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Chakra and Music

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22/02/2018 Music and Chakras


The role of Ragas in Spiritual Enlightenment, Meditation and healing

Ragas are designed to help activate specific chakras, which allows the
Kundalini energy to rise easily and energize and nourish the chakra. The
raga also influences the chakra to maintain its optimum spin and balance,
ensuring a balanced energy supply to different organs that are
connected to the specific chakra.

The raga Shyam Kalyan helps activate the Mooladhara chakra. Chastity,
innocence and wisdom are established in the process. This raga develops
the quality of the Earth Element, i.e., gravity within, and our sense of
smell and direction.

The raga Gurjari Todi (close to Subhapantuvarali in Carnatic Music) has a

capacity to cool down the Liver. This raga and the raga Yaman help
activate the Swadishthan chakra that governs our attention. Both ragas
help focus wandering or wavering attention, which is crucial for effective
meditation. These ragas also develop the quality of the Fire Element and
make our personality creative, balanced, closely attentive and spiritual.

The raga Abhogi helps activate the Nabhi chakra and stimulate the
digestion process. When the Kundalini enters this Chakra, the Chakra is
cleansed, bringing about a change of attitudes and inner transformation.
This raga is also known to bring about de-addiction [addiction cure?] in human beings — it helps one give up vices
and impulsive or compulsive habits. This raga helps develop the quality of the water element.

The ragas Bhairav and Durga have a power of Divine bliss and protection. Both help activate the Anahat chakra. When
the Kundalini touches the heart chakra,  Raga Bhairav activates spirituality in the person. Raga Durga boosts self-
confidence and helps develop the quality of the air element. These ragas also enhance the Divinity and Immunity in

The Raga Jayjaywanti (Dwijavanti in Carnatic music) helps activate the Vishuddhi chakra, the controller of the sensory
organs. This raga also develops the quality of the ether element and the expression of voice, and helps make one's
personality loving and sweet.

The Raga Bhup (Mohanam in Carnatic) helps purify and open the Agnya chakra. It helps relieve tensions, anger and
mental fatigue. The mood created by this Raga helps the Kundalini pass through the Agnya chakra and enter the
Sahasrara in the limbic area of the brain. This causes the person to reach a state of thoughtless awareness and has a
tremendous impact on our ability to forgive.

Ragas Darbari (Darbari Kaanada in Carnatic) and Bhairavi (Sindhu Bhairavi in Carnatic) are helpful in prolonging the
state of meditation and thoughtless awareness. The notes of these ragas help relax and calm the emotionally-related
limbic area. The Kundalini energy then soothes and nourishes the Sahasrara chakra and the brain. The result is that one
feels, joyous, energetic, peaceful and relieved of tension and depression. The person also enjoys the sensation of a cool
breeze on the finger tips and achieves the state of Self-Realization or enlightenment.

Chakras, Qualities, Musical notes and Ragas 1/3
22/02/2018 Music and Chakras
The following chart will show you the correlation of various energy centers to musical notes and ragas.

Energy Gross Associated Indian note Western Associated

center / expression and Qualities at note Ragas
Chakra presence in our subtle level
Mooladhara Pelvic plexus, Innocence, Sa – Shadjam C Hindol, Shyam
Prostrate, wisdom Kalyan,
Coccyx Hansdhwani /
Swadishthana Aortic plexus – Pure Knowledge, Left Swadishthan – C#, D Gujri Todi,
Liver, Kidney, Creativity Komal Rishabh Yaman / Subha
Spleen, (Hindustani) or Shuddha Pantuvarali
Pancreas, Uterus Rishabham (Carnatic)

Center and Right

Swadishthan – Shuddha
Rishabh (Hindustani)
Chathusruthi Rishabham
Nabhi Solar Plexus, Homely aspects, Left Nabhi – Komal D#, E Malkauns,
Stomach, Liver creative action, Gandhar (Hindustani) Abhogi,
Satisfaction, Bhimpalas
Wealth, Power (Hindustani),
of Attention Abhogi,
Shuddha Gandharam
Center, Right Nabhi –
Shuddha Gandhar
Sadharana Gandhara
Anahat Cardiac Plexus, Sense of Left, Center Anahat – F, F# Bhairav, Ahir
Heart security, Shuddha Madhyam Bhairav, Durga
fearlessness, (Hindustani and (Hindustani)
Responsible Carnatic) Chakravaham,
behavior Mayamaalavagowla,
Right Anahat – Teevra
Madhyam / Prati
Vishuddhi Cervical Plexus, Diplomacy, Pancham G Jayjaywanti,
Throat Collectivity, Desh
Respect for (Hindustani),
others Dwijavanti, Desh
Agnya Optic Chiasma Forgiveness, Right Agnya – Komal G#, A
Resurrection Dhaivat (Hindustani)
Shuddha Gandharam Bhup
(Carnatic) (Hindustani),
Left, Center Agnya –
Shuddha Daivat
Antara Gandharam  
      (Carnatic) 2/3
22/02/2018 Music and Chakras

Sahasrara Limbic area, Collective Komal and Shuddha A#, B Darbari, Bhairavi
crown of the consciousness, Nishad (Hindustani) (Hindustani)
head Integration Darbari Kanada,
Sindhu Bhairavi

Shuddha and Kakali

      Nishadam (Carnatic)    
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©2011 Shankar Ramani. All worldwide rights reserved. Shankar Ramani is a Carnatic Vocal Musician and Carnatic Music Teacher in the US. Shankar offers
Carnatic vocal concerts and Online Carnatic music classes to students in USA 3/3

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