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BOQ in General

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Table of Contents

Quantity of items
Units of measurement
Day work
Provisional sums/Contingencies






Placement of Fill, Re-grading, Compaction
Fill around structures (backfilling)
Storage of Excess Materials


Geosynthetic Clay Liner
Drainage Layer
Top Soil




Solid pipes
Collection and Dewatering Unit/Shaft


Pipe Connections

LFG Substation
LFG Main Station
Power Supply of Site



Road 3 m wide


Dikes, Ditches and Culverts




Detailed Design





The Tenderers shall price separately each Item in the Bills of Quantities (BoQ) and shall follow the
instructions regarding transfer of alternative totals of the summary given in the BoQ.
The BoQ must be read with all the other Contract Documents and the Contractor shall be deemed to have
thoroughly acquainted himself with the detailed descriptions of the works to be done and the way in which
they are to be carried out. The whole of the works is to be executed to their true intent and meaning and to
the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. The items which are included in drawings, documents etc. but not
found in BoQs shall be deemed as have been included in the other unit prices of the BoQs.
The optional components mentioned in the BoQ for the LFG Control System at Kusadasi Keklicek shall be
priced according to the related positions and as mentioned in the specifications. Their implementation shall
depend on the results of the pumping trial.
The optional components for the Medical Waste Unit and the Packaging Waste Unit to be installed at the
New Landfill at Kusadasi shall be priced on a lumpsum basis according to the specifications. The Price
proposal for these two units will be taken into consideration during the evaluation of the tenders while
ranking the financial offers and summarising the total budget. The Contracting Authority is free to decide
whether the supply and erection of these two units will be performed by the contractor or not. The
Contracting Authority and the Beneficiary may choose to include the mentioned services in the scope of the
contract in accordance with the budget constraints.
The work items that are necessary to complete the works or stated in the Technical Specifications or
Drawings but forgotten to be included in the Bill of Quantities should be included in the tender prices of the
tenderer. Such costs should be accepted as covered in the cost of the tenderer.
Quantity of items
The quantities set forth against the Items in each Bill are an estimate of the quantity of each kind of the work
likely to be carried out under the Contract and are given for the convenience of forming a common basis for
tenders. There is no guarantee to the Contractor that he will be required to carry out the quantities of work
indicated under any one particular item in the BoQ or that the quantities will not differ in magnitude from
those stated in the Bills.
The brief description of items given in the Bills of Quantities is purely for the purpose of identification and it
shall in no way modify or supersede the detailed description given in the Conditions of Contract or
Specifications. When pricing items, reference should be made to the Conditions of Contract, the
Specifications and relevant Drawings for directions and descriptions of work and materials involved.
The quantities given in the BoQ are provisional, as estimated and are given to provide a common basis for
Except where specifically and expressly otherwise stated in the Technical Specifications or in the BoQ, the
Permanent Works only shall be measured. The works shall be measured nett to the dimensions shown on the
Drawings or as ordered in writing by the Engineer, except where otherwise specifically described or
prescribed in the Contract.
In adjusting extras or variations on the Contract, the work shall be measured on the same basis as that for
which the quantities have been prepared and all works not specifically mentioned in the Bill will be taken as
included in the prices of various items.
Where in the opinion of the Engineer, extra works cannot be properly measured or valued, the Contractor, if
so directed by the Engineer, shall carry out the work at day work rates, which shall be the rates shown in the
Schedule of Day work. All completed Day work Sheets must be signed by the Engineer on or before the end
of the week in which the work is executed.
No allowance will be made for loss of materials or volume thereof during transport or compaction.
It is deemed that all prices given by the Contractor includes all necessary items for performance and
procurement of works, goods and services he is tendering for. These items include but not limited to


construction, supply, transportation, loading, unloading, installation, testing, workmanship etc. and all
overheads and profits.
Units of measurement
The calculation units used are the same as specified and allowed in the System International (SI) and used in
the Technical Documentation herein. No other, but the units used in the Technical Documentation shall be
used in measurements, pricing, detail drawings etc. (Any units not used in the Technical Documentation
shall also be expressed in terms of the SI)
Abbreviations used in the BoQ shall be interpreted as follows:
shall mean
shall mean
shall mean
square millimetre
shall mean
square metre
shall mean
cubic metre
shall mean
shall mean
tonne (1000 kg)
shall mean
shall mean
shall mean
lump sum
shall mean
shall mean
shall mean
per cent
shall mean
nominal diameter
shall mean
shall mean
Day work
Unit prices stated in the schedules for day work are foreseen to reflect the market prices and they are
expected to be consistent with the unit prices stated in the BoQ. The proposed cost of day-works will be
submitted by the Tenderer on Table Daywork Schedule. This amount will be considered in the tender
price, whereas only the unit prices will be included in the contract file of the successful tenderer.
Provisional sums/Contingencies
A general provision for physical contingencies (i.e the amount allocated in case of quantity of any item
overruns) made by including a provisional sum in the overall Bill of Quantities. As per article 3.1 of the
Particular Conditions they will be used under the authority of the Engineer and after the approval of the
Contracting Authority.
The method of measurement of complete work for payment shall be in accordance with the Conditions of
The provisional Sums included and so designated in the BoQ shall be expended in whole or in part at the
discretion of the Engineer.
Each item in the BoQ for which payment is to be made in a lump sum, and for which no payment schedule is
provided, shall be paid after the work covered by the lump sum has been completed to the full satisfaction of
the Engineer.
The prices and rates inserted in the BoQ are to be the full inclusive values of the works described under the
items, including all costs and expenses which may be required in and for the construction of the Works
described together with any temporary works and installations which may be necessary and all general risks,


liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the Tender is based. It will be
assumed that establishment charges, profit and allowances for all obligations are spread evenly over all the
unit rates.
The rates and prices tendered in the priced BoQ shall be quoted at the rates current prior to the date of
Rates and prices shall be entered exclusive of taxes and customs and import duties (as per Volume 6), and
against each item in the BoQ. Any item without a price shall not be paid for and shall be deemed to be
included in other unit price of the Bill of Quantities.
The rates shall be fixed, and shall not be subject to any change during the contract period. The items in the
priced Bills of Quantities shall cover the total sum of compliance with the Contract. The prices for the items
in each Bill shall be summarized at the place designated for the purpose in the BoQ. The price sums shall be
stated both in the Quotation Form and in the Summary of the Priced Bills of Quantities.
The price for the Works shall be presented in compliance with those stated in the Summary of the Priced
Bills of Quantities.
The price for jobs not provided for in separate items shall be deemed to be distributed among the rates and
prices entered for the other items of work. E.g., the price for the preparatory building, technological plant or
other temporary facilities, (such as offices, workers' lodgings, amenities or health service buildings, stores,
workshops etc.), including all internal equipment, internal and external public utilities, heating, maintenance,
charges for the use of current, sewerage or water, and all other expenses).
The rates and prices shall include, but not be limited to; labour, transport, quality testing and inspection,
supply of materials, and the provision, maintenance, use and repair of all plants, equipment or appliance,
together with the construction and maintenance of all temporary works of every description and the
performance of all services which may be required for the proper execution, completion and contractual
maintenance of the Works. It shall also include insurance, profit, and all general risk, liabilities in full,
completely in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, and the undertaking of all obligations and
responsibilities therein defined.
The price for the Temporary Works shall be stated by considering that the materials to be incorporated will,
partly of fully, be reverted to the Contractor.
The Tenderer shall allow in his rates for all preliminary and general items including temporary works, traffic
signs and compliance with all other clauses of the Specifications and Conditions of Contract which he may
feel are not adequately covered elsewhere in the Bills of Quantities.
The tenderers shall spread their general expenses, risks, profit and any other costs equally to unit prices. No
front loading is allowed under this contract.

As described in the Volume 6- Grant of Facilities.
In the BoQ, the rates and prices shall be entered in the appropriate columns. All rates and prices shall be
quoted in Euro.
Errors will be corrected by the Employer for any arithmetical errors in computation or summation as follows:
where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will
govern, and
where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derived from the
multiplication of the unit price and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern, unless in the
opinion of the Employer, there is an obviously gross misplacement of the decimal point in the unit
price, in which event the total amount as quoted will govern and the unit rate will be corrected.


Excavation of topsoil (humus): Unit is per m.
The unit price shall include excavation and transportation of humus to the special storage area as designated
by the Engineer. The unit price shall also include full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent work performed (m of excavated
Excavation, back filling and compacting of sub soil, municipal waste, industrial waste, construction and
demolition waste at the same landfill site if not otherwise stated. The slopes are up to 1V:2H, the unit is per
The unit price for excavation shall include excavation to the depth and dimensions in accordance with the
drawings, levelling and compaction of the sub-base level, achieved with respect to the surface level.
The price shall also include transportation of surplus materials to a storage area to be designated by the
Engineer and include full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.
Measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of the Permanent work performed (m of excavated
Placement of Fill, Re-grading, Compaction
Placement of Fill, re-grading, compacting in/of soil, municipal waste, industrial waste, construction and
demolition waste : for construction: Unit is per m
The unit price for backfilling of soil , municipal waste, industrial waste, construction and demolition waste
shall include transportation of the materials from the storage area, materials placed, -levelled and compacted
in accordance with specifications including the prescribed thickness of each layer and compaction tests.
Unit prices for backfilling with soil from a borrow area shall include the costs for excavation at the borrow
area and transportation to the site and also include full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent work performed (m of compacted
Fill around structures (backfilling)
The sum of measurement of soil for backfilling around structures shall be a Lump Sum or measured in m3 for
materials placed and compacted in accordance with specifications.
The Lump Sum paid for all the materials as provided above shall include full compensations placing,
watering and compacting of the material and for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.
Storage of Excess Materials
Storage of excess materials: Unit is per m
The unit price includes storage of excess materials to appointed area by the Engineer and full compensation
for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent work performed (m of excavated
Geosynthetic Clay Liner
Supply, layout and construction of a geosynthetic clay liner (Bentonite mat) at the surface sealing (slopes up
to 1V:2.5H). Unit is per m2.


The unit price shall cover:

Supply (incl. transportation), lay out and construction the of system (incl. all necessary connections
and anchor trenches)
Performing of all required tests.
Other incidentals necessary for completion of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed (m2 of sealed area ).
Drainage Layer
Supply, lay out and construction of a geosynthetic drainage mat at the surface sealing (slopes up to
1V:2.5H). Unit is per m2.
The unit price shall cover:
Supply (incl. transportation), lay out and construction the of system (incl. all necessary connections
and lock trenches)
Performing of all required tests incl. all documents quality assuring the suitability of the mat
according the specifications.
Other incidentals necessary for completion of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed (m2 of sealed area ).
Top Soil
Filling of soil and stone for construction.
The unit price for filling soil and stone shall include transportation of the materials from the borrow or
storage, materials placed, -levelled and compacted in accordance with specifications including other
incidentals necessary for completion of the work.
Solid pipes
Laying of pipes for LFG collection and transmission. Unit is per m.
The unit price per m pipe shall include:
Supply, delivery and storage of pipes
Excavation of the trench for the pipes and levelling the bottom with minimum 0.05 m sand or more if
required by the pipe manufacturer.
Laying of the pipes including water tight assembling.
Filling with sand around and up to at least 0.30 m above the top of the pipes or more if required by
pipe manufacturer. Manual compaction of the sand. Filling and compaction of the rest of the trench
with suitable soil materials or sand where requested.
Pressure tests of the constructed pipework.
Incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent work performed (m of pipes
Collection and Dewatering Unit/Shaft
Establishing of collection/dewatering shafts on the LFG control system. Unit is per shaft.
The unit price shall comprise all costs for supply and delivery of materials and construction of the shafts
coated with PEHD with all containments and pipe works incl connections, including excavation and back
filling with sand, compaction to the required standard, and cast iron manhole cover, lockable cover incl.
locks. Works and materials for securing of the construction site against earth movements or slippage and
other incidentals necessary for completion of the work shall be included in the unit price.
The excavation and back filling shall also comprise the area for leachate pipes to and from the shaft.


Pipe Connections
Unit price shall comprise all costs for supply and install all pipe connections and slide valves including all
related connections
LFG Substation
The stations are priced as lump sums, including all civil works, mechanical works and electrical works. .
The item covers supply and installation as per drawings and specifications including but not limited to pipes,
fittings, valves and cutting all holes and chases for concealed work and making good, cables and others.
Furthermore applies for each individual building the requirement described in Particular Technical
The unit price shall comprise all costs for supply and delivery of materials and construction of the complete
station incl. housing, all pipe connections, excavation and back filling with sand, compaction to the required
standard, lockable with locks. Works and materials for securing of the construction site against earth sliding
and other incidentals necessary for completion of the work shall be included in the unit price.
LFG Main Station
The stations are priced as lump sums, including all civil works, mechanical works and electrical works. .
The item covers supply and installation as per drawings and specifications including but not limited to pipes,
fittings, valves and cutting all holes and chases for concealed work and making good, cables and others.
The furthermore applies to each individual building, as per the requirement described in the Particular
Technical Specifications.
The unit price shall comprise all costs for supply and delivery of materials and construction of the complete
station incl. flare, housing, dewatering unit with collection shaft, and cooling unit, incl all pipe connections,
it further includes excavation and back filling with sand, compaction to the required standard, installation of
step irons and lockable steel manhole cover, complete with locks. Works and materials for securing of the
construction site against earth movements and slippage and other incidentals necessary for completion of the
work shall be included in the unit price.
The work to boosters and flare comprises supply, delivery, installation, running in and testing of the
complete installation inclusive of all pipes and slide valves, all related connections and all accessories such
as anchors, bolts, joints, gaskets, couplings fixings etc. to constitute a complete working installation.
The work also comprises all electrical installations for booster, flare, connection of level controls, all cable
connections, level control equipment, signal and control cables of alarm announciator.
Power Supply of Site
The unit price shall cover all work, materials and additional design for infrastructure works for electrical
distribution system as shown and specified, construction of the subsurface cable trench in earth, concreting
of the cable trench and installation of concrete manholes, together with any incidentals necessary for
completion of the work.
Furthermore the unit price shall cover provision of all cables necessary for the LFG station as specified,
laying, connection at both ends, joints, if any, labelling, any wastage of surplus lengths, and testing of
insulation and continuity.
For underground cables the item also includes excavating and backfilling of cable trench, underground ducts
and watertight seals where required, and warning tape.
For above ground cables the item also includes fixing, fixing materials, conduits, fireproof seals and
mechanical protection where required.


Preparation, levelling and compaction of the road formation. Unit is per m.
Road 3 m wide
Filling in sub-base course, granular material. 0.25 m
Filling crushed stone. 0.30 m
The unit price shall cover the materials supplied, transported, placed, levelled and compacted in accordance
with specifications including the prescribed compaction tests and other incidentals necessary for completion
of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed
Dikes, Ditches and Culverts
The unit price for dikes shall include supply and transportation of the materials from the borrow pit or the
storage, materials placed, -levelled and compacted in accordance with specifications including the prescribed
thickness of layer and compaction tests.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed.
The unit price for ditches shall include excavation, materials placed and other incidentals necessary for
completion of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed.
The unit price for culverts shall include excavation, materials placed and other incidentals necessary for
completion of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the nett actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed.
Detailed Design
A Lump sum price shall cover all detailed design, drawings and schedules.
Placing fine sand, grasses,
Planting trees
Establishing irrigation system,
Maintaining all new plants and grassing after planting.
The lump sum price shall cover the sand, grasses and trees placed, levelled, maintained and irrigation system
established and other incidentals necessary for completion of the work.
Measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of the Permanent Work performed.
The Units for treatment of Medical Waste and the Packaging Waste shall be priced as lump sums, including
all civil works, mechanical works and electrical works. The item covers supply and installation as per
specifications including but not limited to cutting all holes and chases for concealed work and making good,
cables and others. Furthermore applies for each individual building the requirement described in Particular
Technical Specifications.
The unit price shall comprise all costs for supply and delivery of materials and construction of the complete
station, including all pipe and cable connections, including excavation and back filling with sand if required,
foundations and compaction to the required standard. Works and materials for securing of the construction


site against earth movement and slippage and other incidentals necessary for completion of the work shall
also be included in the unit price.
The work comprises supply, delivery, installation, running in and testing of the complete installation
inclusive of all related connections and all accessories necessary for safe and appropriate operation in order
to constitute a complete working installation.
The work also comprise all electrical installations, all cable connections, signal and control cables of alarm
announciator panel to be located in Administration Building.
The Price proposal for these two units will be taken into consideration during the evaluation of the tenders
while ranking the financial offers and summarising the total budget. The Contracting Authority is free to
decide whether the supply and erection of these two units will be performed by the contractor or not.
The Contracting Authority and the Beneficiary may choose to include the mentioned services in the scope of
the contract in accordance with the budget constraints.
While signing of the contract with the successful tenderer the contract price shall be C. Subtotal (A+B). In
case of budget overruns as indicated in the Preamble Clinical (Medical) Waste Treatment Unit and Sorting
Unit for Packaging Material shall be removed from the scope of the contract.


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