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Hacking The Matrix 0.16

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Hacking the Matrix

By Smoo
















Spoof ID - Anonymity
Rules: SR4A 224, UN 99
Objective: Use this action in order to protect your online identity before you begin hacking.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Spoof (Hacking + Software) (2) test to change your access ID
Alternative: Use a complex action (Hardware + Logic) (2) to physically change your access ID
Next Step: Target Node - Any

Spoof ID - Disguise
Rules: SR4A 224, UN 99
Prerequisites: Find Admin
Objective: Use this action to disguise yourself as another matrix user and set him up as a patsy for your
future hacking.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Spoof (Hacking + Software) (2) test to change your access ID
Alternative: Use a complex action (Hardware + Logic) (2) to physically change your access ID
Next Step: Target Node - Any

Target Node - Hidden Wireless

Rules: SR4A 230, UN 146
Objective: Use this action to find a hidden wireless node in order to later hack into it.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to Detect Hidden Node. The hacker uses (Electronic Warfare +
Scan) (4) if he knows the general location of the hidden node. The hacker uses (Electronic Warfare +
Scan) (15+, 1 Combat Turn) if he does not know the physical location of the node
Alternative: A technomancer with the E-Sensing echo can use a simple action (Perception + Resonance)
(3) to find all nodes (including wired) within range of his E-sense.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action Data Search (Data Search + Browse) (variable threshold, 1
minute) to locate a remote node.
Alternative: a technomancer or sprite with the Info Sortilage echo can use a complex matrix action (Data
Search + Browse) (2) test to gather information and then use another complex matrix action (Data Search
+ Resonance) to locate a remote node.
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt Node (if necessary) or Gather Intel Node

Target Node - Active/Passive Wireless

Rules: SR4A 229
Objective: Use this action to find an active or passive wireless node in order to later hack into it. This
action can also be used to get an idea of what devices or individuals are conspicuously not running in
active/passive mode.
Action: Use a free matrix action to Detect Active/Passive Wireless Node
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action Data Search (Data Search + Browse) (variable threshold, 1
minute) to locate a remote node.
Alternative: a technomancer or sprite with the Info Sortilage echo can use a complex matrix action (Data
Search + Browse) (2) test to gather information and then use another complex action (Data Search +
Resonance) to locate a remote node.
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt Node (if necessary) or Gather Intel Node

Decrypt Signal
Rules: SR4A 230, 233 UN 66
Prerequisites: Target Node Any (the slave)
Objective: Use this action to decrypt communications between a slaved node and its master.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to Initiate Cryptanalysis [(Electronic Warfare + Decrypt) (encryption
rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn)
Next Step: Capture Traffic - Communications

Capture Traffic - Communications

Rules: SR4A 230, 231
Prerequisites: Target Node - Any (the slave) or Decrypt Signal (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to capture orders between a slaved node and its master in order to later trace
the communications to the master node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin Capture Wireless Signal (Hacking + Sniffer) (3). This
action cannot be detected by the opponent.
Next Step: Target Node - Commander

Target Node - Commander

Prerequisite: Capture Traffic - Communications
Objective: Use this action to find a node whose communications you have captured.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Trace User to begin a (Computer + Track) (10, Complex Action)
Extended Test. If the target node is running a Stealth program its rating acts as a negative dice pool
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt Node (if necessary) or Gather Intel Node

Find Remote Node

Rules: SR4A 230, UN 146
Objective: Use this action to find the physical location of a wireless node in order to establish mutual
signal range.
Action: Find the physical location of the node using legwork. There are no matrix related tests
guaranteed to find a node. A data search test may or may not be able to find the general location of the
node. Intelligence gathered through contacts, social skills or a mental spells could also be used to find the
location. The Info Sortilege Echo could also give clues as to the location of the node. If you have
encountered a slave tracing its communications could reveal the general location of its master node.
Next Step: Target Node Hidden Wireless or Target Node Active/Passive Wireless

Find Isolated Wired Node

Rules: SR4A 230, UN 146
Objective: Use this action to find a hidden wired node isolated from the matrix in order to later hack into
Action: Find the physical location of the hidden node using legwork. There are no matrix related tests
guaranteed to find a wired node. A data search test may or may not be able to find the general location of
the node. Intelligence gathered through contacts, social skills or a mental spells could also be used to find
the location. The info Sortilege Echo could also give clues as to the location of the node. Once the
general physical location is found and the runner is present use a simple action to observe in detail
(Intuition + Perception) to locate a fiber optic cable, server, wireless disabled commlink or another device
that is part of the wired node.
Alternative: A technomancer with the E-Sensing echo can use a simple action (Perception + Resonance)
(3) to find all nodes (including wired) within the limited range of his E-sense.
Next Step: Target Node - Adapted Wired

Target Node - Adapted Wired

Rules: UN 199, 200
Objective: Use this action to adapt an isolated wired node for wireless connectivity.
Prerequisite: Find Isolated Wired Node
Action: Use a complex action to place an Optical Tap (Logic + Hardware) (2) on the wired node.
Use another complex action to connect a wireless adapter to the Optical Tap.
Alternative: A technomancer with the Skinlink Echo can touch any electronic device to gain access.
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt Node (if necessary) or Gather Intel Node

Target Node - Linked

Rules: SR4A 228, UN 58
Objective: Use this action to find an adjacent node linked to the wireless node the hacker is currently in.
Prerequisites: Scan Node Any
Action: None
Discussion: I included this to show how onionskin topology works. This would also describe the topology
of a hacker or spiders personal commlink while he is active in another node.
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt Node (if necessary) or Gather Intel Node

Deny Access
Rules: SR4A 231, UN 105, 146
Objective: Use this action to deny matrix access to the targeted area.
Action: Use a complex action to Jam Signal using an area or directional Jammer or Living ECM Echo.
The range modified rating for the Jammer must exceed the targets Signal rating. If a target using VR is
successfully jammed they suffer dumpshock.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action to Jam on the Fly using your commlink or living persona as a
makeshift jammer. Make an Opposed Test ( Electronic Warfare + Signal) ( Electronic Warfare + Signal +
ECCM) If the Opposed Test is successful, the signal is jammed; otherwise it is unaffected. Jamming on
the fly is area jamming. If a target using VR is successfully jammed they suffer dumpshock.


Decrypt - Node
Rules: SR4A 230, UN 66
Prerequisites: Target Node - Any
Objective: Use this action to decrypt a node using encryption or strong encryption.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to Initiate Cryptanalysis [Electronic Warfare + Decrypt (encryption
rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn). Against strong encryption the interval can increase up to 24 hours.
Notes: Encryption and strong encryption are delaying tactics only. For game play purposes I would limit
mobile (commlink) strong encryption for riggers or hackers to 12 seconds (4 combat turns). This is a huge
delay during combat but can be brought down by rushing the job and/or spending edge to reduce the
interval. For more realism 2 minute strong encryption is probably a better sweet spot, but this may hurt
hackers/strengthen riggers quite a bit. Encryption is generally useless for protecting stationary wireless
nodes so they should rarely have any. Encryption is very useful for wired only nodes so they should
generally have the strongest possible (24 hour).
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Gather Intel Node (recommended),

Gather Intel - Node

Rules: SR4A 229, 230, 231
Prerequisites: Target Node (any), Decrypt Node (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to analyze the exterior of a node for a Data Bomb before attempting to log on.
More net hits can reveal further information about the node.
Action: Use a simple matrix action Analyze Node (Computer + Analyze). If the node is running Stealth
this becomes an opposed test against the nodes (Firewall + Stealth). Net hits may reveal more info
about the node than the presence of a data bomb.
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary),

Defuse - Data Bomb

Rules: SR4A 230, 233, UN 66
Prerequisites: Gather Intel - Any
Objective: Use this action to disarm data bombs attached to nodes, files, or within file encryption
Action: Use a complex matrix action Defuse Data Bomb (Hacking + Defuse) (Data Bomb Rating x 2)
opposed test. If you score any net hits, the data bomb is removed and deleted. If not, the data bomb
Next Step: Establish Subscription or Decrypt File (if necessary) or Search File or Transfer File

Establish Subscription
Rules: SR4A 224, 231, 235
Prerequisites: Target Node Any
Objective: Use this action to subscribe to a node in order to later hack it.
Action: If you are within mutual signal range of the node this does not require an action and is part of the
Target Node action.
Alternative: If you are routing through the matrix to a node you must use a complex matrix action Log On
to establish a legitimate user account and a subscription to the node. You may than proceed to hack a
better account. If the node refuses your user account request you must travel to mutual signal range in
order to hack in.
Next Step: Hack Node Any or Find Remote Node

Mass Attack
Rules: SR4A 230, 233, UN 66
Prerequisites: Establish Subscription
Objective: Use this to turn the Probing the Target alternative of Hack Node into a Teamwork Test.
Action: This does not require an action for the primary, but it does require allies to perform the same
hack node action. Hacker and Technomancer allies provide a dice pool bonus to the primary hacker
equal to their net hits on the test. Sprite and agents may assist the test providing a +1 dice pool bonus
each to max of +5. The total teamwork bonus is limited by the rating of her Hacking skill rating. The
hacked node gets a chance to perceive each team member individually upon entrance to the node.
Next Step: Hack Node - Any

Hack Node - Silent

Rules: SR4A 224, 230, 233, 235, 236 UN 52, 53
Prerequisites: Establish Subscription, Decrypt Node (if necessary), Gather Intel Node
Objective: Use this action to enter an unencrypted or decrypted node silently with admin privileges
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin Hack on the Fly [(Hacking + Exploit) (targets Firewall +6,
Complex Action) Extended Test] The node gets a chance to perceive each pass of the attempt with an
(Analyze + Firewall) (hackers Stealth) Extended Test.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action to begin Probing the Target (Hacking + Exploit) Extended Test
with a threshold equal to the targets (System + Firewall +6). The interval of the test is 1 hour if done in
VR, 1 day if done by AR. The node rolls to perceive you once upon entry with an (Analyze + Firewall)
(hackers Stealth) Test.
Next Step: Scan Node - Any

Hack Node - Poor

Rules: SR4A 224, 230, 233, 235, 236 UN 52, 53
Prerequisites: Target Node - Any, Decrypt Node (if necessary), Gather Intel Node (recommended)
Objective: Use this action if to enter a node with a delayed alert or with less than admin privileges.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin a [(Hacking + Exploit) (targets Firewall +4, Complex Action)
Extended Test]. The node rolls to perceive each pass of the attempt with an (Analyze + Firewall) (hackers
Stealth) Extended Test.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action to begin Probing the Target (Hacking + Exploit) Extended Test
with a threshold equal to the targets (System + Firewall +4). The interval of the test is 1 hour if done in
VR, 1 day if done by AR. The node rolls to perceive once upon entry with an (Analyze + Firewall)
(hackers Stealth) Test.
Next Step: Scan Node - Any

Log Off
Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Cover Trail (Recommended)
Objective: Use this action to exit a node
Action: Use a simple matrix action Log Off to exit a node

Emergency Disconnect
Rules: SR4A 231, UN 105, 146
Objective: Use this action to log off a node while being attacked by Black ICE.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Spoof (Hacking + Software) opposed by (Black IC rating +
Response) to log off.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action to Jam on the Fly using your commlink or living persona as a
makeshift jammer. This disconnects your wireless capabilities and causes dumpshock.
Alternative: Use a complex matrix action to Jam Signal using a Jammer or Living ECM Echo. The rating
for the jammer must exceed your Signal rating. This causes dumpshock.


Scan Node - Quick
Rules: SR4A 228, UN 57
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any
Objective: Use this action to quickly scan all users and activity in a node or nexus to find out the number
and location of agents, personas, files, slaved nodes and linked nodes.
Action: Use a simple matrix action [(Computer + Analyze) - (processor limit/10)]. This test is opposed
(Hacking + Stealth) by any agents and personas running stealth. It is also opposed (Firewall + Stealth) by
files and linked nodes running stealth. Slaved nodes are automatically perceived with a successful test.
Next Step: Disarm Analyze

Scan Node Nexus

Rules: SR4A 228, UN 57
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any
Objective: Use this action to have your analyze program independently slowly scan all users and activity
in a nexus to find out the number and location of agents, personas, files, slaved nodes and linked nodes.
Action: Use a simple matrix action to direct your analyze program to independently analyze matrix
topography within the nexus. Divide the processor limit of the nexus by 10. This is the number of combat
turns it takes to complete the scan. Your independent analyze program rolls (Computer + Analyze)
opposed by (Hacking + Stealth) of agents and personas running stealth. It is also opposed (Firewall +
Stealth) by files and linked nodes running stealth. Slaved nodes are automatically perceived with a
successful test.
Next Step: Disarm Analyze (recommended)

Scan Node - Systematic

Rules: SR4A 228, UN 57
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any
Objective: Use this action to have your analyze program analyze in detail all users and activity in a node
to find out the number and location of agents, personas, files, slaved nodes and linked nodes. Detailed
information on each icon/node analyzed is determined by the number of net hits. After the initial scan is
complete it can continue to scan for 2 new icons or personas that enter the node per initiative pass.
Action: Use a simple matrix action to direct your analyze program to independently analyze matrix
topography within the node. Divide the matrix topography (icons + personas + files + slaved nodes +
linked nodes) of the node by 2. This is the number of initiative passes it takes to complete the initial scan.
Your independent analyze program rolls (Computer + Analyze). This is opposed (Hacking + Stealth) by
any agents and personas running stealth. It is also opposed (Firewall + Stealth) by files and linked nodes
running stealth. Slaved nodes are automatically perceived with a successful test.
Next Step: Disarm Analyze (recommended)

Disarm - Analyze
Rules: UN 111, 112
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent, Scan - Any
Objective: The point of this action is to prevent personas in a node or a nodes inherent analyze from
noticing your actions.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin a (Hacking + Disarm) (Firewall + System, 1 Initiative Pass)
extended test targeting an opponents Analyze program.
Notes: This should usually be your next action after your scan action.


Find File
Rules: SR4A 230
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan Node - Any, Disarm Analyze (recommended)
Objective: Use this action to quickly find the location of a specific file within a node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin Data Search (Data Search + Browse) (variable threshold,
Complex Action) extended test to locate the specific file.
Notes: A previous Scan Node Systematic with sufficient net hits may have already located the file.
Next Step: Gather Intel - File

Gather Intel - File

Rules: SR4A 230
Prerequisites: Find File or Scan Node - Systematic
Objective: Use this action to see if a data bomb is attached to a file or within the encryption of a file. More
net hits can reveal further information about the file.
Action: Use a simple matrix action Analyze Icon (Computer + Analyze). This test is opposed (Firewall +
Stealth) by a file running stealth.
Notes: unlike node encryption, data bombs can be located inside file encryption so you should always
look for a data bomb before starting decryption.
Next Step: Decrypt File (if necessary) or Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary) or Search File or Transfer

Decrypt - File
Rules: SR4A 230, UN 66
Prerequisites: Find File or Scan Node - Systematic, Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to decrypt a file using encryption or strong encryption in order to access it.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to Initiate Cryptanalysis [Electronic Warfare + Decrypt (Encryption
rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn). Against strong encryption the interval can increase up to 24 hours.
Notes: As encrypted files can be moved so file encryption and strong encryption are delaying tactics only.
Next Step: Search File or Transfer File

Transfer File
Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Find File or Scan Node - Systematic, Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary). Decrypt File (if
Objective: Use this action to transfer a file or encrypted file from the current node to the hackers
commlink for later use.
Action: Use a simple action to begin transfer of the data. Most data will complete transfer by the end of
one combat turn.

Search File
Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Find File or Scan Node - Systematic, Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary). Decrypt File (if
Objective: Use this action to search a file for specific information.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Data Search (Data Search + Browse) to locate the information you
are looking for.

Corrupt File
Rules: UN 111, 112
Prerequisites: Find File or Scan Node - Systematic, Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary). Decrypt File (if
Objective: Use this action to permanently destroy information within a file(s).
Action: Use a complex matrix action Corrupt Data (Hacking + Corrupt) (1 Combat turn interval) with a
threshold determined by the amount of information and number of files affected.

Hidden Backdoor
Rules: UN 97, 89
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Disarm Firewall (recommended)
Objective: Use this action to create a legitimate admin account that is both hidden and permanent.
Action: With full admin privileges use a complex matrix action Edit (Software + Edit) (4) test to create the
legitimate account. Next use a complex matrix action to begin a (Hacking + Stealth) (Firewall, 10 minutes)
extended test to hide the account.
Alternative: With compromised privileges use a complex matrix action Edit (Hacking + Edit) (System +
Firewall + 4) opposed test needing 4 hits to create the legitimate admin account. Next use a complex
matrix action to begin a (Hacking + Stealth) (Firewall + 4, 10 minutes) extended test to hide the account.
Next Step: Find Presence (recommended)

Find Presence
Rules: SR4A 230, UN 65
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent, Find File or Scan Node - Systematic, Decrypt File (if necessary),
Defuse - Data Bomb (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to determine where your activities have been logged within a nodes access
Action: Use a complex matrix action Data Search (Data Search + Browse) to locate your activities within
the access log.
Next Step: Cover Tracks

Cover Tracks
Rules: SR4A 230, UN 65
Prerequisites: Find Presence
Objective: Use this action to delete or modify the record of your activities or anothers activities within the
access log
Action: Use a complex matrix action Edit to delete or modify the record yours or anothers activities.
Next Step: Log Off


Find Admin
Rules: SR4A 230
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan Node - Any, Disarm Analyze (recommended)
Objective: Use this action to quickly learn a personas account privileges and or their Access ID
Action: Use a simple matrix action Analyze Icon (Computer + Analyze) (Firewall + Stealth) on each
persona in the node previously identified by your scan action. You need 2 net hits to learn both the
persona's account privileges and Access ID.
Notes: A previous Scan Node - Systematic with sufficient net hits may have already located this
Next Step: Spoof - Admin or Spoof ID Disguise or Disconnect Spider

Disconnect Spider
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237, 238 UN 101
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Find Admin or Scan Node - Systematic,
Objective: Use this action to terminate persona connections to a node and any slaved nodes.
Action: With full admin privileges use a complex matrix action Terminate Connection (Computer + Edit)
(1) to disconnect all identified enemy users. It takes an additional full combat turn for the connection to be
terminated. If the target is in VR it will suffer dumpshock.
Alternative: With compromised privileges use a complex matrix action Terminate Connection (Hacking +
Edit) (System + Firewall + 4) to disconnect all enemy users. It takes an additional full combat turn for the
connection to be terminated. If the target is in VR it will suffer dumpshock.
Next Step: Dominate Node

Dominate Node
Rules: SR4A 225, UN 52
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Find Admin or Scan Node - Systematic, Disconnect Spider,
Objective: Use this action to strip accounts from all disconnected enemy personas and force them to
hack reentrance to the node.
Action: With full admin privileges use a complex matrix action Edit (Software + Edit) (1) to delete all
offline enemy accounts.
Alternative: With compromised privileges use a complex matrix action Edit (Hacking + Edit) (System +
Firewall + 4) requiring 2 net hits to delete all offline enemy accounts.
Next Step: Command - Slave or Command - Transfer

Spoof - Admin
Rules: SR4A 232, 234, 236, UN 52, 98, 99
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Find Admin or Scan Node - Systematic, Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to add an additional admin account for yourself to a slaved node in order to
use the command action in the future.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Spoof Command (Hacking + Spoof - 6) opposed by (System +
Firewall) of the slaved node or (Pilot + Firewall) if there is an agent in the slaved node.
Note: This action cannot be performed if a spider is jumped into the slaved node
Next Step: Command - Dominate

Command - Dominate
Rules: SR4A 229, 232 UN 52
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent or Spoof - Admin,
Objective: Use this action to delete others admin privileges from a slaved node to consolidate control.

Action: Use a simple matrix action Issue Command to delete other user accounts from the slaved node.
Note: This action cannot be performed if a spider is jumped into the slaved node
Next Step: Command - Slave or Command - Transfer

Command - Slave
Rules: SR4A 229, 232, 238 UN 52, 98, 99
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent or Spoof - Admin, Command Dominate or Dominate Node
Objective: Use this action to transfer a slaved node to your personal node for better control and
Action: Use a simple matrix action Issue Command to transfer the slaved node to your personal node.
Notes: Your number of subscriptions for slaved nodes is limited by System x 2. Consider using the
Command - Transfer action if you are near your subscription limit.
Next Step: Encrypt - Signal


Occupy Allied Node
Rules: SR4A 231
Objective: Use this action in order to perform matrix actions within an allied node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to Log On. You open a subscription to a node, and your icon
appears there. This requires no test, You can switch between existing icons in multiple nodes without
expending actions.

Command - Transfer
Rules: SR4A 229, 232, 238 UN 52, 98, 99
Prerequisites: Occupy Allied Node, Hack Node - Silent or Spoof - Admin, Command - Dominate or
Dominate Node
Objective: Use this action to transfer a slaved node to an allied node for better control and protection.
Action: Use a simple matrix action Issue Command to transfer the slaved node to an allied node where
your icon is present.
Next Step: Encrypt - Signal

Encrypt - Signal
Rules: SR4A 221, 233, UN 66
Prerequisites: Command Slave or Command - Transfer
Objective: Use this action to encrypt communication between an ally or slaved node to delay interception
or capture.
Action: Use a simple matrix action Encrypt

Data Bomb - Node

Rules: SR4A 231, 233, UN
Prerequisites: Hack Node Any, Dominate Node
Objective: Use this action to set a rearming Data Bomb on a node to delay and hurt intruders.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Set Data Bomb with the Pavlov program option.

Encrypt - Node
Rules: SR4A 221, 233, UN 66
Prerequisites: Hack Node Any Dominate Node
Objective: Use this action to encrypt a node to delay intruders.
Action: Use a simple matrix action Encrypt
Alternative: Continue the encrypt action over multiple combat turns for Strong Encryption intervals

Script - ICE
Rules: UN 51, 69, 100
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent
Objective: Use this action to tell ICE or agents how and when to engage (attack, blackhammer, blackout,
trace or sniffer) intruders
Action: Use a complex matrix action Script Node [(Software + Logic) Test, with the threshold
determined by the intricacy of the commands]

Script - Alert
Rules: UN 51, 67
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent
Objective: Use this action to ensure the nodes alert response is beneficial to you. .
Action: Use a complex matrix action Script Node [(Software + Logic) Test, with the threshold
determined by the intricacy of the commands]

Intercept Traffic - Block

Rules: SR4A 230, 231
Prerequisites: Hack Node Any, Decrypt Signal (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to prevent agents or personas from calling in help or sending out warnings
during cybercombat, after they are alerted to your presence in the node or before Terminate Connection
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin Intercept Traffic (Hacking + Sniffer) Test; the hits
from this test are the threshold for opponents to detect the snooping with a Matrix Perception test.
Next delay using a complex matrix action to Edit any unwanted outgoing traffic.

Intercept Traffic Block Quickly

Rules: SR4A 230, 231
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent, Decrypt Signal (if necessary)
Objective: Use this action to prevent agents or personas from calling in help or sending out warnings
during cybercombat, after they are alerted to your presence in the node or before Terminate Connection
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin Intercept Traffic (Hacking + Sniffer) Test; the hits
from this test are the threshold for opponents to detect the snooping with a Matrix Perception test.
Next delay a free matrix action Terminate Data Transfer to block any unwanted outgoing traffic.

Add Friends
Rules: SR4A 230, 233, UN 52
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent
Objective: Use this action to add admin accounts for independent agents or other allies you would like to
later invite to the node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Edit to add admin accounts
Next Step: Call Friends or Call Sprite

Call Friends
Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Add Friends
Objective: Use this action to invite independent agents or other allies into the node you are in.
Action: Use a free matrix action Transmit Phrase to call your friends.

Remote Targeting
Rules: UN 52
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Silent
Objective: Use this action to set up a previously hacked node as a hub for targeting nearby nodes.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Run Program to upload a copy of a Scan program to the Node. You
can then use the Signal of the hacked node to target other nodes near its physical location.
Next Step: Target Node - Any

VII. Cybercombat
Disarm - Biofeedback
Rules: UN 111, 112
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Firewall (recommended),
Objective: Use this action to prevent personas in a node from resisting damage from your actions in
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin an (Hacking + Disarm) (Firewall + System, 1 Initiative Pass)
Extended Test targeting an opponents Biofeedback program.
Next Step: Stun Spider

Disarm - Armor
Rules: UN 111, 112
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Firewall (recommended),
Objective: Use this action to prevent personas in a node from resisting damage from your actions in
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin an (Hacking + Disarm) (Firewall + System, 1 Initiative Pass)
Extended Test targeting an opponents Armor program.
Notes: A Shield complex form cannot be disarmed because it is not a Hacking or Common Use program.
Next Step: Hit Spider

Disarm - Firewall
Rules: UN 111, 112
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Analyze (recommended)
Objective: Use this action to lower an opponent or nodes defenses from your actions.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin an (Hacking + Disarm) (Firewall + System, 1 Initiative Pass)
Extended Test targeting a Firewall. The opponent makes an (Firewall + Analyze) (hackers Stealth) test
during each pass of the disarm attempt. If the opponent reaches its threshold first an alert is triggered
and the attempt must be restarted.
Next Step: Stun Spider or Disconnect Spider or Spoof Admin or Hidden Backdoor

Hit Spider
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237, 238 UN 101
Prerequisites: : Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Armor (recommended), Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to Overload any sentient personas in AR with matrix damage and disconnect
them from the node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Cybercombat (Cybercombat + Attack) opposed by (Response +
Firewall). If the firewall is disarmed the target resists with Response only. The modified DV is resisted by
(System + Armor) if Armor is disarmed the target resists with System only.

Stun Spider
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Biofeedback (recommended), Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to Overload any sentient personas in VR with stun damage and disconnect
them from the node and prevent them from acting in meatspace.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Cybercombat (Cybercombat + Blackout) opposed by (Response +
Firewall). If the firewall is disarmed the target resists with Response only. The modified DV is resisted by
(Willpower + Biofeedback Filter) if the biofeedback filter is disarmed the target resists with Willpower only.

Kill Spider
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Biofeedback (recommended), Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to Overload any sentient personas in VR with lethal and kill them.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Cybercombat (Cybercombat + Blackhammer) opposed by
(Response + Firewall). If the firewall is disarmed the target resists with Response only. The modified DV
is resisted by (Willpower + Biofeedback Filter). if the biofeedback filter is disarmed the target resists with
Willpower only.

Nuke - Locals
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237 UN 111
Prerequisites: : Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Armor (recommended), Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to weaken or paralyze all agents, sprites and spiders using the nodes
resources to run their icons.
Action: Target all valid icons with a complex matrix action Cybercombat (Cybercombat + Nuke) opposed
by (Response + Firewall). If the firewall is disarmed the target resists with Response only. The modified
DV is resisted by (System + Armor) if Armor is disarmed the target resists with System only. Instead of
causing matrix damage each net hit can reduce either the targets Response or System/Pilot as decided
by the hacker. If both Response and System/Pilot are reduced to zero the target is paralyzed and can
take no matrix actions.

Nuke - Visitors
Rules: SR4A 233, 236, 237 UN 111
Prerequisites: : Hack Node - Any, Scan - Any, Disarm Armor (recommended), Disarm Firewall
Objective: Use this action to weaken or paralyze all agents and spiders using a specific linked nodes
resources to run their icons.
Action: Target all valid icons with a complex matrix action Cybercombat (Cybercombat + Nuke) opposed
by (Response + Firewall). If the firewall is disarmed the target resists with Response only. The modified
DV is resisted by (System + Armor) if Armor is disarmed the target resists with System only. Instead of
causing matrix damage each net hit can reduce either the targets Response or System/Pilot as decided
by the hacker. If both Response and System/Pilot are reduced to zero the target is paralyzed and can
take no matrix actions.


Rush Registration
Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Stability

Objective: Use this action to safely halve the interval of Sprite Registration.
Action: Use 1 sprite task Stability targeted on yourself to prevent glitches while Rushing The Job of sprite

Sustain Stealth
Rules: SR4A 240, 241
Objective: Use this action to sustain a Stealth Complex Form thread until all analyze programs in a
hacked node are disarmed.
Action: Use 1 Registered sprite task to Sustain Complex Form (One task is used up for each period
equal to the sprites rating in Combat Turns) on your threaded Stealth Complex form to prevent the
penalty to other action.
Alternative: Use Swap Echoe(s) to prevent the penalty from sustaining your Stealth Complex Form.
Notes: Stealth is generally the only Complex Form you should need to sustain throughout a Hack.
Thread other complex forms (Exploit, Analyze, Disarm) with a free action on an as needed basis per pass.
Next Step: Hack Node - Any

Assist Stealth
Rules: SR4A 241
Objective: Use this action to improve the rating of your Stealth Complex Form before hacking entrance to
a node and until all Analyze programs in a hacked node are disarmed.
Action: Use 1 Registered sprite task to Assist Operations Stealth adding its rating to your Stealth
Complex Form (One task is used up for each period equal to the sprites rating in Combat Turns)
Next Step: Hack Node - Any

Assist Exploit
Rules: SR4A 241
Objective: Use this action to improve the rating of your Exploit Complex Form until you have hacked
entrance to a node.
Action: Use 1 Registered sprite task to Assist Operations Exploit adding its rating to your Exploit
Complex Form (One task is used up for each period equal to the sprites rating in Combat Turns)
Next Step: Hack Node - Any

Assist Analyze
Rules: SR4A 241
Objective: Use this action to improve the rating of your Analyze Complex Form until all personas, files
and linked nodes are analyzed.
Action: Use 1 Registered sprite task to Assist Operations Analyze adding its rating to your Analyze
Complex Form (One task is used up for each period equal to the sprites rating in Combat Turns)
Next Step: Gather Intel Node, Scan Node - Any, Gather Intel - File Find Admin

Assist Disarm
Rules: SR4A 241
Objective: Use this action to improve the rating of your Disarm Complex Form until all Analyze programs
in a hacked node are disarmed.
Action: Use 1 Registered sprite task to Assist Operations Disarm adding its rating to your Disarm
Complex Form (One task is used up for each period equal to the sprites rating in Combat Turns)
Next Step: Disarm Analyze

Rules: UN 114
Objective: Use this to get an extra complex action per pass except during cybercombat.
Action: Use the Macro Echo to get an extra complex matrix action per initiative pass. All tests performed
have a -2 penalty.

Rush Widget
Rules: SR4A 229, UN 148
Prerequisites: Stability
Objective: Use this action to safely halve the interval of widget crafting.
Action: With the Widget Crafting Echo use 1 sprite task Stability targeted on yourself to prevent glitches
while Rushing The Job of crafting widgets.

Call Sprite
Rules: SR4A 65, 241, 243
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Add Friends (recommended)
Objective: Use this action to invite independent agents or other allies into the node you are in.
Action: Use a simple matrix action to call a previously compiled or registered sprite to the node.

Probability Distribution
Rules: UN 156, 157
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Call Sprite
Objective: Use this action to assist or hinder another test.
Action: Delay a complex matrix action Probability Distribution (Rating x 2) against a threshold of the
nodes Response/2. If it succeeds, either increase or decrease the dice pool of the targeted test by half
the sprites rating (round up).

Rules: UN 156, 157
Prerequisites: Call Sprite
Objective: Use this action to determine another icons location within the matrix.
Action: Use a complex matrix action to begin a (Rating + Track) (Variable threshold, 1 hour) extended
test. If it succeeds, the sprite can locate the node that the target is currently in, if that person is online,
or the most recent physical location from which the target interacted with the Matrix.

Rules: SR4A 229
Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Call Sprite
Objective: Use this action to learn about an icons future matrix activity.
Action: Using a complex matrix action Cookie the sprite must successfully beat the target in an Opposed
Test between the sprites (rating x 2) (Firewall + Stealth). If the sprite succeeds, the cookie code is
embedded in the icon and will log every place the icon goes and everything the icon does. Use the net
hits to benchmark the depth of the data the cookie accumulates (1 hit providing a bare outline, 4 or more
a detailed report). The cookie will end at a period pre-determined by the sprite when it is placed Cookies
may be detected with a Matrix Perception (4) Test and removed with a Computer + Edit (2) Test (with or
without Resonance) once identified.

Rules: SR4A 242
Prerequisites: Establish Subscription or Hack Node - Any, Call Sprite
Objective: Use this action to invite to cause a glitch or critical glitch in a node, slaved node or subscribed
Action: Use a complex matrix action Gremlins (sprites rating x 2) and opposed by the nodes (System +
Firewall). If the sprite succeeds, the node suffers a glitch, or a critical glitch with 4 success.

Rules: SR4A 243

Prerequisites: Hack Node - Any, Call Sprite

Objective: Use this action to prevent glitches and downgrade critical glitches in a node.
Action: Use a complex matrix action Stability.

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