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Counter Proposal For Consultants

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Inception Report

Inception Report
Project Proponent:
Proposed Budget


SMI Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
SMI Community Development Partners (CDPs)

1. Rationale
This inception report is prepared as per contract agreement for the execution of a
organizational assessment for SMI- assisted Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
that was concluded between the SMI/Xstrata and the PSA SOCSKSARGEN.
The purpose of the Organizational Needs Assessment (ONA) includes two basic
elements: first to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current capabilities of the
Community-Based Organizations (CBOs); and then to define and meet the program
needs that have been identified during the project. The latter element involves a
complex set of activities including designing training courses and workshops, and
monitoring and evaluation. The long term sustainability of the improvement in CBOs
capabilities and the development of the capacity of the CBOs system are also important
and critical objectives.
2. Objectives

General Objectives:

As outlined in the TOR of the study, the broad objectives of the assessment are
directed at determining the level of organizational maturity of SMI-assisted CBOs and
partners; and, determining the training and interventions needs of these CBOs and
The formulation of a comprehensive training and interventions therefore is
expected to meet the needs, enhance the capabilities, and eventually improve the
performance of the CBOs and the CDPs.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the intervention, each of the organizations will have the following:

Thorough organizational assessment and diagnosis of SMI-CBOs and CDPs.

Availability of complete organizational profile.

Determined training needs and interventions to elevate maturity level

3. Logistical Requirements



Project Management Staff
Venue with meals and snacks
for seminar-workshops
Transportation vehicle for
Out-of town FGD, seminarworkshops.

Project Management Staff

1. Project Manager-

Dr. Edgar B. Manubag, CE, PhD

The Project Manager shall be responsible for the overall supervision of the
implementation of the project. Specifically, he shall perform the following tasks;
a. Facilitate meetings of the project management staff for planning, updating, and
monitoring to keep track of the progress of project implementation
b. Coordinate and follow-up with project staff members regarding their assigned
tasks and responsibilities to make sure that they are able to perform these
promptly and efficiently;
c. Oversee the necessary preparations for every activity from
coordination/communication to arrangement of venue, procurement of supplies
and materials, etc;
d. Review activity designs, schedules, programs,, reports, and ensure that these
are submitted to SMI on schedule;
e. Coordinate/communicate with the SMI/Xstrata for follow-ups, updates and other
concerns that may require his actions.
2. Project Assistant Manager Ms. Judith Janiola
The Project Assistant Manager shall perform the following tasks:
a. Prepare the program of every phase activity.
b. Serves as Facilitator and Process Documenter of the project and other activities
c. Prepare the report of every phase activity and other required reports to be
submitted to the SMI/Xstrata;
d. Prepare Communications and other legal instruments such as Memorandum of
Agreements or Contracts;
e. Assist the Project Manager and Project Coordinator in the performance of their
tasks and responsibilities.

3. Project Coordinator Ms. Riza T. Nacar

The Project Coordinator shall perform the following tasks;
a. Coordinate/arrange the necessary preparations for the conduct of every phase
activity such as:
The venue
Preparation and reproduction of project phase activity forms, contracts,
Procurement of the needed supplies, materials, equipment, etc.
b. Serve as Secretariat and photo documenter of the project meetings and other
c. Assist the Project Manager and Project Assistant Manager in the performance of
their tasks and responsibilities; and
d. Perform other functions and duties as may be assigned to her by the project
4. Transaction Consultants Dr. Edgar B. Manubag, CE, PhD
Dr. Danny Alfaras
a. The Technical Writers are at the same time the Transaction Consultants of the
b. The Transaction Consultants shall prepare in advance the necessary documents
pertaining to but not limited to needs assessment such as the needs assessment
tool; training need materials; and among others.
c. The Transaction Consultants will spearhead the preparation of data and perform the
different phase-activities of this project from mobilization and preparation of inception
report up to the preparation and submission of a final draft of.
d. Timeline
1st week


2 week

4th week

1 Mobilization and
Preparation of Inception
2 Meeting
and assessment of
3. Consolidating and
Integrating Study

Transaction Consultants




Transaction Consultants

5th week

4 Conduct of Trainingworkshops

Transaction Consultants/Consolidator

7th week

5 Drafting of a
Comprehensive Report


6 Preparation and
Submission of a Final
Draft of Document


8th- week

4. Outline
This Inception Report outlines the consultants /Organizational Needs Assessment
(ONA) Teams initial elaboration of the project Terms of Reference (TOR) and a work
plan. In this case, given the opportunity and time available, a preliminary set of ONA
survey questionnaires will be prepared for discussion and possible use.
The Organizational Needs Assessment (ONA) survey questionnaire will serve as a
diagnostic instrument to help determine a CSOs capacity in the following areas:
Project Management
Leadership and Human Resources Management
Organizational Management
Financial And Enterprise Management
Effective Participation in Community Governance
For this purpose, the ONA Team will include background information on design
considerations, detailed descriptions of the organizational components and elements to
be measured, and the assessment methodology. In developing the tool, the consultants
will work in compliance with the agreed-upon scope of work (SOW).
Twenty-three (23) SMI-CBOs will be surveyed for this study. Training programs are to
be developed based on the results of the assessment needs.
The training programs will be planned and designed by the Organizational Development
(OD) Consultants and will be coordinated by SMI- concerned departments.
To accomplish this general assignment, the PSA Team is expected to:
Work in collaboration with the SMI Coordinator;
Undertake field visits and assessments in each of the SMI-CBOs;
Design and conduct training for the SMI-CBOs;
To conduct monitoring and evaluation of the training programs;
Review and Advise on the resulting training plans;

5. Terms of Payment
The professional fees shall be disbursed based on the following terms of payment:

40% upon signing of Contract/Notice-to-Proceed

40% upon submission of initial drafts of the SMI Community Infrastructure

Support Program Guidelines and Procedures to SMI-CCSD.

20% upon CCSD leadership approval of the final version of the SMI Community
Infrastructure Support Program Guidelines and Procedures .

Prepared by:

Edgar B. Manubag, CE, PhD

Project Manger

This general survey is part of a multifaceted tool composed of a general survey, climate survey,
focus group work with beneficiaries, and other components, designed by Tamkeen to measure
the capacity of your organization in order to design and implement a comprehensive program to
further build its capacity.
Aims and Components

The general survey aims to gain a broad understanding of the organization. The tool serves as a
diagnostic instrument to help you determine your organizations capacity in five areas, namely:
Program delivery
Human resources
External relations
Structure and Filling Instructions

The general survey consists of a closed form structured interview with the Organizational
Development Committee (ODC) of your organization using a standardized questionnaire. An
external evaluator leads the ODC members through the questions one by one and in an orderly
The questionnaire consists of 100 yes/no questions directed to the ODC. The ODC members are
expected to give one answer that best reflects or describes the variable to be measured by the
question. If there are disagreements among the committee members on a particular question, a
discussion takes place in order to reach consensus. If ODC members are unable to provide an
answer, a no answer note will be recorded in the Remarks box. If the ODC provides an answer
but its members fail to reach consensus on that particular question, a note reading low
consensus will be recorded in the Remarks box.
The general survey requires one copy of the questionnaire as well as one scoring sheet to be
followed and filled by the external evaluator.
The interview takes about 2-4 hours to complete. Plan on spending anywhere from 1-2 minutes
on each question.

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