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Is549 Evaluation of Alkali Silica Reactivity (Asr) Mortar Bar Testing (Astm c1260 and c1567) at 14 Days and 28 Days

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Evaluation of Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) Mortar Bar

Testing (ASTM C1260 and C1567) at 14 days and 28 days
PCA Durability Subcommittee

Alkali silica reaction (ASR) is a chemical reaction between

certain reactive minerals in some aggregate and alkalies in
the pore solution of concrete (Farny and Kerkhoff 2007).
This reaction can result in expansion and cracking of the
concrete leading to shortened service life. Guidance on
preventing deleterious ASR is available from a number of
sources (Thomas et al. 2008; ACI 2008; PCA 2007; and CSA
2004) and several mitigation strategies are often available.
To determine whether an aggregate is potentially reactive,
ASTM C1260, Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali
Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method) is often used
as a screening test. A similar test, ASTM C1567, Standard
Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica
Reactivity of Combinations of Cementitious Materials and
Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method), is used to evaluate the efficacy of mitigation using hydraulic cement and
supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) combinations.
In the ASTM C1260/C1567/accelerated mortar bar test
(AMBT), aggregate with a specified gradation is used in
making 25 mm 25 mm 285 mm (1 in. 1 in.
11.25 in.) mortar bars that are cured for 48 hours, and then
stored in a 1M NaOH solution at 80C (176F).
In ASTM C1260 testing, bars that expand in this harsh
environment by more than 0.20% after 14 days of soaking
are considered to be made with aggregates that are
potentially ASR-reactive. Bars that expand between 0.10%
and 0.20% include aggregates that are known to be both
innocuous and deleterious in field performance. In both of
these cases, supplemental information should be developed.
Such supplemental information might include petrographic
analyses to confirm that the expansion is due to ASR, as
well as a review of service history records (when available).
However in the absence further information, the aggregate
should conservatively be considered reactive and mitigative
measures should be taken. Expansions of less than 0.10%
at 14 days are generally indicative of innocuous aggregate,
using ASTM C1260, or of effective mitigation using ASTM
C1567. ASTM C1260 is a screening test and is known to
provide both false positives (that is, classifying an aggregate

as reactive when it is not) and false negatives (classifying

reactive aggregates as innocuous).
Many consider ASTM C1293, Standard Test Method for
Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due to
Alkali-Silica Reaction (also known as the concrete prism
test or CPT), to be the best test method for evaluating
deleterious ASR potential in terms of providing the
strongest correlation to field performance. However,
ASTM C1293 takes 1 year to perform when evaluating
aggregate reactivity, or 2 years when evaluating the
efficacy of SCMs to mitigate deleterious expansion.
Therefore ASTM C1260/C1567/AMBT has a significant
practical advantage in its speed. The relatively high
correlation between AMBT and CPT is coincidental, as
the different specimen sizes, materials, proportioning,
curing and exposure conditions all lead to different
mechanisms dominating the rate and extent of the
ASR distress observed. Changing one of the parameters,
like test duration, may easily reduce the correlation
between them.
Both standard AMBT tests, ASTM C1260 and ASTM
C1567, use a 14-day exposure in an aggressive solution/
temperature regime. It has been suggested that in order
to provide more conservative results, the AMBT tests
should be evaluated at 28 days rather than 14 days (all
other conditions of the test are kept the same). However,
this is not good practice for two reasons:
Correlation between the 28-day versions of the AMBT
tests and CPT expansion is notably less than for the
14-day tests, and
The 28-day version of the ASTM C1567 test provides
estimates of SCM contents that are approximately
1.5 times higher than actually required for effective
ASR mitigation.
Thus, not only is the 28-day AMBT over-conservative and
more time consuming, it provides recommendations for
potentially inefficient concrete mix designs, which may be

Figure 1. Comparison of 2-year expansion in ASTM C1293 concrete prism test (CPT) with expansion of
the same SCM-aggregate combinations in the (a) standard ASTM C1260/C1567/AMBT tests at 14 days
and (b) non-standard 28-day test (Thomas et al. 2007).
tests (i.e. both tests pass or both fail) are in agreement
about 77% of the time. Only about 7% of the time did
the results of the AMBT test pass aggregates that failed
subsequent CPT testing. In about 16% of the cases the
AMBT failed aggregate that passed subsequent CPT
testingcases in which the AMBT is over-conservative.

unacceptable from an engineering perspective. Thomas et

al. (2007) provide a detailed review of this issue and provide
strong support for the standard 14-day version of the test.
Their data is summarized here.
The correlation between standard AMBT data and CPT data
is fairly strong, as shown in Fig. 1a and Table 1, which compares results from 3 laboratories that tested 39 aggregates
in 182 material combinations. The outcome from the two

In contrast, Table 2 and Fig. 1b provide data for 3 labs

using 39 aggregates in 142 materials combinations for

Table 1. Summary of ASTM C1293 and Standard ASTM C1260/C1567 Results (Thomas et al. 2007)
ASTM C1293 Concrete Prism Test

Standard (14-day) ASTM C1260/C1567 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test

Passed ( 0.10%)

Failed (> 0.10%)

Passed ( 0.04%)



Failed (> 0.04%)



Table 2. Summary of C1293 and Non-Standard (28-d) Accelerated Mortar Bar Test Results (Thomas et al. 2007)
ASTM C1293 Concrete Prism Test

Non-Standard (28-day), Accelerated Mortar Bar Test

Passed ( 0.10%)

Failed (> 0.10%)

Passed ( 0.04%)



Failed (> 0.04%)


Evaluation of Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) Mortar Bar Testing (ASTM C1260 and C1567) at 14 days and 28 days

Figure 2. Estimated minimum level of SCM required to suppress 2-year expansion in ASTM C1293
concrete prism test (CPT) compared with level required to suppress expansion in a) standard ASTM
C1260/C1567/AMBT tests at 14 days and b) non-standard 28-day testing (Thomas et al. 2007).
comparison of the non-standard 28-day AMBT with
CPT results (the AMBT was not extended to 28 days
for all of the cases discussed above). In this case, there
is agreement between the two tests (both pass or both
fail) only about 58% of the time. Furthermore, in about
40% of cases the non-standard 28-day test predicted
failure of an SCM-aggregate combination that
performed satisfactorily in the concrete prism test.

1. The data indicate that reactive aggregate-SCM

combinations that pass the 14-day expansion limit
[in the AMBT] of 0.10% are unlikely to produce
damaging expansion in the field;
2. Using the more stringent 28-day limit of 0.10%
fails many reactive aggregate-SCM combinations
that perform well in concrete (in field and
laboratory exposure);

Figure 2 compares the amount of SCM required to control expansion in the CPT test with portland cementSCM-aggregate combinations, with the amount required
for the same materials tested in both a) the standard
AMBT (14 days) and b) the non-standard (28-day) test.
There is generally good agreement between concrete
and mortar tests when a 14-day test is used. However,
using a 28-day result yields significantly higher amounts
of SCM being required to mitigate ASR: On average
the level of SCM required using 28-day results is 150%
higher than that required in CPT testing, which is a
significant disparity between results. This is inefficient
from an engineering perspective as high amounts of
SCMs can change the performance of concrete.

3. Using the 14-day limit of 0.10% to determine

the minimum level of SCM required to control
ASR expansion in mortar bars produced with a
specific reactive aggregate produces data that
are generally consistent with the minimum level
required to control expansion in concrete. Using
the 28-day limit results in much higher levels of
SCM being required (by 1.5 times on average) in
mortar bars than are actually required
in concrete.
These conclusions are consistent with FHWA recommendations (Thomas et al. 2008). The 14-day version of
the ASTM C1260/C1567/AMBT is preferred and the use
of the non-standard 28-day modification of the test
should be discouraged.

After evaluating these and other data (including field

performance), Thomas et al. (2007) drew the following

Evaluation of Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) Mortar Bar Testing (ASTM C1260 and C1567) at 14 days and 28 days

ACI Committee 221 (ACI), State-of-the-Art Report on
Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, ACI221.1R-98,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
Michigan, 1998, reapproved 2008.

Farny, J. and Kerkhoff, B., Diagnosis and Control of

Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in Concrete, IS413,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA,
2007, 26 pages.

ASTM C1260-07, Standard Test Method for Potential

Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar
Method), 2009 ASTM Annual Book of Standards,
Volume 04.02, Concrete and Aggregates, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania,

Portland Cement Association (PCA) Durability

Subcommittee, Guide Specification for Concrete
Subject to Alkali-Silica Reactions, IS415, Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 2007, 8

ASTM C1293-08b, Standard Test Method for

Determination of Length Change of Concrete Due
to Alkali- Silica Reaction, 2009 ASTM Annual
Book of Standards, Volume 04.02, Concrete and
Aggregates, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 2009.
ASTM C1567-08, Standard Test Method for
Determining the Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity of
Combinations of Cementitious Materials and
Aggregate (Accelerated Mortar-Bar Method),
2009 ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Volume
04.02, Concrete and Aggregates, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania,

Thomas, M.D.A.; Fournier, B.; Folliard, K. J.; Shehata, M.

H.; Ideker, J. H.; and Rogers, C., Performance
Limits for Evaluating Supplementary Cementing
Materials Using Accelerated Mortar Bar Test, ACI
Materials Journal, Vol. 104, No. 2, March-April
2007, pages 115 to 122.
Thomas, M.D.A.; Fournier, B.; and Folliard, K. J., Report
on Determining the Reactivity of Concrete
Aggregates and Selecting Appropriate Measures
for Preventing Deleterious Expansion in New
Concrete Construction, FHWA-HIF-09-001, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., April
2008, 28 pages.

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), Standard Practice

to Identify Degree of Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity of
Aggregates and to Identify Measures to Avoid
Deleterious Expansion in Concrete, CSA A23.227A, Canadian Standards Association, Toronto,
Ontario, 2004.

An organization of cement companies to improve and extend the uses of portland

cement and concrete through market development, engineering, research,
education, and public affairs work.
2011 Portland Cement Association
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PCA R&D SN2892b


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