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Landmines (United States)

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Ordnance & Munitions Forecast

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Landmines (United States) -

Archived 3/99

10 Year Unit Production Forecast
1998 - 2007

 Production of anti-personnel landmines in the United States is 25

Units (Thousands)

essentially dormant as a result of the ongoing efforts to control 20

production 15

 New development efforts in the United States to concentrate on 10

smart mines 5

Bar graph to the right is for the M94 Scatterable Lightweight 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2 14 20 20 22 22 8 0 0 0
Attack Munition/Demolition Attack Munition Years

Description. Ground and aerial deployed anti- prime contractor for the manufacture of various
personnel, area denial and anti-armor mines. landmines.
Sponsor. The development of the landmines covered in Licensees. A number of United States developed
this report is funded and conducted by the United States mines have been or are manufactured under license (or
Department of Defense through the United States Army in an unlicensed manner) in other nations; these nations
Armament Material Readiness Command, located at are detailed in the Landmines (Europe) and Landmines
Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois; the United (International) reports in this section.
States Army Munitions & Chemical Command, and
Status. Development through production. Current
Research & Development Center, both located at
development is centered on the design of reduced
Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, New Jersey.
signature mines, more advanced and sophisticated
Contractors. The following firms are related in some electronics related to the detection and fuzing of
way to the manufacture of landmines or the dispensing landmines and enhanced anti-disturb devices.
thereof: AAI Corporation, Accuracy Systems
Total Produced. Since 1970 and through January 1,
Incorporated, Action Manufacturing Company, Aerojet
1998, approximately 31.611 million anti-armor and
Ordnance Company, Alliant Techsystems, Atlantic
anti-personnel landmines had been manufactured in the
Research Corporation, Chamberlain Manufacturing
United States. As of late 1996, the United States held
Corporation, Explosives Corporation of America,
approximately 17.32 million landmines of all types.
Motorola Incorporated, Olin Ordnance, Raytheon
Corporation, (including Raytheon TI Systems), Textron Application. To maim and kill personnel; to immobilize
Defense Systems, Thiokol Incorporated and United armored vehicles.
Defense. In addition to the manufacture of various
Price Range. The mines covered in this report range in
landmines at government owned/contractor operated
price from $11.21 for the M77 to $24,350 for the M93
facilities, the United States has also acted as its own
Hornet (Wide Area Mine). In 1993 dollars, the M15
was listed at $184.62. The popular M18A1 Claymore

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Landmines (United States), Page 2 Ordnance & Munitions Forecast

lists for around $16 in "quantity" buys. These unit International Security voted 141-0 (with ten
prices are in Fiscal 1998 dollars and are based on abstentions) in favor of a resolution to "pursue
purchases of a million units for the M77 and an vigorously" a legally binding international agreement
unspecified number of "serially produced" M93 Hornet to ban the development, production, stockpiling, export
Wide Area Mines. and use of anti-personnel landmines. However, Canada
has long sought to speed up the process even further
and, shortly before the United Nations Committee on
As a result of the growing international (especially in Disarmament and International Security resolution,
Europe) move to ban or at least limit the production and proposed an international meeting in Ottawa for
international trade in anti-personnel landmines, the December of 1997. A preliminary conference was held
worldwide market for landmines is presently in a state in October of 1996 during which 71 nations supported a
of confusion. Some nations are promoting the total ban on anti-personnel landmines. The Canadian
possibility of banning the manufacture outright while effort was supported by the Fourth International
others are studying the possibility of limiting the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations which
manufacture to certain types. Still others are examining held its meeting in February of 1997 in Maputo,
the placing of severe export restrictions on landmines of Mozambique. In September of 1997, Norway jumped
all types, but for anti-personnel mines in particular. on the bandwagon by hosting a conference aimed at the
Also being examined by several nations is the banning of production, use and export of anti-personnel
employment of various technological devices, which landmines with the agreed upon document available for
would limit the active lifetimes of mines or ease in their signature in Ottawa. While the Ottawa conference was
detection following self-deactivation, following a duly held, the United States by and large decided to
proscribed period of activity. Another avenue of bypass this process, instead favoring the development
technology being examined is where the mine would and implementation of international controls through
somehow be made to be easier to locate following self- the United Nations. A total of 123 nations signed the
deactivation, which would follow a prescribed period of Ottawa Treaty.
activity after deployment. Various factions in the United
In May of 1996, the Clinton Administration announced
States have and continue to advocate one or more of
the United States’s policy regarding anti-personnel
these proposals; this began in the early nineties. While
landmines. The policy stated that the United States
the various options are being considered, in October of
would aggressively pursue an international agreement to
1992, the United States enacted a one year ban on the
ban the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of
export of anti-personnel mines; this ban has been
anti-personnel landmines with a view to completing the
continued and, as of early 1998, is still in effect.. In
negotiation as soon as possible. However, since the
December of 1993, the United States sponsored a
United States views the Korean Peninsula as a special
resolution in the United Nations, which called for a
case, the United States would protect its right to use
three year halt in the international trade in anti-
anti-personnel landmines in that area of the world until
personnel landmines. Further on, the United States
alternatives become available or the risk of aggression
adopted the position that anti-personnel mines should be
has been removed.
equipped with a self-destruct mechanism and be
fabricated from components that allow them to be The May, 1996 policy announcement also stated that
detectable. the United States would immediately and on a unilateral
basis undertake (with the exceptions noted following)
It is worthy of note that, since the United Nations has
not to use all non-self-destructing anti-personnel
endorsed controls on anti-personnel landmines, all
landmines; these mines are being placed in the inactive
member nations have agreed to such controls in a de
stockpile and are to be destroyed by the end of 1999.
jure manner. However, as is the norm in international
The exceptions are mines needed to train personnel in
politics, the reality is somewhat different. In mid-1996,
countermine and demine operations as well as a
the United Nations Landmine Review Conference held
sufficient number of these mines that are deemed
in Geneva, Switzerland failed to ban outright the
required for the Korean contingency. Our research
production, use and export of anti-personnel landmines
indicates that the United States presently holds 7.9
although the members decided that anti-personnel
million non self-destructing anti-personnel landmines
landmines should eventually be manufactured so as to
and that around 4.7 million of these anti-personnel
be easily detectable and/or self-deactivating. The next
landmines will be destroyed under this program; it will
meeting of the Landmine Review Conference is
cost approximately ten million dollars.
scheduled for 2001. However, in a turnaround probably
induced by international pressure, in December of 1996 The policy statement further noted that between the date
the United Nations Committee on Disarmament and of the announcement and the time of a future

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Ordnance & Munitions Forecast Landmines (United States), Page 3

international agreement on anti-personnel landmines, "substantial" program to develop improved mine

the United States would reserve the option to use self- detection and clearing technology is to be undertaken.
destructing and/or self-deactivating anti-personnel
As of the time of this research, the United States
landmines subject to the restrictions of the United
Congress is examining further legislation related to the
Nations’ Convention on Conventional Weapons. A
production and export of anti-personnel land mines.

Technical Data
As is the norm with many areas of military technology, changed (to the Wide Area Munition) in order to be rid
the area of landmines is replete with confusing of the now politically incorrect "mine" name in the
acronyms; these are mixed with names, some of which designation. The following table will aid the reader in
(such as the Wide Area Mine) have been recently this confusing area.
Designation Type
ADAM: The M692/M731 Area Denial Artillery Munition
AHM: The Anti-Helicopter Mine; covered in a separate report in this section
ARMS: Army River Mine System
DAM: Demolition Attack Munition
DST: Service Destructor Mine, a variety of standard aerial bombs modified to
ERAM: Extended Range Anti-Armor Munition; a dead Air Force program with the
technology transferred to the Wide Area Mine program
FASCAM: Family of Scatterable Mines
Gator: The BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B mines of the Family of Scatterable Mines
GEMSS: Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System
ICOMS: Improved Conventional Mine System
M42: Mine used in the M483A1 carrier projectile
M77: Mine (submunition) for Phase I MLRS warhead and other dispensers
MOPMS: Modular Pack Mine System (M131)
MOWAM: Mobile Water Mine
ORATMS: Off-Road Anti-armor Mine System
RAAMS: M718/M741 Remote Anti-Armor Mine System
SLAM: Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition
STM: Self-Transporting Munition
STORM: Sense Tank Off-Route Mine (currently the Off-Road Anti-armor Mine
UMIDS: Universal Mine Dispensing System
Volcano: Nickname for Universal Mine Dispensing System
WAAPM: Wide Area Anti-personnel Mine, the BLU-42/B and BLU-54/B
WAM: The Wide Area Mine (more recently, the Wide Area Munition and named
the Hornet); covered in a separate report in this section
M1 Anti-tank boobytrap training device
M2/A1-A4 Bounding type anti-personnel mine
M3 Fragmentation type anti-personnel mine
M7A1/2 Metallic anti-personnel/anti-armor mine
M8/M8A1 Inert practice mine for M2A1-A4
M10 Inert practice anti-armor mine with smoke marker
M12/M12A1 Inert practice mine for M15
M14 Conventional non-metallic blast type anti-personnel mine
M15 Conventional metallic heavy anti-armor mine
M16/M16A1/M16A2 Bounding type anti-personnel mine
M16A1 Inert Inert practice mine for M16/A2

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Designation Type
M17 Inert practice mine for M14
M18A1 Directional anti-personnel mine (Claymore)
M19 Conventional non-metallic anti-armor mine
M20 Inert practice mine for the M15
M21 Conventional metallic heavy anti-armor mine
M23 Chemical agent (VX) mine
M24 Off-route anti-armor mine
M26 Bounding type anti-personnel mine
M35 Training/practice mine for the M26
M42 Scatterable anti-armor mine for M483 projectile
M56 Scatterable anti-armor mine
M66 Off route anti-armor mine; the M24 with seismic detector
M67 ADAM Scatterable anti-personnel mine
M68 Practice mine for the M18
M69 Inert practice mine for the M66
M70 RAAM Scatterable anti-armor mine
M72 ADAM Scatterable anti-personnel mine
M73 RAAM Scatterable anti-armor mine
M74 GEMSS Scatterable anti-personnel mine
M75 GEMSS Scatterable anti-armor mine
M78 MOPMS Scatterable anti-armor mine
M79 Inert practice mine for the M74/M75
M80 Inert practice mine for the M19
M81 Inert practice mine for the M16A1
XM84 WASPM Special purpose anti-armor mine
M86 PDM Special purpose anti-personnel mine
M87 Volcano Canister holding five M75 and one M74 mines
M88 Practice anti-personnel mine
M89 Scatterable anti-armor mine
M90 Scatterable anti-personnel mine
M93 Hornet Wide Area Mine Anti-armor mine
M94 SLAM/DAM Selectable fuzing anti-armor and demolition mine
M131 MOPMS Mine Scatterable anti-armor/vehicular mine
M131 MOPMS Mine Scatterable anti-personnel mine
M139 VOLCANO Scatterable anti-armor mine
M163 VOLCANO Scatterable anti-armor mine modified for British Army
M510 Minimore Fragmentation type anti-personnel mine
M515 Miniplatter Directional type anti-material/vehicular mine
In addition, the United States still holds a number of various mines that are delivered by air. These mines were
developed during the Vietnam War and are usually associated with some sort of cluster bomb unit (CBU). Among
these mines, which may or may not still be in service are the BLU-42/B Wide Area Anti-personnel Mine
(CBU-34/A), the BLU-43/B Short Dragon Tooth (used in the CBU-28/B), the BLU-44/B Long Dragon Tooth (used
in the CBU-37A), the BLU-45/B anti-armor/vehicular mine (used in the CBU-33/A), the BLU-54/B Wide Area
Anti-personnel Mine (used in the CBU-42/A).
MINE DISPENSING SYSTEMS The following is a list of mine dispensers as used by the United States Army. The
various (and numerous) other dispensers, as used by the United States Air Force and Navy as mounted on aircraft,
are described in Appendix IV in the back of this book.

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Designation Type
AAI Projector Private development for portable (truck mount) dispenser for M74 and M75 mines
M56 Helicopter mounted system (two SUU-13/A dispensers) each holding 80 M56 mines
M57 ATMDS Towed side lift plow with side insertion of M15 mines
M128 Frisbee Flinger Towed system; holds 800 M74 or M75 mines
M131 MOPMS Ground emplaced dispensing module holding 21 mines
M138 Flipper Portable (truck mount) dispenser for M74 and M75 mines
M139 Volcano Ground vehicle or aerial dispenser holding 960 BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B mines
M692/M731 ADAM M483 artillery projectiles holding 36 M692/M731 mines (submunitions)
M718/741 RAAMS M483 artillery projectiles holding nine M70/M73 mines (submunitions)

Not applicable; enhanced or modified designs are given new designations.

Program Review
Background. Landmines fall into two groups: anti- anti-personnel landmines is the Falkland (Malvinas)
armor mines and anti-personnel mines. Anti-armor Islands, where many areas are still off limits due to
(often called anti-tank) mines are designed to channel landmines, well over a decade after the war was over.
and stop armored vehicles so that they can be destroyed
The increasing concern over the international trade in
by direct fire; a fundamental principle of laying
landmines has resulted in a number of international
minefields is that they should always be covered by fire.
seminars, conferences and other meetings sponsored by
Anti-personnel mines are usually designed to maim
the United Nations, International Red Cross and other
rather than kill. There are some exceptions - anti-
organizations. While some nations, (including the
personnel mines designed to be used in ambushes will
United States - as detailed above), have already banned
be made as lethal as possible, for obvious reasons. This
the export of landmines, the international trade
report covers United States landmines that are delivered
continues essentially unabated in much of the world.
by air or land vehicles or hand emplaced. While there is
This trend is expected to continue for some time; it will
a fine line as to what consists of a mine versus a
take a worldwide consensus and effective enforcement
submunition, the systems we have included here are, for
to effectively stop this often lucrative trade.
the most part, considered mines. Other submunitions are
covered in separate reports in this section. The primary The United States Army's landmine program is
service responsible for mine development is the United presently geared toward developing and deploying
States Army. increasingly sophisticated (read intelligent) anti-armor
mines. Limited work on anti-personnel mines continues
In the past five years, there has been an increasing level
to avoid technological surprise, especially in reference
of concern, especially in Europe and the United States,
to the detection and clearing of these mines; self-
over the massive proliferation of landmines, especially
neutralization and/or self destruction have also been the
the anti-personnel type, in the world. Adding to this
goals for the latter although this is now almost moot.
concern is the fact that modern manufacturing
Major developments have also been made in the area of
technology has made these mines especially hard if not
remotely placed scatterable mines, relying on a wide
impossible to detect. These mines are also long-lived;
variety of unconventional delivery methods. These new
after deployment, they can remain active for two
mine designs incorporate sophisticated electronic
decades and even longer. Our research indicates that
arming and sensing devices in contrast to the
about 114 million anti-personnel landmines are
mechanical configuration of earlier mines.
presently deployed in various nations around the world.
While this phenomenon is acute in over a dozen M15 Anti-Tank Mine: Although somewhat dated, the
nations, it has probably been best exemplified in nations M15 heavy anti-tank mine is still considered a useful
such as Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia and Kuwait, item in the inventory. In 1988, a tilt-rod fuze system
although clearance efforts in the latter nation are was developed and integrated with the M15. In 1989,
strenuous. Another good example of the persistence of the United States Army initiated another product

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improvement program for the M15; the goal of this Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System
program is to give the mine a full width attack
The Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System is a
capability. However, as of early 1998, this program has
member of the Family of Scatterable Mines program. It
yet to be funded.
consists of the M128 Frisbee Flinger and M138 Flipper
Family of Scatterable Mines: The Army's primary effort mine dispenser units, M74 anti-personnel and M75 anti-
in the mine development field over the past decade or so armor mines, the M79 inert practice mines, and
has been the Family of Scatterable Mines. This program associated shipping containers and special tools. The
aimed at developing a family of mines that could be M128 and M138 dispenser units are mounted on a four
remotely scattered by a wide range of techniques, and ton, tandem axle M794 trailer. The M794 incorporates
employ novel, interrelated warheads, sensors and modifications to the yoke to accept both truck and
arming devices to facilitate assembly, cut costs and ease M113 towing pintles. The dispenser unit has two
the manufacturing process. All the mines of the family magazines, each with a capacity of 400 mines each, a
are based on similar precision-trimmable, thick film conveyor reloading system for each magazine, a
resistors and custom-designed large-scale integrated launcher oscillator, a military standard 4-cylinder,
circuits. These features help to minimize the number of liquid-cooled diesel engine and a remote control
separate components handled by assemblers, thereby console with cable allowing for operation of the
cutting costs and increasing reliability. dispenser from the towing vehicle.
A major effort in the Family of Scatterable Mines The M74 anti-personnel, M75 anti-armor and M79 inert
program has been to improve these designs with mines are 6.35 centimeters high by 12.07 centimeters in
features like hybrid micro-circuitry and electrically diameter, and weigh 1.81 kilograms each. The M74
programmed integrated sensors and micro-computers. anti-personnel mine is a ground blast fragmentation
When these features are developed for a particular mine activated by disturbing any of four tripwires. The
mine, the technology is thereby applicable to the whole M75 anti-armor mine has a magnetic influence fuze.
family, or a significant portion of the family. The Additionally, the M74 and M75 mines have a built-in
electronics of these systems is powered by an ammonia self-destruct capability. The M128 dispenser sows the
or lithium battery. The safety and arming devices have mines much like a skeet launching device and can cover
had to be tailored to the requirements of each type of a wide area while being towed behind an armored
mine, but all share a common electro-explosive device. vehicle or truck.
The development of the Family of Scatterable Mines Procurement of the Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering
system represented a major enhancement in the United System began with Fiscal 1980 funding. The mines
States' mine warfare capability. The Family of were developed by Alliant Techsystems and have been
Scatterable Mines landmines have the advantage of manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Quantic. The
being rapidly implacable by a wide variety of means. dispenser was originally manufactured by United
This means that minefields no longer have to be Defense (then FMC Corporation), but AAI Corporation
emplaced well in advance of an enemy attack, but can won some subsequent contracts for the manufacture of
actually be emplaced during the course of an attack, additional batches. Southwest Truck Body has
further enhancing their shock and disruptive value. manufactured the trailer on which the dispenser is
The M131 Modular Pack Mine System and Gator safe
and arm mechanisms are identical, and are similar to To date, the M74/M75 production ratio has averaged
those used in the Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering about 4-to-1 in favor of the M75. The mines are also
System safe and arm mechanism. All of the Family of called Gator, originally the name of the air delivered
Scatterable Mines system mines share a common version. The Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System
clearing charge design. Four of the mine systems (the is used when high volume delivery is required. The
Area Denial Artillery Munition, Modular Pack Mine Army received $8.2 million for 23 M128 Ground
System, Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System and Emplaced Mine Scattering System dispensers in Fiscal
Gator) use tripline detonation systems that have 1983, $5.8 million for 19 M128 dispensers in Fiscal
substantial commonality. Also, many of the mines share 1984, and $10 million for 25 dispensers in Fiscal 1985.
common individual parts, which has substantially No additional dispenser procurement funding has been
reduced tooling costs. requested since Fiscal 1985, although limited
procurement of the associated M74 and M75 mines
resumed in Fiscal 1988 for two years. The Ground

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Ordnance & Munitions Forecast Landmines (United States), Page 7

Emplaced Mine Scattering System is now fully fielded system developed by Alliant Techsystems. In contrast to
in Europe, the Republic of Korea and the United States the Gator/SUU-64/B cluster bomb configuration, the
based units. Volcano M132 system is a 960-mine array that can be
helicopter or vehicle launched. The M78 mines are
M692 and M731 Area Denial Artillery Munition and
boosted from the launch unit, rather than relying on
M718 and M741 Remote Anti-Armor Mine System
free-fall as in the case of SUU-64/B sowing. The
The Area Denial Artillery Munition is a 155 millimeter Volcano system uses the same mines as the Gator, and
howitzer-launched anti-personnel mine system, is intended mainly for use by the Army. The Volcano
delivered in cargo type artillery projectiles which complements both the Ground Emplaced Mine
dispense the wedged-shape mines. The M692 version Scattering System and the M56, since the Volcano can
contains 36 anti-personnel mines which are fuzed to be ground deployed like the Ground Emplaced Mine
self-destruct about a day after sowing. The M731 Scattering System, or helicopter launched like the M56
version also contains 36 anti-personnel mines, but they Helicopter Emplaced Mine System. Procurement of the
are fuzed to self-destruct after a few hours. The M718 Volcano commenced in Fiscal 1986 with production
Remote Anti-Armor Mine System contains nine anti- having begun in late 1990. Brunswick Defense supplies
armor mines, which self-destruct after a period greater the dispenser while Alliant Techsystems provides the
than one day. The M741 version of the Remote Anti- mines and is the overall system integrator. Volcano has
Armor Mine System projectile also contains nine anti- also been procured by the British Army although it will
armor mines, but these self-destruct after a few hours. A dispense only anti-armor mines.
single howitzer can lay 2,400 Area Denial Artillery
M56 Helicopter Emplaced Mine: The M56 Helicopter
Munition mines or 600 Remote Anti-Armor Mine
Emplaced Mine System is based on the SUU-13D/A
System mines in the course of an hour's firing. The
dispenser. A UH-1 helicopter carries two SUU-13D/A
production of these projectiles and the associated mines
dispensers which contain 40 stations, each with two
was completed in the early nineties.
M56 mines, for a total of 160 mines per helicopter. The
M131 Modular Pack Mine System SUU-13D/A dispensers were developed in the early
1970s, and procurement for the system took place
The Modular Pack Mine System is intended for infantry
beginning in late 1976. This was the original member of
use to deploy small combined anti-tank and anti-
the Family of Scatterable Mines program, and is no
personnel minefields. The dispenser was developed by
longer being procured.
Aerojet, with Alliant Techsystems responsible for the
mines and systems integration and Hughes for the M86 Pursuit Deterrent Munition: The M86 Pursuit
command electronics. Operational testing commenced Deterrent Munition is a derivative of the Area Denial
in late 1981 and initial procurement commenced in late Artillery Munition anti-personnel mine. This hand
1985, at which time approximately 1,300 units were emplaced anti-personnel mine is based on the Area
procured for $15.1 million. Denial Artillery Munition mine adopted for hand
emplacement. Serial production of the M86 began in
The Modular Pack Mine System is a large container,
January 1990; Alliant Techsystems is the prime
weighing 68 kilograms (149.6 ponds) and portable by
contractor. A total of 52,419 M86 Pursuit Deterrent
four soldiers, which contains seven launch tubes that
Munitions has been procured.
dispense 17 M131 anti-armor and four M131 anti-
personnel mines; these mines are related to the Ground Robotic Mines: The Army has been developing a
Emplaced Mine Scattering System/Gator family. The number of robotic mines, though details of the systems
M131 anti-armor mine is activated by a magnetic sensor are not entirely clear and are mostly classified. In 1982,
mechanism while the M131 anti-personnel mine is Grumman Aerospace was contracted to examine the
tripwire activated. In contrast to conventional mines feasibility of such weapons. At least two approaches
which must be laid before enemy action, this system were considered: the Helkeath, a transient-contact,
allows the infantry to lay the system in a defensive ground-effects system and the Ranger, a small, wheeled
location and activate or not activate the launchers system.
depending on tactical requirements.
The Helkeath was developed to satisfy an Army
Anti-Helicopter Mine: This relatively new development requirement for a system that could autonomously
effort which is now almost dormant due to a lack of search out enemy tanks and attack them at speed. The
funding and changes in doctrine. Helkeath would be launched within a few hundred
yards of likely targets and would seek them out and
Volcano: The Volcano (originally called the Universal
attack them while traveling at speeds up to 100
Mine Dispensing System) is a derivative of the Gator

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Landmines (United States), Page 8 Ordnance & Munitions Forecast

kilometers (62.1 miles) per hour. The Helkeath's mine is designed for use by United States Army Special
configuration is that of a small canard ground effects Forces, Ranger and similar units. It can be used as a
aircraft. command or sensor- activated anti-armor mine (the
Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition) or as a
The Ranger is a small robotic vehicle which would
command type demolition charge (the Demolition
propel itself into a likely staging area, sense out enemy
Attack Munition). The specifications demanded by the
tanks, and attack them by running into them and
Army for these munitions include a weight of under
detonating a warhead. The Army continues this work,
1.362 kilograms (three pounds) and a size that will
lately called Self-Transporting Munitions; these
allow two of the mines to be fitted in a standard
programs are detailed in our Unmanned Vehicles
ammunition pouch. The Selectable Lightweight Attack
Munition has several fuzing options, ranging from
XM84 Wide Area Side Penetrating Mine: The Army magnetic to tripwire, to allow for maximum tactical
has attempted over the past decade to develop a large, flexibility. The Selectable Lightweight Attack
off-the-road side-attack mine for the anti-armor role. Munition/Demolition Attack Munition was being
This program was initially called STORM, and then competitively developed by the team of
subsequently Off-Road Anti-Tank Mine System, with Sparta/Lockheed Martin, another team consisting of
engineering development by General Motors/Hughes Valentec Dayron and Marconi Command and Control
Aircraft starting in Fiscal 1982. In 1984, the Army Systems, and Alliant Techsystems on its own;
announced that it was negotiating with Motorola subsequently, Alliant Techsystems won the full-scale
Scottsdale for development of the XM84 Wide Area development contract which ended in late 1995. The
Side Penetrating Mine which is the follow-on to this company was awarded an initial production contract
idea. Aerojet is supplying the 17.8 centimeter flat cone- worth 4.5 million dollars in late November of 1995;
shaped charge warhead for this program which, as of further details are provided below.
early 1998, is still in development at a slow pace.
Other Programs: The firm Accuracy Systems
Improved Conventional Mines: The United States Army Incorporated has privately developed and placed in
has indicated that it has a requirement for Improved production two mines. The M510 Minimore is a
Conventional Mines, though few details have been directional anti-personnel mine. Somewhat similar to
provided about the types of mines sought. However, the the 1M18 Claymore in operation, the M510 is more
Army has indicated that it views the Improved compact than the M18/M18A1. The height is 14
Conventional Mine program as a possible candidate for centimeters ( 5.51 inches) and width is nine centimeters
a joint United States-European NATO cooperative (3.54 inches); the M510 weighs 500 grams (1.1
effort. Since the signing of the Ottawa Treaty, any pounds). A fragmentation/ incendiary version of the
further joint development under this program will be M510 is also available. The customers of the M510 (if
related to anti-armor mines. any) are unknown.
M93 Hornet Wide Area Mine: The Wide Area Mine The M515 Miniplatter mine is a directional anti-
program is aimed at the development of a new family of material/anti-vehicular mine that weighs 500 grams (1.1
more effective mines offering extended range coverage pounds). This mine uses an explosive charge to form a
against multiple targets. This program is covered in steel plate into a slug. An incendiary version has also
detail in the pertinent report in this section. been developed. As with the M510, the customers of the
M515 are unknown.
M94 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition and
Demolition Attack Munition: This new lightweight

Below is the most recent available funding for United States mine systems. The funding data on the M42/M77,
Wide Area Mine, Area Denial Artillery Munition M692/M731, Remote Anti-Armor Mine System M718/M741,
BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B, and the Anti-Helicopter Mine will be found in the pertinent reports in this section.
The considerable advantages of the new generation landmines were clearly reflected in the dramatic growth in
landmine procurement funding between Fiscal 1981 and 1987, which grew from $118 million in Fiscal 1981 to
$450 million in Fiscal 1987, nearly a 380 percent increase. Although part of this was due to inflation, a major factor
was the proliferation of the Family of Scatterable Mines derivatives. The widespread utility of the system's mines
led to an increase of 170 percent in procurement funding from Fiscal 1984 to Fiscal 1987, largely traceable to the

March 1998
Ordnance & Munitions Forecast Landmines (United States), Page 9

continued heavy acquisition. However, beginning in the early nineties and continuing today, procurement levels
have been declining in a precipitous manner as the desired (reduced) inventory levels have been attained and as a
result of the major changes in the United States' threat scenario. Despite this major change in the threat scenario,
which no longer is concerned with a major armored confrontation in northwest Europe, the next generation of even
more effective mines, as exemplified by the XM93 Wide Area Mine (covered in a separate report), is under
FY91 FY92 FY93 FY94
US Army
M87 46 74.4 0 0.0 15 30.0 0 0.0
Training NL 1.6 NL 8.2 NL 3.0 NL 2.5
US Marine Corps
All 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 NL 3.2
Total - 76.0 - 8.2 - 33.0 - 5.7

FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98

US Army
M87 14 43.9 10 29.2 6 15.0 - 0.0
Training NL 5.4 NL 3.7 NL 1.9 - 0.0
US Marine Corps
All 0 0.0 0 0.0 NL 19.6 - 0.6
Total - 49.3 - 32.9 - 36.5 - 0.6

FY99 FY00 FY01 FY02

US Army
M87 - 0.0 - - - - - -
Training - 0.0 - - - - - -
US Marine Corps
All - 0.0 - - - - - -
Total - 0.0 - - - - - -
- 0.0 - - - - - -
All funding amounts are in millions of dollars; NL=not listed, TBD=to be
Note: quantities in the above chart are not totaled due to the different types
of systems. The Marine Corps line item is listed in the procurement documents
as "Demolition Munitions, all types". The M87 quantities are in thousands. The
Wide Area Mine program funding is listed in a separate report in this book.

Recent Contracts
Much of the recent major contracts for United States landmines are related to the Wide Area Mine and are detailed
in that report. Of course, second and third level component contracts, such as those for mine bodies, fuzes, and so
on, are common. In May of 1995, Alliant Techsystems was awarded contract number DAAA21-94C-0090 worth
$43,151,795 for the procurement of 12,000 M87A1 Volcano canister assemblies. In October of 1995, Alliant
Techsystems was awarded a contract worth 4.5 million dollars for the production of 5,000 units of the Selectable

March 1998
Landmines (United States), Page 10 Ordnance & Munitions Forecast

Lightweight Attack Munition and 800 units of the Demolition Attack Munition. In April of 1997, Alliant
Techsystems was awarded a $6,751,500 contract for 4,240, M87A1 Volcano canister assemblies.

By the turn of the century, increased integration with sophisticated sensors by a number of firms will result in a
number of new off route mine systems. The domestic and international sanctions against some types of landmines
has essentially eliminated any export of United States' anti-personnel mimes.

Worldwide Distribution
Countries. The distribution of the landmines manufactured by the United States is worldwide, with a number of the
designs manufactured under license or in unlicensed programs in several nations.
As a result of the increasing demands for restrictions in the worldwide trade of landmines, the United States has
placed an embargo on the sale of indigenously manufactured landmines. This embargo, which went into effect in
1992 and reiterated in late 1994, is expected to be permanently maintained.

Forecast Rationale
Our 1998 forecast for the production of anti-armor and international control efforts, the lack of export (now
anti-personnel landmines in the United States is based banned for the anti-personnel type), the use of smarter
on the known and anticipated domestic requirements for mines that require fewer units in order to achieve the
these mines subject to the most recent revisions same results as the older types, and the changed threat
resulting from the May 1996 policy statement. Included scenario. In addition, the 227 millimeter Multiple
in this estimate is a projection of the replacement rate of Launch Rocket System is increasingly taking on the
mines (now mainly of the anti-armor type) currently in task of mine dispensing for the United States Army,
war stock and reaching the end of their storage life. affecting these more conventional mine programs in a
major way. The forecast below is for mines as detailed
The production of landmines in the United States
in this report. It does not include the
America for the types detailed in this report should
mines/submunitions outlined at the beginning of this
continue to be at a much lower level than in the past.
report or any aircraft dispensing system except those
This will be due to several factors, including the
contained in this report.

Ten-Year Outlook

High Confidence Good Confidence Speculative

Level Level Level
Designation through 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 98-07
M18A1 Claymore 2,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M74/M75 Gator(a) 4,864 7 11 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
XM/M84 Wide Area Side Penetrating Mine(b) 0 1 9 11 10 12 10 10 7 0 0 70
M86 Pursuit Deterrent Munition 52 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
M131 mines 232 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
M94 Scatterable Lightweight Attack Munition/
Demolition Attack Munition(b) 1 2 14 20 20 22 22 8 0 0 0 108

All numbers are for units in thousands, the through 1997 figure representing production since 1970. Due to the different
technologies involved, the quantities are not totalled vertically.

(a)For all applications except the Air Force/Navy submunitions dispensers, but including the M87 canister for the Volcano system
which holds six mines (five M75s and one M74).
(b)Prototypes only through 1996 with first production deliveries in mid-1997.

March 1998

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