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Current Position: Professor, University of California, Irvine
Current Address: School of Information and Computer Sciences
444 Computer Science Building
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3425
949-824-4021 (voice); 949-824-4056 (fax); (email)


July 2003–present: Professor. University of California, Irvine.
July 1997–June 2003: Associate Professor. University of California, Irvine.
July 1995–June 1997: Assistant Professor. University of California, Irvine.
Oct. 1993–June 1995: Research Scientist. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Oct. 1990–Oct. 1993: Post-doctoral Research Associate. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
(Prof. Patrick Winston).
Sept. 1980–June 1990: Ph.D., Artificial Intelligence. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
GPA: Cumulative 4.94/5.0; major 5.0/5.0; minor 5.0/5.0 (Philosophy of Mind and Knowledge).
Other Degrees: S.M., Computer Science, Feb. 1983. Electrical Engineer, June 1983.
Ph.D. Thesis: Efficient Methods for Massively Parallel Symbolic Induction. (Prof. Patrick Winston)
S.M. Thesis: Parallelism in Arms and Legs. (Prof. Marvin Minsky)
Jan. 1976–May 1978: B.A., Mathematics. Reed College, Portland, OR.
GPA: Cumulative 3.83/4.0; junior & senior years 3.93/4.0.
Senior Thesis: Markov Chains on Finite Groups. (Prof. Jack Dudman)
Jan. 1974–May 1975: (part-time) Anchorage Community College, Anchorage, AK.
Sept. 1972–May 1973: New College, Sarasota, FL.


Jan. 2006: Appreciation Award, Equity Advisor, UCI Advance Program.
Nov. 2005: Innovation Award, UCI Office of Technology Alliances.
Apr. 2004: Co-founding scientist and Scientific Advisory Board of CODA Genomics, Inc., a company dedi-
cated to applying information technology to gene design and synthetic biology.
Jan. 2004: Finalist, U.S. National Science Foundation Distinguished Teaching Scholar award.
May 2003: UCI Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research.
Mar. 2002: Editorial Board of IEEE Intelligent Systems.
Jan. 2002: Biography listed in Who’s Who in the World’2002.
Dec. 2001: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Genome Informatics (first author).
Oct. 2001: Editorial Board of J. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
June 2001: Scientific Advisory Board of University of Colorado, Denver, Center for Computational Biology.
May 2001: Scientific Advisory Board of GeneFormatics, Inc., a proteomics drug discovery company. The
company merged with Structural Bioinformatics, Inc., in March, 2003, to form Cengent, Inc.
Nov. 1999: Biography listed in Who’s Who in America’2001.
Apr. 1999: Cover article, AI Magazine, (first author).
July 1998: Innovative Application Award, AAAI/IAAI Conference, (first author). Estimated current and
nearby HIV drug resistant mutants and recommended drug combination treatments to avoid both. The
research appeared on the cover of AI Magazine in Spring, 1999.
June 1998: UCI Excellence in Teaching Award for undergraduate teaching.
July 1997: Scientific Advisory Board of CombiChem, Inc., a computational analysis and combinatorial
chemistry drug discovery company. The company went public with 78 full-time employees in May, 1998, and
was bought by Dupont Co. for 95 million dollars in Dec., 1999.
Feb. 1997: UCI/ICS Departmental Outstanding Faculty Award for teaching and research.
Oct. 1996: CAREER grant award from National Science Foundation.
July 1996: Constructive proof that the Halting Problem is formally learnable from examples, to arbi-
trarily high accuracy with arbitrarily high confidence, under any probability distribution (sole author,
Proc. Intl. Conf. Machine Learning).
June 1996: Member of Founding Board of Directors, and Founding Treasurer, International Society for
Computational Biology.
Feb. 1996: Cover article, J. Molecular Biology, (first author). Found global optimum protein “threading”
with speed-ups exceeding 1025 over best previously published result using the same formalism.
Sep. 1994: Published NP-completeness proof (sole author, Protein Engineering).
May 1990: MIT EE&CS George M. Sprowl award for excellence in Ph.D. thesis ($1,250). My thesis was
nominated by MIT for the ACM Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation award.
Sept. 1989: Co-founding scientist of Arris Pharmaceutical Corp., a company dedicated to drug discovery
by integrating machine learning with advanced biology and chemistry. I was a co-inventor of US Patent
No. 5,526,281 (“Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Biological Activity for Molecular Design and
to Modeling Other Characteristics”). Arris went public with 59 full-time employees and a valuation of
approximately 60 million dollars in Nov., 1993. It merged with Sequana to form AxyS Pharmaceuticals in
Jan., 1998, which was acquired by Celera Therapeutics for 188 million dollars in Nov., 2001.
Nov. 1987: Cover article, Communications of the ACM, (first author). The program later was integrated
into the commercial package PROTEAN for molecular biologists by DNAstar under an NIH/SBIR grant.
July 1987: Best Paper Award, ACM/IEEE International Design Automation Conference (first author).
June 1986: Elected to Sigma Xi (the national scientific research honor society).
April 1986: First published O(n) algorithm for sequential fully-constrained tree-structured robot forward
dynamics (sole author, IEEE Intl. Conf. Robotics and Automation).
Summer 1985: First published O(log n) algorithm for parallel unconstrained single-chain robot inverse dy-
namics (sole author, Intl. J. Robotics Research).
Fall 1980: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.
June 1978: Elected to Phi Beta Kappa (the national academic honor society).
April 1977: Licensed as a Nuclear Reactor Operator by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI; Life Member).

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).

(excludes conference papers, session moderating, tutorials, etc.)

Dec. 2006: ISCOE Inter-Nano-Science, Awaji, Japan, Invited Talk (Takashi Washio).

Nov. 2006: Human Proteome Organization Conf., Invited Talk (Cindi Lilly).

Aug. 2006: World Congress on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Seoul, Korea, Invited Talk
(Tatsuya Akutsu).

Mar. 2006: University of California, Merced, Research Seminar (Masa Watanabe).

May 2005: University of Pittsburgh, PA, Research Seminar (Takis Benos).

Aug. 2004: 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Conference Keynote Speech
(Hans Guesgen).

Mar. 2003: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Bioinformatics Symposium “Bioinformatics: Building
Bridges,” Invited Talk (Lynda Ellis).

Dec. 2002: Conference on Genome Informatics, Tokyo, Conference Opening Address (Satoru Miyano).

May 2002: Workshop on Post-Genomic Knowledge Discovery, National University of Singapore, Invited Talk
(Limsoon Wong).

May 2002: SIAM Conf. on Optimization, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Invited Talk (Harvey Greenberg).

June 2001: Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Research Seminar (Kunbin Qu).

Dec. 2000: Oncotech, Research Seminar (Shubra Mittal).

Aug. 2000: Intelligent Systems and Molecular Biology Conf., San Diego, CA, Invited Panelist on Lisp in
Bioinformatics (Sheng-Chuan Wu).

July 2000: ICML-2000 Workshop on Machine Learning of Spatial Knowledge, Stanford, CA, Invited Panelist
(David Page, Diane Cook).

June 2000: DARPA Computation, Biology, and Language Workshop, Arlington, VA, Invited Panelist (Bob
Berwick, Simon Kasif).

Jan. 2000: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Oahu, HI, Invited Panelist on Data Mining in Biological
Databases (Janice Glasgow).

Dec. 1999: University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, Distinguished Lecture Series in Biomedical Informatics
(Mark Craven, David Page).

Nov. 1999: University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Research Seminar (Ridg Scott).

Oct. 1999: Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, Research Seminar (Marcella McClure).

May 1999: Conf. on Data Mining in Crystallography, Erice, Sicily, Italy, Invited Lecturer (Suzanne Fortier).

Oct 1998: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, Research Seminar (Margaret Fleck).

May 1998: Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA, Research Seminar (Kevin Knight).

Jan. 1998: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, Kapalua, HI, Invited Panelist on Challenges in Annotating
Genomes (Ying Xu).

Nov. 1997: Washington University at St. Louis, MO, Research Seminar (David States).

June 1997: Intelligent Systems and Molecular Biology Conf., Halkidiki, Greece, Conference Keynote Speaker
(Alfonso Valencia).

May 1997: Symposium on Bioinformatics, Structure, and Function, Urbana, IL, Invited Talk (Shankar

Feb. 1997: Intl. Congress on Gene Function Determination, Washington, D.C., Invited Talk (Thom Bliss).

Sept. 1996: UC Irvine Life Science Research and Technology Showcase, Irvine, CA, Invited Talk (David
Aug. 1996: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Research Seminar (Russ Altman).

Aug. 1996: Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conf., Portland, OR, Conference Invited Survey
Talk (Howard Shrobe).

June 1996: University of Bergen, Norway, First Opponent of Inge Jonassen doctoral thesis defense (Ingrid

June 1996: Intelligent Systems and Molecular Biology Conf., St. Louis, MO, Conference Banquet After-
dinner Speaker (David States).

Mar. 1996: Workshop on Prediction and Modelling of Protein Structures, EMBO/European Bioinformatics
Institute, Hinxton, England, Invited Talk (Gerrit Vriend).

Sept. 1995: Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Research Seminar (Keith Dunker).

July 1995: American Crystallographic Association Meeting, Montreal, Invited Talk (Suzanne Fortiers).

Mar. 1995: Workshop on Global Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions, DIMACS, Rutgers University,
Piscataway, NJ, Invited Talk (Panos Pardalos).

Mar. 1995: Symposium on Genome Project and Computer Science, Tokyo, Invited Talk (Toshihisa Takagi).

Jan. 1995: Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, Research Seminar (Stuart Kauffman).

Apr. 2005: Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Machine Learning.
Apr. 2005: Program Committee, European Conf. on Computational Biology.
Mar. 2003: Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
Feb. 2006, Oct., June, Feb. 2005, Oct., June, Mar. 2004, Oct., June, Mar. 2003, Oct., June, Mar. 2002,
Nov. 2001: Grant proposal review panel, National Institutes of Health (Chair, 2003-2004).
Dec. 2002: Co-Chair of Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Genome Informatics.
Dec. 2002, Jan. 2000: Grant proposal review panel, National Science Foundation
Sep. 2002, Sep. 2000: Symposium Organizer, Structural Genomics at UCI.
Aug. 2002: Senior Area Chair, Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
May 2002: Organizing Committee, Workshop on Post-Genomic Knowledge Discovery, National University
of Singapore.
Mar. 2002, July 2001: Advisory Board, University of Colorado, Denver, Center for Computational Biology.
Dec. 2004, Dec. 2003, Dec. 2002, Dec. 2001, Dec. 2000: Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Genome Infor-
June 2001: Session Co-Organizer, Informatics and the New Biology, Pacific Division meeting of the AAAS.
Jan. 2001: Co-chair, DNA Structure, Interactions, and Expression, at Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing.
Aug. 2004, Aug. 2003, Aug. 2002, Aug. 2001, Aug. 2000, Aug. 1999, Jun. 1997, Jun. 1996, Jul. 1995, Aug.
1993: Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
May 2000: Member, Bioinformatics Working Group of the National Advisory Research Resources Council,
National Institutes of Health.
Aug. 1999 – Dec. 2001: Site Selection Coordinator, Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology..
Apr. 1999: Program Committee, Intl. Conf. on Computational Molecular Biology.
Jan. 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996: Chair and Co-chair, Protein Structure Prediction Session, at Pacific Symposium
on Biocomputing.
Jul. 1998: Tutorial, Computational Molecular Biology, at Natl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence.
Jun. 1998, Aug. 1994: Organizing Committee, Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
Dec. 1997: Program Committee, Workshop on Genome Informatics.
Jun. 1996: Member of Founding Board of Directors, and Founding Treasurer, Intl. Society for Computational
Jan. 1995, 1994, 1993: Chair and Co-chair, Protein Structure Prediction Session, at Hawaii Intl. Conf. on
System Sciences.
Jan. 1994: Tutorial, Protein Structure Prediction, at Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System Sciences.
Aug. 1993: Program Committee, AI and Genome Workshop, at Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence.
Aug. 1993: Organizing Committee, Macromolecules, Genes and Computers Conf.
Jul. 1993: Tutorial, Intro. to AI for Biologists, at Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.
Jul. 1990: Program Committee, Conf. on Bioinformatics, Integration of Organismic and Molecular Data
Bases, and Use of Expert Systems in Biology; and Chair, Protein Sequence Functional Analysis.
Jul.–Aug. 1987: Organizing Committee, Workshop on the Matrix of Biological Knowledge; and Co-Chair,
Framework Group; and tutorial, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Biologists.

REVIEWING (since 1996):

Review panel (Chair), National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Review panel, National Science Foundation (NSF).
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
National Science, Education, and Research Commission (NSERC, Canada)
Australian Research Council (Australia)
Montana State NSF-EPSCoR (University of Montana)

ACM J. on Experimental Algorithmics
CABIOS (Computer Applications in the BioSciences)
IEEE Intelligent Systems
J. of Artificial Intelligence Research
J. of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
J. of Computational Biology
J. of Constraints
J. of Molecular Biology
J. of New Generation Computing
J. of Theoretical Biology
Mathematical Biosciences
Machine Learning
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Protein Science
Protein Engineering
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics

Conference on Information, Statistics, and Induction in Science (ISIS)
Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
Genome Informatics Conference (GIW)
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB)
Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB)
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)

Apr. 2004: Co-Founder, Scientific Advisory Board, Consultant.

CODA Genomics, inc. (Irvine, CA).
The company is dedicated to applying information technology to synthetic biology.

July 2001–Dec. 2002: Scientific Advisory Board.

GeneFormatics, Inc. (San Diego, CA).
The company is dedicated to a proteomics approach to drug discovery.

April 1997–Dec. 1999 (part-time): Scientific Advisory Board, Consultant.

CombiChem, Inc. (San Diego, CA).
The company is dedicated to drug discovery by computational analysis and combinatorial chemistry. Com-
biChem went public with 78 full-time employees in May, 1998, and was bought by Dupont Co. for $95 million
in Dec. 1999.

May 1989–Dec. 1993 (part-time): Co-Founder, Senior Scientist, Consultant.

Arris Pharmaceutical Corp., (South San Francisco, CA).
The company is dedicated to drug discovery by integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning with
advanced biology and chemistry. It went public in Nov., 1993, with 59 full-time employees and a valuation
of approximately $60 million. Human clinical trials of a novel asthma drug began in Jan., 1994. I was
a co-inventor of US Patent No. 5,526,281 (“Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Biological Activity
for Molecular Design and to Modeling Other Characteristics”). Arris merged with Sequana to form AxyS
Pharmaceuticals in Jan., 1998, which was acquired by Celera Therapeutics for 188 million dollars in Nov.,

June 1984–Aug. 1991 (summers): Software Engineer, Consultant.

Gould/A.M.I. VLSI CAD Research Laboratory, (Twain Harte, CA).
Researched relation of structure to function in VLSI. Designed and implemented a mixed-mode functional
simulator, a structural circuit optimizer, and a functional abstraction from structure prototype.

June 1982–Sept. 1983 (summers): Summer Staff.

Hewlett-Packard Engineering Productivity Division (Cupertino, CA).
Assisted the design and implementation of a silicon compiler (DPG, the Data-Path Generator).

Jan.–May 1980: Business Software Consultant.

Solid State Equipment Ltd. (Lower Hutt, New Zealand).
Developed inventory control/job status monitoring package for small businesses.

Aug. 1978–April 1979: Data Telecommunications Programmer/Analyst.

Progress Electronics (Portland, OR).
Wrote entire assembler telecommunications sub-system for the master controller of a remote water-level
telemetry system for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and a remote air quality and
meteorological sensor system for Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

May–Sept. 1977: Chief Programmer.

NSF-SOS research project (Portland OR).
Designed and implemented complete system for gamma spectra analysis and statistical processing of data.

May–Oct. 1975, May–Sept. 1976: Business Programmer/Analyst.

Alaskan Data Systems (Anchorage AK).
Designed and implemented all programs for each phase of internal bookkeeping system.

April 1974–May 1975: Programmer and production control supervisor.

U.S. Postal Service (Anchorage, AK).
Wrote numerous programs pertaining to productivity analysis and manpower utilization. Developed a
computer-assisted training system later adopted by Western Region HQ.

Proceedings, Genome Informatics 2002, eds. Lathrop, R., Nakai, K., Miyano, S., Takagi, T., Kanehisa, M.
Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, 2002.

(Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal). “Intelligent Systems in Biology II,” ed. Lathrop, R.H., IEEE
Intelligent Systems, 17(2), March/April, 2002.

(Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal). “Intelligent Systems in Biology,” ed. Lathrop, R.H., IEEE
Intelligent Systems, 16(6), November/December, 2001.

Proceedings, Sixth Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, eds. Glasgow, J., Lathrop, R.,
Littlejohn, T., Major, F., Peitsch, M., Sankoff, D., Sensen, C., AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1998.

Proceedings, Second Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, eds. Altman, R., Brutlag, D.,
Karp, P., Lathrop, R., Searls, D., AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 1994.


“Threading Algorithms,” Bienkowska, J., and Lathrop, R.H., in Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Pro-
teomics and Bioinformatics, ed. Jorde, L., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2005.

“Analysis and Algorithms for Protein Sequence-Structure Alignment,” Lathrop, R.H., Rogers, R.G. Jr.,
Bienkowska, J., Bryant, B.K.M., Buturović, L.J., Gaitatzes, C., Nambudripad, R., White, J.V., and Smith,
T.F., in Computational Methods in Molecular Biology, eds. Salzberg, S., Searls, D., Kasif, S., Elsevier Science,
Amsterdam, 1998.

“Predicting Protein Structure with Probabilistic Models,” Stultz, C.M., Nambudripad, R., Lathrop, R.H.,
and White, J.V., in Protein Structural Biology in Biomedical Research, eds. Allewell, N., Woodward, C.,
Vol. 22B of Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology, 1997, series ed. Bittar, E.E., JAI Press, Greenwich,
CT, USA, 1997.

“The Identification of Protein Functional Patterns,” Smith, T.F., Lathrop, R.H. and Cohen, F.E., in In-
tegrative Approaches to Molecular Biology, eds. Collado-Vides, J., Magasanik, B., and Smith, T.F., MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996.

“Massively Parallel Symbolic Induction of Protein Structure / Function Relationships,” Lathrop, R.H., Web-
ster, T.A., Smith, T.F., and Winston, P.H., pp. 157–173 in Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications,
eds. Hanson, S., Remmele, W., and Rivest, R., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993; also appeared in Proc. 27th
Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1991.

“Integrating AI With Sequence Analysis,” Lathrop, R.H., Webster, T.A., Smith, R., Winston, P.H., and
Smith, T.F., pp. 210–258 in Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology, ed. Hunter, L., AAAI Press,
Menlo Park, 1993.

“ARIEL: A Massively Parallel Symbolic Learning Assistant for Protein Structure / Function,” Lathrop, R.H.,
Webster, T.A., Smith, T.F., and Winston, P.H., in Artificial Intelligence at MIT: Expanding Frontiers, eds.
Winston, P.H., and Shellard, S., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990.


“Choosing where to look next in a mutation sequence space: Active Learning of informative p53 cancer
rescue mutants,” Danziger SA, Zeng J, Wang Y, Brachmann RK, Lathrop RH, Bioinformatics, Jul 1;23(13),

“A fine-grain statistical phylogeography of influenza A H5N1,” Wallace, R.G., HoDac, H., Lathrop, R.H.,
Fitch, W.M., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, Mar 13;104(11):4473-8, 2007.
“DNA Deformation Energy as an Indirect Recognition Mechanism in Protein-DNA Interactions,” Aeling,
K., Steffen, N.R., Johnson, M., Hatfield, G.W., Lathrop, R.H., Senear, D.F., IEEE Trans. on Computational
Biology and Bioinformatics, Jan-Mar;4(1):117-25, 2007.

“GRA1 protein vaccine confers better immune response compared to codon-optimized GRA1 DNA vaccine,”
Doskaya M., Kalantari-Dehaghi M., Walsh C.M., Hiszczynska-Sawicka E., Davies D.H., Felgner P.L., Larsen
L.S., Lathrop R.H., Hatfield G.W., Schulz J.R., Guruz Y., Jurnak F., Vaccine, 25(10):1824-37, Feb. 26,
2007. Epub Nov. 20, 2006.

“Functional census of mutation sequence spaces: the example of p53 cancer rescue mutants,” Danziger,
S.A., Swamidass, S.J., Zeng, J., Dearth, L.R., Lu, Q., Chen, J.H., Cheng, J., Hoang, V.P., Saigo, H., Luo,
R., Baldi, P., Brachmann, R.K., and Lathrop, R.H., IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics, 3(2):114-25, Apr.-Jun., 2006.

”Hybrid Biomedical Database Integration: A p53 cancer research database,” Bichutskiy, V., Colman, R.,
Brachmann, R.K., Lathrop, R.H., Cancer Informatics, 2:277-287, 2006.

“Indirect recognition in sequence-specific DNA binding by Escherichi coli integration host factor: the role of
DNA deformation energy,” Aeling, K.A., Opel, M.L., Steffen, N.R., Tretyachenko-Ladokhina, V., Hatfield,
G.W., Lathrop, R.H., Senear, D.F., J. Biol. Chem., 281(51):39236-48, Dec. 22, 2006. Epub 2006 Oct 11.

“HB tag modules for PCR-based gene tagging and tandem affinity purification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,”
Tagwerker, C., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Larsen, L.S., Lathrop, R.H., Hatfield, G.W., Auer, B., Huang, L.,
Kaiser, P., Yeast, 23(8):623-32, Jun., 2006.

“Predicting Oligonucleotide-Directed Mutagenesis Failures in Protein Engineering,” Wassman, C.D., Tam,

P.Y., Lathrop, R.H., Weiss, G.A., Nucleic Acids Research, 32(21):6407–6413, 2004.

“DNA Sequence and Structure: Direct and Indirect Recognition in Protein-DNA Binding,” Steffen, N.R.,
Murphy, S.D., Tolleri, L., Hatfield, G.W., Lathrop, R.H., Bioinformatics, 18 Suppl 1:S22-S30, 2002.

“Information-Theoretic Dissection of Pairwise Contact Potentials,” Cline, M.S., Karplus, K., Lathrop, R.H.,
Smith, T.F., Rogers, R.G. Jr., Haussler, D., Proteins: Structure, Function, Genetics, 49(1):7-14, 2002.

“An Anytime Local-to-Global Optimization Algorithm for Protein Threading in Theta (m2n2) Space,” Lath-
rop, R.H., J. Computational Biology, Fall-Winter, 6(3-4):405-18, 1999.

“Combinatorial Optimization in Rapidly Mutating Drug-Resistant Viruses,” Lathrop, R.H., Pazzani, M.J.,
J. Combinatorial Optimization, 3:301–320, 1999.

“A Bayes-Optimal Probability Theory that Unifies Protein Sequence-Structure Recognition and Alignment.”
Lathrop, R.H., Rogers, R.G. Jr., Smith, T.F., White, J.V., Bull. Math. Biol., 60:1039–1071, 1998.

“Current Limitations to Protein Threading Approaches,” Smith, T.F., Lo Conte, L., Bienkowska, J., Gai-
tatzes, C., Rogers, R.G. Jr., and Lathrop, R.H., J. Computational Biol., 4(3):217–225, 1997.

“Solving the Multiple-Instance Problem with Axis-Parallel Rectangles,” Dietterich, T.G., Lathrop, R.H.,
Lozano-Perez, T., Artificial Intelligence, 89:31-71, 1997.

“Global Optimum Protein Threading with Gapped Alignment and Empirical Pair Potentials,” Lathrop, R.H.
and Smith, T.F., J. Mol. Biol. (cover article), 255:641–665, Feb., 1996.

“Compass: A Shape-Based Machine Learning Tool for Drug Design,” Jain, A.N., Dietterich, T.G., Lathrop,
R.H., Chapman, D.E., Critchlow, R.E., Bauer, B.E., Webster, T.A., Lozano-Perez, T., J. Computer-Aided
Molecular Design, 8:635–652, Dec., 1994.

“The Protein Threading Problem With Sequence Amino Acid Interaction Preferences Is NP-Complete,”
Lathrop, R.H., Protein Engineering, 7(9):1059–1068, Sept., 1994.
“Acid Helix-Turn Activator Motif,” Zhu, Q.-L., Smith, T.F., Lathrop, R.H., and Figge, J., Proteins: Struc-
ture, Function, and Genetics, 8:156-163, 1990.

“Potential Structural Motifs for Reverse Transcriptases”, Webster, T.A., Patarca, R., Lathrop, R.H., Smith,
T.F., Molecular Biology and Evolution, 6(3):317–320, 1989.

“Pattern Descriptors and the Unidentified Reading Frame 6 Human mtDNA Dinucleotide-Binding Site”,
Webster, T.A., Lathrop, R.H., Smith, T.F., Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 3:97–101, 1988.

“ARIADNE: Pattern-Directed Inference and Hierarchical Abstraction in Protein Structure Recognition”,

Lathrop, R.H., Webster, T.A., Smith, T.F., Communications of the ACM, (cover article) 30(11):909–921,
Nov., 1987.

“Prediction of a Common Structural Domain in Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases through Use of a New Pattern-
Directed Inference System”, Webster, T.A., Lathrop, R.H., Smith, T.F., Biochemistry, 26:(22)6950–6957,
Nov., 1987.

“Consensus Topography in the ATP Binding Site of the Simian Virus 40 and Polyomavirus Large Tumor
Antigens”, Bradley, M.K., Smith, T.F., Lathrop, R.H., Livingston, D.M., Webster, T.A., Proc. National
Academy of Science (PNAS), 84:4026–4030, June, 1987.

“Parallelism in Manipulator Dynamics”, Lathrop, R.H., Intl. J. of Robotics Research, Summer, 1985, pp.
80–102; also appeared in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 772–778, St. Louis, MO,
March 25–28, 1985.


“Knowledge-based Avoidance of Drug-Resistant HIV Mutants,” Lathrop, R.H., Steffen, N.R., Raphael, M.,
Deeds-Rubin, S., Pazzani, M.J., Cimoch, P.J., See, D.M., Tilles, J.G., (cover illustration; invited article from
IAAI Conference paper of same title, below), AI Magazine, 20(1):13–25, Spring, 1999.

“ ‘Functional Abstraction’ Anticipates Timing Glitches,” Lathrop, R.H., Hall, R.J., Duffy, G., Alexander,
K.M., and Kirk, R.S., IEEE Spectrum, 27(4):41–42, April, 1990.


(excludes workshop notes, unrefereed abstracts, etc.)

“‘Choosing where to look next in a mutation sequence space: Active Learning of informative p53 cancer
rescue mutants,” Danziger SA, Zeng J, Wang Y, Brachmann RK, Lathrop RH, pp. 57–63 in Proc. Intl.
Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB’07), Vienna, Austria, July 21–25, 2007. Also in
Bioinformatics, Jul 1;23(13), 2007 (above).

“The Role of DNA Deformation Energy at Individual Base Steps for the Identification of DNA-Protein
Binding Sites,” Steffen, N.R., Murphy, S.D., Lathrop, R.H., Opel, M.L., Tolleri, L., Hatfield, G.W., Proc.
Intl. Conf. on Genome Informatics, Tokyo, Dec. 16-18, 2002. In Genome Informatics 2002 (Genome
Informatics Series No. 13), Universal Academy Press, Inc.

“DNA Sequence and Structure: Direct and Indirect Recognition in Protein-DNA Binding,” Steffen, N.R.,
Murphy, S.D., Tolleri, L., Hatfield, G.W., Lathrop, R.H., pp. 22–30 in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB’02), Edmonton, Canada, Aug 3–7, 2002. Also in Bioinformatics, 18
Suppl 1:S22-S30 (above).

“Multi-Queue Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Anytime Optimal Search with Biological Applications,”
Lathrop, R.H., Sazhin, A., Sun, Y., Steffen, N., Irani, S., (Best Paper Award), pp. 73–82 in Proc. Intl.
Conf. on Genome Informatics, Tokyo, Dec 17-19, 2001. In Genome Informatics 2001 (Genome Informatics
Series No. 12), Universal Academy Press, Inc.

“An Anytime Algorithm for Gapped Block Protein Threading with Pair Interactions,” Lathrop, R.H., p. 238–
249 in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB’99), Lyon, France, April 11–14,

“Knowledge-based Avoidance of Drug-Resistant HIV Mutants,” Lathrop, R.H., Steffen, N.R., Raphael,
M., Deeds-Rubin, S., Pazzani, M.J., Cimoch, P.J., See, D.M., Tilles, J.G., (Innovative Application Award
winner), pp. 1071–1078 in Proc. Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conf., Madison, WI, USA,
July 27–29, 1998.

“Modeling Protein Homopolymeric Repeats: Possible Poly Glutamine Structural Motifs For Huntington’s
Disease,” Lathrop, R.H., Casale, M., Tobias, D.J., Marsh, J.L., Thompson, L.M., pp. 105–114 in Proc. Intl.
Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Molecular Biology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 28–July 1, 1998.

“The Threading Approach to the Inverse Protein Folding Problem,” Smith, T.F., Lo Conte, L., Bienkowska,
J., Rogers, B., Gaitatzes, C., Lathrop, R.H., pp. 287–292 in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computational Molecular
Biology, Santa Fe, NM, Jan. 20–23, 1997.

“On the Learnability of the Uncomputable,” Lathrop, R.H., pp. 302–309 in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Machine
Learning, Bari, Italy, July 3–6, 1996.

“From Electron Density and Sequence to Structure: Integrating Protein Image Analysis and Threading for
Structure Determination,” Baxter, K., Steeg, E., Lathrop, R.H., Glasgow, J., Fortier, S., pp. 25–33 in Proc.
Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Systems and Molecular Biology, St. Louis, MO, USA, June 12–15, 1996.

“A Comparison of Dynamic Reposing and Tangent Distance for Drug Activity Prediction,” Dietterich, T.G.,
Jain, A.N., Lathrop, R.H., Lozano-Perez, T., pp. 216–223 in Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems, 6, eds. Cowan, J.D., Tesauro, G., and Alspector, J., Morgan Kaufmann Press, April, 1994.

“A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Optimal Protein Threading with Pairwise (Contact Potential) Amino
Acid Interactions,” Lathrop, R.H. and Smith, T.F., Proc. 27th Hawaii Intl. Conf. on System Sciences, IEEE
Computer Soc. Press, 1994.

“Advances in Functional Abstraction From Structure”, Lathrop, R.H., Hall, R.J., Duffy, G., Alexander,
K.M., Kirk, R.S., Proc. 25th IEEE/ACM Intl. Design Automation Conf. (DAC’88), Anaheim, CA, Jun
13–15, 1988.

“Automatic Generation of Behavioral Simulation Models Using Functional Abstraction”, Alexander, K.M.,
Kirk, R.S., Lathrop, R.H., Hall, R.J., Duffy, G., Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC’88), 1988.

“Functional Abstraction From Structure in VLSI Simulation Models”, Lathrop, R.H., Hall, R.J., Kirk, R.S.,
(Best Paper Award), Proc. 24th ACM / IEEE Intl. Design Automation Conf. (DAC’87), Miami Beach,
FL, pp. 822–828, 1987.

“A Multiple Representation Approach to Understanding the Time Behavior of Digital Circuits”, Hall, R.J.,
Lathrop, R.H., and Kirk, R.S., Proc. 6th Natl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’87), Seattle, WA,
13–17 July, 1987.

“SCORE Cell Development Environment”, Kirk, R.S., Lathrop, R.H., Hall, R.J., Proc. 1987 Custom Inte-
grated Circuits Conf. (CICC’87), May, 1987.

“Constrained (Closed-Loop) Robot Simulation by Local Constraint Propagation”, Lathrop, R.H., Proc.
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 689–694, San Francisco, CA, April 7–10, 1986.

“A System Which Uses Examples to Learn VLSI Structure Manipulations”, Lathrop, R.H., Kirk, R.S., Proc.
5th Natl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’86), pp. 1024-1028, Philadelphia, August 11–15, 1986.

“Precedent-based Manipulation of VLSI Structures”, Lathrop, R.H., Kirk, R.S., Proc. 23rd ACM / IEEE
Intl. Design Automation Conf. (DAC’86), pp. 667-670, Las Vegas, June 29–July 2, 1986.
“Circuit Improvement Using Precedent-based Reasoning”, Kirk, R.S., Lathrop, R.H., Proc. 1986 Custom
Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC’86), Rochester, NY, May 12–15, 1986.

“An Extensible Object-Oriented Mixed-Mode Functional Simulation System”, Lathrop, R.H., and Kirk,
R.S., Proc. 22nd ACM / IEEE Intl. Design Automation Conf. (DAC’85), paper 39.2, pp. 630-636, Las
Vegas, Nev., 23–26 June, 1985.

“An Extensible Datapath Generator”, Barrett, W.A., Rogers, R.G., Lathrop, R.H., Kuchinsky, A., Proc.
IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-83), paper 1.1, Santa Clara, CA, Sept. 12–15, 1983.


“DNA Structure, Protein-DNA Interactions, and DNA-Protein Expression,” Baldi, P., Lathrop, R.H., Proc.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing’01, World Scientific Press, 2001.

“Protein Structure Prediction in the Post Genomic Era,” Skolnick, J., Lathrop, R.H., Proc. Pacific Sympo-
sium on Biocomputing’99, World Scientific Press, 1999.

“Application of a Genotypic Driven Rule-Based Expert Artificial Intelligence Computer System in Treat-
ment Experienced HIV-Infected Patients. Immunologic and Virologic Response,” Cimoch, P.J., See, D.M.,
Pazzani, M.J., Reiter, W.M., Lathrop, R.H., Fasone, W.A., Tilles, J.G., poster abstract for the Twelfth
World AIDS Conf., Geneva, Switzerland, 1998.

“Protein Structure Prediction,” Lathrop, R.H., Proc. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing’98, World Scien-
tific Press, 1998.

“Understanding and Predicting Protein Structure: Introduction to Session,” Fischer, D., Godzik, A., Chung,
S., Subbiah, S., Lathrop, R., Proc. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing’97, World Scientific Press, 1997.

“Discovering, Learning, Analyzing and Predicting Protein Structure: Introduction to Session,” Dunker,
A.K., Lathrop, R.H., Proc. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing’96, World Scientific Press, 1996.

“Protein Structure Prediction: Introduction to Session,” Lathrop, R.H., Dunker, A.K., Proc. 28th Hawaii
Intl. Conf. on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1995.

“Protein Structure Prediction: Introduction to Session,” Dunker, A.K., Lathrop, R.H., Proc. 27th Hawaii
Intl. Conf. on System Sciences, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1994.

“Protein Structure Prediction: Introduction to Session,” Lathrop, R.H., Proc. 26th Hawaii Intl. Conf. on
System Sciences, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1993.

“Framework Report”, Lathrop, R.H., and Winston, P.H., in Report of the Matrix of Biological Knowledge
Workshop, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, eds. Morowitz, H.J., Smith, T.F., Oct., 1987.


“Report of the Bioinformatics Working Group of the National Advisory Research Resources Council,” (Na-
tional Institutes of Health), Karp, P., Chiu, W., Davidson, S., Ellisman, M., Gaasterland, T., Jacobs, G.,
Kikinis, R., Klein, T., Lathrop, R., Schulten, K., Stormo, G.

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