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The Most Reverend Joseph Mark Siegel: Congratulations To

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Congratulations to

The Most Reverend

Joseph Mark Siegel

Auxiliary Bishop of Joliet

Titular Bishop of Pupiana

Episcopal Ordination
January 19, 2010
Cathedral of St. Raymond

JANUARY 31, 2010


1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148

Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692
Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139

Page 2 January 31, 2010


Rev. Robert Schoenstene Deacon Fred Francl Deacon Wayne Storrs

630.629.1717 630.629.1717 630.629.1717

Deacon Frank Lillig Deacon Peter Robinson

630.396.6077 Coor. Pastoral Care; 630.629.1717

Rev. Peter Jarosz, Pastor


Eileen Maggiore Sherry Rochford Bill Runge

Pastoral Assoc./Adult Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation Director of Music and Liturgy
630.396.6076; 630.396.6078; 630.396.6075;

Elaine Ward Marge Zilinsky Carol Clishem

Business Manager Religious Education/Parish Secretary Pastor’s/Parish Secretary
630.396.6073; 630.396.6074; 630.629.1717;

Jill Placey, Academy Director Lori Bhardwaj

Kindergarten Teacher Academy Secretary/Parish Finance Asst.
630.627.0640; 630.627.0640;

Karen Hanish, Pre-School Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide

Tony Azzolin Maintenance

Facilities Manager Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino
630.629.1717; Victor Mandin

Parish Offering Program

As we begin our Planned Parish Offering Program we are asked to reflect on God’s blessings in
our lives and also to commit to share these financial blessings as a way to express our love for God
and for others.

Our Planned Parish Offering Program is one very important way to express our self-giving for the
good of others and for God’s greater glory. This week, each registered household will receive a
summary letter and Declaration of Intention Card. This program will conclude next two weekends
with Commitment Sunday. Please pray about this and return your intention card in next Sunday’s
offertory collection.

Your donation aids the parish in forecasting revenue for the next year. Reflect on your spending
priorities, consider where your parish is currently placed within them, and consider making a
planned, proportionate and sacrificial gift to our offertory program. Please respond lovingly and
generously, as you are able, giving from your first fruits in gratitude to God.
January 31, 2010 Page 3

Annulments: What Catholics and

Save the Date!
Non-Catholics Should Know
50th Anniversary Saturday, February 6, 2010, 9:30am to 12 noon
Parish Appreciation St. Joan of Arc Parish Center
Mardi Gras Celebration This morning session is designed for those who are think-
ing about starting the annulment process, but would like
February 13th, 2010 more information about annulments before making a deci-
sion. The morning will explore the Church's view of mar-
7:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center riage, definition of annulment, annulment myths, the
ABC's of the formal process, and the benefits and difficul-
Please RSVP to Eileen Maggiore, ties encountered.
630.396.6076 The workshop will be conducted by Desiree Marciani,
M.S., the Associate Director of The Center for Family Min-
istry for the Diocese of Joliet.
Out of Poverty Program For further information or to register, please contact Paul
Fay, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at (630) 963 -
“Out of Poverty” classes will be held on 8 consecutive 4500, X4529
Mondays, from 9:30am – 12:30 pm, starting February 22,
2010 through Monday April 5, 2010 at Catholic Charities,
26 W St Charles Rd. Lombard, IL 60148. A graduation Commemorative Bricks Proofs
ceremony will take place on Monday April 12, 2010.
Babysitting will be available.
Commemorative brick proofs will be available those who
want to see and review how their message will look. If you
Jane Tyschenko
need to make a change now is the time. The proofs will
Outreach Support Specialist
be at the PLC after each weekend Mass. Look for signs in
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
the Narthex.
630-495-8008 x2123

Reflecting on This Week’s Readings

Jeremiah declares that his call from God was prophetic in nature. His vocation was his destiny even before he was born. His entire
identity took shape within him even as he was knit together in his mother’s womb. Jeremiah is told to get ready to proclaim the word
of the LORD. This was not going to be an easy task, but God will fortify him as one would fortify a city. The passage ends with words
of encouragement. His adversaries will not prevail against the prophet, because the LORD will be with him. There is no promise here
of deliverance from the onslaughts. The promise is that Jeremiah will not be crushed by them.

The responsorial psalm opens with a plea for deliverance from distress: protect me; save me from shame; rescue me; hear me. This
is followed by a prayer of confidence in God. Different kinds of rock are used to characterize the trustworthiness of God. The psalm
ends with a promise to make known the wonders that God has wrought. The psalmist trusted God even while in the womb. As the
psalmist had called on the righteousness of God at the beginning of the prayer (v.2), so that same righteousness is proclaimed at the
end. It is the righteousness of God that is the basis of the psalmist’s confidence.

Paul’s praise of love is one of the best known biblical passages. In the reading for last Sunday, Paul insisted that all the gifts that the
Spirit bestowed upon individuals functioned for the up-building of the community. Today he concentrates on love, the “more excellent
way,” the greatest of all spiritual gifts. As beneficial as all the spiritual gifts may be, without love they are nothing. They are useful
now, while we are still in this world. However, at the end of this world, their usefulness will come to an end and they will cease to be.
Love, on the other hand, will never cease to be.

The Scripture to which Jesus refers announced the eschatological age of fulfillment. It provides a glimpse into the kind of messiah
that Jesus will be, namely one who will refashion society for the sake of the oppressed. The response of those in the synagogue who
heard Jesus is curious. At first they speak highly of him and are amazed at his words, but later in the episode they drive him out of
the city to the brow of a hill to hurl him down. Jesus is not accepted by his people because he preaches that he has come not merely
for this people, but for any who will open themselves to his teaching. This response gives us a second insight into the kind of messiah
Jesus will be. Not only will he fulfill the role of the prophet who announces the advent of the age of fulfillment, but he will also be re-
jected, as were the other prophets. Dianne Bergant CSA
Page 4 January 31, 2010

Mass Intentions
Pray for Healing
Saturday, January 30 5:00 Edwin Wilson
Blessed Virgin Mary Jean Brzezinski, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Roberta
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41 Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, John
Sheehan, Denis Perry, Joan Temborius, Lorraine Wick,
Sunday, January 31 8:00 Rita Smith Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone, Isabel Carey, Efren
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Mildred Grayson
Iraola, Mary Lou LeRoy, Esther Sassi, Sam Battaglia,
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71; 12:00 Vicky & Patrick Freund
Sharon Barsaloux, Robert Balteskonis, Karen Schumann,
1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13; Lk 4:21-30
Kevin Stellmach, Maurice Vandenbroucke, Jodie Garri-
son, Jeffrey McLaughlin, Brian Millsap, Eleanor Conforti.
Monday, February 1 8:30 Brian McGarry Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our families, our
2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Mk 5:1-20 friends, our community.
Tuesday, February 2 8:30 Larry Van Dyke
The Presentation of the Lord;
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40

Wednesday, February 3 8:30 Chester Smok

St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; February spiritual happenings
Blessing of Throats
Don’t miss out—this happens once a year
Thursday, February 4 8:30 Helen Colpo
Help keep your throat healthy this cold, cold winter and
2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Mk 6:1-6
your spiritual self in Gods hands. In anticipation of the
feast day of St. Blaise (Feb. 3rd) come to the Blessing of
Friday, February 5 8:30 Priests of Joliet Diocese
the Throats after the Masses on Saturday January 30th at
St. Agatha; First Friday
Sir 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29 5:00 and Sunday January 31st; 8:00 am, 10:00 am and
12:00 Noon.
Saturday, February 6 5:00 Elizabeth Wiendzendis
St. Paul Miki and His Companions; Also Tuesday Feb 2nd Presentation of the Lord, Deacon
First Saturday Frank will be blessing any candles, that you wish to bring,
1 Kgs 3:4-13; Mk 6:30-34 after the 8:30 Mass. It is tradition on this feast day to
bless candles. As the Lord Jesus was brought to the tem-
Sunday, February 7 8:00 Erin Myscofski ple by His parents, present yourselves before the Lord by
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Anthony Caruso coming to the Sacrifice of the Mass at 8:30.
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138; 1 Cor 15:1-11 12:00 Special Intention
[3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11

Feb 6, 5:00 PM Feb 7, 8:00 AM Feb 7, 10:00 AM Feb 7, 12:00 PM

Jennifer Emmert Charles Grunert Erin Matos Cedric Martinez

Altar Server Danielle Scarpiniti Lance Grunert Sydney Rudman Monique Martinez
Kelly Zelenka Lauren Schaaf Justin Martinez

Maura Gonzalo Mercedita Alzona Roberta Beckman Sean McDaniel

Jim Hagearty Arsenio Alzona MonaLisa Dourado Leslie McNamara
Susan McGarry Dic Drees Jeanne Myscofski Norma Migali
Extraordinary Minis- Iner Olson Aida Enriquez Ronald Myscofski Patricia Millsap
ter of Holy Commun- Florence Owens Lolita Javier Cristina Pilar Barbara Robinson
ion Jerry Pizzotti Flo Kaminski Karen Schumann Brenda Sasso
Arthur Waters Grace Marola Ed Schumann Joyce Sasso

Lector Eileen Mears Marilyn Seagraves Marie Voss Sharon Pierscionek

Presider Fr Peter Jarosz Fr Peter Jarosz Fr Bob Schoenstene Fr Bob Schoenstene

D. & A. Alzona, C. Paulsen, K. Vibar, G. Majcen, L. Michalik, F. Owens, V. Paras, P. Robinson, E & E
Ministers of Care Mears, M. Iwinski
January 31, 2010 Page 5

St. Joseph’s Table Pray for our Military

Christ the King’s annual St. Joseph’s Table will be held on Joseph Velasco, III, Richard Godman, III, Steven Van
March 14 in the gymnasium. This event is truly a fun- Dyke, Jeremy Guenther, Frank Minniti, Andrew DaMitz,
filled, family oriented affair that is always enjoyable. Patrick J. Doran, Kevin Dollens, Jessie Blanton, Michael
Whelan, John Pierczynski, Thomas Pierczynski, Scott
The committee is in need of many volunteers and food Allen Petersen, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Nikita Majcen, Tom
donations. See further bulletin articles for more informa- Clohessy, Benjamin Raymond, Stephanie Olson, Joshua
tion or call Mary Ellen Clish, St. Joseph’s Table Chair- D. Braun, Brandon Hartmann, Jeffrey W. Erickson, Mark
man, at 1-630-495-1339. Kuhar, Matthew Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, Melissa J. Ger-
tie, Lara Owczarski, Frank Wilkins III, David Jurk, Kyle
Villalobos, Douglas Wozniak, Jeff Maicke, Philip Corpuz
Torralba, Robert Schroeder, Nicholas Zappa.

Parish St. Patrick's Day Luncheon Do you have a loved one in the armed forces? Email, call,
or drop a note in the collection with their name.
Plans are already in the works for this year’s annual
Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick to be held on Wednesday,
March 17 at 11 o’clock in the Parish Life Center. Please Did You Know...
mark your calendars and don’t miss this fun and enter-
taining dining experience. Luncheon will include tradi- On January 22, Sony released the fantasy Apocalypse
tional Irish dishes. See more details in further bulletins. thriller Legion in theaters nationwide. It is a Film that
Mocks the Faith and Leads to Despair And it challenges
Remember, everyone is Irish on March 17. God in these 5 important points:
Council of Catholic Women Board 1. Everything is upside down: St. Michael the Archangel
is the rebel angel
2. God has lost faith in men! The world is lost!
3. Blasphemous absurdity: St. Michael/Rebel Angel/
Satan comes to save a waitress pregnant with the ...
The "Tap" Goes On: "Messias"
Called to Discipleship 4. Insult to Our Lady's purity: actress says Virgin Mary is
Monday, February 8 not a virgin
5. Religion is "crazy." The most fundamental truths of
Ballydoyle Irish Pub our Faith, such as God's justice, mercy, his infinite
Downtown Downers Grove perfection and the Incarnation of the Word are shown
5157 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL in a crazy light.

Serving Young Adults, College Age, 20's and 30's Serious Catholics see how this is NOT only a movie; not
Attendance is free just mere entertainment. Those who love Our Lord and
Food and Drinks Available for Purchase Our Lady perceive how blasphemy has always made
Monday Evenings Gather at 6:30...Speaker at 7:00 great strides through films, novels and theater.

Jeremy Hylka...Called to Discipleship That's why we Catholics need to stand up and be

counted. We must show Sony that we reject Legion be-
Jeremy is Director of Liturgy and Youth Ministry at St.
cause it is blasphemous and insults Our Lady and Our
Paul the Apostle Parish in Joliet. He has a degree in The-
ology from the University of St. Francis and continued his
studies in youth ministry at Loyola University. His work in
Moreover, we must not forget that Sony also launched the
the Church has included directing a youth ministry pro-
blasphemous, unsuccessful Da Vinci Code movie in
gram, teaching high school theology, assisting at special
2006, which mocked the Divine Person of Our Lord Jesus
Masses, and speaking at numerous churches on various
topics Next up: March 8: Duane and Chris Wozek Finding
the Perfect Mate
Michael Lynton, Chairman & CEO
Questions? Jerry Christensen:
Send a note to Mr. Lynton
Or Fr. Peter:
- Fr. Peter Jarosz
Page 6 January 31, 2010

Christ the King Early Learning Academy

For ages 3, 4 & 5 Year Olds


STUDENT’S NAME:_______________________ GENDER:_____________

STUDENT’S ADDRESS:____________________________________________

CITY:_____________________ ZIP:__________________

HOME PHONE:__________________________________________

OPTIONAL PHONE NUMBER: ______________________


MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME:_________________________________________

STUDENT’S FULL BIRTH DATE:_____________________

STUDENT’S SOCIAL SECURITY:_____________________

STUDENT ETHNICITY: (optional) African American_____ American Indian/Native Alaskan_____

Asian_____ Caucasian_____ Hispanic_____ Multi-Racial_____
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander_____


KINDERGARTEN______ (Full Day) PRE-SCHOOL: 4YR. (A.M.-M,W,F) _____
4YR. (A.M.-M thru F) ____
4YR. (FULL TIME)_____
3YR. (A.M.-T,TH)______
NAME OF PARISH I BELONG TO:_____________________________________
CHURCH OF BAPTISM:_________________________ FULL DATE OF BAPTISM:_____________
CHURCH OF FIRST COMMUNION:______________________
FULL DATE OF FIRST COMMUNION:_____________________



in school office)


CATE (if not baptized at Christ the King)



January 31, 2010 Page 7

Important information about our Academy Celebrate Catholic School’s Week!

• Starting on Monday, the students will begin working Washington, DC—“Catholic Schools - Dividends for Life” is the
on a Prayer Blanket Service Project. Please do- theme selected for Catholic Schools Week 2010. Catholic
nate a piece of print or solid fleece so that we can Schools Week is the annual celebration that focuses attention
make blankets. There are boxes in the foyer to on the good work done by the nation’s Catholic schools. The
collect the fleece. We need pieces big enough for week will be observed Jan. 31 to Feb. 6, 2010.
a lap blanket. Father will be blessing the blankets
Catholic Schools Week is a joint project of the National Catholic
at our Catholic Schools Week Mass. In the past
Educational Association (NCEA) and the United States Confer-
the blankets have been given to the elderly, the
ence of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
homeless, sick children, new babies, etc. If you
know of a person in need of a blanket please con- According to Karen Ristau, NCEA president, “Catholic schools
tact the school office. Thank you for helping us provide good things for students and families—high expecta-
out! tions and daily experience of faith. In these challenging times,
the theme also reminds parents that the dividends of a Catholic
• The Academy students will also be creating care school education—students prepared in faith, knowledge, mor-
packages for sick children at Good Samaritan Hos- als and discipline—last a lifetime. There is no better way to in-
pital. There is a basket in the foyer to collect items vest in a child’s future—or the future of our world.”
such as: coloring books, stickers, crayons, colored
pencils, Sudoku, word search, crossword puzzles, Marie Powell, executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic
playing cards, go fish, crazy eights, etc. Our intent Education of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
is to create fifty care packages and deliver them to noted: “We realize that in most parts of the country a Catholic
the hospital in time for Valentine’s Day. education is not without some cost. But I can't think of a better
investment in the future than to invest in the education of a
• Please sign up for Preschool conferences near the
classroom door which will be held on February The logo designed for the week features a cross superimposed
3rd. on an outstretched hand. Rays coming from behind the hand
express the concepts of faith, knowledge, morals and disci-
• Please turn in your registration form and fee to hold pline—all beneficial aspects of a Catholic education. The theme
your spot for next year as soon as possible. “Catholic Schools" runs across the top of the art and "Dividends
for Life” runs across the bottom of the art.
• The next Academy Advisory Council Meeting is
February 2nd at 6:30 P.M. at the school. As part of Catholic Schools Week, National Appreciation Day
For Catholic Schools will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 3. Na-
tional Appreciation Day was established to encourage support-
• Thank you to: Sue Wick who continues to support ers nationwide to showcase to elected officials the great accom-
the Academy with fundraising ideas! Roberta plishments and contributions of Catholic schools. In Washington,
Beckman who helped install software in our com- a delegation of Catholic school students, teachers and parents
puter lab. Eileen Maggiore who sent in Box Tops will visit Capitol Hill to meet with congressional leaders to pro-
bonus points! mote Catholic schools.

The Academy Staff , Mrs. Jill Placey Director Schools in other parts of the country are encouraged to carry
their message of good news to local and state officials.

Join us for our

Early Learning Academy’s

Sunday, January 31
Following the
Noon Mass until 2:00pm
Page 8 January 31, 2010

Catechesis Tradendae
Catechesis in Our Time
By Pope John Paul II
P68. The family's catechetical activity has a special charac-
ter, which is in a sense irreplaceable. This special character
has been rightly stressed by the Church, particularly by the
Second Vatican Council. Education in the faith by parents,
which should begin from the children's tenderest age, is al-
ready being given when the members of a family help each
other to grow in faith through the witness of their Christian
lives, a witness that is often without words but which perse-
veres throughout a day-to-day life lived in accordance with
the Gospel. This catechesis is more incisive when, in the
course of family events (such as the reception of the sacra-
ments, the celebration of great liturgical feasts, the birth of a
child, a bereavement) care is taken to explain in the home
the Christian or religious content of these events. But that is
not enough: Christian parents must strive to follow and re-
peat, within the setting of family life, the more methodical
teaching received elsewhere.

The fact that these truths about the main questions of

faith and Christian living are thus repeated within a fam-
ily setting impregnated with love and respect will often
make it possible to influence the children in a decisive
way for life. The parents themselves profit from the effort
that this demands of them, for in a catechetical dialogue
of this sort each individual both receives and gives.
Family catechesis, therefore, precedes, accompanies,
and enriches all other forms of catechesis.

Furthermore, in places where anti-religious legislation en-

deavors even to prevent education in the faith, and in places
where widespread unbelief or invasive secularism makes Pet Blessing
real religious growth practically impossible, "the church of the
home" remains the one place where children and young peo- The Bellyrub Klub is hosting it's first annual Pet Bless-
ple can receive an authentic catechesis. Thus there cannot ing performed by Fr. Peter of Christ the King Parish in
be too great an effort on the part of Christian parents to pre- Lombard. All pets are welcome!!
pare for this ministry of being their own children's catechists
and to carry it out with tireless zeal. Fr. Peter will also be blessing the Doggy Daycare play
area and the new Overnight Care Klub Houses.
Encouragement must also be given to the individuals or
institutions that, through person-to-person contacts, St. Francis of Assisi pet medals will be available for
through meetings, and through all kinds of pedagogical you to purchase so please ask Fr. Peter to bless them
means, help parents to perform their task: the service while you're here.
they are doing to catechesis is beyond price.
How exciting to know that your pets are being watched
At Christ The King Parish we are working to strive for fulfill- over and cared for while you're away, always!!
ment of Pope John Paul II writings. The parish is making
family catechesis, (religious education) for both the school When: Sunday February 21st
and parish families a top priority. We are implementing more 2:00pm - 3:30pm
learning opportunities both service and social to engage all of
the parish families. If you would like to become more in- Where: Bellyrub Klub
volved with family faith formation for the upcoming year 2008
-2009, please contact Eileen at 630-396-6076.
January 31, 2010 Page 9

Jubilee Events:
Feb 13, 2010: Mardi Gras celebration (7:30 p.m.) Apr 25, 2010: Spirit of Life Concert
50th Anniversary Memories Display
May 9, 2010: May Crowning following the 10:00 mass
Mar 7-17: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
w/ Fr Peter June 6, 2010: Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Mar 21, 2010: Family Fun Fair Sept 18, 2010: 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance

50th Anniversary Pilgrimage to the

Holy Land with Father Peter Jarosz
March 7-17, 2010

Questions? Call Fr. Peter


Voter Information 24-Hour Eucharistic Adoration

9am on February 4th until
On November 14, 2007 the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops issued an excellent document on the 8am on February 5th.
Christian responsibility regarding elections. They empha-
sized the necessity of voting with an informed conscience. With Valentines Day rapidly approaching,
You can access it at under Church Docu- please consider becoming an organ do-
ments. Paragraph 28 states the following: “The direct and nor by giving Jesus your heart at our next
intentional destruction of innocent human life from the 24-Hour Adoration.
moment of conception until natural death is always wrong
and is not just one issue among many. It must always be Christ the King Parish: Fr. Peter Jarosz

Since it is difficult for the average citizen to find accurate

information about how the many candidates stand on the
life issues, Illinois Citizens for Life has prepared non-
partisan voter information based on surveys, public state-
ments, and/or voting records. This guide is not an en-
dorsement and may not be used to advance the can- Our Knights Thank You
didacy of any individual.
The Knights of Columbus would like to thank everyone
who came out to this year's Pancake Breakfast. Hope-
fully you had a great time and enjoyed the food. Your
support helped us raise $883.oo for the Haitian relief ef-
fort. This money will be added to money being collected
by the Knights of Columbus throughout this country in an
effort to help the Haitian people in their recovery effort.
Page 10 January 31, 2010

Request for 2009 Year-End Stewardship of Treasure

Contribution Statement January 16/17
(drop in collection or mail - Attn: Business Office)
Will be mailed after January 30, 2010. # Registered Families 1380
Please DO NOT CALL the Parish Office
Information cannot be given or Account # Amount
requests taken over the phone
White Envelopes 404 $8,886.75
Non-envelope users $1,483.76
This week’s total $10,370.51

Street Address________________________________ Weekly Budget $13,462.00

Difference -$3,091.49

Green Envelopes* 78 $1,109.00

Envelope No.________
Restricted Budget** $2,308 .00
Difference -$1,199.00

Finance Council Gold 42 $352.50

January Meeting Minutes * Thank you for reaching the goal this past week!
Let’s try to reach our goal of $2,500 weekly to bring down our debt!
The Finance Council met on the evening of January 13th.
Elaine Ward, Rick Cosenza, Lori Bhardwaj, and Brian
Carnahan were in attendance. A small correction was
All that we have belongs to God
made to the December minutes, and then they were ap-
proved. December giving figures were not yet available
In Deuteronomy 10:14 “Think! The heavens even the
for analysis. November giving was down when compared
highest heavens, belong to the Lord, your God, as well as
to the previous 3 years. Historically we’ve seen an in-
the earth and everything in it.” God is sovereign over all.
crease in giving late in the year, coinciding with the start
He has chosen us, to collaborate with Him, and entrusts
of the holiday season and the Annual Stewardship Ap-
us with the use of all resources. He asks us to manage
peal. We remain hopeful that upcoming February figures
them in ways that are pleasing to Him.
will reflect the successes of our Stewardship Appeal. Fa-
ther Peter will address the Appeal in his homily, and let-
ters will be mailed to parishioners. Commitment weekend Stewards Prayer
will be the first week of February. All contributions large
and small are helpful and very much appreciated. Every- Lord,
thing is going well at the Early Learning Academy and I give you thanks for creating me and redeeming me.
preparations are being made for next year’s budget. The Keep me close to you during all my days.
next Finance meetings are scheduled for February 10th Help me to remember that life on earth
and March 10th. is short and the life to come eternal.
Grant me a generous spirit;
may I love you well by loving others well.
Guide me to a wise use of the gifts
you have entrusted to me:
my time, my talents, and my treasure.
May I use them for you greater glory.
Divine Providence can provide.
Divine Providence did provide.
Divine Providence will provide.
January 31, 2010 Page 11



R.C.I.A. 10:00am ER
Exposition/Adoration 9am-8pm Church
Confirmation Retreat 10:00am PLC
Break Open the Word 10:00am ER
Catholic Schools Week Kickoff 12:00pm Church
Protecting God’s Children 6:30pm Academy
ELA Open House 1pm-2pm Academy
CCW Board Meeting 7:00pm ER
Infant Jesus of Prague 3:00pm Church

SVDP Food Pantry 12:00pm ER
Leadership Night 7:00pm PLC Prayer Group 7:00pm ER

Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm Church
Rosary and Chaplet 5:30pm Church New Parishioner Registration All Masses PLC
Teen Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30pm Church Hospitality All Masses PLC
Fun Fair Meeting 7:00pm ER
New Parishioner Registration All Masses PLC
RE Classes 6:30pm Academy
Hospitality All Masses PLC
Financial Freedom 6:30pm Academy
Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church
Bible Study 7:30pm ER

Sacraments Mass Times Rectory Hours

Monday-Friday 8:30am
Baptism: Arrangements for baptisms are
Mon: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
made by attending a preparation meeting. Sunday Obligation Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 9:00a.m.– 6:00 pm
Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attend- Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
ing this meeting. Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am,
and 12:00 Noon
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Bulletin Articles
Confirmation: Christ the King offers Faith Sacrament of Reconciliation
Formation both in our Parish Academy, and in Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm Bulletin articles are due on the previous
our Religious Education Program. And by appointment Friday in order to be published in the fol-
lowing weekend’s bulletin. Please send
Weddings: Weddings are scheduled in the St. Peregrine Devotions articles to
home parish of the bride or groom. We require Second Saturdays at 11:00am
an eight month preparation time. The church
date is set before any other commitments are Rosary and Chaplet Registration
made. Weekdays at 7:35am
Tuesdays 5:30pm On behalf of the pastoral staff, we welcome you
Anointing of the Sick: If you or one of your as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It
loved ones are in need of the Anointing of the Eucharistic Exposition is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with
Sick, please contact the rectory, or see the 1st Thursday 9:00am until 8:00pm us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish
priest after Mass. In case of an emergency, 1st Friday at 7:00am activities. Welcome!
please call the rectory, ext 1. Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm
Christ The King #512918

1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148


Bill Runge

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