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Analysis The Influence of Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction of Domestic Postal Parcels at Kantor Pos Banjarmasin

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Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society

Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang

Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018



Agung Surya Dwianto*, Pupung Purnamasari

Department of Management, STIE Pertiwi, Bekasi


This research is intended to know the influence of service quality (tangibles, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy) either partially or simultaneously to the
consumers’ satisfaction and to know the more dominant influence from quality service
(tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) to the Consumers’
Satisfaction of Post Package Service of PT. Pos Indonesia in Banjarmasin Post
Office.The theory used in this research is Marketing Management Theory related to the
service quality. It uses descriptive quantitative and case study using survey. This is also
explanatory. The technique of data collection is interview, distributing the questioners to
the sample for 100 respondents and documentation study. To test the hypothesis, it uses
multiple regression by using t-test an F-test. The result of study shows that service quality
can be seen from 5 dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and
empathy as simultaneous and partial significant influence to the Consumers’ Satisfaction
of Post Package Service of PT. Pos Indonesia in Banjarmasin Post Office. In this
research, a variable which have significantly dominant influence is responsiveness
variable. With the value of determination coefficient (R Square) 69,4%, it means that the
independent variable may describe dependent variable, while the remaining 30,6% is
explained by the other independent variables which are not included in this study

Key Words: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Satisfaction of


1. INTRODUCTION such drastic growth, it is certain that

The service sector today has seen a more and more companies are engaged
dramatic increase over the previous in the service industry, and one of the
decade. This is evident from the areas of service industry that has
contribution of this sector to the world experienced a remarkable increase is the
economy which now has dominated courier service industry.
about two-thirds. In Europe, for Today the competition in the
example, this sector has contributed delivery service industry is getting
60% of GDP, while in Indonesia it tougher. Along with the revocation of
reaches almost 30% (Lupiyoadi - Law no. 6 of 1984, which regulates the
Hamdani, 2006). This contribution can monopoly of Posindo (Pos Indonesia),
be seen in terms of profit and ability to as the only body in charge of receiving,
absorb most of the labor supply. With carrying and or delivering letters,

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

postcards, postcards, and postal the company. To find out whether the
parcels and the issuance of new laws company has provided quality services
that guarantee freedom of business in accordance with consumer
courier service, so many service expectations, it is necessary to evaluate
companies that arise to emerge to from consumers.
participate enliven this messenger Good service quality is a very
courier, especially in the field of important thing to reach the market.
delivery of goods or packages. Consumer satisfaction is the level of
In the era of free trade as it happens consumer feeling after comparing the
today, every company faces increasingly perceived performance (outcome) with
fierce competition, not least in the field expectations (Fandy Tjiptono, 2000).
of courier service industry. Increased Consumer research to disclose consumer
intensity of competition and the number reactions to services provided by the
of competitors, demanding companies company with the level of satisfaction
engaged in courier services, to always associated with the service is very
pay attention to the needs and desires of relevant and required by a consumer-
consumers and trying to meet consumer oriented company.
expectations by providing services that During this time the concept and
are more satisfactory than those done by measurement of service quality or
competitors. Thus, only qualified service has grown rapidly. One tool that
companies can compete and dominate is often used in developing the
the market. measurement of service quality or
With the improvement of the service is a service quality measuring
quality of good services it will be able to tool that is SERVQUAL (Service
generate a consumer satisfaction, and Quality) developed by Parasuraman,
most likely can attract new customers. Zeithaml, and Berry (Lupiyoadi,
Customers or consumers who are 2001). Finding criteria that can provide
satisfied with a service product, will be a customer satisfaction are: Reliability,
loyal customer, or can be interpreted the Responsiveness, Assurance, Empati
consumer feels satisfied needs so that (empathy), and Tangible (Physical
will make repurchase of the service Evidence).
products. It is very profitable for the The results of Ida Manullang
company, because with the satisfaction (2008), shows that the quality of service
of consumer needs, the consumer will is the key to reach customers in a very
not glance at companies providing tight competition in the field of service
similar service products as well as most industry. Service-oriented company to
likely free promotion in the form of continuously improve the quality of its
word of mouth made by satisfied services, will be able to survive (even)
consumers to other consumers. become a leader in their field. With such
Implementation of the quality of a fierce competition, service quality has
services performed by a company a very influential role in the
engaged in services is to provide the best development of the courier service
service quality (service) for consumers industry. With the increasing number of
with the aim to create customer courier companies emerging over the
satisfaction. Quality provided by the last decade, retaining customers is
company, will cause consumer critical to the service companies
perceptions of the quality given to him. involved in the shipping industry. The
Often there is a difference between key to success in the Business Delivery
consumer expectations and consumer competition market is not the cost or the
perceptions of the quality provided by postage, but rather the distribution of

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

waiters to satisfy their customers which advantage that is in the extent of the
in turn will create loyal customers to the network owned by the company, both
company. Making consumers feel place and space. Market size, the
satisfied is the main weapon that must shipping industry is quite tempting, the
be done by a courier company, the total market potential in the field of
company must be able to satisfy the logistics reaches hundreds of trillion
consumer, where the satisfied consumer rupiah. Demand (demand) for this
will be a loyal customer. delivery of goods is still possible to rise
Implementation of good service quality above that amount, in line with the
will be able to satisfy the consumer and improving conditions of the Indonesian
will eventually make the consumer economy.
loyal. Having a loyal customer is a key For more details, the following will
asset and key to a shipping company or present an overview of the volume of
a freight forwarder because it can packets and revenue value of
increase revenue. Banjarmasin Post Office from 2011 to
In the goods delivery business, POS 2016.
INDONESIA has a competitive

Table 1.1Volume post parcels and revenue at the post office

Banjarmasin - 70000
Year Volume Post Parcels Revnue Value
2011 13.568 koli Rp.1.308.642.485
2012 14.133 koli Rp.1.319.500.868
2013 15.142 koli Rp.1.347.623.850
2014 19.688 koli Rp.1.863.442.147
2015 10.014 koli Rp.
2016 10.455 koli Rp.
Source: PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Banjarmasin branch, 2017

Based on the above table it can be seen Postal Union) on 1 May 1877, now
that the volume of packets and revenue Posindo has transformed into a "giant"
value from the logistics field at Post business entity for shipping services in
Office Banjarmasin for the last 2 (two) the country. With its outstanding postal
years has decreased condition. In 2011 service facilities, Posindo's activities
to 2014, revenues from this field of have been present in 34,722 villages in
logistics experienced a significant Indonesia. The number of post offices is
increase. Meanwhile, from 2015 to 3,876 units, 290 units of city posts,
2016, a sharp decline in revenue. 3.040 units of village post, 378 units of
It should be PT. Pos Indonesia postal houses, 878 units of post office,
(Posindo) in the face of competitors do 1673 postal agents, 344 village postal
not have to worry or fear with the agents, 452 units of cooperative postal
policies or strategies of competitors. agents.
Seeing at a glance Posindo in the On the other hand, private courier
shipping service industry then we seem company is relatively new 4 decades
to see the figure of Goliath in "battle" engaged in the business world in the
with a private courier in the service homeland. Call it KGP (Kerta Gaya
delivery industry. Pusaka), Elteha, Tiki and some other
Historically the post office in local players. According to Asperindo
Indonesia was present at the time of the (association of Indonesian express
Dutch East Indies Government. Logged delivery service company), there are
into a member of the UPU (Universal currently ± 500 private courier

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

companies holding SIPJT licenses without traceability, clarity of

(consent companies license). Of these, information either about the constraints
there are a total of 2,000 branches in 27 experienced in the delivery of the
provinces with 36,000 employees. With package or in terms of insurance
this data available, the collection of coverage given, as well as other things
private messengers in network is still that can reduce customer satisfaction,
less than Posindo. especially customer paketpos at Post
Nevertheless, Posindo plays double Office Banjarmasin.
as commercial and public service entity. Service quality (Servqual) with the
As a business entity, Posindo is required five dimensions that accompany it,
to achieve the maximum profit possible namely; tangible, reliability,
so as to provide dividends to the responsiveness, assurance and empathy
government. But ironically, Posindo has become a major component for
been moving a lot on the thin, covering companies engaged in the courier
the districts to remote villages. There is service business, because the products in
even 1 (one) post office of a village unit this service delivery business, between
that sends no more than 10 letters or one company with another company is
goods per month. Yet the investment to not different and also easy to imitate.
make one office reach hundreds of Therefore, competition in this industry
millions of rupiah. This is the function will be greatly influenced by the ability
of Posindo as an agent of public service of the company in providing the best
providers that inevitably, must be service quality than its competitors.
undertaken by Posindo. In other words,
the public service entity takes on 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
considerable operational costs, 2.1 Understanding Marketing Services
especially with the inclusion of several According to Kotler (2005)
world-class private operators, such as Marketing is a social process by which
DHL, FedEx, TNT, UPS with their individuals and groups get what they
respective local partners, which of need and want by creating, offering, and
course have a very significant impact on freely exchanging valuable products and
Posindo's performance which will come. services with others.
In the midst of intense competition According to Yazid (2003), service
in the courier industry, one-way Posindo marketing is planning that moves from
can take to retain existing Customers focus on transactions to long-term
even get more consumers in the future is relationships with customers.
to improve the quality of service. Meanwhile, according to Kotler in
Because customer satisfaction can be Lupiyoadi (2001), the marketing of
affected by superior service quality. services is any action or activity that can
Quality of service itself can be be offered by one party to another,
interpreted as the expected level of basically intangible and does not result
excellence and control over the level of in any ownership.
excellence to meet consumer desires. So, Service marketing mix is a
to meet the quality of service as development of marketing mix.
expected consumers, the Posindo must Marketing mix (Product Mix) product
provide excellent service and excellence. only includes 4P, namely: (Product,
Quality of service that is often Price, Place and Promotion). As for
complained of customers, who almost services to the 4P is still insufficient, so
every day enter the customer service the marketing experts add three other
table, among others, about a package elements, namely: People, Process and
that is late and even some of them lost Customer service.

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

2.2Understanding and Characteristics SERVQUAL is built on the comparison

of Services of two main factors, namely customer
Some definitions of services from perceptions of the actual service they
such experts are: According to Leonard receive (perceived service) with the
L. Berry in Yazid (2003) states that: actual service expected (expected
"Services as deeds (actions, procedures, service).
activities); processes, and intangible
performance ". 2.4 Understanding Customer
Zeithaml and Bitner in Yazid Satisfaction
(2003), stated that the Service has 4 In general, Satisfaction is the
(four) characteristics: feeling of pleasure or disappointment of
a. Intangibilities someone who emerges after comparing
b. Diversity the performance (result) that occurs to
c. Simultaneity of Production and the expected performance (outcome)
Consumption (Kotler, 2005). If performance is below
d. Vulnerability expectations, customers are not satisfied.
Meanwhile, according to Griffin in If performance meets expectations,
Lupiyoadi (2001) mention the customers will be satisfied.
characteristics of services as follows: According to Supranto-Limakrisna
a. Intangibility (intangible). (2007), In order to win the business
b. Unutterability (can’t be saved). competition, the company must be able
c. Customization (customization). to give more satisfaction to the

2.3Understanding Service Quality consumer compared to that given

Quality of service can be defined as by its competitors. Giving satisfaction to
how far the difference between the the consumer, requires a company to do
reality and expectations of customers for a better job to anticipate and react to the
the services they receive. Service quality needs and wants of consumers than is
can be identified by comparing the done by its competitors.
customers' perceptions of the services
they actually receive. When a customer 2.5 Measuring Customer Satisfaction
purchases a service product from a In providing quality services to
company, then one important factor to customers will be found matters relating
be considered is whether the service is to satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is
qualified or not. the fulfillment of something fun.
One of the factors that determine Customers will be satisfied if their needs
the level of success and quality of the and wants are met with fun (Demetrius
company is the ability of the company in Kristiyono, 2005). Based on the
providing services to its customers. The fundamental concept of marketing,
success of the company in providing satisfaction is defined as the needs and
quality services to its customers, high desires of the customer. The statement
market achievement, and the increase in indicates that each customer has their
profits of the company is determined by own perception to translate the level of
the approach used. customer satisfaction, where the
One approach to service quality that satisfaction will be created from the
is widely used as a reference in assessment of the product or service that
marketing research is the SERVQUAL has been accepted and felt, and
(Service Quality) model developed by influenced by behavior such as
Parasuraman, Zeithmal, and Berry psychological, psychogenic, rational and
(Lupiyoadi-Hamdani, 2006). emotional motivation.

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

According to Kotler (2004), to obtain information about the influence

know the level of customer satisfaction of service quality to customer
there are four measurement methods that satisfaction package can meet the
need to be considered by the company, requirements of accurate data, where the
namely: Complaints and suggestions description of respondents indicate
system, customer satisfaction survey, objective information.
ghost shopping and lost customer The results of the test on the instrument
analysis. of the study indicate that the 100%
question grains are valid and the
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY questions on each variable indicate a
Data analysis method used in this reliable question (reliable), so the
research is multiple regression analysis. instrument is legitimate for use in
Multiple regression analysis is used to searching data. The results of data that
analyze the influence of independent have been processed indicate that
variables consisting of tangibles (X1), simultaneously, all dimensions of
reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), service quality significantly influence
assurance (X4), empathy (X5) on the customer satisfaction of domestic
dependent variable that is customer packet Banjarmasin Post Office. While
satisfaction (Y). the variables that influence partially on
The equation of multiple regression the satisfaction of customer packet at
analysis model in this research can be Post Office Banjarmasin is variable of
formulated: reliability (reliability), responsiveness
Yi = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 (responsiveness) and empathy
+ b5X5 + e (empathy). As for the variables tangibles
Note: (physical evidence) and assurance
Y1 = Customer satisfaction (assurance) does not significantly affect
X1 = Tangibles (direct evidence) the customer satisfaction of domestic
X2 = Reliability (reliability) postal parcels at the Post Office
X3 = Responsiveness (responsiveness) Banjarmasin.
X4 = Assurance (insurance) Based on these results can be seen
X5 = Empathy (empathy) that the customer Postal Package Post
b0 = constants Office Banjarmasin has not felt
b1…b5 = Regression coefficients of satisfaction from the dimensions of
independent variables physical evidence (tangibles) and
e = Estimation error assurance dimensions (assurance). This
is a challenge for the Post Office
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Banjarmasin to improve both variables
Data analysis on 100 domestic that proved not yet able to satisfy
destination packet of Banjarmasin Post customers.
Office respondents in this research is Based on the results of multiple
known 51% consist of men and 49% are regression tests it is known that the most
women, and mostly aged 25-40 years dominant variable affecting the level of
reaching 40%, respondents in this customer satisfaction in domestic packet
research by 50% work as entrepreneurs, Post Office Banjarmasin is variable
while the frequency of delivery Postal responsiveness (responsiveness). This
Package in a year, most in the number of indicates that the Post Office of
8-12 times a year that reached 29% of Banjarmasin has been able to provide
the total respondents. Based on the clarity of information about the delivery
results of the analysis can be seen that of the package, providing speed and
the search sample of respondents to accuracy in the service at the counter,

Proceedings International Seminar On Accounting for Society
Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

being marked both in terms of Banjarmasin as thing which is

willingness to help and respond to considered important and has the
customer demand. For that the Post most dominant influence to improve
Office Banjarmasin must be able to customer satisfaction, this is evident
maintain the quality of its service, from the magnitude of
especially in terms of responsiveness responsiveness variable coefficient,
(responsiveness), as well as other that is 0.426 (42.6%) which is greater
services proven significantly influence than the coefficient of other service
on customer satisfaction, the variable quality variables.
reliability and empathy.

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Bachelor Degree of Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economy Universitas Pamulang
Auditorium Universitas Pamulang, March, 21st, 2018

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