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The Soul Trap Hijacking The Point of Attention (Update 1)

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The Soul Trap: Hijacking the Point of Attention (Update 1)

a resource for the awakening human: The Soul Trap: Hijacking the Point of Attention (Update 1)


Imagine a theater that has been constructed amidst a beautiful garden. As you walk through the garden, you are approached by a ticket hawker. "You simply have to come in and see the
show," he says, "It's called 'Good versus Evil,' and it's absolutely thrilling. You'll love it!" Persuaded by his enthusiasm, you enter the theater to watch the show.
For the first two hours, you enjoy the stage play...

...but it just keeps going and going and going.

Growing tired of it, you get up and start to head for the exit door. As you approach it, you see another door that is open with all kinds of lights flashing inside. Someone standing at the
door says, "Come on in and join the party! All are welcome!" So you wander in and see a fabulous celebration going on.

As you mill about the party, someone comes to you and says, "You look tired from watching the play. Sit down here and I'll guide you through a relaxation technique. You'll feel totally
refreshed!" So you sit down and the person hypnotizes you, and the next thing you know, you are back in the theater watching the play. You have no memory that you already saw it or
that you went to the party afterwards.

After watching the play for two hours or so, you grow weary of it and head for the exit. Then you see an open door with flashing lights inside....

In this short tale, true reality is represented by the garden. And the theater, an artificial construct, reflects the trap in which we find ourselves. It is not a trap that keeps us locked inside; it's a trap that lures us to remain inside by hijacking
our point of attention. First, you are enjoying your walk through the garden, then your attention is hijacked by the ticket hawker who draws you inside. Once inside, your attention is hijacked by the stage play. And upon trying to leave,
your attention is hijacked by the open door with the flashing lights. Then you find yourself back watching the show, over and over and over.

At each step in this process, you are not held by force; you are lured to make the free will choice to remain within the artificial construct. And your "hosts" make sure that you find both the stage play and the party so compelling that your
attention is held and you remain in their theater.

A few years ago, I read a book called Journey of Souls. It was written by a hypnotist that did hypnosis channeling to find out about our "lives between lives." On the surface, it sounded positive and beautiful, but as I read it, I had the
feeling I was reading about a prison. As I went from chapter to chapter, I thought "here is the yellow line they make the prisoners walk," "here is the cell they hold the prisoners in," "here are the prisoners' cellmates," "here is where they
let the prisoners play in the yard," and so on.

At the time, I upbraided myself for being "negative." "Why am I such a jackass?" I wondered, "Everyone else thinks this is great. What is wrong with me that I feel this book describes a prison?" Eventually, though, I realized there was
nothing wrong with me; it was just my core giving me a heads-up about the "astral" prison to which "the light" leads us after we physically perish.

One of the things that gave me confidence in my interpretation was that I wasn't the only one. I came across others who had the same perspective, and one of them, Wes Penre, offers this illustration of the prison...

...So after having our attention held by the dramas of earthly life and the grand battle between "light" and "dark," we encounter a welcoming light that hijacks our point of attention and leads us to a "false heaven"...

...Even by the sympathetic account offered by Journey of Souls, certain memories are erased and our attention is kept focused on how to "do better" in the next life. Then we are motivated by a combination of peer pressure, authority
pressure, and the desire to "correct our karmic imbalance" to come back to the earthly slaughterhouse.

All this being said, when you hear accounts of our world being a hologram, this might describe the nature of it. It is an artificial construct within a natural construct, and it is run by a rather unsavory bunch of characters. This points out the
need to avoid being led around by the nose by others, whether in this human life or beyond.

And with that, I'll call it a day. I've got to get ready for Sangria Night.

[Update 1 - 1 February 2014]

A reader asked me, "OK, so what's the answer?" Since I don't like telling people what to do, I always try to be understated with any suggestions I offer. And when I said "avoid being led around by the nose by others, whether in this
human life or beyond," I was offering the suggestion to take conscious command of both your living and afterlife experiences. But let me be more concrete about it....

If memory serves, Wes Penre suggests that upon physical release, one should avoid "the light" and seek out gaps in the grid. And my personal strategy is to avoid being guided by any automatic processes or by the hands of others,
whether seen or unseen. If any force tries to pull me in a certain direction, or if any loved one or "spirit guide" tries to lead me anywhere, I will command them to stop and to get out of my way. I will then poke around to get the lay of the
land while maintaining the focused intention of going home to my true soul and my true source.

Once I'm out of this physical body, I imagine that I will be in a very elated state because I'll finally be free of all the pains associated with being physically alive. And I imagine that I will feel the strong pull of loved ones who are caught
in the grid, and that I might feel a strong love for my personal "spirit guide" (prison guard) due to all the experiences I've had with him/her over the course of my many lives. These bonds will keep me here if I don't resist them, so resist
them I shall. And as I fumble about for guidance on how to get home, I will listen to what comes from within me rather than what comes from an external voice.

In the afterlife, the "guides" we encounter can appear to us as gorgeous angelic beings, and they know how to make us feel good using what I call "vibrational crack." But not all that glitters is gold. I will remember that as they try to lure
me back into the fold.

All my love....


AnonymousFebruary 3, 2014 at 10:06 PM

this is similar to the Yaqui Shaman teaching of beating death. A warrior of impeccable awareness, can slip past the soul eater, at their death, to access the wonders of the universe. something like that..


LinxFebruary 3, 2014 at 11:00 PM

17second summary of this entry...

Hohoho XD


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Yes, Castaneda's "Cheating The Eagle". Don't "go into The Light"'s a trap.
When you are faced with the soul-eating "Eagle" (which is what the Yaquis saw it as), make a fast 180 degree turn and go as far and fast as you can.

Sounds good to me.


LinxFebruary 4, 2014 at 3:24 PM

Mmmhmm, yup.
However, further contemplation tells me that there would most likely be many "false dark" beings who, under the greater collaboration, would work to scare & torment souls after passing, making
them then attempt to flee "to the light" & into the waiting hands(/clutches) of the supposed "false light" beings or the "soul-eating eagle" as the Yaqui see it. Simple problem:reaction:solution tactic
possibly at play.
Now i hear people asking the obvious question "where do i go then?". Well, instead of providing a full answer, i'd suggest tapping into your own intuitive power & working from there ;3


Marina ChickenNovember 20, 2014 at 2:54 PM

Well, if you take into account that You are a Sovereign being with Free Will and that no one, I repeat, no one can ever attempt against you if you don't approve of it, then there's nothing to fear. Just tell
them you are Sovereign and send them away, they will eventually go.
You, however, must be in a state of high vibrations, not a state of fear.


alexFebruary 3, 2014 at 11:39 PM

Thx Enerchi...I was just ruminating about this very predicament , between my ears, a couple of daze ago...Gr8 synchronicity...that's why I like your site .............rumor has it that you're that true?...perhaps the reason
why you're so intuitive....cheers + a hug


Brandon CookFebruary 4, 2014 at 12:14 AM

I agree with the diagram by Wes. The trap may reside in the astral realm but the astral realm is not the trap itself. The astral realm is where one can claim their true freedom of they are aware enough while they are there
after death. So technically, calling it the astral trap is not an accurate description. I have been to the astral realm many times in my life. More then I can count. It is a place of true freedom and power of choice.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 9:12 AM

I find your comments more valuable than this whole article. Thank you very much for sharing.

AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 10:52 AM

Agreed! Brandon is the man. I love the comment below where he says to let yourself be guided by the stranger instead of yourself.


Brandon CookFebruary 4, 2014 at 12:18 AM

One documentary I saw, Ken, talked about the soul trap here on Earth and explained that once you die try to remain in your own light and power and do not follow any familiar faces. After a time you will be approached by a
stranger. Ask this stranger where the library is and you will gain access out of the grid. Was a good way of looking at it I though.


LinxFebruary 4, 2014 at 1:27 AM

Heya Brandon! =D
Do you remember what the documentary was called? I'm rather curious 'cause that perspective resonates with my intuitive heart guidance, except i'd instead expand my field of consciousness & shine
my light all around so i can see for myself who's who & what's what, as opposed to taking other entities word for who/what they are ;3


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:08 PM

I have dreams where I die and I simply float out into deep space and never reincarnate again. If good guys win, a heaven on earth is possible, making this all moot.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:28 PM

And all the space ace sidle-up shills will be no more.....


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 8:22 PM

Reminds me of the Tibetan Book of The Dead and passing through the Bardos.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 6:10 AM

So how does Wes Penre KNOW THIS FOR SURE? Or how does anyone else know this for sure? If the source of this info has been implanted with chips from either extra-terrestrials, military or even MacD's, or has had it
channeled through the ether, no matter how sincerely they believe they have the 'truth' then that is not PROOF. Its no different than accepting anything a priest, pastor, vicar, nun, pope, guru, ascended master, saint, or any
other religious or spiritual hierarchy tells us. Where's the PROOF?
Wes Penre believes Sitchin's theories about the Annunaki. Sitchin has been debunked by real experts in Sumerian cuneiform.

Accepting something just because someone says it often enough does not make it true and it encourages some of us to be lazy and not do our own research. That's how disinfo spreads.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 9:58 AM

Providing physical proof for spiritual matters is always problematic, especially if one's idea of proof is properly-translated cuneiform. If you look to things written by other humans (who have their
own prejudices and agendas) for your proofs, you are a slave to the ideas of others. We all have intellect, yes, but we also have emotion and intuition. They are just as real as intellect and are not to be
ignored. When you let intellect, limited by physical "proof," set the limits of your spiritual quest, you won't go far.

This article is not about proving the worldview of Wes Penre; it's about the specific idea of a soul trap which many people intuitively feel. If you want written proofs, go to writings of Thomas Aquinas
and be a slave of the Roman Church.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 12:02 PM

We live in a time where we are surrounded by lies and man-made dogmas, myths and legends. Slowly we are discovering that almost everything we have been led to believe was true is not true so its
reasonable I think to question where these ideas originate to establish if we can whether they've been founded on more lies, dogmas etc. Critical thinking is to be encouraged if we want to break out of
the sheep-fold and leave the false shepherds behind. Just because someone however long ago has written something does not make it proof.
Articles about light/false light and soul traps seem to be on the increase. Why? Given that we are told the cabal are all about creating chaos, suspicion and division who is to say this isn't another one of
their diversion attempts? Sorry if this upsets the equilibrium but I hope someone can see my problem and can accept that I am asking reasonable questions.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:03 PM

This is not all just Wes Penre...I heard these concepts first many, many years ago when I studied the works of Carlos Castaneda. The Yaqui people saw the "soul eating machine" to be in the shape of a
great Eagle. Don Juan's advice was to "Cheat The Eagle" and not let it eat your soul, and then you can go off into The Universe to explore, finally "free" for the first time.

AnonymousFebruary 5, 2014 at 7:21 AM

Penre was the one mentioned in the article.



AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 9:58 AM

This topic is something that few "spiritual" people will dig into. Not because they are afraid, though that may be the case for some, but because such a level of awareness has not yet been experienced.

It questions the seemingly infallible process of reincarnation. Something that on one level releases many who seek to free themselves from the dogma of some rigid religious belief systems. Many are accepting of
reincarnation as the way it is supposed to be, and until they perhaps get to a point of questioning a reality beyond that, then it WILL be the accepted reality.

Robert Monroe writes about similar experiences in his trilogy, and I suggest it to anyone.

Ultimately, it seems to come down to "mind" creating one's experience. "Mind" is simply a mechanism. It can be a manipulated aspect of self so long as one desires.

Simply, desires.

This is in reference to the desires of any kind, as this alone will facilitate the "law of attraction" that many refer to. I realize that the words I am using carry a specific connotation, so my explanation may not be received as I
am intending, but I will do my best.

"Karma" seems to be something that requires "time" to exist, thus, if one can embody more of their "timeless" essence (I would say this is the realm of what is being called 'oversoul') then one can neutralize the attractive
forces that create karma; thus providing a smoother transit through the "garden" without the need to go into the theater anymore.

There are threads of this "truth" in many forms of mysticism, as the mechanism of mind is that which offers the experience of both a "prison" and the experience of transiting that "prison".

Monroe called this reaching "escape velocity". Essentially, one takes in all experiences as just that, experiences. Learning from all of them and realizing that the attachment to the seeming "imbalances" found within this
realm of polarity it was really needs to be overcome.

To me, this includes any anger or frustration at whatever collective of "beings" that may have created this situation since it is one's mind that holds the keys to the true freedom that is always available.

Ultimately, it seems to come down to understanding just what emotions are, how they are created and what the effects of them are.

Here is a excerpt from Monroe's last book, Ultimate Journey:

There is no beginning, there is no end.

There is only change.

There is no teacher, there is no student,

There is only remembering.

There is no good, there is no evil,

There is only expression.

There is no union, there is no sharing,

There is only one.

There is no joy, there is no sadness,

There is only love.

There is no greater, there is no lesser,

There is only balance.

There is no stasis, there is no entropy,

There is only motion.

There is no wakefulness, there is no sleep,

There is only being.

There is no limit, there is no chance,

There is only a plan.

I am not advocating not having emotions, but simply understanding them and not being controlled by them so easily. "Life" is not easy, but there is always a choice, and anyone who can truly embrace the system however
they perceive it may find "life" getting a bit more easy.

One final question worth asking: What is the motivating factor to transit one's "karma" or the Astral Realm?


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 12:11 PM

I can identify with a lot of that 9:58. In a nutshell I have believed for a long time that everything here is just experience, no more no less. We observe everything, even ourselves, now. Its when some
have tried to break it down to its minutiae that it gets complicated imo.

Does 'karma' even exist?


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:05 PM

The cabal apparently don't think so, or they would not be doing such evils. Still, the ascension theory states the cabal will ascend to a "negative" fourth dimension.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:25 PM

2:05 - which theory is that and where did it originate?


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 5:14 PM

To the question of "does karma exist", I would say yes and no. If someone never perceives their existence as being "outside" time, then I can envision such a person/soul being subject to the
conditioning of THIS time-created/constrained reality. Thus creating the draw or attractive force back into this reality.

Like in The Truman Show up until the point where he realizes that he is living in a false reality.

If one can perceive themselves beyond the physical dimension and see/experience just how all of it comes together. This does not make karma NOT exist, just makes one less susceptible to its
influence and draw.

"Karma", to me, is a teaching tool until one no longer needs to learn from karma.

We are all influenced by the "karma" of others though, as we all share this reality. For instance, if my partner has "bad karma" to live out, since I am connected to my partner, I will witness/experience
how that plays out. Just because something "bad" or "good" happens to me, doesn't mean it is karma playing out. Of course, others may look at it in the opposite way, which is the beauty of expression.

More simply stated, the reality of "time" seems to be the reality where ALL karma is created and rectified. It serves as a catalyst for the continuation of this physical experience. The "good", the "bad"
and everything/combination in between.

A beautiful system indeed.

-9:58 guy


AnonymousFebruary 5, 2014 at 4:00 AM

"Does karma exist"? Depends on your belief system.



AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 11:27 AM

Great article! I've always wondered if I was tricked or forced to reincarnate on this prison planet. I won't be going in to the "white light" after I die, but simply float out into deep space and that will be my heaven. Exception
is if heaven comes to earth in my lifetime.


AnonymousFebruary 4, 2014 at 2:04 PM

Yes...don't "go into the light" is, indeed a trap.



AnonymousFebruary 5, 2014 at 7:24 AM

Wes Penre's diagram is not very clear.


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