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Essential Jeshua: Guidance To Live Through Your Heart

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Some of the key themes discussed in this book include entering Christ consciousness, living from the heart, healing oneself and others, and overcoming duality.

This book aims to provide a condensed collection of teachings from Jeshua to help readers face personal challenges and understand spiritual concepts like duality, the ego and healing in a simplified way.

Healers are advised to avoid trying too hard to help others which can lead to absorbing their emotions and becoming emotionally dependent. They should work from a balanced, centered place and let go of visible results and thinking they know what others need.


Guidance to Live Through
Your Heart

This eBook for iPad and tablet devices is a replication

of the material compiled from by
Veli Martin Keitel, 2013

Table of Contents


Who is Jeshua?
The New Earth
Why You are Here Now
Christ Consciousness
Living from the Heart
The Chakra System
Duality: From Fear to Love
Characteristics of the Duality Game
The Ego
Illusions of ego based consciousness
Male and Female
Money and Abundance
Why You are Wounded
Healing the Inner Child



Emotions and Feelings

Illness and Death
Letting go of Your Birth Family
Healing through Breathwork
How to Heal Others
Pitfalls of Healers



The teachings of Jeshua are channeled through a Dutch
woman, Pamela Kribbe (since 2002). They are
published in several languages at I
came across them around 2004, when a friend of mine
recommended them to me. Soon I noticed the texts
had a deep impact on me and touched me. They also
helped me to face and understand challenges in my
personal life.
After reading further, I found some parts of the text
were deeply touching, whereas other sections had a
more narrative or repetitive function. For anyone
reading isolated segments of all the material its great
that important things are repeated often, but it
occurred to me it might be sensible to collect the really
important bits into a more condensed package. I
wanted to do this to make the material more effective
for my own workshops, but I soon realized this work
might turn out beneficial to others too.
Assembling this digest collection of the Jeshua
teachings has taken a lot of time, but the different
phases of the process have been inspiring and enjoyable.
The original idea of a collection of quotes gradually
reformed into a coherent, logically proceeding
condensation of this very broad material. I have divided

it into chapters that partly reflect the original titles of

the sessions, partly rise from my own attempt to
simplify and clarify the whole. Some chapters are more
or less brief versions of the corresponding original
channelings, others have quotes collected from various
different channelings. I have included direct links to
pages at the Jeshua website, most focused on the topic
at hand.
Most of the material presented here comes from the
Lightworker and Healing series, which are the largest
and most elementary compilations of the Jeshua
I made a decision not to include material dealing with
the prehistory and galactic influences in the history of
Earth (addressing for example the impact of the
Pleiades star system and the Atlantean culture in our
past). This is not because I see these areas anyhow
insignificant, but simply because I want to keep the
text more focused on important contemporary themes,
especially the importance of personal healing.
In this English version the quotes are directly from the
English translation at In few cases I
have changed some words, or the order of words, to
keep the text more coherent. In very few cases I have
dropped out some words of a long sentence to make it


as concise as possible without changing the meaning.

In all this work I have listened to my own Christ
It goes without saying that this collection is somewhat
subjective; I have emphasized areas that to me seem
most essential. I havent consciously undermined
anything, but since I personally work a lot with
healing, the healing department in this material may
have received more attention from me than some other
I wish you rewarding moments and useful insights with
Jeshuas words!
Veli Martin Keitel, 2013



Who is Jeshua?
I am Jeshua. I have lived on earth as Jesus and I have been
among people to testify to the love which is available to all
of us from the Source that lies within ourselves. Now the
time has come for you to take over the torch. You are the
seeds that blossom today. This is the meaning of the rebirth
of Christ.
The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to
earth was to create an opening or doorway to a
different state of consciousness. I wanted to set an
example of the possibilities that are available to each
human being.
You all made a vow once, you all set your intention to
carry this energy forth into the reality of earth, to
anchor it in earth. Many lifetimes, many centuries, you
have worked on this mission. You are all in the process
of birthing the Christ seed within and I am helping


You are touched by my energy because you know this is

the energy you are moving toward. The energy of
Christ is the energy of your own future self.
The time has come to let go of me as someone you look up
to. I am a brother and a friend to you, not a master you
should follow. I want to surround you with the energies of
love and truth. That is all I can do.
Remember: basically it is my concern to let you feel
that I am here, to let you feel that you are equal to me
and that I am equal to you. We are one, we are carriers
of a particular Light energy and we have been working
for a long time, during many lifetimes, to ground this
energy and anchor it to the earth. That is your job.
That is your mission.
I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood.
I am your friend and brother.
I am familiar with being human in every way.
I am teacher and friend.
Do not fear me.
Embrace me like youd embrace one of your kin.
We are family.


The New Earth
(quotes also from other sections)
What makes this time (1950 2070 approximately)
special is that there are two different cycles of
consciousness coming to an end: a personal cycle (or a
set of personal cycles) and a planetary cycle. The
completion of these cycles coincides, so that one
reinforces the other.
This is a time of transformation, a time of great
changes which show many faces, both dark and light.
The time is ready for people who have a wider view,
who can watch all manifestations of dark and light
from a calm and peaceful state of mind and who are
able to be present in love, without judgment.
Right now, you are in the last phase of this history of
conflict, in which the male energy has played the part
of perpetrator for many centuries. There have been
times in which the female energy had the upper hand
and wrongly manipulated and ruled the male energy.


The earth is going to release the energies of struggle,

competition and drama, on inner and outer levels. The
new foundation that is dawning within her is the energy
of the heart, the energy of balance and connectedness: the
living Christ energy.
Now what happens in the present transformation of
consciousness is a passing along of the wheel from the solar
plexus to the heart. It is not true that you should get rid
of the ego. It is more a matter of passing along the
steering wheel to another level of being and in so
doing, founding your life on the energy of the heart.
The ecstasy you will experience when your divinity
awakens will provide you with the power to heal
yourself. This divine love will help you recover from the
deep hurts you have suffered throughout your lives on
If many groups or individuals change and refine their
energy field, this will attract another energetic reality to
earth. This is the global transition which is taking place
now and which starts in the individual. You are the
ones on earth who open the gate to the light. If this
gate does not open, the light cannot be embedded in
the earth.



You will embody God on earth. You are returning to

your divine essence, without giving up your
individuality and your material form. This is the
miracle of the New Era: to be one and as One, to be a
unique and individual consciousness and at the same
time to be One with and connected to the whole.



Why You are Here Now

(from various channellings)
All of you who are present here, or who are reading
these words, are growing towards a new level of
consciousness. You are seeking to establish an inner
foundation of safety and unconditional love for
yourself. You are recreating the feeling tones of the
cosmic womb by yourself and for yourself. This is your
mission, your spiritual goal.
You are not here to fix other people or mother earth. You
are here to heal the deep wounds within your own being.
Please tend to this task and all else will fall into place
without any effort on your part.
The earth lives you experience are part of a greater cycle
of your soul. This cycle was designed to enable you to
fully experience duality.
Your deepest motive for coming to earth was to come to
terms with your own inner darkness, and you agreed to
meet this darkness within yourself as human beings.
You are not here to make the world a better place. You
are here to awaken yourself. And yes, when you do so
the world will become a better place, because your light


will shine upon it and bring joy and enlightenment to

others as well. But do not focus on the world, whether
it is your family or any other relationship you enter.
You are the bravest warriors I know. You are pioneers
who, by kindling your own light in places of darkness
and hostility, pave the way for a new consciousness on
You have within you the energy of the murderer and the
saint, the child, the grown-up and the old, male and
female, active and passive, rational and emotional, water,
air, fire and earth, etc. To any other being in the universe
it is quite a feat. It is quite a feat to be human at all,
without having done anything special.
You are teachers and healers, you do have a mission on
earth. But to truly fulfill it, you paradoxically need
to let go of that dire need to change things, because your
eagerness to do so has an edge of pain to it, the pain of
not feeling at home on earth as it is now.
The real work is to let go of all those bits of ego based
fear and illusion that you yourself absorbed so deeply as
a child. It is about peeling away all the layers of the
onion; it is about being born a second time.
When you can be playful about the aspects of duality
and simply use them whenever it brings you joy and


creativity, you have grasped the meaning of life on

The world is what it is and the highest thing you can
do for it is simply to love it for what it is. Love and 4
see the beauty of every single being that is traveling
through this plane of reality.
Please realize that you are meant to enjoy life on earth!
It is a natural thing to take joy in beautiful things that
caress the senses or fill the heart with inspiration. This
is your home, your dwelling place for quite some time
so please allow yourself to create your material
surroundings as you wish them to be.
Life is ultimately not about being right; it is about
being free and whole.
At the end of your journey, the end of this cycle of
lifetimes, you will hold the hand of your inner child
and see how it radiates joy, pleasure and inspired
consciousness to you. It will feel safe again and will
therefore show its true treasure: its ability to intensely
feel and live life to the fullest.
As soon as you realize that Home is within you, that
you carry a piece of that divine safety and oneness in
your very core, then you can really get peaceful and


relaxed about who you are. Theres no need for outside

validation anymore. It feels good when you are
appreciated and cared for by others but you do not
depend on it anymore.
There is so much love everywhere around you and you can
feel it as soon as you let go of your judgments. You have so
many judgments about what you do and dont deserve,
about what you are doing right and what you are doing
wrong, about all the things you still have to do and
achieve. Let it go. Love is present here and now for all of



Christ Consciousness
(from various channelings)
Christ consciousness is spiritual alchemy, the art of
transforming dark energy into the third energy, the
spiritual gold present in the Christ energy. The purpose
is not to transform dark into light, or evil into good.
They are natural opposites; they exist by the grace of
one another.
Christ energy recognizes the opposites of good and bad,
light and dark, giving and taking, as the aspects of one
and the same energy. Living from the reality of Christ
consciousness means that there is no struggle with
anything. There is a complete acceptance of reality.
The heart center (or chakra) forms the bridge between
heaven and earth and between the higher and the lower
energy centers or chakras. The heart enables you to
transcend duality and reach out to someone else with
love and compassion. It is the center of empathy.
When you started out on your journey, you faced Evil
(fear, ignorance) with only a vague memory of the
Good (Home) in your mind. However you will not
return Home in the sense of returning to a state in your
past. For creation has changed because of your journey.


You will have created a third energy, the Christ energy,

which embraces and transcends light and dark.
You as human beings are the only being that has this
ability for spiritual alchemy. Neither the plants, nor the
animals, nor the angels, nor the dark lords have this
power. That is what makes earth and the human being
At the deepest level there is no guilt, only free choice.
There are no victims, no offenders; ultimately there is
only experience.
Consciousness does not fight or reject anything; it encircles
darkness with awareness.
It encircles the energies of misunderstanding with
understanding and thus transforms ordinary metal into
gold. Consciousness and love are essentially the same.
Being conscious means letting something be and
surrounding it with your love and compassion.
When you have fully released ego based consciousness,
you will know you are exempt from persecution or
outside threats. You will have gone beyond the roles of
victim and persecutor; your journey will have come full
circle. You will have released your karmic burdens and
you will be totally free to create whatever you want. This
is a type of consciousness that has fully released the


need to control or possess anything. It is free of fear. It

is the Christ consciousness.
Now it is time to be the central sun that you are. In
reclaiming the power of your own consciousness, you
are creating a new reality or level of consciousness
altogether. Recognizing your own divinity feels like
coming home; it awakens in you old memories of a
blissful oneness and harmony you once knew. But now
for the first time you will give birth to that sense of
oneness purely from your own consciousness, while you
are in material reality.



Living from the Heart
(also from other sections)
Ever again, you are looking for solutions from outside
yourselves. Realise that you are the center of your
being, the sun of your own universe. The direction of
your consciousness and what it is attuned to will decide
how you feel, how you think, how you act.
Your visible material reality is a manifestation of inner,
collective states of consciousness. Every human being is
the master of his own reality. You are creating your own
reality all the time. You are able to let go of a miserable
or unsatisfying reality and allow Light to enter and
transform your creation.
When you dare to live from inner inspiration and only
do what brings you joy, this will create a natural and
true order in your life. When there is peace and joy in
your heart, the things and people you meet will give
you peace and joy.



When things succeed easily and all you need appears

spontaneously on your path, it is a sign that you are going
with the flow of your heart.
If you seek results through struggle, you will receive the
energy of struggle back to you. This is/was your own energy
coming back to you! And that is the only meaning of
Do not make it more difficult than it is. The spiritual
path is a simple path. It is about love for yourself and
inner clarity. It does not require any specific knowledge
or any specific rituals, rules or methods. All things you
need for your spiritual growth are within you.
Judgment and fear are the energies that most take you
off-center. As you release these energies more and more,
you become more quiet and open inside. You truly
enter another world, another plane of consciousness.
When you are able to recognize your own light in an
environment that does not mirror it back to you, you
become independent and free. Unburdened by the karmic
aspects of your history, the fears and illusions that held you
down, you will attract relationships into your life which
are based on love and respect and which reflect your
awakened divinity.



(also from other sections)
Every soul becomes a lightworker at some stage of its
You become a lightworker when you go through the
journey of experiencing light and dark. Being light and
dark. If we had to name you, we would call you the
Christed souls instead of lightworkers.
Lightworkers are in fact emissaries of Light with the
same mission as Jesus. The difference is that in their
incarnation in a physical body, they are less connected
to their wider divine Self than I was.
* Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner
desire to spread Light knowledge, freedom and selflove on earth. They sense this as their mission. They
are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic
work of some kind. Their vision of life is colored by a
spiritual sense of how all things are related together.


* Lightworkers are not better or higher than anyone

else. They simply have a different history than the ones
not belonging to this group.
* Lightworkers stood on the eve of humanitys birth on
earth. They took part in the creation of man. In the
process of creation, they made choices and acted in
ways which they came to regret deeply afterwards. They
are here now to make up for their decisions back then.
* Only by going through all stages of ignorance and
illusion themselves will the lightworkers eventually own
the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness
and enlightenment.
* Lightworkers often feel different from other people.
By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their
way, life provokes them to find their own unique path.
* They deeply honor and respect life which often
manifests as a fondness for animals and a concern for
the environment.
* They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathic. They
may have trouble dealing with aggressive behavior and
they generally experience difficulties in standing up for
themselves. They can be dreamy, naive or highly
idealistic, as well as insufficiently grounded. They need



solitary time to touch base with themselves and with

mother earth.
* They were present in overwhelming numbers in the
old religious orders of the past as monks, nuns, hermits,
psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, etc. The
traumas of persecution left deep traces within your
souls memory.
It is the ability to heal yourself that makes you a
lightworker. This creates the energy of the solution in
your being, which offers to others a doorway to their
own power of self-healing.
Lightworkers are souls who lived many, many lives on
the other planes before they ever incarnated on earth.
Earth souls started their cycle of earth lives when their
souls were in their infant stage. At that time, the
lightworker souls were grown-ups.
Lightworkers have been persecuted for centuries as
witches, heathens or political agitators. They seemed to
be driven by ideals for which the world was not ready.
What happened here is that you switched into the role
of victim after having played the role of offender for
quite some time in the galactic realms. Your spiritual
anger evoked angry responses from your environment
and you became the victim. This has left scars on your



soul. Many of you in this lifetime feel tired and

homesick for a more loving and meaningful world.
Lightworkers want to teach and heal others, helping
them grow towards a heart based consciousness. For
that reason, many lightworker souls are born with
parents or in families which are heavily stuck in the
reality of ego based consciousness.
When the inner beauty and purity of the lightworker
child is not recognized as such, she will often
temporarily get lost in emotions of loneliness and even
On the soul level you have chosen this path
consciously, but to live through it as a child of flesh and
blood is a painful thing that wounds you deeply.
You will lift the cross just by being with yourself and truly
loving and cherishing that part of you that is different.
This is how you bring the child home and fulfill your
mission as the pioneer that you are.
It is typical of lightworker souls that at some point
when they grow up, they start to feel like they are the
parents of their parents. Because of their inborn desire
to teach and heal and their developed spiritual
awareness, they often see their parents fears and
illusions clearly and they want to heal them. This may


get you into a lot of struggle with your parents because

your desire to help them is often intertwined with an
unconscious need to be recognized for who you really
In other words, the wounded child speaks through you
when you try to help your parents, and it is a recipe
for disaster when you try to help others through the
wounded parts of you. You will end up more
wounded and your parents will likely end up upset or
The lightwork that you have to do is something that
feels very natural to you. To find your mission, the
thing you are meant to do in life, you only need to be
aware of what you truly long for and do the things you
feel inspired to do. When you do so, you will put your
energy out into the world and others will be touched
and inspired by it, sometimes in ways you may not
even be aware of. Theres no more to be done, really.
This is the lightwork you came to do.



The Chakra System
1. The tail bone (root) chakra is the energy center that
connects you to the earth.
The energy in this chakra reaches out to the earth
and allows you to manifest your soul energy in
physical form on the dense, material level of reality.
In view of the reaching out and manifesting type of
energy in the tail bone chakra, you may call it a
predominantly male chakra.
2. The second chakra is called the navel (belly button)
chakra and it is the center of emotions.
This center allows you to experience emotions,
mood swings, in short all the highs and lows of
emotional life. It is a receptive center. That is why I
call it a female center, a chakra in which the female
flow of energy dominates.
3. The third chakra, also called the solar plexus, is a
center of action and creation.



You may compare it to the sun, the outpouring of

rays and the power of the yellow sunlight. In the
solar plexus your thoughts, ideas and desires are
transformed into outer manifestation. It is the
chakra of action and outward expression. It is also
the seat of the ego, meaning the earthly personality,
without negative implications. The predominant
energy is male.
4. The heart chakra is a receptive center and it has the
special ability to connect different flows of energy. It
is the center in which the energies of the lower three
chakras (earth reality) and the upper three chakras
(cosmic reality) connect.
The heart is the bridge between mind (head) and
emotion (belly). The heart transcends the
boundaries of the ego and enables you to feel
oneness with anything outside of you, even with All
That Is. The heart chakra is the gateway to the
energy of Home. It is clearly a center of connection
and it is therefore predominantly feminine.
5. The throat chakra is male. Here the inner life is
expressed outwardly by communication through the
voice and through language.
This center enables you to make your inner life



known to others by means of physical signals: words,

sounds, concepts. It is also a center of creativity.
6. The sixth chakra, also called the third eye which is
located in the middle of your head, is feminine
again. It receives extra-sensory, intuitive impressions
and transcends the boundaries of the physical (the
five physical senses).
It is the seat of clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.
Through this center you can feel the energy of
someone else the emotions, the pains, the joys as
your own. With this ability of empathy, you
transcend the boundaries of the ego and you connect
with that which is not-you.
7. Finally there is the crown chakra, on top of the head.
In this chakra, you rise above the duality of male and
When this chakra is balanced, the consciousness
therein is in a state of receiving as much as reaching
out. There is a reaching upwards to other
dimensions, where it seeks spiritual meaning or
support, or to deeper layers of the Self. And at the
same time there is a quiet and tranquil receptiveness.
In this state of mind you come very close to the



unity that underlies male and female energies, the

energy of Spirit or God.
The lowest three chakras are the ones most connected
to the earth. This area is of utmost importance in your
inner road to healing, for in this area lie the deepest
traumas and emotional scars.
You often feel you are earthly beings opening up to the
spiritual. But we see it the other way around.
You are spiritual beings opening up to the earth.
The heart, the third eye and the crown chakra are
attractive to you, because these energy centers connect
you with the higher realms that are so natural to you.
But the real inner breakthroughs must now occur on a
lower level, in the area of the lower chakras, closer to



Duality: From Fear to Love
(also from other sections)
With the world of duality, I mean a type of
consciousness that divides things into good or bad,
light or dark, healthy or sick, masculine or feminine,
friend or foe, etc. It is a type of consciousness that loves
to separate and label and that does not recognize the
underlying unity of all phenomena.
The Christ energy is outside of duality. The Christ
energy constitutes the flow of Being that underlies all
polarities. But the mind does not recognize the very
existence of this mystical level of oneness.
In general the mental, thinking part of you is very much a
part of the world of duality.
The mind likes to design structures, theories that can
be placed over reality, over direct experience. This is
sometimes useful and beneficial, especially in practical



matters, but not so much when it comes to true healing

and teaching from the heart.
Because I want you to love me, I will not go against
you. This line of thinking is based on fear. It is fear of
standing on your own, fear of being rejected and
abandoned. What appears to be sweet and nice is in
fact a form of self-denial. This is the ego at work.
When the faculty of thinking gets the upper hand, fear
tends to be reinforced, since thinking relies on a
mechanical logical process that does not allow intuition
or feeling to enter the process. When the mental faculty
is fed by the emotions of fear, it tends to run wild and
produce delusional ideas, ideas about controlling
everything and everyone. Dictatorial regimes are an
example of this mental faculty running wild.
The answer to fear is never to think more. It is to think less
and to trust the flow of life. It is to release instead of to
grab hold.



Characteristics of the Duality Game

1. You are always in the up or down side of a
particular mood. You are angry or forgiving, narrowminded or generous, depressed or enthusiastic,
happy or sad.
2. You are intensely involved with the outer world.
Your self-esteem depends on what the outer world
mirrors back to you about who you are.
3. You have strong opinions about whats good and
whats bad. Being judgmental gives you a sense of
You are neither victim nor offender. You are the soul
consciousness that has created roles for yourself to play
for a while.
The tendency to fight evil is based upon the belief
that evil is outside of you and must be banished from
reality. The spiritual invitation to you lightworkers
during all of your incarnations has always been to
recognize and accept your own dark side and to
understand its role and purpose.
Especially among lightworker souls, there is a tendency to
look upon the giving, self-transcending energies in the


human being as higher. But it is not so. You live in a

world in which two energies play together and form the
building blocks of Creation. One tends to connect and seek
for unity, the other creates separation and individuality.
And the latter energy is just as viable and valuable as the
former one.
People are terrified of meeting their inner darkness
head on and investigating it. However if you dont face
it, it is still there, and you will need to develop coping
strategies to make life bearable.
When you observe from the heart, there is no battle
between Good and Bad. The reality of the heart
transcends both. The heart does not oppose darkness.
Heart based consciousness is founded upon acceptance
of everything, of all that is.
Love has no eye for what should be. The very category
of should is absent from the consciousness of the
heart. Seen from the heart, moral categories are simply
ways of interpreting or dividing up reality. The very
need to set standards and define the good is the
forerunner to human conflict and war.
If you open up to the reality of love, the reality of the
heart, you let go of judgment. You accept who you are
at this moment. You realize that you are who you are



because of a multitude of reasons, which you are now

going to investigate and explore.
Please do not judge fear and the darkness it brings,
either in yourselves or in any other being. You are all
created from love and to love you shall return.



The Ego
(among others)
The ego originally represents the ability to use your will to
affect the outer world.
Ego is okay! The ego has a proper function; it lends
focus to your consciousness which enables you to create
and manifest as the separate individual that you are.
You are not here to eliminate your ego; you are here to let
the light of your soul shine through your ego.
The will can be localized in the solar plexus, a center of
energy near the stomach. This center or chakra steers
the ability to act, to manifest your inner energy
outward on the physical, earthly plane. When the will
is connected to your intuition, the quiet part of you
that transcends duality, things will flow easily and
effortlessly in your life.
The energy of a healthy ego, the healed solar plexus, is selfconfidence. It is about simply trusting yourself: I feel that



I can do it! Let your energies flow out of you, trust your
natural talents and gifts, trust who you are and show
yourself to the world!
Under the flag of the ego, you can be both sweet and
nasty, both giving and taking, both dominant and
You cannot and need not be forgiving and understanding
all the time. It is not spiritual to tolerate everything and
It makes no sense to try and change souls who are still
caught up in the reality of ego based consciousness.
They do not want your help, since they are not yet
open to the heart based energies that you
lightworkers wish to share with them.
Making moral judgments about the destructive effects
of ego based consciousness in your world is based on
lack of insight into spiritual dynamics. Moreover it
weakens your own strength, since the anger and
frustration you sometimes feel by watching the news or
reading your newspapers cannot be transformed into
something constructive.
The will may be inspired by the desire for power or by
the desire for oneness. When a soul reaches the end of
the ego stage, the will becomes more and more an


extension of the heart. At this point the ego joyfully

accepts the heart as its spiritual guide.



Illusions of ego based consciousness

1. The loss of mastery. This illusion makes you forget
that you are the creator of everything that happens
in your life.
2. The loss of unity. According to ego based
consciousness, we are all essentially separate beings.
This is the illusion of separation and the tragic sense
of loneliness that accompanies it.
3. The loss of love. As you enter the earth plane on
which the energy of love is not self-evident at all,
you gradually start to confuse love with all kinds of
energies that are not love, such as admiration, wealth
or emotional dependency.
With the entrance of ego based consciousness, the soul
gets into a state of schizophrenia. It loses its innocence.
On the one hand, the soul battles and conquers; on the
other hand, it realizes that it is wrong to damage or
destroy other living beings, something that opposes its
own divine nature.
In the era of the old energy, the old time human being,
people have been living to excess from this center. This
has to do with an attitude of being keen on winning, of
putting ones own interests first and of fighting at the


expense of others. An attitude like this is often born out

of fear and a feeling of being lost.
When the ego dictates to the soul (that is the hallmark
of ego based consciousness), the ego will not simply
translate inner impulses of the soul into material form,
but it will control and selectively suppress those
impulses. The ego then presents you with a distorted
image of reality. The unbalanced ego is always in
pursuit of power and control and it will interpret all
facts as positive or negative in this light.
The ego transforms the need for love into the need for
approval and recognition from other people.
The ego loses its dominance when the soul grows tired
and weary of struggling all the time for an ever elusive
treasure. When the soul grows tired of trying and being
on top of it all the time, it lets go of control a little.



Male and Female
The male and female energy belong together, they are
two aspects of the One and together they celebrate the
joyful manifestation that Creation is supposed to be.
The male energy of the solar plexus helps you become
truly creative and empowered. That is what the female
energy in you is waiting for.
The male energy is the aspect that is outwardly focused.
It is that part of God or Spirit that drives outward
manifestation, that makes Spirit materialize and take
form. The male energy therefore knows a strong
creative force. It is natural to the male energy to be
highly focused and goal-oriented. In this manner the
male energy creates individuality.
The female energy is the energy of Home. It is the
energy of the Primal Source, the flowing Light, pure
Being. It is the energy that has not yet manifested, the
inner aspect of things. The female energy is all
encompassing and oceanic; it does not differentiate or



Essentially the female energy is leading and inspiring while

the male energy is serving and protecting. The female
energy is the inspiration behind any creation; the male
aspect takes care of the manifestation in form and action.
Both energies work through every human, through every
individual, whether male or female. Whether you are a
man or a woman is not really relevant; it is the balance
and relationship between both energies within you that
In the last stage of this history, men clearly played the
role of perpetrator and oppressor. But it was not always
so. There have been times in which the woman was
much more powerful in the public as well as the private
domain of life. She oppressed the male energy as well in
cruel and sadistic ways.
Woman is not naturally the oppressed or subdued sex, you
know, nor is she by definition the most loving sex. Your
stereotypes of women as sweet but powerless and of men as
tough but insensitive say more about the last phase of
history than about men and women as such.
For women the question is: can you imagine that you
exerted power over men once and that you successfully
tried to control their energy? And for men the question
is: can you imagine that this took place on a large scale



and that you were the weaker sex? Maybe you will
receive certain images or fantasies by asking this
question inside. Let your intuition show you and watch
the emotions that surface. This may be surprising.
Change starts when the victim refuses to accept any
more. The real moment of change is when the woman
or the feminine energy within a person decides for
herself: I will not take this any longer. External measures
are useless until this moment presents itself.
The female energy has arisen and its star is rising.
Actually the most urgent matter in this time and age is the
transformation of the male energy!! It is only in reunion
with a matured and balanced male energy that the female
energy can flourish again.
The male energy somehow got lost in false images of
what it means to be a man, stereotypes that always
boil down to power through aggression. It is vital to
recognise and express the true nature of male energy.
In the first chakra, a healed and balanced male energy
leads to self-consciousness.
The most important message I have about terrorism,
this manifestation of old male aggression, is: stay
conscious! Do not let yourself be taken off-center by


emotions of powerlessness, i.e., by getting victimized. If

you do not react with anger or hatred, you will not
draw it to you. You will be safe and protected by your
own light.
Clearly there are moments at which you have to say
no or even farewell and not compromise who you
are. Do this without guilt or fear and feel how the male
energies of self-consciousness and self-confidence
empower you to let the delicate flower of your female
energy flourish and shine.
It has been said that in the final realization of who you
are, the only truth that matters is: I AM. And in this
mystical mantra, precisely those two aspects merge. In the I
is the male energy, in the AM is the female energy.
The I is constricting, differentiating. It gives focus, it
gives direction, it individuates: I, not the other, I.
And then AM. AM is oceanic, all encompassing. It
reflects the ocean of Home, the female energy, the
inexhaustible source that knows no bounds, no
differentiation. The flowing and joining aspect is the
core of the female energy. In the I AM, the male and
female come together and blissfully join their energies.
The yin-yang symbol demonstrates the true situation
very well. In the masculine there is always a core of the


feminine, and in the feminine there is a core of the

masculine, just as there is a white dot in the black and a
black dot in the white. But in the course of history, this
mystical unity of the masculine and feminine has been
forgotten and these energies have become opposed to
each other as black and white.



Sexuality is the dancing together of male and female
energies. Originally sexuality was more than a physical act.
It was meant to be a dance in which all levels or aspects of
you and your partner participate.
When two people are physically intimate in a loving
way, all the cells in their body vibrate a little faster
they start to dance a little. A gateway is opened to an
energetic reality with a slightly higher vibration and a
lighter feeling.
If the energy on all four levels flows together in a sexual
joining, it is an act of divine creation. That children are
being born from such an act is only natural.
Please deal respectfully with your sexuality. When there are
problems, fears or tensions around it, do not judge
sexuality in itself or give up on it, for it is a natural part of
you and a sacred one.
Complete sexuality integrates all levels of your being.
Sexuality bridges the gap between matter and spirit.



The idea that sexuality is sinful or at best a necessary

evil is a male line of thinking that was influenced by
hatred and grudges resulting from the repression of
male sexuality in another era. Male sexuality was at that
time considered to be an instrument for procreation
without respect for the feeling side of men and the
emotional ties between a father and his children.
In women, it is the area of the first and second chakra
(tail bone and umbilicus) that is most battered and hurt
as a result of sexual oppression and violence over the
When you have been the victim of sexual violence this has
caused a lot of anger in your energy field. This anger blocks
you and keeps you imprisoned in a feeling of powerlessness
and victimhood. To release anger you need understanding.
When you can imagine yourself as a powerful woman who
could be merciless and cruel towards men and feel inside
that this is also a part of you, then the anger can dissolve
With regard to the male experience of sexuality, the
blockages that occur are mostly on the level of the heart
or the head. At these levels there may be a fear of
surrendering, a fear of deep emotional intimacy.
Most of the time this relates to the era in which women
dominated men. This made the game of sexual



attraction, that initially was innocent and spontaneous,

threatening. Men learned that it was dangerous to
openly show their emotions and open their heart to
their partner.
Because the energy blockages are somewhat different in
men and women, it is very important to communicate
openly with each other about what you feel and sense when
you are together. When you truly trust your partner, you
can investigate without shame where your sexual energy
gets stuck when you are intimate.



Money and Abundance
Experiencing abundance is not about being rich; it is
about experiencing riches in all that surrounds you.
The secret of the universe is balance. The universe
knows that you need to be sustained on all levels to
express your highest potential in this lifetime. When
you are truly creative from the heart, you will attract a
receiving flow as well and only by allowing it in will
you keep the outward flow of creativity alive and
It is the connection between the heart and the solar
plexus (more generally between the higher and lower
seated chakras) that provides you with abundance in
the field of work, creativity and money.
The energy of the heart is the source of true abundance in
your life. Abundance has to do with all areas of your life
reaching from the physical, material level to the emotional,
social and spiritual level. You are meant to enjoy yourself
and to be nurtured on all these levels.



You need to find out what enough means for you. The
key is to find the flow that makes you happy, that gives
you the feeling that you are living life to the fullest.
Enough means everything that I need right now to be a
fulfilled human angel is available to me. Enough is a
feeling, not a thing.
Lightworker souls and spiritually oriented, idealistic people
in general tend to condemn money. The reason for this
condemnation is that they have come to associate money
with power and wealth at the expense of others. Money has
practically become synonymous with power. This
association is one of the main reasons why the flow of
material abundance has become blocked in many of you
who read this.
However, money is innocent. Money is a flow of energy
that actually represents pure potentiality. Money offers
opportunities, money is potentiality and there is nothing
wrong with that.
To really be in the flow of enough, you need to let go of fear
and dare to enjoy yourself with what there is. This very
enjoyment will attract more of the same into your life; it
will maintain the flow of enough.
If you want more than enough you crave material
wealth that you do not really need or are capable of


truly enjoying. Too many possessions make life

complicated and actually take away some of your joy.
Connect to your ancient and wise heart, the source of
your highest creativity, and ask your intuition to tell
you what is the right thing to do at this moment.
Do not try to base your actions on outside opinions, on
social standards of behavior that especially in the field
of work can be overwhelming. The social or collective
consciousness in this area is strongly based on fear: fear
of losing your job, fear of social failure and fear of
poverty. All these fears may overshadow your intuition
and yet there is an inner voice that tells you what to do
right now.
Acting on your intuition in the context of work and
creativity, even if this goes against the culture of your work
environment, will create unexpected possibilities and
opportunities for you. It will bring you closer to your own
divine Self and empower you on the heart level, and it will
by itself attract to you places and people who fulfill your
heartfelt desires.
To live in the flow of enough means that you feel satisfied
with and thankful for what you have. You feel nurtured by
what surrounds you on the material, emotional, mental



and spiritual level. That is abundance. That is having

Enough is the natural state of being. You are all here to
experience enough. It is quite meaningless to settle for less.



Why You are Wounded
Compiled from several channellings, for example:
To create change, to create an opportunity for
movement and expansion, God had to introduce an
Element in his creation that was different from the
Goodness that pervaded everything. So, God had to
come up with a trick, so to speak. This trick is called
Ignorance is the element that opposes Goodness. It
creates the illusion of being separated from God. Not
knowing who you are is the incentive behind change,
growth and expansion in your universe. Ignorance
breeds fear, fear breeds the need to control, the need to
control breeds the struggle for power and there you
have all the conditions for Evil to flourish. The stage
has been set for the battle between Good and Bad.



Individual soul is like a concentration of water in an

ocean. Before this individualisation there was no sense
of me and you. Whereas the ocean represents the
female, receptive side, the male aspect may be visualized
as light beams pouring into the ocean, which enhance
the process of differentiation and the separation into
individual lumps of consciousness.
When the soul becomes an individual entity, it will
carry with it a certain longing for wholeness, a desire to
belong to something bigger than itself. Deep within
itself, the soul will keep the memory of a state of
consciousness in which everything is one, in which
there is no me and other. This is what it considers
home to be: a state of ecstatic oneness, a place of
complete safety and fluidity.
Consciousness evolving:
1. The stage of innocence (paradise) - first stage after
leaving the ocean consciousness.
2. The stage of ego (sin).
3. The stage of second innocence (enlightenment)
(infancy, maturity and old age).
Imagine yourself as part of an ocean of love, feeling safe
and completely free from worry or anxiety. Imagine


yourself being embraced by this all-pervading, loving

consciousness and not knowing anything outside of it.
This is the energy of Home, the energy you were born
In those ancient times, you as souls felt safe and
boundless within in a huge cosmic womb. At a certain
point, however, you experienced a kind of tearing apart.
It was as though birthing contractions rippled through
your oceanic awareness and awoke you from your
slumber. That was the beginning of your birth as
individual souls.
You started to blindly search for something to hold
onto, a way of returning back to the safety you knew.
You felt lost. You felt shut out. It was a moment of
Nonetheless, this moment was at the same time a
moment of immense creativity. It was the beginning of
a grand journey of experience, of life. Imagine a dark
empty space, strange, vast and nameless, lying before
you. You entered this space as little seedlings. It was a
space full of potentiality, full of possible experiences
that were as yet unknown. There was darkness, but
there was also room for something new.



The cosmic birth trauma that you experience when you

are born as an individual soul is to some extent
repeated every time you begin a new earth life.
Your emotional body has been scarred by many
lifetimes in which you endeavored to bring down the
light of your soul and you encountered resistance and
rejection. You have come here with great reservations
and at the same time the old flower of passion has not
withered within you.
During your lifetimes on earth you were often inspired
to plant seeds of light in the form of new ideas or
attitudes, but you were frequently misunderstood by
your environment. You were rejected, neglected or even
annihilated. Your soul did understand but your earthly
self, your emotional body, had to deal with deeply
traumatic experiences that arose out of persecution,
violence and disapproval. All of you carry these traumas
within you as scars on your soul.
What is missing is the very basic sense of love and
emotional safety that you once knew in the cosmic
womb. This unconditional sense of belonging and
safety is essential for your well being, for your self
expression and your sense of self worth, and you have
been looking for it ever since you left Home.



In the second chakra, the emotional center, you have

also been affected deeply by experiences of being
threatened or deserted (literally or emotionally) and by
being severely restricted in your self- expression.
In the solar plexus chakra you often see that a person
manifests himself or herself either in an aggressive,
controlling way, or in a subdued, overly modest way.
Both ways are the result of underlying feelings of
helplessness, stemming from a wounded first and
second chakra.
Due to the pain that you carry within, you are like
delicate and sensitive flowers who need a strong
foundation in order to flourish and grow. The
foundation you all need is a firm sense of being
grounded to earth and centered in yourself. By
centeredness I mean that you need to be true to your
own feelings, to your own sense of what is right for
Because you have met with grave resistance over many
lifetimes, there is much fear and reserve in you when it
comes to truly grounding yourself. Grounding yourself
means being fully present in your earthly bodies and
expressing your innermost inspiration in material



You would often like to transcend earth reality but it is

only through the earth, by feeling at home and at ease
with the element of earth, that your soul energy can
bloom here.
The difference between this harsh and imperfect world
and the reality you dream of, so much more pure and
beautiful than this one, hurts you deep inside. It is your
challenge to not run away from this hurt, to let it enter
your awareness fully and to spread your angel wings
around it.



Healing the Inner Child
(among others)
A part of your soul is a lost child. It has lost its way in a
past of pain. But the past is not a static thing. Time is
to some extent an illusion. There are no closed-off
doors. The lost child within yourself which is
fragmented in the past can be found and healed. You
are its parent, you are the one who is made to cherish
that child, who can warm it and bring it back to life.
On the one hand you may know very well that you
carry a spiritual light within, that you are a sensitive,
compassionate and wise person. But on the other hand
there is a wounded child inside you who wants
recognition and appreciation from the outside world.
Your wounded, inner child will never be healed by
something from the outside but only by yourself, your
own power and wisdom. Once you have opened up this
source of power you will attract a physical and social
environment which supports you and your deepest



You have forgotten how to live. You are very good at

surviving, but truly living is so much more sparkling
and inspiring and happy. It is precisely the part of you
that is best capable of doing this, the child within, that
has been lost. It got lost in the shadows of the past, in
an accumulation of events that were traumatizing to
your consciousness.
Many of you are continually confronted with a sense of
restlessness or unease within. There is an internal
tension that comes from not being entirely at home
with yourself. From this basic tension, the tendency
arises to search for outside validation in the form of
acknowledgement by others, material possessions or
whatever makes you feel loved and cared for.
If that is how you start a relationship, you are likely to
eventually hold the other person responsible for your
inner wounds and see yourself as the victim. To need
someone else to fill up the emptiness inside you is to
disempower yourself from the start.
The real cause is like the center of an onion that has
many layers around it. If you peel away all the layers
and get to the core, you will discover an original pain,
an essential homesickness that is connected to the very
beginning of your journey.



Know that you have the power to let the child within
you come to life again and let it sing and play. By
looking upon your inner darkness as the calling of a
lost child, Im offering you a perspective that invites
you to cherish and love yourselves as the parent you
truly are.



Emotions and Feelings
In addition to the physical body visible to all of you,
you also possess an emotional body, a mental body and
something you may call a spiritual body.
Feelings are your teachers, while emotions are your
Feelings are not so easily summoned and seem to come to
you out of the blue. Emotions almost always have a clear
immediate cause: a trigger in the outside world that
pushes your buttons.
Emotions always have something very intense and
dramatic to them. Consider anxiety attacks, fear, rage or
deep sadness. Emotions take hold of you completely and
pull you away from your spiritual center. In the moment
you are highly emotional, you are full of a kind of energy
that pulls you away from your center, your inner clarity. In
that sense, emotions are like clouds hovering before the sun.
Feelings are more quiet than emotions. They are the
whispers of the soul that reach you through gentle
nudges, an inner knowingness or a sudden intuitive
action that later appears to have been very wise.


Feelings originate in a non-physical realm, outside of the

If you doubt your own feelings, you worry a lot and
you invoke a whole series of emotions which take you
further and further away from your center. When you
are full of fear your intuition is blocked.
The key here is to set yourself free from all the
worrying and to go back to your heart, to your feelings.
What do you really feel underneath all those restless
thoughts and confused emotions?
An emotion can best be viewed as an energy that comes to
you for healing.
How do you cope with your own emotions? Are you
hard on yourself? When you feel angry or sad for some
time, do you discipline yourself by saying: Come on,
get yourself together and move on? Do you suppress
the emotion? Do you feel that disciplining yourself is
good and necessary? Who taught you this? Was it a
Or do you wallow in your emotion, not wanting to let
go of it? You may have felt for a long time that you
were a victim of some situation outside of you. At a
certain moment, it may have been very liberating to get
in touch with the anger inside you about the negative


things that influenced you. Anger can enable you to

break free from these influences and go your own way.
However you may get so enamored with your anger
that you do not want to give it up anymore. Instead of
becoming a doorway, it becomes a way of living. A
form of victimhood then arises which is anything but
healing. It holds you back from truly standing in your
own power.
It is very important to take responsibility for your own
emotions and not to make absolute truths of them.
When you give them the status of truths, instead of
l o o k i n g u p o n t h e m a s e x p l o s i o n s o f
misunderstanding, you will base your actions on them
and that will lead to uncentered decisions.
If you do not know exactly what emotions are there, you
can very well start by feeling the tensions in your body.
It is vital to realize that the energy that got stuck in the
emotion wants to move. This energy wants to be released
and therefore it knocks at your door as a physical
complaint or as a feeling of stress or depression. For you it
is a matter of really opening up and being prepared to feel
the emotion.
You should not repress an emotion, but you should not
drown in it either. For when you drown in it, when you


identify with it completely, the child in you becomes a

tyrant that will lead you astray.
Allowing your emotions in, naming them and making
an effort to understand them, means that you truly
respect and cherish your inner child.
As long as you keep the emotion at a distance, you are
at war with it. You are fighting the emotion and it will
turn against you in several ways. You cannot keep it
outside in the end. It will manifest itself in your body
as an ache or tension or as a feeling of depression.
Feeling down or weary frequently is a clear sign that
you are repressing certain emotions.
Take for instance anger. You can invite anger to be fully
present, experiencing it in your body at several places,
while you are at the same time neutrally observing it.
Such a type of consciousness is healing. What happens
in this instance is that you embrace the emotion, which
is essentially a form of misunderstanding, with
understanding. This is spiritual alchemy.Strong
emotions whether anger, grief or fear always have
the component of powerlessness, i.e. the sense that you
are the victim of something outside of you. What you
do when you focus not on the circumstances outside of
you but instead on your reaction and your pain is that
you dismiss the outside world as the cause of your



emotions. You completely turn inward and you say to

yourself: okay, this has been my reaction and I
understand why. I understand why I feel the way that I
do and I am going to support myself in this.
This is what spiritual alchemy means. Consciousness does
not fight or reject anything; it encircles darkness with
You are never overwhelmed by an emotion when you
consciously choose to allow it.



Illness and Death
Illness mainly starts in the emotional body. It is from here
that certain blockages settle themselves in the physical body
on the material level. Often beliefs from the mental body
contribute to the development of emotional blockages and
thus to the manifestation of illness.
If you resist or deny your emotions the soul will speak to
you through your body. The body is an intelligent being,
highly responsive to not just the material things (like food
and liquids) you take in but to the emotions, feelings and
thoughts you have. The body is meant to be a
communicator. It is not a mere vessel to dwell in.
Illness thus has the function of an indicator: it shows
you where you are in need of healing. The real problem
is not the disease itself but that which it represents, the
underlying blockage(s).
For instance the bodys inabilities indicate that you
must let go of certain obligations, spend more quiet
time by yourself, be less active and more attentive to
your needs.



Generally your emotions tell you when your energy is

not flowing, and when you turn your attention to their
message and honor it, the blockage gets released.
The soul has many ways to communicate to you. The souls
favorite way is to speak to you through your intuition:
quiet feeling tones, hunches, soft whispers of the heart. If it
cannot reach you in that way, you will be alerted by your
emotions. The emotions speak a louder language. They
clearly show you that you have to look within and find out
what is igniting that emotional response. If you become
silent and listen carefully, the soul will tell you. First you
have to accept your illness.
The way to let your body talk is love. You will not
encourage communication with your body if you try to
remove the disease by ardently repeating healing
affirmations or visualizations to yourself. That still is form
of struggle or resistance.
Accepting and understanding your illness is the only way to
true healing. Illness wants to take you back home.
Quite often the behavior that the ailment forces upon you
is a big clue. By limiting yourself in certain areas, it is
putting a spotlight on things that were in the dark before.
How is it with your ability to be patient and gentle with
yourself? Can you really take good care of your physical and



emotional needs? Illness always brings up these questions,

and to confront and accept the emotions they arouse is part
of the healing process.
You are dished up many idealized images in your society
about what your body should look like, what fitness and
health imply and what you should or should not eat and
drink. There are all kinds of rules and standards about
what a long and healthy life is like.
But the path of the soul is highly individual. Therefore to
find the truth about any illness, ailment or distress that
you suffer in your body, you need to tune into yourself in a
very intimate way, leaving behind all these general, often
artificial standards and rules.
This is a great challenge to you, for the fear and panic that
seize you in the case of an illness make you look too quickly
to authorities outside yourself. This may be a medical
doctor or an expert in alternative treatment. The key is
that out of fear, you tend to give up your own responsibility
and partially hand it over to somebody else.
There is nothing wrong with listening to an experts
advice and quite often this is a very sensible thing to
do. But always you need to take this knowledge inside
you and weigh it in your own heart.



This also applies to hereditary or congenital physical

defects. In this respect you sometimes speak of karma but I
am careful with this concept, as you have a tendency to
associate karma with crime and punishment. This is not
how it works. The soul has the sincere desire to know itself
to the fullest and to be free. Starting from this ardent wish
the soul sometimes undertakes ailments, diseases and
physical defects which help it reach its aim. It is certainly
not a question of paying off your debts. It is a deep intent
to be set free.
People with a chronic disease undertake quite an arduous
task. On the soul level, they have agreed to confront the
fears that come up in the context of their illness and to
confront idealized pictures of how someone should perform
in life. To take up this challenge shows great courage.
Sometimes it will be obvious that someone will not
survive a disease anymore. The earthly frame does not
persist. At that moment what does the soul that finds
itself within the body do? As long as you keep resisting
the disease, you cannot get in touch with your soul and
your inner knowing that tells you that it is time to say
If you go along with what death wants to tell you, you will
pass through several stages before the actual process of dying
takes place. These stages have to do with a gradual release



of all earthly things of your beloved, of your earthly

surroundings, of your senses with which you observe
everything around you. This is a beautiful, natural process.
It would be a pity to overshadow this process by an attitude
of battle in which you try to hold on to life at any expense.
Often by then the body has already become so fragile that
life is not worth living anymore. Let it go. Death is a
liberator who is there to serve you. Death is not your
enemy. Death brings you new life.
When you are with someone who is incurably ill and when
you feel that person knows that they are going to die, try to
talk about it softly and carefully. It is a relief to the person
who is passing over. The dearest and most precious thing
you can do for a dying person is to sit next to them and
hold their hand. There is nothing else you need to know or
to be able to do in accompanying a dying person.
Do not consider a disease that leads to death as an
enemy who you will lose to in the end. It is not a
Quite frequently death comes to release you from even
more pain and misery. You are certainly not a loser. You
will simply continue your path in another way.



The contents of this chapter is from many sections of the
Healing series, such as:
The confusion about emotions in your society is
evident, among other things, from the amount of
debate and confusion there is about how to raise your
All the questions you have about dealing with your
children also apply to yourself.
What is important in a childs upbringing is that they
learn to understand their emotions, to understand where
they come from and to take responsibility for them.
The parallels between being emotional and being
like a child are striking. Your inner child is the seat
of your emotions. Also there is a striking resemblance
between the way you deal with your own emotions and
the way you deal with real children.



Children are honest and spontaneous in their emotions

and they do not hide or repress them until adults
encourage them to do so.
On the basis of their knowledge and experience,
parents often warn their children; they want to save
them from harm and they advise them to do what they
think is the right thing to do. This might seem to be a
good way of helping, from the minds point of view.
And in some cases, it is very reasonable to do so.
However the parent may be acting too reasonable,
meaning that they do not recognize their own
underlying emotions and are not trying to connect to
the child in an open and honest way. To do so, the
parent will have to let go of their preconceived notions
and really open up to the emotional reality of the child.
Children read you when you offer them assistance. It
is in the nature of children to be keenly aware of the
emotions behind your words. They can sense your
underlying fear or judgment. They will often react to
this emotion instead of to your words and when they
react with aversion, they seem utterly unreasonable.
One of the reasons for this unbounded emotionality is
that the child has only recently left a world in which
there are hardly any boundaries. In the ethereal or astral



dimensions, there were no such restrictions and

limitations as there are in the physical realm, within the
physical body. The childs emotions are often reactions
of misunderstanding to this physical reality. Therefore
when he or she grows up, the child needs help and
support in dealing with their emotions. This is part of
the process of balanced incarnating on earth.
The child is in a very vulnerable physical state and it
has a great desire to be nurtured and loved by the
parents. Its memory of the natural state of oneness, love
and mastery is actually the childs gift to the parents, but
they are often unable to receive this gift, once they have
been veiled by the energy of the illusions. They are thus
unable to truly receive the child.
The child will generally bend over backwards to get the
love and safety it needs and remembers from Home.
And therefore it will mistake the wrong energies for
love. For example it will confuse love with a parents
pride in certain achievements or a parents emotional
need for the child.
The child is rewarded for living up to external
standards, whereas love means that one gets in touch
with the childs inner standards what they want to
achieve in this lifetime for themselves.



Many parents have experienced a lack of unconditional

love in their own childhood. When they have a child
themselves, they embrace it with mixed signals. On the
one hand, there is genuine love in them but on the
other hand, there is the subconscious need to make up
for the loss. When that happens, the messages I love
you and I need you get completely mixed up for the
Most children choose to adapt so strongly to the
parental frame of reference that they lose touch with
their original soul energy that they were still very much
aware of in the beginning of their incarnation.
If children are allowed too much emotional freedom,
they run wild and become uncontrollable; they become
little tyrants and that is not right. Emotional chaos is
just as unpleasant for the child as it is for the parent.
What the child often needs most is the trust and
reassurance of the parent. Trust me, let me be who I
am. Let me make mistakes, let me stumble and keep
your faith in me.
In embracing an emotion with understanding and
compassion, you shift the focus of the childs attention from
outside to inside, and you teach the child to take
responsibility for the emotion. You are showing her that her



reaction to an outside trigger is not a given, but that it is a

matter of choice. You can choose misunderstanding or
understanding. You can choose to fight or to accept. You
can choose.
With your help, the child can learn to see their
emotions as explosions of misunderstanding. This
understanding prevents your child from drowning in
their emotions and going out of control.
Understanding liberates and brings you back to your
own center without repressing the emotions. The
parent teaches their child to deal with emotions in this
way by being the living example of it.



Letting go of Your Birth Family
At the time of your birth, your parents have already
adapted to this dimension, to the laws that apply here.
The parents thus represent the ego based consciousness
for the child, the energy of the three illusions. The
child meets these through the parental home, and the
way in which they have taken shape in the parents will
influence the child strongly for the rest of its life.
You enter the physical world and the psychological
reality of your parents. You reach out to them, you
want to keep that sense of Home alive but it seems that
you are cut off, like a net cast around the fishy part of
you. This is the birth trauma that has physical as well as
deeply spiritual aspects to it.
Because you absorb their fears and illusions of your
parents, you get intimately in touch with their
emotional burdens. These burdens may have been
passed over to them through several generations on
either side of the family.
This kind of karmic burden is solved when the energy
stuck inside of it gets released and thus is not passed along
to the next generation. Family karma is resolved when at


least one member of the family breaks the link by setting

herself free from the emotional burden that she absorbed
from childhood and that may even be in her genes.
The family member who breaks the spell does so first and
foremost by helping herself.
It takes courage and determination to regain the
energies of the newborn child, untainted by the
illusions of the loss of mastery, love and oneness. You
will likely find yourself opposed to your own soul
energy for a while, as you have been getting used to the
ways of the world, the ways of your birth family.
To be really free and to regain your mastership as an
independent spiritual being, you have to let go of your
birth family. To let go of your parents means to let go of
any desire to change them.
The child in you needs to let go of the hope that your
parents will offer you unconditional love and safety. It
has to turn to you for this and you have to help it let go
of the angry, sad and disappointed part of the child that
feels betrayed by your parents.
Releasing the ties to the parental energy means first and
foremost to release the energy from your own mind and



It is about looking within and finding out to what

extent you implicitly live by your parents set of
illusions, which were based on fear and judgment.
Once you are clear about this and you allow yourself to
let that go, you will be free to forgive them and really
leave the parental house.
At the same time you will see that your parents are not
identical with their fears and illusions. They also are
children of God simply trying to fulfill their soul mission.
Once you feel this, you can feel their innocence and you
can forgive.
You are introduced to ego based consciousness through your
parents and you transcend it through them as well, by
letting them go in love and forgiveness and by recognizing
yourself as the independent master that you are.
You may have freed yourself of the karmic burden that
your family saddled you with and be ridiculed or
rejected for it by your family, and yet your mission will
have been entirely successful. You will have crushed the
hypnotic hold that karmic patterns can have over a
family line and if you have children, the emotional
burden will not be passed along to them. This is what
your soul mission is about.



After you have truly parted with your parents, letting

go of the double bind, you will find that a new space
opens up between you and them, much more free and
If they are still alive, the relationship with your parents
may become less strained, as the energies of reproach
and guilt will have left the scene. On the other hand,
you may feel you do not want to visit them so often
anymore. In your life, you may now get in touch with
people who belong to your spiritual family.
Bonding with your spiritual family is a true source of
joy in earth life. The key to allowing it into your life is
to find your own way out of the valley and to
recognize the light within.



Healing through Breathwork

(clips from several channellings)
By turning your attention to this original birthing pain,
by becoming aware of the loneliness and homesickness
you have felt up to this present moment, you can start
the healing process. You can start to heal yourself at the
deepest possible level. It is here that you can get to the
core of your pain.
The area of the lowest three chakras is the most
important area in self-healing and inner growth. The
greatest spiritual challenge to you now is to take care of
this wounded area in yourself. Meditating to transcend
physical reality or connect to elusive cosmic levels is not
your main goal now.
In breathing calmly in your belly you are able to go
back to your foundation. Then you may feel a relief
inside, a point of silence which is beyond your thoughts
and emotions. You may then experience the thoughts
and emotions that you have as a cloud surrounding
you, a cloud that you can focus your attention on or
You can watch your anger and send it love. You can
observe your depression and lend yourself a helping


hand. You can look at your fear and send it the energy
of deliverance.
During moments of depression or nostalgia, it can be
helpful to be quiet and merely breathe. Be aware of the
movement of breathing throughout your body and
with each inhalation and exhalation you can say out
loud or softly within: I am who I am. I am good as I
When you go back to the original traumatic event
through imagination and you encircle it with the
consciousness of the heart, you are changing your
original response to the event. You simply take note of
what happened and this very act creates room for a
spiritual understanding of what actually took place in
this event.
It is your judgment of the hurt that causes the
negativity. If you look at yourself with an attitude of
acceptance, you do not see an addicted, or depressed, or
failing persona. You just see inner pain that needs to be
tended and cared for in the gentlest and kindest way
Do not fear the dark, for the light inside you is
stronger. Your light will never be defeated. The reality



of light is waiting in love and patience until you extend

your hand and open the gate.



How to Heal Others
What happens when someone gets well? What
happens is that this person is able to connect again to
his or her own inner light, to his or her own greater
Self. This connection has a healing effect upon all layers
of the self the emotional, physical and mental levels.
What every person is looking for in a healer or teacher
is an energy space which enables them to reconnect to
their inner light, the part of them that knows and
It is essential to understand that this effect is not
something you have to work hard for. It is the client
who decides whether or not to assimilate the energy
you offer, whether to allow it in.
Healing power cannot be acquired by something
external. It is about the frequency of the solution that
is present within your own energy field as a result of
your own inner growth and clarity of consciousness.
It is especially in the area of problems that you have
gone through yourself at a deep emotional level that
you can truly help others. Your light in these areas


shines like a beacon to people who are still stuck in

these issues, beckoning them gently to get out of them.
Allow yourself to transcend duality and to be filled with
the compassion of the Christ within. I invite you to
really be inspired by the presence of the other, when
you offer them teaching and healing.
What is needed from you is not your knowledge but
your wisdom. What is asked of you is not your
judgment but your compassion and deep
understanding. You are not there to provide the
solution, to be the face of authority. You are there to be
the face of love.
To truly become the teacher and healer you want to be,
you need to embrace your own pain and heal it.
What really matters is your state of being, the energy
that you send forth, the energy that you are. It is not
what you do but who you are that is the source of
Often what really helps the other is your total
acceptance of how things are.
When you are treating clients or helping people in your
environment, you often read their energy. But it is in



the reading of you by the client that the real

breakthrough occurs.
The heart plays an important part in any form of
spiritual teaching or healing.
You are teachers and healers, you do have a mission on
earth. But to truly fulfill it, you paradoxically need
to let go of that dire need to change things, because your
eagerness to do so has an edge of pain to it, the pain of
not feeling at home on earth as it is now.



Pitfalls of Healers
One does not overcome the fears and illusions of your
reality by love and compassion alone. These essential,
predominantly feminine qualities need to be
complemented by the masculine qualities of clarity and
Compassion enables you to perceive the core of light in
any expression of duality, for instance to recognize the
light of someones soul even if their personality is full of
negativity. Discernment makes you aware of the
presence of fear and power-related energies in any such
expression and it enables you to distance yourself from
Too often you still identify yourself with being the
apprentice or the pupil who sits at the feet of a teacher
and listens and asks and searches. But I am telling you
that the time of being a pupil is over. It is time to claim
your mastership. It is time to trust the Christ within
and to bring this energy to manifestation in your
everyday reality.
Your sensitivity towards other peoples energy may be so
strong that you find it hard to distinguish between your


own emotions and the emotions of someone else. You

may want to help someone else so much, especially
since you know how they are feeling, that your energies
get mixed up and you start to carry burdens that are
not your own.
Whenever you feel empty, frustrated or heavy after you
have seen a client or tried to help someone generally,
this indicates that you have been trying too hard.
By staying preoccupied with the client, you will absorb
their emotional energies too strongly. You will give of
yourself to alleviate their burden and this is where an
emotional dependence which goes both ways comes
into being between the two of you. The client starts to
lean upon you, and your well-being will become
dependent on their well-being. This entanglement of
energies is not helpful to the client and it is depleting to
When you offer teaching and healing from a balanced,
centered standpoint, you feel free, alive and inspired.
After the meeting with someone has ended, you easily
draw back your energy and touch base with yourself.
You let go of the other person and no cords or strings
keep lingering between your energy fields.



Often when you try to help or guide others, it is your

personal ego that craves visible results. This has nothing
to do with helping others! It has to do with a need for
validation that you have, an insecurity which gets you
out of touch with the natural flow of healing which is
often slower and more unpredictable than you wish it
to be.
Overcoming the pitfalls I described above always
involves letting go of thinking too much, letting go of
identifying too much emotionally and letting go of
excessive use of the will.
When you are working with someone, try to let go of
all your thoughts and reasoning, all of your
presumptions about what is the matter with the other,
and simply listen from your heart.
It is all about letting go letting go of your ideas of
what should be, your wishes and desires, and truly
letting the other person be.

Veli Martin Keitel

Pamela Kribbe



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