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Extensional Fault Arrays in Strike-Slip and Transtension: John W.F. Waldron

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Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

Extensional fault arrays in strike-slip and transtension

John W.F. Waldron*
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 1-26 ESB, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3
Received 1 January 2004; received in revised form 3 June 2004; accepted 30 June 2004
Available online 13 October 2004


Sedimentary basins developed under conditions of strike-slip or transtension are subject to significant rotational strains, yet faults
developed in such regimes are commonly explained using simplified models that ignore rotation. The heaves of extensional faults developed
provide a means of quantifying this rotation. For ideal strike-slip (simple shear), the apparent stretch due to fault heaves can be related simply
to shear strain. At shear strains (g) above 1.0, previously formed extensional faults begin to show inversion as reverse faults, becoming fully
inverted at gZ2.0. In transtensional basins, the apparent stretch is related, in addition, to the initial orientation of the faults, which may itself
be related to the incremental strain. In the Stellarton basin of Nova Scotia, Canada, fault heaves and orientations can be measured from
subsurface mine plans. Measurements of these quantities indicate that strain was only mildly transtensional, with a small (!108) angle of
divergence (a). The measurement of fault heaves potentially provides detailed information on strain wherever strike-slip or transtensional
basins have been explored in detail by seismic or other subsurface methods.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Kinematics; Strike-slip; Transtension; Fault; Strain; Pull-apart basin

1. Introduction This paper develops a simple kinematic model for the

deformation of a sedimentary basin in a strike-slip setting,
Sedimentary basins developed in strike-slip settings are where extension is manifested in the development of normal
subject to deformation from the earliest stages of basin faults. The model is based in part on structures mapped in
development. However, many analyses of the geometrical the subsurface of the coal-bearing Stellarton Basin (Fig. 2)
features of such basins have been based on, and limited by, in the Carboniferous of Nova Scotia, in the Appalachians of
hypothetical orientations of stress axes, and infinitesimal eastern Canada (Waldron, 2004). Published descriptions of
strains (e.g. Fig. 1a). Such models neglect the effects of other strike-slip basins (Fig. 3) suggest that extensional
incremental rotations in progressive strain (illustrated faults are common, and therefore that the kinematic analysis
schematically for simple shear in Fig. 1b and c). In contrast, applied to the Stellarton example is applicable to many other
kinematic analyses of thrust belts and rifts have focussed on basins developed in comparable settings.
the development and effect of features that involve
significant rotations during progressive strain, such as thrust
duplexes and listric extensional growth faults. Thus, 2. Fault arrays in strike-slip and transtensional basins
progressive deformation of sedimentary rocks in these
settings is relatively well understood. The effects of 2.1. Kinematic styles of basin deformation
rotational strain in strike-slip basins have been relatively
neglected, probably because this deformation inevitably Fault arrays are common in basins developed in strike-slip
involves large departures from plane strain, and is therefore and transtensional settings. In some cases the intra-basinal
harder to handle geometrically. faults are predominantly strike-slip, with rotation of fault
blocks about vertical axes in strike-slip duplexes (Woodcock
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1-780-492-3892; fax: C1-780-492-2030 and Fischer, 1986) and similar configurations; Fig. 4a shows
E-mail address: one such kinematic style, based on figures by Dibblee (1977),
0191-8141/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

Fig. 1. (a) Diagram illustrating incremental strain associated with simple-shear deformation in a strike-slip zone, after Harding (1974). (b) Modification of (a)
by continued simple shear, showing that previous (grey) normal and thrust faults acquire oblique slip (black). (c) Continued shear leads to inversion (black) of
previous (grey) normal faults.

and Christie-Blick and Biddle (1985). For example, kinematic deformed in strike-slip settings have been described by
models proposed for the Mojave Desert and other basins many authors (Harding, 1974; Dibblee, 1977; Aydin and
related to the San Andreas fault (e.g. Garfunkel, 1974; Nur, 1985; Cemen et al., 1985; Harding et al., 1985; Wood
Garfunkel and Ron, 1985; Dokka et al., 1998) are dominated et al., 1994; Allen et al., 1998). There is significant variation
by vertical rotations, in some cases documented with extensive in the fault orientation both within and between basins; in
paleomagnetic evidence. However, in many examples, faults many cases, fault orientations depart significantly from the
with extensional, normal-sense slip are dominant within a orientations predicted by Fig. 1a. For example, Rodgers
basin, typically in an en échelon arrangement (Fig. 4b). This (1980) identified a small basin on the San Jacinto fault
type of behaviour is here termed extension-dominated. Allen where normal faults are almost perpendicular to bounding
et al. (1998) have noted that significant rotations must occur strike-slip faults (Fig. 3). There are of course several
under these circumstances also, on both horizontal and vertical possible explanations for this variation. Pre-existing base-
axes, as shown in Fig. 4b. However, the relationship between ment features, or earlier strike-slip faults, may control the
rotation and the overall deformation environment has not been orientation of normal faults. Normal faults may develop
quantified. during fault propagation, at fault tips, which are areas of
A simple comparison of the bulk strain involved in the inhomogeneous stress and strain. Also, basins may depart
two styles suggests that extension-dominated basins should from the ideal of simple shear illustrated by Fig. 1;
prevail in transtensional settings, because they produce a transtensional and transpressional strains will produce
significant increase in basin-area, whereas wrench-domi- different initial fault orientations. Finally, progressive strain
nated basins probably represent bulk strains that more is likely to change the initial orientations of faults, either by
closely approximate ideal strike-slip. A third, thrust- rotation as shown in Fig. 1b and c, or by folding. Many of
dominated style, would be anticipated in transpressional these effects can be seen in analogue models (Dooley and
settings (e.g. positive flower-structures) where a significant McClay, 1997; Rahe et al., 1998; Sims et al., 1999), in
amount of vertical extension occurs. which normal faults are initiated in variable orientations and
undergo rotation in the sense shown in Fig. 1.
2.2. Characteristics of extension dominated basins The Pennsylvanian Stellarton basin of Nova Scotia (Yeo
and Gao, 1987; Waldron, 2004) is interpreted as a pull-apart
Arrays of normal faults in natural sedimentary basins basin developed at the dextral Cobequid–Hollow fault

Fig. 2. Extensional faults in the Stellarton basin, Nova Scotia. (a) Simplified map of Stellarton basin showing location of underground coal mine data and
subsurface fault traces (after Waldron, 2004). Insets show location in Nova Scotia of Stellarton basin and major Carboniferous fault zones: CCFZZCobequid–
Chedabucto Fault Zone; HFZZHollow Fault Zone. (b) Enlarged structure contour map of subsurface Foord coal seam and faults that cut it. Contours are
derived from original mine plans (hence depths in feet below sea level) as described by Waldron (2004). Cross-sections A–A 0 to E–E 0 show deformation of
Foord seam by folds and faults. Location ticks show UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid coordinates.
J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34 25
26 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

Fig. 3. Published examples of transtensional and strike-slip basins. (a) Bohai Basin, China (after Dokka et al., 1998). (b) Death Valley area (Cemen et al., 1985).
(c) Cantil Valley adjacent to Garlock Fault, California (Aydin and Nur, 1985). (d) Basin on San Jacinto fault (Rodgers, 1980). (e) Sinistral fault zone at Billings,
Montana (Harding et al., 1985).

system (Fig. 2). The basin contains numerous thick coal relationship between the strain, the orientation of the faults,
seams for which mine plans provide detailed information on and the fault heaves. The results given in the following
subsurface geometry (Fig. 2b), allowing faults to be mapped sections arose from an effort to determine this relationship
in the subsurface. The Foord seam, the thickest and most for the Stellarton basin, but they can be generalized to all
extensively mined, shows a family of N–S to NNW–SSE- basins where strike-slip deformation is accommodated by
trending fault intersections. The horizontal component of slip on multiple normal faults.
offset, or heave, of a fault can in some cases be measured
directly from annotations in the mine plans; in other cases
the heave can be readily inferred from the pattern of mining. 3. Kinematic model for ideal strike-slip
The fault heaves typically increase northward, and the
trends of fault–coal intersections show small variations, In developing a model for the accommodation of
interpreted to reflect mainly the rotation of faults and transtension by en échelon normal faults, it is convenient
intervening blocks, but also showing effects of folding. The to begin by considering the special case of simple shear
Albion syncline (Fig. 2b) is shown (Waldron, 2004) to fold parallel to vertical planar bounding surfaces, i.e. an ideal
both the coal seams and the faults, but the right-stepping strike-slip setting. Later sections will generalize this special
character of the syncline across several faults shows that the case to transtensional zones, in which a component of
faults continued to be active during folding. divergence is combined with strike-slip. Most of the
If, as seems likely, the faulting of the Foord seam conclusions could also be generalized to the transpressional
developed during dextral strike-slip or transtensional case, although significant basin subsidence is less likely in
deformation of the basin fill, then there must be a transpressional settings.
J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34 27

Fig. 4. (a) Wrench dominated block faulting in a zone of overall strike-slip, based loosely on illustrations by Dibblee (1977), Christie-Blick and Biddle (1985),
and Dokka et al. (1998). (b) Extension dominated block faulting, modified from Allen et al. (1998), based on example from Bohai Basin, China.

3.1. General theoretical considerations penetrative ductile strain that accommodates the shortening
component of deformation.
The infinitesimal strain, and by implication the stress, in
an idealized homogeneous body of rock in a strike-slip 3.2. Relationship of folds and faults to strain
setting can be represented as shown in Fig. 1a, based on
many examples from the published literature (e.g. Harding To investigate and quantify the bulk strain, and
et al., 1985). (For convenience, all examples are drawn for particularly the finite rotation, implied by faults and folds
having the style shown in Figs. 2 and 3, it is helpful to use a
dextral motion.) For infinitesimal simple shear, the shear
simplified conceptual model as indicated in Fig. 5. This
zone boundary is a line of no extension. Extensional
model considers only the plan view of a stratum, and
structures (such as boudins and normal faults) and short-
therefore emphasizes the effects of rotation about a vertical
ening structures (such as thrust faults and folds) are
axis. The initial configuration represents a portion of basin
predicted to develop in orientations at 458 to the shear
in plan view as a square. Upon initiation of simple shear
zone boundary, consistent with inferred directions of
measured by gZtan(j), extensional faults are initiated with
instantaneous shortening and extension.
strikes perpendicular to instantaneous extension at 458 to the
When finite strain is considered, this model is compli-
shear zone boundary. It is assumed that the fault-bounded
cated by rotation. Normal faults initiated in the positions
segments of width w rotate rigidly as if pinned to passive
shown in Fig. 1a are expected to rotate clockwise, moving markers at the shear zone boundaries. The extensional
into orientations where they may be expected to acquire component of the bulk strain is manifested by the
strike-slip components of motion, synthetic to the sense of development of fault heaves (width h) between the
the main shear zone in the case of rotated thrust faults, and segments. The most convenient map-based measure of
antithetic for rotated normal faults (Fig. 1b). Eventually, if the fault-accommodated extension is the change in the
the angle of shear j exceeds 458, the normal faults may effective width of the segments. This can be measured in
rotate through an orientation perpendicular to the shear zone Fig. 5a by the width of the segment plus the heave (kZwC
boundary; beyond this point they would experience h) expressed as a proportion of the original width (w). This
incremental shortening, and therefore would be expected proportion is here termed the apparent stretch S*Zh/w. It
to develop reverse slip (Fig. 1c). Geological consequences differs from a true stretch because it neglects the initially
might include the development of inversion structures. small component of strike-slip motion along the faults.
The following discussion considers the simple case of a To retain approximate compatibility along the shear-zone
basin in which the extensional component of simple shear is boundary it is assumed that the segments shorten by folding,
accommodated by faults, but the shortening component is with fold hinges oriented perpendicular to the lengths of the
accommodated by more ductile deformation, typically fold- segments. For simple shear (ideal strike-slip), which conserves
ing. This is an idealized model; in reality, progressive general area, the stretch resulting from folding along the segment
shear is likely to result in the folding of faults soon after their lengths (here termed S 0 ) is the reciprocal of S*. Fig. 5b shows
initiation (Dewey, 2002). However, in the Stellarton basin of how approximate strain compatibility can be maintained
Nova Scotia, where such folding is easily demonstrated from across a zone of heterogeneous simple shear, where fault
contoured plans of mining operations (Waldron, 2004), faults strikes and apparent stretch vary across the zone.
can also be shown to have continued to slip during folding, For the simple shear case (ideal strike-slip), the apparent
because they serve to link folds that are offset en échelon. stretch S* can be shown (Fig. 5c and Appendix A) to be
Hence, it is here assumed that extensional faults are able to pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
continue to slip, concurrently with gentle to open folding or S * Z 1= 1 K g C g2 =2: (1)
28 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

Fig. 5. Constructions for the strike-slip (simple shear) case. (a) Diagram showing progressive deformation in simple shear, with extensional component of strain
accommodated by faults. (b) Modification to show heterogeneous simple shear. (c) Small unit square region containing a single extensional fault. (d) Unit
square after deformation, showing quantities referred to in text and Appendix A.

Fig. 6 graphs the relationship between S* and shear strain perpendicular to the shear zone boundary, and the initial
g, and between S* and angle of shear j. Notice that S* orientation of faults cannot be assumed to be at 458 to the
increases to a maximum when gZ1 (jZ458), where the boundary. Although many different shapes of incremental
fault segments are perpendicular to the shear zone strain ellipsoid can be considered (e.g. Fossen and Tikoff,
boundary. Beyond this point, further deformation leads to 1998), the most likely type of bulk strain at a releasing bend
progressive closing of the fault heaves as the normal faults in a strike-slip boundary is illustrated in Fig. 7a, where a
become inverted. Beyond gZ2 (jZ63.48) the originally basin is developed between two otherwise rigid blocks. In
normal faults are completely inverted and acquire reverse this case, the short segment of fault that forms the basin
offsets as S* falls below unity. boundary (horizontal in Fig. 7a) will represent a unique
horizontal line of no extension. This type of transtensional
strain corresponds to the kinematics of Sanderson and
4. Kinematic model for transtension (arbitrary initial Marchini (1984), and to case B in the range of possibilities
fault orientation) considered by Fossen and Tikoff (Fossen and Tikoff, 1998).
In general, the orientation of the extension axis will not
4.1. General characteristics of transtension model be perpendicular to any of the basin boundaries, so faults
developed within the basin will have different orientations
Now consider the general case of a transtensional finite from the basin boundaries. Initially, the case of arbitrarily
strain. In this case there will be a component of extension oriented pre-existing faults will be considered, with strike q
J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34 29

clockwise from the shear zone boundary (Fig. 7a). In a later

section, q will be constrained to be perpendicular to an
instantaneous extension axis consistent with progressive

4.2. Kinematic model for transtension

Consider the finite strain as due to a simple shear with shear

strain T parallel to the x-axis (shear zone boundary), followed
by a stretch S perpendicular to this line. The two-dimensional
deformation gradient tensor describing this strain is:
1 T
0 S

The final value of the shear strain along the zone

Fig. 6. Graphs for the case of ideal strike-slip (simple shear). Top: graph of
apparent stretch against shear strain g. Bottom: graph of apparent stretch
against angle of shear j.

Fig. 7. Diagrams illustrating the general case of transtension. (a) Diagram

showing slip direction and distortion of a unit square in a generalized pull-
apart basin at a releasing bend. Extensional faults within the basin are Fig. 8. Construction equivalent to Fig. 5, but drawn for the general case of
oriented at an arbitrary angle q. (b) Diagram showing angular relationships transtension. (a) Small rectangular element of unit width cut by a single
where extensional faults are oriented perpendicular to the incremental extensional fault. (b) Rectangular element after deformation, showing
stretching direction. quantities referred to in text and Appendices B–D.
30 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

boundary is gZT/S. A convenient measure of the the southwest (now removed by erosion). This line is taken
amount of extension relative to strike-slip shear is as the orientation of the shear-zone boundary. Sections A–
designated AZ(SK1)/T. The displacement direction A 0 and B–B 0 , drawn perpendicular to faults, show apparent
(counterclockwise from the zone boundary) of particles stretches (S*) of w1.14. Sections drawn parallel to the
is given by a, where tanaZA. faults (C–C 0 to E–E 0 , Fig. 2) show shortening by folding,
These quantities are shown in Fig. 8 for a small, initially with an apparent stretch of w0.9. Although there is some
rectangular element with unit extent measured parallel to indication in the Stellarton basin that folding may have
the shear zone boundary, diagonally transected by a single continued after faulting (Waldron, 2004), we here assume
fault. The initial height of the element (perpendicular to the that both were part of a single strain history, and examine
shear zone boundary) is tanq. The initial width of a single the resulting bulk strain. Hence, we calculate S to be 1.015
fault block wZsinq. (Eq. (4)). The measured value of q 0 is w488 (Fig. 2), whence
After deformation the fault is rotated to orientation q 0 . The q is calculated to be 418. The value of T is estimated at 0.24,
apparent stretch S* is shown in Appendix B to be given by: and a is 68. This value is insensitive to the estimated
1 1 orientation of the shear zone boundary (the grey dashed line
Z sin2 q C 2 ðcosq K TsinqÞ2 (2) in Fig. 2b); variations of up to 108 in q 0 produce values of a
S * S
that are effectively identical.
For a given a we can write tanaZ(SK1)/T whence TZ
Thus, the observed map-scale deformation of the Foord
(SK1)/tana. Substituting for T in Eq. (2) gives the relationship
seam in the Stellarton basin can be accounted for by a bulk
of S* to S and a:
  strain that departs only slightly from dextral simple shear. In
1 2 1 ð1 K SÞsinq 2 the portion of Fig. 2b that contains the cross-sections, the
Z sin q C 2 cosq C (3)
S*2 S tana faults and intervening fault blocks are estimated to have
been rotated about 78 clockwise during this strain, from an
4.3. Determination of transtension parameters from original orientation that was approximately NNW. Fig. 9
measurements of deformed basins shows a schematic retro-deformation, indicating how this
strain affected the seam.
In a given basin we are unlikely to be able obtain a direct
estimate of S or T; however, the final orientation q 0 of faults
may be known, and it may be possible to measure, from
maps and cross-sections, the apparent stretches S* and S 0
across and along the fault segments, respectively. We can
therefore attempt to obtain estimates of a, S, T, and q, using
observed values of independently determined S* , S 0 , and q 0 .
The values S, T, q, and a can be obtained as shown in
Appendix B:
S Z S* S0: (4)

sinq Z sinq 0 =S * (5)

T Z cotq K Scotq 0 (6)

tana Z ðS K 1Þ=T (7)

4.4. Application to Stellarton example

These relationships allow us to explore the role of simple

shear and transtension for the map-scale faulting and folding
exhibited by the Foord seam in the Stellarton Basin. Strain
within the area of Fig. 2b is significantly heterogeneous, as
indicated by the northward widening of fault heaves.
However, estimates of the apparent stretch can be obtained Fig. 9. (a) Schematic retro-deformed map of the Foord seam (area shown in
Fig. 2b), showing general orientation of faults at the start of deformation.
in the regularly faulted area around the Albion syncline,
(b) Simplified present-day map of faults, with strain ellipse showing the
where along-segment shortening is taken up by folding. A distortion required to account for distribution of fault heaves. Large
dashed line marks the approximate south limit of faulting, parallelogram represents distorted version of rectangle in (a). Divergence a
and is roughly parallel to an inferred basin margin that lay to of slip direction (arrow) from shear zone boundary (dashed grey line) is 68.
J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34 31

5. Transtension (faults initiated perpendicular to

incremental extension)

5.1. Initial fault orientation

The above relationships apply to finite transtension

accommodated on arbitrarily oriented faults However, if it
is assumed that faults are initiated as a result of transten-
sional strain then the angle q is dependent (Appendix C) on
the value of A, such that tan(2q)Z1/A, and

2q Z 90 K a: (8)

This results in the geometry shown in Fig. 7b. Note that if

either a or q is known, then the other can be found by a
simple right-triangle construction.

5.2. Effect of transtension on structures

Substituting for q in Eq. (3) above, it can be shown

(Appendix D) that

2 1 C T 2 K 2Tcosað1 K T 2 Þsina
Z 1 K sina C (9)
S*2 ð1 C TtanaÞ2
Apparent stretch S* varies with shear T, for various
values of a, as shown in Fig. 10a. At low values of a
(representing dominantly strike-slip transtension), the
apparent stretch will increase to a maximum and then
decrease again as initially extensional faults are inverted in
compression. For extension-dominated transtension, with
values of a above about 408, initially extensional faults do
not invert in compression in the range of T shown in Fig.
A further condition limits the applicability of the graphs
in Fig. 10. If the amount of extension (relative to shear) is
large, then the strain along the fault-bounded blocks is Fig. 10. Graphs for progressive transtension in which faults are initiated
extensional also. Under these circumstances, all horizontal perpendicular to maximum incremental extension. In each graph a bold
grey line (S 0 Z1.0) separates a region where there is shortening in some
directions within the basin suffer extension. Additional directions within the plane, from a region (above the line) where all lines
orientations of normal faults might be expected to develop within the plane are extended, and multiple orientations of faults would be
to accommodate this extension, and simple models of expected. (a) Graph of apparent stretch S* against shear strain component T.
rotating fault blocks become inapplicable. The limiting (b) Graph of S* against final fault orientation q 0 . Points marked in (b) show
condition for extension along the fault blocks is shown by a (i) the bulk strain affecting the Foord seam at Stellarton, based on estimates
of S* and S 0 , and (ii) the incremental strain, based on estimates of S* and q 0 .
bold grey line (S 0 Z1.0) in Fig. 10; only the area below this
boundary represents conditions that satisfy the initial use of the graph is limited to cases where S 0 is less than or
assumptions of the model. Other lines in Fig. 10a mark equal to unity (below the bold grey line labelled S 0 Z1.0).
the conditions where S 0 is slightly lower and higher than
unity, to illustrate the amounts of along-block strain that
would be predicted. 5.3. Application to Stellarton example
Fig. 10a serves for predicting the behaviour of a
transtensional basin of known angle of extension a and These relationships can now be used to determine
shear T. For the interpretation of observations from whether the initial orientations of faults in the Stellarton
naturally occurring basins, it is more likely that apparent example were controlled by the same type of strain that
stretch S* and fault orientation q 0 will be measurable produced the overall distortion described in the previous
quantities. Accordingly, Fig. 10b graphs S* against q 0 , and section. This is most easily accomplished using the simple
shows curves for values of T and a. Once again, practical relationship of Eq. (8): 2qZ90Ka. The geometry shown in
32 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

Fig. 2b corresponds to a q value of 418, whence a is basins. Although not clearly available for the published
predicted to be 88. This compares closely with the calculated examples shown in Fig. 3, these measurements should be
value of 68, but suggests a slightly larger extensional easy to make in basins that have been explored using
component in the incremental strain at the time of fault (especially) 3-D seismic techniques, and will allow
initiation than in the overall bulk strain, consistent with the quantification of the deformation of such basins.
field evidence suggesting a change from transtension to
transpression late in the deformation history. The two
estimates cannot be separated on a plot of S* against T (Fig. Acknowledgements
10a) though they are just distinguishable in the plot of S*
against q 0 shown in Fig. 10b. It should be noted that when q 0 Initial work on the Stellarton basin was supported by the
is used in this way to constrain a, the results are much more Geological Survey of Canada through a Supply and Services
sensitive to errors in the determination of the orientation of Canada contract with Saint Mary’s University. Preparation
the shear zone boundary (the dashed grey line in Fig. 2b). A of the paper was assisted by NSERC Discovery Grant
58 error in q 0 leads to a change in a of w88. A8508. Data on Stellarton were compiled with the
assistance of Kevin Gillis and the Nova Scotia Department
of Natural Resources. James Bradley assisted with measure-
6. Discussion ments and data from the Stellarton basin. I acknowledge a
useful discussion with John Dewey on basin kinematics.
In a previous account of the development of the Journal reviewers Nigel Woodcock and Gregor Schoenborn,
Stellarton basin (Waldron, 2004), it was inferred that and editor David Ferrill, provided helpful and encouraging
basin extension was controlled primarily by strike-slip comments.
motion parallel to the Cobequid Fault (Fig. 2), which strikes
approximately east–west. In this context, the angular
relationships described above and shown in Fig. 2 are Appendix A. Value of apparent stretch in simple shear
somewhat unexpected, because east–west slip would have
resulted in a value of aZ248, rather than the 6–88 values Consider the unit square shown in Fig. 5c, divided by a
estimated. A number of explanations are possible. First, it is single extensional fault into two triangular segments. The
clear that the faults in the Foord seam represent only a small initial width of the segments is given by wZ1/O2. The
part of the deformation history of the basin, soon after square is subjected to simple shear through an angle j,
deposition of the Foord seam, and they may reflect an producing a shear strain gZtan(j) along the shear zone
interval of near-simple-shear occurring at this time. Second, boundary (Fig. 5d).
only faults apparent in mine plans were included in the The angle q 0 that the segments make with the boundary,
analysis; typically these are faults with sufficient throw to initially 458, is increased to arccot(1Kg) as shown by
affect mining operations. Outcrop observations (Waldron, triangle ABC in Fig. 5d. The combined width kZhCw is
2004) show that small-scale extensional faults are common, given by triangle ADE, such that:
and therefore that the apparent stretch may be under- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
estimated. Fig. 10b indicates, however, that a much larger k Z sinq 0 Z sinðarccotð1 K gÞÞ Z 1= 2 K 2g C g2 : (10)
apparent stretch, in the order of 1.35, accompanied by more
The apparent stretch S* in this direction is then k/w or
rotation of faults, would have been required for east–west pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
slip with aZ248. S * Z 1= 1 C g C g2 =2: (11)

7. Conclusions Appendix B. Apparent stretch in transtension (arbitrary

initial fault orientation)
The model developed here is clearly a simplification of
the behaviour of real strike-slip and transtensional basins. Consider the small rectangular element with unit length,
However, unlike many previous models, it recognizes the measured parallel to the shear zone boundary, as shown in
progressive nature, and in particular, the rotational com- Fig. 8, diagonally transected by a fault, orientation q. The
ponent, of the strain that affects such basins in map view, initial width of the element (perpendicular to the shear zone
which has been neglected in many previous accounts. The boundary) is tanq. The initial width of a single fault block
relationships derived here show that for a simple scenario, wZsinq.
involving a basin in uniform transtension with no extension After deformation the fault is rotated to orientation q 0 .
parallel to a shear-zone boundary, there is a straightforward The effective new width of the segment kZsinq 0 .
relationship between strain and fault orientation. Obser- In this case the apparent stretch is:
vations of apparent stretch, across multiple normal faults,
are important for understanding the history of pull-apart S * Z sinq 0 =sinq (12)
J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34 33

However, k can be expressed in terms of q because, as Finally, from the definition of a

shown in Fig. 8, triangle ABC:
tana Z ðS K 1Þ=T (18)
Stanq S
tanq 0 Z Z
1 K Ttanq cotq K T
Appendix C. Transtension: fault initiation
perpendicular to instantaneous extension
sinq 0 Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
In a basin filled with uniform sediment undergoing
1 C S12 ðcotq K T Þ2
transtension, the orientation of faults is likely to be
controlled by the orientations of the incremental strain axes.
To determine these orientations consider first the finite
1 strain axes for a strain defined by the deformation gradient
S * Z sinq 0 =sinq Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
sinq 1 C S2 ðcotq K T Þ2
1 tensor:
1 T
Z qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 S
sin q C S2 ðcosq K TsinqÞ2
2 1

The finite strain axes are oriented (Ramsay and Huber,

or, alternatively: 1983) at angles q 0 , measured counterclockwise from the x-
axis, such that:
1 1
Z sin2 q C 2 ðcosq K TsinqÞ2 (13)
S*2 S tanð2q 0 Þ Z 2TS=ð1 C T 2 K S2 Þ (19)
For the simple shear case described in the previous or, substituting 1CAT for S, and converting to the clockwise
section, TZg, SZ1, qZ458 and aZ0. This expression convention of Fig. 8:
reduces to S* Z1/O(1KgCg2/2) as above.
K2ðT C AT 2 Þ
For a given a we can write tanaZ(SK1)/T whence TZ tanð2q 0 Þ Z
(SK1)/tana. Substituting for T in Eq. (7) gives the T 2 ð1 C A2 Þ K 2AT
relationship of S* to S and a: We assume that faults form with orientation q in response
  to a small incremental strain, perpendicular to the incre-
1 2 1 ð1 K SÞsinq 2 mental extension axis. Under these circumstances, T tends
Z sin q C cosq C (14)
S*2 S2 tana to zero. Hence:
Typically S*, S 0 and q 0 may be determined from tanð2qÞ Z 1=A Z TðS K 1Þ (20)
measurement; the values of S, T, q, and a can be found as
The same result can be obtained by equating the
infinitesimal strain and stress tensors, and locating the
The area change involved in the strain shown in Fig. 8 is
stress axes.
simply S (because the longitudinal strain along the shear
This expression has solutions spaced at 908, correspond-
zone boundary is assumed to be one). Hence:
ing to the orientations of strain axes. For transtension, the
S Z S* S0 : (15) lower value of q corresponds to the initial orientation of
normal faults formed perpendicular to the extension
To find q, rearrange Eq. (3) above: direction.
Because AZtana, there is a simple relationship between
sinq Z sinq 0 =S * (16)
q and a:
To find T, note (Fig. 8) that: 2q Z 90 K a (21)
BC Z Stanqcotq :
Hence: Appendix D. Relationship between S*, T and a
BD Z 1 K Stanqcotq :
In this section, the expression for q (Appendix C) is
But this length is already known to equal Ttanq, so: substituted into the equation for S* derived in Appendix B.
To simplify the formulas, a quantity a 0 is defined as 908Ka,
Ttanq Z 1 K Stanqcotq 0 so qZa 0 /2. Substituting this into Eq. (7) gives:
whence  0   0  0 2
1 2 a 1 a a
Z sin C 2 cos K Tsin (22)
T Z cotq K Scotq 0 (17) S * 2 2 S 2 2
34 J.W.F. Waldron / Journal of Structural Geology 27 (2005) 23–34

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