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AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

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AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

This summer assignment is or should be completely review material; it is meant to keep your chemistry skills
sharp over the break. I recommend you relax until the Last week of July and then begin this assignment.
This is your first grade of the new school year and will be due the Friday of the first week.

Atomic Weights and Masses

1. State the full meaning of the following (is it an element/compound/Ionic/covalent, etc.):
a. Fe
b. CuCl2
c. 2 Ca
d. 4 Fe2(SO4)3
2. How many atoms of hydrogen are represented in each of the following molecules?
a. KHCO3
b. H2SO4
c. C3H8
d. HC2H3O2
e. (NH4)2SO4
f. (CH3)3COH
3. Asbestos, a known cancer-causing agent, has a typical formula, Ca3Mg5(Si4O11)2(OH)2. How many atoms
of each element are in the given formula?

4. How many atoms of each kind are represented in the following formulas?
a. Na3PO4
b. Ca(H2PO4)2
c. C4H10
d. Fe3(AsO4)2
e. Cu(NO3)2
f. MgSO4•7H2O
5. How many atoms of each element are represented in the formula of cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate

6. Calculate the molecular weight (mass) of H 3PO4 and HClO4.

7. Calculate the molecular masses of:
a. SO2 d. NH3
b. P4O10 e. CCl4
c. UF6
8. Determine the molecular mass of these compounds:
a. Methane, CH4 e. Silicon Dioxide, SiO2
b. Potassium perchlorate, KClO4 f. Nitrogen (IV) oxide, NO2
c. Phosphorus trichloride, PCl3 g. Nitrogen (V) oxide, N2O5
d. Sulfuric Acid, H2SO4 h. Glucose, C6H12O6
9. What is the molecular weight of each of these common chemicals compounds?
a. Sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3 d. Limestone, CaCO3
b. Laughing gas, N2O e. Epsom Salts, MgSO4•7H2O
c. Potassium Permanganate, KMnO4 f. Ozone, O3
10. How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are present in each of the following atoms or ions?
24 79
a. Mg f. Se
b. Mg2+ g. 79
c. Co2+ h. 63
59 3+ 59
d. Co i. Ni2+
e. Co
11. The formulas and common names for several substances are given below. Give the systematic names for
these substances.
Common Name Chemical Formula IUPAC Systematic Name
a. Sugar of Lead Pb(C2H3O2)2
b. Blue Vitriol CuSO4
c. Epsom Salts MgSO4
d. Milk of Magnesia Mg(OH)2
e. Gypsum CaSO4
f. Laughing Gas N2O

12. Write the formula for each of the following compounds:

a. Sulfur difluoride g. Ammonium Acetate
b. Sulfur hexafluoride h. Ammonium hydrogen sulfate
c. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate i. Cobalt (III) nitrate
d. Lithium nitride j. Mercury (I) chloride
e. Chromium (III) carbonate k. Potassium Chlorate
f. Tin (II) fluoride l. Sodium Hydride
13. Write down the systematic name for each of the following compounds.
a. NaCl k. H2Se
b. RbBr l. NHO3
c. CsF m. HNO2
d. AlI3 n. H3PO4
e. HI o. H3PO3
f. NO p. NaHSO4
g. NF3 q. Ca(HSO3)2
h. N2F4 r. Ru(NO3)3
i. N2Cl2 s. V2O5
j. SiF4

Avogadro’s Number and Moles

14. What are the units of molar mass?
15. The mass of 2.5x104 grapes is 50 kilograms, and that of equal number of oranges is 1.2x10 3 kg. What is
the mass ratio of a single grape to a single orange?
16. A mole of carbon atoms has a mass of 12 grams, and a mole of magnesium atoms, 24 grams. What is the
mass ratio of a single carbon atom to a single magnesium atom?
17. Aluminum and oxygen combine in a mass ratio of 9.00 to 8.00. If a flashbulb contains 5.4x10 -3 grams of
aluminum, what mass must be present to complete combustion of the aluminum?
18. If there are ‘x’ atoms in 5 grams of carbon, how many atoms are there in 5 grams of silicon?
19. If 10 grams of iron contain ‘y’ atoms, how many grams of aluminum will contain ‘y’ atoms?
20. If 8 grams of oxygen contain 3.01x1023 atoms, calculate the number of atoms in 2 grams of oxygen.
21. Using Avogadro’s number, calculate the number of atoms in 0.005 kilograms of carbon.
22. What is the mass of 0.100 mol of each of the substances given below:
a. Sodium Carbonate, Na2CO3
b. Ammonium Tetraborate, (NH4)2B4O7
c. Calcium Cyclamate, Ca(C6H12NSO3)2
23. How many moles of sodium nitrate are there in 1.70 grams of sodium nitrate, NaNO 3, a substance used in
fertilizers and to make gunpowder.
24. Ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4, is a fertilizer used to supply both nitrogen and sulfur. How many grams of
ammonium sulfate are in 35.8 moles of (NH4)2SO4?
25. A 0.500 mol sample of table sugar, C12H22O11, weighs how many grams?
26. A solution of zinc chloride, ZnCl2, in water is used to soak the ends of wooden fence posts to preserve them
from rotting while they are stuck in the ground. One ratio used is 840 grams ZnCl 2 to 4 L water. How
many moles of ZnCl2 are in 840 grams of ZnCl2?
27. In the early 1970s, thallium sulfate, Tl2SO4, a powerful poison, was illegally used in poison baits to control
predators such as coyotes on western rangelands. Hundreds of eagles died after taking these baits. A 1.00-
kilogram can of Tl2SO4 contains how many moles of this compound?
28. Borazon, one crystalline form of boron nitride, BN, is very likely the hardest of all substances. If one
sample contains 3.02x1023 atoms of boron, how many atoms and how many grams of nitrogen are also in
this sample?
29. If iodine is not in a person’s diet, a thyroid condition called goiter develops. Iodized salt is all that it takes
to prevent this disfiguring condition. Calcium Iodate, Ca(IO 3)2, is added to table salt to make iodized salt.
How many atoms of iodine are in 0.500 moles of Ca(IO3)2? How many grams of calcium iodate are needed
to supply this much iodine?
30. Ammonium Carbonate (NH4)2CO3, is used as a fertilizer and to manufacture explosives. How many atoms
of nitrogen are in 0.665 moles of this substance? How many grams of ammonium nitrate supply this much
31. Sodium perborate, NaBO3, is present in “oxygen bleach”. It acts by releasing oxygen, which has bleaching
ability. How many grams of sodium perborate are in 4.65 moles of NaBO 3?
32. Barium sulfate, BaSO4, is given to patients as a thick slurry in flavored water before X-rays are taken of
the intestinal tract. The barium blocks the X-rays, and the tract is therefore casts a shadow that is seen on
the X-ray film. How many grams are in 0.568 mole of barium sulfate?
33. Calculate the number of grams in 0.586 mole of each of the following substances?
a. Water
b. Glucose, C6H12O6
c. Iron
d. Methane, CH4
34. Calculate the number of moles of each substance in 100.0 grams of each of the following samples:
a. Ammonia, NH3
b. Cholesterol, C27H46O
c. Gold, Au
d. Ethyl alcohol, C2H6O
35. Why does 100.0 grams of ammonia, NH3, have so many moles more than 100.0 grams of Cholesterol,
36. A sample of a compound with a mass of 204 grams consist of 1.00x10 23 molecules. What is its formula
Percent Composition
37. What is the percent composition of CaO?
38. Calculate the mass percentage composition of each compound.
a. MgCl2
b. Na2SO4
c. Fe2O3
d. C7H5N3O6
e. AlBr3•6H2O
39. Determine the percent composition of Ca 3(PO4)2.
40. A sample of a liquid with a mass of 8.657 grams was decomposed into its elements and gave 5.217 grams
of carbon, 0.962 grams of hydrogen, and 2.478 grams of oxygen. What is the percentage composition of
this compound?
41. The drug known as LSD has a formula C20H25N3O. One suspected sample contained 74.07% C 7.95 % H
and 99.9% N. Are these percentages given in the question consistent for LSD within the allowed limits of
error and rounding?
42. Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the two important nitrogen fertilizers, ammonia, NH 3 and urea,
43. A 27.0 g sample of a compound contains 7.20 g C, 2.2o g of hydrogen, and 17.6 g oxygen. Calculate the
percentage composition of the compound.
44. Carbon will burn in sufficient oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. In an experiment 8.40 grams of C reacts
with oxygen and 30.80 grams of carbon dioxide is produced.
a. What mass of oxygen reacted with 8.40 grams of C?
b. Calculate the percentage composition of the carbon dioxide.
45. In one sample of a compound of copper and oxygen, 3.12 g of the compound contains 2.50 g of copper and
the remainder is oxygen. In another sample of a compound of copper and oxygen, 1.62 g of the compound
contains 1.44 grams of copper and the remainder is oxygen.
a. Calculate the percentage composition of each compound.
b. Are the two samples the same compound? Justify your answer.
46. Calculate the percentage by mass of the indicated elements in each of the following compounds.
a. Sodium in sodium azide, NaN 3 (s); used in automobile air bags
b. Aluminum in Aluminum oxide, Al2O3; the naturally occurring mineral corundum
c. Nitrogen in dopamine, C8H11O2N; a neurotransmitter in the brain
47. A forensic scientist analyzes a sample for sodium arsenate, Na2AsO4(s), a source of arsenic. Calculate the
percentage composition of sodium arsenate.
48. A cleaning solution has the acronym, TSP, with is short for trisodium phosphate, Na2PO4. Calculate the
percentage composition of the compound. (P.S. TSP is not an official name for the compound)
49. For the following reactions: Name the reactants and products, Balance the equation, and calculate the
molecular weight of the reactants and products. Starting with 2.0 grams of each reactant, identify the
limiting reagent and determine the mass of the first product.
a. Fe2O3 (s) + CO (g)  FeO (s) + CO2 (g)
b. FeO (s) + CO (g)  Fe (s) + CO2 (g)
c. C12H22O11 (s) + O2 (g)  CO2 (g) + H2O (g)
d. Fe (s) + O2 (g)  Fe2O3 (s)
e. Ca (s) + H2O (l)  Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)
50. Write a balanced equation for the following reactions.
a. Aluminum metal is oxidized by oxygen (from the air) to form aluminum oxide.
b. Sodium oxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate.
c. Calcium metal reacts with water to form potassium nitrite and oxygen.
d. Potassium nitrate decomposes to form potassium nitrite and oxygen.
e. Barium metal reacts with Iron (III) sulfate to produce barium sulfate and iron metal.
f. Barium Chloride reacts with sodium sulfate to produce barium sulfate and sodium chloride.
g. Bismuth (III) oxide and zinc metal react to produce zinc oxide and bismuth metal.
h. Calcium metal reacts with phosphorus to produce calcium phosphide.
i. Copper metal reacts with sulfuric acid and water to produce copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate and
sulfur dioxide.
j. The combustion of decane.
k. The combustion of pamoic acid (C23H16O4)
l. A solution of hydrochloric acid reacts with solid calcium bicarbonate to produce water, carbon
dioxide, and calcium chloride.
m. A solution of acetic acid reacts with solid Iron (II) hydroxide.
n. Hydrofluoric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide.

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