D2a Aquaculture Briefing Note
D2a Aquaculture Briefing Note
D2a Aquaculture Briefing Note
Implementation of
Maritime Spatial
Planning in the
Celtic Seas Aquaculture
Component 1.2.1
Spatial Demands and
Scenarios for Maritime
Sectors and Marine
Deliverable 2
Sectoral briefing notes
Distribution of Activity......................................................................................................................2
National Policy...................................................................................................................................... 5
• The aquaculture sector in Europe has been described as ‘stagnating’, due to its lack of
growth compared to the aquaculture sector globally. Therefore it has become a priority
sector for the European Union’s Blue Growth agenda, with concerted efforts to stimulate
• Within the SIMCelt project area, the main aquaculture species include Altantic Salmon,
which is the main product of Scottish aquaculture, mussels, with Ireland, Wales and
France (Brittany) key producers and oysters.
• Under reforms to the Common Fisheries Policy, all European Member States are required
to produce Multiannual National Plans for sustainable aquaculture development. These
plans are based around the themes of simplifying administrative procedures for
aquaculture development, enhancing competitiveness of the sector, coordinated spatial
planning and promoting a level playing field for EU producers through exploiting their
competitive advantages.
• Processes for the authorisation of new aquaculture sites vary across the administrations
within the SIMCelt area; however all involve obtaining licences and permissions from
more than one body, for example relating to the health of species and biosecurity, rights
to use the foreshore/sea bed and permissions for related infrastructure or access to sites.
• Drivers of change in the aquaculture sector include continued financial support from the
European Union to support sustainable aquaculture, increasing consumer demand
through promotion of aquaculture products, increasing use of multitrophic systems that
support several species and the potential for the development of multi-use platforms
with sectors such as offshore wind energy
• A critical issue for the development of aquaculture is the availability of suitable sites and
the potential for conflict with other marine users. Early stakeholder engagement in
maritime spatial planning processes to determine future spatial requirements for the
sector and to minimise potential conflicts will be essential.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 1
United Kingdom
In Northern Ireland there are currently 32 licenced Finfish farms, 2 of which are marine based
and 46 licenced Shellfish farms (45 of those marine) covering 54 licenced sites. Most shellfish
sites are located within Northern Ireland’s sea Loughs at Larne, Belfast, Strangford,
Carlingford and Dundrum Bay whilst marine finfish sites are located along the Antrim coast.
In 2016 the aquaculture sector produced 3,438 tonnes of shellfish valued at £4,300,539 and
1069 tonnes of finfish valued at £4,162,999.
The majority of Scotland’s marine aquaculture sites are located on the north and western
coasts. In 2015, marine production was undertaken by 16 businesses farming 254 active sites.
Atlantic Salmon dominates finfish production, with 171,722 tonnes produced, compared to
4,678 tonnes of marine produced rainbow trout (Marine Scotland Science, 2016a). Mussels,
oysters and scallops are the main shellfish species cultivated, with 7,270 tonnes of mussels
produced in 2015 and over 5 million Pacific Oyster shells produced for on-growing (Marine
Scotland Science, 2016b).
Aquaculture activity in Wales is comprised of (freshwater) finfish production, shellfish and
crustaceans. The commercial shellfish aquaculture sector in Wales produces the highest
annual tonnage of shellfish of all the UK devolved administrations, with 8996 tonnes of mussel
produced in 2012, compared to 5966 in England, 6277 in Scotland and 4783 in Northern
Ireland (ABPmer, 2015). The key sites for shellfish aquaculture are located around the Menai
Straits in North Wales, plus Swansea Bay and Camarthen Bay in South Wales.
Within England (the SIMCelt project area) key shellfish aquaculture sites are located in the
north west along the Cumbria coast (oyster and mussels)and in the south west mainly along
the south Cornwall and Devon coasts (oysters, mussels and scallops). There are no marine
(saltwater) species farmed in these areas (Hambrey and Evans, 2016)
Aquaculture is a long-established activity in France, with the region of Brittany leading in the
production of aquaculture products (approximately 29,200 tons of shellfish was produced
in northern Brittany in 2014, with a value of €85.3 million). The main aquaculture products
from this region are farmed fish (salmon, bar, turbot, sea bream and sea trout) and shellfish,
with mussels being the dominant shellfish species cultivated in north Brittany (oyster
cultivation is dominant in the south of the region, whilst, clams and other species are also
grown). There is also an increasing demand for seaweed production (algoculture) for food
consumption and added value products such as health foods and cosmetics, with kombu
(kelp) being the main species harvested.
In Ireland the main marine aquaculture species in terms of production volume are mussels,
oysters, Atlantic salmon and trout. Nearly 10,000 tonnes of rope-grown mussels and 6,000
tonnes of seabed cultured mussels were produced in 2016. Galway and Cork were the largest
producers of rope mussel whilst Kerry, Louth and Wexford were the largest producers of
seabed mussel. 16,300 tonnes of salmon were produced in the same period, largely on the
west coast of Ireland in counties such as Cork, Donegal, Mayo and Kerry. Production of oyster
occurs at sites all around the coast of Ireland, including Waterford, Donegal and Cork1.
Figures from Bord Iascaigh Mhara (2017)
A Q U A C U LT U R E 2
Aquaculture has been described by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (UN-FAO) as probably the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world2.
Fisheries and seafood products are recognised as providing high nutritional value in terms
of proteins, fatty acids vitamins and minerals, whilst aquatic plants can provide nutritional
benefits, biofuels and cosmetic products. Per capita fish consumption is estimated to have
reached about 20 kg in 2014, with aquaculture overtaking capture fisheries as the main source
of fish for human consumption for the first time (OECD-UNFAO, 2015). Under different
scenarios explored by UN-FAO up to 2022 (UNFAO, 2014), aquaculture production in Europe
is likely to grow by between 10% (as a base line) and 28% (being the most optimistic
scenario), with consumption per capita also likely to increase by between 8% to 17%.
Blue Growth
Aquaculture forms one of the five pillars of the European Commission’s Blue Growth Strategy.
Acknowledging that European aquaculture is ‘stagnant’ relative to the performance of the
sector in other parts of the world, the Strategy outlines potential for growth in the sector, by
providing more quality merchandise to consumers willing to choose fresh, trustworthy
products, increasingly including those that are sustainably or organically produced. This
would boost aquaculture businesses, the majority being SMEs, and help coastal communities
to diversify their own economies whilst supporting sustainable fisheries. The Strategy notes
the lack of space for aquaculture activity as a barrier to development, and proposes that
colocation of aquaculture production with other maritime activities such as energy
production as an approach that would be beneficial for other users of sea space.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 3
Under the priority of simplifying administrative procedures, it is noted that licensing and
authorisations for aquaculture development are often lengthy processes and
disproportionately burden small enterprises. To reduce the time taken the Commission
proposes to work with Member States to map administrative procedures so that bottlenecks,
best practices and areas for improvement can be identified.
The Atlantic Action Plan emphasises the revitalisation of aquaculture and improving
competitiveness of the sector, which is characterised by the prevalence of small to medium
sized firms, through a number of approaches. These include:
• Improving skills and education, enabling firms to specialise, innovate and adapt to
new technologies;
A Q U A C U LT U R E 4
In line with the requirements of the Common Fisheries Policy, the UK government has set out
how it will encourage growth in the aquaculture sector in its Multiannual National Plan for
the Development of Sustainable Aquaculture (MANP) which was published in 2015. The
MANP responds to the four strategic priority areas in the Commission’s Strategic Guidelines
for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture in the following ways:
• Several Orders are granted for the setting up or improving of private shellfisheries.
They allow legal ownership of certain named species in a private shell fishery, e.g.
oysters, mussels and others. General fishing practices may be restricted in areas
with Several Orders to prevent disturbance to the farmed species;
• Regulating Orders give the right to manage exploitation of a natural shell fishery.
Holders of Regulating Orders can issue licences to others to take shellfish from the
designated area, set conditions for licensees and manage the shellfishery.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 5
Several and Regulating Orders are usually time limited to 10-20 years or 20-30 years
respectively but can be made for up to 60 years.
The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) is a non-departmental public body established by
the 1981 Fisheries Act and sponsored by the four Fisheries Administrations of the UK
(Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Marine Scotland, Department
for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Northern Ireland (DAERA) and the Welsh
Government) to improve efficiency and raise standards across the UK fisheries industry. The
work of Seafish is aligned against three high level objectives – promote consumption, enhance
reputation and inform decisions.
• Providing advice;
• the impacts of climate change and the UK’s ability to adapt to it;
• emergency response.
To set up an aquaculture production site, consent must be granted by the Fish Health
Inspectorate. FHI will ensure that appropriate biosecurity measures are in place. A licence
must also be obtained from the Marine Management Organisation. Cefas (the Centre for
Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) and Local Planning Authorities must also
be consulted for any new aquaculture site. For seaweed harvesting, a foreshore or seabed
licence is required from The Crown Estate.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 6
In 2012 England Aquaculture Plan Consultation group, on behalf of Defra launched a
consultation on Planning for sustainable growth in the English Aquaculture Industry.
This consultation document set out a number of recommendations to support the sustainable
development of the English aquaculture industry including increased access to finance,
developing a strategic framework for aquaculture research relevant to English requirements,
streamlining assessment and consenting procedures for coastal and marine aquaculture and
ensuring that aquaculture is adequately integrated into the marine planning process to ensure
goals for expansion of the sector are taken into account. The results of this consultation were
intended to feed into an English Aquaculture Plan, however this has yet to be developed.
Northern Ireland
The Marine and Fisheries division of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural
Affairs (DAERA) is responsible for the licensing of fish farms in Northern Ireland under the
Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966. This includes the granting of Fish Culture Licences,
Shellfish Fishery Licences and Marine Fish Fishery Licences. Like Several Orders that apply in
other administrations of the UK, a Shellfish Fishery Licence grants the holder the exclusive
right to cultivate a particular species of shellfish in the licenced area.
In April 2013, the Northern Ireland Agri-Food Strategy Board published the ‘Going for Growth’
Strategy. The Strategy is aimed at accelerating the growth of farming, fishing/aquaculture
and food and drink processing to 2020 and beyond. In terms of aquaculture and fisheries,
the Strategy notes that approximately £10 million of aquaculture products were landed in
Northern Ireland in 2010. The ambition for the sector (including fisheries and processing) up
to 2020, is to grow turnover by 34% to £90 million. To achieve this, the Strategy sets out
recommendations including:
• Facilitating access to offshore and coastal sites and fostering opportunities for
sustainable aquaculture e.g. by providing access to seed and grow mussels and
oysters, and to maximise the opportunities presented by the harvesting of seaweed;
• Identifying EU funding sources that can be used to support the aquaculture sector;
Fish or seaweed farming requires a Crown Estate Scotland lease, however CES has not
statutory functions in relation to fish farming. Planning consent for fish farms is granted by
local authorities. Fish farming in marine waters may also require a licence from Marine
Scotland and authorisation under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland)
Regulations 2005 from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.
In 2009 the Scottish Government published A Fresh Start: the Renewed Strategic Framework
for Scottish Aquaculture. This set out five key themes for the aquaculture industry, including:
• Improved containment;
A Q U A C U LT U R E 7
The Aquaculture and Fisheries Act (Scotland) 2013 aims to ensure that farmed and wild
fisheries - and their interactions with each other - continue to be managed effectively,
maximising their combined contribution to supporting sustainable economic growth with
due regard to the wider marine environment. This includes making provisions for controlling
the movement of commercially damaging species.
A Scottish Ministerial Group for Sustainable Aquaculture (MGSA) was established in 2013 to
support a sustainable industry and help it achieve growth targets. The MGSA is chaired by
the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform with representation from
industry, wild fish interests, environment NGOs, Local Authority Planners, the enterprise
network, The Crown Estate and regulatory bodies; and progressed through time-limited
project-based working groups, for example on technical standards for finfish aquaculture,
defining an aquaculture research strategy and farmed fish health and welfare.
Scotland’s National Marine Plan sets out ambitious objectives for the sector to become an
aquaculture industry that is sustainable, diverse, competitive economically viable and which
contributes to food security whilst minimising environmental impact. The Marine Plan also
provides support for the industry’s target to grow marine finfish (including farmed Atlantic
salmon) production sustainably to 210,000 tonnes; and shellfish, particularly mussels, to
13,000 tonnes sustainably by 2020.
• Identification of areas by terrestrial and marine planners that may be sensitive and
unsuitable for development.
In addition, National Marine Plan policies support the diversification of farmed species
(subject to other conditions and policies being met) and the need for Government,
aquaculture companies and Local Authorities to work together to maximise benefit to
communities from aquaculture.
The regulation of aquaculture is a devolved matter to the Welsh Government, who have
delegated the operation of marine licensing to Natural Resources Wales through the Marine
Licensing (Delegation of Functions) (Wales) Order 2013. Authorisation is required from the
Fish Health Inspectorate to set up a fish, shellfish or crustacean farm and a seabed lease from
The Crown Estate may also be needed. Natural Resources Wales regulate development of
any associated infrastructure.
In 2013 the Welsh Government published the Wales Marine and Fisheries Strategic Action
Plan. This set out the Government’s commitment to grow the aquaculture sector’s output
from 1,000 to 2,000 tonnes of finfish and 8,000 to 16,000 tonnes of shellfish by 2020.
Initiatives contained within the Plan to support marine and fisheries management included:
• Drawing down funding from the European Marine and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) to
support ‘Smart Green’ aquaculture. i.e. developing practices that are less damaging
to the environment and help build resilience to external factors such as disease of
marine species;
• Simplifying and harmonising regulation for cockle, crustacean and sea Bass
A Q U A C U LT U R E 8
• Developing capacity building, innovation and partnerships between operators and
scientific bodies to support sustainable aquaculture.
• Macroalgal production is possible, but further investigation into demand for this
type of product is required if demand for it;
• Potential sites for crustacean aquaculture were identified, but major constraints
relate to the viability of hatchery production and containing stock within a given
• Large areas have potential for finfish aquaculture, however competition from
Scottish salmon farming suggests that alternative species should be cultivated.
This would require further detailed investigation of environmental conditions before
any production takes place.
This report also fed into the identification of Strategic Resource Areas for aquaculture in the
Draft Welsh National Marine Plan (2017). The Draft Plan reinforces the Welsh Government’s
commitment to double aquaculture production by 2020, and calls on organisations such as
the Welsh Government, The Crown Estate, industry and Natural Resources Wales to collaborate
to support opportunities to develop the sector, including utilising resources away from
less sensitive areas. Aquaculture proposals are particularly encouraged where they can demon-
strate that they are within Strategic Resource Areas, or make use of existing or planned fixed
structures such as renewable energy developments, thereby optimising use of marine space.
In France the Directorate of Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture (DPMA), part of the Ministry
of Agriculture and Food is responsible for developing and implementing policy relating to
marine fisheries, seafood and aquaculture and the control and regulation of these sectors.
The DPMA is also responsible for overseeing the monitoring and supervision of aquaculture
and fisheries activities and oversees the work of Agrimer, France’s national agriculture and
sea products organisation, which provides a place for exchange between industry and public
authorities. Many of DPMA’s services have been decentralised to the Interregional
Departments of the Sea (DIRM).
A Q U A C U LT U R E 9
Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Committees are part of the National Committee for Marine
Fisheries and Marine Farming (CNPMEM), governed by Article 88 of the Modernisation of
Agriculture and Fisheries Act. CNPMEM’s role involves the promotion of sustainable fisheries,
environmental protection, implementing public policy, and representing its members from
the fisheries sector. Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Committees are organised at national,
regional and sometimes (inter-) departmental level.
The Modernisation of Agriculture and Fisheries Act of 2010 makes provision for regional
aquaculture development schemes (SDRAM), in order to identify existing and new sites for
the development of the sector. Areas identified as ‘conducive to the development of
aquaculture’ should be discussed in consultation with local stakeholders, fisheries committees
and the Interregional Directorate of the Sea (for the part of France within the SIMCelt project
area, this is la Direction Interrégionale de la Mer Nord Atlantique – Manche Ouest (DIRM-
NAMO). This process has been highlighted as a ‘best practice’ in aquaculture that has been
incorporated into the Multiannual National Plan.
France’s Multiannual National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Aquaculture (2014-
2020) sets ambitious national growth objectives for aquaculture, with the ambition to
increase volume of production from 218,000 tonnes to 265,000 tonnes in 2020. However
this is dependent on external factors such as oyster mortality, which was badly affected by
viral infection during 2008-2014 with regards to fish farming, the Plan seeks to increase
marine fish farming by 233% in volume during the same period. Simplifying administrative
procedures, coordinated spatial planning, enhanced competitiveness through added value
products, improved traceability, and increasing the attractiveness of employment in the
aquaculture sector are all proposed to develop the sector.
The French Stratégie Nationale Mer et Littoral (national strategy for the marine and coast)
published in 2017 makes particular mention of aquaculture with regards to :
• The creation of maritime spatial plans that provide favourable conditions for the
development of aquaculture;
A Q U A C U LT U R E 10
• Future developments in blue biotechnology, with seaweed and algae being
important contributors to new pharmaceutical and cosmetic products;
• Identifying new synergies between tourism, fisheries and the aquaculture sectors to
develop more sustainable tourism- the subject of ongoing study.
Aquaculture licensing is administered through the Aquaculture and Foreshore Management
Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. The Division also processes
companion foreshore licences required for coastal aquaculture operations.
Bord Iascaigh Mhara is Ireland’s seafood development agency. Its mission is to grow a thriving
Irish seafood industry; expand the raw material base, add value and develop efficient supply
chains that deliver on the Government’s Food Harvest 2020 targets for seafood and create
sustainable jobs.
The Marine Institute is Ireland’s State agency responsible for marine science. The Institute
provides a range of scientific advice services to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the
Marine concerning aquaculture.
The Food Harvest 2020 (FH2020) Strategy was published by the then Department of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in July 2010. This strategy, which was primarily industry-led,
set the direction of agri-food, forestry and seafood for the next decade. Recommendations for
aquaculture sector related to competitiveness, marketing and management issues, including:
• Cooperation between the Marine Institute and Bord Iscaigh Mhara to develop
inshore and offshore aquaculture and alternative species on a commercial scale;
Following on from Food Harvest 2020 DAFM published Food Wise 2025, the Report of the
2025 Agri Food Strategy Committee. This noted that rising global demand for seafood and
the high dependence of European countries on seafood imports. Within Ireland, challenges
facing the sector include:
A Q U A C U LT U R E 11
These challenges are addressed in Ireland’s National Strategic Plan for Sustainable
Aquaculture Development (Multi-Annual National Plan), which was published in 2015. This
Plan targeted volume growth of 45,000 by 2023 (=122%) and listed a series of actions to
bolster the aquaculture sector including:
• Apply ‘Guiding Principles’ for the sustainable development of aquaculture that have
been recommended by the Marine Institute (responsible planning, ecosystem
protection, a science based approach, openness, transparency and accountability
and industry best practice) and scale limits ad phasing for offshore salmon farms;
In addition to these actions, the Strategy recognises the need to have aquaculture that is
“incorporated into an effective and equitable marine spatial planning system” (p84). To do
this, aquaculture’s future spatial needs must be taken into consideration in marine plans. The
strategy proposes to undertake an opportunities and constraints mapping exercise to
understand the economic, social and environmental constraints that may influence the
location and type of future aquaculture activities.
On 31 May 2017, the report of an Independent Review of the Aquaculture Licensing Process
and Associated Legal Framework was published by the Department of Agriculture Food and
Marine, with a number of recommendations, including:
Isle of Man
Aquaculture is regulated under the Isle of Man Fisheries Act 2012. For anyone wishing to
undertake aquaculture on the foreshore, sea bed or in the sea must apply to the Department
of Infrastructure for a licence. At present there are no licenced marine aquaculture sites on
the Isle of Man.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 12
As Europe seeks to increase aquaculture production, this will bring with it a number of
benefits to the sector itself along with a range of wider socio-economic and environmental
impacts. These include:
• Increase in aquaculture production and supply of products can lead to lower prices
which benefit consumers;
• Increasing demand for fishmeal to support the farming of larger fish species
requires more intensive fishing and use of smaller fish species. By-products of
aquaculture and fisheries processing for human consumption are increasingly being
recycled for use as feed (Gamble, 2012).
• Physical loss of habitats where cages, poles, ropes and other equipment are used.
The compatibility of aquaculture with other sectors may also bring new opportunities and
benefits. For example:
Additional opportunities for developing synergies between aquaculture and other sectors
are considered as Drivers for Change in the section below.
A Q U A C U LT U R E 13
The following have been identified as potential drivers of change in the marine aquaculture
• More efficient licensing processes to enable faster establishment of aquaculture sites;
• Lack of suitable sites for aquaculture in some areas may act as a barrier to growth.
Moving aquaculture to sites further offshore could offer a solution to this but these
require further investment in infrastructure and technology, plus there is an
increased risk associated with operating in more exposed conditions.
• Pre-selection of aquaculture areas (e.g. through sectoral plans or marine plans) can
reduce cost for companies in terms of site identification, Environmental Impact
Assessments etc. This can lead to increased investments in sites;
• Continued financial support from the European Union and other institutions will help
to deliver new operations or help established businesses adapt to new markets and
• Improvement of water quality through successful implementation of the Water
Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Framework Directive to support production
of the highest quality shellfish (Agri-Food Strategy Board, 2013); 3
• The Welsh National Marine Plan Initial Draft (Welsh Government, 2015) identifies
potential impacts of climate change on aquaculture, including changes to the general
conditions under which aquaculture species grow, such as seawater temperature, plus
changes in rainfall and run-off leading to increased turbidity and nutrient loading;
• Development of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), or polyculture, where
different species such as shellfish, seaweed and fish are cultivated together to enable
the recycling of nutrients through the food chain (Science for Environment Policy,
Agri-Food Strategy Board (2013) Going for Growth, p64
A Q U A C U LT U R E 14
At this stage in aquaculture development most sites operate within a relatively small strip of
the coastal zone which do not have significant implications for transboundary governance
and cooperation. However, as the sector continues to grow the following issues may arise:
• As aquaculture grows, more space will need to be allocated to sites that are
suitable for aquaculture production. This may lead to conflict with other coastal
users and potentially also zones for conservation such as Natura 2000 sites, SPAs
and SACs. Moving sites further offshore and activities associated with this (e.g.
more boating to reach cages, installation of partially equipment) may lead to
conflicts with different users. Early stakeholder engagement in planning for new
aquaculture sites will be necessary to reduce conflict;
ABPmer (2015) A Spatial Assessment of the Potential for Aquaculture in Welsh Waters,
Report for Welsh Government http://gov.wales/docs/drah/publications/150702-a-spatial-
[Last accessed 16th June 2017]
Agri-Food Strategy Board (2013) Going for Growth – a Strategic Action Plan in Support
of the Northern Ireland Agri-Food Industry
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (2014) National Strategic Plan for
Sustainable Aquaculture Development
A Q U A C U LT U R E 15
England Aquaculture Plan Consultation Group (2012) Planning for sustainable growth in
the English Aquaculture Industry Produced on behalf of the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs
0112-aquaculture-consult-doc.pdf [Last accessed 2nd June 2017]
Hambrey, J. and Evans, S.(2016) Aquaculture in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: An
Analysis of the Economic Contribution and Value of the Major Sub-Sectors and Most
Important Farmed Species Final Report to Seafish
Marine Scotland Science (2016a) Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2015
Marine Scotland Science (2016b) Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2015
Science for Environment Policy (2015) Sustainable Aquaculture. Future Brief 11. Brief
produced for the European Commission DG Environment by the Science Communication
Unit, UWE, Bristol
ure_FB11_en.pdf [Last accessed 14th June 2017]
UN-FAO (2014) Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand for Food up to 2030 – Special
Focus on Fish and Fishery Products UN-FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular
FIPM//C1089 http://www.fao.org/3/ec04e435-5c8c-4fad-80e6-fc8ab93d2825/i3822e.pdf
A Q U A C U LT U R E 16
Recommended Citation: McGowan, L. (2018)
Maritime Sector Briefing Note: Aquaculture
EU Project Grant Agreement No: EASME/EMFF/2014/ MSP Lot 3.
Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas (SIMCelt).
University of Liverpool
t @simcelt
SIMCelt: Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Celtic Seas is an EU Project
(Grant No.: EASME/EMFF/2014/ MSP Lot 3.)
funded by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
It is a two year project running until 28th December 2017.