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(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task - Assignment - My Best Birthday Present

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1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

(AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Start Assignment

Friday by 11:59pm
a website url or a media recording
Allowed Attempts
Nov 1 at 12am - Nov 7 at 11:59pm
7 days


Now it's time for you to do the Task for unit 3. I invite you to check the instructions below. Remember that if you need to review a topic,
you can always go back as many times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this homework during week 13.

1. Learning Outcome:
Unidad 3: Things around us

Logro específico de aprendizaje: Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante describe objetos cotidianos para desenvolverse en la lengua inglesa
a nivel A2 utilizando gramática y vocabulario pertinentes.

2. General indication:  
Learning outcome: Through this activity, students create a dialog describing their best birthday present (technological device) using the
grammar and vocabulary learned in unit 3 (PA2). First, each student mentions the devices, then they compare them and select the best
one. Then, they share the dialog in a video (2-4 min).  

3. Description:  
Step 1: 1/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Choose a partner or make a group of three.  

Step 2:  
Make a list of the technological devices you received as birthday presents. (You can also invent them)
As a group, you must describe and compare the birthday presents you have chosen.  
You can use the following questions to help you:
What is the name of the technological device? 
Why is it important to you? 
 What are its characteristics?
Which one is better/faster in comparison with others?  (use different adjectives)
What can/can’t you do with your device?
Step 3: 

Write a conversation about your last birthday presents using the ideas from step 2.

Remember, each student must describe and compare the devices.
Each student must make at least 2 questions.
Use the vocabulary and grammar structures learned during this unit: Comparatives and Superlatives, Can / Can’t. 
Step 4:  
When your dialog is ready, record a video to share it.  
Your video must last between 2- 4 minutes. 

Step 5: Considerations
Take into consideration the following structure:

Cover: Your names and last names must be there, include each participant’s photo. There are 2 options to do it. (Choose one)
Option 1: Inside your mp4 video, if you record it in Canvas.
Option 2: In a Word format with the YouTube link. 
Greeting: Before the dialogue, each student should appear saying his/her name and last names. (It’s very important to show
your faces)
Dialog: You should be sure about the information you are going to share so you act naturally during your presentation.
Farewell: Finish the presentation saying goodbye.
Example of the cover: 2/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Step 6: Recommendations
Be confident about your speaking. 
Use correct pronunciation and intonation. 
Choose a quiet place to record your video. 
Use the grammar and vocabulary you have studied in the week. 
Remember to speak naturally, don’t read the dialog. 
Choose a video program to record the video. 

4. Materials  
Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives, Can / Can’t 
Vocabulary:  long / short / cool / cheap / expensive / modern / slow / soft / large / small /nice /good / bad / old /new/expensive / cheap /
effective / technological / traditional / heavy / big / light / fast / useful / practical / relaxing (Vocabulary from unit 3)
Canvas Material Unit 3 (Weeks 10-13) 3/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Additional materials: 
Dictionary Cambridge online:
Oxford American English Dictionary:
9780195392883 (  
Englisch-Hilfen: (    
All things Grammar: (
Raymond Murphy - English Grammar In Use Book:
with-answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlv (

5. Presentation
Number of participants: 2-3
Upload: Canvas
Format: Video (mp4) or Word format with Youtube link. 
Duration of the video: 2-4 minutes
Name of the video: Write your las name(s) and name(s). Example: RamirezJosé_MendozaRocío.mp4
Deadline: Sunday of Week 13
Canvas configuration:
Attempt: 1

De acuerdo al artículo 46 del Reglamento de Disciplina, toda evidencia de plagio, durante o posterior a la evaluación, anulará el resultado de la evaluación. 

Se considera plagio a la copia de información parcial o total de fuentes de información o de páginas de internet, así como a la copia del trabajo de otro grupo,
estudiante, docente, o consulta a persona externa a la universidad. 4/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

En los casos a que se refiere el párrafo anterior, si se comprueba la falta, el estudiante obtiene la calificación de “cero anulado” (0A) como nota final del curso, sin
perjuicio de recibir la sanción disciplinaria correspondiente. 

N08I-TA3-A21 5/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Criteria Ratings Pts

Elaboration 4
pts 3
pts 2
pts 1
of contents EXPECTED STANDARD: IN PROCESS 2: Most of IN PROCESS 1: Half of the INITIAL: Less than half of
1.0 pts The content responds to the content responds to content responds to the the content responds to
the indications of the the indications of the indications of the activity. the indications of the 4 pts

activity. activity. activity.

Use of 3.5
pts 2.5
pts 1.5
pts 0.5
1.0 pts student elaborates student elaborates student elaborates elaborates sentences and
sentences and questions sentences and questions sentences and questions questions following the
following the grammatical following the grammatical following the grammatical grammatical structures
3.5 pts

structures without any structures with up to 3 structures with up to 5 with 6 or more mistakes.
mistakes. mistakes. mistakes.

Use of 3.5
pts 2.5
pts 1.5
pts 0.5
vocabulary EXPECTED STANDARD: The IN PROCESS 2: The IN PROCESS 1: The INITIAL: The student
1.0 pts student uses the vocabulary student uses the student uses the uses the vocabulary
studied in the unit without vocabulary studied in the vocabulary studied in the studied in the unit with 6
3.5 pts

any mistakes. unit with up to 3 mistakes. unit with up to 5 mistakes. or more mistakes. 6/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Criteria Ratings Pts

Use of 5
pts 3.5
pts 2
pts 0.5
pronunciation EXPECTED STANDARD: IN PROCESS 2: During IN PROCESS 1: During the INITIAL: During the
and intonation During the presentation, the presentation, the presentation, the student presentation, the student
1.0 pts the student makes up to student makes up to 5 makes up to 7 mistakes that makes more than 7
3 mistakes but the mistakes but most of the make difficult to understand mistakes that make difficult
5 pts

message is understood. message is understood. half of the message. to understand most of the

Oral 2
pts 1.5
pts 1
pts 0.5
presentation EXPECTED STANDARD: IN PROCESS 2: The IN PROCESS 1: The INITIAL: The student looks at
1.0 pts The student looks at the student looks at the student looks at the the audience (camera) directly
audience (camera) audience (camera) audience (camera) through less than half of the
directly and doesn’t directly and doesn’t directly and doesn’t video and depends on his/her
depend on his/her notes depend on his/her notes depend on his/her notes notes throughout most of the 2 pts

throughout the video. throughout most of the throughout half of the video.
video. video.

Deliver of 2
pts 1.5
pts 1
pts 0.5
speech/dialogue EXPECTED STANDARD: IN PROCESS 2: The IN PROCESS 1: The INITIAL: The student
1.0 pts The student vocalizes all student vocalizes most of student vocalizes half of vocalizes less than half of
the speech or dialogue with the speech or dialogue the speech or dialogue the speech or dialogue
audible voice volume. with audible voice volume. with audible voice with audible voice volume. 2 pts

volume. 7/8
1/11/21 19:19 (AC-S13) Week 13 - Task: Assignment - My best birthday present

Criteria Ratings Pts

Total Points:
20 8/8

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