Bill of Quantities General Preamble
Bill of Quantities General Preamble
Bill of Quantities General Preamble
General Preamble
1- The quantities shown in this bill are not fixed and are liable to variation. Any quantity shown in the bill of quantities (BOQ) may vary 30%
without any adjustment or additional to the unit prices.
2- The contractor shall read the General Technical Specification for Water Supply Networks (GTS) and visit the site. Acquaint him self fully with
the employer's requirements and with mutual obligations, the method of measurements and the detailing of unit price.
3- Final payment for each item will be according to the measured quantities in the presence of the contractor and the supervisor.
4- The contractor is responsible for guarding and for all the insurance of the work and against accidents .. etc
5- In the Bill of Quantities, Only the general description of the work is to be carried out is given, without specification all the contractor's
obligations set out in the relevant items of the (GTS)
6- The contractor is not entitled to claim changes in the unit prices in the event that there will be change in the route of the pipelines for
technical reasons that will appear execution.
7- After the finishing all the works and before the final payment, the contractor has to submit as built drawings for the project on the form of
computer disk, the tracing paper and two copies which must be checked by licensed surveyor and approved by the supervising engineer
No payment for these items to the contractor.
8- The contractor shall submit to the engineer shop drawings and materials submittals for approval before supplying any material needed as
mentioned in the (BOQ).
9- The contractor has to submit to the engineer a shipment certificate for all materials with origin certificate for each shipment. Without these
10- The diameter of the needed in this (BOQ) is the nominal diameter of the pipe. The outside and inside diameters shall be according the
Palestinian standard (P.S) No.186
11- Canceling ,increasing or decreasing of any item is not subject to any variation what so ever, and not effect the price .
12- The contactor must inform the consultant during or before pricing about any misunderstanding of any item ,specification ,availability in
market ,or any notes, if the contactor submit his price he is responsible to supply and install these items without any changing in the price
,and the owner has the right to select the required items without any change in price.
1. Introduction:
These Pricing Preambles set out the basis on which the Bills of quantities have been prepared. Notwithstanding the provisions of these pricing
preambles, the Contractor is reminded that the Tender Drawings and the Specifications form part of the Tender Documents and as such mutually
refer to the intent of the Tender Documents.
Where a discrepancy occurs it is deemed that the Contractor has allowed for the intent of the Tender Documents unless this is clarified
specifically at the time of Tender.
2. Bills of Quantities:
The Bills of Quantities define the items which are measurable and the units of measurement represent the entire work to be carried out in
accordance with the Drawings and the Specifications. The measurement items in the Bills of Quantities are to be accepted as the full
interpretation of the requirement of the Drawings and Specifications. “Descriptions" are given in outline only, the Contractor is to refer to the
Specifications and Drawings and make himself familiar with the requirements.
No additional measured items will be allowed to interpret further the information so given. Other requirements which are not measurable in terms
of quantity of labor and materials (e.g.. specialist supervision, shop drawings, bar bending schedules, as built drawings, samples, tests, mock-ups,
maintenance, materials, guarantees and the like) and are not given as specific items in the Bills, are to be included in the prices of the measured
items. The method of measurement for the Contract is thus established by the measured items and units of the measurement in the Bills of
Quantities. No other measurement method shall be used to measure the executed works.
The same method of measurement and no other will be used in re-measuring the executed work.
3. Pricing:
The Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the meaning of every item in the Bills of Quantities and the rates and prices inserted by him shall cover
all Works required by the Contract Documents. All costs in connection with the proper and successful construction, completion and maintenance
of the Works including, but not limited to, completion of all temporary works, furnishing all materials, equipment, supply and appurtenance,
providing all construction Plants, equipment, tools, sampling, testing, profits, overheads, charges, provision of guarantees, performing all
necessary labour and supervision and other cost of whatsoever nature necessary to fully complete the Works, shall be included in the unit and
lump sum prices called for in the bills of Quantities. All Works not specifically set fourth as a pay item in the Bills of Quantities shall be
considered as subsidiary obligation of the Contractor and all costs in connection therewith shall be included in the Priced Tender. Prices shall be
deemed to include for all straight ranking and circular cutting and consequent waste. All prices shall include all fees and levies.
4. Quantities:
All estimated quantities stipulated in the Bills of Quantities or other Tender Documents are approximate and are to be used only; a basis for estimating the probable cost of the Work and
2. for the purpose of comparing the bids submitted for the Work.
The actual amount of work done under each unit price items may differ from the estimated quantities. The basis of payment for work will be the
actual quantities. The Contractor agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits or otherwise on account of any difference
between the amounts of work actually performed and the estimated amount.
Such items are the subject of re-measurement of completion in accordance with Clause 56 of the General Conditions of Contract. Quantities
given in the Bills are based upon measurement from the Contract Drawings and Specifications.
6. Measurement
Metric measurements and weights have been used throughout the Bills of Quantities. Work is measured net as fixed in position and each
measurement is taken to the nearest centimeter. Fractions of a centimeter less than half are disregarded and all other fractions are regarded as
whole centimeters. This principle shall not apply to dimensions stated in item descriptions. Where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with
they refer only to openings or voids which are wholly within the boundaries of measured areas. Openings or voids which are at the boundaries of
measured areas are always the subject of deduction irrespective of size.
7. Descriptions
The order of stating dimensions in descriptions is generally in the sequence of Length, Width and Height. Unless otherwise stated in the Bills of
Quantities or herein, all measured items are deemed to include supply and fix in place complete, thus all measured items shall include all
incidentals to complete the work in a proper manner such as but not limited to the following:
1. Labor.
2. Materials, including all costs in connection herewith (e.g. conveyance, delivery, unloading, storing, handling, lowering into position and the
3. Customs and import duties as applicable, insurance, levies and the like.
4. All shop treatment of materials (e.g. Preservation of timbers, galvanizing, priming, chrome plating, stove enameling, anodizing and the like,
pipe wrapping, coatings, etc.).
5. Fitting and fixing materials in position including all necessary fixing devices and materials.
10. Establishment charges, on-costs, overhead charges profits and taxes excluding/including the Value Added Tax (VAT).
Junction between straight, raking and curved work are in all cases included with the work in which they occur.
Certain items are referred directly to detail drawings to eliminate detailed description. All such reference includes all work to execute the detail.
Where Specification clauses and / or detail drawing numbers are referred to in a description such information is provided for convenience only
and the Contractor is to note that all other relevant Specification requirements and relevant drawings and details are to be taken into account.
8. Abbreviations.
9. Definitions
The terms “ include " , “ is included “, “ including “, and similar, are used herein to indicate that the items are not specifically mentioned in the
descriptions but the costs of which are to be included in the measured items.
Such references are not comprehensive and are for convenience only and the Contractor is to note that all relevant requirements of the
Specifications and Drawings are to be taken into account in the measured items.
The word " Site” used in the Bills of Quantities means the whole of the areas within the Contract limit lies for this Contract as shown on the
Contract Drawings. With reference to the clearance of debris, rubbish, trash, excavated material and the like the definition is extended to include
the whole of the site.
The word “ ditto” used in the Bills of Quantities means the repetition of all or part of the preceding item as applicable to complete the sense of the
The word “ extra “ used in the Bills of Quantities means the additional cost of the item of work in question over and above the cost of work
already measured.
10. Protection.
All rates in the Bills of Quantities shall include for protection as required and deemed necessary.
All rates shall include where required for producing shop drawings & coordinated drawings and supporting calculations as requested by the
2. Rates and Prices shall be clearly spelled out alphabetically and numerically.
14. Excavation:
A) Measurements:
1. Excavation for foundation, trenches, etc. shall be for the actual dimensions shown on Drawings, and to be measured from Natural Ground
level or Reduced Level (which is lower) , i.e.
2. Allowance for working space is not applicable; unless it is clearly specified in the Special Conditions.
3. Excavation for foundation of retaining walls is to be measured from Lower Reduced level, or from lower Natural Ground level (as stated in
Item 1.)
4. Trench excavation and back filling for drain and water pipes and electricity cables and excavating for manholes and percolation pits is included
in the items of pipe work, cabling, manholes and percolation pits and will not be measured separately.
5. Price to include removal of site obstacles, rocks, trees ….etc. and removal of all debris from site. Price also to include maintaining all trees that
are not obstructing the buildings, boundary walls, courts and roads.
6. Each layer of back filling should be tested separately at the contractor’s expense then the next layer can be applied.
7. Co- ordination with all local authorities to facilitate the works, removal of obstacles or for diversion of roads, services, etc. ….is the
contractor’s responsibility and is included in his rate.
8. Excavation shall be measured by cubic volume. The volume shall be calculated by taking the area of the slab, footing, base and the like and
multiplying by the vertical depth. No allowance will be made for increase in bulk after excavation. No allowance will be made for working space.
9. Hard-core beds shall be measured superficially, over consolidated depth including finishing, to a maximum depth of 15cm or as stated clearly
in the Bills of Quantities. Filling required below this 15cm. depth is intended to be of suitable materials from the excavations and no extra will be
paid for hard-core used in lieu thereof.
(B) Rates
1. Rates for excavation shall include for:
a) Removal of all site obstacles and clearing the site of all rubbish, debris, shrubs, trees, bushes, plants, fence and the like including grubbing up
roots and foundations prior to the commencement of the Works.
b)Excavation to any depth.
c)Excavation in any material whatsoever found, including rock.
d) Excavating circular on plan.
e) Allowance for working space.
f) Excavating below water-table level.
g) Keeping excavations clear of water.
h) Leveling, ramming, trimming and grading bottoms of excavations in rock.
i) Planking and strutting.
j) Selecting Suitable material from the excavations and returning, filling watering and ramming in layers around foundations and to underside of
hard-core beds including all multiple handling and transport about the site
(a) Measurements
1. Concrete works shall be measured net as per Drawings or as specified by the Engineer.
2. Each item of concrete works shall be measured in the unit described in the Bills of Quantities.
3. All recesses, openings or any other space not actually filled with concrete shall be deducted in calculating the volume or the area for payment.
4. Any extra concrete which was cast due to the Contractor’s negligence and is not marked specifically on the Drawings shall not be measured
for payment.
7. The height of columns shall be measured excluding the depth of beams, slabs and the like.
8. Prices for reinforced concrete elements shall include reinforcement.
9. Prices for ribbed slabs shall include reinforcement and hollow blocks and no separate item for blocks will be provided.
(B) Rates
16.Casting in or cutting and pinning plugs, holdfasts, brackets, and the like.
19.Hollow blocks for ribbed slabs including supply, storage, laying and arranging.
20.Protective coating of hot bitumen in not less than two coats and not less than 2 mm in thickness to surfaces of reinforced concrete occurring
under the ground level including necessary undercoating.
21.Taking samples, performing any laboratory tests that may be required by the Engineer and providing certificates of test results.
16. Blockwork
(A) Measurements
1. Block work shall be measured net in squared meters. No deductions will be made for voids or openings of less than 0.5 square meters in area.
2.Thickness given refer to the thickness shown on the drawings and no allowance will be made for any additional thickness due to uneven or bad
3. For the main building, prices of the reinforced concrete lintels, sills and beams over the length of the block walls are included in the rates of
the block works
4.For toilet block, prices of the reinforced concrete lintels, sills and beams over the length of the block walls are included in the rates of the block
B) Rates
6. Using closed ends blocks as required by the Engineer at all ends, openings, services locations etc.
7. Work of all classifications in any location,
8. Finishing fair and pointing to exposed faces,
9. Rough and fair cutting,
10. Cutting or leaving holes, chases, grooves, mortices, sinkings and the like and making good, -
11. Cutting and pinning or building in ends of lintels, steps, timbers, rails, brackets, steel sections and the like, and making good,
12. Concrete filling and reinforcing rods to cavities at quoins and door and window openings,
14.Reinforced concrete lintels of same thickness as block and 20 cm. high all over the length of the wall over openings or where no openings are
provided in the block partition lintel of 20cm thick should be provided at midst of the height of the block partition over the entire length.
Including scaffolding and reinforcement of 4f 12 and stirrups of 1f 8 every 20 cm.
17. Stonework
2.Thickness given refers to the nominal thickness or the thickness shown on the Drawing.
(B) Rates
4. Shaping of the apparent faces of stones as per Drawings and the Instructions of the Engineer.
5. All special pieces such as corners, jambs, pieces around windows and doors and the like.
6. Fabricated wire mesh, dowels, hangers and all tying and fixing tools for stone cladding works.
9. Face or surface finishing including all openings, returns, reveals and the like.
13.Cutting or leaving holes, chases, grooves, mortises, sinking and the like, and making good
14.Cutting and pinning or building in ends of lintels, steps, timbers, rails, brackets, steel sections and the like, and making good.
15.Pointing including cleaning of stones, scaffolding and dismantling the same and all incidentals.
16.Lintels and other reinforced concrete elements including reinforcement except those elements specified in separate items in the Bills of
18. Plastering
A) Measurements:
Plastering to all areas shall be measured net in squared meters including openings which are less than 0.25 squared meter in area. The plaster
doors and windows sills shall not be subjected to measurement, these are deemed to be included in the plastering of the relevant facades, ceiling
and walls.
B) Rates
3. Clearing of walls and other elements to be plastered and spraying with water,
5. Mixing and applying plastering to any surface, location, area, width and height,
7. All narrow widths for taking out joints on block walls or backing concrete face for key, for making good to frames around pipes and other
8. Making good around steel sections, pipes, tubes, bars, brackets, outlets and the like,
9. Curing,
10. Expanded metal lath, corner mesh, angle beads at all corners and plaster stops at openings, edges, expansion joints, sills,…etc. and where ever
needed and according to the instructions of the Engineer,
11. Labour and all incidentals required as specified and/or detailed in Specifications and Drawings.
(A) Measurements
1. Sizes of timber given in the Bills of Quantities are finished sizes and shall be as per Drawings,
2. Sizes of doors and other items mentioned in the Bills of Quantities shall allow for tolerance to suit the structural openings as per
3. Wooden doors and pair of doors shall be measured in number or in squared meters for the structural opening or as mentioned
otherwise in the Bills of Quantities,
4. Blackboards shall be measured in number or in squared meters as mentioned in the Bills of Quantities.
6. Cloth hangers and hanger wooden base shall be measured in number or in linear meter as stated in the Bills of Quantities.
(B) Rates
2. Shop drawings,
3. Any length of timber,
4. Joints in the running length of timber,
8. Forming holes, angles, ends, mitres, rebates, splayed edges, grooves, chamfers, scribed edges, rounded edges, rounded corners,
notches, sinkings, fitted ends, far ends and the like,
9. Cutting and fitting around obstructions,
10. Forming mouldings,
11. Nosing, bed moulds, margins, and the like,
12. Facing and edging to blackboard,
13. Bedding and painting,
14. Grounds, blockings and backings,
15. Plugging concrete, block work, and stonework, and making good,
16. Ironmongery including cylindrical locks, handles, stoppers, screws, temporarily fixing, re-fixing, oiling and adjusting,
Metal works shall be measured in number or in squared meters as stated in the Bills of Quantities.
(B) Rates
17. Painting to any area or width in any location including work in multi colors and cutting in edges.
18. All other accessories and incidentals required to execute the work.
21. Tilling, Flooring And Marble:
(A) Measurements
1. All tiling works (terrazzo, ceramics, marble) shall be measured net in squared meters and the rate shall include skirting. Skirting will
not be included in the measurements..
2. Marble works for steps and treads of stairs shall be measured in linear meter. The tread and the riser shall be measured as a single unit,
3. Marble works for sills for windows and other openings shall be measured in linear meter or in squared meter as stated in the Bills of
4. Marble works for urinals shall be measured in number,
5. Parapet copping shall be measured in linear meter,
6. Marble works for stair flight’s skirting shall be included in (2) above.
(B) Rates
(1) Rates for finishes shall include for:
1. Supply and storage of cement,
2. Supply and storage of aggregates and water,
3. Mixing,
4. Hacking concrete, applying cement slurry or raking out joints of blockwork to form key,
5. Application to any surface,
6. Any width or area,
7. Any location and any height,
8. Beds, bedding and backing,
9. Finish to surface,
10. Finish to edges and arises,
11. Grouting and pointing,
12. Making good around steel sections, pipes, tubes, bars, brackets, outlets and the like,
15. Treating surfaces with dust proofer, hardener and the like,
(2) Rates for floor tiling: In addition to the related items stated above the rates for floor tiling shall also include:
1. Supply, store and cure of tiles,
2. Bedding and loining in cement and sand mortar
6. Forming grooves.
7. On site mechanical grinding and polishing.
(3) Rates for wall tiling: In addition to the related items stated above the rates for wall tiling shall also include:
5. Purpose made tiles including rounded edge tiles and bullnosed tiles.
(A) Measurements
1. All finishes shall be measured superficially net unless otherwise stated clearly.
2. All finishes, except triangular shaped fillets and cement and sand lining to gutters, shall be measured superficially.
3. Rates for the triangular shaped fillets, cement and sand lining to gutters shall be included in the rate of the finished work.
(B) Rates
(1) Rates for cement and sand work shall include for :
1. Supply and storage of cement.
4. Hacking concrete, applying cement slurry or raking out joints of block work to form key,
Application to any surface,
6. Making good around steel sections, pipes, tubes, bars, brackets, outlets, and the like,
1. Preparation of surface,
3. Cutting in edges.
4. Over laps, priming and treatment at the corners and floor drains.
5. Dressing over parapets and stub columns including forming groove to receive edge of plasticised bitumen membrane and sealing with
elastic sealer.
1. Side and end laps, Fittings including bolts, hook bolts, screws and washers,
(A) Measurements
1. All plumbing work, except rainwater pipes and water supply pipe work in water points, shall be measured by number.
2. Rainwater pipes shall be measured run over fittings.
3. Pipe work in frames to shading sheds shall be measured run over fittings.
4. Water supply pipe works, water distribution pipe works shall be measured each as lump sum.
(B) Rates
(1) Rates generally shall include for :
1. Shop drawings,
2. Cutting and forming all chases, recesses, holes, and the like,
3. Pipe sleeves,
4. Building of concrete and/or brick ducts in floors, walls …etc.,
5. Excavation, forming of trenches for services, concreting, bedding and back filling and ramming after laying,
6. Fixing brackets, clips, holder bats, hangers, and the like,
7. Temporary and final fixing,
8. Nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, holes, plugs, sleeves and the like,
9. Building in or cutting and pinning,
10. Testing and drawings,
11. Painting,
12. All work of other trades in connection with plumbing work including all making good.
(2) Rates for building of manholes and pits shall include excavation, concrete, benching, plastering, backfilling and cover as per Drawings and
(3) Rates for sanitary fittings, isolated taps and gullies shall also include for :
1. All pipe work in connection therewith and connections thereto including connection to the nearest manhole or gully and to the cold
water storage tank.
(4) Rates for pipe work including pipe work in frames to shading sheds shall include for :
1. Joints in the running length,
2. Nipples, connections, sockets, ferrules, couplings, backnuts, unions, and the like,
3. Bends, elbows, tees, reducers, access doors, cleaning eyes, blank caps, stop valves, and the like,
4. Welded joints and connections including grinding,
5. Lagging and wrapping,
6. Excavation, bedding and backfilling.
(B) Rates
(1) Rates generally shall include for :
1. Shop Drawings
2. Cutting or forming all chases, recesses, holes, and the like,
3. Conduit sleeves,
4. Fixing brackets, clips, holderbats, hangers and the like,
5. Temporary and final fixing,
6. Excavation for and lying of cable carrying pipes, bedding, concreting, backfilling and compacting,
7. Building of manholes, pits, etc.,
8. Building of concrete and/or brick ducts,
9. Nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers, holes, plugs, and the like,
10. Building in or cutting and pinning,
11. Testing and drawings,
12. Painting,
13. Excavation, forming of trenches, bedding, backfilling and compacting,
14. All work of other trades in connection with electrical work including all making good.
(2) Rates for fittings, switches, and fuse boards shall include for :
1. Conduit and wiring to and between fittings, switches, and fuse boards (except connections to supply company’s main) including all
fittings, boxes, connectors and the like and making connections,
2. Lamps, bulbs, tubes and the like,
3. Plates and covers.
(3) The rate for the connection to the supply company’s main shall include for:
1. All the supply company’s charges for making the connection to the main,
2. Wiring or cabling between the supply company’s main and the distribution board,
3. Underground conduit and junction boxes including excavation, bedding and backfilling,
4. Poles including insulators.
(B) Rates
Rates for glass and glazing work shall include for:
1. Any size, shape and area,
2. Glazing to wood or metal,
3. Bedding edges,
4. Labours to edges,
5. Drilling holes and grinding
2. Painting and decorating to all other surfaces, inter alia, The doors and windows sills shall not be subjected to measurement as these are
deemed to be included in the painting rates of the relevant facades, ceiling and walls.
(B) Rates
Rates for painting and decorating work shall include for:
1. Preparation of surface including puttying, sealing and priming,
2. Any area or width,
3. Any location,
4. Work in multi colors,
5. Cutting in edges,
1. Base course works shall be measured net in squared meter or in tons as specified in the Bills of Quantities in case of base course works
are not included in the asphalt works.
2. Asphalt works shall be measured net in squared meter.
B) Rates:
Rates for base course and asphalt works shall include for:
1. Labour,
2. Supply and storage of base course materials,
3. Spreading, leveling, watering and compacting the base course to receive asphalt,
4. Supply and apply asphalt concrete,
5. Spreading by using Finisher,
6. Compacting,
7. Trimming, cutting and making good around edges, openings, corners and trenches.
B) Rates:
1. Labour.
2. Supply and storage of aggregates. Cement and water.
3. Supply and storage of curbstone.
4. Excavation in all kinds of soil including rocks, concrete and asphalt.
5. Supply and cast of blinding concrete as per Specifications.
6. Struts.
7. Laying curbstone including mortar.
8. Backfilling, leveling, watering and compacting.
9. Pointing and grouting.
10. Lowering curbs as entrance and ramps and where requested by the Engineer.
1. Unless otherwise stated, old materials shall be understood to become the property of the contractor and shall be cleared away. Old materials
required to remain the property of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) shall be so described; setting aside and storing of
such materials shall be given in the description.
2. Removing individual fittings, fixtures, engineering installations or the like from an existing structure shall be given as an item, stating the size,
or enumerated.
3.Those required to be set aside for reaffixing shall be so described.
4. Removing finishings or coverings to existing structures shall be given as Items, indicating the quantity, or in square meters. Stating the nature
of the finishing or coverings.
5.Demolishing individual structure, or part thereof, shall be given as an item, stating the dimensions. Alternatively, demolishing all structures on
site may be given one item.
6. Cutting opening in existing structures and alterations to existing structures shall be given either as an item or a number. Stating the size of the
opening and the type and thickness of the existing structure.
7.Making good all work damaged shall be understood to be included. The provision of new lintels shall be included in the description of such
work. The provision of temporary screens and coverings to protect the existing structure shall be understood to be included in the demolition and
8.Shoring incidental to demolitions and alterations, together with clearing away and making good all work damaged shall be understood to be
included. Shoring, other than that incidental to demolitions and alterations. Shall be given as an item stating the location; clearing away and
making good all work damaged shall be understood to be included.
B) Rates
Rates shall include for:
1. Labor, materials and plant.
2. Temporary propping or shoring incidental to the Work.
3. Protection of adjacent buildings.
4. Temporary screens and protection of remaining finishings and structures.
5. Clearing all debris from site.
6. Making good finishes and structures.
7. Disposal of old materials by Contractor unless otherwise stared in the description.
8. Removal of old materials to MEHE store where these are to be retained by the MEHE.
Enabel - Innovation Hub Centers
Supply and install nonslip unglazed ceramic floor tile 30x30cm x 8mm Italian or
Spanish made (Class A) according to ISO13006 o f Billa group, with absorption
range 3%- 6%colour as directed, laid on 3cm cement sand (Mofalfal) mortar (1:3)
bed SBR and Fiber. Rate includes consolidated sand bed and pointing tiles with
m2 14.5 0
approved epoxy ant-bacterial and rottening type grout, and proofing with 3 layers
of water-based rubber bitumin underneath the tiles an the surrounding with types
approved by the Engineer. Rate includes also demolition of existing one. All the
works should be according to the Engineering's instructions and approval.
Supply and install white glazed ceramic wall tiles for the toilet units fits with floor
tiles 40cmx20cmx6mm Italian made (Class A), according to ISO13006 o fBilla
group, with absorption range 3%- 6%, the rate includes applying 15mm thick
cement sand (1:3) underneath with acrylic and polymer cement based sustains 5
bars pressure, one layer rendering repairing with two layers cement sand plaster
m2 75 0
with SBR, aluminium angles and pointing "tiles" with approved type waterproof
and bacteria resistant non- grout, and sustains 5 bars pressure. Rate includes also
demolition of existing one. The measurement will be base according to the
Engineering Measurement. All the works should be according to the Engineering's
instructions and approval.
Supply and install lighting unites 40w, 220-240 volts, IP40 Recessed Type Slim LED
Panel, body made of white Aluminum Frame with polycarbonate Opal diffuser,
Fitted with 220-240V/30-40 VDC driver, for the bathrooms. Rate includes cheking
the existing electrical network and excute any needed modification and suppluing
and installing the needed wall mounted outlets switches "Schneider'' type (single,
No. 6 0
double, two ways ... etc), conduits, mirirons if necessary, trunks, boxes, wires,
cables, 1.5mm2 for lighting and fans from Distribution Board towards switches
and all elecrical points and outlets connected to the same Circuit, terminals
numbering, removing the existing if needed, labelling and all necessary
connections and accessories.
Supply and install European type WC unit (Turkish Types Or Equivalent) "Class A"
as shown in the drawings, complete with all necessary fittings ,with European
made flush tank with two buttons, fittings, chrome plated 13mm stop and valve
side tap. waste pipes to nearest manhole, water tap, plated paper holder, seat No. 2 0
hard cover, water hose with flusher 16mm pex pipe to water collector and all
other fittings as per and all needed to complet the job as per specifications,
drawings and the Engineering instructions.
Ditto but for handicapped, the price includes open front ,raised toilet cover ,two
support stainless steel arms, complete with European made flush tank with two
buttons, fittings, chrome plated 13mm stop and valve side tap. , waste pipes to
nearest manhole, water tap, plated paper holder, seat hard cover, water hose No. 1 0
with flusher 16mm pex pipe to water collector and all other fittings as per and all
needed to complet the job as per specifications, drawings and the Engineering
Supply and install Wash basin 40*60cm (Turkish Types Or Equivalent ) "Class A"
complete with waste fittings trap plug and chain chrome water mixer of the same
type of manufacturing company, with all needed supply and installation of pipes
and the needed work connected to waste gully trap with brackets screwed to No. 2 0
concrete or block work sealing joint to work top with approved mastic sealant,
samples to be approved by the Engiineer, and as per drawings, the price includes
the dismantling the existing one.
Repair wooden door by glue and replacing damaged parts of wood "door and
leave frames including plywood" to preserve in good condition. Rate includes
painting "applying Two coats of putty ,one prime coat and two coats of oil paint , No. 3 0
Colour to match existing leaves paint to all leaves and frame all to the approval of
the engineer of Works. (size door around 80x200 cm).
Electrical Works
Extend and maintain the distribution board in the kitchen to fit the existing and
No. 1 0
newly added electrical machines, as shown in the drawings.
Supply and install Main 3ph cable to connect the distribution board layed from
the main distribution to the kitchen: the rate includes also Laying, connect, test
M.L 100 0
and commission cables including conduits , cable tray , cable glands, cable shoes,
labeling, and all associated accessories according to drawings, specifications and
relevant codes, for: 5X10mm2 CU/XLPE
Kitchen Items
Supply and install Stainless Steel Metal Table for kitchen work.
120*70*90 cm dimensions., thickness 1.50mm stainless steel
High quality stainless steel (galvanized). No. 2 0
Round edge design. Scratch resistant.
Supply and insatll Dining room chairs iron metal skeleton with cloth seating and
backing Seat width: 16"-20"
Seat depth: 15"-18"
Seat height from floor: 18"-20"
No. 60 0
Armrest height (full): 8”
Armrest width: 2"
Average Set back of armrest from front: 2"-3"
Seat back height: 16"-20" (iron with cloth)
Supply, install, numbering and Connect the following Socket Outlets points
including (3×2.5)cable, conduits, sockets, draw boxes and all accessories up to
No. 6 0
DB.3-pin Single-Phase 16 Amp sockets.
The price shall include all the needed cables and cables tray from the socket to the
main board, and the breakers in the main board. Number of sockets is 6.
Supply and install granite Marble for the Kitchen of thickness 3 cm. The rate
includes edging of 1 cm and panel of the same type. The rate includes also,
wooden skeleton with all needed fixation galvanized metallic profiles and fixation m2 3 0
composed of cement sand and fines 1:3 and pointing. All works are according to
the Engineers instructions and approval.
Supplying and install gypsum partitions, thickness not less than 10 cm, waterproof
of high quality for male W.C, and the price includes galvanized sheet 7 cm wide
and a layer of gypsum 12 mm thick on each sid and the metal paper for corners m2 8 0
and all that is needed for installation according to the specifications and
instructions of the Engineer's approval.
Freezing capacity 500 L.
Voltage 230V, 50 Hz.
4 Single hinged solid door.
No. 1 0
Inverter compressor, energy efficiency (A+).
Temperature -18̊ C to -24̊ C with digital display.
Copper coils and evaporator.
5 years warranty on compressor.
Bowl capacity 10 L.
Voltage 230V , 50 Hz .
Stainless steel 304 bowl, dough hook, beater and whisk.
Motor power 550 Watt.
No. 1 0
Three speeds (100-400 rpm).
Planetary Mixer Gear Drive.
Interlocked safety guard w/ safety switch.
3 years warranty.
Food processor
Voltage 230V, 50Hz
3.5 L bowl size, 1.6 L blender
Shatter proof tritan plastic bowl and blender.
Motor power 1 KW.
No. 1 0
8 speeds with pulse.
2&4 mm slicing disks
Chopping blade, Dough tool, Dual metal whisk, Mini bowl and Whisk tool.
5 year warranty.
Kitchen Stove gas burner
Stainless steel
90*80*أ90 cm dimensions
5 stainless steel burners. No. 1 0
Stainless steel casing, tubes and table.
14 psi leak test or more.
Chimney hood
Supply and install 54 inch stainless steel wall mounted. The rate includes supply
and install cables, sockets, tube, wall opening to outside, and all the materials,
work, and accesories needed to successfully installation. No. 1 0
Voltage 220 V, 50 Hz
1200 CFM 4 speed motor.
3 year warranty
60*70 cm cooking surface -Glass fire resistant.
Voltage 220V, 50 Hz.
3000 watts.
Stainless steel 304 cooking surface. No. 1 0
Temperature 50 – 300̊ C manual control.
Plate thickness ½ inch.
1 year warranty.
Water Network
Domestic water pipes and Water Distribution Cabinet : -
Supply and install Hardwood Architrave Frame with ceramic tiles inside and
Formica on sandwich wood cover distribution cabinet with double wooden doors
with all necessary apputenances. Manifolds for hot and cold water, with all
necessary GIACOMINI compression fittings such as plastic connection boxes, main
No. 1 0
valves, branch values, Air vent, drain valve, 16 mm and 20 mm pipes with 25 mm
and 32 mm sleeve between collectors, from collectors to sanitary fixture and any
other necessary parts, materials or fittings, rate to include any civil works needed
to complete the required installation. Cabinet with following collector.
3/4 " C.W collector
3/4 " H.W Collector
Supply and install cold water galvanized steel pipe seamless schedule 40 from
water roof tank to water distribution cabinet, including all required PE wrapping
two layer protection factory covered insulation and sleeves for underground, pipe
to gate valves, ball valve, check valves, strainers, rubber expansion joint,
automatic air vents, drain ball valve, safety valve with all required Galvanized
fittings, connections and all pipes special support, hanger, 10 mm long screw
fixing in ceiling slabs, expansion built, nuts…etc. All is according to drawings,
specifications, and approval of supervisor engineer.
Ditto, but for hot water supply pipes with rubber tube heating insulation.
M.L 24 0
Water filter
7 Stage UV Water Filter; 2 for the guest house, 1 for the kitchen, 1 for the main
No. 4 0
20 L capacity.
Faucet, tank, 4 replacement filter sets and all accessories.
Water tanks
Supply, install, testing and commissioning of PVC White Water Tank 1.5 Cubic
meters in size. Price to include well-painted steel stand, automatic float valves,
valves, fittings, vents, watertight cover, lock and all necessary works to complete
works. No. 10 0
The automatic float valve will be connected to the fluid controller that will be
connected to the pumps. All the tanks will be connected together and one tank
only will be connected to the main water source.
5 Items
Supply, install, testing and commissioning of pressure pumps (variable speed
pumps) next to the water source for cold water (European standards),
including all valves, fittings, strainer. The price also include all pipes to
complete the work, and approval of supervisor engineer, at least 5m3/hr
and 20 m head (2 hp each) ,IP 54 stainless steel body, impeller stainless
steel. No. 2 0
The pipes will be connected from the water pumps to a main spot at each
roof top and from there will distribute to the tanks through a plastic water
pipe. (All pipes should have a suitable diameter that fits with the pumps
outlet).There will be one main point on each building and each point has
two distribution lines.
Pressure pumps
Supply, install, testing and commissioning of pressure pumps next to the water
tanks (cold and hot (European standards), including all valves, fittings, strainer.
The price also includes all pipes to complete the work, and approval of supervisor
No. 4 0
Each pump should be (0.50 hp). The pipe should be connected with a fluid
controller to control the on/off of the pump based on the open/close of the
water. The pumps will be used to increase the pressure inside the room of the
Guest House
Supply and install curtains for windows of good fabric and the price includes the
metal curtain rod for hanging, ironmongery, hardware and all accoseies that is No. 20 0
needed to complete the work according to the technical specifications
Supply and install metal single beds, with good quality of sleeping mattress and
blanket shees and pillows .(sample to be approved before supplying ). Price No. 20 0
includes diposal of the old ones.
Supply and install wooden small wordrobe made of sandwich wood type ,
height 200 cm and width 120 cm, using massive wood section sandwich
18mm thick for frame and MDF for leaves and 1.5cm hardware lipping all
around edges covered with plastic laminated sheets all type class "A" glued No. 0 0
on all apparent faces with all necessary hardware ironmongery locks
handless shelves and inside cupboard to be covered with plastic laminated
sheet common type (colour to be decided).
Remove and dispose the Beideh in the shower rooms, and the sewer connections
and close the opening, and also to remove/ and repair floor tiles after removal; No. 20 0
close the screw openings with adding Sika Flex mastic, and close the water valve.
Maintenance and repair wooden door by "applying Two coats of putty ,one prime
coat and two coats of oil paint , Colour to match existing leaves paint to all leaves No. 20 0
and frame all to the approval of Director of Works. (size door around 85x200 cm).
Repair wooden door by supplying of new ironmongry and hardware (Heavy duty
cylinder mortise lock " Turkish manufactured" type, complete with heavy duty pre-
approved handles. Rate includes dismantling the old one .(sample to be No. 20 0
approv ed) ). Also the rate includes glue and replacing damaged parts of wood
"door and leave frames including playwood" to preserve in good condition.
Supply and install new fly screen for aluminium windows. Rate include dismantle
No. 20 0
existing one and cart away from site.
supply and install agricultural filter of inlet and outlet of 25mm No. 1 0
Irrigation Tubing,black tube 25, 100 m length No. 2 0
cleats and couplings ,cleats and couplings for the iirigation system
المجموعة الواحدة تحتوي عىل
ملم20 ملم اىل25 من10 وتحويلة عدد
10 25 ومفف100شد ووصل Set 1 0
10 ملم عدد25 سدات
T 10 تيهات بالستيك عدد
4 ملم عدد25 محبس بالستيك
Supply and install Metal frame for the Nursery and The Farm
Supply and install Metal frame *Bases made of galvanized iron, with a thickness of
6 mm and30cmX30 cm dimension. The price includes the preparation of the neck
with a distance of 15 cm in a suitable way to install the columns. With providing all
the requirements for installation. The preparation of pits for the bases with
dimension 70X70 cm and a depth of 70 cm and fixing the bases (60X60cm) in the
ground with type concrete B-250, reinforced with steel bars 12mm diameter, so
ation of
that the depth of the base in the concrete is 60 cm. Side columns (single) with a
diameter of 2 inches, and height of 2.5 m, the columns are equipped to install
them on the bases by 5/16 screws, 7 cm long. it also equipped with a bolt to install
and the
the brackets and all the necessary screws, etc. In addition to wood (4 cm * 8 cm)
surrounding the sides of the house to install the ground nylon (panel) and the
feather. With all accessories for installation.Interior Columns (permissible) with
diameter of 2 inches, and a hieght of 2.5 m. columns equipped to be fixed on the
bases with 5/16 screws, 7 cm long. with all accessories for installation. - External
arcs with a thickness of 2 mm, the arc opening is 7.35 meters, the length of the arc
pipe should be 8 meters. The diameter of the pipes from which the arcs are made
is 1.25" and 2 mm thickness. The angle of inclination of the arc at any point is not
less than 23 -25 degrees. Making upper ventilation windows 1 x 1 from galvanized
pipes 4/3" and welding them to the arc and installing the wood on them with
screws and other fasten tools. The used bow chord is 4/3", with sowwed (gated L.S 1 0
wood) 4 x 5 cm fixed with galvanized screws 6 cm long. All accessories needed are
included for installation.
- Gutters with a length of 3 m, 1.5 mm thickness, made of galvanized sheet. The
gutters are lined with sowwed wood 4 x 5 cm by galvanized screws 6 cm long, the
gutters are installed with columns by 4 galvanized screws 8 cm long.
- The side feta is made of galvanized sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm and
dimensions of 8 x 4 cm, prepared in a U-shape, lined with sterilized white wood,
fixed inside the feta by galvanized screws, 6 cm long, and equipped with all the
necessary pieces to install it on the side columns at a height of 80 cm from the
ground. - Metal tubes 2 in diameter, 2 mm thick, 7.5 m long (for hanging plants)
with all accessories for fixing under the side arcs. -Diameter pipe (1) inch from
galvanized iron length (3) m, support for the front and rear arcs. - 1.5 tubes
(center column) 2mm thick, 3.3m long with all accessories for fixing in the center
of the face arc. - Reinforcement pipes 2 mm thick, 3.3 m long, with all accessories
for fixing from the ceiling pipe to the center of the first side arch.
- Metal tubes 1.15 diameter of 2 mm, length of 3.5 m, and all that is needed for
installation between the plant bearing pipe or the face arc and the second
The price includes the supply and install Steel mesh , Shade 40% black with weight
not less than 130gram/m2, according to the Engineers instructions and approval.
No. 1 0
Fertilizer barrel,150 liter mineral fertilizer with inlet and outlet and pressure clock
HOPE pipe roll tube 2 inch diameter / working pressure 4 bar/ black color 100
No. 1 0
meter roll
Tube/ 20, 20 black agricultural tube pressure 4 bar 100 meter roll No. 7 0
Manual grafting machine,( )للتشتيلA metal scissor-like machine used to tie the
No. 3 0
seedlings after grafting with a plastic tape
Pruning shears, "Felco 2 tree pruning shears, diameter 25 mm, length 215 mm,
No. 15 0
manufacturing material aluminum, weight 240 g"
Spray motor, Sprayer motor European Type, 12 liters capacity, back holding, works
on gasoline, pumping in several degrees, used to spray pesticides for farms and No. 1 0
greenhouses. Rotation rate: 4500 rpm
Vaccination sticker, transparent parafilm/roll 50m No. 50 0
Cane , A meter long cane of good quality to support seedlings 8mm thick No. 10000 0
Pruning shears, long tongue blade No. 20 0
Petmos, Petams bales for farming / cup size 300 liters No. 10 0
Composting, 25 liter treated compost bag, free of weeds and diseases and has no
9 No. 100 0
Garden tube , Yellow garden tube 4/3 inches, 100 meters long No. 2 0
Drip Irrigation System with rate of 4 liters per hour No. 10000 0
Manual seed planting machine , The seeding machine is 170 mm high, 180 mm
long and 170 mm wide. its equipped with a seeding cylinder, with 10 holes 4 mm
a diameter, seeding level 5 cm .The seeding machine consists of seeding device No. 1 0
case, on which the seeding section is installed with the set bush, and the roller is
installed with the seeding bush and driving wheels.
Herb scissor, Gasoline engine large size 52cc, 3000r/min rpm, fuel tank volume No. 1 0
1200m3 with 3 blades of different shapes
mechanical tiller , Mini cultivator tiller, gasoline, 6 hp ,multi-function cultivator ,
No. 1 0
rotary tiller
wood cutting motor European Type , Petrol engine 52 CC , with long blade and
No. 1 0
shaft size 20 inches
No. 1 0
electric pruning shear , 25mm electric powered pruning shear (chargable)
Tensiometer/ Humidity Checker, The device consists of a porous ceramic cup that
allows water to be exchanged to and from the device, a connecting tube with
emptied water, and a watch to measure moisture tension in an electronic way. No. 6 0
The device also has a tight lid, which is a small container with an air vac, with
lengths of 15 cm and 30 cm
No. 3 0
Temperature measuring device, AR827 . Portable Digital Thermometer Hygrometer
salinity meter , TDS & EC salt meter in water and wells, as well as Celsius
No. 2 0
temperature Measures, it measures salinity in water from 0 to 9990
acidity meter , An electronic device for measuring the pH of water No. 2 0
Water turbidity tester, An electronic device used to measure the turbidity of No. 2 0
water on the principle of optical photons
No. 1 0
Fertilizer injection rate of 60, up to 1800 liters per hour With tube display quantity
Electric Control Board to control the flow the water from the source, with 3 keys;
turn on, turn off, and mechanical situation.
Gran Total 0