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Oligopoly in The Indian Market

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The key takeaways are that the Indian telecom industry exhibits characteristics of an oligopoly market structure with a few major players dominating the market. Idea Cellular is one of the major players in this oligopolistic telecom industry in India.

The market structure of the Indian telecom industry is an oligopoly, with a few major players like Airtel, Vodafone and Idea constituting over 80% of the market share between them.

Some examples of other oligopolistic markets in India mentioned are automobiles, cement, steel and aluminum industries.

Oligopoly in

the Indian

Kanika Jain (14)
Pranav Prakash(15)
Abhishek Goel(16)
Astha Anand(25)
Aman Gupta(31)
Deepak Khurana(40)






Objectives and methodology



Indian telecom in light of Oligopoly


Exclusive assumptions to Oligopoly


Costs that effect the industry


Idea Cellular


SWOT analysis










Oligopoly is a market structure in which there are only a few sellers (but more than two)
of the homogeneous or differentiated products. The term oligopoly is derived from two
Greek words: oligi means few and polein means to sell. Oligopoly lies in between
monopolistic competition and monopoly. Oligopoly is, sometimes, also known as
competition among the few as there are few sellers in the market and every seller
influences and is influenced by the behavior of other firms.

In India, markets for automobiles, telecommunication, cement, steel, aluminum, etc., are
the examples of oligopolistic market. In all these markets, there are few firms for each
particular product.

The Indian Telecom industry is one of the largest in the world, coming second only to
China in terms of total subscriber base. The total number of mobile subscribers has
increased from 6.4 million in 2002 to 944.81 million in 2012 at a compounded annual
growth rate of 87.7% aided by a significant increase in network coverage and a continual
decline in tariffs and handset prices.
The mobile telecom industry in India has seen an astonishing growth in the last decade
and a half. It is one of the fastest growing telecom sectors in the world [BCG INDIA]. The
sector has been given due importance by the government, as it caters to develop a
nation socially and economically. In recent years the industry has undergone some
serious changes and has been supported by significant policy reforms. The countrys
total mobile subscriber base is over 908 million [Telecom regulatory authority of India].
Its phenomenal growth is propelled by drivers such as newer technology like 3G and 4G,
better devices and most importantly change in consumer behavior. The market share is
dominated by a few larger firms. A few smaller firms are also there but larger firms have
a major chunk of the total market share. Over 80% of the market is held by 7 operators.
With this information, it can be deciphered that the nature of economic structure of
mobile telecom industry in India can be described as an OLIGOPOLY.

Idea Cellular is an Aditya Birla Group Company, India's first truly multinational
corporation. Idea is a pan-India integrated GSM operator offering 2G and 3G services,
and has its own NLD and ILD operations, and ISP license. With revenue in excess of $4
billion; revenue market share of nearly 15%; and subscriber base of over 121 million in
FY 2013, Idea is Indias third largest mobile operator. Idea ranks among the top 10
country operators in the world with a traffic of over 1.5 billion minutes a day.
Ideas robust pan-India coverage is built on a network of over 100,000 2G and 3G cell
sites, spread across over 55,000 towns in India. Using the latest in technology, Idea
provides world-class service delivery through the most extensive network of customer
touch points, comprising nearly 4,500 exclusive Idea outlets, and over 7,000 call center
seats. Ideas customer service delivery platform is ISO 9001:2008 certified, making it
the only operator in the country to have this standard certification for all 22 service areas
and the corporate office.
Idea has consistently stayed ahead of the industry in VLR reporting. Ideas thought
leadership on Mobile Number Portability (MNP) has enabled it to stay as the top gainer
with the highest net gain. Every 4th mobile user who exercises choice through MNP
prefers Idea.
Idea offers a range of high-speed mobile broadband devices including Android based 3G
smartphones, dongles etc.Ideas wide portfolio of 3G smartphones offer the latest in 3G
applications and high-end data services such as Idea TV, games, social networking etc.
at affordable prices.
Idea has been a pioneer in introducing customized product offerings for segmented
customers. It is the first mobile operator to introduce innovative value added services in
the Indian telephony market, and has remained ahead of the industry in data product

 To study the oligopoly market structure and note down its distinct characteristics
 To analyze the Telecommunications sector in India and to check whether oligopoly
exists or not in the mentioned sector.
 To analyze Idea, a major Telecom company functioning in India and discuss
strategies adopted by the company to function in an oligopoly market structure.


Data Forecasting:
Forecasting Use of secondary data to analyze various trends prevailing in
the industry and within the company.

Trend Analysis:
Analysis Analyzing the companys performance and trend based on
historical data.

SWOT Analysis:
Analysis Analyzing the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats to
the company

Comparative Analysis:
Analysis Study of characteristics of Indian telecom sector in light of
features of an oligopoly.

Oligopoly refers to a market situation in which there are a few firms selling homogeneous
or differentiated products. The main features of oligopoly are elaborated as follows:

Few Firms


Selling Costs

Barriers to
Entry of





Nature of

Few firms
Under oligopoly, there are few large firms. The exact number of firms is not defined.
Each firm produces a significant portion of the total output. There exists severe
competition among different firms and each firm try to manipulate both prices and
volume of production to outsmart each other. For example,
example the market for
automobiles in India is an oligopolistic structure as there are only few producers of
The number of the firms is so small that an action by any one firm is likely to affect
the rival firms. So, every firm keeps a close watch on the activities of rival firms.


Firms under oligopoly are interdependent. Interdependence means that actions of
one firm affect the actions of other firms. A firm considers the action and reaction
of the rival firms while determining its price and output levels. A change in output or
price by one firm evokes reaction from other firms operating in the market.

For example, market for cars in India is dominated by few firms (Maruti, Tata,
Hyundai, Ford, Honda, etc.). A change by any one firm (say, Tata) in any of its
vehicle (say, Indica) will induce other firms (say, Maruti, Hyundai, etc.) to make
changes in their respective vehicles.

NonNon-Price Competition
Under oligopoly, firms are in a position to influence the prices. However, they try to
avoid price competition for the fear of price war. They follow the policy of price
rigidity. Price rigidity refers to a situation in which price tends to stay fixed
irrespective of changes in demand and supply conditions. Firms use other methods
like advertising, better services to customers, etc. to compete with each other.
If a firm tries to reduce the price, the rivals will also react by reducing their prices.
However, if it tries to raise the price, other firms might not do so. It will lead to loss
of customers for the firm, which intended to raise the price. So, firms prefer nonprice competition instead of price competition.


Barriers to Entry of Firms

The main reason for few firms under oligopoly is the barriers, which prevent entry of
new firms into the industry. Patents, requirement of large capital, control over
crucial raw materials, etc, are some of the reasons, which prevent new firms from
entering into industry. Only those firms enter into the industry which is able to cross
these barriers. As a result, firms can earn abnormal profits in the long run.


Role of Selling Costs

Due to severe competition and interdependence of the firms, various sales
promotion techniques are used to promote sales of the product. Advertisement is in
full swing under oligopoly, and many a times advertisement can become a matter of
life-and-death. A firm under oligopoly relies more on non-price competition.
Selling costs are more important under oligopoly than under monopolistic


Group Behavior
Under oligopoly, there is complete interdependence among different firms. So, price
and output decisions of a particular firm directly influence the competing firms.
Instead of independent price and output strategy, oligopoly firms prefer group
decisions that will protect the interest of all the firms. Group behavior means that
firms tend to behave as if they were a single firm even though individually they
retain their independence.


Nature of the Product

The firms under oligopoly may produce homogeneous or differentiated product.
 If the firms produce a homogeneous product, like cement or steel, the industry
is called a pure or perfect oligopoly.
 If the firms produce a differentiated product, like automobiles, the industry is
called differentiated or imperfect oligopoly.


Indeterminate Demand Curve

Under oligopoly, the exact behavior pattern of a producer cannot be determined
with certainty. So, demand curve faced by an oligopolistic is indeterminate
(uncertain). As firms are inter-dependent, a firm cannot ignore the reaction of the
rival firms. Any change in price by one firm may lead to change in prices by the
competing firms. So, demand curve keeps on shifting and it is not definite, rather it
is indeterminate.

In the context of Indian Telecom industry, the market share is dominated by a few
larger firms. A few smaller firms are also there but larger firms have a major chunk
of the total market share.

Market Share
Aircel, 5.3%

BSNL, 8.2%

Airtel, 24.4%


Idea, 15.3%

Vodafone, 19.5%


Relaince, 14.9%

The above mentioned figures depict that over 80% of the market is held by 7 operators.
With this information,
information, it can be concluded that the nature of economic structure of
mobile telecom industry in India can be described as an OLIGOPOLY.
OLIGOPOLY It is supported by
further analysis in this work.
In Oligopoly, the large players have a significant share of the total market size. Immense
competition is concentrated within these competitors. The other competitors are small
and have a minor market share; they are also called niche players of the market. In
quantitative terms, oligopoly can be described as a structure which has very less number
of highly influential and strong competitors sharing market dominance.

Indian Telecom In Light Of Oligopoly


Few Sellers
There are few strong and influential firms operating in an oligopoly and are
competing against each other. The other few firms operating in the market are not
dominant and have an imperceptible share of the market. The smaller firms in the
market do not have the power to retaliate to the interdependency of the larger
firms. It suggests that firms in oligopoly are interdependent on each other for
decision making. Each firm measures, predicts or assumes its potential
competitors reaction when it chooses any business strategy. These decisions could
be regarding setting up / change in prices, output or product lines.
In a nation, where population is more than 1.3 billion, lies a huge market potential.
As mentioned in the introduction, the fact that there are just 10-12 active players in
the market, 7 of which constitute more than 80% of the markets share,
substantiates the few sellers assumption of oligopoly.


It is one the most highlighted feature of oligopoly. Interdependence in terms of
decision making processes. This happens because, the number of influential
competitors is few, and the change in price or output by any of the firm causes
direct effect on the income of its competitor. So demand of the product by the
market is not the only criterion that sets up the price of the service. It is also the
ruthless non-price competition that affects the setting up of prices.
The firms in the industry are dependent on each other over matters like pricing,
policy making, advertising and other issues. As a result of this interdependency the
firms have constituted an association called Cellular Operators Association of India
(COAI), which protects the common and collaborative interest of its members.
Example - One of the reports of COAI dated 21st October, 2011 raises the issue of
levying of huge penalties by department of telecom on the telecom operators for
minor technical and compliance issues, which was dealt by COAI. The competitors
dealt with this case as one organization. The establishment of this association
actualizes the interdependency of the firms.


Entry and exit barriers

The barriers are very high to enter and exit the industry. It is one of the many
reasons; firms in oligopoly have greater control within the industry. There can be
many barriers to enter this industry, some because of the nature of the industry and
some because the incumbent firms act as strong wall.
Few barriers are:
 High start-up cost
 Patents and copyrights
 Government policies and restrictions
 High advertising costs
 Licensing costs.
The strategic actions of incumbent firms try to destroy nascent, discourage and
hinder the entry of new firms. Subsequently this aspect of oligopoly gives firms a
greater control over the market.


Telecom is a highly technologytechnology-centric sector

Access to the technology typically requires a lot of investment. Ownership of
telecom license also represents huge entry barrier. Example Telenors investment
in India failed due to high investment that was required to acquire a telecom
license. They had to bid in an auction to get the license but could not match the
price quoted the market leaders of the industry. This example supports the
assumption of high barriers to entry.


Homogeneous or differentiated products

There is no set standard in an oligopoly about homogeneity or differentiation of the
product/service. It varies from one industry to another. In telecom, the product is
homogeneous. As all the companies are dealing in the same product, that is
providing network for wireless telecommunication. But there are other examples
like leather industry, companies deal in leather products but there product lines are
different, like one company makes jackets, the other makes shoes, others deal in
belt and bags, but all are part of the leather industry. The service that is offered in
telecom is identical or completely homogeneous.

Exclusive Assumptions To Oligopoly


Collusion is a secret agreement between entities for a profitable purpose.
Describing in economic terms it is, when firms operating in an industry cooperate
on some issues for mutual monetary or non-monetary benefits. It is often seen in
the market form of oligopoly. The decision of a few firms to collude significantly
impacts the market. Although collusion is illegal in many economies, it is still
practiced. The one practiced is called implicit collusion i.e. when firms make same
pricing decisions but do not consult each other. Sometimes the market leader takes
a price change decision and other firms tend to follow. In Indian telecom sector,
collusion was seen between companies to fix the spectrum price to be auctioned by
the government. Billions of dollars were lost due to this practice and several senior
executives of the firms were arrested for the charge.
There is a body working for the rights of the cellular providers, The Cellular
Operators Association of India (COAI) which was constituted in 1995 as a
registered, non-profit, non-governmental society dedicated to the advancement of
communication. COAIs main objectives are to protect the common & collective
interests of its members.

Price Leader
There is a cut throat competition in the Indian Cellular market and there is
no scope of having a single Price Leader in the market, as all of them
compete for the prices and the customer base.

Abnormal Profits
There is no evidence of abnormal profits in the Indian Cellular Market, as
these providers are not competing among themselves for the higher market
share and the profits. The Indian cellular market is also regulated by
the Telecom Regulatory authority of India (TRAI). So there is very less chance
for the competitors to gain abnormal profits .



Game theory
Economists are interested in bargaining not merely because many transactions are
negotiated (as opposed to being entirely determined by market forces) but also
because, conceptually, bargaining is precisely the opposite of the idealized "perfect
competition" among infinitely many traders, in terms of which economists often
think about markets. Bargaining situations concern as few as two individuals, who
may try to reach agreement on any of a range of transactions which leave them
both at least as well off as they could be if they reached no agreement.
In simple terms, game theory can be described as the theory in which firms
competing against each other choose action or strategies that affect each
In the case of Indian telecom,
telecom the dominant players like Airtel, Vodafone, Reliance
or Idea may settle for a reasonable share of the market, in lieu of their existing
market share. It analyses the interdependent behavior of the firms in an oligopoly. It
indicates the how the choices between operating firms affect the outcome of a
Game theory is concerned with the choice of best or optimal strategy in conflict
situations. Strategic behavior refers to the plan of action or behavior of an
oligopolistic after taking into consideration all possible reactions of its competitors,
as they compete for profit or other advantages.


Kinked demand curve

This is the most distinct feature of the oligopoly. The kinked demand curve
advocates two things about a firms demand curve. Each firms demand curve is
kinked at the prevailing price.
If any firm raises the price over and above the existing price, the competitors will
not follow this change and the firm will lose the market share. This would cause the
consumers to shift to the suppliers providing the same service for a lesser price.
If any firm lowers its price below the prevailing market price, the competitors will
also try and match the price to retain the market share. Hence the firms total
revenue will decrease and output will just increase marginally.


Another feature kinked demand curve holds with itself is the price stickiness. The
price that is charged by the firms in oligopoly covers the cost of its production and
also gives them excess profit at times. The change in price comes with the
collaborative decision of the oligopolists. But the firms fear the loss of their market
share when price is hiked and not gaining much when price is reduced, this makes
them stick to the prevailing price and hence the price becomes sticky.
The cellular service provider industry already has a kinked demand curve. Below the
certain price, demand is inelastic and so lowering the price does not increase sales
by enough to offset the lost revenue per unit sold. (Total Revenue = Price x Quantity
Sold). This can be explained from the graph given below.

a) Rivals will not follow a price increase by one firm therefore demand will be relatively
elastic and a rise in price would lead to a fall in the total revenue of the firm
b) Rivals are more likely to match a price fall by one firm to avoid a loss of market share. If this
happens demand will be more inelastic and a fall in price will also lead to a fall in total


Costs That Effect the Industry

 High infrastructural costs
To enter service areas, service provider incurs huge set up and infrastructural
costs. These infrastructural costs to develop the service involve risks such as
logistical risks, longer time duration to launch the service, setting up of new
towers and dearth of highly skilled personnel to develop such infrastructures.

 Allotment of spectrum by the Government

One of the major concerns of the industry is the availability of the spectrum that is
used for the supply of the service. It is provided by the government and has been
a controversial issue in recent times for this sector in India. Being a limited
resource, it gives a possibility of unhealthy bidding by the service providers
resulting in unviable financial approach to the price thus hampering the growth of
highly competitive sector.

 Regulation charges
Immense competition in the industry and high regulatory charges imposed by the
government result in low tariffs by the providers. This indeed, makes it very
difficult for the operating firms to impede smooth implementation of the projects.
Following gives the information about the regulatory charges firms have to pay to
the government.

o Regulatory charges
o Service tax
o License fees
o Spectrum charges



Since, inception as Idea grew and evolved, it reinvented itself thrice.

Tagline/ Slogans

An idea can change your life


Big brand with great service


Middle and upper middle class

Target Group

Students (majority out station), workers, labourers


Smartness that comes with using Idea

In the wireless sector, Idea has excelled overtime; comparing the compounded annual
growth rate (CAGR) Idea has outperformed the Industry growth. An increasing trend can
be noticed over the financial years.
Theres a drastic improvement in Revenue market share (RMS) with an incremental RMS
of 26%.



The above graph shows that idea has grown consistently in recent years and witnessed
an incremental RMS (IRMS) as compared to other major telecom companies whose
share keeps on fluctuating.


In India there are 791mn users on mobile voice, 252mn have internet access, 233mn on
mobile internet, and a market of 560mn is still untapped. With low fixed line penetration,
mobile internet is their only way to get internet access and enter the digital era.



Corporate Level Strategy

 Mergers & Acquisitions

 Industry heading towards imminent consolidation
 Should target smaller companies with synergies
 Subscriber base linked to allocation of additional spectrum
 Proposed M&A norms by TRAI to revise upward the minimum number of
competitors to be present in each telecom circle.

 Idea should consider gaining first mover advantage in consolidation.

 Diversification Broadband & IPTV

 Broadband refers to telecommunication in which a wide band of frequencies
is available to transmit information.

Internet Protocol TV)
TV Also called "TV over IP" and "Internet TV," IPTV refers to
the delivery of scheduled and video-on-demand (VOD) TV programs and
movies over the mobile phones.
Positive Side:

o Broadband Penetration of 1% (11.21 million)

o Government Plan to increase broadband connectivity like Bharat Nirman
o 60,000 km of fibre optic network can be leveraged for backhauling
Negative Side:

o High Capital expenditure costs - Last mile connectivity

o Existing fixed line DSL Easier to convert to Broadband rather than new

o IPTV Not enough bandwidth commissioned

Conclusion: Idea shouldnt diversify into Broadband services.

 Direct To Home
 220 out of 370 million TV sets belong to low density rural areas
 Synergize with telecom services for billing and customer support to the DTH


 Leverage powerful telecom brand and marketing campaign of What an idea


 Customer acquisition from the local cable operators

 In-flight Wi-Fi using use DTH infrastructure for the same


Business Level Strategy

 Coopetition (cooperative competition)

Indus Towers

 Its a joint venture between Airtel, Idea and Vodafone

 110,000 towers worlds largest tower company founded in 2007
 Aim was to decrease CapEx and Opex costs

3G TieTie-up
 Airtel, Idea and Vodafone - sharing the 3G networks in the circles where

they do not have licenses

Idea offering 3G services in Delhi, Kolkata via Vodafones network

 Vodafone offering 3G services in Andhra, Kerala through Ideas network

 Airtel offering 3G services in Gujarat through Ideas network

 Rural Penetration
 Relative saturation of the Metros and Urban Areas - Urban Tele density for
wireless subscribers is 150.06mn

 Lower penetration in the rural areas Rural Tele density for wireless
subscribers is 32.75mn

 The growth rate in the rural subscribers has been 48% and 71% over the
last 2 years

 Lower ARPU, increased CapEx and OpEx

 Margins to be a result of the volumes rather than higher ARPU



Tower Infrastructure Indus Towers into all 22 circles

Sharing of the backhaul infrastructure, pooling of resources

Outsourcing of the call center operations (English)

Financial Low Cost Debt Financing in International Markets


In the end to conclude we can say that the telecom industry in India operates in an
Oligopoly Market Form.
Idea is one of the leading companies of the Industry. This can be inferred from the
following facts:

There are a few companies operating. And of these few companies, 7 constitute
80% of the market and Idea being one of them.

All the companies like Airtel, Vodafone and Idea are interdependent on each other
and influence the industry.

There are barriers to enter and exit the industry, like government regulations and

Its a highly technology based Industry, and success and failure depends on the
technology used.

All the companies provide homogeneous services.

They dont indulge in Price Competition.

Thus all these points prove that Telecom Industry in India operates in an Oligopoly
Market Form. And Idea is one of the leading companies of the industry.


 Investor Presentation Q2FY15
 DD Chaturvedi, Managerial Economics
 H. Gravelle, Microeconomics


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