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Branding Terms: Brand Ambassador: A Satisfied Customer Who Voluntarily Recommends The

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Branding Terms

Brand: A brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible,

symbolised in a trademark, which, if managed properly, creates value and
"Value" has different interpretations: from a marketing or consumer
perspective it is "the promise and delivery of an experience"; from a
business perspective it is "the security of future earnings"; from a legal
perspective it is "a separable piece of intellectual property." Brands offer
customers a means to choose and enable recognition within cluttered
Brand Ambassador: A satisfied customer who voluntarily recommends the
brand to others. It could also refer to a marketing jargon for celebrity
endorser or spokes model, a person employed by an organization or
company to promote its products or services. The brand ambassador is
meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values
and ethics.
Brand Architecture: How an organization structures and names the brands
within its portfolio. There are three main types of brand architecture system:
monolithic, where the corporate name is used on all products and services
offered by the company; endorsed, where all sub-brands are linked to the
corporate brand by means of either a verbal or visual endorsement; and
freestanding, where the corporate brand operates merely as a holding
company, and each product or service is individually branded for its target
Brand Associations: The feelings, beliefs, memories, knowledge, etc that is
linked to the consumers (customers) memory about brands. These
associations are derived as a result of experiences and must be consistent
with the brand positioning and the basis of differentiation.
Brand Commitment: The degree to which a customer is committed to a
given brand in that they are likely to re-purchase/re-use in the future. The
level of commitment indicates the degree to which a brand's customer
franchise is protected from competitors.
Brand Earnings: The share of a brand-owning business's cashflow that can
be attributed to the brand alone.
identify/differentiate the brand. The consistent use of Brand Elements in
all marketing programs helps communicate the Brand Character to the
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marketplace. The brand name,logo, slogan, jingle, and packaging style

are all examples of Brand Elements.
Brand Equity: The value derived from the perception or mind share of a
brand rather than the product itself. It also refers to the sum of all
distinguishing qualities of a brand, drawn from all relevant stakeholders, that
result in personal commitment to and demand for the brand; these
differentiating thoughts and feelings make the brand valued and valuable.
Brand Equity Protection Is the implementation of strategies to reduce risk
and liability from the effects attributable to counterfeiting, diversion,
tampering and theft so that the differentiating thoughts and feelings about
the brand are maintained and remain valued and valuable.
Brand Essence The brand's promise expressed in the simplest, most singleminded terms. For example, Volvo = safety; AA = Fourth Emergency Service.
The most powerful brand essences are rooted in a fundamental customer
Brand Experience The means by which a brand is created in the mind of a
stakeholder. Some experiences are controlled such as retail environments,
advertising, products/services, websites, etc. Some are uncontrolled like
journalistic comment and word of mouth. Strong brands arise from consistent
experiences which combine to form a clear, differentiated overall brand
Brand Extension: Using an established brand name on a new product with
similar features as the original. In other words, leveraging the values of the
brand to take the brand into new markets/sectors unrelated to the original
product category. (e.g.: Harley Davidson cologne! (its core product are
(Related, see: Product Line Extension: A product line
extension is the use of an established product brand name for a new item
in the same product category. Line Extensions occur when a company
introduces additional items in the same product category under the
same brand name such as new flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients,
package sizes.)
Brand Harmonisation: Ensuring that all products in a particular brand
range have a consistent name, visual identity and, ideally, positioning across
a number of geographic or product/service markets.
Brand Identity: The outward expression of the brand, including its name
and visual appearance. The brand's identity is its fundamental means of
consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's differentiation from
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Brand Image: The customer's net "out-take" from the brand. For users this
is based on practical experience of the product or service concerned
(informed impressions) and how well this meets expectations; for non-users
it is based almost entirely upon uninformed impressions, attitudes and
Brand Licensing: The leasing by a brand owner of the use of a brand to
another company. Usually a licensing fee or royalty rate will be agreed for
the use of the brand.
Brand Management Practically this involves managing the tangible and
intangible aspects of the brand. For product brands the tangibles are the
product itself, the packaging, the price, etc. For service brands (see Service
Brands), the tangibles are to do with the customer experience - the retail
environment, interface with salespeople, overall satisfaction, etc. For
product, service and corporate brands, the intangibles are the same and
refer to the emotional connections derived as a result of experience, identity,
communication and people. Intangibles are therefore managed via the
manipulation of identity, communication and people skills.
Brand Mission See Brand Platform.
Brand Parity A measure of how similar or different, different brands in the
same category are perceived to be. Brand parity varies widely from one
category to another. It is high for petrol, for example: about 80% of
respondents (BBDO survey) see no real difference between brands. By
contrast, brand parity for cars is low: only about 25% of respondents say that
one make is much the same as another.
Brand Personality:
The attribution of human personality traits
(seriousness, warmth, imagination, etc.) to a brand as a way to achieve
differentiation. Usually done through long-term above-the-line advertising
and appropriate packaging and graphics. These traits inform brand behavior
through both prepared communication/packaging, etc., and through the
people who represent the brand - its employees.
Brand Platform The Brand Platform consists of the following elements:

Brand Vision The brand's guiding insight into its world.

Brand Mission How the brand will act on its insight.

Brand Values The code by which the brand lives. The brand values
act as a benchmark to measure behaviors and performance.

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Brand Personality The brand's personality traits (See also definition

for Brand Personality).

Brand Tone of Voice How the brand speaks to its audiences.

Brand Positioning: The process of adding value to a product by positioning

it differently than competitors brands. It is the distinctive position that a
brand adopts in its competitive environment to ensure that individuals in its
target market can tell the brand apart from others. Positioning involves the
careful manipulation of every element of the marketing mix.
Brand Strategy: A plan for the systematic development of a brand to
enable it to meet its agreed objectives. The strategy should be rooted in the
brand's vision and driven by the principles of differentiation and sustained
consumer appeal. The brand strategy should influence the total operation of
a business to ensure consistent brand behaviors and brand experiences.
Brand Tone of Voice: See Brand Platform.
Brand Valuation: The process of identifying and measuring the economic
benefit - brand value - that derives from brand ownership.
Brand Values: The code by which the brand lives. The brand values act as a
benchmark to measure behaviors and performance. (See also Brand
Brand Vision: See Brand Platform.
Branding: Selecting and blending tangible and intangible attributes to
differentiate the product, service or corporation in an attractive, meaningful
and compelling way.
Co-branding: The use of two or more brand names in support of a new
product, service or venture.
Generic Brand: These are brands of consumer products (often supermarket
goods) that are distinguished by the absence of a brand name. Generic
brands are usually less expensive than brand-name products due to the
lack of promotions, which can inflate the cost of a good or service.

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