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Bashar Lyssaqs-Dec2020

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A Conversation with Lyssa Royal Holt

And Bashar (through Darryl Anka)

December 12, 2020 (Arizona Time)

Excerpt from a Voice, Inc. Event

Streamed live to Japan and around the world

On December 12, 2020 (Arizona time), I participated in an online Zoom event for about 300 people in
which various Japanese “celebrities” and I were able to pose questions to Bashar, channeled by Darryl
Anka. Darryl is an old friend (and mentor) from my days as a new channel in Los Angeles in the 1980s, so
I was really excited to participate as I haven’t worked with Darryl since the 1990s. After the 2-hour panel
discussion and Q & A, I channeled Sasha for a brief lecture followed by a group contact meditation.

Below is the transcript of my conversation with Bashar. (Published with permission).

Question #1

Bashar: All right! Good day!

Lyssa: Hello my old friend, Bashar.

B: Good day! Good day!

L: It’s been perhaps a couple of decades since we’ve spoken like this, so I am very excited to see you.

B: But only just a moment has passed.

L: Yes, that is true.

This question is asked on behalf of me and my curiosity of course, but also on behalf of the hundreds of
channeling students and graduates I have in Japan. How exactly does consistent channeling affect or
change the channel’s DNA and/or brain? Is this change exponential over many decades, such as in
Darryl’s and my case?

B: As we have discussed, the idea of the channeling state is what is known in the brain as gamma. 40-
100 cycles per second, brain wave frequency. It is identical to the vibrational state when you act on your
passion, which is why we encourage people to do so, because acting on your passion automatically puts
you into the channeling state of gamma frequency. By going into the channeling state (no matter how
you achieve that), you are rewiring your brain over a period of time and rearranging to a great degree
the idea of your DNA. We will go more into that in a moment. As we have also said, being in the
channeling state allows one to perceive, or be a better receiver, for high frequency energy and

1 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |
information. Becoming a more receptive antenna for such high frequency information allows that
energy to go through the nervous system of the body, changing the neurological net--or at least the
conductivity of the neurological net in your body. That energy allows the neurological net of the body to
become more superconductive—less resistant—and therefore over time as more energy flows, it
changes the DNA but not in the way you might think. I will explain in a moment.

When we say changes the DNA, we don’t necessarily mean it changes the basic structure that is there
per se. What it does is open up certain markers in the DNA that have been dormant and allows them to
be realized. Eventually, over time (and this may be years, decades or centuries) the flood of that high
frequency information and the opening of the markers that have been dormant in the DNA structure in
your bodies will actually allow for the creation of a 3 rd strand of DNA in a heightened human being. Once
this energy starts flowing and you get used to it and practice it over and over again, yes, it starts
automatically expanding exponentially because it has opened the markers in the DNA that will allow it to
create a type of feedback loop that will continue the process from that point forward and will allow it to
expand. Does that address the first part of your question sufficiently?

L: Yes it is very interesting thank you. The second part is actually referring to a conversation I had with
Darryl about 8 years ago. He mentioned that the energy was getting more intense and the time he could
spend in trance had to be reduced. (I’m having a similar experience). Can you explain what is happening
in that case?

B: It is about getting used to new levels of energy and taking the time to process it so that sometimes
you have to kind of take a step back, allow yourself to get used to it, allow yourself to absorb it, and
process the experience. Then you can handle more when you have rearranged your understanding and
relationship to the new energy and information that you are receiving. It is all about balancing your life
along with the service you are providing. Does this make sense?

L: Absolutely. So for all of us doing channeling, it is as if the energy is increasing, but we need more time
for integration. Am I understanding what you are saying correctly?

B: Correct. Because if you become overwhelmed, if you become burnt out, you cannot be of service to
anyone. Everything in perfect timing.

L: Thank you for the reminder.

B: Thank you for your service.

Question #2

L: As you know, my passion is contact work. I have a contact dream I’d like to share with you and receive
your feedback.

B: If you feed it to me, I will feed you back!

L: I will feed it to you!

2 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |
I was in a remote location in the American Southwest conducting contact work with a TV crew present. It
was a joyful event. A ship began heading toward us, shaped vaguely like a chevron or boomerang but
fatter and with rounded edges. ETs from many cultures emerged from the ship and we had gifts for each
other. We began communicating in a rushed way, sensing that there wasn’t much time. Then it became
clear why the ETs were rushing the encounter: because a military group was approaching. At first the
military pretended to help us, but then it became clear that they were taking over the encounter. In the
end, they tried to convince us that these ETs were really humans in disguise, doing a top-secret role play
to train for contact. I suddenly realized what was happening and became very sad because I knew these
were really ETs and they were sacrificing themselves for the contact. (They knew they were going to be
captured). I was walking with a small hairless female wearing what looked like Buddhist nun robes and in
the dream I knew she was from Essassani. We had our arms around each other with great love. I was
deeply humbled that the ETs would sacrifice themselves for such a brief contact and a higher purpose.

My question is: Was this dream encounter, where the ETs sacrificed themselves for the contact
something that has really happened with your people or another species, or was it symbolic of something

B: It is both. #1: It was given to you as kind of a play, to show you who the players are and what the
energies are associated with each of them. In other words, it was to familiarize yourself with the cast of
characters in the idea of what may play out in the beginning of open contact. The way you saw that
doesn’t mean that it has to play out that way and in fact, the idea of that being shown to you may
actually allow for a divergent course to be taken.

The 2nd part is that yes, sacrifices have been made that are similar to that idea. Even though many
people think that the so-called Roswell crash happened accidentally, it was still chosen, and it was
actually a conscious sacrifice. Those beings made a choice to allow themselves to be exposed through
the “accidental” crash of their ship in order to, as you say, get the ball rolling and expose their presence
to humanity.

In a sense they took advantage of what may be called an energetic or consciousness loophole. They
knew that your human society would not consciously or openly accept the idea of the exposure of the
extraterrestrial presence. So, they simply took advantage of what they knew humans would interpret as,
“Oh well, it was an accident. They couldn’t help it.” They did choose it, and they knew exactly what
would happen. Does that answer your question?

L: Yes. Have any of your people made that sacrifice?

B: Not for a long time in your history. But in the ancient past, a few times, yes. We won’t go into that

L: Thank you very much, Bashar.

B: You are welcome.

3 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |
Question #3

L: I have another contact question. Every summer in Japan I do a contact retreat. We go outside at night
and do contact work.

B: Where?

L: Usually near Mt. Fuji.

B: All right, and?

L: In July of 2017, I was giving a contact retreat near Mt Fuji. As we were outside in a remote location at
night, I channeled a new being who called himself “Hybrid 7”. But the really spectacular thing was what
happened when we had finished for the night. We were packing up our gear and one of the students was
taking photos on his Android phone in the dark. He took a photo of a very clear ET being “floating” while
seated in what appears to be a lotus position next to me. I didn’t see him with my eyes but in the photo, I
am staring at him. The photo was only discovered the next morning. (See photo, below)

I have a couple of questions about this but in general, in this type of contact work, do these beings
actually try to show themselves on film or was this one of those moments when the energy was right, the
dimensions opened, and it was able to be caught on film?

B: Well sometimes it is both. They may lower their frequency in order to be perceived, but many times
your technology (whether film or digital) is actually sensitive enough to record what you can’t see with
your eyes. They know this.

L: The man took a series of photos one after another, and the being was only in one of the photos.

B: Then in that particular case, you are witnessing an intention to show up briefly.

L: Thank you. I know that the point is not validation. But I found that this kind of validation was helpful
for myself and the students, to be able to look through a window into the contact experience.

B: Yes, well this is the time for that. This is why we recently developed an exercise that we shared with
many people about putting some kind of a cardboard cutout as a representation of an ET outside of your
window so you could get used to the idea of seeing them and catching them out of the corner of your

4 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |
eye. The exercise is not only for the purpose of getting people used to seeing ETs (in terms of being in
your reality) but also making you more sensitive to seeing them when they are not quite in your reality.

L: I heard about that exercise. It’s very creative.

B: Well it is simply available at this time.

L: Thank you so much Bashar.

B: [Teasing] You mean you are not going to ask me who it was???

L: [Laughs] Well I want to!

B: Please go ahead.

L: Ok [Laughing] … Bashar, what can you tell me about Hybrid 7?

B: This is similar to what we have facilitated in recent times and is representative of what we call the 7 th
hybrid race. It is the Anuhet. There are already 5 hybrid races of which we are the 3 rd. Earth is becoming
the 6th hybrid race. In the future, all 6 will blend together to become the 7th which will become a light
form which will be unique and span the galaxy creating an epoch of peace for 100,000 years. Earth is
evolving into the 6th hybrid race. In about 1000 of your years, all the different hybrid races will begin to
blend together and create the 7th hybrid race, the Anuhet.

So the 7th hybrid race, peeking into your reality [seen in the photo], is, in a sense, encouraging you to
move toward that future.

[Teasingly] Does that answer your question?

L: Absolutely Bashar. Thank you.

B: You are welcome.


Note: This information about the 7 hybrid races matches the Galactic Lineage Family Tree that Germane
created. The diagram shows the path of our galactic lineage converging into a final, hybrid race. We have
included that diagram below. This diagram was channeled around the time that Bashar gave the
information about the 7 hybrid races, but I wasn’t aware of the information Bashar channeled until later.
As is often the case, Bashar’s channeled info often matches mine, though of course it is expressed
through different styles of communication.

5 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |
The event concluded with a lecture from Sasha, and after the lecture, she led a contact meditation to an
Association of Worlds ship that was in orbit above Mt. Fuji. Participants later said it was an intense
energetic experience. Hopefully, when I receive permission from the event coordinators, I will be able to
post it on YouTube for all of you. 

-Lyssa Royal Holt

6 A Conversation with Bashar (through Darryl Anka) and Lyssa Royal Holt | December 2020 |

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