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Vol. 2, Issue 5 - January 29, 2010

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dcagenda double local social

the lgbtq community’s news source

the fun agenda agenda

Tom Goss joins Oscar-winning writer Kathy Griffin dishes
fellow gay singer Dustin Lance Black on Joan Rivers, the CNN
Matt Alber for area talks about challenges ban and more in our
shows next weekend. of growing up Mormon. exclusive interview.
PAGE 17 PAGE 5 PAGE 22 • vol. 2, issue 5 • january 29, 2010

Filibuster threat makes ENDA unlikely in 2010 “What we’re hearing is there is just
Hill sources say backers no clear path to pass ENDA in the
lack 60 votes needed Senate,” said one activist familiar with
the bill’s lobbying effort. “They don’t
to break GOP roadblock think they have 60 votes to pass it.”
Another source with ties to
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. Capitol Hill and national LGBT politi- cal groups based in Washington was
more definitive.
A small corps of LGBT political “ENDA has been off the agenda
insiders, speaking on condition of since before the Massachusetts
anonymity, said they believe the election because they couldn’t
Employment Non-Discrimination Act secure the votes in the Senate,” the
is headed for almost certain defeat source told DC Agenda.
this year because supporters can’t The bill would bar private sector
line up the 60 votes in the Senate employment discrimination based on
needed to overcome a filibuster. an individual’s sexual orientation or
Breaking what some have called gender identity.
an informal code of silence adopted Opposition to the gender identity pro-
by mainline LGBT political organiza- vision, included to help protect transgen-
tions, at least four sources familiar der people, is among the contributing
with the gay and transgender civil factors that’s prevented supporters from DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
rights bill said the lack of Senate votes lining up the needed 60 votes to break a
became clear long before Republican filibuster, one of the sources said. Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said securing enough U.S. Senate votes to
Scott Brown won his upset victory last pass the Employment Non-Discrimination act is ‘a challenge,’ but she remains ‘optimistic’ the bill will pass.
week in Massachusetts. Continues on page 12

Plunge in state revenue triggers

AIDS funding crisis
Some states face waiting deficit, California slashed its state
AIDS budget by $85 million, result-
nationalagenda lists for life-saving drugs ing in what two of the panelists from
Los Angeles called crushing budget
This issue went to press before the president’s State of the Union By LOU CHIBBARO JR. cuts for HIV prevention and treat-
address. Visit for updated news and commentary. ment programs.
“To say that we were shocked is to
The worst economic recession put it mildly,” said Phillip Curtis, direc-
since the Great Depression is devastat- tor of government affairs for AIDS
ing state and local government budg- Project Los Angeles.
ets, especially HIV/AIDS budgets, a Curtis and Mario Perez, director of
panel of AIDS experts said last week. the Los Angeles County Office of AIDS
In a briefing on Capitol Hill for Programs & Policy, told about 25
congressional staff members, state Senate staffers in one of two presenta-
and local AIDS office officials from tions that cutbacks in HIV treatment
Maryland and California, along with and prevention programs could result
leaders of AIDS service groups in in an increase in new HIV infections.
Los Angeles and Louisville, Ky., said According to Curtis, AIDS Project
districtagenda they were scrambling to carry out Los Angeles lost $1.9 million in state
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key

D.C.’s Lambda Rising closes but new gay bookstore their work in the midst of unprece- funds, forcing it to lay off staff and Carl Schmid, deputy executive direc-
dented state budget cuts. tor of the AIDS Institute
to open in Rehoboth. Page 5 Facing a multi-billion dollar Continues on page 12
2 • january 29, 2010
january 29, 2010 • 3
4 • january 29, 2010
january 29, 2010 • 5

Lambda Rising closes; new LGBT
Oscar winner Black recalls bookstore in Rehoboth to open 
D.C.’s Lambda Rising bookstore closed its doors for good at 8 p.m.

growing up Mormon Sunday, Jan. 24, ending its month-long liquidation sale and its 35-year
tenure as one of the nation’s preeminent LGBT bookstores.
The store’s founder and co-owner, Deacon Maccubbin, stunned local
LGBT activists in December when he announced that he and his domes-
His friends and family call him tic partner, Jim Bennett, the store’s co-owner, would close both the D.C.
“Lance,” as Dustin Lance Black, the 34- store and its Rehoboth Beach, Del., branch in January.
year-old Oscar-winning Hollywood Maccubbin and Bennett said they decided to end Lambda Rising’s oper-
wunderkind, told a crowd of fans ations, rather than sell the store to a new owner, because they preferred not
Monday night at the Jewish Community to have its longtime mission and style of operating changed by another
Center’s “Conversation” sponsored by owner. The two said it was time for them to move on to new endeavors,
the center’s program for Gay & Lesbian although they said they would remain active in the LGBT community.
Outreach & Engagement (GLOE). In a related development, Jacques LeClaire, former manager of the
In fact, Lance is a name the Lambda Rising store in Rehoboth Beach, has announced he is opening a
young screenwriter and director took new LGBT bookstore in Rehoboth called Proud. The new store is expected
for himself as part of framing his to open its doors in early March in a shop on the Baltimore Avenue side of
identity from his first realization at the Village By The Sea mall. The new location is less than a block from the site
age of six that he was gay. where Lambda Rising operated in Rehoboth for 19 years.
On that day a boy only a little LOU CHIBBARO JR.
older had taken his toy cart, and as
Black recalled in his address to the
GLOE gathering, “I started to clench Crawford to take marriage
up and my heart started to race but I
knew I didn’t want to fight him, I knew advocacy job in New York
I wanted to kiss him.” D.C. gay activist Michael Crawford, who has been among the leaders
“And I knew I was going to hell,” of the District’s effort to legalize same-sex marriage, is moving to New
reminisced Black, who was born in a DC Agenda photo by Michael Key York City in February to become director of new media for the national
Mormon household and remained Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black spoke at the Jewish Community Center this week. same-sex marriage advocacy group Freedom to Marry.
Mormon until age 16. Crawford co-founded and has served as co-chair of D.C. for Marriage,
“I knew that God did not love me,” his family — the Mormon father who when he was 22, she started crying a local advocacy group credited with playing a key role in the grassroots
Black declared - and “that little six- deserted them when Lance was only at first, “but she knew she was a lobbying effort that led to the approval by the City Council of the city’s
year-old would be a shame to his six — sent Lance a note in reaction mom, and it was tough for a while. same-sex marriage bill in December. The bill is undergoing its required
family” and indeed in one sense this to his Oscar acceptance speech that “But I started to put it out there, congressional review and is expected to become law in March.
fear was fulfilled much later, in the was a full-throated declaration of and later she would meet my “We managed to do something really good here in D.C., and I’m hop-
very week after winning his Academy support for gay equality: “I hope you boyfriends, and then she would want ing to take a lot of the things that we learned to the national level so that
Award for Best Original Screenplay know the great shame you’ve to know ‘are they treating you all we have marriage equality not just in D.C. and five other states but that
for the film “Milk,” about the assassi- brought my family.” right?’ and now she’s my biggest we have marriage equality across the country.”
nated gay political activist and San “And that doesn’t feel so good,” advocate and LGBT supporter.” He said he will retain his position as co-chair of D.C. for Marriage and will
Francisco city official Harvey Milk. Lance said, while pointing out that Story continues at continue to work on public education and community outreach to the African-
Someone on his father’s side of when he came out to his mother DAVID J. HOFFMAN American and faith communities related to marriage equality efforts in D.C.

D.C. gay bathhouse

ACLU to Maryland school district: pioneer David Harris dies
Unblock LGBT web sites
The American Civil Liberties given until Feb. 2 to respond. Bel Air High School previously
David Harris, founder and owner of one of Washington’s early gay
bathhouses in the late 1960s and longtime administrative assistant to a
local court reporting company, died Nov. 24, 2009, of natural causes at
the Community Hospice of Washington. He was 69.
Union of Maryland is joining with sev- A phone call to Harford County requested that web sites supportive Harris, a native of West Virginia, moved to D.C. in 1956. In a 2002 oral
eral Maryland parents and students Public Schools seeking comment of gay rights be unblocked so stu- history interview with D.C.’s Rainbow History Project, Harris told of how
to demand that Harford County was not returned by press time. dents could access them for school he founded the Regency Health Club in 1968 in a warehouse building at
Public Schools stop blocking Internet The filter blocks access to many projects and assignments, but their 413 L Street, N.W.
access to prominent LGBT sites. prominent state and national LGBT requests were denied. The ACLU He noted that the club quickly became known as the Regency Baths
In a Jan. 15 letter, the ACLU groups, including: Equality Maryland; letter asks that the district reconsid- and the only known gay bathhouse in the city at that time. He stated the
asks that the school district unblock Parents, Families & Friends of er its decision and unblock the Regency was raided several times by D.C. police and often faced police
the filtering category “LGBT” so that Lesbians & Gays; Gay, Lesbian & LGBT category in light of legal harassment.
students and teachers can access Straight Education Network; and authority making clear the filtering is Harris said he took the city to court to challenge the police crackdown,
political and educational information Human Rights Campaign. impermissible. arguing that he operated a private membership club and its clients should
about such issues on school com- According to the ACLU, students STEVE CHARING/ have the right to engage in private, consensual sex. Local activists have
puters. The school system was at Harford County Public Schools’ BALTIMORE OUTLOUD credited Harris with clearing the way for other gay bathhouses in D.C. in the
1970s and 1980s before downtown redevelopment resulted in their closing.
A spokesperson for the Community Hospice of Washington said pri-
vacy restrictions prevented the hospice from disclosing any information

Brother Help Thyself to give awards,

about Harris other than the date of his death. Information about funeral
arrangements and survivors could not be obtained.

grants during ceremony in Baltimore

Brother Help Thyself, a grant-giving
charity that supports LGBT- and
hands dirty doing the hard work to
make the Baltimore and D.C. area a
standing progress in the community.
“All of these awards are really nice,
HIV/AIDS-related operations, will distrib- better place,” he said. big plaques, which represent the grat-
ute several awards and grants Saturday Awards to be unveiled include a itude of the entire GLBT community, WinMark Concepts, billed as the first full-service marketing and commu-
during a ceremony in Baltimore. plaque in memory of Larry Stansbury, not just Brother Help Thyself,” Hill said. nications firm to truly recognize the power of gay consumers, marked its 20th
Bradley Hill, the group’s vice pres- a former Brother Help Thyself director; “The award winners deserve all the anniversary this month. Clients of the Washington-based firm have included
ident, said the 2 p.m. ceremony at the Anthony J. Bachrach Award for out- public recognition they can get.” Coors Brewing, Time Warner and United Airlines, among many others.
the Hippo Club is free and includes standing individual volunteer contribu- Hill said grants totaling “tens of WinMark’s work has included strategic planning, program development,
dancing, comedy and other enter- tion; the Founder’s Award for outstand- thousands of dollars” also will be dis- experiential and field marketing, special events, direct marketing and more.
tainment as several local individuals, ing non-profit contribution; the George tributed during the ceremony to local Business Agenda highlights the recent achievements of local LGBT business-
businesses and organizations are Dotson Award for outstanding busi- LGBT and HIV/AIDS grassroots and es and individuals. The notes are compiled from DC Agenda reader submissions.
recognized and supported. ness contribution to the community; startup non-profits. Send your contribution to Joshua Lynsen at
“These are the folks who get their and the Billie Collison Award for out- JOSHUA LYNSEN
6 • january 29, 2010


Local firm working toward a greener D.C. someone run my business and be in a year. According to Sara Loveland,
Entrepreneur talks closet.’ I said, ‘Mike, some people might who left her job at D.C. Greenworks
conservation — and life be offended.’ He said, ‘I don’t give a shit.
If they have a problem, I’ll fire them.’”
last year to be Access Green’s chief
operating officer, 2010 is already off
as an out business owner Aside from one of the company’s to a strong start.
top salesmen expressing misgivings The company is working with the
By NICK NAPOLITANO about how company morale would fare Corcoran on its green roof and recently
Special to DC Agenda with a gay man in charge, a line of it scored a contract with the Southern
questioning that Berard quickly shut Maryland Electric Cooperative to be
Ask someone how to save the earth down, Andronaco said he has received the sole provider of home energy
from ourselves and you likely will get a zero negative reaction in the workplace. audits for SMECO clients in Prince
range of advice. Trade your gas-guz- “Most people thought that espe- George’s and Calvert counties. They
zler in for a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle, cially these sort of roughneck good are also busy supporting legislation
or better yet, an electric car. Attach ‘ole boy electricians and HVAC guys before the D.C. Council right now that
solar panels to the roof of your home would have issues, but they don’t,” would simplify funding options for ener-
and use them to wean your house off said Andronaco. “People are multi- gy efficiency improvements and
of non-renewable resources. Invest in faceted and you can’t take them for renewable energy products.
tree replanting efforts. caricatures that are created by the “The homeowner wouldn’t have to
Local gay businessman Joe media and even by ourselves.” go through a credit application as
Andronaco has a less expensive, The 43 year old is quick to stress long as they have equity in their
though admittedly less sexy suggestion that being gay is just one facet of who home,” explained Brooks. “If they
that he says will not only have a greater DC Agenda photo by Michael Key he is, and he is extremely active in move before the loan is paid off, it’s
collective environmental impact, but will Local gay businessman Joe Andronaco said his sexual orientation was never an the wider community. He sits on sev- attached to the house and stays
also end up saving you money before issue in the workplace. eral local boards of directors, includ- there. “ This is an innovative way to
too long: have your home inspected for ing Goodwill and the Boys & Girls finance energy improvements, partic-
energy inefficiencies, and take steps to of the repairs and upgrades recom- for his spirited attempts a few years Club of Greater Washington, and is ularly for homeowners, that Brooks
address those inefficiencies. mended in the knowledge audit, from ago to win a seat on the D.C. City active with the Gay & Lesbian Victory said will solidify D.C.’s place at the
“Conservation is something that changing out HVAC filters to caulking Council. Brooks and Julyan are prin- Fund as well. He is also on the D.C. leading edge of the green movement.
doesn’t require new technologies or windows and doors. It is this mar- cipals of 360 Green, a firm that mar- Mayor’s Green Collar Jobs Advisory Brooks is quick to note that this
a major investment,” said Andronaco. riage of green advice and implemen- kets green knowledge and services Council and the Sustainable Energy legislation is one of the rare
And with an estimated 75 percent of tation that Andronaco says sets his to the business community. Utility advisory board, which partners instances where the public interest is
the city’s carbon emissions coming company apart as an innovator. Andronaco was born in Caracas to with the D.C. Council to administer perfectly in alignment with the inter-
from building energy use, the poten- “We come with a trades knowledge a Venezuelan mother and an American sustainable energy programs. In ests of “green collar” businesses like
tial environmental benefit “is huge.” to green,” said Andronaco. “We know father. The family moved to Miami when 2008, he was recognized by the his, a trend he sees continuing.
Andronaco not only sees value in how to practically do the things that will Andronaco was eight and he lived there Washington Business Journal with a “The better a firm like ours does,”
conservation, he also believes there is achieve the savings. There are lots of until going to the University of North Greater Washington Minority he said, “the closer the government
a good business opportunity there. Last inexpensive, couple-hundred-dollar Carolina at Chapel Hill to get a degree Business Leader Award. comes to realizing its object to reduce
year, he helped launch a company items that can save you thousands.” in history. He got his start in business A proud D.C. resident, Andronaco the city’s carbon footprint.” Moreover,
called Access Green, which conducts Access Green is part of a larger cor- while working for local utility giant lives with his partner in the Northwest he added, there is opportunity here for
home energy audits in the greater poration called USA Technologies, a $12 Washington Gas. After leaving D.C. neighborhood of Crestwood. Their private sector companies like Access
Washington area. The company’s base million business that Andronaco has led briefly to get his MBA from the Wharton 1925 Dutch colonial home doubles as Green to provide market-based solu-
product, the knowledge audit, provides since 2003. The well-known local com- School of Business, which he received a training and demonstration facility tions to environmental challenges,
homeowners with valuable information mercial heating and air conditioning with honors, Andronaco came back to for his company. Earlier this week, in rather than rely wholly on the govern-
about their home – where air is coming company Argent, which received the D.C. and again worked for Washington fact, Andronico’s colleagues at Argent ment for leadership.
into the house, which appliances are Angie’s List Super Service Award for the Gas before leaving to pursue his dream used his house to demonstrate how to Said Loveland: “People are so daz-
creating dangerous chemical emis- past two years, is also part of USA. of being an entrepreneur. install programmable thermostats. zled by super sexy projects like solar
sions, and how their energy consump- “We really take a whole house Though Andronaco has been open- Andronaco is also a strong sup- paneling. Not enough attention is paid
tion stacks up against comparable approach to the way we do systems,” ly gay since his days at business school, porter of the city and he sees expan- to conservation. We can generate all
dwellings, to name but a few of the explained Andronaco. “Before you do his sexual orientation isn’t something sion of the green economy as a way the alternative energy we want, but
items addressed in the audit. something like put a new heating or that he trumpets in the workplace. So to boost the District’s tax base and without conservation we won’t achieve
“One of the biggest issues with air conditioning system into your imagine Andronaco’s surprise when address its high unemployment rate. the results we need to meaningfully
green,” observed Andronaco, “is follow home, you really need to do a whole his mentor, USA founder Mike Berard, He made a conscious choice to base reduce our carbon footprint.”
through. You can talk green all you house analysis.” an elderly, staunchly Republican, Access Green in the District, along The Access Green knowledge
want but are you going to get it done?” Access Green is the first compa- Vietnam veteran he befriended while the H Street corridor in Northeast, audit currently runs $249 while the
For those who choose the compa- ny that Andronaco himself has working at Washington Gas, called and said he likewise makes a point of fulfillment audit starts at $599. For
ny’s premium product, the fulfillment launched, along with lawyer David Andronaco into his office to discuss hiring city residents. more information on Access Green’s
audit, Access Green technicians will Julyan and environmental lobbyist Andronaco’s “lifestyle.” Access Green conducted more products, visit http://www.greener-
come to your home and make some Sam Brooks, known by many locally “He goes, ‘I’m not going to have than 200 home energy audits last or call 202-559-6061.

D.C. police add 23 ‘affiliate’ officers to gay liaison unit

In a little-noticed development, a units, in a Jan. 13 announcement. assigned to the Asian and Deaf & the affiliate officers came Jan. 13, he tion and the department would not
D.C. police official has released In addition to the GLLU, the spe- Hard of Hearing liaison units. said all of the affiliates started in their say which members, if any, are gay.
names of 23 officers assigned as cial liaison units include the Latino Delgado told DC Agenda last posts in the first and second week of Groomes said the headquarters unit
“affiliate” members of the depart- Liaison Unit, Asian Liaison Unit, and week that upon completing an SLU December. consists of Officers Joe Morquecho,
ment’s Gay & Lesbian Liaison Unit. Deaf & Hard of Hearing Liaison Unit. training course, officers were allowed Delgado’s announcement did not Juanita Foreman, Zunnobia Hakir and
The affiliate officers, who are Delgado issued his announce- to choose the specific liaison unit to address the status of the GLLU’s Kevin Johnson. She said Delgado,
based in the department’s seven ment through an online listserve cre- which they would be assigned, and headquarters office in Dupont Circle, along with Sgt. Carlos Mejia, supervisor
police districts, represent the culmi- ated by the SLU to communicate with the GLLU was a popular choice. which has decreased from seven full- of the GLLU and the Latino Liaison
nation of Police Chief Cathy Lanier’s civic activists and members of citizen “I was totally shocked that almost time officers three years ago to just Unit, and Lt. Allan Thomas are desig-
long-awaited plan to expand and advisory councils linked to each of half of them wanted to be GLLU one in November. nated as GLLU supervisory members.
decentralize the GLLU and three the seven police districts. members,” he said. “I thought not that Assistant Police Chief Diane In announcing the 50 affiliate offi-
other special liaison units. In his announcement, Delgado many would want to be dealing with Groomes told DC Agenda in an e- cers for the liaison units, Delgado said
“The Metropolitan Police included a list of 50 affiliate officers some of the issues within the gay mail that the department has desig- that for non-emergency police-related
Department is pleased to announce and the individual liaison unit to community. But the feedback that I’ve nated four officers and three supervi- services, such as requests for an affil-
the expansion of the Special Liaison which they are assigned. It shows gotten from the officers has been all sors to the GLLU’s central or head- iate or liaison officer to attend a meet-
Unit to better serve the needs of the that nearly half of the offers — 23 — positive as it relates to working in the quarters unit. ing, the individual liaison officers can
community,” said Capt. Edward are assigned to the GLLU. Sixteen community. They’re on target and Groomes noted that it would be be contacted directly. The number for
Delgado, supervisor of the SLU, affiliate officers are assigned to the they have done an excellent job.” up to the individual GLLU members the GLLU is 202-727-5427.
which oversees the individual liaison Latino Liaison Unit and five each are Although his announcement about to disclose their own sexual orienta- LOU CHIBBARO JR.
january 29, 2010 • 7

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8 • january 29, 2010


Massachusetts election jeopardizes health care reform

ners under an employer plan; and domestic partner tax penalty elimina-
Baldwin sees Brown’s allows states to cover under Medicaid tion provision in the final version of
win as ‘enormous low-income people living with HIV
before they develop AIDS.
the bill. McDermott is the sponsor of
standalone legislation similar to that
obstacle’ to passage Both the House and Senate ver- provision in the House legislation.
sions of health care legislation have a “It turns out that it was question-
By CHRIS JOHNSON provision allowing the cost of drugs able whether the defined beneficiary received through AIDS Drug provision — which would benefit
Assistance Programs to count toward domestic partners, among others —
Complications on Capitol Hill over out-of-pocket expenses so that those was going to end up in the final bill
health care reform are raising ques- who receive this medication can more that was negotiated before the
tions about whether the final measure quickly qualify for catastrophic bene- Massachusetts election,” Shelleby
will include the LGBT-specific and fits under Medicare Part D. said. “So we actually get another bite
HIV/AIDS provisions advocates are But Brown’s win in Massachusetts at the apple since Congress will now
seeking — or even if lawmakers will means Democrats no longer have be reevaluating and renegotiating.”
manage to pass any kind of reform. the 60 votes in the Senate to over- Schmid noted that advocates are
Lesbian Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D- come an expected Republican fili- still pushing for the inclusion of
Wis.), a proponent of LGBT lan- buster and pass legislation previous- HIV/AIDS provisions in the final bill.
guage in health care legislation, told ly approved by that chamber. And He said he didn’t know whether the
reporters last week the election of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told expansion of Medicaid for people liv-
Massachusetts Republican Scott reporters last week that her chamber ing with HIV would make it into the
Brown to the U.S. Senate is “an enor- doesn’t have the votes to pass the final measure, but the provision for
mous obstacle” to passing reform Senate plan, which lacks a govern- the cost of AIDS drugs has a better
and puts the future of such legisla- ment-run health care option and chance because it’s in both the
tion in doubt. taxes high-end health care plans to House and Senate versions of the
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
“I think talking right now, a little pay for reform. legislation.
over 24 hours after the conclusion of U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, a proponent of LGBT language in health care legisla- Still, Democratic leaders have Schmid said advocates of these
the election in Massachusetts, that tion, called the election of Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. said they’re committed to passing provisions are ultimately focused on
there are still abundant question Senate ‘an enormous obstacle’ to passing reform. some kind of health care bill. Those the passage of health care legislation
marks on how health care reform will efforts could involve passing compro- in its entirety to extend coverage to
proceed — or even if health care “Some are saying it’s a timing thing LGBT and HIV/AIDS provisions the mise legislation in the Senate the estimated 30 million Americans
reform will proceed in its current iter- and they should take a month break Senate plan lacks. The House bill bars through reconciliation — a process without insurance.
ation,” she said. from health care reform,” he said. “Other discrimination in health care; allows that requires 51 votes. “The biggest issue is getting
Carl Schmid, deputy executive senators are saying we should start the federal government to collect Ed Shelleby, spokesperson for health insurance coverage for people
director for the AIDS Institute, said again with a new bill and work with Sen. health data on the LGBT population; Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), said who don’t have it, and that’s what we
lawmakers are rethinking plans for Brown to try to get the 60 votes.” eliminates the tax penalty on health going back to the drawing board hope any bill they come up with that
the legislation. The House version has several benefits received for same-sex part- presents a new opportunity to get the passes will have,” he said.

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10 • january 29, 2010

directoryservices U.S. considers ways to

stop anti-gay Uganda bill
Results-Oriented ▼ Affordable Stronger protest from
Larry Cohen, LICSW president, first lady sought
22 years serving the glbt community
202-244-0903 By CHRIS JOHNSON
See website for NPR story on my work
Greater involvement from first lady Michelle
Obama was one option discussed during a
Becky Carroll, Ph.D. recent congressional hearing as a way for the
Joel C. Ang, M.D. U.S. to help derail a harshly anti-gay bill in
Licensed Psychologist Family Medicine, HIV Diagnosis & Treatment Uganda from becoming law.
Interactive Counseling, Cary Alan Johnson, executive director of the
Psychotherapy and 202-667-5041 International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights
Somatic Experiencing Commission, was among those who testified
Adult Primary Care before the Tom Lantos Human Rights 1759 Q Street NW, Washington, DC
202.332.8477 Commission last Thursday that Michelle Obama’s
Red Line Metro • Dupont Circle work on international HIV/AIDS issues would
free Wi-Fi • Limited Parking make her a strong voice to oppose the bill.
3000 Connecticut Ave., NW Johnson said the women’s caucus in the
Same Day Appointments
Ugandan parliament is supporting the legisla-
tion and opposition from the first lady — as well
Individuals u Couples u Sex Insurance Accepted
as President Obama — could prompt women’s
Copies of records at each visit
groups in Uganda to drop their support.
Helping People Instant HIV/Syphilis/Herpes Testing “I’m wondering if there are women leaders
Grow Stronger CLIA Certified Laboratory within the U.S. Congress — and perhaps the
in Rough Times first lady herself — who might be able to play
Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. some role in having discussions about the
Michael Radkowsky, Psy.D. Internal Medicine, HIV, Women’s Health potential impact of this bill — not just on
Licensed Psychologist u 15 years experience human rights, but on HIV prevention within the
Weight Management
Near Woodley & Cleveland Park metro country,” Johnson said. DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
202-667-5041 Julius Kaggwa, a leader of the Civil Society Karl Wycoff, deputy assistant secretary of state,
( 202) 234-3278 Coalition on Human Rights & Constitutional said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has
Law who came from Uganda to testify on the expressed concerns about a Ugandan bill that
Psychiatrist / Psychoanalyst in Foggy Bottom, legislation, also said greater involvement from could impose the death penalty on some gays.
Sidney W. Binks III, Ph.D. President Obama and Michelle Obama would
Licensed Clinical Psychologist Joseph M. Jeral, M.D., sees individu- be helpful in efforts to stop the bill. legislation from becoming law and would veto
als and couples for treatment of depres- “If President Obama and the first lady of the the bill should it come to his desk. But during
Individual & Couples Therapy sion, anxiety, relationship problems, etc. United States can engage more with our first the hearing, Wycoff declined to characterize
for the LGBT Community
18 years experience!! Call office at (202) 457-8899. family — especially in the area of HIV/AIDS, publicly the discussions the State Department
which is of great concern to us as sexual minori- had with the president.
Joseph M. Jeral, M.D. ties — and the issue of human rights generally, I Witnesses also discussed efforts of activists 202.255.5187 2112 F Street, NW think that would be very, very helpful,” he said. within Uganda working to prevent the bill from
Stronger opposition from the first lady and becoming law. Kaggwa said local groups have 3000 Conn. Ave. Washington, D.C. 20037 President Obama was one among several been trying to stop the measure, but noted that
options considered to stop the anti-gay legisla- persuading lawmakers to oppose the bill is diffi-
tion that’s been pending in the Uganda parlia- cult because of the country’s deep cultural
Michael Deninger PhD ment since October. beliefs against homosexuality.
Licensed Professional Counselor Homosexual acts are already illegal in Kaggwa said one of the best points for
Certifed in Hypnotherapy and NLP Uganda, but the bill would, among other opponents to raise about the legislation is that
INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES & GROUPS things, institute the death penalty for repeat it would require Ugandan citizens to report on
• Relationships • Habits offenders of the homosexual acts ban and for those believed to be homosexual.
ASL Used Here

• Coming Out • Depression those who have homosexual sex while HIV “The element of setting a mother against a
• Phobias • Spirituality positive. The harsh penalties for LGBT people daughter, the element of setting a sister
• Traumas • Family Issues in the legislation have inspired growing outrage against a brother, is something that we all can
• Anxiety • Intimacy and concern around the world, including from identify with,” Kaggwa said. “These are the
LGBT activists in the U.S. arguments that we are using. We should make
(703)212-8406 • Karl Wycoff, deputy assistant secretary of this bill really draconian, that instead of bring-
state for East African Affairs, testified that the ing together families, instead of preserving
State Department has been working to prevent family, as purported by people who are push-
be happy be yourself be proud the bill from being enacted into law even as the ing the bill, it’s [separating] families.”
U.S. considers the country an ally. Following the testimony, lesbian Rep.
“The introduction of this anti-homosexuality Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who chaired the
bill in Uganda characterizes just such a moment hearing, told reporters that bolstering the local
— one where we must say to our friends whose effort in Uganda against the legislation would
friendship we value that together we must stand be one means for the United States to step up
against injustice, and in this case, injustice efforts against the bill.
against the LGBT community,” he said. “I do think it is important for us to listen and
Wycoff noted the White House in January receive guidance from people on the ground in
issued a statement in opposition to the legislation Uganda — not just thinking from afar what to
Robyn S. Zeiger, Ph.D. Want a subscription to and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has do,” she said. “I think there’s probably addition-
expressed concerns about the bill with Ugandan al ways where we can empower local activists,
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
TFSWJOHUIF-(#5DPNNVOJUZGPS ZFBST dcagenda? President Yoweri Museveni in addition to publicly
opposing the legislation in two speeches.
“Our embassy … has been very active on this
local voices in Uganda at the same time as we
speak crystal clear our dedication to human
rights for all [people] across the globe.”
301.445.7333 subject with representatives of the Ugandan
government, with civil society, with local gay and
Another option lawmakers are considering is
revoking Uganda’s beneficiary trade status should Contact lesbian groups and with others who press for this the bill become law. No Republican member of the Robbie Barnett at bill to be dropped,” Wycoff said. commission attended the hearing. A Republican
Last month, DC Agenda first reported State staffer for the commission didn’t immediately
Department officials had received assurances respond to DC Agenda’s request for comment on from Museveni that he would work to block the why GOP members were absent.
january 29, 2010 • 11

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12 • january 29, 2010


Sources say there is ‘no clear path to pass ENDA’

Continued from page 1 line up more than the 218 House to do and have conversations,” she did not set a date for the markup. “There continues to be concerns on
votes needed to pass the bill. said. “I know that Sen. Merkley and his Markup hearings are required the part of many members about the
The Human Rights Campaign, But in the Senate, LGBT civil rights staff have been really on top of this, under both House and Senate rules transgender issue, particularly about
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, lobbyists have been reluctant to reveal and having those conversations staff- for making final revisions of bills the question of places where people
and National Center for Transgender the findings of their highly confidential to-staff — and the senator is having before voting in committee to send are without their clothes — showers,
Equality — three leading groups work- head counts, including leanings of the colleague-to-colleague conversations. them to the floor for a vote by the full bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.,” the
ing on ENDA — say they are confident 17 Senate Democrats that have not And we just need to continue some of House or Senate. Advocate quoted him as saying.
the House of Representatives will pass signed on as co-sponsors. Among that process and then see where we “In the hearing, Sen. Harkin said “We still have this issue about what
ENDA in the summer or early fall. them are Sens. Jim Webb and Mark are with the vote count.” that he wants to move the bill this happens when people who present
Officials with HRC and NCTE have Warner, both of Virginia. Asked whether the gender identi- year,” said Bergen Kenny, Harkin’s themselves as one sex but have the
said they remain hopeful that A longtime practice in Washington ty provision could be a problem in the press secretary, in an e-mail this week physical characteristics of the other
Democrats and a few moderate lobbying has been to hold off on pub- Senate, Herwitt said, “I think what I’m to DC Agenda. She did not respond to sex, what rules govern what happens
Republicans in the Senate will unite to licly disclosing the names of lawmakers saying is we’re still in the process of questions about when Harkin would in locker rooms, showers, etc,” he said.
defeat a filibuster and pass the long- who are uncommitted or say they are figuring all of that out. The conversa- hold the markup or whether he was Frank was out of the country on
awaited LGBT civil rights measure. leaning against a bill, with the hope that tions are still happening; the educa- aware of reports that supporters House business this week and could
“I’m still optimistic,” said veteran they could be persuaded to change tion process is still ongoing.” She lacked the votes to break a filibuster. not be reached. His press secretary,
transgender activist Mara Keisling, their minds. If a lawmaker is pressured added that HRC is pushing hard for a Julie Edwards, Merkley’s press Harry Gural, said Frank’s comments to
executive director of NCTE. “The to publicly declare his or her position, “fully inclusive bill.” secretary, pointed to a statement by the Advocate should not be interpret-
Senate’s always been the harder chal- the lawmaker is less likely to switch Spokespeople for the Task Force, Harkin at the legislative hearing last ed to mean that the congressman
lenge on every piece of legislation, not positions out of fear of being labeled a National Stonewall Democrats, November that he would like to see feels the bill is in trouble in the House.
just on LGBT legislation. So the flip-flopper, according to seasoned lob- Lambda Legal Defense & Education the bill moved to the Senate floor in “They don’t expect a holdup on
Senate’s a challenge; we’ll get there.” byists and members of Congress. Fund and the ACLU’s LGBT Rights the spring of 2010. this,” said Gural, who added that no
As of this week, the bill had 194 co- One of the sources who told DC Project did not return calls this week “I would say that’s the goal,” one familiar with the bill believes an
sponsors in the House and 44 co- Agenda that ENDA appears dead in seeking comment on the reports that Edwards said. “That’s what we’re attempt will be made to remove the
sponsors in the Senate. Only two of the the Senate said that groups like HRC, ENDA backers may be unable to working toward. We continue to reach transgender provision.
Senate co-sponsors are Republicans: the Task Force and NCTE are diligent- break a Senate filibuster. out to other offices. I know supporters He was referring to a blowup in
Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia ly working behind the scenes to line up Jim Manley, a spokesperson for of this legislation are doing the same.” 2007, when Frank and House
Snowe, both from Maine. more Senate Democrats to commit to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Asked if Merkley believes he has Democratic leaders determined there
When combined with its lead voting for cloture, the parliamentary (D-Nev.), said it’s too soon for Reid to 60 votes to break a filibuster, weren’t enough votes in the House to
sponsor in the House, Rep. Barney procedure used to end a filibuster. Sixty assess ENDA’s chances on the Edwards said, “We haven’t done a pass a trans-inclusive version of
Frank (D-Mass.), and the lead spon- votes are needed to invoke cloture. Senate floor because the bill has yet whip count on this. But we’re contin- ENDA. At Frank’s urging, House
sor in the Senate, Sen. Jeff Merkley Most political observers believe to be reported out of committee. ually building support for the bill.” Democrats introduced and pushed
(D-Ore.), the measure has what most supporters have the 51 votes to pass Last November, the Senate’s Although many Capitol Hill through the full House a revised bill
observers believe to be at least 195 the bill in the 100-member Senate, if Health, Education, Labor & Pensions observers think the House will pass that didn’t include protection for trans-
certain votes in the House and 45 a filibuster can be broken. Committee, chaired by Sen. Tom ENDA sometime this year, Frank gender people. The bill died a year
assumed votes in the Senate. Allison Herwitt, HRC’s legislative Harkin (D-Iowa), an ENDA co-spon- raised concerns among some later when the Senate failed to act on
Frank and Speaker of the House director, was circumspect about ENDA’s sor, held a legislative hearing on activists earlier this month when he it following an outcry by many activists
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a longtime prospects in the Senate in an interview the bill. At the time of the hearing, told the Advocate that lawmakers still urging the Senate not to pass it.
supporter of ENDA, have said they earlier this month with DC Agenda. Harkin promised to hold a markup have problems with the bill’s trans- “Barney said that is not going to
were confident that backers would “We have education that we need hearing on the bill this year, but he gender provision. happen this time,” Gural said.

Recession devastates state HIV/AIDS budgets

Continued from page 1 lion over the fiscal year 2010 funding.
He said the coalition also wants
reduce the HIV treatment and pre- Congress to approve an emergency
vention services it provides to thou- supplemental budget allocation of
sands of clients, including gay male $126 million this year for ADAP.
and transgender clients. “We know times are tight, but
Both said their respective agen- there are a lot of people’s lives at
cies were continuing to assist a large stake,” Schmid said.
number of clients and, in the case of Bobby Edelen, president of the
Curtis’s group, fundraisers were Kentucky HIV/AIDS Advocacy Action
retained to solicit more private sector Group and a person living with AIDS,
funds from foundations. Their main told the briefing that the lives of many
concern now, the two said, was the of the people his organization assists
possibility of more state funding cuts in Louisville and other cities are
in the next fiscal year. being placed in jeopardy over his
Heather Hauck, director of the own state’s budget cuts.
Maryland Department of Health & “You’ve heard enough about num-
Mental Hygiene’s infectious disease bers,” he said. “I’m here to talk about
division, said her state’s HIV programs the personal side of this. I’ve been
were hit with a $786,720 budget cut in living with this disease for 20 years.”
fiscal year 2009 and a $702,768 cut in He said an ADAP waiting list in
fiscal 2010. She noted that the cuts Kentucky is likely to result in a
have resulted in some staff layoffs, fur- decline in health of people with HIV
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
loughs and salary reductions. that he knows personally.
Pointing to a national survey, she Heather Hauck, director of the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene’s infectious disease division, said her “You’re going to lose some people
said revenue shortfalls due to the state’s HIV programs were hit with a $702,768 cut in fiscal 2010. if they can’t get the treatment and
recession are forcing many states to services they need,” he said. “I
reduce their contribution to the joint establish waiting lists for patients to Carl Schmid, deputy executive is the federal government’s main understand that money is tight. But
state-federal AIDS Drug Assistance obtain ADAP funded drugs. director of the AIDS Institute, a funding source to state and local we are the greatest nation on earth.
Program, known as ADAP. Maryland, Virginia and D.C. are not Washington-based advocacy group, AIDS agencies. We can make things possible.”
Hauck said the cutbacks have among the jurisdictions forced to set up and moderator of the two congres- Schmid said a coalition of AIDS The four panelists and Schmid,
resulted in at least nine states run- ADAP waiting lists, according to infor- sional briefings, said state and local organizations called the Federal who served as moderator, conducted
ning out of funds to provide life-sav- mation Hauck provided. But she and AIDS office officials are calling on AIDS Policy Partnership wants the a morning briefing at the Dirksen
ing antiretroviral drugs to all the low- the other panelists expressed concern the Obama administration to help administration to ask Congress to Senate Office Building for Senate
income HIV patients that need them. that unless the federal government offset the state budget cuts by appropriate $3.1 billion for the Ryan staffers and an afternoon briefing at
The funding shortfall means these boosts its share of ADAP funding, wait- increasing funds for the Ryan White White program in fiscal year 2011, the Rayburn House Office Building
and possibly other states must ing lists will surface in more states. Care Act. The Ryan White program representing an increase of $818 mil- for U.S. House staffers.
january 29, 2010 • 13

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Vol. 2, Issue 5
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Obama, Dems must regain their footing licly endorse Murphy’s bill? Either a plum opportunity to run as a faux pop- give us a reason to trust such politi-
Washington, D.C. 20009
Phone: 202-747-2077
Publisher: Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
Time for implementing way, Obama must send a message ulist ready to march into Washington cians by meeting with them, securing PUBLISHER
change may be short about his intent or risk further inflam-
ing the restive Democratic Party
and derail a costly plan that probably no
one fully understands.
promises related to our issues and tak-
ing a seat at the table with them.
LYNNE J. BROWN ext. 8075
base already upset at his inertia on The implications for the LGBT Barron is right that the Democrats have EDITORIAL
By KEVIN NAFF this and other issues. rights agenda could be grave. The delivered precious little after a full year KEVIN NAFF
Even with the loss of one mid-term elections loom and many with overwhelming majorities in ext. 8088
LGBT rights supporters were listen- Massachusetts Senate seat last week, conservative Democrats, already Congress and control of the White News & Multimedia Editor
ing intently as President Obama deliv- the Democrats still command powerful known for their lack of spine, will House. President Obama’s cautious ext. 8086
ered the State of the Union address majorities in both chambers of Congress. surely run for cover from our issues. approach and his quest for consensus Features Editor
Wednesday night for some faint sign of Scott Brown’s victory is no excuse for And despite wishful thinking from building with Republicans who are bent JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
the fierce advocate we were promised delaying the LGBT legislative agenda. the folks at GOProud, Scott Brown will on opposing his every move have ext. 8081
Sr. News Reporter
when raising money, knocking on doors Brown overcame a double-digit be an obstacle to pro-LGBT advances failed to deliver the change he prom- LOU CHIBBARO JR.
and voting in droves for him. lead by milquetoast candidate in Congress. GOProud’s Christopher ised. Obama has gone from fierce ext. 8079
This issue of the DC Agenda went Martha Coakley, the state attorney Barron wrote for DC Agenda, “The gay advocate to paper champion. News Reporter
to press before the speech, amid general, to become the junior sena- left, always willing to do the bidding of But turning to someone like Scott ext. 8083
much speculation about just what tor from Massachusetts. the DNC, is attempting to characterize Brown as a means of protesting the Staff Photographer
Obama would say related to LGBT As a Maryland resident, I had a Scott Brown as ‘anti-gay.’ This paper ran Democrats’ slow going will only set MICHAEL KEY
issues. At the very least, the presi- front row seat to what I’d previously a headline that blared ‘Could an anti- back the congressional agenda.
dent needed to reference the dis- considered the worst campaign ever gay Republican win Kennedy’s seat?” Luckily, we have a few Democrats Creative Director
criminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” run: that of Kathleen Kennedy I wrote that headline and here’s why: who aren’t afraid to take up LGBT ROB BOEGER
policy and address just how he plans Townsend for governor in 2002. She • In 2007, Brown voted for a failed causes. Reps. Barney Frank, Tammy ext. 8074
DCATV Exec. Producer
to deliver on his oft-repeated cam- lost to Republican Robert Ehrlich, state constitutional amendment that Baldwin, Jared Polis, Patrick Murphy ARAM VARTIAN
paign pledge to repeal it. who became Maryland’s first GOP would have ended same-sex mar- and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, to name ext. 8095
Of all the LGBT-related initiatives, governor in more than 30 years. riage in Massachusetts; a few, must now redouble their efforts SALES & ADMINISTRATION
repealing this unjust law is perhaps Then came Coakley, whose cam- • He opposes repealing the federal to advance ENDA and a repeal of Sr. Acct. Executive
the least controversial. Several paign ominously mirrored that of Defense of Marriage Act, even though “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” before the fall. BRIAN PITTS ext. 8089
recent polls have put American pub- Kennedy Townsend: A well-known it would benefit residents of his own By then, the political math will be far Sr. Acct. Executive
lic support for repeal at 75 percent or female candidate with solid creden- state who are legally wed there; worse for Democrats. Maybe Coakley’s ANDREW HARTSFIELD
higher; a House bill sponsored by tials on paper but who lacked charis- • Brown opposes the Employment embarrassing loss will teach the party to ext. 8078
Acct. Executive
Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.) has ma. More deadly to a political cam- Non-Discrimination Act, according to assert itself again, to make the most of JERYL PARADE
attracted nearly 200 co-sponsors. paign: taking votes for granted, failing MassEquality; their current majorities, to reconnect with ext. 8072
So will Obama include repeal as to excite the base and, worst of all, • And he opposes repealing independents and to improve their mes- Advertising Manager
part of his 2011 Defense spending failing to connect with independent “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” according to saging. If not, they face the very real ext. 8092
request, as many have speculated? voters who decide elections. MassEquality. prospect of losing the House this year. Distribution Coordinator
Or will he use his bully pulpit, clout In fairness to Coakley, she ran It’s not enough to wish for moder- ROBBIE BARNETT
and remaining political capital to smack into the GOP’s fear mongering ate, gay-friendly Republican candi- Kevin Naff is editor of DC Agenda. ext. 8080
demand a legislative repeal and pub- over health care reform, handing Brown dates. Log Cabin and GOProud should Reach him at Accounting services provided
by Martin & Wall, P.C. C.P.A.
Distributed by MediaPoint, LLC
All material in the DC Agenda is protected by
federal copyright law and may not be repro-
feedback duced without the written consent of the
DC Agenda. The sexual orientation of advertis-
ers, photographers, writers and cartoonists
published herein is neither inferred nor implied.
The following comments were week’s Supreme Court decision is — and that trust has to be a two-way Sadly, it’s been that way for decades. The appearance of names or pictorial repre-
posted to our web site. Visit dca- beyond comprehension — Democracy street and it is generated by ongoing WHEN will we learn? — Andrew W. sentation does not necessarily indicate the
sexual orientation of that person or persons. to join the discussion. as we know it is over — it was just sold communication. — Peter Rosenstein Although the DC Agenda is supported by many
to the highest bidder! — Bill Re: “Hill insiders say Mass. elec- fine advertisers, we cannot accept responsibility
Re: “Rewind: Week of Jan. 22” Re: “Democrat introduces anti- tion won’t derail D.C. marriage bill” for claims made by advertisers.
(blog post by Erwin de Leon) Re: “D.C. police add 23 ‘affiliate’ gay bill in Md.” (news story by (news story by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) Unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the
Thank you for such a useful officers to gay liaison unit” (news Harley Dennett) 1. Approval of the LGBT groups’ DC Agenda, but the paper cannot take respon-
reminder about the progress and story by Lou Chibbaro Jr.) When will the LBGT people of agenda was not front and center in sibility for its return. The editors reserve the right
to accept, reject or edit any submission.
challenges we face. It subsumes the I think the overall idea behind Baltimore rise up, say “enough” and recent elections, either, so the Guidelines for freelance contributors are
point that we are generally taking two decentralizing the liaison units is run one of our own more qualified can- default position is not that their agen- available upon request.
steps forward for each step back, good. You won’t have them only in didates against this bigot!? — DJ John da has been approved by voters.
A single copy of the DC Agenda is available
rather than the other way around. the “gayborhood.” I agree that the Impose that agenda and there will from authorized distribution points, to any
If anything, the election of Scott new plan should have been in place Re: “State of the Union expec- be resistance aka Obamacare. That individual within a 50-mile radius of Washington,
Brown will help us. This is true in two before the old one was abandoned tations” (blog post by Kevin Naff) is a lesson learned, surely. D.C. Multiple copies are available from the DC
Agenda office only. Call for rates. If you are
ways. Directly, he favors civil unions and though. — Duane Snodgrass While it is great that he has 2. According to Coakley’s campaign unable to get to a convenient free distribution
has a position very similar to that of appointed so many openly gay folks, statement about Brown and the LGBT point, you may receive a 52-week mailed
President Obama on our relationships. There is no one I know that does- he has failed to deliver on our leg- groups’ agenda, same-sex marriage subscription for $175.00 per year. Checks or
credit card orders can be sent to Robbie
While Brown has not been a leader in n’t agree with the concept of expand- islative agenda. Hate crimes wasn’t was indeed an issue in the election. Barnett at
gay rights issues (nor has Obama), it is ing the Liaison Units across the his. — Bill Congress has every right to deal
clear that he accepts us and the idea District. I am pleased that so many directly with the D.C. Council’s odd Postmaster: Send address changes to the DC
Agenda, PO BOX 73647 Washington, DC 20056
that we have rights as citizens. This officers have agreed to become affil- I, for one, had no illusions that marriage legislation. And elected The DC Agenda is published weekly, on Friday,
helps move the Republican Party in the iates of the GLLU and other units. Obama would be our fierce advo- representatives ought to be expected by Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. Individual
right direction, since his success will The issue still remains that they cate. — Doctor Whom to make a stand, one way or the Subscriptions are $175 per year for 52 issues
(only $3.37 per issue mailed to you USPS).
point up the advantages of nominating will need additional training and that other, by voting up or down on it. Rates for businesses/institutions are $350 per
moderate and decent people. they will need to have regular meet- Let’s hope he also discusses After all, Obama, the Democratic year. Periodical postage paid at Washington,
Indirectly it helps because it ings with the GLBT community and HIV/AIDS in the United States. — Party and Democrats in the Senate D.C., and additional mailing offices.
brings back balance to the political the other communities they serve to Carl Schmid and House claim to be about trans- Editorial positions of the DC Agenda are
system, eliminating a one-party discuss the issues facing the com- parency. And Brown’s election — in expressed in editorials and in editors’
notes as determined by the paper’s editors.
stranglehold on power. It is precisely munity and so they will understand Re: “Secret project seeks to the state that local LGBT groups Other opinions are those of the writers and
this effect that will increase the what is happening in the community. advance pro-LGBT policy changes” have called “the birthplace of same- do not necessarily represent the opinion of
chances of sensible legislation that The argument that many including (news story by Chris Johnson) sex marriage” — was certainly very the DC Agenda or its staff.
can strengthen the nation in which myself had with this plan was that it So what. There’s nothing here much about popular dissatisfaction To submit a letter or commentary: Letters
we all live, gay or straight. was ill thought out and no real discus- except more duplication of efforts. with the identity politics and machine should be fewer than 400 words; commen-
It was a very good week for us! — sion with the community was held There’s no STRATEGY or PLAN to politics of Beacon Hill and the taries should be fewer than 750 words.
Submissions may be edited for content and
Sam Brown before it was put into operation. There actually WIN full equality. With all of our Massachusetts Democratic contin- length, and must include a name, address and
is an arrogance to doing things this efforts dedicated to the numerous well- gency in the U.S. House and Senate. phone number for verification. Send submis-
Thanks Sam — but no cigar! Brown way, which generates distrust and funded LGBT advocacy groups not a Surely more lessons learned — sions by e-mail to
has a terrible history regarding gay skepticism. That is sad because it can single one of them can say HOW and or maybe you want to double-down. ©
2010 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.
issues in Massachusetts. Further, this usually be avoided by a little bit of trust WHEN we will achieve our full equality. — Chairm
january 29, 2010 • 15

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friday, jan. 29 tact information but for now, those inter- 1810 S St., N.W. Visit
APEX has a “Let There Be Snow” ested can visit the group on Facebook for more information.
party tonight. A 1 a.m. “snow storm” will under the name “GD: Gay District.” METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH
feature prizes and surprises. Cover is of Washington, the District’s largest mostly
$6; $2 drinks are available from 9 to 11 saturday, jan. 30 gay church, has an HIV-positive support
p.m. and open bar is from 11 to midnight. WICKED JEZEBEL performs tonight at 7 group for people of faith every Monday
Apex, a gay dance club, is located at and 11 p.m. at TOWN. Cover is $15; pro- at the church. For more information,
1415 22nd St., N.W. in Dupont Circle. ceeds go to Mautner Project. Town is locat- contact Matt Senger at 202-546-2159 or
Visit for more information. ed at 2009 8th St., N.W. The D.C. Kings, a e-mail him at
A new Friday night drag show at drag king troupe, will also perform. Circuit MCC-DC is located at 474 Ridge St.,
ZIEGFELD’S has started with a new DJ Hector Fonseca spins upstairs. Visit N.W. Visit for more informa-
hostess. The Ladies of Illusion host- for more information. tion about the church.
ed by Kristina Kelly has performances THE MISS FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR, 900 U St.,
every Friday at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. DRAG PAGEANT is tonight. Show starts N.W., holds “Pokerface,” a Texas hold
TOWN counts down the top 25 music videos at 9 p.m. The winner will represent the ‘em poker night every Monday at 8 p.m.
of the ‘00s tonight. Doors open at 10 p.m. bar at various events, such as Capital It’s free to play and prizes are awarded.
Town is located at 2009 8th St., N.W. Visit Pride, throughout the year. Those wish- Visit for more for more information. ing to compete must apply beforehand. information.
BET MISHPACHAH, a gay synagogue Applications are available now at the FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR, located at
located at the D.C. JCC at 16th and Q bar. Cover is $10. Call 703-685-0555 for 555 S. 23rd St. in Crystal City, Va., has Photo courtesy of Zack Rosen
streets, N.W., holds Ereve Shabbat more information. Freddie’s is located at disco trivia every Monday at 8 p.m.
services every Friday at 8:30 p.m. fol- 555 S. 23rd St. in Crystal City, Va. DJs ZACK and MICHAEL return for Homo/Sonic on Jan. 29.
lowed by an Oneg Shabbat social. tuesday, feb. 2 
Morning services are held on the sec- sunday, jan. 31 THE D.C. CENTER’S CRYSTAL METH THE NATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN located at 525 8th Street, S.E. Cover is $5.
ond and fourth Saturdays of each month Proceeds from tonight’s 8 p.m. perform- WORKING GROUP meets tonight at 7 TASK FORCE has weekly volunteer A dance party featuring the music of
at 10 a.m. followed by Kiddush lunch- ance of “RENT” at Church Street p.m. at the Center’s new location at 1810 nights every Wednesday from 6 to 7:30 Prince, Madonna and Michael Jackson is
eon. Straights are welcome. Visit Theater will go to Doctors Without Borders 14th St., N.W. For more information, visit p.m. at its offices located at 1325 tonight at 9:30 CLUB, located at 815 V St., for more information. to support relief efforts in Haiti. Tickets are Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Suite 600. N.W. Visit for more information.
HOMO/SONIC queer dance party is tonight $50. Visit for tickets. D.C.’S HIV WORKING GROUP assem- Volunteers fold and stuff letters for the QUEER SHABBATON, an urban
from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. at BLACK CAT, locat- DIGNITY WASHINGTON, a local gay bles safer sex kits with its “packing par- gay rights organization. Pizza is provid- retreat for LGBT Jews and allies, is
ed at 1811 14th St., N.W. Cover is $10. Catholic group, celebrates Mass for the ties” every Tuesday at EFN Lounge. ed. For more information, contact Ezra this weekend, beginning today at 5
GAY DISTRICT meets tonight. The LGBT community every Sunday at 6 Those who volunteer their time get drink Towne at p.m. and continuing through Sunday at
group was formerly known as the p.m. at St. Margaret’s, located at 1820 discounts. The events are held from 7 to LADIES FIRST NIGHT is tonight and the D.C. Jewish Community Center
Twenties Group but has expanded its Connecticut Ave., N.W. Call 202-546- 10:30 p.m. at Motley Bar, located above every Wednesday at Fab Lounge, located located at 16th and Q streets. The
age range for gay, bi, trans and ques- 2245 for more information or visit digni- EFN, which is at 1318 9th St., N.W. Visit at 1805 Connecticut Ave., N.W. For more event, which has been held success-
tioning men from 18 to 35. The group for more information. information, visit fully three times in New York, is coming
meets for weekly discussion from 8:30 POZ, a bar night for HIV-positive men to Washington for the first time this
to 9:30 every Friday at St. Margaret’s monday, feb. 1  and men open to dating HIV-positive thursday, feb. 4 weekend. It features workshops, serv-
Church located at 1830 Connecticut D.C. CENTER has a volunteer night men regardless of their own HIV status, Gay-fronted band MAGNETIC FIELDS ices, opportunity for networking, yoga
Ave. Members dine afterwards then go tonight from 6:30 to 9 p.m., but not at its is held every Tuesday night from 7 p.m. play GW’s Lisner Auditorium tonight in and meditation, kosher food and more
dancing. The group is changing its con- new location. The event will be held at to midnight at Motley Bar, located above Washington at 8 p.m. Tickets are $35. with several high profile Jewish LGBT
EFN Lounge at 1318 19th St., N.W. The Visit for tickets. speakers. Admission ranges from $80
event is organized by HIV-positive party GAYS & LESBIANS OPPOSING to $140. For more information, visit
promoter Jacob Pring. Visit the group’s VIOLENCE (GLOV) meets tonight at 7
Facebook page at p.m. at the D.C. Center at 1810 14th
for more information. St., N.W. Visit for more saturday, feb. 6
COBALT has “Flashback,” a retro information. D.C. METRO LGBT IT PROFESSIONALS
night, every Tuesday at 10 p.m. Rail D.C. LAMBDA SQUARES, a local gay meets today from 10 to 11 a.m. at
vodka drinks are free from 10 to 11 p.m. square dancing group, meets every SteamCafe at 17th and R Streets, N.W.
Cobalt, a gay bar and dance club, is at Thursday for square dancing. Those Gay singer/songwriters TOM GOSS
the corner of 17th and R streets, N.W. who’ve taken the group’s “Mainstream” and MATT ALBER play two shows
and “Plus” classes dance on the first tonight at the DeLaski Theater, locat-
wednesday, feb. 3  and third Thursdays. “Plus” and ed at 1700 Kalorama Road, N.W., in
AN HIV/AIDS SUPPORT GROUP, “Advanced” classes are on the second Adams Morgan. Shows are at 5 and 8
presented by Alpha Drugs, is tonight and fourth Thursdays. For more infor- p.m. Tickets are $20. Visit tomgossmu-
at a new location at 1810 14th St., mation about the group or to find out for tickets. Goss is based
N.W. Dinner will be served but reserva- when beginner classes are available, in Washington and is touring on his lat-
tions are required. To RSVP, call 301- visit est album “Back to Love.” Alber, who
735-2805 or 301-674-8901. lives in Los Angeles, became an online
Photo courtesy of United Nations THE D.C. CENTER has LGBT career friday, feb. 5 sensation last year for his poignant
development with Washington-specific Lesbian rock/dance party HOTTBOXX video “End of the World.”
Proceeds from Sunday’s 8 p.m. performance of “Rent” at Church Street information today from 3 to 4:30 p.m. returns to Phase 1 tonight from 10 p.m. to
Theater will go to support relief efforts in Haiti. at the Center’s new location at 1810 2 a.m. and will happen the first Friday of To submit your event for Social Agenda,
14th St., N.W. every month. Doors open at 9. Phase is e-mail
january 29, 2010 • 17

two indie singers join forces for d.c. show

A Washington-based gay indie shi-queeta lee plans

singer/songwriter is joining forces
with one of his West Coast counter-
parts for a D.C. concert and mini tour
drag queen flash mob
next weekend. Shi-Queeta Lee, one of to give it one by filming a flash mob
Tom Goss, who lives in Columbia Washington’s most active and video — a YouTube fad in which a
Heights but spends most of the year on industrious drag queens, found person starts dancing alone but is
the road, met Matt Alber last May when inspiration in an unlikely place. A joined by dozens and sometimes
Goss was performing in Los Angeles, 2009 stint on “America’s Got hundreds of others by the end. She
where Alber lives. Though their styles Talent” in which she and her Diva says it’s also a way to unite D.C.’s
are different — Goss gravitated toward League cohorts were harshly criti- local drag community.
hook-laden pop confections on last cized, made her realize there was “The drag shows around here
year’s “Back to Love” album while Alber an opportunity for education. have kind of been falling down,” Lee
is a retro-influenced, electronica- She says she was “stunned” by (aka Jerry Van Hook) says. “The gay
doused crooner — they discovered in the blunt assessment her troupe community hasn’t been coming to
each other a mutual admiration society. received from judge Piers Morgan, the shows as much. It’s been more
“I knew who he was already,” Goss who said “a bunch of lip-synching old the heterosexual community.”
says. “The gay singer/songwriter circles drag queens who can’t dance is not Lee and a small army of local drag
are so small, we all kind of know of what America needs right now.” queens — she invited all the locals who
each other. Matt’s been kind of one of Lee, inspired by gay cable chan- regularly perform — are taping
these people who really broke out in the nel Logo’s designation of January Saturday at noon at National Harbor.
Photo courtesy of Goss
scene in 2009. He’s got such an amaz- as “drag history month,” says drag Several rehearsals have been held with
ing instrument in his voice and he TOM GOSS and Matt Alber will play several area shows next week. tradition, both here and nationally, varying numbers of attendees at each.
touched a lot of people, including me.” needs a shot in the arm. She hopes JOEY DiGUGLIELMO
Alber, who enjoyed a Grammy- Feb. 6 concerts in Washington at challenge for me. How do you sing
winning stint in the San Francisco- DeLaski Theater in Adams Morgan. songs for a living? It’s kind of a leap but it’s boring playing by yourself if ner, Mike Briggs. They postponed
based classical group Chanticleer, The 8 p.m. show sold out so a 5 p.m. of faith. But Tom did that early on and your songs always have the same their wedding last fall because Goss
found widespread gay acclaim last show was added. Tickets (tomgoss- he’s a huge inspiration.” dynamics,” he says. was gone too often to make plans,
year for his video “End of the World,” are $20. The somewhat unlikely duo, who’ll Goss is just catching his breath but a new date is set. They plan to
a “Mad Men”-esque, vintage-looking Alber, during a break from a commer- also play Baltimore and Norfolk, Va., after a whirlwind 2009. He sold about wed Oct. 2 in Washington.
video in which the singer finds unlike- cial recording session in L.A., says he’s next week, say the concert will feature 2,500 copies of his “Back to Love” Goss has a four-track EP of polit-
ly romance in a barber shop. It won excited about co-headlining with Goss. collaborations on each other’s materi- album, which went into a second ical songs set to drop in April. He
an OutMusic Award and is from his “I really admire Tom on a lot of lev- al, something Goss is excited about. pressing, and performed 130 shows wrote them in various modes of dis-
solo album, “Hide Nothing.” els,” he says. “He’s brave enough to “We’re both individual artists and in 80 cities. His only regret is spend- gust after several same-sex marriage
They’re sharing the bill on two do this full time and that’s been a do our own thing and fans love that, ing so much time away from his part- setbacks last year.


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9855 Washington Blvd. N • Laurel, MD 20723
301-498-4840 •
18 • january 29, 2010

dcagenda lgbt nightlife guide
washington, dc The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date
to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular
1836 18th St., NW
30 DEGREES tournaments and other special events. Washington, DC 20009
1639 R St., NW Located near the convention center, two 202-483-1483
Washington, DC 20009 blocks north of Gallery Place Metro. Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant
202-462-6569 popular with both men and women. DELTA ELITE
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men 3734 10th St. NE MIXTAPE
but check schedule for other events. Washington, DC 20017 Different locations
1409 14th St., NW Longtime bar popular with African- Alternative dance party for queer men and
Washington, DC 20005 American men in Brookland neighbor- women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie
202-265-3055 hood; hosts regular ladies night. Check rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar web site for special events. web site for 2010 schedule of events.
(Dupont Circle Metro) popular with the
theater crowd and featuring open-mike DIK BAR MOVA
nights, karaoke and other special events. 1637 17th St., NW 1435 P St., NW
Washington, DC 20009 Washington, DC 20005
ACADEMY OF 202-328-0100 202-797-9730
WASHINGTON In Dupont Circle area, above Dupont Trendy Logan Circle bar and lounge
Longtime organizers of drag events in the Italian Kitchen. popular with men features regular happy
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See hour and other specials. Formerly known
web site for full list of upcoming events. DUPLEX DINER as Halo, MOVA re-launched in early

1609 17th St., NW
2004 18th St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
2010 as a environmentally friendly bar
with an emphasis on community service. Ziegfeld’s
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
Washington, DC 20009 NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR
202-232-0395 Popular restaurant and bar in the Adams 900 U St., NW
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime Morgan area; happy hour specials and Washington, DC 20001
restaurant and steakhouse with recently many other special events. See web site 202-332-6355
renovated Upstairs Lounge. for updated schedule. crowd, though welcoming to women


Sports bar featuring poker events, drag
bingo, trivia contests and other specials.
baltimore and straight patrons.

1415 22nd St., NW 1318 9th St., NW Popular bar with massive outdoor deck 1722 LEON’S/
Washington, DC 20037 Washington, DC 20001 and plenty of TVs for watching sports. 1722 N. Charles St. TYSON PLACE
202-296-0505 202-341-8281 Baltimore, MD 21201 870 Park Ave. OMEGA Multi-level after-hours dance club attracts Baltimore, MD 21201
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, but 2122 P St., NW a mixed crowd but remains gay-friendly. 410-539-4993
check schedule regularly for other events. Funky, edgy neighborhood lounge in Washington, DC 20036
Logan Circle with special events galore. 202-223-4917 BALTIMORE EAGLE In business for more than 50 years,
BACHELOR’S MILL Popular with men and women; features 2002 N. Charles St. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in Baltimore
1104 8th St., SE dancing, videos. Check web site for Dupont Circle area bar and club popular Baltimore, MD 21218 and among the oldest in the country.
Washington, DC 20003 event schedule. with men featuring dancing, drag and 410-82-EAGLE Friendly bar with jukebox gets especial-
202-544-1931 other special events. Longtime Levi/leather bar not far from ly busy on Sunday nights. Tyson Place
Longtime bar popular with African- FAB LOUNGE Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, bil- is a restaurant bar located behind
American men in Capitol Hill area. 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW PHASE 1 liards, outdoor patio, videos and a full Leon’s with a separate entrance.
Washington, DC 20009 525 8th St., SE store for your leather needs. Mostly
BANANA CAFÉ 202-797-1122 Washington, DC 20003 men, but welcoming to women. PORT IN A STORM
500 8th St., SE 4330 E. Lombard St.
Washington, DC 20003 In Dupont Circle area; popular with men CLUB PHOENIX Baltimore, MD 21224
202-543-5906 but hosts regular women’s events. The Phase opened in 1970 and remains 1 W. Biddle St. 410-534-0014 a popular lesbian bar and club. Features Baltimore, MD 21201 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar gets
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and FIREPLACE regular special events, including Jell-O 410-837-3906 especially popular when the Ravens
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men 2161 P St., NW wrestling, 80s theme nights and more. Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar play. Features billiards, music and more.
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican Washington, DC 20037 Check web site for details. attracts men and women; friendly service.
and Puerto Rican cuisine. 202-293-1293 QUEST
In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar REMINGTONS DRINKERY 3607 Fleet St.
BLOWOFF popular with men. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21224
815 V St., NW Washington, DC 20003 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-563-2617
Washington, DC 20001 GREEN LANTERN 202-543-3113 410-225-3100 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown 1335 Green Court, NW Another of Baltimore’s friendly neighbor- area is popular with men and women
Created by musicians Bob Mould and Washington, DC 20005 hood bars in Mount Vernon featuring bil- and offers billiards.
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional Popular country/Western nightclub in Capitol liards, jukebox and welcoming service.
dance event popular with men. Events are Hill neighborhood with more than 6,000 SAPPHOS
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy square feet of space for dancing and billiards. GALLERY 1001 N. Charles St.
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club in hours and special events, including One half block west of Eastern Market Metro. 1735 Maryland Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201
the popular U Street corridor. karaoke and shirtless drink special Baltimore, MD 21201 410-752-7133
nights. Check web site for details. TOWN DANCEBOUTIQUE 410-539-6965
B.O.I. PRODUCTIONS McPherson Square Metro. 2009 8th St., NW Longtime bar and restaurant popular Part of the Grand Central complex, Washington, DC 20001 with African-American clientele. Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd and
Organizes regular women’s events around JACK’S 202-234-TOWN offers comfy couches, outdoor patio
town. Check web site for updated information. 1527 17th St., NW GRAND CENTRAL and more in its second floor location.
Washington, DC 20036 Dance club and bar popular with men 1001 N. Charles St.
1639 R St., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Dupont Circle area restaurant popular
and women, features regular drag per-
formances. U Street Metro.
Baltimore, MD 21201
northern va
202-462-6569 with men and women. ULTRABAR Large entertainment complex featuring FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR 911 F St., NW friendly pub, lesbian bar Sappho’s upstairs 555 23rd St. South
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex JR.’S Washington, DC 20004 and a dance club on the first floor. Arlington, VA 22202
of LGBT businesses at this address, 1519 17th St., NW 703-685-0555
including Level One restaurant on street Washington, DC 20036 HIPPO Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
level and 30 Degrees bar. 202-328-0090 Large dance club with gay-friendly 1 W. Eager St. includes a restaurant and friendly bar, events and vibe located downtown near Baltimore, MD 21201 regular specials and is popular with
CREW CLUB Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area Metro Center. 410-547-0069 men and women. Crystal City Metro.
1321 14th St., NW bar popular with men; videos, regular
Washington, DC 20005
special events.

1824 Half St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Large club popular with men and
women featuring billiards, top
DJs/dancing, karaoke, videos and
laurel, md
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE 202-863-0670 more. Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto PW’S
featuring steam rooms, lounges, private Washington, DC 20018 is “where everyone is welcome.” 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
dressing rooms and more. 202-832-3888 Featuring all-nude male dancers Laurel, MD 20723 Wednesdays-Sundays, drag performanc- JAY’S ON READ 301-498-8202
DC EAGLE Every night is ladies night at Lace; fea- es, large dance floor and many regular 225 W. Read St.
639 New York Ave., NW tures regular special events for women special events, contests and more. Large Baltimore, MD 21201 Restaurant and bar is popular with gay
Washington, DC 20001 in Brookland neighborhood. Check web parking lot available; located in 410-225-0188 and lesbian sports fans and is known
202-347-6025 site for details on happy hour specials. Buzzard’s Point warehouse district. Piano bar attracts a mostly male for its superb burgers.
january 29, 2010 • 19
20 • january 29, 2010

rehoboth’s blue moon phillips plans valentine’s event
takes over cobalt The Phillips Collection opened its
doors in 1921, eight years before the

Sunday for beach night debut of the Museum of Modern Art

in New York. The intimate setting of
this distinct Georgian Revival house,
located in Dupont Circle, is filled with
For those that have yet to experi- The theme for the takeover at paintings and modern works by
ence the Blue Moon, it is located less Cobalt is going to be beach in nature Renoir, Rothko, Bonnard and
than two blocks from the ocean in and the hostess for the evening will O’Keefe, van Gogh and Diebenkorn,
Rehoboth Beach, Del., and is home be the fabulous Mona Lotts. Another to name a few. And there’s no better
to one of the most popular gay bars treat will be the much-loved record- time to experience the museum than
and best restaurants in the area. ing artist Pamela Stanley, who is a at its monthly Phillips After 5 events,
It’s currently off season, so the staple of Blue Moon’s Sunday Tea held the first Thursday of the month.
owners of the Blue Moon have decid- Dance. Stanley first gained attention On Feb. 4, from 5-8 p.m., Phillips
ed to pack up and bring a bit of with the title track from her debut after 5 has a special Valentine’s Day-
Rehoboth to D.C. album, “This Is Hot,” which shot up to themed event planned. Sip
Cobalt, located at 1639 R St., N.W., #13 on the Billboard Dance Charts. Champagne with your valentine or
will be taken over Sunday, Jan. 31, for a Attendees of the 2006 White Party maybe meet one while sampling
night of dancing, singing and Blue will undoubtedly recall Stanley’s per- Brazilian tapas with capirinhas from
Moon bartenders. The Blue Moon has formance as it has been touted as chef Andrew Holden of FoodArts.
been a favorite of many D.C. vacation- one of her most popular. Indulge your sweet tooth with choco-
ers for nearly 30 years, so bringing the Along with Cobalt’s always hot late fondue and Godiva chocolate
beach to D.C. during the cold of and friendly staff, some of Blue liqueur. The Music Room offers poet
January seemed a no-brainer. Moon’s own hunky bartenders will be Shani Jamila for a recitation of
As a longtime patron of Blue working. Stanley will perform two Georgia O’Keeffe’s letters to her hus-
Moon, Cobalt’s Mark Rutstein knew a one-hour sets that will include some band Alfred Stieglitz, to the accompa- Courtesy of The Phillips Collection
takeover event was a must and the of her high-energy hits plus some of niment of violinist Matthew Hemerlein
idea for the cooperative venture was her newer songs. There are also sur- and music spun by DJ Adrian Loving. Sip Champagne and sample chocolate at ‘Phillips After 5’ on Feb. 4.
born. The Blue Moon’s Tim Ragan prises in store. The exhibits will include “Object
was enthusiastic about the event and The festivities will begin at 9 p.m. as Subject: Photographs of the The Phillips Collection will have a associate curator Elsa Smithgall. In
admits the meeting of the minds took and last until closing. Expect a $5 Czech Avant-Garde,” which closes special Art & Romance video diary addition, the DC Agenda staff will be
about “five seconds” because it was cover charge at the door and a dance Feb. 7. Attendees can also share in booth set up for attendees to stop by special guests at the event, so come
such an appropriate fit. The Sunday floor packed with fans of both Cobalt the love story of Duncan and and share how art has inspired love in and rub elbows with us over cocktails
Tea Dance has been popular with the and Blue Moon. For more information Marjorie Phillips with gallery talks their life. There will also be a series of and chocolate. The Phillips Collection
D.C. clientele at Blue Moon, with on Blue Moon, visit bluemoonre- about their personal and profes- early 20th-century short Czech films is located at 1600 21st St., N.W.
each dance consisting of a different sional partnership. rarely seen in the U.S., introduced by TYRONE FORD
theme, from dog tags to disco. TYRONE FORD
january 29, 2010 • 21

America=s Legendary Music Hall • 703-549-7500

3701 Mount Vernon Ave. • Alexandria, Virginia
A l l s h ow s a t 7 : 3 0 p .m . u n l e s s ot h e rw i se i n d i c at e d
Mark Morris
presents Dance Group
Friday, February 5 at 8 p.m.
Thu. February 4, 2010, 8pm
GW Lisner Auditorium, Washington, DC
Saturday, February 6 at 8 p.m.
This preeminent modern dance
Tickets on sale thru Ticketmaster, (202)397-SEAT or
company continually leaves audiences
spellbound with its unique artistry
reflecting Morris’ wit, grace, and refined

musicality. Program includes two
Washington area premieres: Visitation
(set to the music of Beethoven) and
M ar c h 31 , 2 0 1 0 , 8 p m
Empire Garden (set to music by Charles
A t t h e M u s i c Ce n t e r A t S t r a t h m o r e , N . B e t h e s d a , M D
Ives), as well as one of Morris’s

Tickets on sale at or call (301)581-5100

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Westenhoefer with Vandaveer

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22 • january 29, 2010


‘it’s good to be offended’

outsider — which I think is my con- that honor for such an icon?
Kathy Griffin on her nection with the gay community. I think Griffin: Surprisingly, she’s still
gays, Joan Rivers and the reason that I connect with all the
gay community is because we’re in the
talking to me. It really was an honor
to roast Joan and it’s an honor every
rumors of a CNN ban struggle together. I’ve had gay friends time I’m in her presence. Joan is just
as long as I can remember. There’s a pistol and one of the sweetest peo-
By TYRONE FORD something about having to work hard- ple you’ll ever meet. I have conversa-
Special to DC Agenda er, having to jump higher, and a lot of tions with people like Joan Rivers,
the book is about doing that. Bill Maher and Howard Stern and
Of all the adjectives used to people like that who are supposedly
describe Kathy Griffin, demure is Agenda: You have said your book mean and they turn out to be some of
assuredly not on the list. will make readers laugh but also the nicest people you’d want to know.
A two-time Emmy winner, Grammy offend them a little bit — that “some-
nominee and host of her own Bravo times it’s good to be offended.” How Agenda: During CNN’s New
reality show, “Kathy Griffin: My Life on do you feel people can people learn Year’s Eve broadcast with Anderson
the D-List,” Griffin has redefined what it from being offended? Cooper as your co-host, you dropped
means to be “A-List.” She brought her Griffin: Well it’s important to the F-bomb on live TV. An initial
DC Agenda photo by Michael Key
stand-up show to D.C. last week. DC offend people. I tried to offend people report at Popeater claimed CNN
Agenda caught up with Griffin just at least once a chapter. Really, dubbed you an “embarrassment to KATHY GRIFFIN took D.C. by storm last week with stand-up shows and a book signing.
before a signing of her memoir, though, a lot of change starts with the network” and that you would “not
“Official Book Club Selection.” someone making an offensive com- be getting a 2011 invite.” The country me for that gig until November, so ink about the F-bomb and yet my
She answered questions about her ment. People ask me a lot if there are would hate to see Anderson Cooper even if I had a contract, they can fire favorite joke of the night was when I
book, roasting Joan Rivers and drop- any topics that are off the table, and dropping the ball by himself, so anyone at any time. asked Anderson if, because he was
ping the ball and F-bomb on CNN. when I started out it was no cancer what’s really going on? so handsome, does he ever stand in
and no AIDS as a rule. That was until Griffin: CNN absolutely did not Agenda: Speaking of Anderson front of a mirror naked pleasuring
DC Agenda: Many of your faithful I started performing for AIDS patients ban me and did not fire me. When Cooper, Michael Musto from the himself. CNN had no problem with
gay fans will buy your book and com- in hospitals and found the patients that statement came out, Anderson Village Voice recently reported see- that, which I thought may have been
mit it to memory. Why should every- had the sickest jokes you’ve ever texted me immediately and said he ing Cooper dining at the Bourgeois too far, but you know. Anderson has
one else? heard in your life about AIDS. It was heard there was an Internet rumor Pig in New York with a man recog- this great line where he says, “I don’t
Kathy Griffin: I’ve gotten e-mails because they were going through it, that he was upset with me and that it nized as a bartender from the East want to be the news, I want to report
from people saying they were reading so they had to laugh at it. That’s when wasn’t true. Now regarding next year, Village gay bar Eastern Bloc. Did the news.” And so that’s why, even
it while on an airplane and laughing I realized nothing should really be off the truth is no network makes a deci- CNN prohibit you from making any though I’m the biggest mouth in the
out loud, so everyone needs a laugh. the table because funny is funny. sion about New Year’s this early in sexuality jokes in regards to Cooper? world, I actually don’t talk about his
Also, I deliver the real shit, you know? the year and they can obviously do Griffin: First off, I just think personal life, because you have to
I talk about the pedophile brother and Agenda: You were the Roast whatever they want. … They did let Anderson Cooper is the hottest thing. keep in mind he goes into Third
the divorce and the husband and the Master for Comedy Central’s roast of me know, though, that I’m definitely It doesn’t matter who he is standing World countries where it’s a very dif-
money. Dealing with growing up as an Joan Rivers. How did it feel to hold not banned. Typically, they don’t hire next to. What’s funny is I got a lot of ferent culture, so, you know.



Gorgeous 1,143 square foot 2 bedroom, 2 bath luxury condo located in EN
the heart of Courthouse just steps to Orange Line Metro, shops & restau-
rants. This fantastic floor plan offers a separate entry foyer and the
“coveted’ split bedroom configuration, remodeled chef’s kitchen w/
service bar, formal living room, separate dining room, in unit W/D,
garage parking & 5 star building amenities. Enjoy spectacular 14th floor
monument views from the covered balcony. WOW FACTOR X 10!
1301 Courthouse Road. #1410.


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2007 Volvo S-40 2008 VW Rabbit 2006 VW Jetta Pkg1

2.41 45k Miles, Auto, Sunroof, Alum. Wheels, Heated Seats, 4-DR 18K Miles 2.5L, Auto, Cloth, Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, 40k Miles, 2.5L, Auto, Sunroof, Alum. Wheels, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise,
Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Cruise, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player, Certified. Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player.
AM/FM/CD Player, Certified. #27122A Sale Price: $15,245 #9712P Sale Price: $13,995
#9732P Sale Price: $18,595 ……………………………………………
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
2006 Volvo S60 2.5T 2008 VW PASSAT LUX
33k Miles, Auto, Leather, Sunroof, Dual Power Seats, Heated
2008 Volvo C70 9k Miles, 2.0T, Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Sunroof, Power
Seats, Power Windows & Locks, Alum. Wheels, Keyless Entry, Tilt, Convertible Seats, Alum. Wheels, Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise,
Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player.
Cruise, AM/FM/CD Player, Certified 12k Miles, Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Power Seats, Park Sensors,
Satellite Radio, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Keyless Entry, Alum. Wheels, #26587A Sale Price: $20,995
#9742P Sale Price: $19,982
…………………………………………… AM/FM/CD Player, Factory Warranty. ……………………………………………
2008 Volvo XC70 AWD #9648P Sale Price: $30,995
11k Miles, 3.2L, Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Dual Power Seats, …………………………………………… 2007 VVW Jetta 2.5L
15k Miles, Auto, Leatherette, Sunroof, Power Seats,
Sunroof, Alum. Wheels, Park Sensors, Power Windows & Locks,
Tilt, Cruise, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player. 2002 VW Jetta Power Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Satellite Radio, Alum.
Wheels, Heated Seats, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player.
#9771P Sale Price: $30,995
…………………………………………… GLS Wagon #26585A Sale Price: $15,795
60K Miles 1.8T, Auto, Cloth, Power Windows & Locks, Tilt,
2008 Volvo S80 Cruise, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player, 1-Owner,
19k Miles, 3.2L, Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Dual Power Seats,
Sunroof, Climate Control, Alum. Wheels, Tilt, Cruise,
Maryland Safety Inspected.
#9786P Sale Price: $7,495
Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player, Certified.
#9699P Sale Price: $27,977
…………………………………………… CHOOSE FROM
…………………………………………… 2007 Volvo
2007 Volvo XC90 C70 Convertible 2009 Volvo S60 2.5T
23k Miles, 3.2L, Auto, 7-Pass., Leather, Dual Power Seats, 25k Miles, T5, Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Power Seats, Power Auto, Leather, Heated Seats, Power Seats, Alum. Wheels, Tilt, Cruise,
Sunroof, Heated Seats, Power Windows & Locks, Alum. Wheels, Windows & Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Alum. Wheels, Keyless Entry, Power Windows & Locks, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player and more.
Tilt, Cruise, Keyless Entry, AM/FM/CD Player. AM/FM/CD Player.
#9730P Sale Price: $28,995 #9685P Sale Price: $28,995 Starting at $24,295
24 • january 29, 2010


dcagendaclassifieds ALL GAY THEMES. G BOOKS. 1520 U St, NW. 202-
986-9697 4pm-10pm.
WOODBRIDGE - $600/mo + 1/3 utils Finished
basement with private bath in newly renovated
P.S. our lubes, DVDs & gear cheaper than online. townhome. No pets, non smoking, no drugs. Call
PROFESSIONAL BEAR RUBS BY DAVID, Dupont. experienced massage therapist. Convenient
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INDULGE YOURSELF WITH RELAXING, deep tis- non-profit rescue. 100% volunteer run. Donations wel- cleaning in DC & Northern VA. Over 12 years
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THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE relieve your body years serving the community. Mike Giordano, LICSW. SALE / MD Gay owned and operated. Call Matt for free
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COLLEGE PARK - $234,995
ITALIAN JOCK Give full body massage. Masculine, WALK TO METRO STATION! Rambler boasts
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MASSAGE BY "D" Dupont Certified and experi-

enced in Swedish, deep tissue, sport massage.
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your service 24/7. Escort/Model for Men &
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yrs., 5'8", 150 lbs., friendly, handsome, smooth,
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BEAR HUNTING Strong sensual paws for

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M2M SENSUAL MASSAGE, by Latino, 45, in-shape, EROTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE - healthy clean
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26 • january 29, 2010

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1533 Foxhall Road NW
This beautiful end-unit
town home provides an
ideal location and one of
the largest and nicest lots
in Foxhall Village. The
home is light-filled and
well-appointed. Gleaming
hardwood floors, mold- NEW LISTING
ings, built-ins, and an DUPONT • 1640 21st Street, NW #1
DUPONT updated kitchen. A bright $724,900
1607 S St NW breakfast nook, expansive Elegant 2 bedroom condo in Historic town home
$1,595,000 enclosed porch, separate- with approximately 1,300 square feet on two lev-
Grand Victorian Townhome with modern ameni- entrance finished base- els. Uniquely divided bathroom allowing private
ties. This beautiful home features 4 bedrooms, 2 ment, and garage make use for two with glass-enclosed & stone-tiled
bathrooms in the master unit as well as a 1 bed- this desirable home a shower, luxurious kitchen with high-in appli-
room, 1 bathroom in the separate suite below. must-see. Home warranty ances, open living & dining room features 12-foot
Includes 2 car parking space in included. ceilings fireplaces and gorgeous
the heart of Dupont Circle. built-ins. Pets welcomed and a
low condo fee of $150 month.


DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456 DAVID BEDIZ 202-352-8456

1453 Q Street, NW
Beautiful 4BR/3.5 bath
row home, renovated.
Gourmet kitchen with
stainless steel appliances,
island, decroative fire
place. Living room with
NEW LISTING built in bookshelves.
Chevy Chase Wood floors, bay win-
5410 Connecticut Ave NW #701 dows, eat-in kitchen and PRICE REDUCTION
$329,000 master suite on second $299,900
Truly Spacious 1BR/1BA Fabulous Renovation floor. Generously sized The Benjamin
offers Imperial Cherry hardwood floors, Dupont bedrooms. In-law suite on 2535 13th Street, NW #103
Quartz countertops, Beautiful slate kitchen floor, lower level generates Beautiful 1BR condo in fully renovated building
recessed lighting and lots of closet/storage space. $1500/mo. Spacious out- (2005) with gleaming cherry hardwood floors,
Located just blocks from Friendship Heights Metro, door deck. Nearby rental granite counters, SS appliances and ceramic bath.
shops at Mazza Gallerie and wonderful restaurants. parking available. Gas Fireplace, large closets, w/d in unit. Walk to U
Condo Fee Includes Parking and All St dining, Columbia Heights
Utilities except cable/internet. 24 shops. 4.5 blocks to Metro. Garage
Hour Security at front door. parking available.




Capitol Hill 1-3 PM SUNDAY
1139 3rd Street LOGAN CIRCLE
NE 910 M Street,
2br 1 bath NW #602
Located only a $399,000
block from red 1 Bed/1Ba
line metro and You'll love living
new coming at the sophisti-
Harris Teeter, cated "Whitman"
this well main- with its rooftop
tained Federal pool, 24/7 lobby
offers off street attendant, fit-
parking, new ness center &
carpet, and OPEN HOUSE 1-4 PM, SUNDAY
u p d a t e d party room. Unit JUST LISTED - DUPONT
kitchen and is cheerful and 1619 R Street, NW #501 $544,900
bath. This per- bright. Oak floors, Stunning, bright 2BR/2BA renovated corner-unit
fect starter washer/dryer. Kit features cherry cabs, stainless at The Roydon. Terrific floor plan. Open
home is move-in ready, and still has room for appliances, granite counters. Luxury bath with living/dining space. Hardwood floors. In-unit
added value with further soaking tub. Pet-friendly bldg. 1 car W/D. Extra Storage. Enjoy sunny
redesign. Offered @ $364,900 garage parking! exposures and lovely views. Pets
OK. Perfect Dupont location!


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