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Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic Cementitious Materials Using Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C1702 − 17

Standard Test Method for

Measurement of Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic
Cementitious Materials Using Isothermal Conduction
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1702; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* the same mass and thermal properties as a cement sample, but
1.1 This test method specifies the apparatus and procedure which is not generating or consuming heat.
for determining total heat of hydration of hydraulic cementi- 3.1.2 heat, n—the time integral of thermal power measured
tious materials at test ages up to 7 days by isothermal in joules (J).
conduction calorimetry. 3.1.3 isothermal conduction calorimeter, n—a calorimeter
1.2 This test method also outputs data on rate of heat of that measures heat flow from a sample maintained at a constant
hydration versus time that is useful for other analytical temperature by intimate thermal contact with a constant
purposes, as covered in Practice C1679. temperature heat sink.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 3.1.4 reference cell, n—a heat-flow measuring cell that is
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this dedicated to measuring power from a sample that is generating
standard. no heat.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the Discussion—The purpose of the reference cell is to
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the correct for baseline drift and other systematic errors that can
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- occur in heat-flow measuring equipment.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.1.5 sensitivity, n—the minimum change in thermal power
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. reliably detectable by an isothermal calorimeter. Discussion—For this application, sensitivity is taken
2. Referenced Documents
as ten times the random noise (standard deviation) in the
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 baseline signal.
C186 Test Method for Heat of Hydration of Hydraulic
3.1.6 thermal mass, n—the amount of thermal energy that
can be stored by a material (J/K).
C1679 Practice for Measuring Hydration Kinetics of Hy- Discussion—The thermal mass of a given material is
draulic Cementitious Mixtures Using Isothermal Calorim-
calculated by multiplying the mass by the specific heat capacity
of the material. For the purpose of calculating the thermal mass
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
used in this standard, the following specific heat capacities can
Determine the Precision of a Test Method
be used: The specific heat capacity of a typical unhydrated
3. Terminology portland cement and water is 0.75 and 4.18 J/(g·K), respec-
tively. Thus a mixture of A g of cement and B g of water has
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: a thermal mass of (0.75 × A + 4.18 × B) J/K. The specific heat
3.1.1 baseline, n—the time-series signal from the calorim- capacity of typical quartz and limestone is 0.75 and
eter when measuring output from a sample of approximately 0.84 J ⁄(g·K), respectively. The specific heat capacity of most
amorphous supplementary cementitious material, such as fly
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C01 on Cement ash or slag, is approximately 0.8 J/(g·K).
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C01.26 on Heat of Hydration.
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2017. Published February 2017. Originally
3.1.7 thermal power, n—the heat production rate measured
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as C1702 – 15b. DOI: in joules per second (J/s).
2 Discussion—This is the property measured by the
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
calorimeter. The thermal power unit of measure is J/s, which is
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on equivalent to the watt. The watt is also a common unit of
the ASTM website. measure used to represent thermal power.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C1702 − 17
4. Summary of Test Method 6.1.2 Volumetric Dispenser—A device for measuring vol-
4.1 Principle—An isothermal heat conduction calorimeter ume or mass of water, accurate to 0.1 mL. This could be a
consists of a constant-temperature heat sink to which two syringe, pipette, or weighing device.
heat-flow sensors and sample holders are attached in a manner 6.1.3 Sample Holder—A device that holds the cement paste
resulting in good thermal conductivity. One heat-flow sensor and provides intimate contact with the calorimeter heat sensing
and sample holder contains the sample of interest. The other device and prevents evaporation of mixing water. If using
heat-flow sensor is a reference cell containing a blank sample commercially manufactured equipment, consult the recom-
that evolves no heat. The heat of hydration released by the mendations of the manufacturer in choosing sample holders.
reacting cementitious sample flows across the sensor and into 6.1.4 Resistance Heater—An electrical device fabricated
the heat sink. The output from the calorimeter is the difference from material with similar heat capacity and shape as the test
in heat flow (thermal power) between the sample cell and the sample, but containing a resistor connected to a constant-
reference cell. The heat-flow sensor actually senses a small voltage power supply such that a stable output of 0.010 6
temperature gradient that develops across the device, however 0.0002 J/s can be generated (see Note 1).
the heat is removed from the hydrating sample fast enough NOTE 1—A simple procedure for fabricating heaters and blanks having
that, for practical purposes, the sample remains at a constant the same approximate shape and heat capacity as a sample is to make
temperature (isothermal). specimen similar to one used in a determination out of plaster of Paris
embedded with a small resistor. Plaster of Paris has only a transient heat
4.2 The output from the heat-flow sensor is an electrical of hydration and is not aggressive to electronic components. A resistance
voltage signal that is proportional to the thermal power from of 100 to 300 Ω is a convenient value when using voltages of 0.1 to 10 V
the sample. This output must be calibrated to a known thermal to drive heat production.
power. In this method this is accomplished by measurements 6.1.5 Reference Specimen—A sample fabricated from an
on a heat source that emits a constant and known thermal inert material with similar heat capacity and shape as the test
power. The integral of the thermal power over the time of the sample. This is used in the reference cell.
test is the heat of hydration. Alternatively, a cementitious
6.1.6 Multimeter—An instrument for measuring DC voltage
material with a known heat of hydration can be used for
and resistance values for the resistance heater described in
calibration as described in Appendix X2.
6.1.4 to an accuracy of 1 %. This instrument is only required if
4.3 Two methods are described. In Method A the sample and the calorimeter does not contain built-in calibration capability.
water are both temperature equilibrated and mixed inside the 6.1.7 Power Supply—A constant voltage DC power supply
calorimeter. This method is the most direct way to determine with a power output range sufficient to simulate the maximum
heat of hydration. In Method B the sample is mixed in the output of a hydrating cement sample (see Note 2). This
sample vial outside of the calorimeter using temperature equipment is only required if an instrument does not contain
equilibrated materials then put into the calorimeter. This built-in calibration capability.
method offers certain practicality, but depending on the mate-
rials being analyzed and procedures used for mixing and NOTE 2—A power output of at least 0.33 J/s is needed for most
handling, this method may suffer from small errors due to
periods of hydration being missed or spurious heat being 6.2 Calorimeter—The schematic design of a calorimeter is
introduced or taken away from the calorimeter during setup or given in Fig. 1. It shall consist of a sample holder for the test
combinations thereof. and reference specimens, each thermally connected to heat-
flow sensors, which are thermally connected to a constant-
5. Significance and Use temperature heat sink. The actual design of an individual
5.1 This method is suitable for determining the total heat of instrument, whether commercial or homemade, may vary, but
hydration of hydraulic cement at constant temperature at ages it should follow the criteria given below. Any other suitable
up to 7 days to confirm specification compliance. It gives test arrangement that satisfies 6.2.1 – 6.2.3 is acceptable.
results equivalent to Test Method C186 up to 7 days of age 6.2.1 Instrument Stability—The baseline shall exhibit a low
(1).3 random noise level and be stable against drift. This property
5.2 This method compliments Practice C1679 by providing shall be verified on a new instrument and whenever there are
details of calorimeter equipment, calibration, and operation. questions about performance. The rate of change of the
Practice C1679 emphasizes interpretation significant events in baseline measured during a time period of 3 days shall be
cement hydration by analysis of time dependent patterns of ≤20 µJ ⁄s per gram sample per hour of the test and a baseline
heat flow, but does not provide the level of detail necessary to random noise level of ≤10 µJ/s per gram sample (see Note 3).
give precision test results at specific test ages required for In practice the baseline is measured for 3 days and a straight
specification compliance. line is fitted to the power (J/(g·s)) versus time (h) data using a
linear regression procedure. The long term drift is then the
6. Apparatus slope in the line (J/(g·s·h)) and the baseline noise level is the
6.1 Miscellaneous Equipment: standard deviation (J/(g·s)) around this regression line.
6.1.1 Balance—Accurate to 0.01 g. NOTE 3—The rationale for these limits is found in Poole (2007) (1).
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of 6.2.2 Instrument Sensitivity—The minimum sensitivity for
this standard. measuring power output shall be 100 µJ/s.

C1702 − 17

FIG. 1 Schematic Drawing of Heat Conduction Calorimeter

6.2.3 Isothermal Conditions—The instrument shall maintain cementitious materials may have instrument specific calibra-
the temperature of the sample to within 1 K of the thermostated tion procedures. Conform to these procedures if they exist. In
temperature. addition, the instrument shall be capable of providing data
6.3 Data Acquisition Equipment—Data acquisition equip- described in,, and, and calculations in
ment may be built into the calorimeter instrument package, or 7.1.4. If there are no instrument calibration procedures, cali-
it may be an off-the-shelf, stand-alone, item. The data acqui- brate the instrument according to the following procedure.
sition equipment shall be capable of performing continuous Calibration shall be at least a two-point process. This is
logging of the calorimeter output measurement at a minimum illustrated schematically in Fig. 2 Alternatively use a generic
time interval of 10 s. It is useful, for purposes of reducing calibration procedure for a cementitious material with known
amount of data, to have the flexibility to adjust the reading heat of hydration as described in Appendix X2. Alternatively,
interval to longer times when power output from the sample is use a generic calibration procedure for a cementitious material
low. Some data acquisition equipment is designed to automati- with known heat of hydration as described in Appendix X2.
cally adjust reading intervals in response to power output. The 7.1.1 Mount the resistance heater and the blank specimen in
equipment shall have at least 4.5-digit-measuring capability, their respective measuring cells and start data collection. This
with an accuracy of 1 %, or comparable capabilities to condi- step measures the baseline calorimeter output (in units of V or
tion the power output into the same quality as integrated signal mV) when no heat is being generated.
amplifiers. Measure this baseline when it reaches a constant
value (drift ≤ 20 µJ/s per gram sample per hour).
7. Instrument Calibration Record this output as V0 for P0 = 0 (see Note 4).
7.1 Instrument Calibration—Commercially manufactured NOTE 4—V0 may not be zero voltage, but may be a positive or negative
instruments designed for measuring heat of hydration of number. The practice of using a test cell and a reference cell usually results

FIG. 2 (A) Schematic Steady-State Calibration Using 2-Point Calibration Process, and (B) Multi-Point Calibration Process

C1702 − 17
in the V0 being a relatively small number but, depending on the variability stable over a period of 30 min or longer. The temperature of the
in properties of some hardware, it may not be zero. heat sink during the test shall be 23.0 6 1.0°C, unless a
7.1.2 Power in the heater circuit is related to voltage and different temperature is required by the analysis.
resistance by the following equation:
NOTE 7—The time required to reach thermal equilibrium depends on
P 5 I 2R (1) the instrument. Generally, it is recommended to set the temperature
control unit of the calorimeter at target temperature at least 18 h before
where: testing.
P = power, J/s,
I = applied current, amperes, and 8.1.1 Baseline Verification Test—This test is recommended
R = resistance, ohms. prior to testing and required whenever there is a change in the
operating temperature of the calorimeter or in ambient operat-
Apply sufficient voltage to the heater circuit to generate a ing conditions. For each active calorimeter cell, prepare a
heat output of approximately 0.1 J/s, measured to an accuracy sample of water without any cement and without any mixing,
of 5 %. but with the same thermal mass as the inert reference speci- Allow the output to stabilize signal at a drift of men. Alternatively, use another inert material with equal
≤0.1 % over 60 min or ≤0.05 % over 30 min. thermal mass as the inert reference specimen. Seal each vial Record this output as V1 for a power P1 (see Note 5). with a vapor-tight lid (see Note 8). For each active calorimeter
This is the minimum requirement for a calibration sequence. At cell, load the sample container with water or other inert
the users discretion any number of voltage levels may be used material of equal thermal mass into the calorimeter and start
to characterize the operating range of the calorimeter. logging. Log the signal for a minimum of 24 h. Calculate the
NOTE 5—The early C3A reaction of a typical portland cement evolves heat as a function of time per gram cement normally used in the
a maximum power of about 0.02 J/(g·s). The alite phase typically evolves calculation section, although no cement is used for this
heat at a maximum power of about 0.002 J/(g·s) during the first 24 h of baseline verification test. A re-calibration is required if the
hydration. A 5-g sample then generates power peaks in the range of
0.10 J ⁄s in the first few minutes after adding water, and in the range of
absolute value of the calculated heat per hour obtained 6 h from
0.010 J ⁄s in the first 24 h. start of logging to the end of the test is higher than 0.10 J/(gh),
where the mass (g) refers to the mass of cement intended to be
7.1.3 Calibration Coeffıcients—Calculate calibration coeffi-
cients by fitting the power versus voltage output data to a to a
mathematical relationship using standard curve fitting tech- NOTE 8—The effectiveness of this sealing in preventing any evapora-
niques. Power (P), in units of J/s (or watts), is the dependent tion (and its accompanying evaporative cooling) is variable depending on
variable (y) in the calibration equation, and output voltage (V), the materials and techniques employed. Determining the mass of the
sealed vial to the nearest 0.001 g for a small (up to 10.000 g) sample or
in units of mV, is the independent variable (x). This equation is
0.01 g for a larger sample at the beginning and end of the test is a
then used to translate mV output to power units meaningful for convenient method to assess the adequacy of the sealing operation for a
calculating heat flow (see Note 6). sample with hydrating cementitious material. As a rule of thumb, for a w/c
= 0.5 cement paste, 0.3 % loss of water due to evaporation over 7 days,
NOTE 6—A linear calibration equation is found to be suitable in many may, if not corrected for, result in a heat loss of approximately 3.7 J/g
instruments over the operating range necessary to analyze portland cement. If the measured mass loss is assumed to be due to water
cements, as in the following equation: P = A + BV. In this case, the fitted evaporation, it can be converted to an equivalent heat release (loss) using
coefficients A (y-axis intercept) and B (slope) are in units of J/s and the known heat of vaporization of water of 43.99 kJ/mol or 2440 J/g at
J/(mV·s), respectively. 25°C. A convenient method to approximate and compensate for the heat
7.1.4 In a multi-channel instrument containing several loss due to evaporation during calibration is to measure the voltage signal
calorimeters, all channels shall be calibrated individually. and mass loss with water in the sample vials as part of the baseline
However, it is possible to calibrate all calorimeters simultane-
NOTE 9—The results from the baseline verification test can be used to
ously using multiple resistance heaters and having the same recalculate the baseline value P0 in 7.1.
current passing through the heaters in all calorimeter cells. NOTE 10—When performing the baseline verification test, use the same
7.1.5 Calibration shall be executed at regular intervals to thermal mass of water as in target cement paste.
determine the calibration coefficient. The length of the time NOTE 11—Representative values of specific heat capacity for selected
intervals between calibrations is dependent on the instrument materials tested by this method are listed in Appendix X4.
and the personnel, and must be determined empirically. If the NOTE 12—Calculation of thermal mass. The heat capacity of a typical
calibration coefficient differs more than 2 % from one calibra- portland cement and water is 0.75 and 4.18 J/g/K, respectively. If, for
tion to the next, then calibrations intervals must be reduced example, a cement paste is prepared using 3.00 g cement and 1.5 g water,
the resulting cement paste has an approximate thermal mass of (3.00 ×
until this stability limit is reached. 0.75 + 1.5 × 4.18) = 8.52 J/K, which is also the target thermal mass of the
inert reference specimen. If using water for the baseline verification test,
8. Procedure the corresponding mass of water used is (8.52 ⁄ 4.18) = 2.04 g. After
8.1 The thermal mass of the inert reference specimen should completion of the baseline verification test, a fraction of this water (1.5 g
always be similar to the thermal mass of the target cement in this example) can be used for the heat of hydration tests in the
procedure section.
paste. Verify that the calorimeter equipment temperature is
within 0.2°C of target temperature with the proper mass of 8.2 Method A—This method is used when an instrument is
inert material charged in the reference cells no later than one configured so that cementitious materials and water can be
day before performing a test. Determine that the calorimeter is temperature equilibrated and mixed while in place in the
at temperature equilibrium by verifying that the baseline is calorimeter cell.

C1702 − 17
8.2.1 Weigh at least 3 g of cementitious material (see Note 8.3.2 Start data collection, then mix the water with the
13), the mass recorded to the nearest 0.01 g, and place in the cementitious materials to form a uniform paste, and collect
calorimeter cell. Weigh or determine volumetrically sufficient data as described in 8.2.2.
water to give a paste water-cementitious materials ratio of at Mixing and Charging of Cement Paste—The mixing
least 0.40, but in any case sufficient water to completely wet of the cement paste shall be made in the sample vial in such a
the sample, and place the water holder in the cell. Higher way that the time between the addition of water and the time
water-cementitious materials ratios may be required to get when the sample is put into the calorimeter is less than 2 min.
thorough mixing of cement and water (see Note 14). Allow any Determine the mass of the cement sample to the nearest 0.01 g
change in the calorimeter output caused by this process to and the mass of mixing water to the nearest 0.1 g. Mix
return to the baseline level. sufficient cement paste at a water-cementitious materials ratio
of 0.40 or higher to give a sample containing a mass of dry
NOTE 13—Amount of sample required varies among calorimeter cement in the range described in Method A or as recommended
designs. Since the exothermic reaction tends to slow down after the first
by the instrument manufacturer.
24 h, a sample that is too small will generate a signal late in the test period
that is too weak to detect reliably. If inconsistent results are obtained, then NOTE 17—Use of a vortex-type mixing device (as commonly used for
a larger sample size may be required. Sample sizes between about 3 and mixing materials in test tubes) has been found to generate adequate mixing
15 g have been reported to be useful for maintaining a strong signal late of cement paste typically in less than 60 s, for samples vials smaller than
in the test for portland-cement based cements. Normally a signal of at least 50 mL. Hand mixing using disposable spatulas left inside the vial after
10 µJ/(g·s) at the end of the test is sufficient to give good results. Tests mixing has been found to generate adequate mixing of cement paste
designed to run for 1 to 3 days can use a sample mass at the smaller end typically in less than 60 s, for samples vials larger than 50 mL. If needed,
of this range, while longer tests, such as 7 days, require a sample mass at after mixing tap the sample vial ten times against a flat surface to
the larger end of this range. consolidate the paste sample against the bottom of the sample vial.
NOTE 14—The w/c required for good mixing will probably have to be Care should be taken that the incidental warming or
determined empirically by examining specimens after completion of cooling of the sample and the sample holder due to handling
testing for evidence of poor mixing.
are minimal.
8.2.2 Start data collection, then mix the water with the
NOTE 18—Use of insulating cotton gloves may be helpful in minimiz-
cementitious materials to form a uniform paste. Some com- ing heating of the sample from handling.
mercial calorimeters and data acquisition equipment are pro-
8.3.3 Load the sample vial with cement paste into the
grammable to collect data at prescribed interval lengths or at
intervals that vary with the rate of change of power levels. Data
are collected more rapidly when power output is high than 9. Calculation
when it is low. If this flexibility is not a feature of the data 9.1 The total heat of hydration, Qt, is the integrated value of
acquisition component of the calorimeter, then collect readings the power versus time data, collected as described in 8.2
every 30 s throughout the length of the test (see Note 15). (Method A) or 8.3 (Method B).
NOTE 15—It is only necessary to collect data every 10 s through the
9.1.1 Remove Leading Edge Data—For both Methods A and
period of an early and short-lived heat evolution peaks. In portland B, there may be data collected during instrument setup and
cements this is over within approximately 30 min. Data collection every thermal equilibration that is not pertinent to the final determi-
10 min is adequate after this point. Adopting this practice will reduce the nation. These data shall be removed.
size of data files. 9.1.2 Many data acquisition units and commercial calorim-
8.3 Method B—This method is used when cement paste is eters incorporate the calibration equation into the software and
mixed in the sample vial outside of the calorimeter using present the raw output data in units of J/g of cement. If this is
temperature equilibrated materials and then loaded into the not the case, then the output data will be in units of mV, and
calorimeter cell. In this procedure, a small amount of the early must be transformed into thermal power using the calibration
heat-of hydration data may be lost. For some rapidly hardening coefficients determined from Eq 2.
cements, the error could be more significant. Also, the baseline P n 5 A1BVn (2)
may also be disturbed during the early period of the test due to
spurious heat gains to the sample or losses from the sample where:
while outside of the calorimeter, for example, during mixing Pn = power input level used in the instrument calibration,
and handling. and
Vn = voltage output level used in the instrument calibration.
8.3.1 Conditioning Materials—The mix water shall be con-
ditioned to the same temperature as the calorimeter within 9.1.3 Calculation of Qt—The total heat of hydration of the
0.2°C before mixing. All cementitious materials shall be sample, Qt, is calculated by integrating the power/g versus time
conditioned to the same temperature as the calorimeter within data over the time interval of the test (t0 to te, in units of
1.0°C before mixing. seconds) as in Eq 3:
NOTE 16—It may be convenient to condition vials with mix water in the Qt 5 *t5t 0
Pdt (3)
active calorimeter cells several hours prior to mixing and charging of
cement paste. This will ensure that the mix water is at the same where:
temperature as the calorimeter prior to mixing. Start logging the signal t0 = the time the cement and water are mixed, taken as zero,
after charging vials with water into the active calorimeter cells and
continue logging until the signal remains stable for several hours.

C1702 − 17

te = the end of the test, within 1 % of specified reporting age. 11. Precision and Bias4
9.1.4 Operationally, the integration is executed by averaging 11.1 The precision of this test method is based on an
the power output from two consecutive readings and multiply- interlaboratory study conducted in 2012 (Note 19).
ing by the time interval of the reading, giving an output for NOTE 19—The data and analysis of the interlaboratory study are
summarized in RR:C01-1013. The interlaboratory study involved 13
each time increment in units of J/g. The heat so calculated in laboratories and 6 different types of cement. Laboratories reported
each time increment is then summed over the duration of the between 2 and 8 replicate determinations. In this test method a determi-
test, as in Eq 4. nation is also a test result. The analysis was based on the procedures in
Practice E691.
(S D
P ~ t i ! 1P ~ t i11 !
Qt 5 3 ~ t i11 2 t i ! (4) 11.2 Single-Operator Precision and Multilaboratory
t5t 0 2
Precision—The single-operator and multilaboratory precision
where: for Method A and Method B at 1, 2, 3, and 7 days are shown
P(ti) = the power output at the time ti, and in Table 1. The precision is calculated using a 95% confidence
P(ti+1) = the power output at the next time interval (ti+1). interval. The results in Table 1 indicate the maximum expected
In Method A, t0 is taken as zero when water is added to the difference between two properly performed tests.
cement. 11.3 Bias—At the time of the study, there was no accepted
reference material suitable for determining the bias for this test
10. Report
method, therefore no statement on bias is being made.
10.1 Test Report—Report the following information:
10.1.1 Cement sample identification. 12. Keywords
10.1.2 Date and time when the test was performed. 12.1 heat of hydration; hydraulic cement; isothermal con-
10.1.3 Instrument used. duction calorimetry; portland cement
10.1.4 The mass of dry cement in sample.
10.1.5 The name of the data file. Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C01-1013. Contact ASTM Customer
10.1.6 Date of the calibration used. Service at
10.1.7 A figure showing the resulting thermal power curve.
10.1.8 Calculated heat of hydration to the nearest 1 kJ/kg, TABLE 1 Precision Summary
age of the calculated heat of hydration, and the method (A or
C1702 C1702
B) used. Method A Method B
Age, days Multiple
Single Multiple Single
Operator, % Laboratory, % Operator, %
1 3.5 10.5 3.4 15.8
2 3.7 9.7 3.2 14.6
3 4.1 12.0 3.2 14.5
7 6.1 21.1 3.6 17.5


(Nonmandatory Information)


NOTE X1.1—This procedure is meant to assist in the evaluation of X1.2 Calculation

calibration of the isothermal calorimeter and the sample preparation
method used. X1.2.1 Calculate the heat of hydration of the Reference
Cement as described in Section 9. Calculation over the time
X1.1 Procedure interval of the test. Record the heat of hydration at 1 h, 24 h,
X1.1.1 Measure the heat of hydration of the Reference 72 h and 168 h.
Cement as described in 8 (Procedure). Reference Cement is
available from CCRL.5 X1.2.2 Calculate the 1 Hour Normalized Heat of Hydration
of the Reference Cement by subtracting the heat of hydration
recorded at 1 h from the heat of hydration at 24, 72, and 168 h.
The sole source of commercially available reference cement known to the
committee at this time is CCRL, 4441 Buckeystown Pike, Suite C; Frederick, X1.2.3 Calculate the 1 Hour Normalized Heat of Hydration
Maryland 21704; If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please of the Reported Certified Values by subtracting the heat of
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, hydration recorded at 1 h from the heat of hydration at 24, 72,
which you may attend. and 168 h.

C1702 − 17
X1.3 Evaluation X1.3.2 Compare the 1 Hour Normalized Heat of Hydration
of the Reference Cement from X1.2.2 with the 1 Hour
X1.3.1 Compare the calculated heat of hydration of the
Normalized Heat of Hydration of the Reported Certified Values
Reference Cement from X1.2.1 with the reported certified from X1.2.3.
values. X1.3.2.1 Re-evaluation of the sample preparation method
X1.3.1.1 Re-calibration is recommended if the results differ including mixing and temperature equilibration of mix water is
by more than 10 J/g at 24, 72, or 168 h. If re-calibration is done recommended if the results differ by more than 10 J/g at 1 h.
the differences between the calculated and reported values X1.3.2.2 If the sample preparation method is altered repeat
should be minimized. the testing and evaluation in Appendix X1.



X2.1 Procedure X2.1.3.2 External Mixing—This method is used when the

X2.1.1 Verify that the calorimeter equipment temperature is heat releasing material to be tested is mixed outside of the
within 0.2°C of target temperature with the proper mass of calorimeter and then loaded into the calorimeter cell.
inert material charged in the reference cells no later than one (1) Condition the mix water to the same temperature as the
day before performing a test. Determine that the calorimeter is calorimeter within 0.2°C before mixing. Condition the heat
at temperature equilibrium by verifying that the baseline is releasing material to be tested to the same temperature as the
stable over a period of 30 min or longer. calorimeter within 1.0°C before mixing.
(2) For each calorimeter cell to be calibrated, weigh or
NOTE X2.1—The time required to reach thermal equilibrium depends determine volumetrically a mix water sample into a test vial
on the instrument. Generally, it is recommended that the instrument should
have been running at the target temperature for at least 18 h before testing. with the water mass required as if preparing a cementitious
paste sample at w/c 0.50, the mass recorded to the nearest 0.1
X2.1.2 Baseline Calibration—Perform a baseline / offset g. Seal each vial with airtight lid. If possible use a rubber
calibration for each active cell by charging an inert material stopper for small glass vials instead of a cramping tool to
conditioned to the same temperature as the calorimeter within facilitate rapid sealing and opening of vials.
0.2°C, with the inert sample having a similar thermal mass as (3) For each calorimeter cell to be calibrated, weigh an
you would use when testing a cementitious material for heat of appropriate amount of the heat releasing material to be tested
hydration. Log the signal for at least 48 h. into a test vial, the mass recorded to the nearest 0.01 g. Seal
NOTE X2.2—It may be convenient to use some of the water used for each vial with airtight lid. If possible use a rubber stopper for
baseline / offset calibration as mix water for gains calibration, thereby small glass vials instead of a cramping tool to facilitate rapid
ensuring that the mix water is at the same temperature as the calorimeter
sealing and opening of vials.
prior to gains calibration.
(4) For each calorimeter cell to be calibrated, open the mix
X2.1.3 Gains calibration using an active material with water vial and add the mix water to the corresponding vial with
known heat of hydration. the heat releasing material to be tested; then mix water and heat
X2.1.3.1 Internal Mixing—This method is used when an releasing material to form a uniform paste. The mixing of water
instrument is configured so that the heat releasing material to and heat releasing material is done in the sample vial in such
be tested and water can be temperature equilibrated and mixed a way that the time between the addition of water and the time
while in place in the calorimeter cell. when the sample is put into the calorimeter is less than 60 s.
(1) Weigh an appropriate amount of the heat releasing Immediately after mixing, seal the sample vial with an airtight
material to be tested, the mass recorded to the nearest 0.01 g, lid and load the sample vial with active material into the
and place in the calorimeter cell. Weigh or determine volu- calorimeter. Log the signal for at least 48 h after mixing.
metrically water to give a suitable water-active material ratio of
at least 0.50. It is essential that the water and the heat releasing NOTE X2.3—Use of a vortex-type mixing device (as commonly used for
material are separated before the start of the measurement as mixing materials in test tubes) has been found to generate adequate mixing
of heat releasing material and water in less than 60 s, for samples vials
water vapor absorption on the material can give rise to smaller than 50 mL. Hand mixing using disposable spatulas has been
significant thermal powers. If a syringe is used to add water to found to generate adequate mixing of heat releasing material and water in
the heat releasing material, water migration / evaporation from less than 60 s, for samples vials larger than 50 mL. Cut off the part of a
the tips of the syringe needles must be avoided. Pull 0.5 mL of spatula that has been in contact with the sample and leave inside the vial
air into the syringe with water and then place a small drop of after mixing. Care should be taken that the incidental warming or cooling
of the sample and the sample holder due to handling are minimal.
vacuum grease on the needle tip. Allow the calorimeter to
return to a stable baseline level before proceeding (this will
X2.2 Calculation
normally take at least one hour).
(2) For each cell to be calibrated, start data collection and X2.2.1 The total heat of hydration, Qt, is the integrated
mix the water with the heat generating material to form a value of the thermal power versus time data from the time of
uniform paste. Collect readings at least every 30 s throughout mixing, collected as described in X2.1 without further correc-
the length of the test. Log data for at least 48 h after mixing. tion as in Eq 3. The baseline / offset calibration is the average

C1702 − 17
value of the signal in mV or V for an inert material (from X2.2.2 A spreadsheet with instructions is available upon
measurements as described in X2.1.2), excluding initial parts request for calculating offset and gains calibration for calorim-
that are not in thermal equilibrium. eters that generate raw data in units of V or mV.


X3.1 The procedure outlined in Appendix X2 can be used to hydration after 48 h for a heat releasing material with known
evaluate the accuracy of an existing calibration. An existing heat of hydration differs less than 10 J/g compared to the
calibration is considered accurate if the calculated heat of published or calculated value.


X4.1 The thermal mass of a given material is calculated by the calculations of the thermal mass are provided in Table
multiplying the mass by its specific heat capacity. The repre- X4.1:
sentative specific heat capacities of various materials to use in

TABLE X4.1 Specific Heat Capacities of Miscellaneous Solids

and Water
Material Specific Heat Capacity, J/g·K
Cement, portland unhydrated 0.75
Fly ash 0.80
Gypsum 1.08
Limestone 0.91
Quartz 0.71
Sand 0.80
Slag 0.80
Water 4.18


(1) Poole, Toy S, Revision of Test Methods and Specifications for nanocem-calorimetry-group/literature-on-isothermal-cement
Controlling Heat of Hydration in Hydraulic-Cement, PCA R&D calorimetry/recent-round-robin-studies.
Serial No. 3007, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL, 2007. (5) Poling, B.E. et. al, Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, Section 2,
(2) Wadso L, Goldberg RN, Standards in Isothermal Microcalorimetry Physical and Chemical Data, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., pp.
(IUPAC Technical Report), Pure Appl Chem 73, pp.1625-39, 2001. 2–185, Table 2-176, Specific Heats of Miscellaneous Liquids and
(3) Wadso L, Temperature Changes within Samples in Heat Conduction Solids, 2008.
Calorimeters, Thermochim. Acta 366, pp. 121-7, 2000 (6) VDZ, “Round Robin Heat of Hydration 2006,” Research Institute of
(4) Wadso L. and Markus Arndt, “An International Round Robin Test of the German Cement Industry, Cement Chemistry Department,
Isothermal Conduction Calorimetry for Measurement of 3 Days Dusseldorf, Germany, 2006.
Hydration.” This is an internet posting:


Committee C01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C1702 – 15b) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Feb. 1, 2017.)

(1) Added new Appendix X1. (3) Added requirements for reporting in 10.1.8.
(2) Added requirements for accuracy of the time in 9.1.3.

Committee C01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C1702 – 15a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2015.)

(1) Added Appendix X4. (2) Added Note 11.

Committee C01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue

C1702 − 17
(C1702 – 15) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Aug. 1, 2015.)

(1) Added additional information on monitoring the effective-

ness of the vial sealing as Note 8 in 8.1.1.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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