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The Trumpet Call: Our Vision

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Our Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His Love

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Volume IV Issue 3 January 21, 2018

Our Vision Exciting News! We are once

again going to have a
“To be a Christian community Prayer Vigil at ESUMC.
where Christ is transforming lives”
From noon on Friday, February 9 to
Our goal is to grow God’s way noon on Sunday, February 11,
Upward through worship and prayer 2018, we will be inviting folks to
Inward through prayer and bible study come to the church to pray, or pray
Outward through evangelism, service, from their homes during one hour
fellowship and stewardship. time slots.
A Sign Up chart will be available on
Sunday Services and Studies Sundays, in Oberholtzer Hall.
Traditional 8:30 am
Our focus will be UNITY of the body of believers and the
Contemporary 10:45 am upcoming SPIRITUAL LIFE retreat, and as the Lord leads
Sunday School 9:45 am for the ministry of our church.
Discipleship Groups 9:45 am
For more information, contact Jenni Poole, 570-422-1289.

Pastor’s Corner
In mid-December, I reported to the congregation through the Trumpet Call the decisions
made about the Kistler bequest. To review, the total money we received from the Kistler gift
was $1,966,649; just shy of $2 Million. According to our Endowment Fund Policy (approved
by a charge conference in 2008), our Steering Team can make decisions about the initial use
of the funds before they go into the Endowment Fund (administered by our Endowment Fund
Commission, made up of five members).
At the time of the December report, the decisions made by Steering Team were as follows:
$196,665 set aside as “first fruits” or a tithe of the total to be used to support our mission partners in permanent
projects. Of that, $75,000 has been pledged to Pocono Plateau for their new high ropes course (matching gift),
$10,000 has been sent to our partner church in Volgograd Russia, Transfiguration UMC, for permanent work
on their building, and $5000 sent to the Pregnancy Resource Center for furnishings for their new office.
Other approvals for Kistler gift use were as follows: $16,552 set aside to cover the budget deficit in 2016,
$60,000 to cover the anticipated budget deficit in 2017, $27,175 sent to the Eastern PA Conference for a
pledge made by our church in 2013 but not yet fulfilled, and $110,000 set aside to pay the salary for three
years to hire a full-time Director of Evangelism, Outreach, Discipleship, and Congregational Care (we hired
Bethany Mills with these funds).
On the investment side of the equation, the Steering Team previously decided to invest $1.08 Million in the
permanent endowment, along with more than $70,000 already on hand from previous bequests. At the most
recent Steering Team meeting on Monday, January 15, 2018, there was a further decision after much debate
and discussion on the status of the remaining $476,417 still undesignated from the Kistler funds. The decision
made was that this amount would be placed into the endowment with the other funds, bringing the total to
roughly $1.63 Million (not including accrued interest). The percent of the funds invested in the Endowment
(Continued on page 2)
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Fund from the original Kistler gift is just over 79%.

The Endowment Fund Commission has been actively investing these funds to bring a favorable rate of interest.
Bob Howes chairs the Commission and will be glad to answer any questions about the investment of these funds.
No doubt a question on many minds is, once the money goes into the endowment, is there ever a way to get it back
out for purposes of mission and ministry? Yes, there is. The Endowment policy clearly states, “When the balance of
the Fund exceeds $100,000, an amount up to twenty-five (25%) percent of the Fund’s balance or the amount of the
Fund in excess of $100,000, whichever is less, may be withdrawn for the purpose of debt reduction, or to pursue
any unusual or extraordinary opportunity that is consistent with the purposes of the Fund.”
The beginning of the document states the purposes of the Fund: “To provide the financial resources necessary to
further develop and support programs that extend the Church’s mission and ministry to love Jesus Christ and to
share His love, and to provide financial security for the long-term maintenance, improvement, and acquisition of
Church property, including the retirement of any Church debt.” Therefore, if a project arises which is supported by
the membership of our church in a special church or charge conference (by a two-thirds vote), money can be used
to support such a project.
Also, a vote was taken on Monday night on the use of interest from the Endowment Fund. It was decided we would
use 3.5% of interest from the invested funds to supplement our church budget in 2018. The remaining interest
would be rolled back into the principal. The use of the interest to supplement income is to help us until we can get
to a point when the budget is self-sustaining from contributions from members and friends of our church. Our recent
history shows that even by cutting back on expenses, we have still experienced yearly deficits the past few years.
I admit I have thrown a lot of numbers at you in this article and they all might be a little dizzying! My purpose was to
give you a comprehensive view of the usage of the Kistler funds and our endowment policy, to which we seek to
adhere. In March, we plan to have an informational meeting whereby we can respond to your questions and
concerns about the Kistler funds as well as our 2018 budget, still awaiting final approval as of this writing. In all we
do, we seek to honor Jesus Christ and the mission and vision Christ has given to us as His Body.

Jim Todd, Pastor

One Church Many Hearts: Walking in Faith Together is the theme of

A Stephen Minister is the Spiritual Life Retreat , Saturday, March 10th at Pocono Plateau.
Here For You! The very reasonable cost of $30 for ages 12- adult, $10 for ages 4-
11, and 3 and under free, includes lunch & dinner and programming.
A day of worship, Christian fellowship, spiritual inspiration, and fun,
you do not want to miss! Stop by Fellowship Hall after services on Sundays to
register and pick up a brochure or visit our church website:

Please Inform the Office!

If you or a member of your family is admitted to any hospital, please inform
the church office, 570-421-3280.
Pastor Jim, Bethany Mills, and volunteers are happy to visit if we are aware
of the need!

Members of ESUMC who are no longer able to attend church always

Providing care for a appreciate hearing from you. Cards may be sent to:
loved one can put Dimas Santiago
your health at risk.
421 Upper PMHE North Drive
Let a Stephen Minister walk East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
with you and be a nurturing Thank You!
presence. Looking for a way to serve once
a month or perhaps even once a
For more info visit our web page quarter? Contact Kathy Hinkey
Or call—Peggy Strack
( or 570.236.8183 to serve on the Welcome
Team as an Information Desk Volunteer, an Usher or a Greeter.
“And He Told Them a Story”
A Lenten Series Featuring the Parables of Jesus
offered by the Pocono cluster of United Methodist Churches
All services begin at 7:00 PM
Deron Spoo and Kyle Idelman and include a time of fellowship after worship.
Sundays 9:45-10:35am starts Feb. 4th
Leaders ~ Deanna Mayers & The offering from each night’s worship service will benefit
Jackie Visser two worthy causes: camperships at Pocono Plateau
and our district mission project for Puerto Rico hurricane relief.
The Bible is a big book. Hundreds of
characters and thousands of ideas parade Ash Wednesday, February 14 at Stroudsburg UMC
across its pages from beginning to end. From 547 Main St, Stroudsburg
the uninitiated to the very seasoned, readers
of the Bible will always find something new to
Traditional Worship with Ashes and Communion
learn in The Good Book. The Parable of the Great Banquet (Luke 14:15-24)
Over the course of 8 sessions, pastors Deron Preacher: Pastor Jim Todd
Spoo and Kyle Idleman will visit the most
salient themes about God in the Bible. With Wednesday, February 21 at East Stroudsburg UMC
the goal of providing a sketch of each idea, 83 S. Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg
each session will break down the concept into Contemporary Worship (with a text-message sermon –
two smaller sections to unpack the meat text your questions to the preacher in real time!)
behind the theme. At the center of the series The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16)
stands God, and each theme will focus on who Preacher: Pastor Bill Kuntze
He is in relationship to His created order.
Wednesday, February 28 at Cherry Lane UMC
THE BOOK OF GALATIANS Cherry Lane Church Rd & Cherry Lane, Tannersville
KYLE IDLEMAN Healing & Anointing Service
Teacher of Parables, Healer of Diseases (Matthew 9:35-38)
Sundays 9:45-10:35am starts Feb. 4th
Preacher: Pastor Paul Crikelair
Leaders ~ Cathy Saunders &
Mike Ragonese Wednesday, March 7 at Cherry Valley UMC
If someone asked you to explain the gospel, 1238 Kemmertown Rd, Stroudsburg
what would you say? What is the good news Centennial of Peace: A Service of the Hymns of World War I
of the Christian faith? Writing to the Galatians, The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
Paul made it clear how easily we can be Preacher: Pastor Bob Shank
tempted to turn toward fraudulent gospels,
especially those that teach we can earn God’s Wednesday, March 14 at Faith UMC
love through our works. Though they may 1160 Clause Drive, Stroudsburg
have the appearance of truth, they are lifeless Love Feast Service (with time for shared testimonies)
and leave us empty in the end. The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
In this Book of the Bible series, Kyle Idleman Preachers: Pastors Nina Patton-Semerod and Candy LaBar
dives into the book of Galatians, one that
contains some of the clearest explanations of Wednesday, March 21 at Wooddale UMC
the gospel in the New Testament. Through 100 Barren Rd, East Stroudsburg
biblical study and engaging lessons, Kyle
shows that true freedom is found in surrender,
“The Best Part of Worship” Service
not self-dependence. Because our gospel is (come to discover what this “best part” is!)
not one based on our works, but faith in the The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27), The
finished work of Jesus Christ. Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), &
The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:3-7)
Preachers: Pastors Dottie Stem,
Loving Support for Linda! Nina Patton-Semerod, and Candy LaBar
Linda Drake is currently hospitalized and
will remain in the hospital for at least four
weeks. Cards may be mailed to her:
Linda Drake, Room 616, St. Luke’s
Hospital, 801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem,
Pa. 18015. Visitors may come until 9:00
p.m. Calls will also be received:
Your prayers and support are greatly
Events Contact Us
Pickleball Church Office
Come join the fun. Pickleball every Tuesday and Friday mornings from (570) 421-3280
9:00am to 11:00am.
Great exercise for young and old. For additional information,
contact Ray Moeller, (570) 369-3131. Hours: 9am to 1pm
Monday thru Friday
Dollar Challenge—United Methodist Women January’s items are Pastor
non-perishable food items. Shoprite's Can-Can sale is a good place to Jim Todd
shop this month. All other months could be a monthly family trip to the
Dollar Tree. I hope everyone who has been participating continues, and Ext. 1014
that new people join this great and easy mission. Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
55 Plus for January will be Pizza and a Movie on Thursday Jan 25th,
11:30am, in Fellowship HallWe will eat at noon and watch movie right Ext. 1015
after. Call so we can have enough pizza for everyone— Administrative Assistant
Karen Dudley (570) 424-9896. Hope to see new faces. Kathy Ravago
Movie title: The Great Gilly Hopkins
Ext. 1010
Spiritual Life &
Women’s Ministries ~ Brushes & Brunch Congregational Care
Paint Party Bethany Mills
Saturday, January 27th 9:30-11:30 Ext. 1023
ESUMC Fellowship Hall Student Ministries
Save your spot by signing up on ESUMC’s website. Scott Kuhnle
$25 includes a delicious brunch, friendly conversation, and a Ext. 1013
make-your-own wintry pallet! Children & Family Ministries
* Childcare Provided Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Please call 1-800-RED Financial Secretary
CROSS (1-800-733- Michael Corey
2767) or visit and Ext. 1012
enter: Maintenance
Eaststroudsburgcommu William Mack
to schedule an appoint-
ment. Ext. 1018
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Recovery Meetings Available in
The Community Room of Office Building Basement Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
NA: Monday through Saturday – 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. Just for Today
Wednesday – 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. New Beginnings (Women’s Group) Choir Director
AA: Thursday & Saturday – 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Keep It Simple Julie Montes De Oca
Saturday – 5:30-6:30 P.M. Sunday - 4:30-6:30 P.M. Serenity House
Audio//Visual Technician
Tristen Gearhart
Scan QR to ESUMC Website
Technology Support
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Michael Corey
83 S. Courtland St.
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Ext. 1012

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