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The Way of Knowing: Christ Mind Trilogy: Volume III
The Way of Knowing: Christ Mind Trilogy: Volume III
The Way of Knowing: Christ Mind Trilogy: Volume III
Ebook323 pages5 hours

The Way of Knowing: Christ Mind Trilogy: Volume III

By Jeshua and Jayem

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‘The Way of Knowing’ is a collection of Jeshua’s teachings, faithfully transcribed from the original channeled audio recordings. 11 lessons in total with question and answer sections. This book is the third year in The Christ Mind Trilogy and forms part of the five essential 'Way of Mastery' texts.

Within it Jeshua shares: “In The Way of Knowing, the final surrender is entered – the surrender which is beyond the comprehension of all languages and theologies of your world, beyond all that can be spoken or uttered, yet not what can be known, felt, realized, and lived!”

His invitation to us is to wake up from every illusion that we have ever been separate from God, and to remember the deepest Truth of who we are: Christ.

This is the only authorized version, precisely as it was first given, including the original question and answer sections. Nothing has been added in the transition from audio to text: no chapter titles appear, nor themes given to sub-sections - for He gave none.
Release dateJul 14, 2022
The Way of Knowing: Christ Mind Trilogy: Volume III

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    The Way of Knowing - Jeshua



    This work is transcribed from the original audio recordings of Jeshua, (Jesus) who spoke through Jayem in order to bring forth The Christ Mind Trilogy and other aspects of The Way of Mastery Pathway. References by Jeshua to ‘tapes’ are reflective of the technology used at the time of the recordings.

    If you wish to obtain the audio recordings please visit





    The Way of Knowing


    Second Edition

    Published by:

    PT. Heartfelt Publishing

    PO Box 204, Ubud 80571

    ISBN: 978-602-9189-27-8

    © 1997 Jayem

    1st Edition 2011

    2nd Edition 2021

    only authorised version

    Publication or reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, by any means, without the written permission of the author is prohibited.

    Jeshua Shares

    I promise you this: If you become wholly committed to awakening from the dream you have dreamed since the stars first began to appear in the heavens, and even before that, if your one desire is to be only what God created . . . then lay at the altar of your heart with every breath, everything you think you know, everything you think you need, and look lovingly upon every place that fear has made a home in your mind, and allow correction to come. It will come. Regardless of how you experience it, it will come.

    And the day and the moment will arise when all of your pain and fear and suffering will have vanished like a wind that pushes the foam of the wave away, revealing the clarity of the ocean beneath you. You will literally feel throughout your being that there never was a dream. Some memories will remain with you and you will know that somewhere you must’ve dreamed a dream or had a thought of wondering what it would be like to be other than the way God created you, but it will be such a faint echo that it will leave no trace upon you. In your heart you will smile gently, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourself. There will be peace from the crown of the head to the tips of the toes, so to speak, and that peace will walk before you wherever you go. It will enter a room before you enter it with a body, and those who are becoming sensitive will wonder who has come into their place. And some will even say, Behold, I believe Christ has come for dinner. And you will be that one, for that is who you are—Christ eternal.

    ~ The Early Years: Choose to See

    Study Suggestions from Jeshua

    Jeshua has given the following specific suggestions about how to study the recordings and transcripts of these Lessons:

    Select a separate ‘Way of’ notebook with a cover that has meaning for you and a pen that you love; use them only for this work. Keep your notebook in a sacred space (such as on your altar, if you have one).

    Always settle down, relax, and allow the breath to flow deeply before you start listening to the recordings or reading the transcripts. Ideally, use one of The Way of Mastery Living Practices to attune prior to your study—Love’sBreath, In The Name, or The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic (more on these items is available in the catalog at the back of this book).

    Allow the words to simply land within you, without attempting to understand or retain what you are reading conceptually.

    Notice which passages cause feelings to arise within your being.

    Make selective notes and identify in your ‘Way of’ notebook those passages which touch your feeling nature.

    Later (or on a different day), copy the passages in your notebook that elicited a strong feeling. Write them several times on a separate sheet of paper in a state of innocence and playfulness.

    Whenever a question is asked, it is useful to pause and reflect on it before moving on.

    Doing the exercises as given is very important. Many of these exercises are the same ones that were given to Jeshua by his Essene elders over 2000 years ago.

    Listen to each recording or read the lesson several times in different locations and at different times of the day. Stay with each lesson until you feel complete with it.

    When the lessons were first channeled through Jayem, they were given to a group of early students at the rate of one per month, with the intention that each lesson be lived with, practiced, and deeply absorbed for at least thirty days.You will find that the lessons build on one another and continue to teach you well beyond the month that you spend with them as they take you further into your own spiritual awakening.


    The Way of Knowing is the third and final book of The Christ Mind Trilogy, and also the fifth of the five core texts of The Way of Mastery Pathway.

    In the order they were first created, the five texts are The Jeshua Letters, The Way of the Servant, and then The Christ Mind Trilogy, starting with The Way of the Heart and The Way of Transformation. Each of these books is equally important, for they are exactly how Jeshua meticulously set about to restore His teachings and build The Pathway.

    Jeshua advised students to complete The Way of the Heart and The Way of Transformation before beginning The Way of Knowing. By so doing, your own studentship will have grown over time, and the ‘soil of the soul’ will be fertile for receiving the revelations that He gives in this, the final core Pathway text.

    Knowledge, for Jeshua, is really a transformative experience of becoming that which is known, not simply understanding ideas. Waking up truly and radically shatters the most fundamental illusion we all share: ‘I am this separate being, this body.’ How untrue this is! The more we return to the knowing of our identity as soul, the more what was once called ‘my body’ becomes ‘the body.’The body then becomes a stunning expression of nature that gladly houses the ‘living spirit,’ moving in a surrendered way, as a communication device of Love, via inspiration, creativity, and the simple, ecstatic celebration of innocence.

    But first comes the work of liberating the body-mind from the madness of ego, which is born directly from a profound and deeply denied fear of existing in radical freedom.This is the work of any genuine spirituality – this is the work of Jeshua’s Pathway.

    Listen to His essential message in The Way of Knowing: "…we come to the great culmination that you are, indeed, as I Am. That in each moment of your soul’s journey you have, literally, created the worlds of your experience just as I did when I walked upon your plane, just as I continue to do now."

    Wow! Not much room left for victimhood or projected blame in that, is there? Jeshua is contradicting and correcting the two utterly essential building blocks of all egoic delusion:

    ~ I am a victim of the world, and Someone or something has done this to me!

    In stark contrast to these illusions, in The Way of Knowing, Jeshua continues to further illumine our cosmic understanding, all while guiding us in the ways of deepening our attunement to, and flow from, our union with God. Again, every practice suggestion and wonder question is a call to pause, breathe, soften, and abide, allowing the alchemy of the tools of the pathway to work on those places our minds cannot hope to reach.

    While The Way of Knowing is the last text of The Christ Mind Trilogy, it is by no means the end of what He would lead us to, if we are willing and ready! Yet, if we have truly let the teachings work on us, we will know it has given us all that we need,as we listen for the innerVoice of our very soul, knowing there is awake within us now the choice for ceaseless unfolding.We come to realize we are not ‘seeking God’ but unfolding in God, whom we never left!

    Simply this is the joy of life, of creation, of existence. And we come to know this the more we are being this!

    I would like to address a great temptation here. It is one that we find with so many students and teachers of A Course In Miracles and The Way of Mastery Pathway. Indeed, it is a pretty universal temptation. What is it? It is the temptation to believe that ‘now I’ve got it!’

    In A Course In Miracles, Jeshua begins to wean us from this temptation by reminding us He has delivered us into the hands of our ‘internal teacher’ (the Holy Spirit), who will guide us beyond the pages of the Course. It is so easy for the mind to conclude ‘I am finished,’ when in fact, He is saying: ‘This is not an end – it is a beginning. You are now prepared for the journey. Surrender, and be taught.’

    In The Way of Knowing, He does the same, indicating that the student now has all that is needed to begin or deepen the journey. Again, the ego will tempt us sorely to take this to mean,‘I am done – this is all I need.’ At this crucial point, we can become attached to our longing for completion, rather than surrendering into an even greater humility and devotion to studentship.

    What He is clearly teaching us, rather, is to be surrendered in every moment, to leave our conditioned minds behind, and to rest in ever deeper trust, discovering increasingly what it means to be moved from and within Spirit.

    Listen, then, and drink in His words from the final Lesson of The Way of Knowing:

    "The secret then, as I have shared with you many times, is to practice seeking first the kingdom. Never let a day go by in which you fail to ponder the great mystery of God’s Presence. Never let a morning go by that you fail to begin your day, except in this way: surrender all thought of what you know and what you have believed. Rest in gratitude to the One Who has birthed you. Ask only to be revealed for you greater Truth, greater wisdom, greater capacity to know and extend perfect Love, perfect Trust, and perfect Peace."

    If anyone sticks with The Way of Mastery teachings this far, the end is certain – sincere students can no longer fool themselves into thinking separation ever occurred.There will be no more denying the shimmering beauty of all things, the exquisite orchestration of Love, as it simply works to reveal more of itself in us, as us, and for all beings.

    Eternal gratitude to our teacher and Way Shower, Jeshua ben Joseph!

    Blessings to you!


    July, 2021

    Lesson One

    Now, we begin.

    And indeed, once again, greetings unto you, beloved and holy friends. We come forth to abide with you now as we initiate the third and final year of this formal information that we have sought to share with you. This information will, in time to come, be shared with millions. We have chosen to entitle this year’s lessons The Way of Knowing.

    What, then, requires True Knowledge? What, then, is required for True Knowledge to exist? How does one live — in whatever dimension of Creation — when they abide in True Knowing? Beloved friends, that which is required for True Knowledge to pervade the whole of one’s consciousness is simply this: Not for one moment have you ever lived life. Rather, in Truth, and in Reality, Life, which is but Love streaming forth from the Source of all Creation, has sought to live as you. Never at any time has there, in Truth, been a false self. Never has there been a time in which something called the ego has existed.

    You have heard us say unto you many times that what is true about you is true always, and that you remain as you are created to be — the Thought of Perfect Love in form. You emanate from the Mind of the Creator as a wave emanates from the ocean. The great secret of your human existence, indeed, the great secret of the many journeys you have taken, is that they have existed nowhere save within the movie screen of your own mind.

    Does this mean that your dreams have had no effect? Within the dream itself, as long as you choose to be identified with it, you will experience the effects of the choices which you have made. And yet, now, as the heart has touched purification and as you have truly been willing to allow transformation to occur, all that matters and must be remembered is that you, as you thought yourself to be, has never truly existed. It has been a smoke screen. It has been a chimera. It has been illusion.

    Knowledge, then, consists of the crystal-clear awareness that while Creation streams forth from the Mind of God, you cannot find the place that a separate self began. And you have absolutely no knowledge of where your end will be found. In Truth, you do not know what is going to unfold in the very next moment of your experience. This can only mean, since you do have a next moment, that something else is living you.

    In the beginning of the journey, there must be desire, for no one can come unto the Father without it. For just as you use the energy of desire to dream the dream of separation that closed your heart, that set you on a thousand useless journeys, propelled and compelled by fear, by judgment, by doubt — likewise, desire has been necessary for you to be willing to face your illusions, to look more deeply at your judgments, and to see that they can have no value save that which you extend unto them. It has, indeed, required desire for you to want to awaken.

    As you have used the power of intention to continually etch into the mind the beliefs and perceptions that are the very foundation of the dream of separation, so, too, have you learned to use intention through time, which is your creation, in order to awaken from time and from fear.

    Just as you once used the power of allowing to give permission to the creations held within your mind to seemingly — apparently — take form in front of your eyes, and allowed their reality to become so deeply entrenched that, literally, worlds have been birthed from it, so, too, have you needed to use allowance in the process of transformation, allowing yourself to feel what you did not want to feel before, to see differently what you had once insisted could only be seen in a certain way. Allowing has been the very field from which all forgiveness you have learned has sprung forth. Allowing has been the most central of keys in the process of your healing and awakening. For when you truly begin to touch upon the power of genuine allowing, you begin to taste the first levels of true freedom. You have learned that just as you have allowed new beginnings to occur, you have also discovered that you have the power to allow endings to occur within the field of phenomena you call the world.

    And yet, I say unto you, surrender is the completion of the Keys to the Kingdom. Just as once you had need of surrendering to your illusions in order to identify the fundamental energy of your being with your illusions, just as you have had to live in surrender to even allow allowance, just as you have learned to rest in surrender even to allow intention, just as you have learned to rest in surrender even to allow desire to be made new within you, as you enter The Way of Knowing, the final surrender is entered — that surrender which is beyond the comprehension of all the languages and theologies of your world, beyond all that can be spoken or uttered, yet not what can be known, felt, realized, and lived!

    For in surrender you look upon a perfectly harmless world, whether it seems to be outside of the body or within the body-mind, itself. You look upon the comings and goings of the world and you find that all things are, of themselves, perfectly empty. You look within and discover that no longer need you obstruct, from the conscious mind, from your awareness, what the body-mind has experienced from the moment of its conception. No longer is there an obstruction to the flow of experience. No longer is there a self seeking God. And where and when that self has been surrendered, the mind awakens to the simple Reality that there is only God. And you are That One.

    Yes — as you seek to find words to communicate to yourself, or perhaps to another, the great wonder, the great mystery, the great Truth, the great simplicity of awakening into True Knowing — you will strive to find a way to communicate, as I have tried to find ways to communicate with you. You will seek to communicate to your brothers and sisters that there is only God, and yet … and yet … there is the power of the mind to perceive yourself as the Created — which in Truth, you are. For God gives rise to God, looking back upon Himself. Mystery of pure content gives rise to temporary form in order that Pure Mystery might be apprehended.

    You are, then, the very process whereby That One who alone is without a second creates the temporary form through which That One apprehends and knows Itself. You are That One that is the perfect effect of Mystery, that would pour forth of Itself and make visible what was invisible; to birth through time and form that which cannot be contained within it. For Love is unfathomable. You cannot control it. Love is vast beyond all measure. You cannot contain it. Love cannot be possessed. It can only be allowed.

    Therefore, indeed, beloved friends, the very Keys whereby once you used the power of your own mind to create the illusion of a separate self, are the very Keys utilized by your own mind to awaken you to the Truth that you have never been, that there is only and always this mysterious moment. And all things have been birthed from Perfect Mystery.

    The Awakened Mind — awakened from false arrogance — looks upon all things and says,

    I am That One.

    And yet, no trace of separation or duality exists, for you are not apart from all things that are arising: the wind that blows through the trees, the wisps of a cold winter rain, the warmth of the sun upon the skin of the body, the embrace of a lover, the laughter of a child. The Awakened Mind that abides in Perfect Knowing no longer obstructs perception, feeling, the flow of thought, the flow of experience. It no longer looks to see how it can make things different than they are. It looks only, and lives from, what it most truly wants: simply to abide in its own nature and to allow Life to flow from that nature, dancing in the infinite myriad displays of form.

    What, then, is required for True Knowledge to exist? What is indeed required to abide in The Way of Knowing? To fully accept that not one trace of your seeking has ever brought you closer to Reality; that not one modality has ever held the power to bring you closer to God; that never could it have ever been truly possible for you to make progress toward the Consciousness of God. For all the while, you have been the One you are seeking, pretending to be a seeker. And for what reason, for what reason have you entertained the thought of separation?

    The reason is simply this: to do it. For the Mind of God does not deny any possibility, for It sees nothing that can obstruct the purity of Its own nature. And forever the Father abides within Himself — infinite, vast, radiant, silent — the Infinite Field of Pure Knowledge, Pure Intelligence, out of which all things, and all possibilities arise. This is why I once said unto you,

    You have never looked upon another, for you see only your Self.

    You are free to judge yourself by judging your brother and, thereby, create a form of experience. But even that form of experience is only the Perfect Reality of God. And That is what you are!

    What, then, requires True Knowledge? God does. And from the very moment that you first had the thought,

    I want God,

    even that thought has appeared within the field of what you believe is your limited awareness as a limited body-mind, racked by fear and doubt and guilt and all of the rest — all of it is illusion. That thought of wanting God, the moment in which your journey home began, that thought is the presence of God awakening Itself to that which has never been lost.

    God is what requires True Knowledge. The thirst that you have felt for God is God’s thirst for Herself. You are literally the Field of Awareness of God in which God has awareness of Himself, because you are the Power of God, and only by that Power have you ever been able to be aware of something that has appeared to be other than God, for even fear rests in Love.

    Even fear, contraction, and the dream of separation require Love, for Love allows all things, trusts all

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