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The Psi On S Handbook 02

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The Psions Handbook:

Breaking the System

Written by Sean Connelly a.k.a. Peebrain
peebr ai n@psi pog. net
ht t p: / / www. psi pog. net /

January 16, 2006

This document has been released on August 23, 2006,
in an unfinished form. I have abandoned this specific
project to work on larger ideas. For more information
on my larger ideas, please see, or e-mail me

Document Information

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2. You give proper credit to me, Sean Connelly, as
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2. The information provided in this document is
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3. You are responsible for your own actions, and if
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Special Thanks

Without these people, this simply wouldnt be
possible: Rainsong, Jenny, Wit, Roy, Philip, Mathew,
Chance, Bob, Youseff, Keith, Seth.
Table of Contents


A New Understanding

Resistance to Change

Overview of Different Systems

Breaking the System

Your First Psychic Experience

Derren Brown

Other Notable Events


The New PK




Until Next Time

Further Reading

Blargh 00

Hello hello! My previous eBook (The Psions
Handbook: Overview of Psionics) was targeted at
writing down all the basic knowledge, in an attempt to
get everyone on the same wavelength. It didnt really
say anything new, and was mostly just regurgitation of
common knowledge. Its primary purpose was to
introduce people to psionics, and (as the title suggests),
give an overview of it.
If you are reading this, and have no idea what a
psi ball, shield, construct, or psi wheel is, I recommend
starting with my previous eBook. You can find it on
ht t p: / / www. psi pog. net / - probably in close proximity
of where you found this eBook.
My goal this time is to get you to think of new
ways of looking at psionics. We try to paint a clear and
consistent picture for new people, to get them on the
right track. But once you get on that track, you realize
that things arent really clear or consistent. Not to say
things are hopeless just to say that no one really has it
figured out, and were all learning together.
I apologize ahead of time if youre left with
more questions than answers. The universe is an
amazing place, and it would insult the complexity of
the universe for me to assert answers as ultimate
solutions. So instead of looking at this and other
information as the answer, look at it as some ideas.
I dont have answers, but I might be able to give you
some ideas that can help you along the way.
A New Understanding

Im going to state some obvious realizations, so
bear with me:

We dont know everything about psionics. We
have a current understanding based on what we know,
but this understanding is inherently incorrect because
we dont know everything. As we learn more, we need
to evolve our understanding. Sometimes this means
adding new ideas to our current understanding. Other
times this means we need to dismantle our entire
understanding, and start again from the ground up.

In my previous eBook, I presented a popular
system to understand and use psionics. This system
relies on concepts seen in computers, video games, and
modern science which is why our audience easily
accepts our system. We ping and scan people
using telepathy, and program constructs. We put up
shields to defend ourselves, and move energy
around. We visualize atomic structures and gain
understanding through quantum physics.
Since this system relies on things we already
have been exposed to and accept, its easier to accept
the new rules that our system creates. However, if
someone else comes by who has very little experience
in computers, video games, and modern science, they
will have a harder time accepting our system. In the
same regard, if we read about a different system that
relies on foreign concepts, we will have a harder time
accepting that system.
Each system has its pros and cons. Freedom can
only be appreciated by having restrictions. Different
systems define what you are free to do, and what you
are restricted in. In our system, psi balls are easier than
telepathy but in other systems, telepathy is easier. If
that strikes you as illegal, its because you rely
heavily on our system. The rules of our system make
telepathy more complicated than psi balls but these
rules are created by the mind.
Its time to take an honest look at what we know,
and rebuild our ideas about how psionics could work.
Resistance to Change

Before I uproot our current system, I want to
address an important topic that relates to all human
beings. We dont like to change.
The trap that we fall into is that we believe we
are right. In psionics its very common to find people
who think that their system is correct, and any other
system is therefore incorrect. Sometimes you can get
people to admit that they arent completely right, but
you will notice that they will still default to: I may not
be right, but Im more right than you.
Obviously this trap serves a purpose though.
We cant give every theory in existance an equal share
of attention in our mind some beliefs are more
accurate than others. So it seems we are at conflict.
In one hand, we dont want to discriminate
against foreign beliefs only because they are different
than our own and on the other hand, we dont want
to consider every silly belief in existance. Human
natures answer to this conflict is to resist change. If
something is only slightly different from what we
believe, then we can try it out... if it proves to be useful,
then we can adobt the belief. If it doesnt serve any
purposes, then we can drop it.
This is why you see a lot of specific groups of
people attracted to the system presented on PsiPog.
The system on PsiPog is presented in a way that makes
it a small jump from their current belief structure. It
doesnt require drastic change, and therefore the
individual has the freedom to try it out, while still
feeling secure that they arent going off the deep end.
However, you will also notice that other people
with drastically different beliefs will think PsiPog is
silly. Its too big of a change, and human natures
defense system kicks in: adobting the new beliefs
would require them to change too much. Therefore, it
is easier for them to label it as silly, rather than take a
serious look at it.
Resistance to change is usually a pretty good
strategy. It doesnt work in our favor all the time, but
its a simple solution that works a lot of times. The
problem is that over a long period of time, we might
become brainwashed by our own beliefs. We become
so hypnotized by them that we reject intelligent
changes. If the change will ultimately be a positive
change, we might initially reject it because its so
drastic. So we plateau out in our current beliefs, and
cant progress any further. A lot of times this means
arguing about the same things over and over again, or
asking the same questions, and then responding the
same way. I.e., when we explore our current
understanding to its limit, we will begin to cycle and
I believe that the system on PsiPog has been in a
cycle for a long time. At one time it served us very
well, and made us think differently about the world. It
served a wonderful purpose of taking people new or
skeptical about psionics, with some background in
science and computers, and giving them the freedom to
try new amazing things.
If youve been around PsiPog a long time, you
will notice that we get a constant stream of visitors that
start in a newbie state, and then progress through our
various understanding of psionics over the course of a
few months to a couple years, and then eventually
leave the community for seemingly random reasons. A
lot of times they will still practice psionics in their own
way, but their understanding of psionics will evolve in
their own personal ways.
Here is the truth: PsiPog has exhausted the
current understanding of psionics. We have plateaued.
We havent been growing for over a year now. Im not
saying this because I want more visitors and Im
greedy Im saying this because it shows the limits of
our current understanding.
Its time for a drastic change in perspective.
That does not mean we have to abandon our current
system it just means we need to step outside our
comfort zone and face issues that we have been
ignoring over the years. I personally have been in
conflict over this a long time, because it is a drastic
change, and it is hard to digest. I know that, you, the
reader, will probably resist it a lot as well. I encourage
you to remain skeptical, remain intelligent, doubt, ask
questions, demand evidence, and maintain a sharp
mind. However, I also encourage you to give the ideas
in this eBook a chance, even if it does sound a little
Overview of Different Systems

We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I have
some good news: we dont have to scrap everything
weve done up until this point. In fact, the majority of
our experiences need to be our guide in creating a new
understanding. But we also need to incorporate the
experiences of others who dont use our system, and
the contradictions our system has with reality.
Lets start by giving a brief overview of our
system, and other systems that contradict it.
In our system, we manipulate a substance called
psi. We theorize that psi is a byproduct of the
nervous system, and has some physical quantity about
it. We can move psi into globs and tell it what to do,
and if were good enough, it will do it. We call this
programming. Using this idea of programming, we
can create globs of psi to connect people and
communicate telepathically, or transfer emotions. We
can put a glob of psi around ourselves to protect us
from external dangers. We can use psi to manipulate
our environment by implanting the correct
programming for psychokinesis (PK) in it. We are only
limited by our ability to program and our creativity.
Jack Houck is famous for his PK Parties. In
his system, you first connect to the silverware you
are trying to bend. The second step is to send the
command (by shouting out loud at the metal). The
third step is letting go, which consists of releasing
the idea and allowing yourself to be distracted. Using
this system, countless people with no experience have
bent silverware, and even thick metal rods that cant be
bent using your hands. (As a side note, we sometimes
hold online PK Parties in the PsiPog chat room using
these ideas, and have had some success with it).
One author on PsiPog (Wit, aka Not_Important)
has his own unique understanding, which is intriguing.
He has trained himself to move objects using PK, yet
has trouble accepting the idea of psi or constructs.
In his system, PK functions completely separate to
psi, and he has always taken a skeptical view of
anything relating to psi (the substance).
One system you might not expect on this list is
the system skeptics use to explain paranormal
experiences. They rely on explaining the phenomenon
through strictly known scientific means, usually
attacking the credibility of the event and people
involved. Cold Reading, Magic Tricks, and
Coincidence are common themes in their
I feel the next couple systems apply to the topic,
but I admit that Im ignorant to the specifics of each. I
recommend doing your own research if you want more
A typical Wiccan system incorporates spell
casting, alchemy, and rituals to perform magickal
acts. While they do rely on visualization, the majority
of their influence originates from the physical act of
doing something (as opposed to psionics, which is
mostly mental).
Reiki relies on focusing on your intent without
getting bogged down in details, and things will just
work out perfectly on their own to align to your intent.
Reiki also uses symbols as an origin of power, and has
specific rituals.
Martial art systems focus on the movement of
the body to manipulate energy, and most will teach
about qi and channels where qi moves in the body,
labeled meridians. The idea of qi is used in more
than just martial arts for example, it plays a big role
in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and other
eastern practices.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. In fact,
while each system has identifiable characteristics,
youll find that each individual will have their own
personal system based on their own experiences and
mental processes.
Its important to look at how different humans
explain similar phenomenon. We each have our own
methods for recreating an experience, and our own
ideas on what is going on behind the scenes. No one
knows the entire truth, but each of us has a small piece
of the puzzle. Stepping back without bias to your own
beliefs can help you get a bigger picture on what is
going on.
Breaking the System

While I could write a book on breaking each
belief structure outlined in the previous chapter, I want
to focus our attention on breaking our belief structure.
The system presented on and in the
previous eBook is strong and suitable for practitioners
looking to achieve their goals. However, for those
truth-seekers out there who are still searching for a
deeper understanding, we have to keep digging.
One of the most important realizations to make
is that individuals are successful in their own system.
We have extremely different ideas and techniques, yet
we all accomplish the same tasks. How can this be
possible? Other normal skills have one basic idea
behind it, with very slight variations. For example, to
play guitar, you will probably grab it and put it in your
hands, tune the strings to specific notes, push down on
the fret board with one hand, and pluck and strum
with the other hand. There are hundreds of books on
how to play the guitar, but every single one will
assume those basic ideas.
Psionics does not have that same pattern. There
are drastically different techniques to produce the same
results. And I mean drastic.
The most amazing example Ive seen is more
often used as proof that psychic abilities dont exist,
which is a little ironic.
James Randi, a famous skeptic, wrote a book
directly attacking the psychic claims of Uri Geller,
titled The Truth About Uri Geller. Geller is famous for a
variety of psychic tricks, including spoon bending,
fixing broken watches, and reading minds. After
Gellers rise to fame, he started appearing on widely
broadcasted radio stations. Geller would teach the
listeners how to bend silverware, and people would
actually start to call in expressing their amazement that
even listening to Geller on the radio made their broken
watches run again, or spoons bend.
Randis position has consistently been that
Geller is a magician (which might be true). However,
that doesnt explain the phenomenon where listeners
would experience bizarre psychic events, just from
having the radio on. The popular explanation was the
Geller was somehow bending the silverware over the
radio, so Randi created a test to disprove the theory.
He got an assistant to masquerade as a psychic
on radio, and asked listeners to call in with reports of
any bizarre experiences. And sure enough, they did.
Randi concludes that the fake psychic obviously didnt
send out any mysterious vibes through the radio,
which would disprove Gellers involvement with the
However, this still doesnt explain the bizarre
experiences! It only disproves Gellers personal
influence. Randi then presents a list of silly
experiences that were called in, and concludes that
they must have happened through natural means, but
people just labeled it as psychic because of the radio
Well this doesnt really answer the question.
Bent metal, broken windows, and exploding light bulbs
still have no explanation. I agree that some reported
phenomenon is just plain silly (a sneezing dog?), but
that doesnt mean every experience should be thrown
If Geller didnt bend the silverware, then who
did? Well, using the process of elimination we are left
with only one choice: the listener.
How can that be? The listener is not focusing on
the outcome. They arent putting forth intent to bend
the silverware. They didnt train in psionics, and have
never created a construct. I suspect that a portion of
them wouldnt even believe they had the power to do
it. So how are they doing it?
The same question can be asked about Jack
Houcks PK Parties. Here are normal, every day
people, brought into a situation where they learn to
bend metal in a matter of hours. How can that be
All three situations share a common theme. An
authority figure tells them to bend metal. People start
bending metal. The authority figure then uses their
results as feedback for others who havent done it yet.
More people bend metal, and the loop continues.
Now what is going on? More specifically, what
is going on inside the mind of someone bending the
silverware? What purpose does the feedback loop

Belief and expectation.

The authority figure inserts the new belief that
bending silverware is possible, attainable, and
expected from the audience. The feedback loop is used
to enhance the individuals expectation and provide
more credibility to the authority figure. The result is
that people with no prior training bend silverware.
If belief is the main deterrent for PK activity,
then a lot of things need to be re-thought (to put it
mildly). Any situation where the mind is affecting
physical reality has to be analyzed carefully. This
includes constructs, shields, psi balls, and could easily
branch to empathetic and telepathic projection, which
then could make us re-think empathy and telepathy.
We also want to consider different systems and how
they affect reality. Basically, we now need to re-think
Your First Psychic Experience

Before we start analyzing everything weve ever
learned about psionics, perhaps we should demand
more evidence that belief plays a major role.
In fact, thats what Ive been doing over the past
couple years. No one knew at the time, but the main
reason I wrote my first eBook was because I knew
things were going to have to change. I wanted to write
the eBook as sort of a finale to the old school of
thought. Only a few months after it was released, I
began writing this eBook (yes, I have been working on
this eBook for a very long time).
It turns out that by taking this new perspective,
we can answer a lot of mysteries.
How can different systems (like Wicca, Reiki,
New Age, and martial arts) produce results? How can
each individual have their own custom system, which
produces their own results? Well, if belief is playing a
major role, then its actually not that hard to explain.
Remember back to when you were first
introduced to the system on PsiPog. For me, this was
before PsiPog existed and I was reading the online
book, Active Psy (which is now archived on the server). I had a million questions, and then
when I had the opportunity to ask someone, I could
barely spit out one question. I absorbed a lot of
information, and tried to put it together in ways that
made sense to me. I printed out the book, and kept it
in a folder in my room, and practiced the exercises.
What was I really doing though? I was moving
from a belief system where psychic abilities were
impossible to a belief system where psychic abilities
followed very specific rules (as governed by Active
Psy). When I first started practicing, I focused on PK.
In fact, I was successful in bending a key with PK, and
later I was successful with moving the key as it
dangled from my ceiling by string. The more I learned
from Active Psy, the more it became apparent that PK
was an advanced skill (since it was in the Advanced
Skills chapter). The following is quoted from the
section on PK in Active Psy:

Macro psychokinesis, which means making
objects move or fly, is less common and more
difficult to study in a research lab. It takes much
longer to learn.

Active Psy was the authority figure for me when
I first started my training. This authority figure told
me that PK takes much longer to learn. But here I was,
having PK experiences with just a few weeks of
experience. What happened? I stopped practicing PK.
Now that sounds like a bizarre decision. In fact,
looking back it seems really dumb. But at the time, I
didnt really know what was going on, and I wasnt
sure of anything. I was still discovering psychic
abilities, and didnt really know what to believe.
Active Psy told me that I couldnt have experienced PK
at such an early stage... so I convinced myself that I
didnt. I then started learning about psi balls.
I encourage you to examine your first
experiences with psionics. Who did you consider the
authority? Its quite possible that you looked at PsiPog
and myself as the authority, especially if you still
consider yourself new to this. Now consider the
system presented at PsiPog. Realize that it was heavily
influenced by my first interpretations of Active Psy.
The system at PsiPog now teaches almost the exact
same information including that PK is hard to
This is how different systems of belief
reproduce. This is why there exist systems like Wicca,
Reiki, and martial arts. They each serve slightly
different purposes, but they also put restrictions on
what is possible. These restrictions arent enforced by
reality they are enforced by the followers of the
system. We tailor or own results to conform to the
rules of the system we prescribe to. Then we take our
tailored results as evidence that the system must be
right. And then we proclaim that we must be right,
and others must be delusional or liars.
This cycle exists for the skeptical mind just as
much as it does for us. They get bizarre results, but
continually re-interpret the results to conform to the
limitations of the skeptic belief system. Just as we
proclaim that we are right, so do the skeptics. Just as
we cite examples that support our systems rules, so do
the skeptics. So do the Wiccans. So do the martial
artists. So do the New Agers. So do the individuals
with their own custom system.
If we take a step back and realize that we are
all operating within what our belief system allows us
to do, then we notice that we are all actually in the
same boat.
We arent in conflict at all. We all recognize that
weird stuff happens. We just explain it different ways.
Derren Brown

Derren Brown is an amazing person. He
combines a variety of techniques from stage magic,
psychology, misdirection, hypnotism, and the power of
suggestion, to create amazing illusions.
One illusion that interests me greatly is where
he invites a New Age woman to the Epping Forest.
After asking her to stand up, he takes a ring off of her
finger and puts it inside a voodoo doll, to represent
giving the doll a soul. He ties the dolls feet together
and asks if she notices any feelings. She now says she
cant move her legs. He ties the dolls arms, and she
immediately cant move her arms anymore. He then
asks her to count out loud while he ties the mouth of
the doll. She freezes while counting, obviously unable
to speak. Derren then says:

See for me, its all about questioning, I think,
and not taking things at face value. Like at the
moment you cant speak... but the only reason
why you cant speak is that you believe that you
cant speak, because of what Im telling you.
The interesting thing is that if I tell you you can
speak, all that does is give you permission to
question that belief, and then you find that can
speak. Dont you?

As you can expect, she immediately finds that
she can speak. At the conclusion, Derren reveals that
he never even put her ring in the doll the ring stayed
on her finger the entire time, and he only tricked her
through simple sleight of hand.
For those who are curious and would like to see
this played out, you can find the video online by
searching for Derren Brown in the google search
You can already see how this applies to the new
ideas Ive presented so far. It wasnt the ring, the
voodoo doll, the forest, or even Derren who paralyzed
the woman. The woman paralyzed herself through her
beliefs. Derren just cleverly played into those beliefs to
convince her that she shouldnt be able to move or talk.
Resist the temptation to blame the New Age
system for the results of this illusion. All humans are
at fault for holding onto irrational and limiting beliefs,
including you and me. We need to take responsibility
and recognize that this can be a major problem.
Derrens understanding of this phenomenon is
interesting as well he says that by telling her she can
speak, it gives her permission to question the belief.
Just as the authority in the PK parties gives us
permission to question our beliefs about bending
silverware, Derren is acting as the authority by giving
the woman permission to question her own beliefs.
Suppose we were convinced that we couldnt
move our legs, and we grew up like that. We just were
convinced that our legs couldnt move, and never tried
to move them. Over time, we would question why
these lumps of flesh were even attached to us. It would
be a mystery.
Suppose we then heard a rumor of someone
using their legs to walk around. Imagine how drastic
of an idea that would be for us. We would demand
proof, like videos or pictures. We might just laugh at
the idea, and proclaim how stupid it is, and dismiss it
as loony talk.
The truth is that you can move your legs. You
can walk. But our belief system would be so ingrained
that it would be very difficult to convince someone to
even try. Derren convinced the woman that she
couldnt use her legs in a matter of minutes. Imagine
what years of conditioning would mean.
Now compare that idea with the idea that we
are convinced we cant do PK. We have PK Parties
to try and convince people to drop these beliefs and
just try. The authority gives us permission to question
the belief and we get results! Derren and the ring
represented the authority earlier. The false psychic
represented the authority two chapters ago. It doesnt
matter if the authority is legitimate or a false idol all
that matters is that they give us permission to question
our own beliefs.
If you would like more information on Derren
Brown, you can search for him online, or you can order
his DVDs on - be aware
that they are Region 2 DVDs, which means they cant
play on a lot of United States DVD players.
Other Notable Events

While the previous chapters dealt with a lot of
holy cow! moments of realization, most of the
evidence I have accumulated that supported the new
ideas came from small experiences.
The end for now.

This eBook was a work in progress. Ive
released it in this unfinished state because Im no
longer going to be working on it. I do agree with
everything Ive written in it, and I think the ideas are
very useful. Maybe youll find them useful too.
Ive had a lot of changes personally that have
made me come to conclusion that I wont be finishing
this eBook. In fact, its funny to look back and read this
eBook, because I can see a lot of my initial doubts and
changes taking place. Change is good.
If youre reading this, then I encourage you to
visit for more information on where this
change has led me. If is down, then you can
contact me at

This eBook is Copyright 2006, Sean Connelly.
All rights reserved.

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