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An inventor, or the inventor?


well-known fact that

electric light was invented by American Thomas

Edison, but is it really true? Edison's light bulb, like many inventions, was
many scientists' work.

English scientist had made

seventy years earlier, and Edison's further development of

result of

simple electric light

idea wouldn't have been

possible without the work of his colleagues.

Similarly, the Wright brothers are generally credited with inventing the first successful airplane
beginning of
twentieth century. Yet literally dozens of

inventors and scientists before that time might claim to have taken key steps in
sustained flight. For instance,
Norwegian named Navrestad
supposedly flew in a glider in 1825, and in subsequent years,
all over the world. In fact just before the Wright brothers' famous flight,
named Langley flew over

It seems that

person who not only achieves a particular feat but also records it,



Potomac River, a distance of about 800 metres.

protects it and publicises it will be credited with the discovery.

advances were made



Read the article. Select the in ten places where it is unnecessary.


Do you want to join those people who have made a million from a simple idea? Then just follow
these five tips:
$ Remember the saying 'necessity is the mother of the invention'. When the people
need the things, sooner or later someone will come up with an idea to meet that need. It could
be you!
$ Watch people and notice their habits. How do they do the everyday activities, such as
answering the phone, handlingthe money or the credit cards, eating and drinking? Is there a way
that one of the activities could be made easier?
$ When you have an idea, write it down. Draw a picture. Give it a name. This will help your mind
work on the idea further.
$ Don't talk to the negative people about your ideas. The motivation is important
for the creativity, and negative people can kill it.
$ Talk to a friend about your ideas. Some of the most successful ideas emerge
through the talking.

Complete the puzzle and find a piece of advice.

1- adjective describing a harmful
2- adjective describing a positive
3- change something completely
4- make something better
5- change something unnaturally
6- change something completely
7- harm
8- make something different

Complete the compound nouns with the words below.

Read the article and complete it with the words below.

Match the meanings with the phrases in bold in the article.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two
and five words including the word given.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

Complete the crossword.

Put the words in the correct order to make phrases for making comparisons.

Exercise 6B Learn to make written comparisons

Look at the chart and complete the sentences with the phrases below.

Exercise 1A Function suggesting ideas

Read the conversation about rules in an English class. There is one unnecessary word in
each phrase in brackets. Rewrite the phrase correctly, without the unnecessary word.
A: What do you think about simply writing the rule on a sign on the wall: 'English only?'
B: I think it's too simple. We would ignore it.
C: How do you feel about a fine system? You have to pay if you speak your language.
B: That's not original enough.
A: Suppose we try a mother-tongue 'island.' A place in the room where you can go to speak your
mother tongue if you really need to.
C: That's a terrific idea.
B: It doesn't grab me.
A: Would you consider having five-minute mother-tongue breaks in the middle of the lesson?
B: I think we're on the wrong track here. It's either punishment or reward, nothing else works.
C: How does giving a prize for using only English strike you? Like no homework? Or chocolate?

B: I'd go for that.

A: It'd be great if we could get more different nationalities in the group. Then we'd naturally speak
English more.
B: That's not very realistic.
C: I'm torn between punishment and reward systems. Fines or prizes.
A: Could we go for both?
B: Yeah, let's go with that.


(What do you think about simply write writing) the rule on a sign on the wall: 'English

B: I think it's too simple. We would ignore it.

? (How much do you feel about a fine system)? You have to pay if you speak your

B: That's not original enough.

(I suppose we try) a mother-tongue 'island'. A place in the room where you can go to

speak your mother tongue if you really need to.

C: That's a terrific idea.


(It doesn't grab for me).


(Would you consider about having) five-minute mother-tongue breaks in the middle of

the lesson?

(I think we're running on the wrong track here). It's either punishment or reward, nothing

else works.

(How does giving a prize for using only English strike you out)? Like no homework? Or


(I'd go agree for that).


(It'd be great if we should could get) more different nationalities in the group. Then we'd

naturally speak English more.

B: That's not very realistic.

(I'm torn up between punishment and reward systems). Fines or prizes.


(Could we go in for both)?

B: Yeah,

(let's go out with that).

Exercise 2A Learn To show reservations

Find and select the mistake in each sentence. You will need to select two words in
Question 6.
1.- With respectful, we need to be more focused.
2.- To be honestly, I thought your first suggestion was better.
3.- To put that bluntly, that's the worst idea I've heard today.
4.- Actual, I don't think that's a very practical idea.
5.- Frankedly, it's just not going to work.
6.- As a fact of matter, that's probably the only way.
Rewrite the phrases, correcting the underlined mistakes. Then listen and check.

1.- With respectful, we need to be more focused.

, we need to be more focused.

2.- To be honestly, I thought your first suggestion was better.

, I thought your first suggestion was better.

3.- To put that bluntly, that's the worst idea I've heard today.
, that's the worst idea I've heard today.

4.- Actual, I don't think that's a very practical idea.

, I don't think that's a very practical idea.

5.- Frankedly, it's just not going to work.

, it's just not going to work.

6.- As a fact of matter, that's probably the only way.

, that's probably the only way.

Exercise 3A Vocabulary adjectives

Complete the words by adding vowels to the adjectives.
People who read that won't understand it, they've never heard of any of the people


involved it's too


When the movie started I already knew how it was going to end. It was so




They both refused to speak until the other apologised, and so they never spoke again.
The situation was totally


Harry's just started at the bank and says he'll be running it within a year. He always
was rather


Hmm a chicken in a spacesuit that's



Have you heard? They fired Sophie without warning, and with no pay. It's really


So you want to drive two thousand kilometres in two days, all by yourself? I think




That's the best idea I've ever heard! It's



Exercise 3 Grammar narrative tenses
Select the correct option to complete the sentences.


was eating

had eating

had been waiting -

had waiting -

was waiting

already had sold

had sold already

heard -

was hearing -

was forgetting

has sung

was looking -

had been hearing

had been forgetting

were singing

had been knowing -

had known -

has looked

had already sold


was knowing

was looked

Exercise 4 Grammar narrative tenses

had forgotten

Complete the dialogues with the past perfect or the past perfect continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. If both are possible, use the past perfect continuous.
A: Why was Claire crying?
B: Because Richard

(just break up) with her.

A: What was the score in the end?

B: Onenil. They

(play) really badly until they scored.

A: I can't believe Joe said those horrible things about Paulette.

B: I know. I

(always think) he was such a nice person until that.

A: So what made you decide to visit Russia?

B: Well, I

(study) Russian Politics at university when I thought it

sounded like an interesting place.

A: Helen Jackson is really famous now you see her on TV all the time.
B: Yes, but nobody

(hear) of her until she won a gold medal at the

Exercise 5 Grammar future forms
Select the correct alternatives.



m working
- ll work
Are going to watch
- might
Will be
is planning to
ll get
May well may will
Hoping to find
Going to be
will be
is starting

Exercise 6 Grammar future forms

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Exercise 7 Grammar passives

Rewrite the sentences using the prompts in brackets and your own words. Do not change
the form of the prompt.


John Logie Baird created the first television. (invented)

The television ______________________________________________


Someone is watching us. (being)

We _____________________________________
3. You mustn't eat this type of plant. (can't)
This type of plant ________________________________________

I left my money on the table, but now it's not there. (stolen)

My money _____________________________________________

I'm hoping they'll give me a bigger salary next year. (to)

I hope _____________________________________________________
6. I don't like people telling me gossip. (being)

I don't like ________________________________________________

You are going to read a magazine article about five people describing extreme
For questions 1630, choose from the people (AE). The people may be chosen
more than once.

Which person
says the job doesn't pay much money? 16

tries not to be frightened? 17

describes doing something which is usually illegal? 18

thinks it's very important to succeed? 19

did a temporary job? 20

says they earn a lot of money for their job? 21


had a lot of accidents when they were younger? 23

describes how the weather can affect their work? 24

says it's important to stay calm? 25

says other people want to do the job? 26

describes seeing something beautiful every day? 27

likes being able to help people who are similar to them? 28

works with computers? 29

describes using chemicals? 30

Exercise 2B Reading
Find words or phrases in the texts to match definitions 16.
1. an organisation which rescues people and puts out fires (A)


2. a chemical which the body produces when you are in an exciting or dangerous situation


3. in very high places (B)


4. to like something very much (C) to


5. not clear (D)



6. when everybody has to leave a building/area because of a risk of danger (E)


Exercise 3 Vocabulary behaviour and locations

Complete the sentences with the correct word/phrase.



as the crow flies / half way between

get on with / put it off
give in / ignore
unspoilt / remote
densely populated / in close proximity
pay attention / take care

Exercise 4 Vocabulary feelings

Use the clues to complete the crossword.

Exercise 1A Writing
Read the email below and correct the mistakes in bold.
Subject: Our holiday
How are thing

with you? Sorry I hadn't written

time, things have been really busy at work. I got a promocion

the year which is great as I'm now winning

to you for such a long

at the beginning of

more money, but I do about ten times

more work!
What about you? Are you still in a relationship? I remember you guys were really happy
together when we last were meeting

Anyway, I'm writing ask

you for some advices

. I finally have a bit of free

time in the summer and we're thinking of going on a cycling holiday in your country. I know
you did a similar thing a few years ago in the south. Could you recommend where to go?
Also, are

there any special equipment I should buy? We also want to go camping

as I know hotels are expensive there.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give, and please write soon to tell me your news.

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