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Kyle Russell A.

Ranido BS Biology (Biodiversity) April 07, 2022

BDV101 (Multiple Choice Self-test with Answer Key)
1. What mode of nutrition is when animals eat either organisms or their products as a source of
a.) Heterotroph
b.) Autotroph
c.) Mixotroph
d.) None of the above
2. How do fungi reproduce?
a.) Sexual
b.) Asexual
c.) Both A and B
d.) None of the Above
3. Which of the following kingdoms has no cell wall?
a.) Protista
b.) Animalia
c.) Fungi
d.) Plantae
4. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a.) Animalia-Ferns
b.) Plantae-Mushroom
c.) Fungi-Yeast
d.) Eubacteria-Halophiles
5. Which of the following is strictly multicellular?
a.) Fungi
b.) Plantae
c.) Animalia
d.) Protista
6. All animals are __?
a.) Prokaryotic
b.) Eukaryotic
c.) Both A and B
d.) None of the above
7. What mode of nutrition wherein through photosynthesis plants are able to generate
a.) Heterotroph
b.) Autotroph
c.) Mixotroph
d.) None of the above
8. What provides great support in the bodies of fungi and plants?
a.) Cell wall
b.) Cell membrane
c.) Both A and B
d.) None of the above
9. Which of the following is part of the kingdom Animalia?
a.) Ferns
b.) Amoeba
c.) Ferns
d.) Sponges
10. What type of genes do most animals have that help to regulate the development of body
a.) Kox genes
b.) Cox genes
c.) Hox genes
d.) Fox genes
11. What is the most abundant extracellular structure that holds the animal cell together?
a.) Pectin
b.) Cellulose
c.) Fibronectin
d.) Collagen
12. Which of the following is responsible for conducting nerve impulses and movement?
a.) Connective tissues
b.) Muscle tissues
c.) Nervous tissue
d.) Both B and C
13. What are produced directly by meiotic division in the haploid stage, unlike what happens in
fungi and plants?
a.) Sperm cells
b.) Egg cells
c.) Both A and B
d.) None of the above
14. After ___, the zygote undergoes rapid cell division.
a.) Fertilization
b.) Gastrulation
b.) Blastulation
d.) None of the above
15. Refer to number 14, what do you call the rapid cell division?
a.) Furrow
b.) Cleavage
c.) Cleave
d.) None of the above
16. The __ of an animal that undergoes a succession of mitotic divisions.
a.) Blastula
b.) Gastrula
c.) Zygote
d.) Blastocoel
17. What do you call the formation of a multicellular stage in most animals?
a.) Blastula
b.) Gastrula
c.) Zygote
d.) None of the above
18. What do you call the process in which most animals there is a rearrangement of the embryo
in which the embryo folds inward in one end, expands, and fills the blastocoel, thus producing
layers of embryonic tissues?
a.) Fertilization
b.) Gastrulation
b.) Blastulation
d.) None of the above
19. Which of the following correctly matches?
a.) Ectoderm-inner layer
b.) Endoderm-outer layer
c.) Ectoderm-outer layer
d.) Mesoderm-inner layer
20. What layer of the archenteron develops into the tissue lining the animal’s digestive tract?
a.) Endoderm
b.) Mesoderm
c.) Ectoderm
d.) All of the above
21. What do you call the blind pouch formed by gastrulation which opens to the outside via the
a.) Blastocoel
b.) Cleavage
c.) Archenteron
d.) Gastrula
22. What do you call the major change of body form in the larva?
a.) Morphosis
b.) Metamorphosis
c.) Metamorph
d. None of the Above
23. This ancestor may have resembled modern ___, ___ which are the closest living relatives of
a.) choanoflagellates, protists
b.) protists, choanoflagellates
c.) fungi, choanoflagellates
d.) choanoflagellates, fungi
24. According to genetic evidence, the flagellated protist known as a ___ is the closest living
relative of animals.
a.) chonoflagellates
b.) choanoflagellates
c.) choanoflagellates
d.) None of the above
25. This name comes from the Ediacara Hills of Australia, wherein fossils of Mawsonites spriggi
and Spriggina floundersi were first discovered.
a.) Ediacaran biota
b.) Cryogenian biota
c.) Stenian biota
d.) Tonian biota
26. What is the youngest period of three that makes up the Neoproterozoic Era?
a.) Tonian
b.) Cryogenian
c.) Ediacaran
d.) None of the above
27. How many years ago are Ediacaran fossil animals?
a.) about 560 million years ago
b.) about 460 million years ago
c.) about 360 million years ago
d.) about 260 million years ago
28. This marks the earliest fossil appearance of most major groups of animals that are living.
a.) Ordovician explosion
b.) Precambrian explosion
c.) Cambrian explosion
d.) Jurassic explosion
29. What happened to the diversity of Ediacaran life-forms when the diversity of animal phyla is
increased during the Cambrian?
a.) Increased
b.) Declined
c.) Remains the same
d.) None of the above
30. The following are several hypotheses on what caused the Cambrian explosion, except one.
a.) New-predator relationship
b.) Rise in atmospheric oxygen
c.) Evolution of the Hox gene complex
d.) The decline of the population of organisms
31. In the Cambrian explosion may have generated diversity through natural selection, which
emerged the new-predator relationship, which of the following explains this?
a.) Predators have acquired the adaptations that are needed to catch prey
b.) Prey have acquired the adaptations that are needed to resist predation
c.) Both A and B
d.) None of the above
32. The rise of atmospheric oxygen preceded the Cambrian explosion, which of the following
best explains this?
a.) More oxygen could have provided opportunities for animals with higher metabolic rates and
larger body sizes
b.) More oxygen could not provide opportunities for animals with higher metabolic rates and
larger body sizes.
c.) More oxygen could have provided opportunities for animals with lower metabolic rates and
larger body sizes
d.) More oxygen could have provided opportunities for animals with lower metabolic rates and
smaller body sizes
33. Which of the following best explains the hypothesis of the evolution of Hox genes?
a.) The evolution of the Hox complex provided developmental flexibility which resulted in the
likeness in morphology.
b.) The evolution of the Hox complex provided developmental flexibility which resulted in
variations in morphology.
c.) The evolution of the Hox complex provided developmental flexibility which resulted in
variations in physiology.
d.) None of the above.
34. During the Mesozoic era, these animals were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates.
a.) Fishes
b.) Mammals
c.) Dinosaurs
d.) Birds
35. This is the era where the first mammals have emerged.
a.) Mesozoic era
b.) Paleozoic era
c.) Cenozoic era
d.) Proterozoic era
36. The beginning of what era followed mass extinctions of both terrestrial and marine animals?
a.) Mesozoic era
b.) Paleozoic era
c.) Cenozoic era
d.) Proterozoic era
37. In what era did modern mammals and insects diversify?
a.) Mesozoic era
b.) Paleozoic era
c.) Cenozoic era
d.) Proterozoic era
38. An animal, such as sea anemones (phylum Cnidaria), has parts that radiate from the center.
The animal is divided into mirror images by any imaginary cut through the central axis.
a.) Radial Symmetry
b.) Bilateral Symmetry
c.) Rotational Symmetry
d.) Translation Symmetry
39. An animal, such as a lobster (phylum Arthropoda), has two sides: one on the left and one on
the right. The animal is divided into mirror-image halves by only one imaginary cut.
a.) Radial Symmetry
b.) Bilateral Symmetry
c.) Rotational Symmetry
d.) Translation Symmetry
40. What embryonic germ layers do diploblastic animals have?
a.) Ectoderm
b.) Endoderm
c.) Mesoderm
d.) Both A and B
41. What embryonic germ layers do diploblastic animals have?
a.) Ectoderm
b.) Endoderm
c.) Mesoderm
d.) All of the above
42. What do you call a true body cavity which is derived from mesoderm?
a.) Coelom
b.) Schizocoelom
c.) Pseudocoelom
d.) Enterocoelom
43. What do you call a body cavity that is derived from mesoderm and endoderm?
a.) Coelom
b.) Schizocoelom
c.) Pseudocoelom
d.) Enterocoelom
44. What are the two developmental modes, where many animals can be described based on
certain aspects of early development?
a.) Protostome and Deuterostome development
b.) Prototome and Deuterstome development
c.) Prostotome and Deuterostome development
d.) Protostome and Deterstume development
45. This is a type of cleavage where cell division planes are diagonal to the embryo's vertical
axis; as seen in the eight-cell stage, smaller cells are centered over grooves between larger,
underlying cells.
a.) Spiral cleavage
b.) Determinate cleavage
c.) Radial cleavage
d.) Indeterminate cleavage
46. This is a type of cleavage where the cleavage planes are either parallel or perpendicular to
the embryo's vertical axis; the tiers of cells are aligned, one directly above the other, as seen at
the eight-cell stage.
a.) Spiral cleavage
b.) Determinate cleavage
c.) Radial cleavage
d.) Indeterminate cleavage
47. In protostome development, cleavage is ___ and ___.
a.) radial, determinate
b.) spiral, indeterminate
c.) radial, indeterminate
d.) spiral, determinate
48. In deuterostome development, cleavage is __ and __.
a.) radial, determinate
b.) spiral, indeterminate
c.) radial, indeterminate
d.) spiral, determinate
49. The following are major clades of bilaterian animals, except one.
a.) Ecdysozoa
b.) Deutrostomia
c.) Lophotrochozoa
d.) Choanozoa
50. Which of the following correctly matches?
a.) Invertebrates (Chordates)
b.) Invertebrates (Non-Chordates)
c.) Vertebrates (Chordates)
d.) Both B and C
Answer Key:
1. A 38. A
2. C 39. B
3. B 40. D
41. D
4. C
42. A
5. C 43. C
6. B 44. A
7. B 45. A
8. A 46. C
47. D
9. D
48. C
10. C 49. D
11. D 50. D
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. A
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. D
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. C

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