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Steganography Synopsis

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Project Title:

Analysis of various Steganography algorithms and their implementation.

Submitted By:

Group 5 Eighth Semester Department of I.T.

Project Title:

Analysis of various Steganography algorithms and their implementation.

Project Guide:

Mr. A.K. Maji Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology

Team Members: Trinayan Chakraborty

Hriday Das Pranjal Bharali Firoz Ahmed Choudhury

Introduction and Project Briefing:

Steganography: Steganography in Greek means covered writing. Steganography is the process of hiding the one information into other sources of information like text, image or audio file, so that it is not visible to the natural view. There are varieties of steganographi c techniques available to hide the data depending upon the carriers we use. Steganography and cryptography both are used for the purpose of sending the data securely. The same approach is followed in Steganography as in cryptography like encryption, decryption and secret key. In steganography the message is kept secret without any changes but in cryptography the original content of the message is differed in different stages like encryption and decryption. Steganography supports different types of digital formats that are used for hiding the data. These files are known as carriers. Depending upon the redundancy of the object the suitable formats are used. Redundancy is the process of providing better accuracy for the object that is used for display by th e bits of object.

Literature Survey: The main objectives of the project are Overview of different steganographic algorithms and comparing them in means of speed and quality of hiding. Testing the efficiency and accuracy of hiding the data through algorithms using different software.

In this project, we use a method of encrypting the text files in an image file in order to test the accuracy and efficiency of encryption. This process helps to send the information to the authorised party without any pote ntial risk. The proposed method will help to secure the content within the image and will help to make the document much securer because even though if an unauthorised person succeeds in being able to hack the image, the person will not able to read the message. In this project, we compared three steganographic algorithms in order to compare the hiding capacity and efficiency of hiding the message with in an image. Whenever the data is encrypted using steganographic algorithms with in image, neither the data nor the image it is embedded in should lose its originality. Hence, we compare the different algorithms used for Steganography for the various hiding techniques and formats and analyse the results obtained. The different types of steganographic techniqu es available are: 1. Pure Steganography 2. Public key Steganography 3. Secret key Steganography
Pure Steganography : Pure Steganography is the process of embedding the data into the object without using any private keys. This type of Steganography entirely depends upon the secrecy. This type of Steganography uses a cover image in which data is to be embedded, personal information to be transmitted, and encryption decryption algorithms to embed the message into image. These types of steganography cant provide the better security because it is easy for

extracting the message if the unauthorised person knows the embedding method. It has one advantage that it reduces the difficulty in key sharing .
Secret key Steganography: Secret key Steganography is a nother process of Steganography which uses the same procedure other than using secure keys. It uses the individual key for embedding the data into the object which is similar to symmetric key. For decryption it uses the same key which is used for encryption. This type of Steganography provides better security compared to pure Steganography. The main problem of using this type of steganographic system is sharing the secret key. If the attacker knows the key it will be easier to decrypt and access original information Public key Steganography: Public key Steganography uses two types of keys: one for encryption and another for decryption. The key used for encryption is a private key and for decryption, it is a public key and is stored in a public database

We have implemented the Secret Key Steganography technique in our project. The password shall be provided by the person who does the encryption and it has to be provided to decrypt the message from the image. Apart from Steganographic techniques and passwo rd protection we will also use various encryption techniques to encrypt the message and the password for added security. For encryption and decryption of text messages using the secret keys steganographic system uses algorithms known as steganographic alg orithms. The mostly used algorithms for embedding data into images are :

1. LSB (Least Significant Bit) Algorithm 2. JSteg Algorithm 3. F5 Algorithm

LSB algorithm:

LSB (Least Significant Bit) substitution is the process of adjusting the least significant bit pixels of the carrier image. It is a simple approach for

embedding message into the image. The Least Significant Bit insertion varies according to number of bits in an image. For an 8 bit image, the least significant bit i.e., the 8th bit of each byte of the image is changed to the bit of secret message. For 24 bit image, the colours of each component like RGB (red, green and blue) are changed. LSB is effective in using BMP images since the compression in BMP is lossless. But for hiding the secret message inside an image of BMP file using LSB algorithm it requires a large image which is used as a cover. LSB substitution is also possible for GIF formats, but the problem with the GIF image is whenever the least significant bit is changed the whole colour palette will be changed. The problem can be avoided by only using the gray scale GIF images since the gray scale image contains 256 shades and the changes will be done gradually so that it will be very hard to detect. For JPEG, the direct substitution of steganographic techniques is not possible since it will use lossy compression. So it uses LSB substitution for embedding the data into images. There are many approache s available for hiding the data within an image: one of the simple least significant bit submission approaches is Optimum Pixel Adjustment Procedure. The simple algorithm for OPA explains the procedure of hiding the sample text in an image.
Step1: A few least significant bits (LSB) are substituted with in data to be hidden. Step2: The pixels are arranged in a manner of placing the hidden bits before the pixel of each cover image to minimize the errors. Step3: Let n LSBs be substituted in each pixel. Step4: Let d= decimal value of the pixel after the substitution. d1 = decimal value of last n bits of the pixel. d2 = decimal value of n bits hidden in that pixel. Step5: If (d1~d2)<=(2^n)/2 then no adjustment is made in that pixel. Else Step6: If(d1<d2)

d = d 2^n. If(d1>d2) d = d + 2^n. This d is converted to binary and written back to pixel . This method of substitution is simple and easy to retrieve the data and the image quality better so that it provides good security.
JSTEG algorithm:

JSteg algorithm is one of the steganographic techniques for embedding data into JPEG images. The hiding process will be done by replacing Least Significant Bits (LSB). JSteg algorithm replaces LSBs of quantized Discrete Courier Transform (DCT) coefficients. In this process the hiding mechanism skips all coefficients with the values of 0 or 1. This algorithm is resistant to visual attacks and offers an admirable capacity for steganographic messages. Generally, JSteg steganographic algorithm embedded the messages in lossy compressed JPEG images. It has high capacity and had a compression ratio of 12%. JSteg algorithm is restricted for visual attacks and it is less immune for statistical attacks. Normally, JSteg embeds only in JPEG images. In these JPEG images, the content of the image is transformed into frequency coefficients so as to achieve storage in a very compressed format. There is no visual attack in the sense presented here, due to the influence of one steganographic bit up to 256 pixels.
F5 algorithm:

F5 algorithm was introduced by German researchers Pfitzmann and Westfeld in order to avoid the security problem when embedding the data into the JPEG images. The F5 algorithm embeds the message into randomly chosen Discrete Courier Transform (DCT) coefficients. It utilizes matrix embedding which minimises the changes to be made to the length of certain message. The F5 Algorithm provides high steganographic capacity, and can prevent visual attacks. F5 algorithm is also resistant to statistical attacks. This algorithm uses matrix encoding such that it reduces the number of changes needed to embed a message of certain length. This algorithm avoids the chi-square attack since it doesnt replace or exchange the bits. The resistance is high for both visual and

statistical attacks. It has high embedding capacity that is greater than 13%.This algorithm supports TIFF, BMP, JPEG and GIF formats. The performance of the algorithms differs with the type of cover image or source on which the data is embedded. The comparison of algorithms is tabulated below:
Steganographic algorithm LSB F5 JSteg Speed Quality of hiding Security

High Low Moderate

Good High up to 13.4% Embedding capacity up to 12%

Medium Strong Less

For our project we have decided to use the LSB algorithm which is simple yet efficient. To compensate for the medium security of the LSB algorithm we have used other encryption techniques such as various substitution and transposition ciphers together so as to enhance the security. These encryptions are carried out for both the message and the password. The details are given in the Cryptography part of the report. Cryptography: Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of information security such as confidentiality, data integrity, entity authentication, and data origin authentication . Study of cryptography consists of a number of primitives (basic tasks and algorithms) that can be combined to provide a full range of i nformation security services. The various ciphers we have implemented in our project are discussed in details below. Substitution Cipher (Symmetric Key Encryption): Let A = {A, B, C, . . . X, Y, Z} be the English alphabet. Let M and C be the set of all strings of length five over A. The key e is chosen to be a permutation on A. To encrypt, an English message is broken up into groups each having five letters (with appropriate padding) and a

permut ti e i pplied t each letter one at a time. To decrypt the inverse permutation d = e 1

Example: Using the shi t by 50 characters permutation, the string Hello World will become z R R Transposition Cipher (Symmetric Key Encryption): Transposition Cipher hides the message by rearranging the letter order without altering the actual letters used. We have used the Rail Fence Transposition Cipher for our project which writes message letters out diagonally over a number of rows and then read off cipher row by row. Example: If the message is Hello World we perform a rail fence of depth 2 which then becomes HloWrdel ol

XOR operation: After the message have passed through the ciphers described above they are XORed together to form a single string. Example: The XOR operation between the text Hello World and password 12345 gives the following string (without passing through the encryption part) : yW_XZe\FYU

Only after the message has passed through these encryption parts are they embedded in the image using the LSB algorithm described above.

Current State of Development:

The project is nearly complete with both the encryption part and the steganography part being done. The task of combining them remains along with the documentation part. We hope to complete them within the next few days.

In the present world, the data transfers using internet is rapidly growing because it is so easier as well as faster to transfer the data to destination. So, many individuals and business people use to transfer business documents, important information using internet. Security is an important issue while transferring the data using internet because any unauthorized individual can hack the data and make it useless or obtain information un - intended to him. The proposed approach in this project uses a new steganographic approach called image Steganography. The application creates a stego image in which the personal data is embedded and is protected with a password which is highly secured. The main intention of the project is to develop a steganographic application that provides good security. The proposed approach provides higher security and can protect the message from stego atta cks. The image resolution doesnt change much and is negligible when we embed the message into the image and the image is protec ted with the personal password. So, it is not possible to damage the data by unauthorized personnel. We used the Least Significant Bit algorithm in this project for developing the application which is faster and reliable and compression ratio is moderate compared to other algorithms. The major limitation of the application is designed for bit map images (.bmp). It accepts only bit map images as a carrier file, and the compression depends on the document size as well as the carrier image size.


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