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San Andres Faults

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e p s l

The strength of faults in the crust in the western United States

Sara Carena , Christoph Moder
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Munich, Theresienstr. 41, 80333 Munich, Germany

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 1 April 2009
Received in revised form 12 August 2009
Accepted 13 August 2009
Available online 18 September 2009
Edited by R.D. van der Hilst
fault strength
nite element model

a b s t r a c t
The strength of secondary faults within plate-boundary zones and of master faults like the San Andreas has
been controversial for decades. We use a global nite-element code with a variable-resolution grid and
global plate-driving forces to determine whether the effective friction on the San Andreas fault is high
(* 0.61), intermediate (* 0.30.5) or low (* 0.2), whether a single value of * can be used for all
mapped faults within California, and whether weakening of the ductile lower crust associated with faulting is
important. We compare our model results with existing data on fault slip-rates, GPS velocities, stress eld,
and earthquake depth distribution. The comparison indicates that all faults are weak (* 0.2), and that
additional weakening of major faults is important. All viable solutions also indicate that weakening of the
lower crust below major faults is necessary. The strongest faults in the region have * in the range 0.20.05.
The San Andreas fault is a very weak fault among weak faults, with * < 0.05. Our results also show that a
global code with appropriate grid-renement and driven by global plate motions can reasonably reproduce
regional tectonics.
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
There is little agreement concerning the brittle strength of large
strike-slip faults like the San Andreas, or even the strength of faults in
general. Determining the strength of faults has signicant implications for structural geology, tectonics, and seismology. According to
classic fault mechanics theory (Anderson, 1942; Byerlee, 1978), the
San Andreas fault should not be able to slip in its current orientation.
Other faults, like low-angle normal ones, should not even exist, and
those that do exist exhibit anomalous seismicity (Wernicke, 1995;
Axen, 2007). Several authors have shown that at least some large
faults in different tectonic settings appear to be much weaker than
predicted by Byerlee's Law (e.g. Mount and Suppe, 1987; Zoback et al.,
1987; Bird and Kong, 1994; Carena et al., 2002; Townend and Zoback,
2004; Bilotti and Shaw, 2005; Suppe, 2007).
Concerning the San Andreas fault, there are arguments both in
favor of it being weak (Lachenbruch and Sass, 1992; Bird and Kong,
1994; Zoback, 2000; Hardebeck and Hauksson, 2001; Townend and
Zoback, 2004) and of it being strong (Scholz, 2000a,b). Even though
the hypothesis of a weak San Andreas fault currently encounters more
favor, the denition of weak San Andreas itself varies considerably
and the range of proposed effective friction coefcients (*) is rather
wide, from 0.05 (Zoback et al., 1987; Bird and Kong, 1994; Townend
and Zoback, 2004), to 0.1 (Humphreys and Coblentz, 2007) to 0.3

Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 89 21806513; fax: +49 89 21806514.

E-mail addresses: (S. Carena), (C. Moder).
0012-821X/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

(Townend and Zoback, 2004). Large faults in other tectonic settings

may be equally weak or even weaker, and plate-boundary faults
appear to be overall very weak, with * as low as 0.03 (Iaffaldano
et al., 2006).
There are also questions concerning whether * is the same for all
faults in a region, or whether it is even constant along strike on the
same fault. For example, in California, Scholz (2000a) infers Byerlee
friction not only on the San Andreas fault, but on all nearby faults as
well (strong fault in a strong crust). Hickman and Zoback (2004)
and Townend and Zoback (2004) instead postulate the existence of a
weak San Andreas surrounded by strong smaller faults that have all
the same * (weak fault in a strong crust). Other possibilities are an
intermediate-strength San Andreas fault (Hardebeck and Michael,
2004), a San Andreas fault whose strength varies along strike (Provost
and Houston, 2003; Townend and Zoback, 2004), and a model where
all faults in California are equally weak (Hardebeck and Hauksson,
2001; Hardebeck and Michael, 2004; weak fault in a weak crust).
Finally, Bird and Kong (1994), based on a at-Earth nite element
model, concluded that all faults in California are weak in the brittle
crust (* 0.2), but that the ones with the largest net slip are likely
even weaker (slip-dependent weakening), suggesting anomalous
pore pressure due to thick fault gouge as a possible reason.
Heterogeneous friction has also been suggested by Rivera and
Kanamori (2002) based on variability of earthquake focal mechanisms. As far as the frictional strength in the upper crust is concerned,
we want to determine whether the effective friction on the San
Andreas is high (i.e. Byerlee friction, or * = 0.61) or low (* 0.2),
and whether a single value of * can be used for all faults within our
region of interest.


S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

Recent works by Brgmann and Dresen (2008) and Thatcher and

Pollitz (2008) suggest that the brittle strength of faults in the upper
crust cannot be studied independently of their strength in the ductile
lower crust. Evidence of weakening in the lower crust below faults
would also contribute to settling a long-standing debate as to whether
major faults exist at lithospheric scale (e.g. Tapponnier et al., 1986,
2001; Thatcher, 1995; Jackson, 2002), or are conned to the brittle
crust (e.g. England and Houseman, 1985; Houseman and England,
1986, 1993). We therefore test for fault behavior in both the brittle
and the ductile zones simultaneously.
We focus on the San Andreas fault and its surrounding fault
network in western California because of the large amount and good
quality of data available, and because the numerous studies that have
already been carried out help us constrain at least some parameters.
We also include in our model the neighboring areas of eastern
California and western Nevada, in order to provide a smooth
transition between the global and local grid of our model.
2. Models
We use SHELLS (Kong and Bird, 1995; Bird, 1999), a global nite
element thin-shell code, for modeling. We opted for a global nite
element code instead of a at-Earth one in order to avoid unphysical
boundary conditions at the edges of our area of interest. A global code
has never been used before to model the behavior of a regional area in
such detail, therefore our work is as much an investigation of fault
strength as it is a feasibility test for this type of models.
In SHELLS, elastic strain is neglected and only permanent strain is
considered, therefore the results of SHELLS calculations correspond to
an average over several seismic cycles. The rheology of the model is
thus anelastic everywhere, and the active deformation mechanisms
are either frictional sliding along faults or nonlinear dislocation creep.
In dislocation creep, (strain-rate) relates to stress () and creep
activation energy (Q) through the power law equation An exp
(Q/RT), where A is the shear stress coefcient, R the gas constant,
and T is temperature. In the model frictional sliding and dislocation
creep compete at faults: friction dominates in the upper part, where
the normal force is small, while dislocation creep dominates at depth,
where the temperature is high enough to achieve substantial sliprates. The depth of the transition between the two for each fault
element (brittleductile transition depth) is calculated by assuming
that the rheology resulting in the lowest shear stress will prevail.
The only boundary conditions that need to be specied are the
global plate-driving forces, for which we tested both NUVEL-1A
velocities, and velocities derived from global mantle circulation
modeling (Bunge et al., 1998, 2002) applied at the bottom of the
plates everywhere in our model. The actual depth at which velocities
are applied does not signicantly affect results, as long as the
velocities are not applied within the crust itself. We adopt a recent
high-resolution mantle circulation model (Fig. 1, Schuberth et al.,
2009) that provides sufcient spatial resolution to resolve the
vigorous convective regime of the mantle. In addition to representing
the dynamic effects from a mechanically weak asthenosphere on
mantle ow (Richards et al., 2001), the model incorporates internal
heat generation from radioactivity together with a signicant amount
of heat ow from the core, for which there is growing evidence
(Bunge, 2005; van der Hilst et al., 2007). Combined with constraints
on the history of subduction (Engebretson et al., 1984; Richards and
Engebretson, 1992) this allows us to place rst-order estimates on the
internal mantle buoyancy forces that drive plates.
We assume we have a good knowledge of the 3-D fault geometry,
and then solve for fault strength. In particular, we examine the effect
of effective fault friction (*) in the upper brittle part of the crust and
of creep activation energy (Q) in the ductile lower crust. SHELLS
calculates forces and velocities, which we use to compute parameters
that can be directly compared with data (fault slip-rates, GPS

Fig. 1. Global grid showing temperature at 100 km depth as deviation from the average
calculated at that depth, and MCM velocity vectors (blue arrows) at 100 km depth.
Faults and plate boundaries are in yellow. PA = Pacic, NA = North America,
CO = Cocos, CA = Caribbean, NZ = Nazca, SA = South America. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

velocities, earthquakes depth distribution, and stress directions) in

order to score our model and determine fault strength. Input for the
model is provided as information about fault geometry, topography
and heat ow, stored in the nite element grid, and as parameters like
friction coefcients and creep activation energies for crust and mantle
(a list of parameters and values used is provided in Table 1). Such

Table 1
Parameters used in SHELLS calculations.


Continuum friction coefcient

Crust mean density
Mantle mean density
Asthenosphere density
Water density
Biot coefcient
Gravitational acceleration
Surface temperature
Crust upper temperature limit
Mantle-lithosphere upper temperature limit
Crust thermal conductivity
Mantle thermal conductivity
Crust radioactive heat production (volume)
Intercept of upper mantle adiabat
Slope of upper mantle adiabat
Volumetric thermal expansion coefcient (crust)
Volumetric thermal expansion coefcient (mantle)
Exponent on strain-rate in creep-stress laws (1/n)
Temperature coefcient of creep rheology (crust)
Temperature coefcient of creep rheology (mantle)
Shear stress coefcient of creep law (crust)
Shear stress coefcient of creep law (mantle)
Plate dening velocity reference frame
Number of grid nodes
Number of grid elements
Number of fault elements

2816 kg m 3
3332 kg m 3
3125 kg m 3
1032 kg m 3
9.8 m s 2
273 K
1223 K
1673 K
2.7 J m 1 s1 K 1
3.2 J m 1 s 1 K 1
7.27 10 7 J m 3 s 1
1412 K
6.1 10 4 K m 1
2.4 10 5 K 1
3.94 10 5 K 1
4000 K
18,314 K
2.3 109 Pa s1/n
9.5 104 Pa s1/n
North America

Most of these parameters are dened and described in detail in Bird (1989).

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

Fig. 2. Variable-resolution grid, global view. The largest elements at global level have
sides of 2 103 km away from plate boundaries, and 1 103 km at plate boundaries.
NA = North American plate, PA = Pacic plate, CO = Cocos plate, NZ = Nazca plate,
CA = Caribbean plate. Plate boundaries from Bird (1999).

models have already been shown to produce realistic results at global

scale (e.g. Bird and Liu, 1999; Iaffaldano and Bunge, 2009) and
therefore we chose our set of global parameters to match published


models. In this paper we limit ourselves to describing the local

modications to strength-controlling parameters, with the understanding that global parameters remain unchanged throughout the
entire set of simulations.
SHELLS uses a grid of spherical triangles for the continuum
elements, and arcs of great circle for the fault elements (Kong and
Bird, 1995). To drive the local model as part of a global one, we
constructed a variable-resolution grid (Fig. 2) that gradually transitions from a low-resolution global grid to a high-resolution local one
covering California and western Nevada (Fig. 3). In order to position
the fault elements as accurately as possible, we built the grid using
Gocad (Mallet, 2002), which allows us to incorporate the faults
directly into the local grid and to optimize the mesh for triangle
equilaterality and smooth transition between local and global grids,
while keeping the fault elements xed in 3-D space. The distance
between nodes in the local part of the grid varies between about 5 km
and 50 km. This distance is based on the level of complexity of the
fault geometry in a given area, rather than on the resolution of the
topography and heat ow data: complex fault junctions and closelyspaced faults need a higher density of nodes, because they cannot
otherwise be separated and represented in the grid. At every point the
node spacing in our grid is at least the minimum required to separate
the faults that we want to represent. Tests with a grid ner than that
did not produce any signicant changes in the results. Removing
minor faults from the grid also did not alter signicantly the slip-rates
of remaining faults, it simply resulted in more distributed deformation
of the continuum in between them.
In addition to dening grid geometry, we must also dene the
values of topography and heat ow at each grid node (to compute
thickness of crust and lithospheric mantle), and the dip of each fault
element. Topography is linearly interpolated onto our grid from the

Fig. 3. Local, high-resolution grid, with topography from ETOPO2 (National Geophysical Data Center, 2006) and fault elements (thick black lines). M = Mendocino triple junction,
WH = WasatchHurricane fault system, SAF = San Andreas fault.


S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

preserve small connecting faults in the model that would otherwise

be excluded due to their small slip-rates.
3. Results

Fig. 4. Perspective view of the SCEC Community Fault Model, simplied version that
represents fault segments as rectangular patches (Plesch et al., 2007). SAF = San
Andreas fault, SJFZ = San Jacinto fault zone.

ETOPO2 data set (Fig. 3; National Geophysical Data Center, 2006). We

generated a surface heat ow map for California and western Nevada
by merging the heat ow data of the U.S. Geological Survey (2007)
and of the Southern Methodist University (2007) heat ow databases.
The remainder of the grid is assigned heat ow values based on the
Global Heat Flow Database of the International Heat Flow Commission
(2007). Crustal thickness is then calculated from topography and heat
ow assuming an isostatically compensated crust and using the Airy
compensation (Bird, 1999). Where necessary, we locally correct heat
ow values so that the calculated crustal thickness matches the
crustal thickness map of Fuis and Mooney (1990).
Only active faults, here dened as faults that show signs of
Quaternary activity, are included in the model. The assumption of
well-known fault geometry for active faults is a reasonable one in
most of California and at our current resolution. In the past 510 yrs,
efforts towards building reliable fault models have resulted in two
major 3-D fault geometry databases available for California: the SCEC
Community Fault Model (Fig. 4) (SCEC CFM; Plesch et al., 2007) and
the U.S. Geological Survey 3-D Bay Area Geologic Model (Graymer
et al., 2005; Horsman et al., 2008; Jachens et al., 2009). The geometry
of the faults at the margin of the area of interest (northeastern
California and western Nevada) is less constrained. For most of these
faults, we obtained the strike and dip information from the USGS
Quaternary Fault and Fold database (U.S. Geological Survey, 2006).
Most of the faults in northeastern California and western Nevada are
not used in scoring the model due to the uncertainties in both
geometry and slip-rates. We do not force connections between faults
in the grid unless they are documented, because fault segmentation is
usually real. Our purpose is to keep the model network geometry as
close to reality as possible. Connectivity between faults is accomplished by including all known active faults in the model, without
imposing any cutoff at a predetermined slip-rate. This allows us to

Velocity vectors resulting from the calculations can be used to

make specic predictions. We want to predict from our model longterm fault slip-rates (geologic rates), azimuth of maximum compressive horizontal stress (SHmax), depth to the BDT (brittleductile
transition), and horizontal velocities. The latter need rst to be
corrected in order to simulate temporary fault locking before they can
be compared with geodetic data. The method used for this correction
follows Savage (1983) and is described in detail by Liu and Bird
(2002). To summarize it, elastic dislocation corrections are calculated
for the brittle (locked) part of each fault element and then added to
the long-term velocities predicted by our models. In this way, model
results and observations can be compared directly in the short-term
realm of GPS velocities. It is important to note here that the BDT depth
used to dene the base of the locked zone in our models is calculated
independently of any locking depth intrinsic to the GPS data
Our model can then be scored against actual observations: 59
faults with reliable geologic slip-rates (SCEC CFM, Plesch et al., 2007;
USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold database, U.S. Geological Survey,
2006), 964 A-C quality SHmax directions from the World Stress Map
database (Reinecker et al., 2005), and 1345 permanent and campaign
GPS station velocities (Hackl and Malservisi, 2008). We can also verify
whether our predicted BDT depth is consistent with the hypocentral
depth distribution extracted from the Southern and Northern
California Earthquake Catalogs. Concerning the quality of fault data,
the faults used in slip-rate scoring are A-quality faults (Table 2,
supplementary material) for which Max slip-rate Min slip-rate Average slip-rate, which correspond to 59 of the faults listed in Table 2
(supplementary material) for a total of 408 individual fault elements.
As a measure of mist we choose the RMS error in mm/yr for longterm slip-rates and for GPS velocities, and the mean error in degrees
for stress directions. For each computed model we also verify whether
the BDT depth is realistic. Most of the seismicity in the region is
conned to depths of less than 2025 km: brittle faults at larger
depths are unrealistic, as are unrealistic faults that move by
dislocation creep to within a few km of the Earth's surface. Therefore
we can exclude all models in which the BDT depth distribution differs
signicantly from the observed earthquake distribution.
In order to nd the optimum value of * for California faults, we
started by decreasing it systematically from 0.6 (lower bound of
Byerlee's friction) to 0.001, initially assigning the same * to all faults
in our local region (i.e. all faults have the same frictional strength).
Plate-boundary faults outside the local region are always assigned
* = 0.03 in agreement with Iaffaldano et al. (2006) and Bird et al.
(2008), who show that low values of friction give better results. Our
test shows a general preference for values of fault friction in California
5 to 10 times lower than Byerlee's friction (Fig. 5). We conducted tests
with both NUVEL-1A- and MCM-driven models. For the latter, MCM
velocities at two different depths (100 and 200 km) are applied to the
base of the plates (Figs. 1 and 5). We also test models for which
mantle convection speed as been increased by 20% to simulate a larger
lithosphere-mantle coupling. As shown in Fig. 5, differences in the

Fig. 5. Overview of results of simulations performed with different driving mechanisms (NUVEL-1A, or MCMs from Schuberth et al. (2009)). For each value of * we also test various
combinations of slip-dependent weakening (as dened by Bird and Kong (1994)) both in the upper and lower crust. Red box shows the range in which all acceptable models (as
dened in section 3) exist. No acceptable models can be produced outside this range of fault strengths. Key for reading the x-axis: fri0.01_weak0.9_bwk0.5 = effective friction of 0.01
with 90% slip-dependent weakening in the upper crust and 50% slip-dependent weakening in the lower crust. Slip-rates and horizontal velocities are sensitive to changes in all input
parameters, while the sensitivity of SHmax is mostly limited to weakening. The characteristic saw-tooth pattern reveals the prominent effect of weakening the faults in the upper and
lower crust, while the broad overall trend of the curves reects the changes in initial m*. It is apparent that the effects of initial * and weakening are of rst-order importance, while
the effects of changing the plate-driving mechanism are second-order. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384



S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

Fig. 6. Effect of introducing linear slip-dependent weakening in the upper (ucw) and lower crust on slip-rate RMS errors. Signicant upper and lower crustal weakening are needed
to achieve good results. The star represents our best model, which corresponds to model 2 of Figs. 8 and 10.

results between NUVEL- and MCM-driven models are minor when

compared to the pronounced differences associated with changes in
fault strength. This suggests that fault properties are a key controlling
factor of our models when plate-driving forces are accounted for. In
the remainder of this paper we will therefore report only results from
NUVEL-driven models for simplicity.
Bird and Kong (1994) postulated a linear dependency of on
cumulative fault displacement (slip-dependent weakening): the
faults with the largest net slip will also be the weakest ones. For
example, if * = 0.5 for the fault with the smallest net slip, at 90%
linear slip-dependent weakening the fault with the largest net slip
will have * = 0.05. We nd that slip-dependent weakening generally
improves results, unless the initial * value is already very low (Figs. 5
and 6), and with a few notable exceptions that we will address in
section 4.
Concurrently with the tests conducted on * we explored the
inuence of weakening below faults in the ductile zone. We reduced
the creep activation energy below faults in 10% increments from 0% to
90% of its value in non-faulted crust (Q = 100 kJ/mol). We examined
three cases: uniform Q reduction below all faults, Q reduction below
the San Andreas fault only, and linear slip-dependent Q reduction. The
latter is analogous to linear slip-dependent weakening in the brittle
crust. All viable models show that moderate weakening of major
faults in the lower crust is necessary to avoid excessive weakening in
the brittle crust and therefore unrealistically large depths to the
brittleductile transition. The range of models that produce acceptable results (Figs. 7 and 8) on all aspects tested (slip-rates, geodetic
rates, SHmax azimuth, and brittleductile transition depth) is narrow.
All models fall within the range * = 0.2 to 0.05 with 90% linear slipdependent weakening in the brittle crust, and 30% Q reduction in the
lower crust either below the San Andreas fault alone (i.e. the San
Andreas is the only fault that is weakened in the lower crust), or as
linear slip-dependent reduction involving all faults. This produces
fault slip-rates RMS error values of 3.33.5 mm/yr, geodetic RMS error
values of 6.57 mm/yr, SHmax mean error values of 2223, and
realistic maps of the depth to the brittleductile transition below
faults (Figs. 7 and 8).
As a comparison, the average fault slip-rate (weighted by segment
length) in the region is 8 mm/yr, while the average intrinsic error in
the worldwide stress data set about 24 (Heidbach et al., 2008) (for
comparison, the average error on the A-C quality data we used is
about 20). GPS velocity errors are larger than slip-rate errors because
of the much larger number of elements that need to be matched:
several thousands of nodes versus the few hundred segments used for

fault slip-rates, resulting in many nodes lacking a data point located

close enough for a good match. In addition, the need to correct our
model results for temporary fault locking means that the comparison
with GPS velocities can only be an approximation. Thus we dene the
acceptable ranges (Fig. 8) for the four parameters considered as
follows: (1) slip-rates RMS error 04 mm/yr, where the maximum is
half the regional average slip-rate; (2) SHmax mean error 24;
(3) GPS velocity RMS error: 07 mm/yr, a range that includes all of
the models that score reasonably well on the other parameters; and
(4) average BDT depth 1020 km, because values outside this range
cannot be obtained if we want to have a realistic distribution of
maximum hypocentral depths in the region. The value of 24 as a
bound for the SHmax mean error is rather high but, as evident from
Fig. 5, of the three parameters shown this is the least sensitive to
changes in the model, and making the acceptable range smaller here
would exclude too many models without good reason. There are
several issues with the BDT depth as well that should be mentioned.
First, like for GPS velocities, we do not have a one-to-one match with
model elements. This is because there are areas of the model where
we have faults, but not enough earthquakes in the record that match
these faults (Fig. 7). Second, the earthquake depth distribution is only
a proxy for BDT depth. Third, while it makes sense to assume that for
old, well-established faults, the distribution of seismicity has not
changed much in the last million years, this is likely not true for
younger faults. Geologic slip-rates represent therefore the most
robust of the four scoring data sets, because there is a one-to-one
match between model faults and real faults, and because we can
compare modeled and observed rates directly, without any intermediate steps.
4. Implications for fault strength in California
Our results indicate that in the upper, brittle crust all examined
faults in California and western Nevada are weak, (* 0.2), and
that further weakening of major faults is important: major faults are
about 10 times weaker than the rest. The strongest faults in this
region have * in the range 0.20.05 and can therefore be classied
as weak. Accounting for both the fact that several models produce
acceptable results (Fig. 8), and that not all segments of the San
Andreas have the same strength (Fig. 10), we can conclude that the
San Andreas fault has * in the range 0.040.01 and it is therefore a
weak or a very weak fault. Low effective friction on faults however
does not necessarily mean a weak crust overall, as it can be inferred
from the work of King (1986) and as explicitly stated by Suppe

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384


Fig. 7. Examples of calculated depth to the brittleductile transition (BDT). Maximum depth of seismicity, which we use as a proxy for BDT depth, is shown in the top left corner. We
created this map by taking the deepest event in each 5 5 km cell from the combined Southern California Earthquake Center (SCECDC) and Northern California Earthquake Center
(NCEDC) earthquake catalogs, without any averaging or interpolation: blank cells have no earthquakes. (a) represents one of our best models with upper-crust linear slip-dependent
weakening, showing a reasonable BDT depth along faults. (b) is the strong-faults case (model 1, Fig. 10) with no weakening, which shows too shallow BDT depth. (c) is a model with
high initial friction and signicant weakening, which scores at acceptable levels on slip-rates, GPS velocity and SHmax mean error, but for which the resulting BDT depth is
unacceptably low. ucw = upper crust slip-dependent weakening. lcw = lower crust slip-dependent weakening, which is set as follows for the three fault maps: 30% below the SAF
alone in (a), none in (b), and 60% uniform (non slip-dependent) below all faults in (c).

(2007). Thus, the San Andreas fault could be dened either as a

weak fault in a weak crust, or a weak fault in a strong crust.
Further studies to determine crustal strength in California independently of fault strength (for example along the lines of those
conducted by Suppe (2007), on accretionary wedges) are needed to
make this determination.
As far as the reason for such a low frictional strength of faults is
concerned, we agree with DiToro et al. (2004) on a possible link with a
drop in dynamic effective friction during earthquakes. The faults that
we have considered in our simulations, with the notable exception of
the creeping segment of the San Andreas fault, owe most of their total
slip to earthquakes. Several laboratory studies in recent years (e.g.,
DiToro et al., 2004; Han et al., 2007; Tanikawa and Shimamoto, 2009)
show that a signicant drop in dynamic friction, below values of 0.2

and possibly down to near-frictionless behavior (DiToro et al., 2004),

occurs when rock interfaces slip at typical earthquake slip velocities.
What we produce in our simulations is the long-term result of faults
slipping, regardless of how such slip actually happens or is initiated;
we can only predict what the integrated effect over many earthquake
cycles will look like. For a fault that slips mostly in earthquakes, it is
the cumulative effect of the processes happening during such events
that should dominate in the long-term and control long-term
observables. In other words, if the dynamic friction of a fault during
its characteristic earthquake drops to 0.1, then this is the strength that
will best match long-term observations for this fault, provided that
over the course of its existence most of the fault area has achieved the
peak slip-velocity necessary for this drop in friction. In this context,
only truly creeping faults, of which the creeping segment of the San


S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

Fig. 8. Diagrams showing the results of several different combinations of parameters for models driven by NUVEL-1A. Models are grouped according to presence or absence of slipdependent weakening of faults in the upper and lower crust. ucw = upper crust slip-dependent weakening, lcw = lower crust slip-dependent weakening. Acceptable models must
have all four vertices of the corresponding polygon fall within the gray-shaded acceptable range (as dened in section 3 of the main text) on each axis of the diagram. Top left
diagram represents the no-weakening case. The results are improved signicantly by the introduction of slip-dependent weakening at faults in at least one crustal layer, as shown in
the two bottom diagrams. The best results are obtained when weakening is introduced in both upper and lower crust (top-right diagram). Our best model is represented by the solid
red line. Both extremely low initial friction (* = 0.01) and the absence of weakening coupled with high initial friction (* = 0.6) consistently produce poor results. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Andreas fault is one of the very few known examples worldwide, need
to have very low (<<0.1) intrinsic *. In all other cases there is no
need to invoke exceedingly weak materials or anomalously high pore
uid pressures on large swaths of these faults in order to explain the
apparent low frictional strength.
A second important outcome of our simulations is that the
integrated strength of faults must include contributions from both
the brittle and the ductile parts of the crust, at least for major faults.
The signicance of this is that major faults like the San Andreas, the
Altyn Tagh, the Red RiverAilao Shan, the North Anatolian Fault and
many others likely exist at lithospheric level as postulated by several
authors (Tapponnier et al., 1986, 2001; Thatcher, 1995; Jackson,
2002), while secondary faults in the network may well be conned to
the brittle crust. Lack of signicant weakening in the lower crust is the
probable cause of failure to match observed slip-rates in the case of
several faults in our models that are effectively branches of the San
Andreas system (e.g. San Jacinto, Hayward and Calaveras), but which

have insignicant net slip values compared to those of the San

Andreas fault proper (see Figs. 9 and 10, and Table 2, supplementary
material). Additional work will therefore be needed to both dene
weakening relationships other than simple linear dependency on net
slip, which may not be appropriate in the lower crust and/or for faults
like the San Jacinto, and to extend weakening into the lithospheric
mantle to verify whether major faults must exist there too as discrete,
narrow zones of weakness.
5. Conclusions
All faults in the vicinity of the transform plate boundary of the
western USA are frictionally weak to very weak faults in the upper
crust. The major faults in the system must continue as discrete,
narrow, moderately weak zones also in the lower crust. Strength is not
constant among faults: major faults are signicantly weaker than the
rest, and in a fault system like the San Andreas strength can vary from

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384


Fig. 9. Fault slip-rates plotted as slip patches for (a) our best model (model 2 of Figs. 8 and 10) and (b) for the high-friction, strong-faults case (model 1 of Fig. 10). The color of sliprate patches represents the dominant slip component. Numbers next to the patches are slip-rates in mm/yr. Both slip-rates and type of faulting match observations much better
when the strength of faults is low and slip-dependent weakening is introduced. In addition to a marked slip-rate increase in (a) when compared to (b), we also observe that the
compression along the Big Bend of the SAF visible as thrust faulting (blue) in (b) disappears in (a). The SAF becomes a dominantly right-lateral strike-slip fault and compression is
now conned to faults on either side of it. SAF = San Andreas fault, SJFZ = San Jacinto fault zone. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

one fault segment to another. Our results also demonstrate that a

global nite element code with a variable-resolution grid can
realistically reproduce the tectonics of local areas while being driven
by global plate motions.

This project is funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
grants CA691/1-1 and CA691/1-2. The authors would like to thank

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384
Fig. 10. Comparison between observed slip-rates and slip-rates calculated for several models. Model 1 is the strong-faults case: all fault slip-rates are reduced to as little as 5%10% of their observed values. Model 2 is our best model (star in
Fig. 6), model 3 is another model that shows a slightly better t for slip-rates on several important faults and that still produces acceptable results for the three other parameters (BDT depth, SHmax, GPS velocities, see Fig. 8).

S. Carena, C. Moder / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287 (2009) 373384

the anonymous reviewer whose comments helped to improve this

Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.08.021.
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