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Practice: C. Was Chatting

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Section 1: Circle the letter next to the word or phrase that best complete each sentence
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
1. My mother English on Saturday evenings.
A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. teaching
2.I like Math and she..........Literature.
A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking
3. At the moment, my sister................a comic book.
A. read B. reading C. is reading D. reading
4. I.....................steak last night.
A. cook B. Cooked C. cooking D. is cooking
5. We..................a computer when I was a child
A. have B. had C. are having D. were having
6. I............with my friends when my sister came.
A. chat B. chatting C. was chatting D. were chatting
ê cái câu này t ko chắc đâu, nhưng mà thường mà đi thi sẽ hay là QKTD, QKĐ < đang làm cái này thì
cái khác xen vào>
Nhưng cái này trong tiếng anh vẫn đúng, kiểu t chat xong rồi thì m mới đến
Thi thì sẽ hay dung Ving hơn
7..........did you get up so early last morning?
A. What B. when C. where D. why
8. She comes......Thailand
A. from B. in C. at D. on
come from : đến từ đâu
9. My father.........five languages fluently
A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says
10. You are very fat. You should go on a(n)……….
A. jogging B. exercise C. diet D. swimming
Này là cấu trúc GON ON A DIET : ĂN KIÊNG

Section 2: Read the text and choose the correct answers

There's an old saying in the theatre world "Never work with children or animals". It's a pity that Herman Gross has
never heard this piece of advice, or if he has, that he didn't pay attention to it. It's not so much that Pet Doctor is a
bad film, although I can't really find many reasons for saying it's a good one. It's more that it makes me angry.
Gross is a good actor. His appearance on the New York stage last winter in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
showed that he really can act. So what's he doing in this nonsense?
It's a story about a small town doctor who finds he's making more money by looking after the local children's pets
than he is by looking after humans. Then he gets into trouble with the police, because he doesn't have the right sort
of license to do this and, surprise, surprise, the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems. I won't say
how, as it's the only part of the film that's even slightly original or amusing. If you have to see it, you'd be annoyed
with me for telling you. But my advice is, when it comes to a cinema near you stay in and shampoo the cat.

1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

a. Compare Herman Gross with another actor.
b. Give his or her opinion about using animals in films.
c. Give his or her opinion about Pet Doctor.
d. Give his or her opinion about animals

Cái đoạn này nó chủ yếu là về ông tác giả review về cái phim của ông kia đóng, có nội dung là
việc work with children + pet, chứ ko phải là về Animal ( keyword : FILM )
2. The text gives the reader ...
a. information about a new film. c. news about the lives of film stars.
b. ideas about how animals should be cared for. d. information about money

Câu này cũng giống câu trên

3. The writer thinks that Pet Doctor is ...

a. amusing. b. original. c. not worth seeing. d. amazing
4. Why did the writer mention Romeo and Juliet?
a. It's an example of a really good play.
b. Gross proved he's a good actor in it.
c. The central characters are very young.
d. It is a famous film

5.Which one of these TV guides is describing Pet Doctor

a. A doctor is loved by the children whose pets he cures. But everything goes wrong and he is sent to prison.
b. A doctor finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it all finishes happily.
c. A doctor prefers animals to humans and stops looking after his patients. People are dying, the animals are cured,
then the police arrive . . .

Ông này chữa cho động vật địa phương, “looking after the local children's pets” , nhưng gặp Police
+ ko có giấy tờ “ the police, because he doesn't have the right sort of license to do this “ , nhưng có
“the children and their pets find a way to solve his problems” , này là happy ending =)))
d. A nurse finds he can cure local animals, then discovers this isn't allowed. But it all finishes happily.
Section 3 Read the text below and fill each of blanks with ONE suitable word from the box
in are is shops prefers front
traditions great closed has
Every nation and every country (1)HAS .....its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more
important part (2) in the life of the people than in other countries. Englishmen (3) are proud of their traditions and
carefully keep them up.
It has been the law for about 300 years that all theaters are (4) closed on Sundays. No letters are delivered,
only a few Sunday papers are published.
To this day an English family (5) PREFERS a house with a garden to a flat in a modern house with central
heating. English people like gardens. Sometimes the garden in (6) front of the house is a little square covered with
cement painted green in imitation of grass and a box of flowers. Holidays are especially rich in old (7)………….
and are different in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. Christmas is a (8) GREAT English national holiday, and
in Scotland it (9) is not kept, except by clerks in banks, all (10) shops and factories are working.

(1) : sự hòa hợp chủ vị

(8) : cụm a great holiday


Section 1: Fill each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it
1. John can drive car very well.
- John is a good driver
2. Marry likes listening to music in her free time.
- Marry ẹnjoys listening to music in her free time
3. It is neccessary that you go home early.
- You need to go home early ?
4. The English exercise is too difficult for him to do.
- The English exercise is not easy for him to do
5. She studied Japanese two years ago.
- She has been studying for two years.
Hic này này trước t làm là nếu chuyển từ QKĐ có AGO thì dùng HTHT , còn cái tiếp diễn hay ko
thì ko chắc , nhưng thường là HTHT
Đã làm gì đó ... + khoảng tg ago = đã làm gì đó + for khoảng tg

You will hear a radio program. For each question, fill in the missing information in the spaces. You will
hear the recording twice.
Radio presenter:
This is Duncan Braithwaite with the Ethics Hour. So, university fees have risen again, and many people think that
this means the numbers of (1) will go down. But surprisingly, the numbers are in fact rising. That
means many young people will start their professional lives in debt to afford their (2) . This fact raises
the question, is a (3) education really worth it?We're inviting you to call in and give us your views. And
we have our first caller on the line now.Debbie Rush - what are your views on a university education?
Debbie Rush:
Well, I got a (4) back when university education was free, and I have to say that, although I had a
(5) time and all that, I don't think it benefited me in my career. Well I wouldn't recommend university
to a young person as a great way to (6) off in life these days - it will get them into too much
(7) and it just isn't worth the … the investment. I mean, it's great. Don't get me wrong, I had a
wonderful time and I learned all sorts of life (8) , and I made lots of mistakes, and I learned from it, but
in the long run, I don't think … that it really benefits you.
Radio presenter:
Thank you, Debbie, for your thoughts. Let's listen to caller 2 - that's Josie Crane. Josie?
Josie Crane:
Well, I (9) what people are saying, about how university doesn't always give you the … useful facts or
the skills for a particular job. But it… well, I think it (10) up opportunities…

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