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PCI - Operations Manual For Roads - NRRDA

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National Rural Roads Development Agency



Annexure 14.7 gives the Methodology for determining the Pavement Condition Index (PCI).
The PCI data is an integral part of the OMMS and the data will be included in the Road Master for each
kilometre. The PCI data collected as per Annexure 14.7 will be entered in the OMMS data base by the PIU and
a District wise output generated, copy of which will be furnished to the State Road Development Agency.
Another copy will be supplied to the STAs for record. The proforma is given in Annexure 14.8
The OMMS software will incorporate provisions which enable selection of roads for upgradation from the shortlist on the basis of the PCI.
The States shall get the PCI survey of the Core Network conducted once in 2 years immediately after the rainy
season. Costs not exceeding Rs. 50 per km (except road lengths constructed under PMGSY for which PCI of
5 will be used) will be allowed for getting the PCI survey done and Rs. 10 per road for completing the Road
Master in the OMMS (including surface nature, surface condition, population and facilities linked etc.). The PCI
survey will be repeated every 2 years and prioritisation of roads for upgradation and or maintenance shall be
redrawn accordingly.
Given the scarcity of maintenance funds, the basic principle governing the application of routine maintenance
funds is that these should be applied to those roads whose maintenance is in the greater public interest (Core
Network Through Routes which generally have much more traffic) and which are manageable at relatively low
cost i.e., which are presently in good condition. Accordingly, Routine Maintenance Priority List (RMPL) will be
prepared at District level based on the following.
(a) The roads will include all Through Routes (or main Rural links) already included in the Core Network, at a
higher priority.
(b) The roads in each District will be ranked according to the Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Subject to the
overall availability of funds, roads of progressively lower PCI will be uniformly taken up in all Districts for
inclusion in the list. For this purpose abstract of District-wise length of roads of each PCI will be prepared
and fund allotment done generally in ratio of the road lengths of the PCI classes to which maintenance
funding is to be applied. For this purpose, each District may compile and make available to the budgeting
centre the information as follows:PCI class

Total length of TR/MRL

Amount required for routine maintenance

(c) In case it is necessary a further sub-prioritisation will be done as follows on the basis of Average Annual
Daily Traffic (AADT) which will need to be applied only in case if all roads of a particular class cannot be
taken up for maintenance given the scarcity of resources.
PCI class

Name of road



Amount required for routine maintenance

Sub total for PCI

(d) Subject to earmarking of maintenance funds on project basis e.g., World Bank aided projects, PMGSY
maintenance contracts, etc., the divisible pool of maintenance fund will be distributed among the Districts
in ratio of the total length of roads of the priority classes being taken up for maintenance. For example, if
the maintenance funds allow roads upto PCI 3 and above to be taken up (though the funds may not be
adequate to take care of all roads of that PCI value and further categorisation on basis of ADT may need


Operations Manual for Rural Roads


to be done) the total length of roads in each District upto value of PCI 3 would be worked out from the Core
Network and maintenance funds would be divided in that ratio.
(e) The District RMPL will be got verified on the ground on sample basis through the STAs and the NQM
system before it is processed for further approvals.

After the District RMPL is prepared and verified, it shall be placed before the District Panchayat for approval;
thereafter it shall be vetted by the State level Standing Committee (SLSC).


The approved and vetted RMPL would be basis for undertaking routine maintenance. In order to operationalise
the system, routine maintenance funds will need to be placed in a separate Maintenance Fund with the State
Autonomous Agency and the PIUs responsible for rural road construction activities would operate the Fund in
a manner identical to the PMGSY programme fund.
Routine maintenance operation will be carried out on the basis of maintainance prioritisation and taking into
account the availability of funds with the State. However, it must be ensured that the execution of various
maintenance activities is carried out as per Specifications for Rural Roads. States with a comprehensive
Rural Road Maintenance System already in place may continue with the present practice in consultation with

Operations Manual for Rural Roads


National Rural Roads Development Agency

(See Para 14.9)


Methodology for determining the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)



The measurement of the condition rating of Rural Roads can be done by several methods. Automated equipment
like Bump Integrator are perhaps more accurate but given the huge length of the network and the fact that the
condition rating is used as a qualitative and relativistic parameter as rather than as a quantitative parameter in
the context of the investment resource scarcity, simple and low cost methods may be used to initiate a Pavement
Management System. Once the system stabilises and the utility of the condition rating becomes more important,
it may be appropriate to switch over to more intensive and accurate measurement methods. Accordingly 3
simple, low cost methods are suggested for the present, which can be done by the PIU staff without much

Methods suggested


Measurement based on Visual Inspection only

An experienced engineer can rate the PCI by visual inspection of the pavement for each kilometre, a Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) of 1 to 5 is adopted, as under:
Description of Surface Condition


Very Good




Very Poor


Based on Riding Comfort

A jeep or car is driven at 50 km/hr. and the riding comfort noted for each kilometre. Based on Riding Comfort
while driving at the design speed of 50 km/hr, the PCI is assessed as under:
Riding Comfort @ 50 km/hr.


Smooth and Pleasant Ride


Slightly Uncomfortable

Rough and Bumpy


(iii) Based on comfortable Driving Speed possible

The driver is instructed to drive at the most comfortable and safe speed possible on the road. The PCI then
assessed for each kilometre based on the Normal Driving Speed, as under


Operations Manual for Rural Roads

Maintenance (Annexures)

Normal Driving Speed


Over 40 km/hr

30 to 40 km/hr

20 to 30 km/hr

10 to 20 km/hr

Less than 10 km/hr


Determination of PCI for a Road

In order to get the PCI of the road, the arithmetic mean of the condition assessed for each km is taken if the
kilometre-wise PCI is varying within a small range. However, if the variation of PCI is large from section to
section of the road under consideration, the road is to be divided into homogeneous sections and the arithmetic
mean of PCI is taken for each section.

Operations Manual for Rural Roads



Operations Manual for Rural Roads

in CN


Name of the Population


* MRL-Main Rural Link (In case TR is not a rural road)

** If already done(can be done separately)

Name of TR/LR/

Year of

Year of last

spent on
since PR

Type of


Proforma of Output of PCI Data for Each Road on OMMS




Date of

Annexure 14.8
(See Para 14.9)

National Rural Roads Development Agency

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