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Chapter 2: Survival of The Species: Section A

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Section A
Instructions : Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the
correct answer.


Cows and birds are not of the same species because they A. cannot breed among themselves B. cannot take care of themselves C. take care of their young D. do not take care of their young The following take care of their young except


I A. B. C. D. 3. I II III IV




Diagram 2 Diagram 2 above shows how an animal A. ensures its survival of the fittest B. ensures its survival of the weakest C. ensures the survival of its species D. ensures the survival of its eggs 4. Which of the animals below keep their young in their mouths?

I Tiger II Bird A I and II B II and III C II and IV D III and IV 5.

III Fish IV Crocodile

Match the animals in their similar way of ensuring the survival of their species. P cow Q hen R mouse S snail T U V W rabbit dog frog crocodile

A. P&U, Q&W, R&T and S&V B. P&T, Q&U, R&V and S&W C. P&V, Q&T, R&W and S&V D. P&W, S&T, R&U and Q&V 6. Choose the correct statement from below. A. A lizard lays its eggs in a hidden place B. Butterflies lay their eggs on the surface of leaves C. A beetle lays its eggs in between stones D. A turtle lays its eggs on the sand The following animals are matched correctly to their characteristics of eggs except Animals A. Bird B. Frog C. Spider D. Cockroach Characteristics Eggs with shell covering Eggs are thick, slimy and having bad smell Eggs kept in a bag underneath its body Eggs kept in a pocket



II III IV Diagram 3 Diagram 3 above shows the fruits and seeds of plants. Which of the above are dispersed by water? A. B. C. D. 9. I and II II and III II and IV III and IV

II Diagram 4



All the fruits in Diagram 4 above disperse their seed by animals except A. I A. II B. III C. IV 10.

Diagram 5 Based on Diagram 5, what are the characteristics of the fruits and seeds that enable them to be dispersed by water? A. Attractive colour B. Have wing-like structure, have fine hairs and light C. The skin of the fruit is watery. D. Have air space in the fruit. 11.

Diagram 6 Where does the animal in Diagram 6 lay its eggs? A. Underneath leaves B. In the soil C. Under the trees D. In between stones 12. The young of the animal Q is protected by a group of adult animals when attacked by enemies. Animal Q is A. grasshopper B. frog C. elephant D. snake Of the following characteristics of seeds dispersed by animal, which one is present in the love grass seeds? A. Fleshy B. Brightly coloured C. Have smells D. Have hooks



Diagram 7 The bar chart in Diagram 7 shows the number of eggs produced by animal W, X, Y and Z. What is the inference you can make about the number of eggs produced by animal W? A. To ensure part of the eggs to hatch safely and continues its generation B. So that its enemies cannot eat all the eggs C. To increase the population in a community D. To ensure all the eggs can be hatched and grow into adults 15. Fruits and seeds dispersed by water usually have A. hooks B. bright colours C. hairs and thorns D. air space

16. Feed the young with milk Takes care of the young till adult

The information above is the characteristics of animal X. Animal X could possibly be A. cat B. bird C. penguin D. fish 17. Of the following plants, which one has its seeds dispersed through explosive mechanism? I Green bean

II Balsam III Rubber plant IV Mimosa A. B. C. D. 18. I and III only I, II and III only I, III and IV only I, II, III and IV

Diagram 8 Of the following plants, which one has its seeds dispersed by an agent similar to the fruit in Diagram 8? A. Teak B. Coconut C. Love grass D. Flame-of-the-forest


How does a frog ensure its survival of its species? A. Take care of its eggs until hatching. B. Sits on the eggs until hatching C. Lays a lot of eggs D. Lays eggs in water


Plant with seeds dispersed by wind usually have A. fruit with waterproof skin B. fruit which are brightly coloured C. seeds with hooks D. fruits with wing-like structures

Section B
Instructions: Write your answers in the space provided. 1.



Diagram 1 Diagram 7 above shows two fruits, mango and tomato. (a) Both the fruits above disperse their seeds by agent X. Identify X. X:_________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) (b) What is the difference between the two fruits? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) (c) Explain how the mango seed is dispersed by agent X. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark ) (d) Explain how the tomato seeds are dispersed by agent X. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark )


The ripe fruit of the balsam plant explodes. The seeds are scattered everywhere

(a) What is your inference for the above observation? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark) (b) Predict what will happen if the ripe fruit does not explode but drops underneath the parent plant? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark) (c) Give reasons to support your answer to the question in 2(b). __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks) (d) What do we call the method of seeds dispersal of the balsam plant? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Chapter 2: Survival of the Species.

Section A 1 A 11 D 2D 12 C 3C 13 D 4D 14 A 5A 15 D 6A 16 A 7D 17 B 8A 18 B 9D 19 C 10 D 20 D

Section B 1 (a) X : animal (b) Mango has only one seed while tomato has many seeds. (c) Agent X which is an animal eats the flesh of the mango and throws the seed at different places. (d) Agent X which is an animal eats the tomato together with the seeds. The seeds in turn will pass out together with the faeces. Thus the seeds are dispersed at different places. 2 (a) So that the seeds can be dispersed far from the parent plant (b) All the young plants will be stunted in growth (c) The young plants have to complete for basic needs such as water, space, mineral salt and sunlight (d) Explosive mechanism

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