts from these inputs. However, there
are no set ways for monitoring and interpretation of the data
obtained. These are dependent on the purposes and aims of the
study, the size, characteristics, etc.
In monitoring environmental effects of cage culture, data is
collected at various time points and compared with original predevelopment data and with contemporary reference data. This
will show changes not only with time due to impacts but also
allow natural environmental change to be taken into consideration.
Survey techniques vary but generally require a design that
collects data before development a baseline survey and
collection of post-development data a monitoring survey:
(i) Baseline survey. This provides essential background
ecosystem data for subsequent comparison. The survey may
be both spatial and temporal, giving pre-development data
on the natural environment and its changes throughout the
proposed development area. This data can aid in the design
of an appropriate monitoring study, i.e. focusing on the areas
which are most relevant for investigating change in any
particular environment. There are several types of
experimental design, incorporating the baseline survey. One
of the most commonly used is the BACI or BACUP systems
(Underwood, 1991).
(ii) Monitoring study: This provides data on the actual impacts,
in relation to the contemporary reference and baseline data.
Once interpreted the results may be used directly for
management decisions by both fish farmer and environ
mental regulator by ensuring adherence to EQSs and
acceptable zones of effect (AZEs).

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The environmental impact of a sea farm depends to a great

extent on the species, the farming method, the stocking rate,
feed type and hydrographic conditions. Both organic and nonorganic waste from the fish farms can cause nutrient enrichment
and even eutrophication where farming sites are in semi-enclosed
zones with little exchange of water. Almost 85% of the
phosphorus, 80-88% of carbon and 52-95% of nitrogen
introduced into the cages can enter the environment through feed
waste, fish excreta, faeces production and respiration. In order to
interpret the data effectively standard measures, including direct
measures, i.e. ionised and un-ionised ammonia, nitrate, nitrite
and dissolved reactive phosphorus, and indirect measures of
productivity, i.e. dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a content, turbidity,
in addition to temperature and pH, salinity, should be taken.
Long term measurement and monitoring of effects of soluble
wastes are difficult due to the high mixing and dilution afforded
by the marine environment. This ensures that impacts in all but
the most sheltered and enclosed conditions are transient. Particulate
wastes tend to settle to the sediments usually distributed in the
direction of the main current flow. The wastes usually form a
gradient of effect away from the discharge point which causes a
variety of changes on the seabed. These changes in sediment
composition decrease in dissolved oxygen or sulphur reduction
due to increase in microbial production and changes in benthic
A variety of measures are used as indicators - physical and chemi
cal changes in sediments can be investigated using: particle size
analysis, determination of concentration of organic carbon and
nitrogen, redox potential (Pearson and Stanley, 1979), and
measurement of sulphide content. Biological changes can be seen
by looking at many factors, the presence of the sulphur reducing
bacteria Beggiatoa, abundance of species which are indicative of
nutrient enrichment and investigation of community structure
(infauna and associated fauna).


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Monitoring methodology
There are several considerations to be taken into account when
deciding on monitoring methodology. These include:
(i) frequency of sampling;
(ii) position of sampling stations;
(iii) method of sampling water or sediments; and
(iv) method of analysis of the samples taken to measure the
These factors will be different with type of culture and method
of waste discharge. Again, there is no fixed method of deciding on
these factors as this is dependent on the purpose of the monitoring
study. Sample strategies usually attempt to maximise data collection
per expended effort, which normally entails the use of transects
aligned with the direction of principle current flow rather than a
less efficient but more statistically rigorous random sample or grid
approach. Samples along these transects may be taken using water
samplers such as the Van Dorn and sediment samplers like remotely
operated grabs, dredges, trawls or corers or diver operated
techniques such as photography, video, corers or REMOT systems.
Grabs and coring techniques can be used to take quantitative
samples which give accurate and easily comparable temporal and
spatial data for physical, chemical and biological analysis (Fig.5).
Photography and video methods are qualitative or semiquantitative but are good visual record of change.
Recently, with the advent of advanced computer based
electronic methods, surveys can be undertaken using
sophisticated ship based technology. Such a method is side scan
sonar which has been used, with varying success, to characterise
sediment types throughout bays containing fish farms
(MacDougall and Black, 1999) and for mapping biotopes in
coastal regions. Initial findings show that these techniques need
further work but they offer promise for the future where surveys
will be able to study large areas of seabed quickly and accurately.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Protocol for the environmental management of

aquaculture cage farms:
Data on the following should be provided:
i) Designing of the basic sampling data: on location, occupation,
markers, features of the installation works, characteristics of
production (species, quantities to be produced, etc.), characteristics
of management (feeding, medication, waste treatment, production
cycles, etc.).
Sampling : Regarding the sampling design, in each case this
should be decided on the basis of previous knowledge existing
on the zone. If no previous knowledge is available, the required
minimum could be:
(a) Two samplings in extreme seasons: winter and summer.
(b) Five sampling points, whose design should be based on the
main dispersal of the waste from the cages. Of these points,
at least one should be below the point where the cages are
to be installed and another should serve as a reference point
for the future in an area unlikely to be affected.
(c) The sampling depths are left to the discretion of specialist
carrying out the work, in accordance with the culture system.
(ii) Water column: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen,
optical properties (turbidity, suspended solids, Secchi disk
transparency), nutrients (phosphorus, ammonium and nitrogen),
chlorophyll. In this case pollutants such as metals or pesticides could
be studied (if so, it would be better to analyse this in filter animals
such as mussels or oysters). The data must be used in order to establish
the "zero state" so as to compare with that during the environmental
monitoring (once the culture is functioning), the real impacts
correspond to the predicted ones, in order to act in consequence if
this is not the case.
(iii) Sediments: distribution of the soft substrate in the area
(linked to bathymetry) with data on granulometry, organic matter
and redox potential (Fig.1). In this case pollutants could be


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

(iv) Bottom communities: with special influence on the

presence of communities with a high ecological value (marine
phanerograms, coralligen etc.) or with special interest (algae
meadow, etc.). Besides identification, data on richness of species,
abundance, biomass and diversity should be available.

Fig 1. Sediment grab

(v) Protected areas: establishment of their existence and types

of protection.
(vi) Presence of other aquaculture firms: study possible synergies
or accumulative effects (maximum stocking rate), from
simulation data of the previous Protocol.
(vii) Interference with other uses: concentrate principally on
fishing, navigation and tourism
(viii) The impacts should be determined as objectively as possible,
and in order to do so, baseline contamination data should be
used, as well as legislation data and data from previous
environmental studies, etc. The study will be focused on the
outstanding impacts.
(ix) Proposal of a monitoring programme: it should include a
monitoring proposal

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

An integral part of monitoring is interpretation of results and

relating physical and chemical results to the biological effects.
For water samples this is often a compromise due to the transient
nature of this environment. Most often water quality monitoring
requirements are fulfilled by collection of empirical data which
can be directly compared to EQSs. For sediments a similar
comparative method may be used but, due to the more stable
nature of this habitat, more sophisticated techniques can be
employed to investigate both gross and subtle changes, such as
those that may be due to discharged chemotherapeutants. These
techniques use species abundance data to investigate spatial and
temporal changes in sediment dwelling communities and relate
these to physico-chemical parameters and waste inputs in order to
achieve environmentally sustainable cage culture of marine finfish.

FAO 2009 Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring in
MAFRI Report No. 46. (2002) Gavine,F. M. and Mc Kinnon, L. J.
2002. Environmental Monitoring of Marine Aquaculture in Victorian
Coastal Waters: A Review of Appropriate Methods. Technical Report
No.46. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Victoria


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture



S.R.Krupesha Sharma, N. Sadhu and K.K.Philipose

quaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms including

fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. A cage is a
volume enclosed with some type of mesh forming a container
for aquatic animals. Farming implies some sort of intervention
in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular
stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Aquaculture
is a rapidly growing food producing sector in the world, with an
average annual growth rate of 8.9% since 1970, compared to
only 1.2% for capture fisheries and 2.8% for terrestrial farmed
meat production systems over the same period.
The current trend in aquaculture development is towards
increased intensification and commercialization of aquatic
production. Like other farming sectors, the likelihood of major
disease problems occurring increases as aquaculture activities
intensify. Disease is now a primary constraint to the culture of
many aquatic species, impeding both economic and social

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

development in many countries. Addressing health questions

with both pro-active and reactive programmes has become a
primary requirement for sustaining aquaculture production and
product trade. It is reported that the principal diseases in cage
aquaculture of marine finfish and shellfish in Asia are caused by
environmental and management affects, nutritional causes, and
viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal pathogens.

Diseases caused by viruses

Viral nervous necrosis:
Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN), also known as viral
encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) causes high mortality
with vacuolation of the tissues in the central nervous system of
affected fish. The disease occurs mostly in larvae and juveniles
but some species such as Asian seabass and grouper are still
susceptible at grow-out stages, and the disease with severe
mortality has been reported in more than 32 species from 16
families. Electron microscopy revealed that unenveloped roundshaped virus particles, 2534 nm in diameter, are packed in the
cytoplasm of affected retinal and brain cells. The causative agent
of VNN was purified from diseased striped jack and identified
as a member of the family Nodaviridae, known as striped jack
nervous necrosis virus. This disease is included as one of the
significant diseases in the OIE Code.
In case of Asian seabass larvae, affected larvae show abnormal
swimming behaviour, including spiral swimming, darting or
sometimes vertical movement. Affected fish have an inflated swim
bladder. Although the pathogenesis of the disease seems to be
different among fish species, direct transmission via the
epithelium of the skin and the gastrointestinal tract is reported
to be important in the infection. The skin of the affected larvae
changes from pale to dark. The appetite is affected and fish
become lean. The disease occurs as early as at 10 days posthatching (dph) to 50 dph. In some instances, particularly during
stress, fish beyond 50 dph may still be affected. It is also common
for the affected fish to have an inflated swim bladder.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The most distinctive lesion in histological sections of the brain

and retina from seabass larvae with clinical signs of viral nervous
necrosis includes extensive cell vacuolation. In addition, in
general, in the central nervous system, the most prominent lesions
are observed throughout the spinal cord and medulla oblongata.
They include severe massive necrosis of the small nerve cells,
spongiform encephalopathy characterized by extensive vacuolar
degeneration in the cytoplasm of affected neurons and neuropils.
Dark, dense, pyknotic nuclei, neuronal shrinkage and
disappearance of Nissle's granule in their cytoplasm is occasionally
observed. Focal extensive haemorrhaging in the molecular layer
and focal demyelination characterized by degenerated myelin
nerve fibres with phagocytic mononuclear foamy cell infiltration
were also observed in the area between the Purkinje cell layer
and molecular cell layer.
Studies on the development of vaccination methods in
groupers are now undertaken.

Iridovirus infections:
Iridoviruses, causative agents of serious systemic diseases have
been identified from more than 20 fish species in the recent
years. Most fish iridoviruses are members either of the genera
Lymphocystis virus or of the genera Ranavirus. Iridoviruses in
genera Lymphocystis virus cause the development of cluster of
extremely hypertrophied fibroblasts or osteoblasts called
lymphocystis cells, while viruses in genera Ranavirus may lead
to systemic disease in infected animals and are associated with
high morbidity and mortality. A typical iridovirus has icosahedral
symmetry and measures 130300 nm in diameter. Characterization of iridoviruses has been hindered by the difficulty in
isolating and propagating them in tissue cultures.
The most dramatic change in all affected fish is the presence of
basophilic, hypertrophied cells, often in large numbers, in various
organs. These cells, with a pale foamy or intensely basophilic
granular appearance, were often observed in the splenic
parenchyma and capsule, in the renal glomerulus and interstitium,

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

and in the intestinal lamina propria. Hypertrophied cells are also

observed in the choroid plexus of the eye, pancreatic interstitium,
the connective tissue surrounding ovarian follicles, and in
connective tissues throughout the body. They were usually observed
in smaller numbers in the liver, heart, gills and brain. Dark staining
crescent-shaped cells are frequently observed, forming a "cap" over
the hypertrophied cells. Degenerative and necrotic changes are
often seen in association with cytomegaly. In some fish, splenic
changes consists presence of typical hypertrophied cells
accompanied by spongiosis and fibrinoid necrosis of ellipsoids
and haemorrhage, with consequent destruction of the entire splenic
architecture. Loss of renal glomeruli and interstitium is observed,
but the renal tubules are usually unaffected.

Lymphocystis disease (LCD), one of the common infectious
diseases affecting marine fish cultures, was discovered in 1874.
Distribution has been reported worldwide such as Spain, Korea,
Japan and China. The causative agent of LCD is lymphocystis
disease virus (LCDV) which is a large virus in the genus
Lymphocystis virus of the family Iridoviridae. LCDV is an
icosahedral symmetry virus, approximately 200-300 nm in
diameter, and contains single linear double stranded DNA. LCD
is characterized by the external appearance of nodules, either
singly or in groups, on skin, fins, or tail of the affected fish.
Although, LCD is not a fatal disease, the external appearance
might cause a significant economic loss. The principle mode of
transmission of LCD is horizontally by direct contact and external
trauma. Other factors such as water contamination and stress
condition caused by high stocking density, nutrition deficiencies,
low dissolved oxygen, suboptimal water quality, or human
manipulation may increase the appearance of LCD symptoms.
A recent study reported that Artemia sp. might act as a reservoir
host of this disease (Cano et al., 2009).
The affected fish reveals multifocal to diffuse white, firm,
papilloma-like nodulesscattered on the skin, fins, eyes and mouth.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The diameters of nodules varies in size, approximately 1-2 mm.

Microscopically, many clusters of lymphocystis cells are observed
in the connective tissues beneath the epidermis on fins, inner layer
of operculum, and gills. Histopathologically lymphocystis disease
is characterized by cytomegaly of dermal fibroblasts and only rarely
is there any systemic involvement. Numerous hypertrophied cells
with basophilic intra-cytoplasmic inclusion bodies are seen in
connective tissues of the dermis and between the scales. The
lymphocystis cells are also detectable in skeletal muscle, gill lamellae
and visceral organs including spleen, head and trunk kidney. The
lymphocystis-granulomatous also appear in parenchyma of the
spleen and kidney.
Lymphocystis can be diagnosed by several immunological assays
like indirect immunofluorescence assay, flow Cytometry and
immunodot. There are no vaccines against LCDV which makes
necessary the development of tools to control epizootics caused
by this virus. It is especially important to detect LCDV before the
appearance of tumor-like lesions.

Diseases caused by bacteria

Fish diseases of bacterial origin have been one of the most
important factors of economic loss since the beginning of marine
fish culture. Regarding the infectious diseases caused by bacteria in
marine fish, although pathogenic species have been described in the
majority of the existing taxonomic groups, only relatively small
number are responsible for important economic losses in cultured
fish. Clinical signs (external and internal) caused by each pathogen
are dependent on the host species, age and stage of the disease.

Vibriosis is a disease characterized by haemorrhagic septicaemia
and caused by various species of Vibrio. It occurs in cultured
and wild marine fish in salt or brackish water, particularly in
shallow waters during late summer. Within the Vibrionaceae,
the species causing the most economically serious diseases in


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

marine culture are Vibrio anguillarum, V. alginolyticus, V. ordalii,

V. salmonicida and V. vulnificus.
Vibriosis has become the economically most important disease
in marine fish culture, affecting a large number of species. It is
also an important disease of many wild fish populations. Fish
affected by vibriosis show typical signs of a generalized septicaemia
with haemorrhage on the base of fins, ulcers on body surface
(Fig.1), swelling and boils, exophthalmia and corneal opacity.
Moribund fish are frequently anorexic with pale gills which
reflects a severe anaemia. Oedematous lesions, predominantly
centered on the hypodermis, are often observed. On the top of
the boils, the epidermis is destroyed and the skin is greyish white.
Around the boil the skin is haemorrhaged. Internally there are
haemorrhage in liver and intestine, and there is fluid in the heart
lumen. Histologically the muscle fibres are widely separated.
Vibrio species responsible for vibriosis can be presumptively
diagnosed on basis of standard biochemical tests. However,
serological confirmation employing serotype-specific polyclonal
antisera is necessary. Although commercial diagnostic kits based
on slide agglutination or ELISA have been developed for a fast
diagnosis of vibriosis, they do not allow the distinction of serotypes
and therefore are not useful for epidemiological purposes. Though
DNA probe-based detection protocols are available, they are not
specific and/or sensitive enough to be used in the diagnosis of
vibriosis in the field.

Fig.1. Ulceration in Vibriosis in Asian seabass


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Streptococcal infection:
Streptococcal infection of fish is considered as re-emerging
disease affecting a variety of wild and cultured fish throughout
the world. Five different species are considered to be of
significance as fish pathogens: Lactococcus garvieae, L. piscium,
Streptococcus iniae, S. agalactiae, S. parauberis and Vagococcus
salmoninarum. Therefore, streptococcosis of fish should be regarded
as a complex of similar diseases caused by different genera and
species capable of inducing a central nervous damage characterised
by suppurative exophthalmia and meningoencephalitis. Warm
water streptococcosis typically involves L. garvieae, S. iniae, S.
agalactiae and S. parauberis. It is important to report that the
etiological agents of warm water streptococcosis are considered
also as potential zoonotic agents capable to cause disease in humans.
Among these fish streptococci, L. garvieae, S. iniae and S. parauberis
can be regarded as the main etiological agents causing diseases in
marine aquaculture. S. iniae was isolated from marine fish including
European and Asian seabass in Australia. Streptococcus infection
can be diagnosed by biochemical tests.

Gaffkemia (Red tail disease):

Gaffkemia is one of the most important and well described
infectious diseases of lobsters, primarily as a disease of impounded
lobsters. The bacterium and resulting disease were first described
in a holding facility in Maine. The causative agent, Aerococcus
viridans (var.) homari is a free living, gram positive, tetrad-forming
coccus (Fig.2), leading to systemic disease in homarid lobsters.
The bacterium cannot cross intact lobster integument and does
not survive gastric acids; consequently invasion of the host occurs
via wounds or punctures of the cuticle. The organism survives
well in the benthic environment and in holding facilities, as a
free living organism outside the host. Development of the disease
is temperature dependent, with death occurring in 180 days at 3
C and 2 days at 20 OC. Stressors which predispose the lobsters
to disease include strain of bacterium, handling, temperature
changes, and trauma. Homarid lobsters are most susceptible to
infection and disease. Clinically, there are no obvious signs in

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

infected lobsters, other than weakness or lethargy and a spreadeagle posture which are apparent in later stages of the disease, and
which are not pathognomonic for gaffkemia. Lobsters rapidly
become anorexic after infection. The bacteria multiply rapidly in
the hepatopancreas and then in the heart. The pathogen multiplies
in the hemolymph much later in the infection. Pink discoloration
of the ventral abdomen and hemolymph will develop. Death results
from metabolic incapacity resulting from dysfunction of the
hepatopancreas. Additionally, the clotting mechanism is impaired,
and it is associated with marked hemocytopenia. Infected lobsters
can become exsanguinated, especially in end-stage disease.

Fig.2. Tetrad forming Aerococcus viridans

The disease can be treated with antibiotics after a antibiotic

sensitivity test considering other factors. Oxytetracyclin is an
antibiotic commonly used in aquaculture. Major challenges
associated with use of oxytetracycline in the marine environment
include persistence in sediments, bioaccumulation by bivalves
or other crustaceans, and development of bacterial resistance.
An alternative to chemotherapy is utilization of immunogens
derived from virulent strains of A. viridans. Low levels of
protection were induced with formalin-killed bacteria, and high
levels were induced with a vancomycin/live bacteria combination
in laboratory experiments.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Diseases caused by parasites

Fish are either intermediate or final host for nematode parasites.
About 650 species of nematodes parasitize fish as adults and many
others use fish as intermediate hosts. While nematodes are common
in wild fish, neither adult nor larval nematodes are usually a
problem in most cultured fish because of the absence of other
hosts in the life cycle. However, pond raised fish or those fed live
and wild caught fish/ arthropods (trash fish) can become infested.
Marine fish are usually infected by members of the Ascaridoidoiea
(Contracecum, Pseuudoterranova, Anisakis), Camallanoidea
(Camallanus, Culullanus), Dracunculoidea (Philonema,
Philometra), and Spiruroidea (Metabronema, Ascarophis). Most of
the camallanoids, dracunculoids, and spiruroids have two host
life cycles where fish are the final host. Adult worms are almost
always found in the digestive tract, where some (Capillaria) can
cause chronic wasting if present in high numbers. Some adult
nematodes inhabit the peritoneal cavity, gonads or swim bladder.
Faecal examination can be used to identify eggs in the digestive
tract. Worms are easily identifies as adult or larval nematodes by
using wet mounts or tissue sections. The main criteria used to
identify species are size, fine structure of the head and tail, position
of then excretory pore, and structure of the transitional area
between the esophagus and intestine. Anthelmentics can control
adult nematodes. Fenbendazole, levamisol and piperazine have
been used with some success.

Disease caused by sea lice:

Sea lice is the term used to describe several species of
ectoparasitic copepods of the genera Lepeophtheirus and Caligus
that parasitize cultured fish and may cause diseases with damage
to the epidermis and in severe cases death through osmoregulatory
failure or secondary infections. Lepeophtheirus salmonis and
Caligus elongatus have economic impact on farmed fishes in many
parts of the world.; other caligids pathogenic to cultured or wild

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

fish are C. patulus,C. orientalis, C. epidemicus, and Pseudocaligus

apodus. Formaldehyde, malathion and natural compounds show
either poor efficacy or unsuitable therapeutic margins. Pyrethroids
are at present the most used therapeutic against sea lice in Norway.
Diflubenzuron and teflubenzuron added to feed are also used in
significant amounts. Carbaryl and diflubenzuron are efficacious
but the compounds make them unsuitable due to undesirable
environmental toxicological characteristics. Despite these
problems, chemotherapy remains an important component of
control strategies. As appropriate sea lice control strategies appear
to be prevention of cross-contamination by avoiding overlaps of
salmon generations in cultures or biological control by stocking
locally obtained wrasse (cleaner-fish of the family Labriadae) into
cages when salmon first go into the sea cages. Development of
vaccines against sea lice is also a perspective area of control of these

Cryptocaryon disease
Cryptocaryon disease in the fish, also called the Marine white
spot, is caused by the ciliated protozoan parasite. This disease
spreads if the quality of water is not good. If the pH level of the
water is reduced then, it might lead to the Cryptocaryon outbreak.
One of the signs of Cryptocaryon infection is lethargy in the
fish and it might also rub itself against all the objects found in
the aquarium. This type of behaviour is obvious if there is
Cryptocaryon infection. We can notice white spots (2 mm) on
the body and fins. The white spot first appears in the pectoral
fins and then spread to the other parts. The gill is one part that
has many of these organisms. The white spots spread to the entire
body and it might also lead to hemorrhage later. During the
advanced stages of this infection the eyes of the fishes would be
clouded which might cause blindness and lead to other diseases
like fungal infections which adds to the already existing problem.
Since Cryptocaryon is a parasite it will need a host for its
development. During the initial stage the Cryptocaryon will be
free swimming and it will try to find a host for its development.

Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Once it finds a host it will penetrate the skin of the host i.e. the
fish. The free swimming stage of Cryptocaryon is called tomite
and the parasitic stage is called trophont. It feeds on the tissues of
the fish and grows. The size of the parasite double every single day
and it is visible to the naked eye after two days. After about 4 days
a cyst is formed which will give rise to another 100 to 300 tomites.
It is only about 5 to 10 percent of the tomites succeeds in finding
another host for its development. Every week you can find the
population of Cryptocaryon increases ten times. Due to this rapid
increase the effect of the infection will also increase dramatically.
Acting at the earlier stage of detection of this parasite will be
helpful in eradicating this infection altogether. Dangerous levels
of the infections are reached within 12 days of the infection. So
it is better to start the treatment at the earlier stage itself to remove
those infections.
In the treatment of Cryptocaryon, copper based mediations are
useful. The dosage of copper used should be appropriate so that it
does not affect the fish. The treatment using copper should be done
for several times daily. Even after removal of the parasite the treatment
has to be continued for about a week so that you remove all the
latent tomonts too. This is to ensure that the fish is not affected
again. Fresh water bath will be tolerated by the fish for about half an
hour only. However we have to maintain the pH of this water too.

Alicia E. Toranzo,A.E., Magarinos, B., Romalde, J.L. (2005) A review of
the main bacterial fish diseases in mariculture systems. Aquaculture, 246:
Muroga, K. (2001) Viral and bacterial diseases of marine fish and shellfish
in Japanese hatcheries. Aquaculture, 202: 2344.
Huguenin, E. (1997) The design, operations and economics of cage culture
systems. Aquacultural Engineering 16: 167-203.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Xiao-Wen Wang, X-W., Ao, J.Q., Li, Q.G., Chen, X.H. (2006)
Quantitative detection of a marine fish iridovirus isolated from large yellow
croaker, Pseudosciaena crocea, using a molecular beacon. Journal of
Virological Methods 133: 7681.
Gibson-Kueh, S., P. Netto, P., Ngoh-Lim, G.H., Chang, S.F., Ho,L.L.,Qin,
Q.W., Chua, F.H.C,a,. Ng, M.L., Ferguson, H.W. (2003) The Pathology
of Systemic Iridoviral Disease in Fish. J. Comp. Path. 129: 111119.
Cawthorn, R.J. (2011) Diseases of American lobsters (Homarus
americanus): A review. J. Invertebr. Pathol 106 (2011) 7178.
Cano, I., Alonso, M.C, Garcia-Rosado, E., Rodriguez Saint-Jean, S., Castro,
D., Borrego, J.J. (2006) Detection of lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV)
in asymptomatic cultured gilt-head seabream (Sparus aurata, L.) using an
immunoblot technique. Veterinary Microbiology 113: 137141.
Pirarat, N., Pratakpiriya,W., Jongnimitpaiboon, K., Sajjawiriyakul, K.,
Rodkhum, C., Chansue, N. (2011) Lymphocystis disease in cultured false
clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) Aquaculture. doi: 10.1016/


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture


A.P. Dineshbabu

he importance and popularity of culture of food fishes is

increasing rapidly in coastal states of India. The support
and expanse of marketing network and advancement of
preservation technologies solved long standing problems
marketing in domestic as well as international market. In view
of its high demand in internal and international market, more
and more entrepreneurs are getting interested in the farming of
food fishes. Innovations in cage culture technology and its success
has drawn the attention of policy makers into giving thrust on
food fish culture. Those who have invested huge amount in
shrimp culture installations along the coastal areas are also
showing interest in switching over to food fish farming following
these developments and setback in shrimp culture. In estuaries
cage culture is the most viable technique to rear fin fishes. The
indigenous technology is developed in cage culture of food fishes


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

in India. There are two general types of cages, floating and

stationary. A floating cage is made up of a floating unit from
which a single or a series of netcages are suspended. Some of
them are mobile and can be easily towed away. A stationary cage,
on the other hand, is tied to fixed poles at their corners. In Asia,
finfish like grouper (Epinephelus tauvina), seabass (Lates calcarifer),
snapper (Lutjanus spp.) and siganid (Siganus spp.) are cultured
in commercial scales in tropical countries such as Singapore,
Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong.
Fishing and aquaculture are in the past have tended to be
treated as distinct and isolated sectors. capture-based aquaculture
is form of overlap between fisheries and aquaculture which is
being propagated in many parts of the world successfully. The
fishing is put at the service of aquaculture or aquaculture is
practiced to avoid the loss of fishery due to juvenile exploitation.
Capture-based aquaculture is the practice of collecting "seed"
material from early life stages to adults - from the wild, and its
subsequent on-growing in captivity to marketable size, using
aquaculture techniques.
Capture Based Aquaculture (CBA) is a global activity but
has specific characteristics that depend on geographical location
and the species being cultured. The species groups used in
capture-based aquaculture include molluscs (e.g. oysters, mussels,
scallops), crustaceans (e.g. shrimps, crabs) and finfish (e.g. eels,
grey mullets, milkfish, yellowtails, groupers, rabbitfish, tunas).
In world wide CBA is practiced in many species following are
some of the species, with the countries where it is practiced.
Shrimp (Penaeidae) in South America and South-East Asia;
Milkfish (Chanos chanos) in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pacific
Islands and Indonesia;
Eels (Anguilla spp.) in Asia, Europe, Australia and North
America, mainly in China, Japan, Taiwan Province of China,
The Netherlands, Denmark and Italy;


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

Yellowtails (Seriola spp.), mainly in Japan, Taiwan Province

of China, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, Italy, Spain, Australia and
New Zealand;
Tunas (Thunnus spp.) in Australia, Japan, Canada, Spain,
Mexico, Croatia, Italy, Malta, Morocco and Turkey
Groupers (Epinephelus spp.), which is now widespread in
Indonesia, Malaysia,Philippines, Taiwan Province of China,
Thailand, Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China, and Viet
Nam, and in other parts of the tropics, for example in
southeasternUSA and Caribbean. Grouper culture is also ongoing in India, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea
and Australia.
These species are caught and farmed using various techniques
and systems, depending on different cultural, economic and
ethnical traditions. In some areas this is typically artisanal, rather
than industrial in nature. Economic considerations are the key
drivers for capture-based aquaculture. The selection of species
for culture reflects their acceptability and demand in local or
international markets. Market requirements are determined
primarily by peoples tastes and customs. As capture-based
aquaculture potentially generates higher profits than other
aquaculture systems, the market demand for the products and
species cultured is high and it is likely that efforts to promote
this activity will significantly increase. This development will be
capable of causing a number of very important and diverse effects,
not all of them beneficial.
Cage based aquaculture is getting adopted rapidly in many
parts of the country. When it is being practiced in high intensity
some of the scientific factors has to be taken care.
The number of cages should be according to the carrying
capacity of the water body and the number of cages exceeds its
carrying capacity, it will effect fish growth and survival.
There is a strong need for better data on the biology and


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

fisheries of the species. Accumulation of uneaten feed and fish

excreta under the cage can become an environmental problem,
but this can be avoided by selecting a site with good water
exchange to install the cage. Capture-based aquaculture provides
significant positive returns in areas with depressed and marginal
economies, and an alternative livelihood for coastal communities.
However, the difficulties of marketing fresh fish and supplying
markets that demand live fish (e.g. groupers), and the need to
expand markets limit its potential. Skill gaps are evident in the
sector, including specific knowledge on economics and
management, the suitability of individual (new) species for
culture, information on their biology and dietary requirements,
and marketing. Capture-based aquaculture is labour intensive
in its farming and processing operations, and can contribute to
poverty alleviation in developing countries.

Legal and security issues

We will have to envisage some difficulties in future development
of capture based aquaculture. Security of the cages is the major
issue. For leasing the inland waters and estuaries, the provisions
were made in the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution
of India empower the panchayats to perform functions
mentioned in the eleventh schedule of the Constitution in 29
subjects including fisheries. However, due to lack of legal clarity
this has not been implemented in any panchayat. Leases policies
should be guided by a set of rules and principles relevant to
public trust responsibilities and should specify the size of farm,
duration of farming and other terms of lease. Rents thus collected
should be used for development of coastal areas.

Food safety issues

The success of cage culture depends on maintaining good water
quality around the fish cages and so it is in the farmers best interests
to minimize environmental impacts. Size and intensity of the
process should fit to the size of the water body and water exchange


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

rate. It may facilitate to overcome adverse impacts on water and

sediment quality. In common with other types of aquaculture,
careful choice of aquafeed ingredients and on-growing sites, in
addition to good management practices, are necessary to avoid
the accumulation of chemical and antibiotic residues, in order to
ensure the continued safety of farmed products. Capture-based
aquaculture provides other opportunities to reduce the risks
associated with food safety.

Demonstration experiments by
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute is one of the pioneer
Research Centres in transferring mariculture technologies in the
State of Karnataka. The participatory approach gave exposure to
the local fishers on the finfish rearing aspects besides creating
awareness on this lucrative farming technique. Encouraged by this
success many fishermen group evinced interest in rearing finfish
in suitable farming areas near their backyard.
Karnataka state has 8,000 hectares of unpolluted brackish waters
and estuarine areas, which are highly suitable for capture based
aquaculture. The local fishermen use dragnets, castnets and gillnets
in estuarine and coastal waters, which harvest juveniles of
commercially important cultivable finfishes. These juveniles fishes
though live at harvest are invariably discarded due to low market
demand. The juvenile of commercially important species such as
redsnapper, pearlspot, mullets, seabass etc are available in the
inshore waters of Karnataka for CBA.

Seed survey for cultivable finfishes

Detailed survey of the estuaries and coastal waters were done
from Mangalore Research centre to study the availability of fish
seed along the coast. The gears operated during the monsoon
season were hand trawls, cast nets and gillnets. It was observed
that during the monsoon season lots of juveniles of economically
important species are also caught along with the market size


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

fishes. Etroplus and Gerres juveniles are caught in large quantity

in Netravathi and Gangoli estuary. Usually these are discarded
and efforts are made to collect these fishes and grow them in the
cages as a part of CBA programme. Cages of netlon material
was designed with inner nylon net to grow the juveniles discarded
in fishery. Specially designed netlon cages fabricated locally with
the participation of the fishermen were used for farming. The
dimensions of the cages 2.5x2.5 m with a depth of 1.5 m
Provisons were made to withstand water level changes during
high tide and low tide.

Demonstration experiments in Karnataka

The concept of CBA was introduced in this village by
collection of Lutjanus argentimaculatus, Etroplus suratensis and Lates
calcarifer fingerlings and stocking in floating cages of 2.5 m x 2.5
m x 2 m, made of Netlon (mesh of 30 mm) lined with nylon net.
It was envisaged to use local seeds for culture, in addition to assure
good production seeds for Lates calcarifer was supplemented by
CMFRI. The netlon cages was designed and fabricated by CMFRI
with the participation of local fishermen. Five cages were provided
to the fishermen for stocking the fingerlings.
The technology envisages the utilization of juveniles which
were otherwise discarded due to small size, but if there is a high
demand for the seeds for cage culture, this exploitation may lead
to stock reduction in estuaries and also lead to social conflict
between capture fisheries and culture fisheries. The development
of seed production in hatcheries on an economically viable
commercial scale, and the refinement of grow-out technology
to ensure that the fattening phase is environmentally acceptable
are the critical issues for the future. Failure to address these matters
successfully would have severe consequences for both aquaculture
and capture fisheries. So attempts are being made to complement
the CBA cages with hatchery reared finishes which may be a viable
option in the future.


Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The red snapper and pearlspot fingerlings were continuously
stocked by fishermen and the fishermen community was engaged
in the cage setting, cage cleaning, feed sourcing, feed preparation
and feeding. Feeding was done with locally available trash fish
and also fish waste from fish processing areas/plants.

Production and Harvest:

Altogether five cages were installed and three of the cages were
partially harvested as and when the fishes were grown to marketable
size, to meet day to day needs of the fishermen. Two cages were
spared for final harvest to demonstrate total production possible
from these cages.
Theses cages were harvested during July, 2011, when the
mechanized fishing is banned. The Lutjanus sps attained an average
weight of 755 415 g ranging from 105 to 1,914 g. The pearlspot
ranged from 37-222 g (96 35g). About 255 numbers of seabass
of average weight 1819 540 g was harvested. The total production
from the cages including seabass, red snapper and pearlspot was
around ~400 kg realizing a farm gate price of ~ Rs 75,000 per cage.

Table 1.Harvest details (2 cages)


Mean size
350 70 mm

Red snapper (190-500 mm)

158 17 mm

(115-205 mm)
510 50 mm


(310-620 mm)

Mean weight Numbers wt.(kg)
755 415g
(105-1914g) 105
96 35g
1819 540g
(262-3049g) 255

Production per cage



750 1,48,500





Handbook on Open Sea Cage Culture

The fishermen view this as an alternative source of fish when

adverse climatic conditions prevent them from venturing into
the sea. This concept could be popularized along the coast of
Karnataka and sustainable use of the finfish resources to augment
the fish production could be done. Demonstration of this
methodology encouraged the fishermen to install cages of similar
type in the estuary and at present many cages stocked with
fingerlings of L. argentimaculatus, E. suratensis and L. calcarifer
are found in the village. Thus this concept of CBA was adopted
by the fishermen and the diffusion of the technology in this
village has been phenomenal. This concept could be popularized
along the coastal Karnataka and sustainable use of the finfish
resources to augment the fish production could be done. The
popularization and adoption of the concept of CBA by the
fishermen would generate alternate livelihood, income and
contribute to fish production of the region.


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