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Vol. 2, Issue 3 - January 15, 2010

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from fashion national local

the lgbtq community’s news source

to filmmaking agenda agenda

Gay director Tom Ford Could Ted Kennedy’s Gay couple walks out
talks about marriage, Senate seat go to an during bishop’s anti-gay
movies and his debut anti-gay Republican in sermon at Greater Mount
film, ‘A Single Man.’ next week's election? Calvary Holy Church.
PAGE 18 PAGE 8 PAGE 5 • vol. 2, issue 3 • january 15, 2010

Great expectations as Congress returns from recess

protections for LGBT people. The
Movement on ENDA, next step in both committees — the
‘Don’t Ask’ repeal Education & Labor Committee in the
House and the Health, Education,
could be imminent Labor & Pensions Committee in the
Senate — is reporting out the legis-
lation so floor votes can take place.
By CHRIS JOHNSON Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), a gay lawmaker who serves on the House
Education & Labor Committee, said
As lawmakers hash out the 2010 he’s expecting a markup of the legis-
legislative schedule for Congress, lation either this month or in
LGBT rights supporters are anticipating February and a floor vote soon after.
a House markup for the long-sought “Once it’s been marked up in
Employment Non-Discrimination Act committee, it’s simply a matter of
within the next month. scheduling it for the floor, and that of
Sources familiar with Capitol Hill course depends on what else is com-
said the House Education & Labor ing to the floor, whether it’s health
Committee will take up ENDA, which care or what[ever] it is, but it should-
would bar job bias against LGBT n’t take very long,” he said.
people in the public and private work- Also expecting an ENDA markup
force, shortly after lawmakers return in the House shortly is Allison DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
from holiday break. Herwitt, legislative director for the
Last year, House and Senate Human Rights Campaign. U.S. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) told DC Agenda this week that he’s expecting a markup of Employment Non-Discrimination
committees held hearings on legisla- Act this month or next.
tion that would provide workplace Continues on page 10

Two D.C. ballot measures seek

to ban same-sex marriage
nationalagenda Conservative members Civil Marriage Equality Amendment
Act from becoming law.
A potentially historic effort at overturning Proposition 8 is of Congress also And in a separate development
that went largely unnoticed, Ward 8
underway in a California court. Visit for entering legal fray resident Joyce Little filed papers with
updated blog reports from the courtroom. the Board of Elections & Ethics on
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Dec. 23 calling for a voter initiative that seeks to overturn the same-sex
marriage bill by banning same-sex
Gay marriage opponents have marriage in the city.
filed papers with the city’s election “The purpose of this initiative is to
board proposing two more ballot allow the citizens of the District of
measures to overturn a same-sex Columbia to vote to preserve tradi-
marriage law the D.C. City Council tional marriage as between one man
passed and Mayor Adrian Fenty and one woman,” Little wrote in a
signed in December. summary statement submitted to the
Bishop Harry Jackson, the election board.
Beltsville, Md., minister who is lead- The election board scheduled a
socialagenda ing efforts to oppose same-sex mar- Feb. 16 public hearing for Little’s ini- Photo by Joe Tresh
Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend is here. A schedule of riage in the District, filed papers last tiative. Board General Counsel
week calling for a voter referendum Bishop Harry Jackson
events and interview with outgoing titleholder, Page 20 to block the Religious Freedom & Continues on page 12
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january 15, 2010 • 3
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january 15, 2010 • 5


Couple walks out during anti-gay sermon

Gay men protest Bishop to attend Greater Mount Calvary
services, despite the reports from
Owens’ ‘homophobic friends and acquaintances that
Owens is hostile to gays.
rant’ at Calvary “Since going there for the past year,
I never heard anything out of the way
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. like that,” Garrett said. “So a lot of it was inspirational up until that point. And it
kind of took me aback. … And then due
Jon Mack and his partner, Michael to the fact that Jon and I are together
Garrett, said their one-year tenure as and we’re going to see about getting
members of Greater Mount Calvary married in D.C., it really was like, ‘Why
Holy Church in Northeast D.C. came am I supporting this person? How
to an abrupt end last week. come I couldn’t see this beforehand?’”
The two gay men said they were star- Mack and Garrett, who live in
tled and deeply hurt when Bishop Alfred Bowie, Md., said they now plan to wor-
Owens, the church pastor, appeared to ship at Covenant Baptist Church in
be sending them and other same-sex Southeast D.C, which bills itself as an
couples a blunt message Jan. 3. LGBT-affirming congregation. The
“Sex is only pleasing to God in the church’s husband and wife co-pastors,
marriage bed, and the marriage bed Dennis and Christine Wiley, served as
is a man and … a woman!” Owens leaders of a coalition of clergy in sup-
shouted from the pulpit, with hun- port of same-sex marriage in D.C.
dreds in the church pews shouting The two men said they’re hopeful
their approval, according to accounts that other gays will leave Greater
by Mack and Garrett. Mount Calvary and other churches
Owens’ remarks are also cap- whose pastors and congregations
tured on a recording of his sermon are hostile toward or unwelcoming of
made available last week on the LGBT members.
church’s web site. “I was depressed and actually
“If marriage wasn’t between a thought about suicide,” Mack said. “I
man and a woman, you wouldn’t be kept thinking, ‘What’s the point of going
here because two men doing it don’t on if God hates me and I’m going to hell
produce no kids,” Owens said. “And anyway?’ and ‘Why does God hate me?’
two women doing it don’t produce no “My hope is if this is put in the
kids! It’s all about family,” he said as paper or in the media and it deters
members of the congregation contin- one person from attending Greater
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
ued to clap and cheer. Mount Calvary Holy Church so they
“During this homophobic rant, me Jon Mack, left, and his partner, Michael Garrett ended their affiliation with Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church last week. never have to feel how I felt [that]
and my partner got up and walked Sunday, then I’ll feel as though I’ve
out,” said Mack, 28. even know me hate me just because Owens previously drew media atten- His references to gays in the ser- accomplished something,” Mack said.
Mack and Garrett, 32, contacted DC of my sexuality.” tion in 2006 when, in one of his record- mon prompted LGBT activists to ask Leaders of three D.C. Christian
Agenda about their decision to walk out Mack and Garrett said they were ed sermons on the Sunday before then D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams to churches with mostly gay congregations
on Owens’ sermon and are believed to aware of reports that Owens had Easter, he referred to gays as faggots. expel Owens from a mayoral task have called on gay members of church-
be the first gays to publicly disclose previously made anti-gay remarks “It takes a real man to confess force on faith. In response, Owens es such as Greater Mount Calvary to
their departure from a church that during his sermons at Greater Mount Jesus as Lord and Savior,” he said in issued an apology, which prompted consider joining their congregations.
activists say has a large number of Calvary, which boasts a membership the 2006 sermon. “I’m not talking Williams to announce he would retain The leaders are Rev. Abena McCray,
closeted gay members, mostly black. of more than 6,000 people. But the about no faggot or no sissy. … Let the minister on the faith task force. pastor of Unity Fellowship Church;
“What hurt me more than what he two noted they were attracted to the the real men come down here and Garrett said his initial reaction Bishop Rainey Cheeks, pastor of Inner
said is how the congregation yelled church’s charismatic, highly animat- take a bow — all the real men. I’m upon hearing Owens’ hostile refer- Light Ministries; and Rev. Dwayne
and agreed with him,” Mack said. “It ed services, which include perform- talking about straight men. … Praise ences to gays in the Jan. 3 sermon Johnson, pastor of Metropolitan
showed me that people that don’t ances by several different choirs. God that you’re straight.” was to blame himself for continuing Community Church of Washington.

Gay man who reported jail beating pleads guilty to reduced charge
arose when the man refused to comply the extent of his head injuries after officials often don’t release informa-
Council member, activists with a prior agreement to pay for the sex. experiencing severe headaches two tion about reports of violence in the
seek full account of Burrows’ jail beating allegation
has prompted LGBT activists and
weeks following the incident.
Sylvia Lane, a Department of
jail, including reports of a recent riot
by inmates in the jail.
alleged Dec. 27 attack D.C. City Council member Phil Corrections spokesperson, said the “This is pretty typical of how the
Mendelson (D-At Large) to call on department was investigating the Department of Corrections is not
the city’s Department of Corrections incident and had no immediate com- responsive,” he said. “We will try to
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. to give a full account of the incident. ment on the matter. get more information.” Mendelson chairs a Council commit- “There is no further information In exchange for pleading guilty,
tee with jurisdiction over the jail. available at this time,” she said. prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney’s
A gay man who says guards at In letters sent to his mother during Groat said she and Burrows’ office dropped a robbery charge
the D.C. Jail beat him in a staircase the past two weeks, Burrows said jail mother, Judy Burrows, are suspi- against Burrows and lowered a sec-
last month pleaded guilty Thursday guards on Dec. 27 handcuffed him cious that the guards chose to take ond charge from felony sexual abuse
to a charge of misdemeanor sexual and bound his legs, then carried him Burrows into a stairwell to beat him to misdemeanor sexual abuse. The
abuse as part of a plea bargain down three flights of stairs while delib- because the location was likely out of reduced charge carries a maximum
offered by the U.S. Attorney’s office. erately knocking his head against the the range of the jail’s video cameras. sentence of six months in jail.
John Burrows, a 38-year-old District walls and handrails. He told his moth- Devon Brown, director of the Burrow’s mother, who attended a
resident, had been held in the D.C. Jail er he believed the guards targeted him Department of Corrections, told a court hearing Jan. 7 when the plea agree-
since September while awaiting trial on because he’s gay. City Council hearing last March that ment was announced, said her son’s
charges that he allegedly stole money Margaret Groat told DC Agenda that officials had installed more than 600 lawyer was hopeful that Judge Michael
and sexually abused a 79-year-old man. Burrows suffered a concussion, two video surveillance cameras through- Rankin would sentence him to the four Photo courtesy of Margaret Groat
His sister, Margaret Groat, said black eyes and numbness in three fin- out the jail to help ensure “order, months of jail time he has already served John Burrows, who says guards at the
Burrows has denied sexually abusing gers as a result of the handcuffs being safety and security” in the facility. in connection with the case. D.C. Jail beat him, has pleaded guilty to
the man, noting that her brother claims tightened around his wrists. She said he Mendelson expressed concern Rankin scheduled a sentencing a charge of misdemeanor sexual abuse
the sex was consensual and a dispute was awaiting an MRI test to determine that jail and corrections department hearing for Jan. 21.
6 • january 15, 2010


New HIV/AIDS initiative targets black gay men in D.C.

Whitman-Walker groundwork for making D.C. a nation-
al leader in the fight against AIDS.
tial to make a real difference in people’s
lives, especially in how we combat
It says this two-year study will
“assess the impact of these services
Clinic to be part of “This comprehensive collabora- HIV/AIDS in D.C.,” Blanchon said. “We on HIV incidence.” The study will
tion will generate fresh ideas, new are proud to be a part of this effort.” enlist 2,600 men in six U.S. cities,
$26.4 million effort services and technical knowledge to An NIH statement released at including about 400 in D.C.
enable the city and NIH to prevent Tuesday’s news conference says the Other components of the joint D.C.-
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. new infections and improve health study of black men who have sex NIH initiative include tracking and care services for all residents living with men, is already underway in measuring the success of HIV care;
with HIV/AIDS,” he said. D.C. and other cities, and is being enhancing care for other HIV-related
D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty joined Also speaking at the news confer- conducted by the NIH’s National medical issues, such diabetes,
health officials Tuesday to announce ence, held at a private community clin- Institute of Allergy & Infectious Hepatitis, and cardiovascular disease;
a new D.C. and National Institutes of ic in Anacostia, were D.C. City Council Diseases. Fauci heads that division. and a “test and treat” pilot program.
Health research and treatment initia- member David Catania (I-At Large), The NIH statement notes that Fauci said the “test and treat” pro-
tive aimed at decreasing the city’s who chairs the Council’s Committee blacks represent 76 percent of the gram is part of an international exper-
high rate of HIV infections. on Health; Dr. Pierre Vigilance, direc- District’s HIV/AIDS cases. Recent D.C. iment among AIDS researchers and
The $26.4 million federally funded tor of the D.C. Department of Health; studies have shown that while hetero- physicians. He noted that its aim is to
initiative, called the D.C. Partnership and Dr. Shannon Hader, senior sexuals make up the highest percent- determine whether an aggressive
for HIV/AIDS Progress, includes deputy director of the city’s health age of newly HIV-infected people in medical treatment regimen that drasti-
among four components a study that department in charge of the recently the city, men who have sex with men cally reduces the HIV viral load
targets black men who have sex with renamed D.C. HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, make up the highest number of overall among patients could be the most
men to determine the best ways to DC Agenda photo by Michael Key STD & Tuberculosis Administration. HIV cases in the District. effective means of preventing the
curtail HIV infections among the Catania said he was hopeful that According to the statement, the spread of the virus.
group, which experts say is at high D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty and the benefits from the joint D.C.-NIH research into black men who have sex He noted that some researchers
risk for HIV infection in the District. health officials announced a $26.4 initiative combined with the “steady with men includes gathering “sexual with the United Nation’s World
“Tragically, our nation’s capital million federally funded initiative progress” the city is making on the and social networking information from Health Organization believe the
has one of the highest rates of that targets black men who have HIV/AIDS front would lead to black men who have sex with men.” rate of infection in a given geo-
HIV/AIDS, where about 3 percent of sex with men in D.C. improved numbers in the infection The statement said as part of the graphical area could be reduced to
adults and adolescents are infected rate before the city hosts the World effort, “participants receive HIV risk- a greater degree under a “test and
with the virus,” said NIH’s Dr. Anthony District’s HIV/AIDS problem and AIDS Conference in 2012. reduction counseling and condoms; treat” program than through more
Fauci at the initiative’s unveiling. serve as a model for programs in “This is a day we’ve waited for for testing for HIV and other sexually traditional prevention programs
“By collaborating with Mayor other U.S. cities as well,” Fauci said. a long time,” he said. transmitted infections; screenings for such as condom distribution and
Fenty’s administration to establish Fenty said the initiative comes Don Blanchon, executive director substance use, mental health issues, HIV prevention education.
the new D.C. Partnership for two years after his administration set of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, said partner and/or homophobic violence; According to WHO researchers, a
HIV/AIDS Progress, NIH will seek to in motion sweeping changes in the the Clinic would play a role in the and a peer system to help them nav- lower viral load reduces the chance
answer critical HIV research ques- city’s AIDS office and Department of joint D.C.-HIH initiative. igate the health care system and uti- of infection, even in instances where
tions that could positively affect the Health, which he said has laid the “This new partnership has the poten- lize HIV services.” people engaged in unprotected sex.

Virginia lawmakers to consider 2 LGBT bills

Workplace discrimination, executive order that incoming Gov. Bob “Employees want it, employers want If that sounds too optimistic, Guthrie
McDonnell declined to continue. it, and insurers want it, and all we need Gastañaga said she wishes it didn’t.
insurance benefits on Like the executive order it will replace, is the General Assembly to bless it,” “I can’t tell you the number of
if passed, the workplace protection will Blair said. “We’re not just talking about times I’ve seen bills people have
the legislative agenda only cover public employees. Blair hoped, GLBT people here. Any person who has agreed to co-patron a bill they’ve
though, that step would be just the start. an otherwise qualified adult in their ended up voting against, and they’re
By HARLEY DENNETT “Virginia is the only state in the household who they want to provide just as likely to come to you and say
Special to DC Agenda nation where it is 100 percent legal to insurance to, including straight couples. I’ll vote for it on the floor, but I’m not
fire someone based on their per- “I’m the perfect example. I’m in a position to co-patron it.
Two key pieces of LGBT-related leg- ceived sexual orientation. Protected straight and engaged. Until my fiancé “I’m not counting any chickens
islation will receive bipartisan sponsor- classes are race, gender, creed — and I are married, I can’t provide life before they hatch, but I’m sitting on a
ship in the Virginia General Assembly, those kinds of things,” he said. insurance to her. If you don’t think bunch of them and keeping them
which began session Wednesday. “This [bill] means every gay, les- that impacts where she chooses to really warm in this cold weather.”
Equality Virginia CEO Jon Blair bian, bisexual and transgender work, you’re crazy.” The life insurance bill is similar to a
said the two bills expanding work- Virginian should be protected in the Like the federal Domestic Partnership previous law passed in 2005 that
place discrimination protections and workplace from being fired based on Benefits & Obligations Act, support- extended the rights of employers to offer
permitting employee life insurance their sexual orientation. This is public ers say lack of action in the matter health insurance to domestic partners.
benefits for domestic partners were employers this year.” hurts the government and the state. That law passed by just one vote in the
Photo courtesy of Ebbin
the lobby group’s top priorities with The lobby group’s second priority “This isn’t just about recruiting new state House, which Guthrie Gastañaga
the best chance of passing in 2010. this year is a group life insurance bill employees, either,” Blair said. “There are says validated the lobby group’s Virginia state Del. Adam Ebbin, who’s
Other bills to be considered by com- that would allow insurers and employ- companies here that have more than approach to working with both parties. gay, said the ‘insurance industry and
mittees, but with a more doubtful future, ers to mutually agree upon any group one major headquarters and they can- Virginia Equality came under fire business community very much sup-
include extending reproductive technol- of people they’re willing to insure. not promote employees from one of for that bipartisan approach to lobby- port’ bills that would bar workplace dis-
ogy access to unmarried couples. “Virginia is quirky in having the Dillon those offices to their main headquarters ing when it continued to endorse Del. crimination based on sexual orienta-
After a series of Assembly sessions Rule,” Blair said. “Right now insurers here because employees will refuse the Tom Rust, a Republican, over a tion and gender identity, and permit
where attempts were made to further want to provide life insurance to promotion based on losing their benefits. Democratic candidate with strong employee life insurance benefits for
restrict the rights of LGBT Virginians, Virginians and employers want to pro- Because when they live in Montreal or support from the LGBT community. domestic partners.
including the successful constitutional vide life insurance to Virginians, but they Seattle or wherever they are allowed to But the relationship building has
amendment banning same-sex relation- do not have express permission from the provide benefits to those partners and apparently paid off. Rust’s office con- nies in Virginia already voluntarily have
ship recognition, it appeared to LGBT state. Until they have permission from when they move here they lose them.” firmed to DC Agenda that the law- a non-discrimination policy because
rights lobbyists that no further attempts the state, they are not able to do that The task of lobbying to get both bills maker will introduce the life insur- they on their own decided it was a
were being planned this session. because the Dillon Rule prevents that.” passed falls primarily to Virginia Equality’s ance bill again this session. good idea — that means something.”
“The atmosphere is not perfect, Virginia is the last state to have kept chief counsel, Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, Blair said the arguments already The state’s only openly gay dele-
however it is imminent,” Blair told DC the court-authored law dating back to the a 24-year veteran in the assembly. appealed to Republican principles. gate, Adam Ebbin, a Democrat,
Agenda. “Equality is going to happen 1860s, which limited the powers of munic- “Given that the business community “When you explain the life insur- noted that he felt there would be
in Virginia and the handful of people ipal corporations to only those granted by has made it clear the life insurance bill is ance bill is revenue neutral and won’t “more than one Republican” joining
who are trying to hold it down will state legislatures or where the state has a common sense piece of legislation and cost employers anything, that means him in supporting both bills.
only be successful for so long.” not defined its own powers in that area. voters made it clear that non-discrimina- something,” he said. “When you can “The insurance industry and busi-
Blair’s big-ticket item is passing a bill Local government entities are just some tion is an issue they’re in agreement say a comprehensive non-discrimina- ness community very much support
barring workplace discrimination based of the employers that have sought to pro- should be a policy of the Commonwealth, tion policy is good for business and this. If people see the advantage of this
on sexual orientation and gender identity, vide life insurance to domestic partners, we shouldn’t have any problems getting employers recruiting employees — bill for a wide variety of potential policy
enshrining in law former Gov. Tim Kaine’s but were thwarted by state law. these bills through,” she said. and 88 percent of fortune 500 compa- beneficiaries, I think it can pass.”
january 15, 2010 • 7
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Could an anti-gay Republican take Kennedy’s seat?

One poll shows couples in the first state in the coun-
try to allow same-sex marriage.
expressed through them directly, or
as expressed through their elected
candidates tied ahead By comparison, Coakley supports representatives.”
same-sex marriage and as attorney Michael Mitchell, executive direc-
of Jan. 19 vote general has been a proponent of feder- tor of National Stonewall Democrats,
al recognition for married same-sex said helping Coakley win the special
By CHRIS JOHNSON couples. Last year, she filed a lawsuit on election “couldn’t be more impor- behalf on the State of Massachusetts tant” for LGBT people because a 60-
against the Defense of Marriage Act, a seat Democratic majority in the
The race to succeed the late Sen. 1996 law that prohibits married same- Senate is needed to advance LGBT
Edward Kennedy in the U.S. Senate sex couples from receiving the federal rights in Congress.
could be tightening up as one recent benefits of marriage. “I think that things are going to be a
poll shows an anti-gay Republican The candidates’ campaign web lot worse off if there’s 59 Democrats in
running even with the pro-LGBT sites also are markedly different in how the Senate instead of 60,” he said.
Democratic candidate. they handle LGBT issues. Coakley’s Noting that the election will deter-
A poll published Saturday by site details how she supports legislation mine who would succeed Kennedy —
Public Policy Polling shows state that would affect the LGBT community, perhaps the greatest proponent of
Sen. Scott Brown, the GOP candi- such as legislative repeal of DOMA and LGBT issues in the Senate — Mitchell
date vying to succeed Kennedy, one “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” said “it would be a strange world
point ahead of Democratic nominee Her site additionally notes that as indeed” to replace the so-called Liberal
Photo courtesy of Brown for U.S. Senate
and Massachusetts Attorney attorney general she has “aggres- Lion with a Republican like Brown.
General Martha Coakley. Massachusetts state Sen. Scott Brown, the anti-gay GOP candidate vying to suc- sively prosecuted” hate crimes at the Mitchell said Stonewall was
In a poll of residents who planned ceed Sen. Edward Kennedy, is polling even with the pro-LGBT Democratic candidate. state level — including those against “pulling out all the stops” to help
to vote in the special election — which LGBT people — and that she in 2008 Coakley win the election. He noted
occurs Jan. 19 — Public Policy Polling will need to step it up in the final 17-point lead over Brown. Fifty-three was the first statewide official to that the organization is sending out
found that 48 percent said they week to win a victory once thought percent of responders said they endorse state legislation that includ- an e-mail blast to members across
intended to vote for Brown, while 47 inevitable,” Debnam said. would vote for her, while 36 percent ed gender expression and identity in the country, urging them to contribute
percent said they would vote for Public Policy Polling’s poll specu- said they intended to vote for Brown. Massachusetts discrimination and to Coakley’s campaign and partici-
Coakley. Six percent of responders lated that Brown found strong support Neither Coakley’s campaign nor hate crimes laws. pate in phone banking activities.
said they were undecided. in an overwhelmingly “blue” state Brown’s campaign responded to DC Brown’s site lacks mention of The local Stonewall chapter in
Dean Debnam, president of because of depressed Democratic Agenda’s requests for comment, but issues specifically affecting LGBT Massachusetts, Mitchell said, is hosting
Public Policy Polling, said in a state- interest in the election and because the candidates’ records significantly people — with the exception of mar- an event where supporters can gather
ment that the poll shows the special he’s favored by independent voters. diverge on LGBT issues, particularly riage. The site says that Brown to do phone banking for Coakley.
election is “shaping up to be a poten- The poll could be an outlier. with regard to same-sex marriage. believes marriage is between one Also backing Coakley in the spe-
tial disaster for Democrats.” Another poll conducted by the In 2007, Brown voted in the state man and woman and says, “States cial election is MassEquality, the
“Martha Coakley’s complacent University of New Hampshire Survey legislature for a failed state constitu- should be free to make their own statewide LGBT organization in
campaign has put Scott Brown in a Center and published Sunday by the tional amendment that would have laws in this area, so long at they Massachusetts. The organization
surprisingly strong position and she Boston Globe found Coakley had a taken marriage rights away from gay reflect the people’s will as endorsed Coakley in November.

N.J. Senate kills same-sex marriage bill National Organization for Marriage. who would become plaintiff couples “We consulted and spoke with
State unlikely to see gay In an e-mail blast, Brian Brown, the or when the New Jersey Supreme lawyers far and wide who said the New
weddings in next 4 years organization’s executive director,
praised followers who “made phone
Court might hear the case.
Reflecting on the vote, Goldstein
Jersey Legislature has to show its
dereliction of duty affirmatively to go
By CHRIS JOHNSON calls, sent e-mails, and prayed” in said the marriage bill didn’t succeed back to court — because they said it’s opposition to same-sex marriage. for one reason: the failure of Corzine up to the legislature to act,” he said.
“Yet again, we have witnessed a to win re-election in November. “Today the legislature acted. It default-
The New Jersey State Senate last tremendous victory for marriage in a “We had at minimum 22 votes in the ed on its constitutional obligation to
week defeated legislation that would state where just a few months ago, vic- Senate … and we were going to win provide same-sex couples equality.”
have legalized same-sex marriage, tory seemed unlikely at best,” he said. this clearly in the Assembly,” he said. “At Noting that a number of lawmak-
but plans are already brewing to Immediately following the vote, some point immediately after the elec- ers who voted against the marriage
obtain marriage rights for gay cou- Kevin Cathcart, executive director of tion, we saw the fortunes change.” bill also conceded on the floor civil
ples through litigation. Lambda Legal, announced in a state- Goldstein said Corzine was “a unions aren’t working, Goldstein said
Senators voted down the measure, ment plans to pursue the legalization star supporter of marriage equality” the Senate record will also help per-
14-20, following a 90-minute debate. of same-sex marriage in New Jersey throughout most of 2009, but added suade the courts that civil unions
After the vote was recorded, oppo- through court action. “it did take him a while to get there.” aren’t adequate in providing protec- Photo courtesy of Christie for Governor
nents of gay nuptials filled the Senate “The requirement to ensure equal- “We were very honest in our tions for same-sex couples.
chamber with cheers and applause. ity for same-sex couples, established statement today in saying that this Several senators gave emotional Efforts to legislatively enact same-sex
The bill’s failure almost certainly by the New Jersey Supreme Court in bill should never have waited until speeches on both sides of the mar- marriage in New Jersey were stymied
means New Jersey won’t see the legal- its decision in our marriage lawsuit in sudden death overtime — the lame riage issue on the Senate floor before last week when state senators voted
ization of same-sex marriage through 2006, has not been met,” he said. duck session,” he said. “And obvious- the vote was taken. State Sen. Loretta against the bill. The vote was consid-
legislative means anytime soon. “There is enormous, heartbreaking ly we’re disappointed in that.” Weinberg, a Democrat and sponsor of ered a last chance to pass same-sex
Republican Governor-elect Chris evidence that civil unions are not Opposition to the bill also increased, the marriage legislation, was among marriage before the swearing in of
Christie will begin his four-year term equal to marriage, and we will be Goldstein said, because Christie visited those who spoke in favor of the bill. Governor-elect Chris Christie, who
Jan. 19, and he’s pledged to veto any going back to the courts in New Republican senators before the debate “Men and women do not have a opposes gay nuptials.
marriage bill that comes to his desk. Jersey to fight for equality.” and urged them to vote against the bill. monopoly on loving relationships,”
Outgoing Gov. Jon Corzine (D) in In a conference call following the “We understand from impeccable she said. “We all know same-sex amount to religious discrimination.
a statement Thursday expressed dis- vote, Steven Goldstein, chair of sources that Governor-elect Christie couples that enjoy the same love “Unless we vote for marriage
appointment about the outcome of Garden State Equality, said advo- went to the Republican Senate cau- and trust that is shared between a equality, we will be interfering with the
the vote, although he commended cates of same-sex marriage have cus and in the Republican Assembly man and a woman, between a hus- religious beliefs of many of our citi-
the Senate for having public debate had “a seamless transition from our caucus and told members who were band and a wife.” zens,” he said. “Government is wrong
on the issue. legislative phase to our court phase.” going to vote for marriage equality, ‘I Also speaking out in favor of the to interfere with religious beliefs.
“Most assuredly, this is an issue of “It’s not a situation where New Jersey don’t want to see any marriage legislation was State Sen. Raymond Today, we can right that wrong.”
civil rights and civil liberties, the foun- will go all the way backwards,” he said. equality votes coming out of this cau- Lesniak, another Democrat who State Sen. Bill Baroni, the lone
dation of our state and federal consti- “In New Jersey, the Supreme Court cus,’” Goldstein said. sponsored the bill. Republican to vote in favor of the
tutions,” he said. “Denying any group of ruled in 2006 that same-sex couples Even though they thought they Noting that 120 religious leaders marriage legislation, said New
people a fundamental human right must receive equal treatment under the might not win, Goldstein said advo- sent a letter to the New Jersey Jersey’s current system of offering
because of who they are, or whom law as a state constitutional matter.” cates held the vote in the Senate Senate in support of same-sex mar- civil unions to same-sex couples
they love, is wrong, plain and simple.” Goldstein said he didn’t yet know because they believed it would bolster riage, Lesniak said the failure of the amounted to discrimination perpetu-
Celebrating the victory was the details about the litigation, such as the chances of successful litigation. chamber to pass the legislation would ated by the government.
january 15, 2010 • 9

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10 • january 15, 2010

directoryservices ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal may

Cognitive-Behavioral come via budget process
Therapy Continued from page 1
Results-Oriented ▼ Affordable “We’re hopeful that it will be either January or
Larry Cohen, LICSW February and we’re pushing for that,” she said.
22 years serving the glbt community
Still, it’s unclear exactly when the House
committee will take up the legislation. Aaron
Albright, spokesperson for the House &
Education Labor Committee, said, “nothing
See website for NPR story on my work
has been scheduled yet.”
Meanwhile, in the Senate, Jeff Merkley (D-
Ore.), who sponsors ENDA in that chamber,
Becky Carroll, Ph.D. has said the HELP Committee will take up
Joel C. Ang, M.D.
Licensed Psychologist Family Medicine, HIV Diagnosis & Treatment ENDA in the spring, but Herwitt said the timing
Interactive Counseling, in the Senate “is a little less clear.”
Psychotherapy and 202-667-5041 “I think that we’re going to talk to [Chair
Somatic Experiencing Tom] Harkin’s staff people, committee staff and
Adult Primary Care try to figure all of that out, what’s the timeframe 1759 Q Street NW, Washington, DC that they’re looking at, how will we envision the
202.332.8477 bill moving forward in the Senate,” she said. “I
Red Line Metro • Dupont Circle mean, obviously, the Senate provides us more
free Wi-Fi • Limited Parking
3000 Connecticut Ave., NW challenges in moving legislation, especially when it is freestanding.”
Same Day Appointments Advocates are committed to passing a ver-
Individuals u Couples u Sex Insurance Accepted sion of ENDA that provides protections on the
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
Copies of records at each visit basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Helping People Instant HIV/Syphilis/Herpes Testing The inclusion of transgender people in Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) is lead sponsor of
Grow Stronger CLIA Certified Laboratory ENDA has been a sensitive issue. In 2007, the Domestic Partnership Benefits & Obligations Act.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) came under fire
in Rough Times for pushing a version of ENDA that provided repeal in his budget request to stay true to the
Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. protections only on the basis of sexual orienta- promise he made to end the ban last year dur-
Michael Radkowsky, Psy.D. Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health
Licensed Psychologist u 15 years experience tion, saying at the time that Congress lacked ing a speech at an HRC dinner.
Weight Management the votes to pass an inclusive bill. “There is no good reason why this White
Near Woodley & Cleveland Park metro
202-667-5041 This year, the situation is different. Polis House would pass up this opportunity,” Sarvis
( 202) 234-3278 said lawmakers expect to pass “an inclusive said. “It is the logical place to get rid of the dis-
ENDA that includes protections based on gen- criminatory ban. We urge the president to make
der identity.” good on his words on the campaign trail as well
Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. Psychiatrist / Psychoanalyst in Foggy Bottom, Herwitt expressed similar optimism that the as those said last October when he emphati-
Licensed Clinical Psychologist Joseph M. Jeral, M.D., sees individu- House would be able to pass ENDA with pro- cally declared, ‘I will end Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’”
tections based on sexual orientation and gen- Herwitt said HRC also wants Obama to
als and couples for treatment of depres- der identity. include repeal of the ban on open service as
Individual & Couples Therapy sion, anxiety, relationship problems, etc. “I think that we’re in a really strong place in part of his defense budget request.
for the LGBT Community
18 years experience!! Call office at (202) 457-8899. the House,” she said. “I think that, again, when “We have been working to make that a real-
we look at our vote count for final passage, it ity,” she said. “We are hopeful and it has been
Joseph M. Jeral, M.D. looks good for a fully inclusive bill.” part of our plan. We think that having the White 202.255.5187 2112 F Street, NW Still, Herwitt said conversations are more House put the policy recommendations 3000 Conn. Ave. Washington, D.C. 20037 nascent on the Senate side regarding ENDA through [the] DOD [budget request] forward is
and the inclusion of gender identity provisions. important and key.”
“We have education that we need to do and Whether the budget request will, in fact,
have conversations,” she said. “I know that include language that would repeal “Don’t Ask,
DAVE LLOYD & ASSOCIATES Want a subscription to Sen. Merkley and his staff have been really on Don’t Tell” remains to be seen. Shin Inouye, a
Top 1% Nationwide top of this, and having those conversations White House spokesperson, wouldn’t confirm
NVAR Life Member Top Producer

dcagenda? staff-to-staff — and the senator is having col-
league-to-colleague conversations. And we
whether administration officials would include
such language in the budget request.
just need to continue some of that process and “As we are in the midst of the policy process
ENTHUSIASTICALLY Contact then see where we are with the vote count.”
Asked whether the gender identity provisions
for the FY 2011 Budget, it would be premature
to comment on its contents,” he said.
Robbie Barnett at could be a sticking point in the Senate, Herwitt
replied, “I think what I’m saying is we’re still in
Another bill pending in Congress is the Domestic
Partnership Benefits & Obligations Act. The legisla- the process of figuring all of that out. The con- tion — approved late last year by both House and
versations are still happening, the education Senate committees — would allow the same-sex
process is still ongoing and obviously we want partners of LGBT federal workers to receive the
to make sure that the bill moves forward when it same benefits as the spouses of straight workers,
can move forward as a fully inclusive bill.” including health and pension benefits.
But the timing for a floor vote is not yet
clear. Herwitt said she doesn’t know when floor
Activists want ‘Don’t Ask’ votes would take place and said HRC is “work-
repeal in budget request  ing with our allies in the House and the Senate
The repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the to try and figure out what is the schedule, what
1993 law that prohibits openly gay people from are they looking at.”
serving in the U.S. military, is also a primary Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.), the
focus for LGBT rights supporters on the Hill. sponsor of the bill in that chamber, said last
Advocates are urging President Obama to month a floor vote wouldn’t take place until
include language that would overturn the law lawmakers receive cost offset information from
as part of his defense budget request to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for
Congress for the next fiscal year. The request implementing the measure within the agency’s
is expected to be made public early this year. existing budget.
The Servicemembers Legal Defense Leslie Phillips, spokesperson for the Senate
Network on Tuesday published a full-page ad Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
in Roll Call newspaper calling on Obama to Committee, which has jurisdiction over the leg-
include repeal in his budget request. Aubrey islation, said Tuesday that lawmakers have “not
Sarvis, executive director of the yet received the offset information from OPM.”
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, The agency didn’t respond to DC Agenda’s
writes in the letter that Obama should include request for comment.
january 15, 2010 • 11

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12 • january 15, 2010


Two Senate retirements mean two losses for gays

By CHRIS JOHNSON voted in favor of the 1996 version of Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat, is ENDA. The North Dakota senator in contention for Dodd’s seat. LGBT
also voted against the Federal activists have been pressuring
With two veteran Democratic sena- Marriage Amendment in 2004 and Blumenthal to join a federal lawsuit
tors last week announcing plans to 2006. Dodd voted against the meas- against DOMA filed last year by the
retire at year’s end, the LGBT commu- ure in 2004, but cast no vote in 2006. state of Massachusetts.
nity is losing two lawmakers that have The records on LGBT issues for Former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons
largely been allies on Capitol Hill. Dodd and Dorgan aren’t spotless. is running for the Republican nomi-
Media reports circulated last Both senators voted in favor of the nation, and he’s a favorite among
week that Sens. Chris Dodd (D- Defense of Marriage Act when it LGBT Republicans. Before he was
Conn.) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) came to a Senate floor vote in 1996. voted out of Congress in 2006,
are not seeking re-election this year Dodd seemed have to recanted that Simmons had been a co-sponsor of
— and pundits are speculating their vote last year, though, when he came ENDA and hate crimes legislation.
retirement foretells a dismal election out in favor of same-sex marriage. North Dakota is known for being
year for Democrats. Joe Solmonese, president of the a solidly Republican state. The
Whatever their exit means in Human Rights Campaign, said in a favorite in the race seems to be
November at the polls, the retirement statement to DC Agenda that Dodd Republican Gov. John Hoeven. He’s
of these senators means LGBT peo- and Dorgan would be missed. against civil unions and same-sex
ple will be losing voices that have “Senators Chris Dodd and Byron marriage, and spoke in favor of a
been largely reliable in supporting Dorgan have been reliable support- state constitutional ban on same-
gay rights. It’s particularly true for ers of LGBT civil rights and stood sex marriage in 2004.
Dodd, who was an advocate for strongly in opposition to the Federal On the Democratic side, the
advancing LGBT rights even when Photo courtesy of Dodd Marriage Amendment,” Solmonese Huffington Post reported MSNBC
such stances weren’t as politically said. “In particular, Chris Dodd has talk show host Ed Schultz is consid-
tenable as they are today. U.S. Sens. Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan are retiring at the end of the year. been a leader in speaking out for ering a run for Dorgan’s seat.
Dodd has consistently voted in marriage equality and repeal of the Also named as a contender is Rep.
favor of hate crimes legislation, includ- Discrimination Act since 1994 and a mately failed by a 49-50 vote — Defense of Marriage Act. They will Earl Pomeroy, a Democratic House
ing the most recent bill that was co-sponsor for the Uniting American came from Dodd. be missed.” member from North Dakota. He’s voted
signed into law last year by President Families Act since 1996. Dorgan isn’t a co-sponsor of Who will succeed the two sena- in favor of hate crimes legislation and
Obama. The senator also has been a One of the votes in favor of a ver- UAFA or ENDA, but has been a sup- tors remains to be seen. In ENDA and twice voted against the
co-sponsor for the Employment Non- sion of ENDA in 1996 — which ulti- porter of hate crimes legislation, and Connecticut, Attorney General Federal Marriage Amendment.

New ballot measure proposals face election board review

Continued from page 1 Macaluso is deliberating over Brian Flowers, the D.C. City

Kenneth McGhie said the board was

Jackson’s lawsuit seeking to overturn
the board’s decision to disallow his
Council's staff attorney, said as of
Monday, the pojected date for Gay weddings could
in the process of scheduling another
hearing sometime this month for
earlier initiative proposal.
Most legal observers expect the
Congress to complete its review of the
same-sex marraige bill is March 2. boost D.C. economy
Jackson’s referendum proposal. election board to reject the initiative filed Flowers noted that the projection was An analysis released by the D.C. Office of the Chief Financial Officer
In a related development, two U.S. this week by Little. Little could not be made by counting the days the House estimates that as much as $22 million in revenue for area businesses could
senators and 37 members of the reached to determine whether she plans and Senate are expected to be in ses- be generated by weddings for thousands of same-sex couples who flock to
House of Representatives — all to appeal in court any board decision sion between this week and the the city from other states.
Republicans — filed a friend-of-the- denying her request for the initiative. beginning of March. The analysis calls the $22 million figure a “high end” estimate and lists a
court brief in support of an older law- “If they keep coming back and the "The count includes 14 days in “low end” estimate of $4.5 million to be generated in D.C. and the surround-
suit from Jackson that seeks to force courts continue to rule against them, January, 15 days in February and one ing suburbs through bookings of hotel rooms, banquet halls and other
the city to hold a voter initiative on the at some point the courts will throw day in March, making March 2 the expenses related to same-sex weddings.
gay marriage question. Jackson filed these cases out in summary judg- 31st day," Flowers said in an e-mail. Total tax revenue for the city from same-sex weddings over the next three
the lawsuit last year after the election ment,” said gay activist Peter Little, who filed papers in years could range from a low of $14,970 to a high of about $1 million, accord-
board ruled that a ballot measure Rosenstein, who is a board member December for an initiative to overturn ing to the analysis. The analysis points to a U.S. Census Bureau survey track-
seeking to ban gay marriage would of the Campaign for All D.C. Families. the city’s same-sex marriage law, filed ing the years 2006-2008, which shows there were 3,896 same-sex households
violate the city’s Human Rights Act “You can’t keep going back to the a motion in federal court the same in the District of Columbia.
and is therefore not allowable. courts with the same case.” month seeking an injunction to block “Based on the experience of Massachusetts, we estimate that 50 percent of
The GOP lawmakers’ brief was But Jackson and Ward 5 Advisory the City Council from voting on the all same-sex households in D.C. will marry in the three years following the legal-
countered by another friend of the Neighborhood Commissioner Robert same-sex marriage bill at its regularly ization of same-sex marriage,” says the analysis.
court, or amicus, brief filed by three King have vowed to do just that, saying scheduled legislative session. U.S. “We assume that 25 percent of all same-sex couples in the Virginia and
D.C. same-sex couples that were they believe a higher-level court will District Court Judge Colleen Kollar- Maryland suburbs in the D.C. metropolitan area will marry in D.C. in three
married in other states and another eventually force the city to hold a refer- Kotolly denied the motion Dec. 15, the years following the legalization of same-sex marriage,” it says.
same-sex couple that hopes to marry endum or initiative that brings the subject same day the Council passed the bill, It adds, “We assume that 2.5 percent of all same-sex couples in the remain-
in the District later this year. Also of gay marriage before the city’s voters. saying Little failed to provide evidence ing states will marry in D.C.” in the same three-year period.
signing on to the couples’ brief were to support her claim that allowing the The analysis estimates that the surrounding suburbs are likely to share a
the local same-sex marriage advoca- Marriage bill goes to Hill Council to vote on the marriage bill significant portion of the revenue from same-sex couples traveling to D.C. to
cy groups D.C. Clergy United and Meanwhile, the City Council’s Office would cause the city and gay marriage marry. “Fifty percent is our best guess,” it says.
Campaign for All D.C. Families. of Legislative Affairs sent the same-sex opponents “irreparable harm.” LOU CHIBBARO JR.
Attorneys for same-sex marriage marriage bill passed by the Council and Little did not issue a public
supporters and opponents argued on signed by Fenty to Congress on Jan. 5 announcement about her motion for the of the ultimate legislative authority for city’s same-sex marriage law will be
behalf of their respective motions and to arrange for a required congressional injunction, and most local activists and the District of Columbia and the very protected as long as Democrats retain
briefs at a hearing Wednesday before review of the law, according to office Council members were unaware that body which delegated to the District control of Congress, but they caution
Superior Court Judge Judith Macaluso, staffer Ebony Henry. she had made an apparently unprece- its limited legislative power under that the law could be in jeopardy if
who is expected to issue a ruling on Henry said her office’s decision to dented attempt to ask a court to stop home rule,” the amicus brief states. Republicans gain control in the future.
Jackson’s lawsuit in the next few weeks. wait more than two weeks after Fenty the Council from voting on a bill. D.C. home rule advocates, includ- The same-sex couples who filed the
The two new ballot measure propos- signed the bill Dec. 18 to send it to U.S. Sens. James Inhoff (R-Oak.) ing LGBT groups that have pushed amicus brief opposing Jackson’s law-
als, including the ones filed in December Capitol Hill was due to the office’s nor- and Roger Wilkins (R-Miss.) joined for full voting rights for D.C. in suit include city residents Trevor Blake
by Little and this week by Jackson, come mal processing of bills that get sent to 37 conservative GOP House mem- Congress, are likely to interpret the and Jeff Krehely; Amy Hinze-Pifer and
on the heels of decisions last year by Congress for their required congres- bers, most of whom are vocal oppo- brief as a signal by the GOP lawmak- Rebecca Hinze-Pifer; Vincent Micone
the election board rejecting an earlier sional review of 30 legislative days. nents of LGBT rights, in filing the ers that they will seek to overturn the and Thomas Metzger; and Reginald
initiative and referendum proposal — The clock for the congressional amicus brief in support of the lawsuit same-sex marriage law sometime in Stanley and Rocky Galloway.
both introduced by Jackson and his review was expected to start ticking by Jackson to force the city into hold- the future if Jackson loses his court The nationally known law firm
backers. A D.C. Superior Court judge next week, when the House and ing a voter initiative on gay marriage. fight. Congress retains authority to Covington & Burling is providing pro-
last spring upheld the board’s ruling Senate were to begin their 2010 leg- “Under the United States overturn any D.C. law at any time. bono legal representation for the
rejecting the referendum. islative session. Constitution, they serve as members Most political observers believe the same-sex couples in the case.
january 15, 2010 • 13


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14 • january 15, 2010

Vol. 2, Issue 3

More Democratic disappointments LYNNE J. BROWN
ext. 8075

One year of complete

News & Multimedia Editor
ext. 8088
control by party yields
Features Editor
ext. 8086

little for LGBT people JOEY DiGUGLIELMO ext. 8081
Sr. News Reporter
By ROBERT TURNER ext. 8079
News Reporter
We are at the start of a new year. CHRIS JOHNSON ext. 8083
Democrats have controlled the halls Staff Photographer
of Congress for three years. Barack MICHAEL KEY
Obama has resided in the White
House just days shy of a full year. PRODUCTION
What is there to show for the Creative Director
progress of the LGBT movement ext. 8074
under Democratic control? WEB
The president spoke at the annual Online Creative and DCATV
Human Rights Campaign dinner, hate Exec. Producer ARAM VARTIAN ext. 8095
crimes legislation became law, and the Photo by Pete Souza; courtesy of the White House
Ryan White Care Act was reautho- SALES & ADMINISTRATION
Sr. Acct. Executive
rized. But that last item had been reau- President Obama has been in office for a full year and the Democrats have held commanding majorities in Congress during BRIAN PITTS
thorized by a Republican Congress that time, yet progress on LGBT rights has been disappointingly slow. ext. 8089
and a Republican president. Sr. Acct. Executive
To be sure, the GOP track record important tenet of politics: Senators “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (Defense Instead, Democrats spent their ext. 8078
on gay issues is abysmal, to say the and members of Congress have one Secretary Robert Gates said it wasn’t a political capital on a Cap & Trade bill in Acct. Executive
least. However, it was the simple goal, and that is to get reelect- high priority). The White House sat idly the House, and health care reform that JERYL PARADE ext. 8072
Democratic Party that asked for gay ed. As we usher in the mid-term elec- by as marriage equality was repealed does not address health benefits for Advertising Manager
dollars and the gay vote, both in tion season, most of Congress will be in Maine via ballot initiative and was our partners. Earlier this month, The PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH
2006 and again in 2008 to give them focused on maintaining their jobs and defeated in the New York State Senate. Bilerico Project asked two questions: ext. 8092
Distribution Coordinator
complete control of both ends of their hold on power. An immigration bill has been intro- Are we not making our voices heard? ROBBIE BARNETT
Pennsylvania Avenue. One of the few shining moments duced in the House that doesn’t allow Or are our voices being ignored? ext. 8080
To this end, what has our commu- in Congress is the Domestic LGBT Americans to sponsor their for- I suspect that if these items don’t Accounting services provided
nity seen in terms of real progress as Partnership Benefits & Obligations eign partners for residency. get moved through Congress and by Martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.
Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
opposed to mere lip service? As we Act. It has been passed out of com- And while New York Gov. David signed into law before the Memorial
begin the second session of the 111th mittee in the Senate, and is expected Patterson has aggressively pushed Day recess, we will not see any All material in the DC Agenda is protected by
federal copyright law and may not be repro-
Congress, we must ask ourselves if to see floor action early this year, that his state Senate to act favorably on major legislation favorable to our duced without the written consent of the
we’ve been had. Yes, my liberal broth- is, if the Obama administration will marriage equality, Obama has said in community at all in 2010. DC Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertis-
ers and sisters will argue that more stop dragging its feet and come up no uncertain terms that he would ers, photographers, writers and cartoonists
published herein is neither inferred nor implied.
has been done in the last year to lay with offsets — ways to pay for the prefer Patterson step aside so some- Robert Turner is president of The The appearance of names or pictorial repre-
the groundwork on major accomplish- estimated $63 million per year cost. one who has a better chance of Turner Group, a D.C.-based govern- sentation does not necessarily indicate the
ments in the coming years. Last year, House Speaker Nancy retaining the governor’s mansion for ment relations firm. Reach him at sexual orientation of that person or persons.
Although the DC Agenda is supported by many
But they are forgetting the most Pelsoi said, “not now” to repealing Democrats can run. fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility
for claims made by advertisers.
Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the
DC Agenda, but the paper cannot take respon-
feedback sibility for its return. The editors reserve the right
to accept, reject or edit any submission.
Guidelines for freelance contributors are
available upon request.
The following comments were gone from about 20 percent public congressional seat in the voting Re: “Arrest warrant sought in
posted to Visit support in the 1980s to 80 percent rights bill. The so-called GOP Big lesbian parental custody dispute” A single copy of the DC Agenda is available
from authorized distribution points, to any
our site to join the discussion. today. Almost every poll shows Tent continues to smell of its own ele- Maggie Gallagher: You are delud- individual within a 50-mile radius of Washington,
stronger support for our rights from phant dung! — DC John ed to think that you control the levers D.C. Multiple copies are available from the DC
Re: “Prop 8 trial begins Monday” younger people in both parties and of of a supernatural universe, as is any- Agenda office only. Call for rates. If you are
unable to get to a convenient free distribution
In bringing Prop. 8 to trial, we many religious traditions. Re: “D.C. Jail guards accused one else who believes a single word point, you may receive a 52-week mailed
should remember the old Chinese We need to build on this trend of beating gay inmate” from your lying mouth. Then, you subscription for $175.00 per year. Checks or
proverb, “Be careful what you wish for.” and educate people and we need to Let me see if I understand this. An meddle with the lives of innocent chil- credit card orders can be sent to Robbie
Barnett at
While I feel as strongly as most be examples of solid couples and inmate of the D.C. Jail, injured in an dren like Isabella, forever helping to
readers here about the need for mar- good citizens so this can all get altercation with guards on December screw with their secure future and a Postmaster: Send address changes to the DC
riage to be available to us, I cannot resolved in our favor democratically. 17, is being held in “protective cus- loving parent. Agenda, PO BOX 73647 Washington DC 20056
The DCAgenda is published weekly, on Friday,
help but think that it will hurt us if we try — Sam Brown tody” and is not able to have visitors Then, you put visions of demons by Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual
to bully the will of the people through (or one presumes be seen or have and fairy-tales of made-up gay con- Subscriptions are $175 per year for 52 issues
(only $3.37 per issue mailed to you USPS).
legal tricks. Consider the abortion Re: “Two more D.C. ballot his injuries seen or photographed) spiracies in the heads of people who Rates for businesses/institutions are $350 per
issue as an example. It was getting measures proposed to ban same- “until Jan. 27 at the earliest”? don’t know any better (because they year. Periodical postage paid at Washington,
close to being made legal in some sex marriage” Excuse me? I don’t care if this guy is don’t know any gay people). And how D.C., and additional mailing offices.
places and situations with general sup- I had my suspicions so I went a hustler, a drug addict, a thief or what- is it that you and NOM claim to know Editorial positions of the DC Agenda are
port when the courts intervened and back in THOMAS and looked it up. ever. We fought to put an end to this more about gay issues and families, expressed in editorials and in editors’
made an edict. Now it remains a Sure enough, there were three sort of thing decades ago. It seems to than all the gay people who say you’re notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
Other opinions are those of the writers and
chasm in our public thought. If abortion House signers on the amicus brief me that in a lot of ways, things are full of it, like me? Could never figure do not necessarily represent the opinion of
laws had changed in most places who were in office in 1993 when the going backwards rather than forwards that one out. — Peter the Saint the DC Agenda or its staff.
through legislative action, and bills to D.C. statehood bill was voted on: in the District. — Michael
To submit a letter or commentary: Letters
change them failed several times it Roscoe Bartlett (Md.), Jack Kingston Maggie Gallagher talking about unjust should be fewer than 400 words; commen-
would be considered a dead issue in (Ga.), and Don Manzullo (Ill.) All No matter what someone’s past is laws is a scream! She is one of the pre- taries should be fewer than 750 words.
the political world. Only the “gadflies” voted NO in 1993 on the HR.51. or what they are in jail for this does eminent instigators of unjust laws against Submissions may be edited for content and
length, and must include a name, address and
would be pushing it. So much for their commitment to not give them the right to beat some- the LGBTI community. — Mykelb phone number for verification. Send submis-
Public opinion is evolving in our D.C. residents getting the right to one. No matter what he did in the jail sions by e-mail to
favor now that more people are out of vote on important matters. — Don or to the guards once he was Re: “Two Senate retirements
Address: 1612 U St., N.W.,
the closet, and thus more people restrained that should have been the means two losses for LGBT people” Washington, D.C., 20009;
understand us as just regular harm- I find it amusing that there is at end of it. You do not get to break the It will be easier to have someone Phone: 202-747-2077
less folks who care about their loved least one not-so-closeted gay law just because you are a prison who is pro-LGBT in the seat without E-mail:
ones and their country. Republican who signed this amicus guard. They [allegedly] did this Chris Dodd running, which would Publisher: Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
Even basic rights for us, such as brief and that all but one voted because John is white and gay, this have handed the seat to a hetero-
employment non-discrimination have against giving D.C. residents a real was a hate crime. — Dee sexist Republican. — libhomo
2010 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
january 15, 2010 • 15
WWW.LIRONEPRO.COM (703) 623-9042
Images by
LIRONE Photographer

1517 Wisconsin Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20007
(202) 625-2677

Tysons Galleria
1785M International Drive
McLean, VA 22102
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Name: Michael Woods

Occupation: Attorney
Hobbies: Electronic dance music, personal fitness, sci-fi, and foreign affairs.
Philosophy: Know your worth, speak your truth.
16 • january 15, 2010

friday, jan. 15  gallery will be open Wednesdays through tuesday, jan. 19
MID-ATLANTIC LEATHER WEEKEND, Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. A remembrance event for Martin
one of the largest gay leather gatherings in TOWN has two events tonight. DJ Brett Luther King Jr. is being held tonight by
the world, is this weekend in Washington at Henrichsen spins upstairs (Town’s reg- the GLBT ARTS CONSORTIUM from
the Washington Plaza Hotel. The event is ular DJ Wess is downstairs). And 7 to 9 p.m. at Capitol Hill Presbyterian
sold out but some spillover hotels have monthly party “WTF?” is also tonight Church at 4th and Independence Ave.,
rooms available and some events are with a special Mexican installment. S.E. near the Eastern Market and
open to the public. Visit leatherweek- Doors open at 10 p.m. Town is located Capitol South Metro stations. The event for more information. at 2009 Eighth Street, N.W. Visit is free and open to the public.
GAY DISTRICT meets tonight. The for more information. D.C.’S HIV WORKING GROUP assem-
group was formerly known as the BLOWOFF, a monthly party featuring gay bles safer sex kits with its “packing par-
Twenties Group but has expanded its DJs/remixers Bob Mould and Rich ties” every Tuesday at EFN Lounge.
age range for gay, bi, trans and question- Morel, is tonight at the 9:30 club, located Those who volunteer their time get drink
ing men from 18 to 35. The group meets at 815 V Street, N.W. starting at 11:30 discounts. The events are held from 7 to
for weekly discussion from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Visit for more information. 10:30 p.m. at Motley Bar, located above
every Friday at St. Margaret’s Church EFN, which is at 1318 9th St., N.W. Visit
located at 1830 Connecticut Ave. sunday, jan. 17 for more information.
Members dine afterwards then go danc- REACTION, the closing night party for POZ, a bar night for HIV-positive men
ing. The group is changing its contact Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend, is and men open to dating HIV-positive
information but for now, those interested tonight from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. at the 9:30 men regardless of their own HIV status,
can visit the group on Facebook under club, located at 815 V Street, N.W., with is held every Tuesday night from 7 p.m.
the name “GD: Gay District.” music by DJ David LaSalle and enter- to midnight at Motley Bar, located
The D.C. Cowboys are having a new tainment by German retro singer Myke above EFN Lounge at 1318 19th St.,
event starting tonight called BRODEO Lowe. Tickets are $35 in advance or N.W. The event is organized by HIV-pos-
AT REMINGTON’S. It will feature $45 at the door. They’re available at the itive party promoter Jacob Pring. Visit
country, western, disco and club Leather Rack or the group’s Facebook page at face- Photo by Noah Kalina
music, performances, giveaways, Jell- for more information.
O shots, an auction and the Cowboys. monday, jan. 18 HOLLABACK, a social club and sup- Blowoff, a monthly party featuring gay DJs/remixers BOB MOULD and Rich
Proceeds benefit the group, which METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH port group for trans people, presented Morel, will be held Saturday night.
uses funds to facilitate its ability to pro- OF WASHINGTON, the District’s by Alpha Drugs, is tonight at 1638 R
vide free entertainment for HIV and largest mostly gay church, has an HIV St., N.W., Suite 260. To RSVP, call Dee 14th St., N.W., previous home of the Arts and Culture Group, another local
AIDS charity groups. For more informa- positive support group for people of Curry at 202-290-0324. Lesbian Services Program and Austin gay social outfit, for a trip to Gettysburg
tion, visit Remington’s faith every Monday at the church. For COBALT has “Flashback,” a retro night, Center of Whitman-Walker Clinic. Visit today. A moderate 6-mile hike is planned
is at 639 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. more information, contact Matt every Tuesday at 10 p.m. Cobalt is at the for more information. with some steep passages. Those inter-
Senger at 202-546-2159 or e-mail corner of 17th and R streets, N.W. ested should bring beverages, lunch, hik-
saturday, jan. 16 him at MCC- thursday, jan. 21 ing shoes and about $12 for transporta-
A new gay-owned gallery called DC is located at 474 Ridge Street, wednesday, jan. 20 D.C. LAMBDA SQUARES, a local gay tion fees. The groups will meet at 9 a.m.
INDUSTRY GALLERY opens tonight from N.W. Visit for more infor- THE NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN square dancing group, meets every at the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro
6 to 8 p.m. with “Round the Corner,” the mation about the church. TASK FORCE has weekly volunteer Thursday for square dancing. Those Station. For more information, contact
debut solo U.S. exhibition of Jerusalem- FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR, located at nights every Wednesday from 6 to 7:30 who’ve taken the group’s “Mainstream” Craig at 202-462-0535 or craighow-
born artist Shlomo Harush. Visit industry- 555 S. 23rd Street in Crystal City, Va., p.m. at its offices located at 1325 and “Plus” classes dance on the first and for more information. The has disco trivia every Monday at 8 p.m. Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 600. third Thursdays. “Plus” and “Advanced” D.C. LAMBDA SQUARES, a local gay
Volunteers fold and stuff letters for the classes are on the second and fourth square dancing outfit, has a community
gay rights organization. Pizza is provid- Thursdays. For more information about the dance today with guest caller Jeremy
ed. For more information, contact Ezra group or to find out when beginner classes Butler from Virginia Beach. The dance will
Towne at are available, visit be held from 7 to 10 p.m. at Sligo Middle
Ladies First night is tonight and every School in Silver Spring, Md. Cost is $10.
Wednesday at FAB LOUNGE, located at friday, jan. 22 For more information about this or other
1805 Connecticut Ave., N.W. For more A GAYSPIRITS event is being held this club affairs, visit
information, visit weekend in Annandale, Va. It’s a spiritu- Several local gay social groups are join-
An HIV/AIDS SUPPORT GROUP, pre- al retreat for gay men who’ve avoided ing D.C. ICEBREAKERS, a local gay
sented by Alpha Drugs, is tonight at 1638 religion because many faiths condemn ice skating group, tonight for a large
R St., N.W., Suite 260. Dinner will be served them. GaySpirits creators say gay men social event at the Kettler Capitals
but reservations are required. To RSVP, call have “unique spiritual giftedness.” The Iceplex in Ballston. Skating will run from
301-735-2805 or 301-674-8901. events will take place at Little River 8 to 9 p.m. with a social to follow at
THE D.C. CENTER has career develop- U.C.C., located at 8410 Little River Bailey’s Pub and Grill. Other groups
ment for LGBT job seekers today from Turnpike, tonight from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and slated to join the Icebreakers are Zoom
3 to 4:30 p.m. Trained counselors will on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Urban Lesbian Excursions, NOVA Gay
offer support for job searching, inter- Cost is $70. For more information, visit & Lesbian Professionals, D.C. Lesbian
viewing skills, resume writing, etc. The or call 301-580-2953. Singles, Burgundy Crescent Volunteers,
Photo courtesy of Industry Gallery program has been adapted to meet the NOVA Dynamic Lesbian Singles, the
needs of the local gay community and saturday, jan. 23 Mixed Ladies Arlington Pool League
INDUSTRY GALLERY opens Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. with ‘Round the Corner,’ the D.C. job market. The Center recently ADVENTURING OUTDOORS GROUP, a and Social Cheverly. For more informa-
the debut solo U.S. exhibition of Jerusalem-born artist Shlomo Harush. moved to its new location at 1804/1810 gay hiking group, is joining the Chrysalis tion, visit
january 15, 2010 • 17


Direct from his triumphant
performances in NYC:
– New York Times
“HILARIOUS. An incredibly ballsy and
humble indictment of the banking
system, American materialism,
and the audience.”–Variety


$30 OR LESS!
ACT NOW by calling
202-393-3939 or visiting to order


Celebrating the wholeness and holiness of Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual & Transgender Catholics in Washington, D.C.
I came to Dignity/Washington nearly 25 years ago in search of a spiritual home where I could
worship with others who affirmed the intrinsic goodness of our sexual orientation as a gift
from God. I have remained because of the strong bonds of friendship and community formed
over those many years. In the early 1990s, I had the privilege of leading Dignity/Washington,
a task that I was more than happy to undertake because I could see firsthand the positive
changes that we brought to numerous individuals. In addition to fulfilling its core religious
mission, Dignity/Washington also provides critical and necessary social, educational, financial,
and cultural support to many people through a variety of programs and activities. In this way,
it has woven the lives of its members into the fabric of the wider community and thus aided
the GLBT community’s goals of acceptance and equality.
— Bernie Delia, Dignity/Washington member since 1986
Mass (sign interpreted) and social: Sundays at 6:00 PM Contact us at: 202-546-2235 (phone)
At St. Margaret’s Church 202-521-3954 (fax)
1820 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington Visit online at
18 • january 15, 2010

from fashion to filmmaking

Director Tom Ford
insists ‘Single Man’
isn't a gay film

Early promos for the new film “A

Single Man,” even its trailer, don’t
mention the fashion industry day job
of its director. “A film by Tom Ford.”
We’re not used to seeing his name
in trailers. Oh, THAT Tom Ford.
By now, of course, word is out
and the international film communi-
ty is abuzz that the legendary
designer, he of the perpetually half-
unbuttoned dress shirt, has practi-
cally conquered a new artistic medi-
um in one fell swoop. “A Single
Man,” which opened in Washington
on Christmas at Landmark E Street
Cinema and goes into wide release
today, has earned strong reviews Photo courtesy of Ford
and fared well at the Venice
International Film Festival in TOM FORD says he was partially attracted to Christopher Isherwood’s 1964 book, which he just filmed, because it
September where it was nominated dealt with a same-sex relationship in a matter-of-fact way. ‘A Single Man’ stars Colin Firth and Julianne Moore.
for the festival’s top prize (the
Golden Lion) and star Colin Firth months later and feel something, course, is far more gay friendly He found his way quickly and says
won best actor. The film is up in but not the same thing. Six months than it was in the early ‘60s, but much of it was intuitive.
three categories at Sunday’s later you feel something less. Then Ford conceded begrudgingly to a Reviews and profiles have
Golden Globes. maybe two years later you sell it on same-sex kiss being cut from the praised the film’s visual aesthetic.
Some gay movie fans are saying eBay. Thirty years later it’s in a trailer to appease U.S. gatekeep- The Washington Post praised its
they were pleasantly surprised. museum and you might say, ‘Well, ers. Leaving it in would have con- “precise period detail, handsome
“I really enjoyed it,” says the cut was interesting,’ but you stituted “adult sexual content” and actors and gorgeous outfits that
Rodney Shanks, a gay Seattle don’t feel that same emotion. When prevented it from being shown capture the early 1960s in all their
resident who makes it a point to you watch a film, it could be some- before other films. sartorial beauty …”
see all the gay-themed films he thing from the ’30s where every sin- It’s familiar territory for Ford. Did his design background help?
can. “I’d been hearing a lot of buzz gle person who was involved in that He’s had male nudity censored “I think the thing that for me is
about Colin Firth, but I still wasn’t production is gone, yet you’re from his fragrance ads in the U.S. related with any creative endeavor is
expecting a whole lot. I kind of immediately sucked back in, living He dreams of a day when such you have to have a vision, a point of
thought, what does this fashion that moment with them. It’s sealed considerations are moot. view,” Ford says. “If you’re an archi-
guy know about directing a movie. in a bubble forever and ever. Even “That’s why I’ve said this isn’t a tect, you need to visualize it because
But it was beautifully done. The 500 years from now, whatever the gay film, it’s not a straight film. It just you can’t build it yourself. You have to
attention to detail, you really got medium is, we’ll be able to experi- happens to be a same-sex couple. I convey your vision to a team. The
the whole feel of the period. I was ence those emotions. It’s incredibly would love it if we could get to that same with fashion … and the same
very, very impressed.” powerful and seductive and appeal- point in the culture. It’s just about, ‘Oh, with filmmaking. Architects have skills
So how long had Ford, famous for ing if you’re creative.” you live with someone. Oh, it’s a man not needed as a fashion designer.
his own eponymous fashion house Though the film is about grief — or oh, it’s a woman. Oh, it’s love.’ But You’re thinking spacially and in 3-D.
after rescuing Gucci from near obliv- it’s based on late gay author America is weird about these things. For fashion designers and cosmetic
ion in the ’90s, been harboring Christopher Isherwood’s book and In ads, you can run a woman topless fashion, it’s all about draping and
moviemaking dreams? About 12 tells of a gay Brit (Firth) mourning the in Europe, no problem. In America where you’re going to hide the seam.”
years, an affable and down-to-earth death of his partner in Los Angeles you can but only if you remove her More films will come, he says.
Ford says during a half-hour inter- in 1962 — Ford says it’s not a down- nipples. How strange is that? … But He’s giving a couple of ideas time to
view from his office in Milan, Italy. er. He calls it a “celebration of life.” America is a country founded by gestate while he goes back to
“I was very satisfied with my life Firth’s character, George Falconer, Puritans. That’s still present.” design. He hopes to rotate the two
as a fashion designer, but I started considers suicide after the accident So if Ford is so comfortable with fields in the coming years and says
feeling there were things I wanted to that claims his partner but is eventu- nudity, why was he clothed on the the months of downtime while
say that I couldn’t say through ally seduced by everyday beauty — memorable Vanity Fair cover in 2006 movies are in development and in
clothes. I started realizing I’d really texture, eyes, flowers — he’s taken while actresses Kiera Knightly and post-production will give him time to
like to have a career as a filmmaker. for granted. This beauty, Ford says, Scarlett Johansson were nude? focus his energies on fashion.
I was in my mid-40s. I was kind of leads to epiphany. Ford says he wasn’t planning to be in Ford says he’d have been fine
thinking, ‘OK, it’s now or never,’ so I And it’s not a gay movie, says the shoot at all. He was guest editing with casting a gay actor in the lead
started a film production company.” Ford, who’s openly gay and has been that year’s Hollywood issue and was but would never discriminate in
Ford has been a lifelong film with his partner, Richard Buckley for on the set with lesbian photographer casting decisions. He just felt Firth
buff, though he stops shy of calling 23 years. That the lead character is Annie Leibovitz. The plan, which was right for the part.
himself a cineaste. He remembers gay wasn’t essential to the story, Ford corroborates without naming Ford and Firth were shooting
his early years in New York in the though Ford concedes there are names, was for actress Rachel the pivotal scene where George
‘70s when the “young homosexual byproducts of that he found appeal- McAdams to appear with Knightly realizes his partner is dead in
thing was to be very up on old ing. And he admits the book probably and Johansson but she got cold feet November 2008 when Obama was
Hollywood movies.” resonated with him more because its so the shot was re-imagined with elected but California’s Proposition
He became well versed in characters were gay. Ford discovered Ford. He says he would have been 8 passed, overturning same-sex
European film while living in Paris, a the book in his early 20s while living in fine with taking his clothes off. marriage rights there. Though Ford
city Ford says is “obsessed with Los Angeles, where he still has a “I’ve been nude in W, in Out. I’ve and Buckley haven’t wed, he has
film.” Ultimately, though, the medi- home, dividing his time between been nude in a few things,” he says. followed the issue closely.
um’s permanency is what appealed there, London and Milan. “I would have been fine with it but “It really needs to be a federal
to him. Though film preservationists “I became very attracted to the that’s just not the direction it went.” law,” he says. “This might not go
might argue, Ford says the medium character of George,” Ford says. Ford says learning the mechan- over well with all homosexuals and
has lasting impact that the more “He was so real and so beautifully ics of film direction — he also co- I would love it with gay marriage,
fleeting fashion world lacks. realized, I felt I could bump into wrote and co-produced the picture but first of all it’s about the rights.
“If you design a beautiful dress, him walking down the street.” — wasn’t terribly hard. His years of I’m worried this word marriage,
the first time you see it, it’s very The film’s gay themes have directing photo shoots and even people aren’t quite ready to get
powerful. You might look at it six caused a few stirs. The world, of doing his own photography helped. their heads around it.”
january 15, 2010 • 19

dcagenda lgbt nightlife guide
washington, dc The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date
to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular
1836 18th St., NW
30 DEGREES tournaments and other special events. Washington, DC 20009
1639 R St., NW Located near the convention center, two 202-483-1483
Washington, DC 20009 blocks north of Gallery Place Metro. Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant
202-462-6569 popular with both men and women. DELTA ELITE
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men 3734 10th St. NE MIXTAPE
but check schedule for other events. Washington, DC 20017 Different locations
1409 14th St., NW Longtime bar popular with African- Alternative dance party for queer men and
Washington, DC 20005 American men in Brookland neighbor- women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie
202-265-3055 hood; hosts regular ladies night. Check rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar web site for special events. web site for 2010 schedule of events.
(Dupont Circle Metro) popular with the
theater crowd and featuring open-mike DIK BAR MOVA
nights, karaoke and other special events. 1637 17th St., NW 1435 P St., NW
Washington, DC 20009 Washington, DC 20005
ACADEMY OF 202-328-0100 202-797-9730
WASHINGTON In Dupont Circle area, above Dupont Trendy Logan Circle bar and lounge
Longtime organizers of drag events in the Italian Kitchen. popular with men features regular happy
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See hour and other specials. Formerly known
web site for full list of upcoming events. DUPLEX DINER as Halo, MOVA re-launched in early

1609 17th St., NW
2004 18th St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
2010 as a environmentally friendly bar
with an emphasis on community service. MOVA DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
Washington, DC 20009 NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR
202-232-0395 Popular restaurant and bar in the Adams 900 U St., NW
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime Morgan area; happy hour specials and Washington, DC 20001
restaurant and steakhouse with recently many other special events. See web site 202-332-6355
renovated Upstairs Lounge. for updated schedule. crowd, though welcoming to women


Sports bar featuring poker events, drag
bingo, trivia contests and other specials.
baltimore and straight patrons.

1415 22nd St., NW 1318 9th St., NW Popular bar with massive outdoor deck 1722 LEON’S/
Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20001 and plenty of TVs for watching sports. 1722 N. Charles St. TYSON PLACE
202-296-0505 202-341-8281 Baltimore, MD 21201 870 Park Ave. OMEGA Multi-level after-hours dance club attracts Baltimore, MD 21201
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, but 2122 P St., NW a mixed crowd but remains gay-friendly. 410-539-4993
check schedule regularly for other events. Funky, edgy neighborhood lounge in Washington, DC 20036
Logan Circle with special events galore. 202-223-4917 BALTIMORE EAGLE In business for more than 50 years,
BACHELOR’S MILL Popular with men and women; features 2002 N. Charles St. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in Baltimore
1104 8th St., SE dancing, videos. Check web site for Dupont Circle area bar and club popular Baltimore, MD 21218 and among the oldest in the country.
Washington, DC 20003 event schedule. with men featuring dancing, drag and 410-82-EAGLE Friendly bar with jukebox gets especial-
202-544-1931 other special events. Longtime Levi/leather bar not far from ly busy on Sunday nights. Tyson Place
Longtime bar popular with African- FAB LOUNGE Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, bil- is a restaurant bar located behind
American men in Capitol Hill area. 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW PHASE 1 liards, outdoor patio, videos and a full Leon’s with a separate entrance.
Washington, DC 20009 525 8th St., SE store for your leather needs. Mostly
BANANA CAFÉ 202-797-1122 Washington, DC 20003 men, but welcoming to women. PORT IN A STORM
500 8th St., SE 4330 E. Lombard St.
Washington, DC 20003 In Dupont Circle area; popular with men CLUB PHOENIX Baltimore, MD 21224
202-543-5906 but hosts regular women’s events. The Phase opened in 1970 and remains 1 W. Biddle St. 410-534-0014 a popular lesbian bar and club. Features Baltimore, MD 21201 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar gets
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and FIREPLACE regular special events, including Jell-O 410-837-3906 especially popular when the Ravens
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men 2161 P St., NW wrestling, 80s theme nights and more. Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar play. Features billiards, music and more.
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican Washington, DC 20037 Check web site for details. attracts men and women; friendly service.
and Puerto Rican cuisine. 202-293-1293 QUEST
In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar REMINGTONS DRINKERY 3607 Fleet St.
BLOWOFF popular with men. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21224
815 V St., NW Washington, DC 20003 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-563-2617
Washington, DC 20001 GREEN LANTERN 202-543-3113 410-225-3100 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown 1335 Green Court, NW Another of Baltimore’s friendly neighbor- area is popular with men and women
Created by musicians Bob Mould and Washington, DC 20005 hood bars in Mount Vernon featuring bil- and offers billiards.
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional Popular country/Western nightclub in Capitol liards, jukebox and welcoming service.
dance event popular with men. Events are Hill neighborhood with more than 6,000 SAPPHOS
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy square feet of space for dancing and billiards. GALLERY 1001 N. Charles St.
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club in hours and special events, including One half block west of Eastern Market Metro. 1735 Maryland Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201
the popular U Street corridor. karaoke and shirtless drink special Baltimore, MD 21201 410-752-7133
nights. Check web site for details. TOWN DANCEBOUTIQUE 410-539-6965
B.O.I. PRODUCTIONS McPherson Square Metro. 2009 8th St., NW Longtime bar and restaurant popular Part of the Grand Central complex, Washington, DC 20001 with African-American clientele. Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd and
Organizes regular women’s events around JACK’S 202-234-TOWN offers comfy couches, outdoor patio
town. Check web site for updated information. 1527 17th St., NW GRAND CENTRAL and more in its second floor location.
Washington, DC 20036 Dance club and bar popular with men 1001 N. Charles St.
1639 R St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Dupont Circle area restaurant popular
and women, features regular drag per-
formances. U Street Metro.
Baltimore, MD 21201
northern va
202-462-6569 with men and women. ULTRABAR Large entertainment complex featuring FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR 911 F St., NW friendly pub, lesbian bar Sappho’s upstairs 555 23rd St. South
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex JR.’S Washington, DC 20004 and a dance club on the first floor. Arlington, VA 22202
of LGBT businesses at this address, 1519 17th St., NW 703-685-0555
including Level One restaurant on street Washington, DC 20036 HIPPO Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
level and 30 Degrees bar. 202-328-0090 Large dance club with gay-friendly 1 W. Eager St. includes a restaurant and friendly bar, events and vibe located downtown near Baltimore, MD 21201 regular specials and is popular with
CREW CLUB Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area Metro Center. 410-547-0069 men and women. Crystal City Metro.
1321 14th St., NW bar popular with men; videos, regular
Washington, DC 20005
special events.

1824 Half St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Large club popular with men and
women featuring billiards, top
DJs/dancing, karaoke, videos and
laurel, md
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE 202-863-0670 more. Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto PW’S
featuring steam rooms, lounges, private Washington, DC 20018 is “where everyone is welcome.” 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
dressing rooms and more. 202-832-3888 Featuring all-nude male dancers Laurel, MD 20723 Wednesdays-Sundays, drag performanc- JAY’S ON READ 301-498-8202
DC EAGLE Every night is ladies night at Lace; fea- es, large dance floor and many regular 225 W. Read St.
639 New York Ave., NW tures regular special events for women special events, contests and more. Large Baltimore, MD 21201 Restaurant and bar is popular with gay
Washington, DC 20001 in Brookland neighborhood. Check web parking lot available; located in 410-225-0188 and lesbian sports fans and is known
202-347-6025 site for details on happy hour specials. Buzzard’s Point warehouse district. Piano bar attracts a mostly male for its superb burgers.
20 • january 15, 2010


donning the gear

Leather enthusiasts at 9:30 club. The weekend will culmi-
nate with the Reaction Dance, also at Mid-Atlantic Leather
descend on D.C. for 9:30, which will go into the wee hours Weekend
Monday morning. Today through Monday
MAL Weekend  “I don’t even remember hearing Washington Plaza Hotel, et. al.
my name called,” Hollar says. “I didn’t
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO think I had a chance.” He also says he doesn’t know Mid-Atlantic Leather, organized
why or how he won. each year by the Centaur Motorcycle
Photo courtesy of Hollar
Kip Hollar had no particular inter- “Maybe it’s because I was new to Club, is the world’s largest club-run
est in leather. The Baltimore resident the leather community. Fresh into the gay leather event and is in its 26th KIP HOLLAR, Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2008
was at Baltimore Pride in 2008 and scene, with a younger, fresher per- year. Only Chicago’s International Mr.
stopped at a few of the leather spective. I’m not sure, but I’ve defi- Leather is larger. Organizers guess it’s moving to the Hyatt on Capital Hill, what one would call a leather
booths to say hi to friends he knew in nitely become involved in the com- in the top five of all gay leather events which is twice as large. lifestyle, maybe in a sub/dom rela-
COMMAND and ShipMates, two munity and have taken the ball and in terms of size with about 1,000 peo- Involvement levels run the full tionship,” Barat says.
local leather clubs. run with it,” the 33-year-old says. ple registered for the weekend. A few gamut, but organizers such as pro- Though leather has gained
One of the clubs was sponsoring Contestants are judged in a pri- thousand others come for one or two motions chair Larry Barat, say the increased acceptance as the gay
a charity fundraiser. Pay $5 to let vate pre-show interview, then model side events but don’t stay the whole ones who attend the weekend tend community itself has made gains,
them dress you up in leather and jock, formal and bar leather on stage. weekend. There are sometimes up to to take it seriously. Barat says there’s still stigma.
take your photo. They give a speech and talk about 5,000 participants in total throughout “It attracts a crowd that’s much Leather groups have sometimes
“I didn’t have any real interest in their community involvement. the weekend. more committed to the community,” been discouraged, he says, from par-
it,” Hollar says. “But they kept egging Hollar says the appeal for him is The main event is leather cock- he says. “They’re more serious about ticipating in gay rights marches.
me on. That’s where it all began. I the sense of community leather offers. tails, a social event that started in the lifestyle. Not the sort of people “The attitude is changing, but it’s
liked what I saw and felt.” “It’s the brotherhood that’s in it, New York 36 years ago where enthu- who, not to be derogatory, but we no coincidence that you see ads
Hollar is shocked at how quickly the the camaraderie, the unity.” siasts don their favorite “uniforms” don’t attract a lot who are just inter- coming out from HRC with the
leather community embraced him. He But let’s be real, there’s a strong and mingle with each other among ested in playing dress up. It’s people blonde-haired, blue-eyed lesbians in
came in second in the 2008 Mr. sexual component as well, right? open bar and buffet. The Mr. Leather who are committed to the community polo shirts with their three kids,” he
Maryland leather contest, which quali- “Leather is a fetish lifestyle,” he contest and the closing night party and the lifestyle and curious about says. “The subtle message there is
fied him to enter Mr. Mid-Atlantic says. “How sexual you make it is up are the other main features but side getting into the lifestyle, rather than we’re just like you.”
Leather, which he won last year. This to you. It’s what you make of it. It’s parties are held for sub-fetish those hangers on who just think they Actually the gay leather community
weekend he’ll be on the judging panel first and foremost the social, but groups: sports gear, cigar smokers, look good in a harness.” is probably more “like you” for the
to help decide his successor. certainly there is a sex appeal. With uniforms and so on. And just what is the lifestyle, exact- straight world than some realize. Barat
Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend is the love of the fetish, there’s the This year’s weekend will not be ly? It’s a world, after all, that gays in says gay leather events pale in size to
this weekend in Washington. Most par- feel, the smell, the taste, the look. significantly different from years past. many circles have come to shun. those held by the straight leather com-
ticipants stay at Washington Plaza For most people there is a sexual Next year the group, realizing it’s out- “There’s certainly a range and munity. It’s a fetish not confined by sex-
Hotel. The contest is Sunday afternoon component.” grown Washington Plaza Hotel, is there are people who live 24/7 in ual orientation, he says.

The Closing
Party for MAL
Sunday, January 17th
9:30 Club
815 V St. NW
David LaSalle
Myke Lowe
Tickets available at:
The Leather Rack
Washington Plaza Hotel
and at the door
january 15, 2010 • 21


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22 • january 15, 2010


top cars for 2010

It’s a good time to buy the compact Versa platform, the Cube
comes with the same peppy engine, best crossover
as dealers keep prices as well as six airbags and traction/sta- HONDA ACCORD CROSSTOUR
bility control. Three trim levels, includ- $30,000
at record lows ing a tuner-like Krom edition with rear- Mpg: 18 city/27 highway
roof spoiler, aluminum-trim pedals, The Rolling Stones couldn’t get no
By JOE PHILLIPS and 20-color ambient lighting. Must- satisfaction, and apparently neither
Special to DC Agenda have options: push-button ignition, can Honda. Despite two popular
steering-wheel audio controls and crossovers — the midsized Pilot and
If Santa didn’t plop a new car in Rockford Fosgate subwoofer. smallish CUV — the automaker just
your driveway last month, fear not. added the new Crosstour. The reason:
The economy is inching forward, and Crossovers are the fastest growing
dealers are keeping prices at record best sedan automotive segment. Honda took its
lows to entice buyers into show- BUICK LACROSSE popular Accord sedan, raised the rear, JAGUAR XK COUPE
rooms. So what to buy? Here’s a look $28,000 then added a door. And it works, sort of.
at the top vehicle picks for 2010. Mpg: 17 city/26 highway This hauler is really a butch hatchback
Taking a cue from Jerome Kern, that rides higher (and is quieter) than the three years. With this latest name “Glee” could afford one, this is the
GM is picking itself up, dusting itself sedan, maneuvers like a sport wagon, change, the Golf also gets a new Jag she’d drive. Available in coupe
best compact off, and starting all over again. This and is shorter than most crossovers — design, including sleeker sheet metal, or convertible, this in-your-face sta-
NISSAN CUBE includes the radically redesigned albeit with a lot less cargo room. Only reworked fascia and upscale techno tus symbol gets more aggressive
$14,000 LaCrosse, with its sexy styling, sporty two trim levels, both with bolstered seats cabin. But the big news is the new TDI styling and major mechanical
Mpg: 25 city/30 highway handling, and cutting-edge interior — and lots of standard gear. The smallish model, with standard sport suspension upgrades. There’s a choice of two
It’s cute. It scoots. And it hauls like much less Fred and Ginger, in other rear window hinders visibility, but there’s and clean-diesel engine. Top speed: new V8s, but it’s the high-test 510-
a sport-ute. Nissan’s funky Cube words, and much more Adam a backup camera with the optional voice- 130 mph, with 0 to 60 mph in about 8.6 hp model that screams from 0 to 60
takes refrigerator-like styling to a new Lambert. Taut steering, adjustable activated nav system. seconds. Cornering is tight and con- mph in just 4.6 seconds. The tight
level, with pert bumpers, rounded shock absorbers and solid braking add trolled, with sure shifting and superb chassis used to be a pain in the butt
door frames, and a wraparound win- to the package. And a top-of-the-line braking. And there’s a choice of coupe — literally — but a new drive-con-
dow that snakes across the back and V6 puts out plenty of power, but two best green machine or sedan, with either a six-speed man- trol feature offers three different
right side of the vehicle. “Austin other engine choices are simply too VW GOLF TDI ual or manumatic transmission. suspension settings to ease the
Powers” fans will love the optional wimpy. Still, the LaCrosse is full of the $22,000 ride. And the ritzy interior has heat-
shag carpet on the dash. And “Dr. latest luxe options, such as power rear Mpg: 30 city/41 highway ed/cooled seats, heated steering
Who” fans will love how the roomy sunshade, heated side mirrors with Achtung, baby! After years of best luxe mobile wheel, and Bowers & Wilkins sur-
cabin is akin to the Tardis — the integrated turn signals, rear-seat mediocre reliability and a lackluster JAGUAR XK COUPE round-sound stereo. Still, it’s that
spaceship that looks like a British entertainment system with dual head- lineup, VW is back in the game. This $83,000 macho exhaust rumble that gets
phone booth on the outside, but is as rest displays, and 11-speaker Harman time it’s with the compact Golf, which Mpg: 16 city/24 highway your blood pumping each time you
big as a soccer field inside. Built on Kardon surround-sound stereo. had been renamed the Rabbit the past If snarky coach Sue Sylvester on get behind the wheel.

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Rare brick, stone and stucco Tudor
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DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 202-465-2357 DIRECT


418 STREET 1415 5th Street
Jefferson HEIGHTS NW #101
Street NW: 1416 $201,000
$143,000 Montague 2br 2bath terrace
G r e a t Street NW: level condo in
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Priced well Corporate Granite and stain-
below mar- Owned: Huge less kitchen, mar-
ket! 3br 1.5 4 level 5 bed- ble baths, and
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home with Bungalow in windows.
large year need of full
yard and full basement.
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Logan Circle 1701 16th St NW HISTORIC LEDROIT PARK
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$399,000 1 Bed/1Ba Offered at $459,900 $390,000
You'll love living at the Gorgeous, Fully 3bd/2ba SFH fully renovated
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Lower level unit with sepa- DUPONT
AMAZING, UNIQUE Rarely available rate entrance. Great kit. With
OPEN-STYLE UNIT ON 2br/2ba sunny cor- stainless steel and granite 1830 18TH Street NW
COURTYARD LEVEL! ner unit, with close counters, living area is open · 2 Bedrooms with den or Loft
ALMOST 1000 SQFT to 1200 Sqft. Loft Space ! Two MBR each
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GARAGE PARKING INCLUDED! RARE UNIT IN CARRIAGE Open kitchen, great terrace surrounded by stone · Now Priced from $729,000 to $764,000
HOUSE ANNEX OF CONDO BLDG BUILT IN 2004. PRIVATE light, high ceilings, large living/dining area, wash- retaining wall perfect for
These stunning Town homes at 1830 18th Street represent
ENTRANCE! PLENTY OF STORAGE! GREAT ENTERTAIN- er/dryer, great closet space (California closets), grilling. 2 car covered park- modern design Inspired by tradition. They feature multi-
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USED PRIVATE COURTYARD STEPS TO ness centers, pool, party room, Park, Steps space. Each unit provides the ambiance
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