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Glossary of Normal Faults Peacock Et Al 2000

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Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305

Glossary of normal faults

D.C.P. Peacock a'*, R.J. Knipe a, D.J. Sanderson b
aRock Deformation Research Group, School of Earth Sciences, University oJ'Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
bT.H. Huxley School of Environment, Earth Sciences and Engineering, Imperial College, Royal School of Mines Building, Prince Consort Road,
London SW7 2BP, UK

Received 27 October 1997; accepted 1 September 1999

Increased interest in normal faults and extended terranes has led to the development of an increasingly complex terminology.
The most important terms are defined in this paper, with original references being given wherever possible, along with examples
of current usage. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The large amount of work on normal faults over the
last few decades has led to the introduction of m a n y
new terms and some confusing terminology. For
example, the term relay ramp (Larsen, 1988) has also
been applied to structures in strike-slip fault zones
(e.g. Herzer and Mascle, 1996), and other terms have
been applied to relay ramps in normal fault systems
(e.g. accommodation zone, fault bridge, transfer zone).
The aim of this glossary is to give definitions of the
most important terms currently used in connection
with normal faults (Fig. 1). The glossary is intended
for non-specialists who have not read the large number
of recent papers about normal faults. Other general
terms for faults are available in standard textbooks
(e.g. Ramsay and Huber, 1987; Price and Cosgrove,
1990; Twiss and Moores, 1992), as are general terms
used in structural geology (such as strain and stress).
Similar glossaries for thrusts are given by Butler (1982)
and by McClay (1992), and for strike-slip faults by
Biddle and Christie-Blick (1985). We have attempted
to find the first usage, or the earliest reasonable usage,
of terms. A problem encountered when attempting to

* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Geology,

876 Natural Science Complex, State University of New York at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA.
E-mail address: Peacock).

find first usage is that m a n y terms were first used in

the mining or hydrocarbon industries, gradually creeping into the geologic literature (e.g. inversion and accommodation zone). Where usage has changed through
time (e.g. horse), we provide examples of current popular usage.

Accommodation zone." The area between two subparallel, non-collinear, overlapping faults (e.g.
Reynolds and Rosendahl, 1984). Rosendahl et al.
(1986, fig. 8) define an accommodation zone as
transferring displacement or strain from one halfgraben to another with opposite sense via oblique
shear along an inter-basinal ridge. See transfer zone.
For a discussion of the Faulds and Varga (1998)
redefinition of accommodation zone, see transfer
Antithetic .fault. Defined by Cloos (1928) and Hills
(1940, fig. 41) as a minor fault that dips in the
opposite direction to the dip direction of the beds
they displace. Antithetic fault is now commonly used
for a fault that dips in the opposite direction to a
related dominant fault or fault set, while antithetic
is the relationship whereby two related faults have
the opposite shear sense (e.g. Gibbs, 1984) (Fig. 1).
For example, a normal fault with a downthrow to

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PII: S0191-8141(99)00146-7





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D.C.P. Peacocket al. / Journalof Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305

the north is antithetic to a larger normal fault with
a downthrow to the south. See synthetic fault.
Array, fault: A set of overstepping and en 6chelon
fracture segments or fault zones (e.g. Segall and
Pollard, 1980).
fi-value: The stretching factor, defined as the increase
in length of a cross-section due to extension
(McKenzie, 1978; Barton and Wood, 1984), i.e. 11/
10, where l0 = the original length and ll =
deformed length.
Basement fault. A fault that cuts the basement and
that originated before deposition of the cover
sediments and that may be reactivated (e.g. Stewart
et al., 1997). Basement is used here to refer to those
rocks that formed before the basin in which the
cover rocks are deposited.
Basin: Greenough (1819, p. 66) states that "when
masses or strata decline upon every side towards a
certain point, they are said to be basin-shaped".
Basin is now usually defined as an area of
subsidence in which sediments are deposited, with
subsidence commonly being controlled by normal
faults (e.g. Gibbs, 1984) (Fig. 1). Pull-apart basins
can be controlled by strike-slip faults (e.g. Rodgers,
1980), whereas foreland basins are controlled by
thrust faults (e.g. DeCelles and Giles, 1996).
Basin-margin fault." A fault that marks the edge of,
and typically controls, a basin (e.g. Roberts and
Yielding, 1991) (Fig. 1). Also see border-fault system
and boundary fault.
Bend, along-strike: A bend in a fault in map view (Fig.
1). An along-strike bend on a normal fault is
neither dominantly extensional or contractional, and
commonly results from the linkage of two segments
across a relay ramp (Peacock and Sanderson, 1991,
Bend, contractional." A spatial variation in the
orientation of a fault-plane that causes local
contraction in the wall-rocks as they are displaced
around the bend (e.g. Peacock and Zhang, 1994).
Such bends occur down the dip of normal faults
where there is a local decrease in fault dip (Fig. 1).
Synonymous with closing bend, convergent bend
(Biddle and Christie-Blick, 1985) and with
restraining bend (Crowell, 1974, fig. 3).
Bend, extensional." A spatial variation in the
orientation of a fault-plane that causes local
extension in the wall-rocks as they are displaced
around the bend (e.g. Peacock and Zhang, 1994).
Such bends occur down the dip of normal faults
where there is a local increase in fault dip (Fig. 1).
Synonymous with divergent-bend,
(Biddle and Christie-Blick, 1985) and with releasingbend (Crowell, 1974, fig. 3).
Bend, fault: A spatial variation in the orientation of a
fault-plane. Sibson (1989, fig. 6) uses isolated fault


bend for a geometry in which a tip portion has a

different orientation from the main part of the fault.

Block, fault." A fault-bound volume of rock (e.g. Diller,

1886; Stoces and White,
1935, fig. 327).
Synonymous with horse.
Bookshelf faults: A system of sub-parallel faults that
involve the progressive rotation of beds and faults
as displacement occurs (e.g. Mandl, 1987) (Fig. 1).
The bookshelf mechanism was defined by Mandl
accommodated by rotation of parallel faults in an
array. Bookshelf normal faults tend to cause
steepening of beds, and a decrease in the dip of the
faults. Bookshelf faults can pass into a detachment
or into a zone of ductile deformation (Mandl, 1987,
fig. 4). See domino faults.
Border-fault system." Synonymous with basin-margin
fault (Schlische, 1992).
Boundary fault." Synonymous with basin-margin fault
(Morley, 1995).
Box faults: A network of faults developed between two
overstepping normal faults (relay ramp) (Fig. 1),
described in the East African Rift by Griffiths
Branch." One or more faults that extend off a larger
fault (e.g. Nevin, 1931; Butler, 1982) (Fig. 1).
Branch line: A line along which two fault planes
intersect (Butler, 1982).
Bridge, fault." Synonymous with relay ramp (Ramsay
and Huber, 1987, fig. 23.50).
Cataclasis: Process involving brittle fragmentation of
minerals, with rotation of grain fragments, grainsize reduction, grain boundary sliding and volume
increase (definition of Sibson, 1977). Cataclasis
typically occurs along fault planes or in zones of
brittle deformation. Earlier usage of cataclasis is
given by Sibson (1977).
Coherence, geometric: The existence of regular and
systematic displacement patterns in a family of
faults (Walsh and Watterson, 1991, fig. 4).
Coherence, kinematic." The existence of synchronous
slip rates and slip distributions that are arranged
such that geometric coherence is maintained (Walsh
and Watterson, 1991).
Conjugate." For faults, conjugate refers to the
relationship between two intersecting sets of faults
that each formed under the same stress field
(Daubr6e, 1878, cited by Dennis, 1967). Two
conjugate faults have the opposite shear sense and
the same angle (generally ~30 ) to the maximum
stress direction
Interacting conjugate faults may move alternately
(Freund, 1974; Horsfield, 1980), or may move
synchronously to form an area of high strain near
the intersection (Peacock, 1991; Odonne and
Massonnat, 1992). See antithetic and synthetic.


D.C.P. Peacocket al./ Journalof Structural Geology22 (2000) 291-305

Connecting fault." A fault that connects two

overstepping faults across a transfer zone or relay
ramp (Peacock and Sanderson, 1994) (Fig. 1).
Synonymous with connecting splay (Ramsay and
Huber, 1987, fig. 23.50b).

Crestal collapse faults." Faults that develop in the crest

of an anticline and that accommodate extension in
the hinge region (e.g. McClay and Scott, 1991).
Crestal faults in folds are described by DeSitter
(1956, chapter 14). Crestal collapse faults can be
normal or reverse, both of which can develop
synchronously (Nieuwland and Walters, 1993, fig.
Cut-off line." The line marking the boundary between a
fault surface and a planar marker (bed, dyke, etc.)
that is displaced by the fault (e.g. Suppe, 1985, fig.
2-28). See footwall cut-off and hanging wall cut-off.
Synonymous with footwall trace and hanging wall
trace of Gill (1935).
Damage zone: Location at which a major change in
fabric (e.g. caused by pressure solution) is readily
visible (Chester and Logan, 1986; Wu and
Groshong, 1991), or the area of fracturing around
and related to a fault (McGrath and Davison, 1995)
(Fig. 1). Damage zones are typically caused by fault
propagation, linkage or displacement along the fault
(e.g. Cowie and Scholz, 1992b). Synonymous with
deformation front and texture zone (Wu and
Groshong, 1991).
D~collement: A bedding- or layer-parallel fault or
shear zone, above which the rocks may be deformed
(e.g. Lees, 1952; Ramsay and Huber, 1987). The
process of ddcollement is described by DeSitter
(1956) as the detachment of the upper cover from
its substratum. Earlier usage of abscherung is
described by Lees (1952). See detachment.
Deformation band." A planar zone of distributed
deformation in which the strain is approximately
simple shear, typically involving micro-fracturing
and cataclasis (e.g. Aydin, 1978). See granulation

Density, .fault. A measure of the number of faults in a
rock mass (e.g. Gillespie et al., 1993). Fault density
may be measured in one, two or three dimensions,
respectively as: (i) the number of faults per unit
distance (usually measured perpendicular to the
fault set); (ii) the total length of fault trace per unit
area; or (iii) the total area of fault plane per unit
volume. The unit of fault density is m -~ and is
inversely proportional to fault spacing.
Detachment: Fault along a basal surface, along which
overlying strata are detached (Pierce, 1963).
Detachment is now commonly used for a regionally
extensive, gently dipping normal fault (Fig. 1); they
are commonly associated with extension in
metamorphic core complexes and can displace

crystalline rocks. Although the term is often used

synonymously with d~collement, Ramsay and Huber
(1987) suggest that detachments are low-angle faults
that are nearly, but not exactly, parallel to any one
Diapir: Originally used by Mrazec (1915, cited by Price
and Cosgrove, 1990) for salt bodies in the cores of
domes and anticlines. Diapir is now commonly used
for any body of rock that behaved as a fluid over
the time-scale during which it was emplaced
upwards through brittle rocks by buoyancy-driven
flow. Diapirs include certain igneous intrusions and
salt domes. They are commonly accommodated by
normal faults (e.g. Davison et al., 1996, fig. 7) (Fig.
1). See halokinesis.
Dilation: An increase (positive dilation) or a decrease
(negative dilation) in volume (e.g. Price and
Cosgrove, 1990).
Dilational jog: Synonymous with extensional overstep
or pull-apart (Sibson, 1989, fig. 6).
Dip separation." The separation of a marker plane
measured parallel to the dip of a fault (e.g. Gill,
1935; Hills, 1940). For a purely dip-slip fault (i.e.
normal or thrust fault), the @ separation is
identical to the displacement of the fault.
Dip-slip." The component of displacement parallel to
the dip of the fault plane (cf. strike-slip) (Reid et
al., 1913). Normal and thrust faults are both @-slip
faults, being dominated by dip-slip displacement
(e.g. Reid et al., 1913).
Displacement." The relative movement between two
originally adjacent points on the surface of a fault,
i.e. the magnitude of the displacement vector (e.g.
Leith, 1923). The displacement can be curved, so
need not be a direct line between two originally
adjacent points.
Displacement-distance ( ~ x ) analysis: A method used
to illustrate how displacement varies along a
geological structure. The method has been used to
describe the displacement gradient of faults, dykes,
etc., and thereby infer their development (Muraoka
and Kamata, 1983; Williams and Chapman, 1983;
Chapman and Williams, 1984; Pollard and Segall,
1987; Walsh and Watterson, 1987). Procedure: (i)
start at a fault tip (distance, x0=0, displacement,
d0=0); (ii) at distance Xl along the fault trace,
measure displacement dl; (iii) at distance x2 along
the fault trace, measure displacement d2; (iv) repeat
the process as many times as possible along the
trace of the fault; (v) plot a graph of displacement
(y-axis) against distance (x-axis).
Displacement-distance analysis, cumulative: A method
of analysing how displacement varies in a family of
faults (Chapman and Williams, 1984). Procedure for
analysing normal or thrust faults in cross-section: (i)
select a point on a marker bed along a cross-

D.C.P. Peacock et al./ Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305

section; (ii) follow the bed and measure
displacement (dl) and distance (Xl) for the first
fault; (iii) measure displacement (d2) and distance
(x2) for the second fault; add dl to d2; (iv) continue
the process for all of the faults in the section; (v)
plot a graph of cumulative displacement (y-axis)
against distance (x-axis).
Displacement-length ratio." Maximum displacement on
a fault surface or a fault trace, divided by the fault
length or the trace length (see Barnett et al., 1987;
Walsh and Watterson, 1988; Cowie and Scholz,
1992a; Gillespie et al., 1992; Dawers et al., 1993).
The slip to length ratio for slip during large
earthquakes is discussed by Scholz et al. (1986).
Some authors use length-displacement ratio.
Displacement vector." The magnitude and orientation of
the line connecting two originally adjacent points in
the hanging wall and footwall of a fault. See
Domino faults." System of planar rotating normal
faults, in which the dip of a particular stratigraphic
datum is approximately constant (e.g. Twiss and
Moores, 1992). An example of domino faults is
shown by Ransome et al. (1910, fig. 15), but domino
fault was not used. Domino faults can pass down
into a detachment. Synonymous with bookshelf
.faults (e.g. Ramsay and Huber, 1987, fig. 23.19) and
with rotational planar normal faults of Wernicke and
Burchfiel (1982). Gamond (1983), however, uses
domino for a rhomb-shaped, mineralised area at an
extensional overstep (synonymous with pull-apart).
D-value: The power-law exponent (D) for the
displacements of a fault population, such that
N = c x U-D, where N = number of faults with a
displacement greater than U, and c is a constant
(e.g. Walsh and Watterson, 1992; Gillespie et al.,
1993). Synonymous with C-value of Marrett and
Allmendinger (1991 ).
Effective tension: The condition in which fluid pressure
exceeds the least compressive stress, enabling
extension.fractures to form (see Hubbert and Rubey,
Extension." The increase in the length of a line, such
that extension, e = ( l l - lo)/lo, where lo = original
length of the line, and ll = new length of the line.
Extension can be positive, so the line increases in
length, or negative, so that contraction occurs.
Regional extension refers to deformation dominated
by extension in one horizontal direction.
Extension(al) fault: A fault causing extension in the
horizontal plane, i.e. normal and normal/obliqueslip faults (e.g. Goguel, 1952). Often used
synonymously with normal fault.
Extension(al) fracture." A fracture produced by
opening approximately perpendicular to the walls,
and that usually propagated as a mode I crack


(Pollard and Segall, 1987). Extension fractures are

usually formed in effective tension, i.e. high porefluid pressure (e.g. Gross and Engelder, 1995).
Filled extension fractures include dykes and veins.
Fault-bend fold: A fold developed in the wall-rocks to
accommodate displacement around a .fault bend. A
detailed description is given by Suppe (1985). See
fault-related fold.
Fault juxtaposition diagram." A diagram used to predict
the juxtapositions of hanging wall and footwall
lithologies for a given fault geometry and
displacement (Knipe, 1997). It can be used to
estimate the sealing potential of a fault.
Fault-line scarp." A steep slope or cliff formed by
differential erosion along a fault, the height of
which may not reflect relative movement on the
fault (e.g. Rajendran et al., 1996). See fault scarp.
Fault population." The faults of all scales that exist in
an area or region, formed during one or more
deformation events. Fault population analysis
involves the study of the scaling relationships and
strain of the faults (e.g. Cowie et al., 1996). See
fractal and power-law.
Fault-related.fold." A fold developed in one or both of
the walls of a fault or at the fault tip, caused by
fault propagation, drag or by the non-planar
geometry of the fault (e.g. Rich, 1934; Dahlstrom,
1970; Anastasio et al., 1997). A break thrust (a fold
cut by a thrust) is shown by Willis (1839), and
various fault-related folds are shown by Stoces and
White (1935, figs. 286 291). Recent descriptions of
folds that are related to the propagation of normal
faults in map view are given by Schlische (1995) and
by Janecke et al. (1998), while Hardy and McClay
(1999) describe folds related to normal fault
propagation in cross-section.
Fault rock." Rock along a fault plane with texture and/
or chemical composition controlled by deformation
and alteration along the fault. Accounts and
classifications of fault rocks include those by Hobbs
et al. (1976) and Sibson (1977).
Fault-rock width." See thickness, fault.
Fault scarp." Defined by Leith (1923) as a landform
caused at the Earth's surface by fault movement or
by later erosion along the fault that leaves one side
of the fault plane standing higher than the other
side. Common usage is now for a tectonic landform
coincident, or roughly coincident, with a fault plane
that has dislocated the ground surface, i.e. it has
not been strongly modified by weathering and
erosion (Stewart and Hancock, 1990). See fault-line
Fault strain." Used by Jamison (1989) to describe the
deformation caused by a number of faults, because
strain should only be applied to continuous


D.C.P. Peacocket al./ Journal of Structural Geology22 (2000) 291-305

Flexural uplift or subsidence: Buoyancy-induced

vertical (isostatic) deformation that decreases in
magnitude away from a fault (e.g. Egan, 1992).
Flexural uplift and subsidence are typically
modelled as an elastic response to fault slip (e.g.
Roberts and Yielding, 1991). Flexural explanations
are commonly accepted for certain cases offootwall
uplift and hanging wall subsidence.
Flower structure." A system of faults that splay upward
within a strike-slip fault zone (Harding and Lowell,
1979). Negative flower structures involve steepening
upwards extensional splay faults, whereas positive
flower structures involve shallowing upwards
contractional splay faults (Harding, 1983, 1985).
Footwall: An old mining term for the rock mass that is
below a lode or fault; early usage of footwall is
given by Dennis (1967). Footwall has been extended
to include the volume of rock below a dipping fault,
i.e. the upthrown side of a normal fault.
Footwall cut-off." The line in the footwall marking the
boundary between a fault surface and a planar
marker (bed, dyke, etc.) that is displaced by the
fault (e.g. Gibson et al., 1989) (Fig. 1). Synonymous
with footwall trace (Gill, 1935). See cut-off and
hanging wall cut-off.
Footwall uplift: Uplift that occurs below a fault, e.g. in
the footwall of a normal fault (e.g. Jackson and
McKenzie, 1983). Synonymous with rollunder
(Barnett et al., 1987). Seeflexural uplift and hanging
wall subsidence.
Fractal: The geometry whereby objects are scale
independent, being seale invariant at all scales
between upper and lower limits; any portion of the
system is geometrically similar to the whole system
(Mandlebrot, 1982; Turcotte, 1989; Gillespie et al.,
1993). For natural objects, fractal is generally used
if the statistical properties are scale invariant and
exhibit a power-law distribution. Normal faults have
been shown to be fractal (e.g. Scholz and Cowie,
1990; Marrett and Allmendinger, 1992).
approximately planar discontinuities as dykes,
faults, joints and veins. Appears to be synonymous
with discontinuity (Priest and Hudson, 1976, 1981).
Fracture nucleation." The initiation of a fracture that
then propagates (e.g. Segall and Pollard, 1983;
Reches and Lockner, 1994).
Gouge." Defined by Reid et al. (1913) as pulverised
rock, generally clay-like when moist, that occurs
between the walls of a fault. Defined by Sibson
(1977, table 1) as an incohesive fault rock with a
random fabric in which fragments comprise < 30%
of the rock mass.
Graben: Long-and relatively narrow area of subsidence
mostly bounded by sub-parallel normal fault zones
that dip towards the area of subsidence (Reid et al.,

1913; Dennis, 1967) (Fig. 1). Grabens are commonly

bounded by horsts. Graben originated as a German
mining term (Dennis, 1967). See rift.
Granulation seam." A planar zone of deformation in
which poorly consolidated grains move past each
other (e.g. Pittman, 1981). Synonymous with
deJormation band (Knott, 1994).
Growth fault: A normal growth fault is characterised
by: (a) an increase in displacement down the dip of
the fault; and by (b) thicker sediments in the
hanging wall near the fault than in the footwall or in
the hanging wall away from the fault (Ocamb, 1961)
(Fig. 1). This implies that, during sedimentation, the
fault was active and cut the Earth's surface.
Synonymous terms are given by Dennis (1967).
Growth-fault basin: Basin that thickens towards, and is
related to, a growth fault (e.g. Harms and Price,
Half-graben: Asymmetric area of subsidence controlled
by hanging wall subsidence above a single
controlling (basin-bounding) fault (e.g. Barr, 1987)
(Fig. 1). A half-graben typically contains a hanging
wall sedimentary wedge that thickens towards the
fault, with older beds having steeper dips than
younger beds. Rollover in a half-graben can be
controlled by a listric fault, while recent
interpretations have involved approximately planar
faults (e.g. Roberts and Yielding, 1991, figs. 1 and
4). See flexural subsidence.
Halokinesis: Proposed by Trusheim (1957, cited by
Trusheim, 1960) for the formation of salt structures,
and their structural and stratigraphic implications,
resulting from autonomous movement of salt driven
by gravity (e.g. Stewart and Coward, 1995).
Halokinesis is commonly accommodated by normal
faults (e.g. Koestler and Ehrmann, 1991). See diapir.
Hanging wall: An old mining term for the rock mass
that is above a lode or fault; early usage of hanging
wall is given by Dennis (1967). Hanging wall has
been extended to include the volume of rock above
a dipping fault, i.e. the downthrown side of a
normal fault.
Hanging wall cut-off" The line in the hanging wall that
marks the boundary between a fault surface and a
planar marker (bed, dyke, etc.) that is displaced by
the fault (e.g. Gibson et al., 1989) (Fig. 1).
Synonymous with hanging wall trace (Gill, 1935).
See cut-off and footwall cut-off.
Hanging wall subsidence: The downward movement of
the hanging wall of a normal fault (e.g. Jackson and
McKenzie, 1983). Hanging wall subsidence is
illustrated by DeSitter (1956, fig. 73). See footwall

Hard-linkage: The geometry or process whereby two
faults are connected by one or more (usually
smaller) faults that are visible at the scale of

D.C.P. Peacock et al./ Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305


(Walsh and




connecting faults and soft-linkage.

Heave: Defined by Geikie (1882) as a horizontal
displacement of strata at a fault. Defined more fully
by Hills (1940) and by Billings (1942) as the
horizontal component of the dip-separation of a
normal or reverse fault measured in vertical crosssection perpendicular to the fault strike (Fig. 1).
Heave is defined in terms of the separation, hence it
applies to the faulted geometry of a plane and not
to the displacement of the fault. Only for a pure
dip-slip fault (no oblique-slip component) is the
heave equivalent to the horizontal component of the
displacement. See throw. Early usage is given by
Dennis (1967).
Horse." Usage of the old mining term horse has
changed. For example, Mills (1790) appears to use
horse to mean dyke. Horse is now defined as a faultbound block of rock (e.g. Butler, 1982). In a normal
fault system, horses can represent a breached relay
ramp (Peacock and Sanderson, 1994) (Fig. 1). See

block, fault.
Horst: Elongate area of uplift mostly bounded by subparallel normal fault zones that dip away from the
area of uplift (e.g. Reid et al., 1913; Dennis, 1967)
(Fig. 1). Horsts are commonly bounded by grabens
or half-grabens.
Interaction, fault: Mechanical interaction between
faults involves the behaviour and development of
one fault being influenced by another fault or faults
(e.g. Segall and Pollard, 1980; Aydin and Schultz,
1990; Bfirgmann et al., 1994). Overstepping normal
faults interact across transfer zones (Morley et al.,
1990). Rift interaction is described by Nelson et al.
Inversion." Originally used for the overturning of strata,
so the sequence is reverse (e.g. Murchison, 1859).
Inversion is now commonly used for the reactivation
of a dip-slip fault such that there is a reversal of the
sense of throw (e.g. Stoneley, 1982; Buchanan and
Buchanan, 1995). Reverse-reactivation of a normal
fault or the contraction of a region that previously
underwent extension is termed positive inversion.
Alternatively, negative inversion is the normalreactivation of a reverse fault or the extension of a
region that previously underwent contraction (e.g.
Williams et al., 1989). For a discussion of the usage
of inversion and reactivation, see Needham (1989).
Isolated fault: A fault that was not affected by
interaction with other faults during its propagation
(e.g. Muraoka and Kamata, 1983; Walsh and
Watterson, 1987). An isolated fault is usually
characterised by a displacement maximum near the
centre of the fault trace, with displacement
decreasing approximately linearly towards the tips
(Barnett et al., 1987; Walsh and Watterson, 1987).


Harding and Lowell (1979) describe solitary

structures, that are isolated, singular features. Nicol
et al. (1996) describe unrestricted faults, that are
blind (do not intersect the free surface) and that
have not interacted with other faults or with
substantial bodies of incompetent rock.
Jog." Used by Sibson (1989, fig. 6) for an overstep or
bend that connects two sub-parallel but noncollinear portions of a fault zone. Sibson (1989)
divides jogs into dilational and anti-dilational, that
are extensional and contractional, respectively.
Length, fault: The distance between the tips of a fault,
usually measured along a fault trace and in the
horizontal plane (e.g. Scholz and Cowie, 1990;
Peacock, 1991). Synonymous with trace length.
Note, however, that length is used by Barnett et al.
(1987) and by Walsh and Watterson (1988, fig. 1)
for the maximum distance parallel to the slip
direction of a fault.
Linkage." The process by which, or condition in which,
two originally separate faults become connected
(Pollard and Aydin, 1984).
Listric: Introduced by Suess (1909) for an originally
curved fault, supposedly because it is ancient Greek
for shovel. When applied to normal faults, listric
usually indicates a decrease in dip downwards (e.g.
Davison, 1986; Williams and Vann, 1987). Listric
normal faults may pass downwards into a
detachment or a d~collement (Fig. 1). Although
rollover was previously seen as proof of a listric
geometry, normal faults with rollovers are now
often interpreted as being planar (e.g. Roberts and
Yielding, 1991, figs. 1 and 4). Listric geometries are
commonly observed to occur within landslides,
deltaic deposits and in much of the Basin and
Range Province, USA (e.g. Beach and Trayner,
1991, fig. 2).
Membrane." A fault plane that is impermeable (e.g.
Knipe, 1992).
Metamorphic core complex: A generally domal or
arch-like uplift of deformed metamorphic and
plutonic rocks overlain by tectonically detached and
distended relatively un-metamorphosed cover rocks
(Coney, 1980a,b). Origin and early usage of
metamorphic core complex is discussed by Coney
(1980a), while the distinction between metamorphic
complexes and mylonitic detachment complexes is
discussed by DeWitt (1980). The faults that exhume
metamorphic core complexes typically have low to
moderate dips, and may be normal faults (e.g.
Crittenden et al., 1980; Dewey, 1988) or thrusts (e.g.
Dallmeyer et al, 1992).
Net slip. See slip.
Network, fault." A system of linked and interacting
faults, more diffuse than a fault zone (e.g. Stoces
and White, 1935, fig. 327). When more than two


D.C.P. Peacock et al./JournalofStructural Geo~gy22 (2000) 291-305

fault sets are present, the network represents a

triaxial strain system (Reches, 1983; Krantz, 1988).
Normal drag." Folding adjacent to a fault such that a
marker is convex towards the slip direction, usually
caused by resistance to slip (e.g. Hamblin, 1965;
Biddle and Christie-Blick, 1985). See reverse drag.
Normal.fault: A fault in which the hanging wall (rocks
above the fault) is displaced downwards in relation
to the footwall. The term originated in English coalmining, where normal faults were met most
commonly (e.g. Dennis, 1967).
OfJ}et: The apparent displacement of a marker (e.g.
Hobbs et al., 1976). Note, however, that offset has
also been used synonymously with overstep (e.g.
Segall and Pollard, 1980). We suggest that this
latter usage should be avoided because of the more
common use of offset for the apparent displacement
of a marker.
Orogenic collapse." Gravity-induced extension of an
orogenic belt, usually inferred to occur when
compressional stresses are relaxed during or after a
mountain-building event (e.g. Dewey, 1988).
Overlapping faults." Two sub-parallel, non-collinear
faults with traces that partly extend past each other.
Overlap is the distance between the ends of two
overstepping faults, measured parallel to the faults
(e.g. Rodgers, 1980). Synonymous with jog, overstep
and stepover. Note, however, that overlap has a
different meaning in sedimentology (e.g. Dennis,
Overstep: The area between two sub-parallel, noncollinear faults (e.g. Biddle and Christie-Blick,
1985). Synonymous with jog (Sibson, 1989), offset,
overlapping faults and stepover (Aydin and Nur,
1982). Note that Butler (1982) defines overstep
propagation of thrusts as the propagation of a
family of thrusts in the direction opposed to the
thrust transport direction, i.e. a new thrust develops
in the hanging wall of an older thrust. Overstep has
a different meaning in sedimentology (e.g. Biddle
and Christie-Blick, 1985).
Overstep, along-strike: An overstep visible in map-view.
For normal faults, an along-strike overstep is
neither contractional nor extensional, and is marked
by a transfer zone (e.g. Morley et al., 1990).
Overstep, contractional." An overstep that has to be
accommodated by contraction, e.g. a right-step
between sinistral faults. This type of overstep occurs
in cross-section along normal faults, with the lower
fault overstepping or projecting into the hanging
wall of the upper fault (Peacock and Zhang, 1994)
(Fig. 1). Synonymous with anti-dilational jog
(Sibson, 1989), and with compressional-, convergentand restraining-overstep (Biddle and Christie-Blick,
Overstep, extensional: An overstep that has to be

accommodated by extension, e.g. a right-step

between dextral faults. This type of overstep occurs
in cross-section along normal faults, with the lower
fault overstepping into the footwall of the upper
fault (Peacock and Zhang, 1994) (Fig. 1).
Synonymous with dilational jog (Sibson, 1989), and
with divergent- and releasing-overstep (Biddle and
Christie-Blick, 1985).
Palaeostress orientation analysis." Use of fault
orientations and displacement directions of a
population of faults to infer the orientations of the
formative stresses (e.g. Angelier, 1984).
Permeability, .fault. The ability of fluids to flow along
or across faults (Smith, 1966; Morrow et al., 1984).
Fault permeability can be anisotropic, with
differences in flow perpendicular and parallel to a
fault (e.g. Zhang and Tullis, 1998). See seal.
Polygonal faults." A network of faults with no
regionally consistent preferred strike orientation.
Polygonal normal faults have a similar appearance
in map view to mud-cracks (e.g. Lonergan et al.,
1998). Layer-bound polygonal faults in the North
Sea are described by Cartwright and Lonergan
(1996) and are attributed to vertical compaction.
Power-law." The relationship whereby NoeS -D, where
N is the number in a population with a size greater
than S, and D is the power-law exponent (e.g.
Walsh and Watterson, 1992). Displacements for a
population of faults have been shown to obey a
power-law (Scholz and Cowie, 1990; Marrett and
Allmendinger, 1992; Walsh and Watterson, 1992;
Scholz et al., 1993). See D-value andfractal.
Process zone." Used in material science for an area of
micro-cracking at the tip of a propagating fracture,
involving non-linear behaviour. Process zones in
rock are generally dilational areas (Atkinson, 1987,
fig. 1.4). Process zones in normal fault zones are
described by Cowie and Shipton (1998).
Propagation, fault: The increase in length, area and
displacement of a fault or fault zone (e.g. Walsh
and Watterson, 1987; Reches and Lockner, 1994;
Peacock and Sanderson, 1996).
Pull-apart basin." A basin developed at an extensional
bend or extensional overstep between two strike-slip
faults (e.g. Burchfiel and Stewart, 1966; Crowell,
1974). They are generally approximately rhombshaped, with subsidence in the basin commonly
controlled by normal faults (e.g. Crowell, 1974, fig.
3). Synonymous with rhombochasm, rhombograben
and sagpond. Pull-apart has also been used for a
rhomb-shaped area at an extensional overstep (e.g.
Peacock and Sanderson, 1992; Peacock and Zhang,
1994) (synonymous with domino of Gamond, 1983)
(Fig. 1). Pull-aparts can occur where normal faults
are refracted to a steeper dip through more brittle

D.C.P. Peacocket al. / Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305

Reactivation." Renewed displacement on a fault that
has undergone a prolonged period of inactivity (e.g.
Shephard-Thorn et al., 1972; Sibson, 1985); the
fault has therefore been affected by two distinct
tectonic events. The later displacement may or may
not be of the same sense as the previous
displacement. See inversion and reverse-reactivation.
Relay pattern." An arrangement of overlapping or
underlapping sub-parallel faults (Harding and
Lowell, 1979; Biddle and Christie-Blick, 1985, fig.
2). Relay faults are described by Goguel (1952).
Relay ramp: An area of reoriented bedding between
two normal faults that overstep in map view and
that have the same dip direction (Fig. 1). The faults
may be listric and meet at depth (Larsen, 1988),
approximately planar and unconnected at depth
(Peacock and Sanderson, 1991), or may splay off
the same approximately planar fault (Huggins et al.,
1995). First called relais des failles (relay faults) by
Goguel (1952, fig. 73). Synonymous with strike
16), synthetic
accommodation zone (Faulds and Varga, 1998) and
with synthetic transfer zone (Morley et al., 1990).
Relay ramp, breached." A relay ramp that has been
broken by one or more connecting faults (Childs et
al., 1993)(Fig. 1).
Reverse drag: Folding adjacent to a fault plane such
that a marker is concave towards the slip direction
(Hamblin, 1965). An example is roll-over above a
listric normal fault. First described by Dutton
(1882), and synonymous with downbending and
turnover (Hamblin, 1965).
Reverse-reactivation: The reactivation of a normal fault
by a later episode of reverse displacement (e.g.
Stoneley, 1982; Dart et al., 1995). See inversion and
Rhomb block." Rhomb-shaped fault-bound block of
rotated bedding resulting from the linkage of faults
with zigzag traces (Morley, 1995, fig. 16). Similar to
the horse shown by Ramsey and Huber (1987, fig.
Rfft: A relatively narrow trough or belt of subsidence
bounded on either side by normal faults (e.g.
Nelson et al., 1992). Rifts commonly contain or
consist of grabens or half-grabens. Various usages
(e.g. for structures on volcanoes) are described by
Dennis (1967).
Rift valley." Defined by Gregory (1894) as a valley with
steep parallel walls, formed by subsidence of a part
of the Earth's crust.
Roll-over. Beds in the hanging wall that steepen
towards a normal fault to form an anticline (e.g.
Stoneley, 1982; Gibbs, 1984). Roll-over may indicate
a listric geometry (e.g. Williams and Vann, 1987), or
reverse drag around a planar fault (Barnett et al.,


Rotation, horizontal-axis. Rotation of a fault block

about a horizontal axis. Horizontal-axis rotation
commonly accompanies normal faulting, for
example during bookshel.ffauIting (e.g. Anders et al.,
1993) and in relay ramps (e.g. Peacock and
Sanderson, 1994, fig. 8). Synonymous with tilting.
Rotation, vertical-axis. Rotation of a fault block about
a vertical axis. Vertical axis rotation commonly
occurs in normal fault systems (e.g. Janecke et al.,
1991), for example in relay ramps (Peacock and
Sanderson, 1994, fig. 8).
Roughness, fault. A measure of the irregularity of a
fault surface (e.g. Power and Tullis, 1991; Lee and
Bruhn, 1996; Stewart, 1996).
Scale invariance: The property whereby a set of objects
at one scale are geometrically identical to the set of
objects when viewed at another scale (e.g. Turcotte,
1989; Main, 1996). The concept that faults have
scale invariant geometries was introduced by
Tchalenko (1970). See fractal, self-affine and selfsimilar.
Scaling relationship.
relationship between
different-sized structures (e.g. Scholz and Cowie,
1990; Marrett and Allmendinger, 1992; Walsh and
Watterson, 1992; Scholz et al., 1993). See
displacement length ratio, D-value and power-law.
Seal. A fault is sealing if fluid is unable to flow
through the rock because the fault rocks are
impermeable, or because of the geometry of the
fault (e.g. Smith, 1966; Knott, 1993). See fault
juxtaposition diagram and smear.
Segment, fault." An individual slip plane that is part of
a set of sub-parallel faults that together form a fault
zone (e.g. Segall and Pollard, 1980). Synonymous
with strand (Biddle and Christie-Blick, 1985).
Self-affine." A set of objects or properties that exhibit
fractal behaviour, but that show systematic changes
in geometry with scale according to a linear
transformation(s) (Mandlebrot, 1982; Gillespie et
al., 1993). Self-affine objects are therefore not
perfectly self-similar.
Se(f-similar: A set of objects or properties that exhibit
ji"actal behaviour and that show scale invariant
geometry at all scales (e.g. Turcotte, 1989; Main,
1996). Self-similarity of fault geometries was first
illustrated by Tchalenko (1970). See self-affine.
Separation: The apparent displacement of a planar
marker (e.g. bed) across a fault, measured in any
indicated direction (Reid et al., 1913). Note,
however, that separation has also been used for: (a)
the distance between two overstepping faults,
measured perpendicular to the fault planes (e.g.
Rodgers, 1980); and (b) the distance between
overstepping faults measured parallel to their strikes
(Segall and Pollard, 1980) (synonymous with
overlap). We suggest that these two latter uses


D.C.P. Peacock et al./JournalofStructural Geology 22 (2000) 291 305

should be avoided because separation is more

commonly used for apparent displacement, with
overstep and overlap being more suitable terms.
Slip: The distance between two formerly adjacent
points on opposite walls of the fault, measured in a
straight line on the fault surface (Reid et al., 1913).
Synonymous with net slip, cf. displacement. Cowie
and Shipton (1998) use slip synonymously with slip

Slip, cumulative: The finite displacements produced by
a number of individual slip events on a fault (Walsh
and Watterson, 1987).
Slip event: A single displacement event on a fault (e.g.
Walsh and Watterson, 1987), i.e. associated with an
earthquake (Cowie and Scholz, 1992b). The net slip
and final displacement profile on a fault is usually
the result of many slip events (Walsh and
Watterson, 1987; Peacock and Sanderson, 1996).
Slip plane: Used in material science for a plane along
which displacement may occur (e.g. Dennis, 1967).
Used in geology for a surface along which
displacement has occurred (e.g. Stewart and
Hancock, 1991). Synonymous with fault plane.
Slip vector." The orientation and magnitude of the
displacement of formerly adjacent points on
opposite sides of a fault measured along the fault
surface (Reid et al., 1913), cf. displacement vector.
Smear: Wall-rock material, usually clay-rich, spread
along a fault surface (Perkins, 1961; Knipe, 1992;
Knott, 1993; Lindsay et al., 1993). See seal.
Soft domino." Block rotation accommodated by ductile
strain, including faults below the scale of the
analysis (Gibson et al., 1989; Walsh and Watterson,
1991, fig. 10). This behaviour implies geometric

Soft-linkage." Coherence between faults achieved by
ductile strain of the wall-rocks, i.e. there is no
linkage by faults visible at the scale of observation
(Walsh and Watterson, 1991). A relay ramp is an
example o f soft-linkage. See hard-linkage and soft

Spacing, fault: The (average) distance between faults,
usually measured in a line perpendicular to the fault
plane or the fault strike. It only has a rigorous
definition, therefore, for sets of sub-parallel faults,
but may be applied to traverses perpendicular to the
strike of conjugate normal fault sets. Discontinuity
spacing is discussed by Priest and Hudson (1976,
1981). See fault density.
Splay, fault: One or more smaller faults that join a
larger fault, to which it is related (e.g. Biddle and
Christie-Blick, 1985, fig. 2). The larger fault splays if
it is connected with one or more splay faults
(DeSitter, 1956). See branch.
Stepover. Synonymous with overstep (Aydin and Nur,

Synthetic fault: Originally defined by Cloos (1928) as a

minor fault that dips in the same direction as
dipping beds. Synthetic fault is now used (e.g.
Gibbs, 1984) for a minor fault that has the same
displacement sense and a similar orientation to a
related major fault, or the relationship whereby two
related faults have the same shear sense. Two
normal faults with downthrows to the north are
synthetic to each other. See antithetic fault.
Synthetic transfer zone: Synonymous with relay ramp
(Morley et al., 1990).
Tension fracture." Synonymous with extension fracture
(e.g. McGrath and Davison, 1995).
Termination, fault: The end of a fault or fault zone,
where displacement decreases to zero (e.g. Zhang et
al., 1991). Termination has also been used for the
location at which an earthquake rupture ends (e.g.
Aki, 1989). See damage zone and tip.
Thermal subsidence and thermal uplift." Vertical
movements related to thermal contraction and
extension of the Earth's crust, respectively (e.g.
Sleep, 1971; McKenzie, 1978; Roberts and Yielding,
Thickness, fault." The extent of the deformation and
grain size reduction in a fault zone, usually
measured perpendicular to the fault (Evans, 1990;
Knott, 1994). Gouge thickness is defined by Byerlee
and Summers (1976) as the thickness of crushed
material between sliding surfaces. See width, fault.
Throw." The vertical component of the dip-separation of
a normal or reverse fault, measured in a vertical
cross-section perpendicular to the strike of a fault
(e.g. Geikie, 1882; Hills, 1940; Billings, 1942) (Fig.
1). Throw is defined in terms of the separation,
hence it applies to the faulted geometry of a plane
and not the displacement (net slip) of the fault. The
throw is equivalent to the vertical component of the
displacement only for a pure dip-slip fault. See

Tilting." Rotation of a fault block about a horizontal
axis. Tilting commonly accompanies normal faulting
(e.g. Anders et al., 1993), for example in relay ramps
(Peacock and Sanderson, 1994, fig. 8). Synonymous
with horizontal axis rotation.
Tip: A tip point is a site where fault displacement dies
to zero, e.g. where a fault trace ends on a map (e.g.
Coward and Potts, 1983) (Fig. 1). A tip line is the
line around a fault plane where displacement
becomes zero. Barnett et al. (1987) suggest that
isolated normal faults have elliptical tip lines. A tip
zone is an area of damage at the termination of a
fault. Synonymous with fault termination.
Transfer fault: A fault that links, is at a high angle to,
and that transfers displacement between two normal
faults (Gibbs, 1984, fig. 15) (Fig. 1). Transfer faults
between normal faults in map view usually have a

D.C.P. Peacocket al./ Journal of Structural Geology 22 (2000) 291-305

significant strike-slip component (Stewart and
Hancock, 1991). Transfer fault is approximately
synonymous with tramformfault (Bally, 1981, fig. 2)
and with cross-strike fault (Morley, 1995, fig. 16).
Transfer zone." Dahlstrom (1970) uses transfer zone for
the structures that conserve shortening, or allow a
regular change in shortening, between overstepping
thrust faults. Transfer zone is also used for an area
of deformation and bed rotation between two
normal faults that overstep in m a p view (Fig. 1).
Morley (1995) suggests that the faults which define
a transfer zone were active at the same time, in
contrast to accommodation zone, in which the two
faults need not have been active at the same time
(Bosworth, 1985). Morley et al. (1990, fig. 1)
describe synthetic transfer zones and conjugate
transfer zones, in which the overstepping faults dip
in the same and opposite directions, respectively.
Conjugate transfer zones can be further sub-divided
convergent- and divergent-transfer zones
(Morley et al,, 1990). See relay ramp. Faulds and
Varga (1998) discuss previous usage of transfer zone
and accommodation zone. They redefine a transfer
zone as a discrete zone of strike-slip and oblique-slip
faulting that typically transfers strain between en
accommodation zone as a belt of overlapping fault
terminations (Faulds and Varga, 1998, figs. 4, 5 and
6, table 1). We suggest that these definitions are
unhelpful because: (a) they are redefinitions of
existing terms; and (b) the distinction between the
two types of zone m a y be arbitrary (e.g. an
accommodation zone can contain elements of a
transfer zone, with strike-slip faults developing as
the zone becomes breached).
Transtension." A system of stresses that tends to cause
oblique-extension, i.e. combined extension and
strike-slip (e.g. Harland, 1971; Sanderson and
Marchini, 1984).
Underlapping faults." Two faults that overstep such that
they do not pass each other, i.e. a line can be drawn
between and perpendicular to the faults that does
not cross either fault (e.g. Pollard and Aydin, 1984).
See overlap.
Wall-rock: Old mining term for the country rock
bounding a vein, now commonly used for the rocks
surrounding and displaced by a fault (see Dennis,
Width, fault." The term has two uses. (a) Fault width is
often used for the thickness of fault rock along a
fault plane (e.g. Knott, 1994; Caine et al., 1996).
Synonymous terms including fault-rock width and
fault thickness. (b) Barnett et al. (1987) and Walsh
and Watterson (1988) use fault width for the major
axis of a fault plane, that is usually along the strike
of a normal fault. We suggest that this latter usage


should be avoided because it is less intuitive than

fault length, which is used by some other authors
(e.g. Scholz and Cowie, 1990) for the trace length or
for the major axis of the fault plane.
Zone, fault." Defined by Hills (1940) as the zone of
disturbed rocks between faulted blocks. Now
commonly used for a system of related fault
segments that interact and link, and are restricted to
a relatively narrow band or volume (e.g. Nevin,
1931; Peacock and Sanderson, 1991). A fault zone
can include fault segments with a wide range of
orientations, and these can be both synthetic and
antithetic to the overall displacement of the zone.

W o r k for this paper was funded by an N E R C
R O P A award to the Rock Deformation Research
Group, University of Leeds. Comments by Bob
Janssen, Greg Jones and Eddie McAllister are appreciated, and Nick Allin is thanked for drawing Fig. 1.
Careful reviews by G a r y Axen, Ernest Duebendorfer,
James Evans, James Faulds, Susanne Janecke and Jon
Spencer greatly improved this paper.

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