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VAMzzz 02.


VAMzzz interview

International TNT-teacher


Introduction by Benjamin Adamah

The 2012 hype turned into a soap bubble and did not give mainstream
spirituality the healthy kick in the ass it needs. Viewed from the Left Hand
Path perspective self confrontation and deep reflection are the very basics for
spiritual growth and development. The bad news is, mainstream spirituality is
still procrastinating. Never mind. At the same time there is good news. A new
spiritual awareness is rising. Facebook shows various pages, mostly launched by
women, ventilating different spiritual ideas. A living spirituality, experienced here
and now, on Earth, instead of somewhere in the future when were all dead and
foggy and single. A spirituality which links Mother Earth, nature, our lover, the
Goddess and the God. This spirituality has an open attitude towards sexuality
and accepts our bodies as beautiful, wonderful vehicles of the divine. Tantric
ideas play a major role in this fast emerging movement.
Tantra is a vast body of ancient knowledge. In the opinion of most tantrist,
among which I include myself, tantra remains a living concept of a once wide
spread universal religion. It is an approach towards life which celebrates the
Goddess as well as the God and seeks enlightenment through their dynamic
yin-yang-synergy. As opposed to cutting the divine in half and thus
lobotomizing it and leaving humanity on this planet alone, in despair with a God
which is always absent when you need Him, on a godless barren Earth. Earth,
the physical realm, is after all the realm of the sweet nurturing Goddess where
the union with the God takes place. Thus infusing our actuality, with divine
rapture and joy. What could be more spiritually satisfying and beautiful?

Sacred Sex

Peter Orevi

Why the
is screwing up
the world and how
Paradise can be
entered in your


VAMzzz 02.13
Alex Vartman is no doubt the most interesting
person I have encountered in this context. Instead
of mourning for the Shechinah which has left us,
Vartman founded The New Tantra (TNT) as a school
which teaches students to live this sacred GodGoddess/Heaven-Earth connection through using
sex in a very instructive and conscious way. People
actually experience the God and Goddess while
making love. Not by vague New Age self suggestions
but real! This is only one of many sparks of light he has
to offer the spiritual seeker.
Wait a minute New Tantra, Alex Vartman, his
workshops and 10 level system, isnt that just about
sex and juicing up a dried up libido; bodily stuff?
As we had almost finished our interview, I came to
a question I had written on my list of questions to
ask, which turned out to be completely irrelevant at
that stage of the interview. As New Tantra teaches
very deep intense orgasms which can last up to
10 or 20 minutes for both men and women. New
Tantrists make love for hours. I was intrigued whether
or not this will turn you into a complete sex addict

Benjamin Adamah: First of all I have a question about

this Internet challenge,
The goal is to refrain from having a clitoral orgasm
for the woman and as a man to not ejaculate for three
weeks. Last week we visited your lecture in Amsterdam where you explained the short peak orgasm, or
MacDonald-orgasm, as you called it. It ends up leaving you with a hangover which lasts for 17 days. This
feeling is because ones levels of oxytocin, dopamin and
prolactin drop dramatically. It takes about 17 days to
restore these levels.
Alex Vartman: Yes correct.
I read a lot about qi-gong and the periods of not ejaculating play an important role in training sessions of the

after following his course. I already knew the answer
because thats exactly the last thing that will happen.
New Tantras revolutionary open approach toward
sex and our body as divine vehicles leads to better
health, more self control, deeper self awareness and
reflection, more human kindness, more energy, more
creativity, a happier life in general, a greater drive and
better relationships. There are signs it also improves
our immune system. One gets more control over
ones sexual urge. Misusing sex for stress relief and
other frustrated expressions becomes a thing of the
past. It does not lead to a sex addiction or any other
addiction. To the contrary, it usually strengthens self
control over both body and mind.
One thing Alex Vartman distinguishes himself with,
apart from his tantric originality, is the totally open
and honest way he deals with the delicate subject of
sexuality. The following interview is taboo breaking.
Please enjoy, fasten your seatbelts and learn about
this remarkable teacher who regards the short
common peak-, or MacDonald orgasm as the Devil
on this planet.

martial arts. But they express themselves not in terms

of dopamin or oxytosin but in terms of jing-qi. Does this
also play a role in your vision?
Yes absolutely. If people build up their sexual energy and
do not spill it out in a short peak orgasm that lasts only 5
or 7 seconds, then they build up a lot of energy. You get
much more power, creativity and drive. You become more
moderate and relaxed in your sex life, yet you stay fully
sexually active. There are also theories about how often a
man can ejaculate. Men who ejaculate too much often get
sick. This short peak orgasm is the Devil on Earth.
Dutch media noted that many men even get some kind
of flu after ejaculation that can last for a week, so then
their levels storaged energy must be extreme low.

Sacred Sex

'You cannot have

satori experience
when you are in the
hangover state.'
Most men are constantly draining their sexual energy
that takes 17 days to recharge so most men are operating on about 5-10% of their sexual energy capacity.

I do this inner gong fu exercise yi yin jing that loads a lot
of jing qi or sexual energy in the body. During this exercise you have to restrain on ejaculation for weeks. I have
experience with the remarkable feeling this gives you.
You become more intense in your sex life and really energized. I also had this experience of a full body orgasm,
including kundalini bouncing up and down through all
the chakras, visions of flower seas and colored light and
the awareness. Of being touched and caresses by what I
can only describe as the Goddess.
We call that satori. You cannot have satori experience

Peter Orevi

when you are in the hangover state. It not only effects

you physical but also spiritually.
Ok, but having had this blissful experience I would like
everyone to have this experience as it changes your life
completely. And in this context you talked about a blockage in the anus or vagina preventing lovers from experiencing the kundalini orgasm.
Yes, well in women its the cervix and in level 2 of TNT we
try to take the emotional pain out of the cervix so she can
have a womb orgasm and experience satori. When you
fuck on the cervix, women become extremely horny.
Does she then actually experience the Goddess inside
her? Is it invocation?

VAMzzz 02.13
What happens is that she starts to look younger and
younger until both lovers recognize the God and Goddess in each other and then they have sacred sex for
So in this state both lovers become a replica for Shiva
and Shakti.
Exactly. But to reach this level the man has to de-armour (loosen the tension in) his ass first. When the ass
is de-armoured, the sexual energy reaches the spine
and starts to flow. Mantak Chia refers to it as the microcosmic orbit. Then it becomes possible to make love
for hours.
Do you have to visualize the drawing of energy into your
No there is no visualization. You just have to become
horny in your ass.
I recognize it when a woman gets very excited and her
sexual energy flows, as you describe it, into the penis. At
such a moment its extremely difficult not to come.
Yes, but that is the moment this energy has to be drawn
into your spine.
I was wondering why these blockages are in these regions of the ass and cervix but when you think about it
the genitals and anus are demonized and turned into
taboo body parts in the Western World.
No its even worse than that: children have no problem
with being sexual. Adult people feel shame when they
start to orgasm. This shame mingles with the orgasm.
And the shame creates this hardening in the body. The
Bible says that when a women starts to orgasm the wrong
way she will have pain when giving birth.
As a man, how do you get this blockage out of your
You ask a woman to stick one finger into your ass until its feels comfortable. Than two, than three fingers.

The anus has to be relaxed, de-armoured. This is taught
wrong all over the World because even in Tao they teach
contracting the body. One should however never contract. When you contract you feel more horny and this
stimulates ejaculation, so contraction does not work.
Completely relax the body base and conduct the energy
into the spine.
It seems that theres a lot more work for men in this than
there is for women.
Yes that is correct it is more difficult for men not to
come generally women can just choose not to rub
the clitoris.
I once managed not to come for 14 days but ejaculating
was painful when I did come. Is there a relation between
this wrong way of contracting and the pain?
Yes, the contraction pulls the cock back into the body.
We have to get that contraction out and then the penis
grows one or two centimeter. When you are withholding ejaculation for some time you get 'blue balls', but its
save not to ejaculate as this is only a phase until the body
reactivates the lymphatic system in this region.
I also read that in winter time you should come less.
You should never ever come. Every time you come its
a mistake. When I asked that question: who likes to
be horny? Everyone raised hands. You stay horny this
This restriction of the anus, does it always have to be
psychological or can it be hygienic? I mean you can block
because you are afraid of shit. Do you use the enema
Yes it is the shame of shit that can very easily transcended. But students take care of the hygiene aspects. For
men it is sometimes confusing to use the anus as this is
associated with, but has nothing to do with homosexuality. This is transcended too as one becomes more spiritually developed. We have these higher levels in TNT

Sacred Sex

Peter Orevi

'You should never ever come.

Every time you come its a mistake.'

VAMzzz 02.13
and we do not have any higher level student that is not

Why is bisexuality an issue you keep bringing up? How

does it fit into The New Tantra?
Because once people get into satori. Even the gay people
become bisexual. Most people find out their sexuality is
conditioned. Man / woman is deeply imprinted. Bisexuality is not pushed. Everyone is free.

tantra allows that, if you have a natural interest to group

sex, you can practice tantra with three in the bed. You
keep the heart connexion and keep it tantric and yogic
and you can do some very interesting things at a tantric
spiritual level. That is, when one can be there totally relaxed and comfortable and it feels like a very natural
thing. But most people would not do this in their honeymoon period. Why not? Because there is so much dept.
So much to learn from one person.

Yes but when you mention that everybody in the higher

levels is bisexual. Does this not lay pressure on new students?
No we strongly train them not to follow the leader but
to take full responsibility for themselves.

Tantra as I know it is a very old very complex system.

Sex is part of it. You told that in level 10 you get the mystical levels. Is this mystical magical level a new challenge
for you, apart from the sexual?
Is it a challenge?

The general view of Taoist sex is that you loose a lot of

qi through the anus when the anal muscles are weak. So
is it also important to train the anus to close as well as
to relax?
Yes but I am referring more to the elasticity of the
anus muscles.

Yes I mean, next year, do you want to go beyond the sexual realm of tantra? Explore the siddhis for example.

Next question. We are a couple and not into group sex.

This has not so much to do with sexual taboos but with
our energy bond and intimacy. When we would have
sex with other partners we would experience this as a
violation of this intimacy. What about the intimacy
Well I think there are two kinds of monogamy. Love
based monogamy and fear based monogamy. We totally
support love based monogamy, because you are right,
you cannot have a deeper experience than with one person. Other people can be a distraction. And then there
is also fear based monogamy: "I do not want to have sex,
I do not want to have you fuck other partners because
I love you too much" Thats fear based. Most people
start off in a love based relationship, but may bring in
a third person to get the hornyness back. So in the first
level of tantra you do it just with one person. Left Hand

Sacred Sex
Well I am already exploring the siddhis quit deeply and
a lot of them are much more fun when you are fucking.
You can work in a special way with these energies when
you are in satori states, very high satori states. You can
make your body glow, change your face, know exactly
whats coming on in the other persons body and mind.
You can do so much in that state, so yes I am exploring
this realm. Perhaps one day I stop having sex but for now
it is still so much fun. You can pass on the ignition of
kundalini in another person just by gently touching the
other persons body for example. And that person can
ignite this energy on another person.
Like a deeksha?
I once rose kundalini a very classical way using a Sufi
breathing exercise of Mahmud Ibn Umar. I have expe-

'With tantra you get more

creative for example,
animals more easily
approach you.'

rienced the complete classical kundalini with energy

rising upwards through the spine, the heat, hearing the
clapping wings of a bird, the sound of silver chains,
seeing purple lights etc.. I also felt these electric shocks
in my body along the spine. What I found surprising
during your lecture in Amsterdam last week was that
students started to shake on stage without doing anything but slightly touching each others back. What exactly causes these shocks?
The students have permanent open kundalini after doing our level 1 weekend course. 80% of students do.
Then just light touch on the trigger or amma points
makes the spine move by itself with the bliss of kundalini rising up the spine.
Does the kundalini orgasm, when you have mastered
it, have more positive side effects?
Yes there are signs the immune system gets better, although more research has to be done. Lately an experiment was done where people practicing tantra managed to have enough sleep with only two hours a night
for three months in a row. One hour of tantra equals
one hour sleep.
When you are asleep your etheric body is recharging,
but, as I understand it now, in this tantric state you
are constantly recharging the whole day long Could
something like this explain for Napoleons only one
hour of sleep a night?
Yes maybe. I don't know how enlightened Napoleon
was, but enlightened beings generally don't need to
sleep much at all.

Peter Orevi

But still more research has to be done, right?

Oh yes, I think there is a whole field of research there.
With tantra you get more creative for example. Animals approach you more easily. They sense it.
That is perhaps why Aleister Crowley said: "God is sex."
Yes, sex is a great way of coming to God.

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