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Volume 42, Issue 16 - April 22, 2011

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the lgbtq community news source

local book
news review
A Bible lesson, tips on Delaware extends all Terry Miller and husband
Easter decorating and meet rights of marriage to Dan Savage turn their
a lesbian minister who’s same-sex couples via ‘It Gets Better’ campaign
performed 100+ gay weddings. new civil unions law. into moving, if profane, book.
PAGE 25 PAGE 4 PAGE 45 • vol. 42, issue 16 • april 22, 2011 • Still sharp after 40 years

Council candidates compete for LGBT vote

Washington Blade file photos

Sekou Biddle, Patrick Mara and Vincent Orange are seen as the frontrunners in next week’s special election to fill a vacant seat on D.C. City Council.

Wooing crowds at Town, With special elections known for yielding a low voter
turnout, LGBT voters could be the deciding force in the
waging active campaigns targeting the LGBT community.
In the Ward 8 race for a vacant seat on the city’s
Nellie’s and Ziegfeld’s as low election if they coalesce behind one candidate, accord- Board of Education, veteran gay Democratic and Ward
turnout expected next week ing to activists following the race.
Many of the city’s LGBT activists are supporting
8 civic activist Phil Pannell is leading a field of nine can-
didates in money raised and spent, according to a cam-
Democrat Sekou Biddle, a former Ward 4 school board paign finance report he filed on April 18, the last report
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. member who won an interim appointment to the at-large to be filed before the April 26 election. Council seat in January. Biddle has expressed strong Pannell has been an outspoken advocate for LGBT
support for LGBT rights. rights, including same-sex marriage, in a ward where
At least four of the nine candidates running in the But Democrat Vincent Orange, a former Ward 5 Coun- the majority black population is known to be more con-
April 26 special election for an at-large D.C. City Coun- cil member, and Republican Patrick Mara, a Ward 1 servative on social issues. The Ward 8 Council member,
cil seat are aggressively courting LGBT voters in a race school board member, have surprised some LGBT ac-
that political observers say is highly unpredictable. tivists by recruiting prominent LGBT supporters and by Continues on page 16

$520/hour to defend DOMA

Boehner hires pricey attorney in
fight to preserve marriage ban
our community, our stories
Next week, the Blade kicks off
the next chapter in our nearly 42-year The U.S. House has hired a private attorney
to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court
history as we debut a new logo, at a cost that could reach $500,000 and at a
redesigned print edition, new website blended rate of $520 an hour, according to a
copy of the contract obtained by the Washing-
and mobile apps. America’s leading gay ton Blade and other media outlets.
news source keeps you up to date The contract was executed by House gen- Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

eral counsel Kerry Kircher, whom U.S. House House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is asking the Obama
in print, online and on your phone. administration to help pay for costs associated with defending
Check out all the changes on April 29. Continues on page 18 DOMA in court.
2 • april 22, 2011

times barring them from questioning youth charged in would pay costs associated with the resolution. Com-
crimes. missioner Stan Mills, who initiated the raid, recused
In addition to Singletary and Naveed, others speak- himself, based on a suggestion from the state’s Pub-
ing at the town hall were Andrew Barnett, executive di- lic Integrity Commission. The commission found that
rector of the LGBT organization Sexual Minority Youth Mills, who owns property behind several gay establish-
Assistance League (SMYAL); Chris Farris, former ments, “is using public office to secure unwarranted
GLOV co-chair; and Wendy Pohlhaus, Executive As- privileges, private advantage or gain.”
sistant U.S. Attorney for External Affairs. For several months the commission discussed the
Pohlhaus said the U.S. Attorney’s office, which pros- issues related to late night noise from patios and at
ecutes criminal cases in D.C., must carefully decide their March meeting decided to allow establishments
which cases should be prosecuted as hate crimes to keep their patios open until 1 a.m. until at least the
based on the language in the city’s hate crimes statute. end of 2011.
“It’s sometimes hard for the community to under- PETER SCHOTT
stand that the government must prove that a crime was
committed because of hatred or prejudice” in order to
successfully prosecute a case as a hate crime, she
D.C. police move to block
Singletary said it was significant that much of the top testimony in Wone civil trial
brass of the police department attended the town hall
meeting, including Deputy Chief Diane Groomes and The ongoing criminal investigation into the 2006
the heads of the police units that oversee the GLLU. murder of attorney Robert Wone inside the Dupont
LOU CHIBBARO JR. Circle area home of three gay men could be harmed if
attorneys for the men are allowed to force homicide de-
tectives to testify for the defense at an upcoming civil
Free State Legal Project trial on the Wone case.
That was the argument made by Assistant D.C. At-
to open in Maryland torney General Patricia Bonkor on Tuesday on behalf of
police officials at a D.C. Superior Court status hearing
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
The Free State Legal Project, a pro bono and re- in the $20 million wrongful death lawsuit that Wone’s
duced-fee legal service for low-income LGBT people, wife, Kathy Wone, has brought against the gay men.
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier and officials with the United
States Attorney’s Office vowed to redouble their efforts after
will open May 23 in Maryland, according to an an- Joseph Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward were
a sharp increase in anti-LGBT hate crimes in the city. nouncement from the group. found not guilty in a criminal trial in 2009, in which they
The organization has hired its first full-time execu- faced charges of obstruction of justice, conspiracy to
tive director, Lee Ann Hopkins, a longtime LGBT ad- obstruct justice and evidence tampering in connection
Police, prosecutors pledge vocate. The group estimates there are about 25,000 with Wone’s murder. Authorities did not charge the men
fight against hate crimes low-income LGBT people in need of its services in the
Baltimore Metropolitan Area.
or anyone else with the murder, and D.C. police say
they are continuing their investigation.
Initially, Free State will accept cases limited to hous- Many court observers believe police and prosecu-
D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier and officials with the ing discrimination, landlord and tenant concerns, di- tors hope to charge one or all of the three gay defen-
United States Attorney’s Office and the Office of the vorce and dissolution, employment discrimination, dants with the murder if new evidence surfaces in their
D.C. Attorney General called for improvements in the name changes and sex change corrections for birth investigation. With that specter hanging over their
city’s juvenile justice system as a means of address- certificates and other forms of identification and, finally, heads, the three defendants have invoked their Fifth
ing a sharp increase in hate crimes targeting the LGBT basic estate planning, which will include wills, power of Amendment right to refuse to testify in the civil case on
community. attorney documents and advance directives, the group grounds that such testimony could violate their consti-
Lanier and the other officials answered questions said. tutional protection against self-incrimination.
and pledged to redouble efforts to combat anti-LGBT Client intake hours will be by phone from 9 a.m. to 1 In Tuesday’s status hearing, Donkor said attorneys
hate crimes at an April 14 Town Hall meeting spon- p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, and from 5 p.m. to 7 representing the men filed a subpoena calling for the
sored jointly by the D.C. group Gays and Lesbians p.m. on Wednesdays. The phone number is 410-625- court to force at least four homicide detectives to tes-
Opposing Violence, the Mayor’s Office of GLBT Affairs, 5428. Information can be found online at freestatele- tify, first through pre-trial depositions and possibly at
the Office of the D.C. Attorney General and the D.C. the trial itself, without specifying what questions they
Police Department’s Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit. Area residents who are members of the bar and plan to ask the detectives.
GLOV Chair A.J. Singletary opened the meeting, would like to be placed on the pro bono and reduced- She told Judge Michael Rankin, who is currently
held at the city’s Reeves Center municipal building at fee volunteer panels are asked to contact Lee Ann presiding over the civil case, that disclosure of any in-
14th and U Streets, N.W., by reviewing recent D.C. po- Hopkins, at or 410-625- formation that had not be disclosed in the criminal trial
lice crime statistics showing that hate crimes in the city 5428. would be highly damaging to the ongoing police probe
targeting LGBT people increased by 40 percent over STAFF REPORTS into Wone’s murder.
the past year. Benjamin Razi, the lead attorney representing Kathy
“This troubling increase in hate crimes against the Wone in the civil case, told Rankin his client isn’t taking
LGBT community must be stopped,” he said. “GLOV
is committed to ensuring the District government is do-
Arrest of gay bar owners sides in the dispute over the police testimony, saying,
“We don’t have a dog in this fight.”
ing all that it should to protect our community, and we prompts action in Rehoboth But Razi reiterated his longstanding concern that
must ensure that the community is doing what it can to the defendants’ refusal to testify or submit to deposi-
protect itself.” In a continuing effort to correct what Commissioner tions on all questions posed by the plaintiff oversteps
Singletary and GLOV Vice Chair Hassan Naveed Dennis Barbour called a “sting” and an “unjust action,” the bounds of the Fifth Amendment protection against
told of GLOV’s programs aimed at educating LGBT the Rehoboth Board of Commissioners voted on Apr. self-incrimination and amounted to an obstruction of
people on steps they can take to avoid being targeted 14 to begin the process of expunging the criminal re- Mrs. Wone’s ability to shed light on what happened on
for a hate crime and how best to respond when threat- cords of those business owners who were arrested in the night her husband was found stabbed to death in
ened with anti-LGBT violence. Details of the group’s September for violating the city’s little-used noise ordi- the guest bedroom at the defendants’ townhouse on
anti-violence programs can be accessed at glovdc. nance. Swann Street, N.W.
org. Owners of two of the most popular gay establish- Rankin cut Razi off, saying those issues would be
Lanier and Robert Hildum, deputy D.C. Attorney ments in Rehoboth, John Berdini of Cloud Nine and Bill decided later. He directed defense attorneys to coop-
General for public safety, said a large number of hate Shields of Aqua were arrested in the raid. Even though erate with Donkor and D.C. police officials in seeking
crimes targeting the LGBT community are committed the city did not pursue the cases, the owners now have to reach an agreement over what the detectives would
by juveniles, who, upon arrest, must be processed arrest records, which can prevent them from pursuing be asked if he eventually allows the defense to ques-
through a juvenile justice system they described as other business interests or licenses. tion them in depositions or at the trial. He scheduled a
flawed. The strict privacy rules required under D.C.’s The Board of Commissioners voted 6-0 to assist any follow-up hearing on the matter for May 5.
juvenile justice laws often prevent D.C. police from of the arrested parties who sought to expunge their The Wone civil trial is scheduled to begin Oct. 7.
properly investigating crimes of violence by some- criminal records if asked. They also indicated they LOU CHIBBARO JR.
april 22, 2011 • 3

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4 • april 22, 2011


Bracing for possible Hill attack on D.C. marriage

Riders on abortion, the horse,” he said. “The appropriations
bill for D.C. for next year hasn’t even
years before that rider was lifted in 2001.
“I have not heard specific news on the
publicans don’t favor a messy fight over
D.C.’s gay marriage law.
vouchers renew fears been introduced at this point. When we anti-marriage front beyond what has been “To some conservatives, this would
over GOP intervention actually have a bill moving, then that’s
something we can talk about. But at this
reported, but prudence requires us to as-
sume that the anti-gay fanatics will come
be anti-states’ rights, and they would
not support it,” Cooper said. “This whole
point it would be premature to speculate after us,” said Rick Rosendall, vice presi- thing is limited so far to a handful of
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. as to what may or may not be in that bill.” dent of the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alli- House members,” Cooper said, in dis- In response to questions from the media, ance, a non-partisan political group. cussing supporters of overturning D.C.’s
Obama has stated in the past that he believes Rosendall said GLAA plans to work marriage law.
An agreement by President Obama and marriage-related issues should be addressed with its LGBT and straight allies to lobby Among them is Rep. Jim Jordan (D-
Senate Democratic leaders to Republican by the states. But he has not weighed in on against efforts by Congress to interfere Ohio), who announced in January that he
demands for imposing two D.C.-related same-sex marriage proposals that have sur- in D.C. affairs on a wide variety of issues, and other conservative GOP House mem-
riders on a federal budget bill has renewed faced in specific states or in D.C. including marriage. bers “definitely” planned to introduce leg-
fears among LGBT activists that the city’s Congressional Del. Eleanor Homes Peter Rosenstein, president of the Cam- islation to overturn the D.C. marriage law.
same-sex marriage law could be the next Norton (D-D.C.) told the Gertrude Stein paign for All D.C. Families, another non- “The Republican leadership has
target of Republicans in Congress. Democratic Club last week that she fears partisan group that coordinated efforts made it clear that social issues are not a
The president and Senate Minority the Tea Party faction of the Republican to secure passage of the city’s same-sex high priority,” said Cooper.
Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said they re- Party in the House has become embold- marriage law, said the group is preparing But he acknowledges that GOP lead-
luctantly agreed to demands from conser- ened and will likely push more social rid- for possible attempts by members of Con- ers, including Speaker of the House John
vative members of the House to budget ers on the 2012 D.C. appropriations bill. gress to either overturn the law or force the Boehner (R-Ohio) are coming under
amendments barring the city from fund- Some congressional insiders are city to hold a voter initiative on the issue. great pressure from the social conserva-
ing abortions for low-income women and speculating that same-sex marriage op- Rosenstein said officials with the tive faction of the party to take up social
imposing a school voucher program that ponents on the Hill may attempt to attach group have met with congressional staff- issues, including the marriage issue.
city officials oppose as a condition for a rider calling for repeal of the D.C. mar- ers, including the staff of Reid and Sen. Fred Sainz, spokesperson for the Hu-
averting a federal government shutdown. riage law to legislation next month need- Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). He said Cam- man Rights Campaign, said HRC could not
“The president continues to oppose ed to raise the federal debt ceiling. Such paign for All D.C. Families has retained obtain “solid intelligence” to confirm any at-
riders in this bill that undermine the Dis- legislation is deemed crucial by most the pro bono services of the LGBT sup- tempt to link repeal of D.C.’s marriage law to
trict’s ability for home rule,” said White lawmakers and the White House. portive lobbying firm Raben Group to the debt ceiling bill. But he said the group
House spokesperson Shin Inouye in a Traditionally, federal debt ceiling bills help lobby against congressional efforts is “definitely concerned” that Republicans
statement released last week. “However, have not been used as a vehicle for so- to kill the marriage law. will attempt to add marriage-related riders
as he has said repeatedly, the ability to cial riders, but some Hill observers have He said the campaign also continues to D.C.’s FY 2012 appropriations bill.
reach an agreement to keep the govern- speculated that conservative GOP law- to use the pro bono services of the prom- “HRC opposes any attempt to use
ment open meant that all parties had to makers may make an exception to that inent D.C. law firm Covington and Burling LGBT citizens of the District as pawns to
make some compromises,” Inouye said. practice this year. to help it contend with a possible voter make a political statement,” Sainz said.
Asked this week if the president would Congress must approve D.C.’s bud- initiative on the marriage question. “As we have done in the past, we would
oppose future attempts by gay rights get bill each year, even though nearly R. Clarke Cooper, executive director work with House and Senate allies, in-
opponents in Congress to repeal D.C.’s all of the money for the city’s budget is of the Log Cabin Republicans, said his cluding Delegate Norton, to develop the
same-sex marriage law through amend- generated by the city through local tax group has already begun urging mod- best strategy to successfully block such
ments to legislation deemed important to dollars. Over the past 20 years, Republi- erate and conservative Republicans in riders,” he said.
the White House, including D.C.’s fiscal cans and some conservative Democrats Congress to oppose any effort to repeal “The Tea Party fanatics in Congress
year 2012 budget bill, Inouye told the have pushed through numerous riders D.C.’s same-sex marriage law. smell blood and will be pushing a lot of
Blade it’s too soon for the White House to on the D.C. budget bill, including one Cooper said he has learned from con- social riders on D.C.’s 2012 appropria-
comment on such a possibility. that barred the city from implementing versations with congressional GOP staff- tions bill if we do not fight back,” said
“I think you’re bringing the cart before its domestic partners law for nearly nine ers as well as members that most Re- GLAA’s Rosendall.

Delaware approves civil unions bill

Extends marriage rights ship on this bill, and Equality Delaware
for their tireless dedication.”
the House would have required the bill to
go back to the Senate, which approved it
Bill Clinton signed in 1996, bars same-
sex couples from receiving federal mar-
to same-sex couples; Markell did not announce when he without amendment. riage-related rights or benefits.
guv to sign planned to sign the bill but released a
statement reiterating his strong support
“The hurdles in the way of victory, if
any, are the amendments,” said Mitch
Lisa Goodman, president of the board
of Equality Delaware, a state LGBT group
for the measure. Crane, president of the Barbara Git- coordinating lobbying efforts for the bill,
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. “When it came to this legislation, it was tings Delaware Stonewall Democrats, an said the group and other LGBT organi- clear that it was about rights, it was about LGBT advocacy group. zations and advocates determined they
opportunity and it was about time,” he The bill creates “the recognized legal didn’t have the political support in the
The Delaware House of Representa- said. “I congratulate everyone who worked relationship of civil unions” for same-sex state to pass a same-sex marriage bill.
tives gave final approval late last week to so hard to make these rights real and look couples and provides them with “all of Goodman, an attorney in private prac-
a civil unions bill that will provide same- forward to signing this bill into law.” the same rights, benefits, protections tice, said the civil unions law would pro-
sex couples with all of the rights and The bill, SB 30, cleared a key hurdle and responsibilities as married persons vide same-sex couples and their fami-
benefits of marriage under state law. when the House Administration Commit- under Delaware law.” lies, including children, with crucial legal
The House voted 26-15 in favor of the tee voted 4-1 to approve it and send it to The bill states that it is not the intention protections that they don’t currently have.
measure. The Delaware Senate voted the House floor, with House Republican of the legislature “to revise the definition The vote by the House committee to
13-6 to approve the bill on April 7, and leader Gregory Lavelle voting for it. or eligibility requirements of marriage approve the bill on Wednesday followed
the state’s governor, Democrat Jack A. A House debate and vote on the bill under Delaware law or to require any a public hearing the same day that
Markell, has said he plans to sign it followed a discussion and separate votes religious institution to perform solemniza- lasted nearly three hours and included
“Today, we celebrate a victory for all on multiple amendments that opponents tions of civil unions.” testimony from the bill’s supporters and
Delaware families who will have the tools introduced. One of the amendments an- Similar to civil unions bills approved opponents. Among those testifying were
to protect themselves in good times and nounced earlier in the day called for put- in other states, the Delaware bill would representatives of churches and religious
in bad,” said HRC President Joe Solmo- ting the bill on hold until voters decide not provide same-sex couples with any organizations on both sides of the issue.
nese. “We look forward to Gov. Markell whether to approve or reject it in a refer- federal rights or benefits associated with “Opposing testimony was as hateful, in
signing this bill into law and thank Sen. endum. The amendments failed. marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act, many cases, as we have seen,” accord-
Sokola and Rep. George for their leader- Approval of any of the amendments in which Congress passed and President ing to Crane of the Stonewall Democrats.
april 22, 2011 • 5
6 • april 22, 2011
april 22, 2011 • 7

Cuomo to help with
marriage campaign
NEW YORK — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has pledged support for a
same-sex marriage bill in his state that gay activists hope will help overcome
Republican resistance, the New York Times reported this week.
Under the supervision of the governor’s staff, the groups intend to raise
more than $1 million for a media blitz, hire a powerful political consultant
close to the Cuomo administration and deploy field organizers to the districts
of more than a dozen key lawmakers to drum up support, the Times reported
Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
citing interviews with those involved in the effort.
Shirley Tan (right) and Jay Mercado (left) with their two children and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (center) In contrast to their failed drive for a marriage bill two years ago, the advo-
cates envision a short, disciplined and intense run-up to a vote in the legis-

Another shot for

lature, raising the prospect that gay couples may be allowed to wed in New
York by early summer. The hope to avoid the mistakes and miscommunica-
tions of 2009, when those lobbying for same-sex marriage sent conflicting
messages, misjudged the opposition and won far fewer votes than they had

UAFA in Congress
predicted, the Times story said.
After passing in the Assembly, the bill was defeated in the Senate, 38 to
24. Four gay rights groups — Empire State Pride Agenda, HRC, Freedom to
Marry and Marriage Equality will form a single organization called New York-
A call for ‘equality in our Under current immigration code, straight
Americans can sponsor their spouses for
ers United for Marriage. Two Democratic senators who voted against the bill
in 2009 have since departed, replaced by supporters of the bill. Advocates
immigration laws’ residency in the United States through now need to attract six more senators to ensure its passage. So far, they are
the green card application process if their focusing on about 15 lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, whose votes
By CHRIS JOHNSON spouses are foreign nationals. The same could prove pivotal, the New York Times said. rights aren’t available to gay Americans be-

Lawmakers last week initiated a two-

cause they cannot marry in many places in
the United States. Even where gay nuptials
Marriage foes intervene in
pronged approach to stop the separation of are recognized, Americans can’t sponsor Prop 8 trial controversy
bi-national same-sex couples in the United their same-sex spouses for citizenship be-
States by introducing legislation and send- cause the Defense of Marriage Act prohibits SAN FRANCISCO — The federal judge who presided over the Proposition
ing a letter to the Obama administration urg- federal recognition of marriage equality. 8 trial is under fire from Christian conservatives for showing a three-minute
ing executive action. Consequently, foreign nationals who are in videotape of the trial on the lecture circuit, the Los Angeles Times reported
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) reintroduced committed relationships with gay Americans this week.
in the House the Uniting American Families may have to leave the country upon expiration The sponsors of the 2008 ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage
Act, which would enable gay Americans to of their temporary visas or face deportation. have asked a federal appeals court to order retired Judge Vaughn Walker,
sponsor their foreign partners for residency “It’s not only the partners in committed who ruled against Proposition 8, to return the videotape so it can be put
in the United States, while Sen. Patrick Lea- relationships that suffer, it’s their children, under lock and key. The Associated Press reported that several media or-
hy (D-Vt.) reintroduced companion legisla- their extended families,” Nadler said. “Their ganizations are joining lawyers for two gay couples in urging a federal ap-
tion in the Senate. communities and employers are all hurt peals court to release the tapes. The 13 organizations, which include the AP,
Meanwhile, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), when families are broken up.” argued in a motion filed Monday with the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals that the
ranking Democrat of the House Judiciary Shirley Tan, a Philippines native and lesbian videos are court records and the First Amendment requires them to be open
subcommittee on immigration, sent a letter Pacifica, Calif., resident, put a face to the need to the public.
to the Justice Department and the Depart- for passing UAFA during the news conference Lawyers for ProtectMarriage, the Proposition 8 campaign, have told the
ment of Homeland Security — along with when she recounted her arrest in January 2009 9th Circuit that Walker’s use of the video recording “defied” the U.S. Supreme
47 other U.S. House members — urging by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement of- Court, violated his own court order sealing the video, flouted various court
administration officials to stop the depor- ficers. She was threatened with deportation, policies and amounted to judicial misconduct, the Times reported.
tations of foreigners in legally recognized which would have separated her from her part- Walker, who presided over the 12-day trial in San Francisco last year, ini-
same-sex marriages in the United States. ner of nearly 25 years, Jay Mercado, and their tially planned to videotape the proceedings for public viewing. But Protect-
During a news conference Thursday, two children, Jashley and Joriene. Marriage objected and took its case to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled
Nadler touted his newly reintroduced legisla- “When I think of UAFA, I am reminded 5-4 along ideological grounds against cameras in the courtroom. The high
tion, which has been languishing in Congress of what that ICE officer told me when I court’s conservatives said the Proposition 8 trial was unsuitable for broadcast
in various versions for more than a decade, as was picked up — that if Jay is a man, this because witnesses might be intimidated or suffer retaliation. Walker relented
a means to “remove a wantonly discriminatory wouldn’t have happened,” Tan said. “Same- but permitted videotaping for the court’s use and for viewing by an overflow
policy” in U.S. immigration code. sex couples should be given the right to crowd in another courtroom.
“Today, thousands of committed same- petition for their partners. It is just plain dis-
sex couples are needlessly suffering be-
cause of unequal treatment under our immi-
crimination that until now, this great country
cannot have equality among their citizens.”
Gay students warned to
gration laws, and this is an outrage,” Nadler Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has since ‘act straight’ after attack
said. “The Constitution guarantees that no introduced private legislation to keep Tan
class of people will be singled out for differ- and Mercado together in the United States ROCK HILL, S.C. — The attack of a gay teenager by a group of men at
ential and invidious treatment — and LGBT with their children temporarily, and is ex- a Rock Hill, S.C., gas station has some Winthrop University leaders warn-
Americans should not, and must not, be ex- pected to do so again during the 112th Con- ing gay students to “act straight,” according to a report from WBTV, a news
cluded from that guarantee.” gress. The bill must be reintroduced every agency in the region.
In a statement, Leahy said UAFA is nec- two years. If not, or if Feinstein leaves the The warning comes after 19-year-old Joshua Esskew was beaten by a
essary because a key tenet of U.S. immi- Senate, Tan would again face deportation. group of at least eight men at the Spot Convenience Store on 990 South
gration policy is maintaining “family unity” UAFA includes provisions that would im- Cherry Road on April 9. Esskew believes the attack happened because he is
— even for LGBT people — whom he said pose penalties on those who would seek to gay. The attack has sparked an investigation by the FBI and the York County
are often forced to choose between the exploit the opportunities provided under the Sheriff’s Office, who are hoping to identify the men who attacked Esskew.
country they love and the person they love. legislation should it become law. Any per- Images of the attack, which was caught on surveillance video, have been
“I hear from Vermont couples who face son found to have entered into a fraudulent, released to the public, in hopes of identifying the men, WBTV said. Esskew
this difficult decision every year,” Leahy permanent partnership for the purposes of said he was walking to the gas station when someone yelled a derogatory
said. “No American should face such a obtaining a visa for another individual could anti-gay comment at him. Words were exchanged and when he turned back
choice. I hope that my colleagues who sup- be subject to five-year imprisonment or a around, someone hit him in the head with a 40-ounce malt liquor bottle. He
ported this important civil rights reform will $250,000 fine, or both. UAFA also requires was then beaten by at least eight men for nearly 15 seconds, being kicked
join me in calling for fairness and equality in bi-national couples to provide proof that they and punched by the group.
our immigration laws.” are partners as defined in the legislation.
• april 5:13
22, PM
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ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 and has not been shown to prevent • Have ever had mental illness or use drugs or alcohol.
passing HIV-1 to others. The long-term effects of ATRIPLA are not known Contact your healthcare provider right away if you experience any
at this time. People taking ATRIPLA may still get infections that develop of the following serious or common side effects:
because the immune system is weak or other conditions that happen with
HIV-1 infection. Serious side effects associated with ATRIPLA:
Do not stop taking ATRIPLA unless directed by your healthcare • Severe depression, strange thoughts, or angry behavior have been
provider. See your healthcare provider regularly. reported by a small number of patients. Some patients have had thoughts
of suicide, and a few have actually committed suicide. These problems
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION may occur more often in patients who have had mental illness.
Contact your healthcare provider right away if you get the following Kidney problems (including decline or failure of kidney function).

side effects or conditions associated with ATRIPLA: If you have had kidney problems, or take other medicines that may
• Nausea, vomiting, unusual muscle pain, and/or weakness. These cause kidney problems, your healthcare provider should do regular
may be signs of a buildup of acid in the blood (lactic acidosis), blood tests. Symptoms that may be related to kidney problems include
which is a serious medical condition. a high volume of urine, thirst, muscle pain, and muscle weakness.
• Light-colored stools, dark-colored urine, and/or if your skin or the • Other serious liver problems. Some patients have experienced
whites of your eyes turn yellow. These may be signs of serious serious liver problems, including liver failure resulting in transplantation
liver problems. or death. Most of these serious side effects occurred in patients with a
• If you have HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), your liver disease chronic liver disease such as hepatitis infection, but there have also
may suddenly get worse if you stop taking ATRIPLA. been a few reports in patients without any existing liver disease.
Do not take ATRIPLA if you are taking the following medicines • Bone changes. Lab tests show changes in the bones of patients treated
because serious and life-threatening side effects may occur when with tenofovir DF, a component of ATRIPLA. Some HIV patients treated
taken together: Vascor® (bepridil), Propulsid® (cisapride), with tenofovir DF developed thinning of the bones (osteopenia), which
® ® ®
Versed (midazolam), Orap (pimozide), Halcion (triazolam), could lead to fractures. Also, bone pain and softening of the bone
or ergot medications (for example, Wigraine® and Cafergot®). (which may lead to fractures) may occur as a consequence of kidney
problems. If you have had bone problems in the past, your healthcare
In addition, ATRIPLA should not be taken with: provider may want to check your bones.
Combivir (lamivudine/zidovudine), EMTRIVA (emtricitabine), Epivir
® ® ®

or Epivir-HBV® (lamivudine), Epzicom® (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine), Common side effects:

SUSTIVA® (efavirenz), Trizivir® (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine), • Dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, trouble
TRUVADA® (emtricitabine/tenofovir DF), or VIREAD® (tenofovir DF), concentrating, and/or unusual dreams. These side effects tend to
because they contain the same or similar active ingredients as ATRIPLA. go away after taking ATRIPLA for a few weeks. These symptoms may
ATRIPLA should not be used with HEPSERA® (adefovir dipivoxil). be more severe with the use of alcohol and/or mood-altering (street)
Vfend® (voriconazole) or REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate) with or without drugs. If you are dizzy, have trouble concentrating, and/or are drowsy,
Norvir® (ritonavir) should not be taken with ATRIPLA since they may avoid activities that may be dangerous, such as driving or operating
lose their effect and may also increase the chance of having side effects machinery.
from ATRIPLA. Fortovase® or Invirase® (saquinavir) should not be used • Rash is a common side effect that usually goes away without any
as the only protease inhibitor in combination with ATRIPLA. change in treatment, but may be serious in a small number of patients.
Taking ATRIPLA with St. John’s wort or products containing St. John’s wort • Other common side effects include: tiredness, upset stomach, vomiting,
is not recommended as it may cause decreased levels of ATRIPLA, gas, and diarrhea.
increased viral load, and possible resistance to ATRIPLA or
cross-resistance to other anti-HIV drugs. Other possible side effects:
This list of medicines is not complete. Discuss with your healthcare • Changes in body fat have been seen in some people taking anti-HIV-1
provider all prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, medicines. The cause and long-term health effects are not known.
or herbal supplements you are taking or plan to take. • Skin discoloration (small spots or freckles) may also happen.
Tell your healthcare provider if you: • If you notice any symptoms of infection, contact your healthcare
• Are pregnant: Women should not become pregnant while taking provider right away.
ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks after stopping ATRIPLA. Serious birth defects • Additional side effects are inflammation of the pancreas, allergic
have been seen in children of women treated during pregnancy with reaction (including swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat),
one of the medicines in ATRIPLA. Women must use a reliable form of shortness of breath, pain, stomach pain, weakness, and indigestion.
barrier contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm, even if they also
You should take ATRIPLA once daily on an empty stomach. Taking
use other methods of birth control, while on ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks
ATRIPLA at bedtime may make some side effects less bothersome.
after stopping ATRIPLA.
• Are breastfeeding: Women with HIV should not breastfeed ATRIPLA is one of several treatment options your doctor may consider.
because they can pass HIV through their milk to the baby. Also,
ATRIPLA may pass through breast milk and cause serious harm You are encouraged to report negative side effects
to the baby. of prescription drugs to the FDA.
• Have liver problems, including hepatitis B or C virus infection. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

Please see Patient Information on the following pages.

© 2010 Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. All rights reserved. ATRIPLA is a
trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. EMTRIVA, VIREAD, and
TRUVADA are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc. SUSTIVA and REYATAZ are registered
trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb. All other trademarks are owned by third parties.

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Job number: 697US09AB07051 Trim size 9.75" x 10.5 No BLEED

april 22, 2011 • 9

“My entire HIV regimen

in one pill daily.
For me, that’s great.”
Phil li p
on ATRIPLA for 2 years

ATRIPLA is the #1 prescribed HIV regimen.*

•Only ATRIPLA combines 3 HIV medications in 1 pill daily.

• Proven to lower viral load to undetectable in approximately
7 out of 10 patients new to therapy, and also raise T-cell‡ (CD4+)
count to help control HIV through 3 years of a clinical study.§
•ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 and has not been shown to prevent
passing HIV-1 to others.

Selected Important Safety Information:

Some people who have taken medicine like ATRIPLA have developed
the following: a serious condition of acid buildup in the blood (lactic
acidosis), and serious liver problems (hepatotoxicity). For patients
with both HIV-1 and hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis may suddenly
worsen if ATRIPLA is discontinued.
Please see detailed and additional Important Safety Information,
including the bolded information to the left.

Defined as a viral load of less than 400 copies/mL.

Average increase of 312 cells/mm3.
In this study, 227 patients took the meds in ATRIPLA.

Patient model. Individual results may vary.

Your doctor may prescribe ATRIPLA alone

or with other HIV medications.
Talk to your doctor to see if ATRIPLA is right for you.

To learn more, visit

* Synovate Healthcare Data; US HIV Monitor, Q1 2010.

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Page 3

FDA-Approved Patient Labeling ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)

Patient Information
• Do not have any kind of sex without protection. Always practice safer sex by using a latex
ATRIPLA® (uh TRIP luh) Tablets or polyurethane condom or other barrier to reduce the chance of sexual contact with semen,
ALERT: Find out about medicines that should NOT be taken with ATRIPLA. vaginal secretions, or blood.
Please also read the section “MEDICINES YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE WITH ATRIPLA.” Who should not take ATRIPLA?
Generic name: efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (eh FAH vih renz, em tri SIT Together with your healthcare provider, you need to decide whether ATRIPLA is right for you.
uh bean and te NOE’ fo veer dye soe PROX il FYOU mar ate) Do not take ATRIPLA if you are allergic to ATRIPLA or any of its ingredients. The active ingredients
Read the Patient Information that comes with ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil of ATRIPLA are efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir DF. See the end of this leaflet for a complete
fumarate) before you start taking it and each time you get a refill since there may be new list of ingredients.
information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking ATRIPLA? Tell your healthcare
your medical condition or treatment. You should stay under a healthcare provider’s care when taking provider if you:
ATRIPLA. Do not change or stop your medicine without first talking with your healthcare • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant (see “What should I avoid while taking
provider. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any questions about ATRIPLA. ATRIPLA?”).
What is the most important information I should know about ATRIPLA? • Are breast-feeding (see “What should I avoid while taking ATRIPLA?”).
• Some people who have taken medicine like ATRIPLA (which contains nucleoside • Have kidney problems or are undergoing kidney dialysis treatment.
analogs) have developed a serious condition called lactic acidosis (buildup of an acid • Have bone problems.
in the blood). Lactic acidosis can be a medical emergency and may need to be treated in the
hospital. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get the following signs or • Have liver problems, including hepatitis B virus infection. Your healthcare provider may
symptoms of lactic acidosis: want to do tests to check your liver while you take ATRIPLA.
• You feel very weak or tired. • Have ever had mental illness or are using drugs or alcohol.
• You have unusual (not normal) muscle pain. • Have ever had seizures or are taking medicine for seizures.
• You have trouble breathing. What important information should I know about taking other medicines with ATRIPLA?
• You have stomach pain with nausea and vomiting. ATRIPLA may change the effect of other medicines, including the ones for HIV-1, and may
cause serious side effects. Your healthcare provider may change your other medicines or change
• You feel cold, especially in your arms and legs. their doses. Other medicines, including herbal products, may affect ATRIPLA. For this reason, it is
• You feel dizzy or lightheaded. very important to let all your healthcare providers and pharmacists know what medications, herbal
• You have a fast or irregular heartbeat. supplements, or vitamins you are taking.
• Some people who have taken medicines like ATRIPLA have developed serious liver MEDICINES YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE WITH ATRIPLA
problems called hepatotoxicity, with liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and fat in the liver • The following medicines may cause serious and life-threatening side effects when taken
(steatosis). Call your healthcare provider right away if you get the following signs or with ATRIPLA. You should not take any of these medicines while taking ATRIPLA: Vascor
symptoms of liver problems: (bepridil), Propulsid (cisapride), Versed (midazolam), Orap (pimozide), Halcion (triazolam),
• Your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice). ergot medications (for example, Wigraine and Cafergot).
• Your urine turns dark. • ATRIPLA also should not be used with Combivir (lamivudine/zidovudine), EMTRIVA, Epivir,
• Your bowel movements (stools) turn light in color. Epivir-HBV (lamivudine), Epzicom (abacavir sulfate/lamivudine), Trizivir (abacavir
• You don’t feel like eating food for several days or longer. sulfate/lamivudine/zidovudine), SUSTIVA, TRUVADA, or VIREAD.
• You feel sick to your stomach (nausea). • Vfend (voriconazole) should not be taken with ATRIPLA since it may lose its effect or may
• You have lower stomach area (abdominal) pain. increase the chance of having side effects from ATRIPLA.
• You may be more likely to get lactic acidosis or liver problems if you are female, very • Do not take St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), or products containing St. John’s
overweight (obese), or have been taking nucleoside analog-containing medicines, like wort with ATRIPLA. St. John’s wort is an herbal product sold as a dietary supplement. Talk
ATRIPLA, for a long time. with your healthcare provider if you are taking or are planning to take St. John’s wort. Taking
• If you also have hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and you stop taking ATRIPLA, you St. John’s wort may decrease ATRIPLA levels and lead to increased viral load and possible
may get a “flare-up” of your hepatitis. A “flare-up” is when the disease suddenly resistance to ATRIPLA or cross-resistance to other anti-HIV-1 drugs.
returns in a worse way than before. Patients with HBV who stop taking ATRIPLA need close • ATRIPLA should not be used with HEPSERA® (adefovir dipivoxil).
medical follow-up for several months, including medical exams and blood tests to check for It is also important to tell your healthcare provider if you are taking any of the following:
hepatitis that could be getting worse. ATRIPLA is not approved for the treatment of HBV, so • Fortovase, Invirase (saquinavir), Biaxin (clarithromycin), Noxafil (posaconazole), or
you must discuss your HBV therapy with your healthcare provider. Sporanox (itraconazole); these medicines may need to be replaced with another
What is ATRIPLA? medicine when taken with ATRIPLA.
ATRIPLA contains 3 medicines, SUSTIVA® (efavirenz), EMTRIVA® (emtricitabine) and VIREAD® • Calcium channel blockers such as Cardizem or Tiazac (diltiazem), Covera HS or Isoptin
(tenofovir disoproxil fumarate also called tenofovir DF) combined in one pill. EMTRIVA and VIREAD (verapamil) and others; Crixivan (indinavir), Selzentry (maraviroc); the immunosuppressant
are HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus) nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors medicines cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune, and others), Prograf (tacrolimus), or
(NRTIs) and SUSTIVA is an HIV-1 non-nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). Rapamune (sirolimus); Methadone; Mycobutin (rifabutin); Rifampin; cholesterol-lowering
VIREAD and EMTRIVA are the components of TRUVADA®. ATRIPLA can be used alone as a complete medicines such as Lipitor (atorvastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin sodium), and Zocor
regimen, or in combination with other anti-HIV-1 medicines to treat people with HIV-1 infection. (simvastatin); or Zoloft (sertraline); these medicines may need to have their dose
ATRIPLA is for adults age 18 and over. ATRIPLA has not been studied in children under age 18 or changed when taken with ATRIPLA.
adults over age 65. • Videx, Videx EC (didanosine); tenofovir DF (a component of ATRIPLA) may increase the
HIV infection destroys CD4+ T cells, which are important to the immune system. The immune system amount of didanosine in your blood, which could result in more side effects. You may need
helps fight infection. After a large number of T cells are destroyed, acquired immune deficiency to be monitored more carefully if you are taking ATRIPLA and didanosine together. Also, the
syndrome (AIDS) develops. dose of didanosine may need to be changed.
ATRIPLA helps block HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, a viral chemical in your body (enzyme) that is • Reyataz (atazanavir sulfate) or Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir); these medicines may increase the
needed for HIV-1 to multiply. ATRIPLA lowers the amount of HIV-1 in the blood (viral load). ATRIPLA amount of tenofovir DF (a component of ATRIPLA) in your blood, which could result in more
may also help to increase the number of T cells (CD4+ cells), allowing your immune system to side effects. Reyataz is not recommended with ATRIPLA. You may need to be monitored
improve. Lowering the amount of HIV-1 in the blood lowers the chance of death or infections that more carefully if you are taking ATRIPLA and Kaletra together. Also, the dose of Kaletra may
happen when your immune system is weak (opportunistic infections). need to be changed.
Does ATRIPLA cure HIV-1 or AIDS? • Medicine for seizures [for example, Dilantin (phenytoin), Tegretol (carbamazepine), or
ATRIPLA does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. The long-term effects of ATRIPLA are not known phenobarbital]; your healthcare provider may want to switch you to another medicine or
at this time. People taking ATRIPLA may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that check drug levels in your blood from time to time.
happen with HIV-1 infection. Opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the These are not all the medicines that may cause problems if you take ATRIPLA. Be sure to tell
immune system is weak. Some of these conditions are pneumonia, herpes virus infections, and your healthcare provider about all medicines that you take.
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection. It is very important that you see your healthcare Keep a complete list of all the prescription and nonprescription medicines as well as any herbal
provider regularly while taking ATRIPLA. remedies that you are taking, how much you take, and how often you take them. Make a new list
Does ATRIPLA reduce the risk of passing HIV-1 to others? when medicines or herbal remedies are added or stopped, or if the dose changes. Give copies of
ATRIPLA has not been shown to lower your chance of passing HIV-1 to other people through this list to all of your healthcare providers and pharmacists every time you visit your healthcare
sexual contact, sharing needles, or being exposed to your blood. provider or fill a prescription. This will give your healthcare provider a complete picture of the
• Do not share needles or other injection equipment. medicines you use. Then he or she can decide the best approach for your situation.
• Do not share personal items that can have blood or body fluids on them, like
toothbrushes or razor blades.

Job number: 697US09AB07051 Trim size 9.75" x 10.5 No BLEED

april 22, 2011 • 11

ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) ATRIPLA® (efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate)

How should I take ATRIPLA? • Changes in bone mineral density (thinning bones). Laboratory tests show changes in the
• Take the exact amount of ATRIPLA your healthcare provider prescribes. Never change the bones of patients treated with tenofovir DF, a component of ATRIPLA. Some HIV patients
dose on your own. Do not stop this medicine unless your healthcare provider tells you to stop. treated with tenofovir DF developed thinning of the bones (osteopenia) which could lead to
• You should take ATRIPLA on an empty stomach. fractures. If you have had bone problems in the past, your healthcare provider may need to
• Swallow ATRIPLA with water. do tests to check your bone mineral density or may prescribe medicines to help your bone
mineral density. Additionally, bone pain and softening of the bone (which may contribute to
• Taking ATRIPLA at bedtime may make some side effects less bothersome. fractures) may occur as a consequence of kidney problems.
• Do not miss a dose of ATRIPLA. If you forget to take ATRIPLA, take the missed dose right Common side effects:
away, unless it is almost time for your next dose. Do not double the next dose. Carry on with
your regular dosing schedule. If you need help in planning the best times to take your Patients may have dizziness, headache, trouble sleeping, drowsiness, trouble concentrating, and/or
medicine, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist. unusual dreams during treatment with ATRIPLA. These side effects may be reduced if you take
ATRIPLA at bedtime on an empty stomach. They also tend to go away after you have taken the
• If you believe you took more than the prescribed amount of ATRIPLA, contact your local medicine for a few weeks. If you have these common side effects, such as dizziness, it does not
poison control center or emergency room right away. mean that you will also have serious psychiatric problems, such as severe depression, strange
• Tell your healthcare provider if you start any new medicine or change how you take old ones. thoughts, or angry behavior. Tell your healthcare provider right away if any of these side effects
Your doses may need adjustment. continue or if they bother you. It is possible that these symptoms may be more severe if ATRIPLA is
• When your ATRIPLA supply starts to run low, get more from your healthcare provider or used with alcohol or mood altering (street) drugs.
pharmacy. This is very important because the amount of virus in your blood may increase if If you are dizzy, have trouble concentrating, or are drowsy, avoid activities that may be dangerous,
the medicine is stopped for even a short time. The virus may develop resistance to ATRIPLA such as driving or operating machinery.
and become harder to treat. Rash may be common. Rashes usually go away without any change in treatment. In a small number
• Your healthcare provider may want to do blood tests to check for certain side effects while of patients, rash may be serious. If you develop a rash, call your healthcare provider right away.
you take ATRIPLA. Other common side effects include tiredness, upset stomach, vomiting, gas, and diarrhea.
What should I avoid while taking ATRIPLA? Other possible side effects with ATRIPLA:
• Women should not become pregnant while taking ATRIPLA and for 12 weeks after • Changes in body fat. Changes in body fat develop in some patients taking anti-HIV-1
stopping it. Serious birth defects have been seen in the babies of animals and women medicine. These changes may include an increased amount of fat in the upper back and neck
treated with efavirenz (a component of ATRIPLA) during pregnancy. It is not known whether (“buffalo hump”), in the breasts, and around the trunk. Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and
efavirenz caused these defects. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you are face may also happen. The cause and long-term health effects of these fat changes are not
pregnant. Also talk with your healthcare provider if you want to become pregnant. known.
• Women should not rely only on hormone-based birth control, such as pills, injections, or • Skin discoloration (small spots or freckles) may also happen with ATRIPLA.
implants, because ATRIPLA may make these contraceptives ineffective. Women must use a
reliable form of barrier contraception, such as a condom or diaphragm, even if they also use • In some patients with advanced HIV infection (AIDS), signs and symptoms of inflammation
other methods of birth control. Efavirenz, a component of ATRIPLA, may remain in your blood from previous infections may occur soon after anti-HIV treatment is started. It is believed that
for a time after therapy is stopped. Therefore, you should continue to use contraceptive these symptoms are due to an improvement in the body’s immune response, enabling the
measures for 12 weeks after you stop taking ATRIPLA. body to fight infections that may have been present with no obvious symptoms. If you notice
any symptoms of infection, please inform your doctor immediately.
• Do not breast-feed if you are taking ATRIPLA. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention recommend that mothers with HIV not breast-feed because they can pass the HIV • Additional side effects are inflammation of the pancreas, allergic reaction (including swelling
through their milk to the baby. Also, ATRIPLA may pass through breast milk and cause serious of the face, lips, tongue, or throat), shortness of breath, pain, stomach pain, weakness and
harm to the baby. Talk with your healthcare provider if you are breast-feeding. You should indigestion.
stop breast-feeding or may need to use a different medicine. Tell your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you notice any side effects while taking ATRIPLA.
• Taking ATRIPLA with alcohol or other medicines causing similar side effects as ATRIPLA, such Contact your healthcare provider before stopping ATRIPLA because of side effects or for any other
as drowsiness, may increase those side effects. reason.
• Do not take any other medicines, including prescription and nonprescription medicines and This is not a complete list of side effects possible with ATRIPLA. Ask your healthcare provider or
herbal products, without checking with your healthcare provider. pharmacist for a more complete list of side effects of ATRIPLA and all the medicines you will take.
• Avoid doing things that can spread HIV-1 infection since ATRIPLA does not stop you from How do I store ATRIPLA?
passing the HIV-1 infection to others. • Keep ATRIPLA and all other medicines out of reach of children.
What are the possible side effects of ATRIPLA? • Store ATRIPLA at room temperature 77 °F (25 °C).
ATRIPLA may cause the following serious side effects: • Keep ATRIPLA in its original container and keep the container tightly closed.
• Lactic acidosis (buildup of an acid in the blood). Lactic acidosis can be a medical emergency • Do not keep medicine that is out of date or that you no longer need. If you throw any
and may need to be treated in the hospital. Call your healthcare provider right away if you medicines away make sure that children will not find them.
get signs of lactic acidosis. (See “What is the most important information I should know General information about ATRIPLA:
about ATRIPLA?”) Medicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in patient information
• Serious liver problems (hepatotoxicity), with liver enlargement (hepatomegaly) and fat in leaflets. Do not use ATRIPLA for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give ATRIPLA to
the liver (steatosis). Call your healthcare provider right away if you get any signs of liver other people, even if they have the same symptoms you have. It may harm them.
problems. (See “What is the most important information I should know about ATRIPLA?”) This leaflet summarizes the most important information about ATRIPLA. If you would like more
• “Flare-ups” of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, in which the disease suddenly returns in information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist
a worse way than before, can occur if you have HBV and you stop taking ATRIPLA. Your for information about ATRIPLA that is written for health professionals.
healthcare provider will monitor your condition for several months after stopping ATRIPLA if Do not use ATRIPLA if the seal over bottle opening is broken or missing.
you have both HIV-1 and HBV infection and may recommend treatment for your HBV. ATRIPLA What are the ingredients of ATRIPLA?
is not approved for the treatment of hepatitis B virus infection. If you have advanced liver Active Ingredients: efavirenz, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
disease and stop treatment with ATRIPLA, the “flare-up” of hepatitis B may cause your liver
function to decline. Inactive Ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, hydroxypropyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose,
magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate. The film coating contains black iron oxide, polyethylene
• Serious psychiatric problems. A small number of patients may experience severe glycol, polyvinyl alcohol, red iron oxide, talc, and titanium dioxide.
depression, strange thoughts, or angry behavior while taking ATRIPLA. Some patients have
thoughts of suicide and a few have actually committed suicide. These problems may occur
more often in patients who have had mental illness. Contact your healthcare provider right
away if you think you are having these psychiatric symptoms, so your healthcare provider May 2010
can decide if you should continue to take ATRIPLA. ATRIPLA is a trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb & Gilead Sciences, LLC. EMTRIVA, TRUVADA,
• Kidney problems (including decline or failure of kidney function). If you have had kidney HEPSERA and VIREAD are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc. SUSTIVA is a trademark
problems in the past or take other medicines that can cause kidney problems, your of Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company. Reyataz and Videx are trademarks of
healthcare provider should do regular blood tests to check your kidneys. Symptoms that may Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. Pravachol is a trademark of ER Squibb & Sons, LLC. Other
be related to kidney problems include a high volume of urine, thirst, muscle pain, and muscle brands listed are the trademarks of their respective owners.
• Other serious liver problems. Some patients have experienced serious liver problems
including liver failure resulting in transplantation or death. Most of these serious side effects
occurred in patients with a chronic liver disease such as hepatitis infection, but there have SF-B0001B1-05-10 21-937-GS-007 TR5827 May 2010
also been a few reports in patients without any existing liver disease.

12 • april 22, 2011


Senators introduce ENDA despite uphill battle

House passage seen as LGBT people in most situations in the
public and private workforce.
unlikely under GOP control Job discrimination on the basis of sex-
ual orientation is legal in 29 states and
By CHRIS JOHNSON legal in 38 states on the basis of gender identity. More than 85 percent of Fortune
500 companies already have their own
The junior senator from Oregon intro- workplace protections based on sexual
duced the Employment Non-Discrimina- orientation and more than one-third on
tion Act in the U.S. Senate last week as the basis of gender identity.
he voiced support for an executive order Merkley said passage of ENDA is nec-
that would bar the federal government essary because the “right to work and earn
from contracting with companies that a living” for all Americans — including
don’t have their own workplace protec- LGBT people — is a “fundamental right.”
tions for LGBT people. Washington Blade photo by Michael Key “It is essential to the success of an in-
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) endorsed Jeff Merkley (left) and Mark Kirk introduced ENDA in the Senate last week. dividual, it is essential to the success of
the idea of an executive order an as in- a family,” Merkley said. “It’s certainly es-
terim alternative to passing ENDA during sential to the pursuit of happiness — that
a news conference on Capitol Hill in re- in control of the House and progress on subsequent act of Congress.” value that we place right up front in our
sponse to a question from the Washing- the measure in the lower chamber of Con- Kirk also advised against an execu- Declaration of Independence — and it’s
ton Blade after he announced the Senate gress is unlikely. The White House hasn’t tive order because of what he said was a part and parcel of equality under the law.”
introduction of the legislation. said whether Obama would be open to “tremendous amount of uncertainty right Kirk said his support for ENDA, which
“Certainly, I share the perspective that issuing such a directive. Last month, gay now” in the U.S. economy, which is still puts him in the minority among Republi-
it would be tremendous to accomplish this Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) also expressed climbing its way out of recession. cans, fits his model of public service in the
by legislation,” Merkley said. “But I also support for the executive order. “If we load executive order upon ex- image of the late U.S. Senator from Illinois
feel that this is a conversation that is going However, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), an ecutive order, all of which would be Everett Dirksen, whom Kirk described as a
to reverberate at a number of levels. You original co-sponsor of ENDA who was wiped out the day after the president of “strong national security conservative, fis-
have counties, you have state action and present at the conference, didn’t offer the the other party takes power, you really cal conservative and social moderate.”
certainly, I feel, it’s a legitimate possibility, same support for an executive order that haven’t advanced the ball much,” Kirk “It was Sen. Dirksen that clinched the
and I would support the president saying was voiced by Merkley. said. “That’s why the legislation is abso- deal on the [1964] Civil Rights Act,” Kirk
that contractors who are beneficiaries of “I would just say when you have execu- lutely necessary.” said. “I see this legislation as in that tradi-
federal funds should in fact practice non- tive action without the statute, then quickly Merkley endorsed the executive order tion to make sure that our country is a coun-
discrimination, so I would support that.” that would be wiped out by the next ad- on the same day he introduced ENDA in try not of equal outcomes, which would be
The executive order endorsed by Merk- ministration,” Kirk said. “The best way to the Senate, which as of the end of last a Communist state, but of equal opportuni-
ley has been seen as an interim alternative go is a statute where you have a stable week had 38 co-sponsors. The legisla- ties, and to make sure that everyone has
to ENDA passage while Republicans are decision that can only be overturned by a tion would bar job discrimination against that opportunity regardless of orientation.”

McKeon backs effort to disrupt ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal

Wants service chiefs to sored Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.),
would expand this certification require-
legislation, McKeon reiterated he sup-
ported the measure.
“In supporting this turn-the-clock-
back move, Congressman McKeon
certify they are ready for ment to include the service chiefs of the But when pressed on whether he fundamentally disrespects the service
open service Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
In his “Newsmakers” appearance,
would be upset if certification happened
before Hunter’s measure could pass the
chiefs,” Sarvis said. “The chiefs have re-
peatedly proven themselves to be strong
McKeon reiterated that he believes legis- House, McKeon replied, “It’s not going and effective leaders. Indeed, because
By CHRIS JOHNSON lative repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was to bother me at all. What I’m concerned of their leadership, our military remains hastily moved through the Democratic about is the troops it may bother. I don’t the strongest in the world. To assert
Congress last year. have a problem with it, other than what it that the chiefs can’t or won’t stand up
The leading House Republican on de- “I’m not in the military,” McKeon add- does to our readiness, what it does to our for themselves if they have concerns —
fense issues last week announced support ed. “My job is to help protect the military recruitment, what it does to our retention. and to continue to go against their best
for legislation that would expand the cer- and to see that they have what they need I don’t think we have really answered professional advice to Congress — is a
tification requirement for “Don’t Ask, Don’t to carry out their missions and to return those questions.” transparent political game.”
Tell” repeal and potentially disrupt the pro- home safely. If there is something that is Joe Kasper, a Hunter spokesperson, Some military service chiefs have said
cess for ending the military’s gay ban. going to be a distraction to that, that might expressed confidence about having they oppose expanding the certification
During a taped interview on C-SPAN’s put them in a difficult situation, I don’t think support in the House Armed Services requirement to include their input and
“Newsmakers,” House Armed Services we should be doing that. And I’m not sure Committee for certification expansion, said they feel they have sufficient oppor-
Committee Chair Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) we fully answered this question.” but said questions remain over whether tunity to express concerns on the transi-
backed a bill that would require the mili- With McKeon’s support, the legisla- to have a panel vote on the measure or a tion to open service with Defense Secre-
tary service chiefs to certify that the U.S. tion could be made part of the fiscal vote on the House floor. tary Robert Gates and Chairman of the
military is ready for open service before year 2012 defense authorization bill as “There is definitely support within the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen.
bringing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to an end. part of the chairman’s mark for the leg- committee for ensuring the service chiefs In congressional testimony earlier this
“I think it makes it a better process,” islation or a panel vote when the House are a bigger part of the process, exact- month, Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
McKeon said. “I think the way this pro- Armed Services Committee considers ly what the congressman’s bill does,” Gary Roughead said the Navy opposes
cess was rammed through, it was done the larger measure. Earlier this month, Kasper said. “The next few months are expanding the certification requirement
politically.” Hunter told the Washington Blade he’s important to determining the best way to beyond what was put in place by the leg-
In December, President Obama spoken to McKeon’s staff about having offer the measure, whether it’s through islation Obama signed last year.
signed legislation allowing for “Don’t a vote on his bill in committee and is ex- the committee or an open floor process.” “I am confident my assessment of Na-
Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal 60 days after he, pecting a vote during the markup for the Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of vy’s readiness for repeal will be carefully
the defense secretary and the chair of FY2012 budget. the Servicemembers Legal Defense Net- considered during the certification pro-
the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify the U.S. Asked during his “Newsmakers” ap- work, lambasted McKeon for throwing cess, and do not believe it is necessary
military is ready for open service. The pearance if he would consider inserting his support behind a measure that could to provide additional or separate input
legislation backed by McKeon, spon- the measure into defense authorization disrupt “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. outside of this process,” Roughead said.
april 22, 2011 • 13

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14 • april 22, 2011


Democrats grill Gallagher at House marriage hearing

NOM leader asserts
procreation is reason
for institution

Democratic lawmakers last week ham-

mered anti-gay activist Maggie Gallagh-
er during a congressional hearing with
questions about why same-sex couples
should be excluded from marriage and
the extent to which the National Organi-
zation for Marriage participated in cam-
paigns to rescind state marriage laws.
In testimony before the House Judicia-
ry Subcommittee on the Constitution, Gal- Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

lagher, NOM’s chair and co-founder, said ‘Marriage is the union of husband and wife for a reason: these are the only unions that create new life and connect those children in love to their
marriage should be restricted to one man mother and father,’ said NOM’s Maggie Gallagher.
and one woman because such unions are
the only kind that can produce children she considers these children “expendable.” campaign against the Maine marriage law. members known for having anti-gay views
and because state voters by referenda “I think no children are expendable,” State courts have ordered the organization — including Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa),
have affirmed 31 times that marriage Gallagher replied. “Gay people have fami- to reveal their donors in accordance with who’s railed against same-sex marriage
shouldn’t be extended to gay couples. lies that are not marital families, but they are the law, but NOM has yet to do so. in his home state, and Rep. Jim Jordan
“Marriage is the union of husband and families. I myself was an unwed mother, so Following the hearing, Dan Fotou, (R-Ohio), who’s leading the effort to elimi-
wife for a reason: these are the only unions I have firsthand experience with being in a eastern regional field director for GetE- nate gay nuptials in D.C. — didn’t make
that create new life and connect those family that’s not a marital family. I don’t think qual, praised Democratic lawmakers for an appearance. Neither the office for King
children in love to their mother and father,” you need to have a message of stigmatiza- hammering Gallagher with tough ques- nor Jordan responded to the Washington
Gallagher said. “This is not necessarily the tion and exclusion to protect an ideal.” tions after her testimony. Blade’s request for comment on why the
reason why individuals marry; this is the Nadler, sponsor of DOMA repeal leg- “I think it was good to hear the Demo- lawmakers didn’t attend the hearing.
great reason, the public reason why gov- islation in the House, interrupted Galla- crats standing up and challenging Mag- Ian Thompson, who’s gay and legisla-
ernment gets involved in the first place.” gher, saying “the whole point” of DOMA gie Gallagher’s position,” Fotou said. tive representative for the American Civil
The hearing, which was titled “Defend- is stigmatization and exclusion, and “Fifty-two percent of Americans think that Liberties Union, said the absence of anti-
ing Marriage,” took place on the heels pressed Gallagher further on how the in- marriage equality is OK, so I think today gay lawmakers was telling.
of President Obama’s announcement on stitution of marriage benefits when same- was good in terms of putting a face on “The thing that was particularly strik-
Feb. 23 that the Defense of Marriage Act sex couples are excluded. hate once again, and Maggie does a re- ing to me was the fact that so few DOMA
is unconstitutional and that his administra- “Because including same-sex unions ally great job of that.” supporters on the committee actually
tion would no longer defend the anti-gay as marriages denies at a public level that Democratic lawmakers’ criticisms dur- were in attendance,” Thompson said.
law in court. Following a 3-2 party-line marriage is about an important way for ing the hearing weren’t limited to Gallagh- “So, from my perspective, if the hearing
vote in March by the Bipartisan Legal Ad- getting together mothers and fathers and er. Conyers questioned Rep. Trent Franks was intended to demonstrate the sup-
visory Council, U.S. House Speaker John children,” Gallagher said. (R-Ariz.), chair of the subcommittee, about port of the House of Representatives for
Boehner (R-Ohio) directed the House Nadler continued to question Galla- why no witnesses from the Justice Depart- DOMA, from the attendance alone, it was
general counsel to take up defense of gher on NOM’s involvement in 2010 Iowa ment were present to defend Obama’s de- a complete and total flop.”
DOMA in place of the administration. campaign that successfully ousted three cision to drop defense of DOMA. But a few anti-gay Republicans did
Gallagher said the need to raise chil- justices from the state Supreme Court “What bothers me about this hearing make an appearance to rebuke the no-
dren by married parents of opposite who ruled in favor of same-sex mar- at this subcommittee is that the Depart- tion of extending marriage rights to gay
genders affirms the rationale for having riage. The lawmaker asked Gallagher, ment of Justice is not present,” Conyers couples and to criticize the Justice De-
in place DOMA, the 1996 law that pro- who estimated that NOM contributed said. “I was informed that they were not partment for dropping defense of DOMA.
hibits recognition of same-sex marriage, between $600,000 and $650,000 to the invited. … We have one of the leaders of Franks called Obama’s decision to
and criticized the Justice Department for campaign, why she would criticize the the country, Ms. Gallagher, who’s raised discontinue defense of the anti-gay law
dropping defense of the law. Justice Department for allegedly making hundreds of thousands of dollars against an “edict” that “failed to show the caution
“This is the rationale for the national defi- a political decision while her organization judges … but there’s nobody here from and respect for Congress and the courts.”
nition of marriage proposed by Congress in politicized the judicial process. the Justice Department.” “When the president unilaterally declares
passing DOMA: ‘civil society has an interest “The National Organization for Mar- In response, Franks said the Justice De- a duly enacted law unconstitutional, he cuts
in maintaining and protecting the institution riage is a political advocacy organization, partment would be invited to come during Congress and the American people out
of heterosexual marriage because it has a and so I think it’s appropriate for us to be an upcoming hearing in May before the of the lawmaking process,” Franks said.
deep and abiding interest in encouraging politically involved in ways that Depart- House Oversight & Government Reform “Such heavy-handed presidential action
responsible procreation and child-rearing,’” ment of Justice is not,” Gallagher replied. Committee on the DOMA decision. Upon undermines the separation of powers and
Gallagher said. “If we accept, as DOMA Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), a co- further questioning, Franks maintained the the principle that America is a constitutional
explicitly does, that this is a core public pur- sponsor of the DOMA repeal bill, asked panel was fair because its makeup includ- republic predicated on the rule of law.”
pose of marriage, then treating same-sex Gallagher whether reports were true that ed witnesses on both sides of the issue. Franks continued that the arguments in
unions as marriage makes little sense.” her organization contributed $1.9 million to But Franks’ response apparently didn’t favor of DOMA are “reasonable and right” be-
Following her opening statement, Gal- the 2009 campaign in Maine to abrogate allay the concerns of Conyers, who said he cause marriage between one man and one
lagher bore the brunt of tough question- the state’s same-sex marriage law. Oppo- hopes Congress can hear the Justice De- woman is the best union for raising children.
ing from Democratic lawmakers during the nents of same-sex marriage succeeded in partment respond to Gallagher’s criticisms. “Traditional marriage has proven to be
question-and-answer session of the hearing. nullifying the marriage law in the state be- “There’s a political tone in this hearing the most successful institution in humanity’s
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), ranking fore gay couples could marry there. that I want to diminish as much as possi- history for the propagation and preparation
Democrat on the subcommittee, asked “I don’t have those figures in front of ble,” Conyers said. “The fact of the mat- of the next generation,” Franks said. “The
Gallagher if the children of Jen and Dawn me, but we were involved in the [effort],” ter is this is not in regular order and I do traditional family has proven to be the best
BarbouRouske, a married same-sex couple Gallagher said. “But that’s probably on not approve of the way that we’re starting department of welfare, the best department
from Iowa who were present during the the order [of our contributions].” out this subcommittee [hearing].” of education, the best department of crime
hearing, should have parents who can re- NOM has repeatedly come under fire Despite the general tone in favor of prevention, and the best department of eco-
ceive the full protections of marriage or if for failing to disclose its donors during the DOMA during the hearing, several panel nomic security that there has ever been.”
april 22, 2011 • 15

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Paid for by Dorothy Douglas for DC City Council, Tanika Washington – Treasurer • 4401 Minnesota Avenue, NE 20019 • 202-396-6421 •
16 • april 22, 2011


LGBT vote seen as key to Council election

Continued from page 1

former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, was one

of just two of the city’s 13 Council mem-
bers who voted against the same-sex
marriage bill that the Council approved
in December 2009.
“I’m running on a platform that sup-
ports the very best in public educa-
tion for all of our youth, including LGBT
youth,” Pannell said last month after re-
ceiving the endorsement of the Gertrude
Stein Democratic Club, the city’s largest
LGBT political organization.
He is the only gay candidate running
in the April 26 election, which was called
to fill two school board seats – one in
Ward 8 and another in Ward 4 – in addi-
tion to the at-large Council seat.
His campaign finance report shows
he has raised $21,307 as of April 18, with
$17,225 coming from a personal loan he
made to his campaign. The report shows
Pannell spent $10,672 on campaign-re-
lated activities as of April 18.
Pannell’s closet rival in the money de-
partment is LGBT supportive D.C. home Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

rule advocate Eugene Dewitt Kinlow, Longtime gay activist Phil Pannell outspent his rivals in the race for Ward 8 school board.
who raised $11,133 and spent $33,000
as of April 18. Pannell had $9,471 in Orange came out against same-sex Rick Rosendall, vice president of questionnaire and had no record on
cash on hand for the remaining week of marriage when he ran unsuccessfully for the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance, LGBT issues known to GLAA, prompting
the campaign, his finance report shows, mayor in 2006. Earlier this year, he an- said that similar to nearly all D.C. elec- the group to give the three a “0” rating.
compared to Kinlow, who had $7,633 in nounced he had changed his position tions since the early1980s, virtually all In addition to Kinlow, four other can-
cash on hand. on the issue and now fully supports the candidates running for public office in didates running against Pannell in the
The at-large Council seat became va- right of gays and lesbians to marry under the District express support for LGBT Ward 8 school board race expressed
cant after Democrat Kwame Brown, who the city’s same-sex marriage law. He also equality. According to Rosendall, D.C.’s general support for LGBT rights and
held the seat, won election last year as pointed to what he called his long record LGBT community – unlike other cities pledged to back policies supportive of
D.C. Council Chair. The city’s Democratic of support on other LGBT issues during and states – has the luxury of setting a LGBT youth attending the city’s public
State Committee appointed Biddle to fill his tenure as a Ward 5 Council member. higher standard for selecting candidates school system during a candidate forum
the seat on an interim basis in January Mara emerged as an early supporter based on their knowledge, understand- sponsored by the Stein Club. The five are
until a “permanent” Council member was of same-sex marriage when he ran un- ing and sophistication on specific LGBT Sandra Williams, Tijwanna Phillips, Larry
chosen in the April special election. successfully for a City Council seat in and AIDS-related issues. Pretlow II, and Cardell Shelton.
Since the at-large Council seat held 2006. He has billed himself as a “fiscally “It’s not a matter of just saying I sup- The other three candidates in the
by Brown was scheduled to come up for responsible and socially progressive” port you,” he said. “It’s a matter of dem- Ward 8 race – Trayon White, R. Joyce
election in 2012, the winner of the special Republican who strongly supports LGBT onstrating an understanding of the is- Scott and Anthony Muhammad – did not
election on April 26 must also stand for equality. He notes in his campaign litera- sues and showing what they will do to attend the Stein Club forum and have
re-election in 2012. ture that he was the only one of the nine address them.” not publicly disclosed their positions on
Orange has raised more than candidates now running for the at-large GLAA, a nonpartisan organization, LGBT issues.
$261,000 in campaign funds as of April seat who testified in favor of same-sex has rated candidates on LGBT and Biddle, Mara and Orange have been
18, the last required campaign finance marriage when the same-sex marriage AIDS-related issues, along with some the most visible of the nine candidates
reporting period before the election. bill came up for a hearing before the City broader issues, since the group was running for the at-large seat in the LGBT
Biddle’s April 18 finance report shows Council in 2009. founded in 1971. Based on candidate community during the past two weeks.
he has raised just over $175,000 for his Biddle has said he spoke out in sup- responses to a questionnaire and their Biddle, among other things, hosted a
campaign, putting him in second place port of the same-sex marriage law when record on LGBT-related issues, the group “meet and greet” reception for the LGBT
in money raised. Mara’s report shows it was pending before the Council. He assigns them a score ranging from +10, community at the gay nightclub Town
him in third place in the money depart- notes that he was an advocate for LGBT the highest possible rating, and -10, the last week.
ment, with $60,559 raised. youth related issues during his tenure as lowest rating. With the assistance of Pannell, who is
Many of the city’s political pundits be- a school board member. In the at-large Council race set to be supporting him, Orange spent Saturday
lieve Orange and Biddle are the frontrun- Ward 1 Advisory Neighborhood Com- decided on April 26, GLAA gave Biddle night, April 23, campaigning in several
ners in the race, with Orange having the missioner Bryan Weaver, a Democrat, and Weaver a +5.5, the highest rating D.C. gay bars, including the Southwest
advantage in funds raised as well as an has also spoken out in support of LGBT among the nine candidates in the race. D.C. nightclub Ziegfeld’s, where he
endorsement by the city’s influential munic- issues at candidate forums across the Mara and Statehood Green Party can- spoke to the crowd. Another two Orange
ipal employees union. Biddle has been en- city. He, too, spoke out in support of the didate Alan Page received a +4. Orange supporters, gay Democratic activists
dorsed by Mayor Vincent Gray, City Coun- same-sex marriage law and backed an received a +3.5 and Joshua Lopez, a Barrie Daneker and Lee Brian Reba, or-
cil Chair Kwame Brown, and several other ANC resolution endorsing the proposed Ward 1 Democrat and aide to former ganized an LGBT fundraiser for Orange
Council members, including gay Council law as it was pending before the Council. Mayor Adrian Fenty, received a +2.5. scheduled for Thursday night at Nellie’s
member David Catania (I-At-Large). Biddle’s gay supporters, including Each of the candidates expressed sup- Sports Bar, a gay venue on U Street, N.W.
Mara received the endorsement of leaders of the Gertrude Stein Demo- port for all of the LGBT issues and posi- The Mara campaign, meanwhile,
the Washington Post, which billed him cratic Club, the city’s largest LGBT politi- tions raised by GLAA on the group’s ques- placed full-page ads promoting his cam-
as a needed independent voice in a city cal group that has endorsed Biddle, say tionnaire, including strong support for the paign and outlining his support for LGBT
government dominated by Democrats. they believe Biddle will capture the lion’s city law that legalized same-sex marriage. issues in the Washington Blade during
The Post backing is expected to give his share of the LGBT vote. They acknowl- The remaining three candidates in the the past two weeks.
campaign a boost in Wards 2, 3 and 6, edge, though, that other candidates are at-large race – Democrats Tom Brown The April 26 special election is open to
where voter turnout is often higher than challenging Biddle for the gay vote and and Dorothy Douglas and independent all registered D.C. voters of all party af-
in the other wards. could capture some of that vote. Arkan Haile – did not return the GLAA filiations as well as to independent votes.
april 22, 2011 • 17

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18 • april 22, 2011


Boehner wants Obama to pay cost of DOMA defense

Continued from page 1
for comment on the contract or the firm’s Clement and not expenses of the House Justice Department would be in a better
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged decision to permit Clement to defend the general counsel. position to defend DOMA — both in terms
with defending DOMA in court. Kircher re- anti-gay law in court. Lane Hudson, a gay Democratic ac- of resource allocation and in expertise of
tained the law firm King & Spalding for the Michael Steel, a Boehner spokesper- tivist, said he thinks the contract hides personnel — but adds the administration’s
purposes of hiring Paul Clement, a former son, blamed the Obama administration other costs to the U.S. government in de- decision to drop defense of the anti-gay
U.S. solicitor general under former Presi- for what he said was leaving Congress fense of DOMA. law leaves Congress no other option but
dent George W. Bush. with the responsibility of defending “At a contract rate of $520 an hour, it will to face “that additional burden and cost.“
According to the contract, the House DOMA and requiring the House to hire a fund one full-time lawyer for less than six “I would also point out that the cost as-
has agreed to pay King & Spalding a sum private attorney. months,” Hudson said. “Anyone who can sociated with DOJ’s decision is exacerbat-
not to exceed $500,000 for all services ren- “Obviously, this whole thing would be count can see this is hogwash. Speaker ed by the timing of this decision,” Boehner
dered in defending DOMA, the 1996 law unnecessary if the White House and the Boehner should come clean on how much writes. “Most of these cases are in the mid-
that prohibits federal recognition of same- Justice Department would do their job taxpayer money he will waste defending dle of lower court litigation and not ripe for
sex marriage. and defend a law that was passed by discrimination, especially given his rhetoric Supreme Court review. Had the attorney
“It is further agreed that payment for both Houses of Congress and signed on reining in federal spending.” general waited until the cases were ripe for
such contractual services may be paid by the president of the United States – a Boehner on Monday called for redirec- certiorari to the Supreme Court, the costs
on a partial basis from time to time and Democratic president, at that,” Steel said. tion of funds from the Justice Department associated with the House defense would
in such amounts as the General Counsel But the revelation of the cost for hiring to Congress to pay for defense of DOMA. have been exponentially lower.”
may approve,” the contract states. a private attorney to defend DOMA was In a letter dated April 18 to Pelosi, Obama dropped defense of DOMA
It should be noted the $500,000 cap met with criticism from the Human Rights Boehner calls for cutting funds from the in court after litigation against the stat-
could be raised upon written agreement Campaign and the office of House Minor- Justice Department to provide money ute was filed in the U.S. Second Circuit.
by both parties in the contract as well as ity Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). to the House general counsel to pay for Since no legal precedent for laws related
the House Committee on Administration. HRC President Joe Solmonese noted congressional costs to defend DOMA. to sexual orientation exists within this cir-
Additionally, Clement will be paid at a that defense of DOMA places a burden Boehner made the announcements on cuit, Obama had the opportunity to ex-
blended rate of $520 an hour for time ex- both on gay couples and the coffers of the deadline day for the House to decide amine DOMA with heightened scrutiny,
pended in litigation of defense of DOMA the U.S. government. whether or not to intervene in one case chal- which led to his determination that the
in court and at 75 percent of this usual “DOMA inflicts a great cost on same- lenging DOMA, Windsor v. United States, anti-gay law was unconstitutional.
rate for all reasonable non-attorney time sex couples but now its defense is bur- which was filed by the American Civil Liber- Boehner’s letter was in response to
in connection with the litigation. dening taxpayers to the tune of $520 per ties Union and is pending before the U.S. a March 11 letter that Pelosi sent to the
Notably, the House contract stipulates hour,” Solmonese said. “The firm of King District Court of Southern District of New speaker asking him if he had an esti-
that King & Spalding not engage in the & Spalding and their attorney Paul Clem- York. The House general counsel filed a no- mate for the cost of House defense of
course of contracted activity in discrimi- ent should be ashamed at every penny tice of its intent to intervene on Monday. DOMA and a plan to provide congressio-
nation on the basis of race, color, religion, earned in trying to justify discrimination In his letter to Pelosi, Boehner writes nal oversight of those expenses. Earlier
sex, national origin, age, disability or any against American families.” that funds should be redirected from the this month during a news conference,
other prohibited basis — leaving out sex- Drew Hammill, a Pelosi spokesper- Obama administration to Congress to Boehner told the Washington Blade he
ual orientation and gender identity. son, lambasted Boehner for permitting pay for expenses that the speaker says doesn’t have an estimate on the total
On Feb. 23, U.S. Attorney General Eric this expense in defending DOMA. would have been more rightfully incurred cost for House defense of DOMA.
Holder notified Congress that President “The hypocrisy of this legal boon- by the Justice Department. In his letter, Boehner asks Pelosi, a
Obama determined DOMA was unconsti- doggle is mind-blowing,” Hammill said. “Obviously, DOJ’s decision results sponsor of legislation to repeal DOMA, to
tutional and that the Justice Department “Speaker Boehner is spending half a in DOJ no longer needing the funds it join him in backing the redirection of funds
would no longer defend the anti-gay law million dollars of taxpayer money to de- would have otherwise expended de- from the Justice Department to Congress
in court. Following a 3-2 party-line vote fend discrimination. If Republicans were fending the constitutionality of DOMA,” to defend the anti-gay statute in court.
in March by the Bipartisan Legal Advi- really interested in cutting spending, this Boehner writes. “It is my intent that those “I would welcome your joining me in
sory Council, Boehner directed the House should be at the top of the list.” funds be diverted to the House for reim- support of redirecting those resources
general counsel to take up defense of The degree to which the contract re- bursement of any costs incurred by and from the DOJ to the House that would
DOMA in place of the administration. veals the total cost of House defense of associated with the House, and not DOJ, otherwise have been necessary expens-
King & Spalding didn’t immediately re- DOMA remains in question. The docu- defending DOMA.” es on the Attorney General to defend this
spond to the Washington Blade’s request ment only reveals the initial cost of hiring In his letter, Boehner writes that the federal statute,” Boehner writes.

Hawaii passes trans rights bill

The Hawaii state House of Representatives this
week passed a bill that would bar employment
discrimination on the basis of gender identity.
The Senate had previously approved the legis-
lation. The governor has indicated he will sign it.
HB 546 Sd1 passed in the House 45-4 with two
“Today is a great day for all residents of Hawaii,”
said Alan Spector, co-chair of Equality Hawaii in a
statement. “Providing employment protections to
transgender people in Hawaii is a victory for civil
rights. The people of this state should be judged
on the quality of work they do and not on who they
are — that’s what this legislation guarantees.”
Hawaii law already codified protections for
transgender people in housing and public accom-
modations and prohibited discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation in employment, housing
and public accommodations.
Photo courtesy of Abercrombie’s Office
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie has said he plans to sign a bill into law that bars employment discrimination against transgender residents.
april 22, 2011 • 19

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VIEWPOINT washingtonblade
Volume 42 • Issue 16

Trans Marylanders lose a fight, gain respect PO Box 73647

Washington dC 20056

Gender identity bill

orientation, probably would not vored that historic victory, Miller senators bowed to their presi-
have passed had then-Gov. shunted the bill into the Rules dent and killed a civil rights bill.
advocates wage Parris Glendening, whose gay Committee graveyard. The Sen- To their credit, they refused to

impressive campaign,
brother died of AIDS, not car- ate president pronounced the directly vote against it on the
ried it himself. bill dead, and conventional An- floor. A small victory, and cold
vow to return From 2007-2010 a bill to ban napolis wisdom dictates that comfort, but still progress.
PuBlished By
Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
discrimination based on gender such bills never revive. Why did the president go to
By DANA BEYER identity in employment, housing But revive it we did in a show such lengths? He told Maryland PuBlisher
and public accommodations of strength that caught every- Public Television, “I personally lynne J. BrOWn ext. 8075
The transgender commu- was introduced and then killed in one’s attention. Word got to the believe [HB 235] is anti-family,
nity may have lost a battle for Sen. Brian Frosh’s Judicial Pro- Washington Blade that Frosh uh, so I’m going to vote against editOriAl
civil rights when the Maryland ceedings Committee. To use a requested the move to Rules. it.” Also, the talk in Annapolis editOr
Senate adjourned for 2011, boxing analogy, Frosh knocked Our team resuscitated this flat- is that it was simply spite, be- Kevin nAff ext. 8088
but we gained something out the bill in the first round. This lined bill, canvassing in Frosh’s cause the House did not vote
feAtures & multimediA editOr
much more important in the year Senate President Mike Mill- neighborhood. The Jewish on marriage after his senators JOey diGuGlielmO
long run — respect. er stopped the fight when he ran women’s community flooded had gone on record in support. ext. 8081
On Monday morning, as the out the clock by recommitting him with calls. Sen. Rich Ma- Still, we nearly achieved a sr. neWs rePOrter
Senate went into session, I no- the bill to that committee. daleno spoke out in caucus and major step toward a goal sought lOu ChiBBArO Jr.
ticed a difference in Annapo- This time, however, we went wielded influence behind the for 12 years. Our strength, man- ext. 8079
lis. People paid attention to us. a full 15 rounds. We resuscitated scenes. McIntosh retaliated in ifested in community leaders, neWs rePOrter
Normally the legislators and this bill when first introduced in the House by holding Senate advocates and allies, including Chris JOhnsOn ext. 8083
lobbyists work in silos, attentive the House. Democrats, fearful bills. The gay House caucus Morgan Meneses-Sheets and
editOriAl intern
to their pet projects among the of the bathroom predator meme broke protocol and sent Miller the staff of Equality Maryland, Juliette eBner
2,200 bills the General Assem- thrown around by religious funda- an open letter asking for him to gays and lesbians, women,
PhOtO editOr
bly considers each year. Only mentalists, demanded that public “play by the rules.” U.S. House progressives, labor, religious miChAel Key
a few bills provide high drama, accommodations be removed. So of Representatives Democratic groups, and government allies,
though, and this year the gen- Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk, who Whip, Congressman Steny Hoy- impressed the political class.
der identity bill, quite unexpect- passionately championed the er, a former Senate president We shall return, united. CreAtive
CreAtive direCtOr
edly, became one of the ses- comprehensive bill in 2009, reluc- himself, urged fair play as well. JAmes m neAl
sion’s most dramatic bills. tantly decided to proceed, less Now back in JPR, a chas- ext. 8074
People working other issues being better than nothing. Some tened Frosh, with a friendly seniOr GrAPhiC desiGner
rooted for us, kept up-to-date trans activists — dismayed at the amendment clarifying the defi- riChArd W.C. sKiPPOn
on the latest gossip and provid- removal of public accommoda- nition of gender identity, moved
ed moral support. This was both tions — attacked Equality Mary- the bill to the floor. The Senate sAles & AdministrAtiOn
surprising and exhilarating. land, then testified against the bill. president publicly promised an sr. ACCt. exeCutive
We quickly forget the diffi- The bill passed out of the expedited floor vote if shown BriAn Pitts ext. 8089
culty Maryland has had in pro- House, where Del. Maggie the votes. We did, and Miller —
Dana Beyer is an lGBt rights activist ACCt. exeCutive
viding equal rights to the LGBT McIntosh, an out lesbian, ex- in a brute show of force on the from montgomery County, md., and a Jeryl PArAde
community. The 2001 Anti-Dis- pressed regret that gender final day — demanded that se- former candidate for maryland’s house ext. 8072
crimination Act, which banned identity had not been included nior leadership vote to recommit of delegates. reach her at danamd@
ACCt. exeCutive
discrimination based on sexual in the 2001 bill. Then, as we sa- the bill. To their discredit, those Curtis dOrGAn ext. 8076
ACCt. exeCutive
FEEDBACK dAn hAZArd ext. 8077
ClAssified AdvertisinG
PhilliP G. rOCKstrOh ext. 8092
The following were submit- during his run for the Oval Office their frustrations with Obama. Equality Maryland making the
for distribution, contact lynne Brown
ted as letters to the editor or cannot go unpunished. The silence from Anita Bonds perfect the enemy of the good. at 202-747-2077, ext. 8075
as comments to our website. What can we do? Let me pro- and the others of the Demo- Maybe after a few more defeats,
distributed by mediaPoint, llC
Visit to pose several possible retributions. cratic State Committee on this the staff and board will resign so
join the discussion. • The Democratic D.C. presi- matter is frankly obscene in its new real leadership can come All material in the Washington Blade is protected by federal

dential primary will be coming up lack of political spine. I was No. back in. —Trey copyright law and may not be reproduced without the written
consent of the Washington Blade. the sexual orientation of
Re: “Mayor, Council members next April. Although Obama will 35 of the D.C. 41 arrested last advertisers, photographers, writers and cartoonists published
herein is neither inferred nor implied. the appearance of names
arrested in protest” (April 15) probably not have any serious op- week by the Capitol Hill Police Re: “Boehner suggests or pictorial representation does not necessarily indicate the
sexual orientation of that person or persons. Although the Wash-
Within the last two weeks or position, we are still free to write in Department at the civil disobe- House marriage hearing is le- ington Blade is supported by many fine advertisers, we cannot

so, the citizens of the District of other names. Can we keep him dience act. I hope my fellow gitimate” (April 14) accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers.
unsolicited editorial material is accepted by the Wash-
Columbia, the nation’s capital, below the 50 percent level? D.C. citizens and voters keep in Where in the Constitution ington Blade, but the paper cannot take responsibility for its
return. the editors reserve the right to accept, reject or edit
were thrown under the bus (or • At the Charlotte, N.C. 2012 mind last week’s actions and my does it say that it is the federal any submission.
A single copy of the Washington Blade is available from
was it the Navigator?) by none nominating convention, let us suggestions as we continue the government’s job to determine authorized distribution points, to any individual within a 50-

battle for democracy in Wash- morality? And furthermore to

mile radius of Washington, d.C. multiple copies are available
other than Barack Obama, the simply deny our convention from the Washington Blade office only. Call for rates. if you
president of the United States. votes to him or refuse the motion ington. —John Klenert pick and choose which groups are unable to get to a convenient free distribution point, you
may receive a 52-week mailed subscription for $175 per year.
Like a piece on a constitution- to nominate by acclamation. of taxpaying citizens fall within Checks or credit card orders can be sent to Phil rockstroh at
al chess or checkers board or a • Of course, Obama will win Re: “Maryland Senate kills said moral boundaries? Postmaster: send address changes to the Washington
Blade, PO BOx 73647 Washington, dC 20056. the Wash-
losing game of poker, the press the November 2012 contest in trans rights bill” (April 15) Where does it say that tax- ington Blade is published weekly, on friday, by Brown naff

reported that Obama would give D.C. on Election Day. However, Equality Maryland has gone exempt religious groups shall Pitts Omnimedia, inc. individual subscriptions are $175
per year for 52 issues (only $3.37 per issue mailed to you
the District’s budgetary riders re- let the three people selected to from being a leadership-driven have a louder voice with their usPs). rates for businesses/institutions are $350 per year.
Periodical postage paid at Washington, d.C., and additional
quested by House Speaker John cast our three electoral votes, organization to an ineffectual one. representatives than others? mailing offices.
editorial positions of the Washington Blade are ex-
Boehner and his social minions in simply cast these votes for The defeat of same-gender mar- Why would there be a need pressed in editorials and in editors’ notes as determined by

return for God knows what. someone else. If D.C. law re- riage, orchestrated by national to enact a constitutional amend- the paper’s editors. Other opinions are those of the writers
and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Washing-
Although it was perfectly legal quires them to cast the votes for LGBT groups with no understand- ment banning gay mnarriage if ton Blade or its staff.
to submit a letter or commentary: letters should be fewer
since the District still must an- the November winner, let the City ing of Maryland politics to which the current process of denying than 400 words; commentaries should be fewer than 750
words. submissions may be edited for content and length,
swer to the 535 mayors elected Council simply change the law. Equality Maryland witlessly col- legally married gays their fed- and must include a name, address and phone number for

outside our city, to be so callous- • Finally, both the mayor laborated, followed by this lame eral benefits and protections verification. send submissions by e-mail to knaff@wash-
ly treated by this president who and Del. Eleanor Holmes Nor- attempt at appeasing a tiny group were truly already unconstitu- ©2011 Brown naff Pitts Omnimedia, inc.
was so rapturously embraced ton have strongly expressed of people is a good example of tional? —Blue-Heron
april 22, 2011 • 21


Sen. Frosh is no transgender rights supporter

Maryland Democrat me state my opinion regarding
Sen. Frosh’s comments, and the
crimes laws, but particularly
disliked the idea of moving the
were not enough votes to kill the
bill in committee. But Sen. Frosh
measure and using his skills as
a lawyer to argue to his constitu-
already trying to kill Blade’s characterization of Frosh measure with gender identity in- refused to allow the measure to ents about why he so vocifer-
bill in 2012 as a “supporter of the bill.” I do so
at risk to my own future access to
cluded alongside sexual orienta-
tion. Equality Maryland refused
come for a “favorable” report,
which could have moved the bill
ously opposes this law.
Sen. Frosh is entrenched in
his office when I have the occa- to move a sexual orientation-only out of committee if the votes were his district, and political insid-
By DAN FURMANSKY sion to lobby in Annapolis again. hate crimes measure, and the bill there. Did we have the votes that ers often say he would like to
Were Sen. Frosh truly sorry finally passed in 2005 after years year? We will never know for be Senate president when that
I recently read an article in the about the failure of this legislation, of painstaking effort. sure, just like we’ll never know fabled time arrives that Sen-
Blade (“Maryland Senate Kills he would not be nailing its coffin Sen. Frosh was even less en- what would have happened had ate President Mike Miller steps
Trans Bill”) about the failure of shut for the 2012 legislative ses- thusiastic about having the Gen- the bill had an honest up or down down. His comments in the
Maryland’s Gender Identity Anti- sion when we haven’t even given der Identity Anti-Discrimination vote on the floor this year. Blade indicate that he is unwill-
Discrimination bill that quotes it a proper burial in 2011. Every- bill in his committee, and he has Sen. Frosh is from liberal ing to use the considerable influ-
Sen. Brian Frosh, chair of the Ju- one with an inside track to An- come up with more reasons for Bethesda, where the vast ma- ence he possesses to end dis-
dicial Proceedings Committee. napolis knows that arms were disliking the bill than I could possi- jority of voters would support crimination against transgender
“I’m sorry that it lost,” Frosh told twisted to recommit the bill back bly recount here. For years, Equal- a basic anti-discrimination bill people. His failure to do so is in-
the Blade about the bill. He then to committee — and that many of ity Maryland brought transgender that would help people keep explicable, given the pragmatic,
claimed Equality Maryland was those votes to recommit the bill people, their friends and family in their jobs and housing. After all, progressive legislation that he
wrong, and that there were not suf- were from senators who would to his office to tell their stories. We Montgomery County has a trans- has championed on other is-
ficient votes for the bill on the floor. have voted to pass the measure facilitated meetings with the best gender anti-discrimination law sues. I fear where this leaves the
As icing on the cake, the Bethesda if it had been given an honest up transgender legal experts in the in place, and it even includes LGBT community in our quest to
senator said he is “doubtful that or down vote. country to educate him. Clergy public accommodation protec- enact this legislation into law.
supporters would be able to line Since I began lobbying on and constituents were dispatched tions that legislators like him so
up the four votes they need to pass gender identity issues nine to communicate with him. fear addressing. I know Equal-
the bill next year.” years ago in Annapolis, Sen. In 2009, Equality Maryland ity Maryland kept up the same
As the former executive di- Frosh has been an obstacle to also put tremendous pressure on pressure this year on Sen. Frosh
rector of Equality Maryland, I legally enacting anti-violence Sen. Frosh not to bottle the bill up — pressure that helped move
have lobbied for many years and anti-discrimination protec- in committee without a vote. Take the bill out of the Rules Commit-
in Annapolis on LGBT issues, tions for transgender Maryland- the vote, we told him, and if it tee and out of the Senate Judi-
which included many meetings ers, but an obstacle that always fails, it fails. Sen. Frosh allowed a cial Proceedings Committee.
with Sen. Frosh that left me pro- assigns the blame for inaction voice vote that year in committee And Sen. Frosh again this year
foundly frustrated at his inability elsewhere. This began with his on “unfavorably” reporting the used backroom maneuvering to
Dan Furmansky is former executive
to fundamentally understand the repeated opposition to adding bill. An unfavorable report would thwart this anti-discrimination bill director of Equality Maryland and lobbied for
hardships facing transgender “gender identity” to the state’s have meant the bill died. The while casting his vote the right the organization from 2003-2009. He serves
Marylanders. Lest there be a hate crimes law. Sen. Frosh dis- voice vote on the unfavorable re- way, rather than simply com- as director of the Unitarian Universalist
lack of clarity on the matter, let liked the very concept of hate port failed — in other words, there ing out of his closet against the Association’s Standing on the Side of Love.


Why you should vote for Patrick Mara

A vow to cut waste D.C. has a $320 million bud-
get deficit for the coming fiscal
cally. With these strings of ethi-
cally challenged issues plaguing
only has Mara been endorsed
by the D.C. chapter of Log
to lobby against overturning
D.C.’s marriage law.
while fully funding year. There have been talks of various members of the Council Cabin Republicans, but also by Speaking of marriage, Mara is
education tax increases, additional user
fees and other revenue raisers.
and the mayor’s office, now is the
time for a fresh approach; some-
the local Fraternal Order of Po-
lice who say that he would be
a proven friend to the LGBT com-
munity. Not only has he marched in
Sekou Biddle, the current in- one who is not beholden to the a “voice on the Council that is several Capital Pride parades, but
By ROBERT TURNER terim Council member has flip- current crop of city leaders. Bid- committed to public safety.” he is the ONLY candidate on the
flopped on the issue of raising dle has been endorsed by half With the current makeup of ballot Tuesday who actually testi-
On Tuesday, many of us in taxes. Mara wants to trim gov- of the Council – including May- Congress being split, we will fied before the Council in support
the District will go to the polls ernment spending by reforming or Gray and Chairman Brown, need someone on the Coun- of bringing marriage equality to the
to vote for a candidate in the many of the District agencies which would undoubtedly lead to cil who is willing to meet with District. While others have talked
At-Large race for City Council. that are bloated and inefficient. his continuing the status quo. the Republican leadership about their commitment to our com-
There are nine candidates vying Recent events have shown As a moderate Republican and show them why it is best munity, and some have “evolved on
for this seat. Several are actu- that the Council needs a watch- who is fiscally conservative and to leave D.C. alone. Getting our issues,” he has shown it. Patrick
ally decent candidates. dog looking out for taxpayers. socially progressive, Patrick oneself arrested in support Mara has been there for us. Now
However, I would like to Patrick Mara will provide that would bring common sense to of D.C. rights and local au- let’s be there for him.
point out a few reason why you oversight. Between fully loaded city hall. tonomy may show passion
should vote for Patrick Mara on taxpayer-leased vehicles, un- Last week, when the Wash- and conviction, but it does not
Tuesday, fiscal responsibility accountable non-profits run by ington Post endorsed Mara, it show effectiveness.
being at the top of that list. Mara Council members, and question- said in part, “Mara would use his It will be useful in engag-
would seek a top-to-bottom re- able hiring practices, it is clear standing as a Republican to lob- ing with a GOP-led House to
view of all city contracts and that the one-party rule over at by for congressional represen- have a vocal GOP advocate on
spending. Mara will scrub con- the Wilson Building is not good tation and budget autonomy for the Council. And after the last
tracts for fraud and abuse, and for the citizens of the District. Washington.” It went on to say minute budget shenanigans
demand performance. In doing Mara would be a fresh and in- that he doesn’t change his posi- on the Hill, it is more important Robert Turner is president of the D.C.
so, he would cut waste, while dependent voice on the Council. tions to “please the interests of now than ever. Last year, Mara, chapter of Log Cabin Republicans and
fully funding education, law en- He would help set an example by the audience he’s addressing.” along with D.C. GOP Chairman can be reached at robert.turner@
forcement and public safety. behaving responsibly and ethi- In addition to the Post, not Bob Kabel went up to the Hill
22 • april 22, 2011


Two recent deaths remind us of what’s important

Loss of Coudriet, al after funeral, one by one they again. Just before Chris passed

Crowe brings We should enjoy our family and friends left us. The Blade was full of obit-
uaries of men we lost, leaders,
away, I posted to my Facebook
page a list of 11 movies I thought
teachable moment each day in some way and always have friends, lovers. For me the first to every gay man should see. One
of them was “Longtime Compan-
for community them in our minds and hearts. go was the assistant art director
at the magazine I worked for in ion,” the first feature length film to
Philadelphia. Some years later, it put a human face on AIDS. One
By ANTHONY GREEN was my best friend Van Sheets of the enduring images in the
tion, Chris devoted energy to we knew it. We should enjoy who had held my hand as I es- movie was the beaming face of
The LGBT community re- the driving LGBT issues of the our family and friends each day caped the closet. a young Dermot Mulroney that
cently lost two leaders we will day such as “Don’t Ask, Don’t in some way and always have I referred to the AIDS-driven his dwindling circle of friends
all miss, whether you knew Tell” repeal. Once Jeff left the them in our minds and hearts. parade of death as ubiquitous constantly saw as a ghost after
them or not. I knew both of them Hill, he went to work for our city, Don’t let differences simmer, and routine — so much so that he died, the first to go. With the
because of my work on the Hill dedicated to making this place make amends now. we became somewhat immune movie in mind, after Chris died, I
and specifically the congres- safer, healthier and more eco- People in my Hill life young to its sting. But when it was a fixed in my head a joyful image of
sional staff association for the nomically sound. and old experienced Chris’s best friend, a brother or a lover, him on a tubing adventure, which
LGBT community in the House We all have lost something death with pain and sadness. It it never felt that way. The pain I wanted to remember when I
of Representatives. special with the passing of Jeff was our wonderful friend Diego was stabbing. thought about him.
One was in the last few and Chris. And special people Sanchez who embraced the AIDS is still here, of course, Neither Chris nor Jeff had
weeks, Chris Crowe, president leave legacies of teachable mo- younger ones and urged them but because of the battery of AIDS and I don’t want to marry
of the recently reinvigorated ments. What can we take from to hold onto someone close. He drugs that have been devel- the different kinds of pain we
and renamed LGBT Congres- their lives to improve our own observed that it probably would oped, people with HIV are living suffered. These thoughts have
sional Staff Association. A few and help others? I have been have been the first time most of whole and long lives. But AIDS come from discussions with
months ago, Jeff Coudriet died thinking a lot about this, and them lost a close, contemporary is now in the closet. friends and stirrings in my own
after a long illness. Jeff was in- have learned several lessons friend. Always the wise man in It is significant that people in mind following Chris’s passing.
volved with the organization in from their lives. our posse — our Yoda — Di- their 20s and teens did not live A death can never be mini-
its bronze age. We should love each other ego’s advice was so right. through the relentless tragedy of mized. If, from loss, our lives
Both were wonderful friends today — don’t wait until tomor- But it brings up a sad time for AIDS. Dangerous, unsafe sex is and those of others can be
to have and bigger-than-life in- row. Life is fleeting. Jeff’s illness many of us who live in the LGBT back with a vengeance and it is more enriched, more loving,
dividuals who touched so many took time to take him. Many of community and are older. In the not confined to the darkness of a more informed and safer, then
people with charisma that set us knew Chris had a medical is- scheme of history’s arc, it wasn’t closet. Men are unashamed and the legacies of the ones we lose
rooms on fire with their humor sue, and that it had reemerged. too long ago but for many of us undaunted about unsafe sex. The are much more meaningful.
and their energy. They also had But we knew he was a fighter losing contemporary friends was potential of a rerun of this tragedy
intense commitment to making and his passing seemed to hap- not at all unique. Because of is all too scary and we cannot
people’s lives better. Beyond pen in the blink of an eye, with AIDS, losing friends became a allow a routine of sickness and Anthony Green works with the LGBT
his work on the staff associa- his red eyelashes closed before cruel routine. Funeral after funer- death to plague our community Congressional Staff Association.


HHS addresses anti-LGBT domestic violence

A welcome to explore additional steps HHS
could take to improve the lives
LGBT people face.
We commend HHS’s work to
survivors. Studies have shown
that only one in five survivors
programs reported losing, on
average, half their staff posi-
commitment to of LGBT people.” address the reality that LGBT of same-gender sexual assault tions due to funding cuts be-
helping survivors, HHS’s 2011 and 2012 Fund-
ing Opportunity Announce-
survivors of violence, including
domestic violence, face many
and intimate partner violence
received victim services.
tween 2007 and 2009. Other
organizations could not expand
victims ments under the Family Vio- obstacles when seeking help These findings highlight staff or program capacity to
lence Prevention and Services from first responders. HHS’s the critical need for culturally meet a demonstrated need for
By SHARON STAPEL Program was posted on April 1 recommendations will go a long competent support for LGBT such growth. NCAVP member
during LGBT health awareness way to ensuring that LGBT sur- survivors of domestic/intimate programs had less capacity to
The New York City Anti-Vi- week. HHS articulated a new vivors will have access to com- partner violence. For too long, respond to and meet the needs
olence Project (AVP) was en- and increased commitment to petent, unbiased emergency local AVPs have largely been of survivors because of the
couraged by an announcement recognize LGBT populations as services that are critical to en- denied access to the critical drastic reductions in direct ser-
by U.S. Department of Health under-served communities and suring safety. federal dollars that fund the vices, outreach, and community
and Human Services on April to identify LGBT populations A 2010 study coauthored by vast majority of the government- organizing despite the dem-
1, highlighting new recommen- as target populations for other the National Center for Victims funded anti-violence work done onstrated increase in demand
dations to improve the lives population-specific grants. This of Crime and NCAVP demon- throughout the country. In 2009, from LGBT survivors for sup-
and health of LGBT people, commitment advances the im- strates significant barriers that NCAVP member programs, al- portive, culturally-competent
including addressing domestic portant work that the National LGBT people face in accessing ready small and under-funded, programming. The recommen-
violence as it distinctly impacts Coalition of Anti-Violence Pro- necessary support and services experienced an unprecedented dations of HHS are, we hope, a
survivors. grams (NCAVP), a program of in mainstream agencies, which degree of financial instabil- harbinger of things to come in
HHS stated, “The recom- AVP, has done to expand ac- may primarily or exclusively ity due to the fiscal crisis with equitably addressing the treat-
mendations were developed cess to funding for local anti- serve heterosexual, non-trans- many programs facing severe ment of LGBT victims and survi-
in response to the Presidential violence programs throughout gender women. Few victim- funding cuts. As 75 percent of vors of violence.
Memorandum on Hospital Visi- the United States. Funding for serving agencies are trained to NCAVP member programs have
tation, which, in addition to ad- LGBT-specific AVPs will allow work with LGBT victims and sur- five or fewer staff, and 44 per-
Sharon Stapel is executive director of
dressing the rights of patients LGBT survivors to access com- vivors of crime. This focus often cent of member programs have the New York City Anti-Violence Project
to designate visitors regardless petent services that recognize, translates into hetero-sexist ser- fewer than three people on staff, and coordinator of the National Coali-
of sexual orientation or gender respect and respond to the spe- vice provision and may exclude such cuts are devastating. tion of Anti-Violence Programs. Reach
identity, directed the Secretary cific needs and obstacles that or discriminate against LGBT In 2010, half of the NCAVP her via
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24 • april 22, 2011

All Souls Memorial Episcopal Church

2300 Cathedral Avenue NW
202-232-4244 •
The GeRTRude STein democRATic cluB, Woodley Park Metro
The leAdinG voice of lGBT democRATS in
WAShinGTon, dc, endoRSeS

SEkOU BIDDLE The Sunday of the Resurrection


he is a staunch advocate for lGBT

equality, evidenced by his strong April 23
support for marriage equality Ho ly SAturdAy, Th e G re at V i g i l o f Ea s te r at 8 p.m.
and his willingness to speak out inc ludi ng mu s ic by G allu s, Lau r ids en & Has s ler
against hate crimes.

he received the highest rating April 24

from the Gay and lesbian Activists EASt Er d Ay, Low M a s s at 8 :3 0 a .m.
Alliance (GlAA). Easter Egg Hu nt o n t h e c h u rc h l aw n at 1 0 a .m.
H i g h M a s s at 1 1 a .m.
he is committed to improving
inc ludi ng m usic by Va u g han W illia ms, Thomps on & M oza r t,
education in the district, has a ccompa nied by s tr ing tr io
worked as a teacher, and served on the dc Board of education.

he brings an intelligent, thoughtful, independent voice to city politics.


The GeRTRude STein democRATic cluB An egalitarian synagogue serving the GLBT community and all who wish to participate
in an inclusive environment.
AlSo endoRSeS
Erev Shabbat Services, Fridays, 8:30 PM
Followed by Oneg Shabbat Social
PhILIP PANNELL Shabbat Morning Services, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon

he is a long-time advocate
for Ward 8 and for the lGBT
community. Rabbi Toby Manewith

he will promote reading as a ADVERTISING

community missionPROOF
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Bet Mishpachah
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Erev Shabbat Services, Fridays, 8:30 PM

Followed by Oneg Shabbat Social
Join the Stein Club in Supporting
Shabbat Morning Services, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 AM
Sekou Biddle for At-lArge CounCil AnD Followed by Kiddush Luncheon
PhiliP Pannell for WArD 8 StAte boArD
of eDuCAtion on tuesday, april 26! DC JCC, 16th & Q Streets NW
Rabbi Toby Manewith

The metaphysics of marriage

Lesbian interfaith hands of a couple as they answer ques-
tions like “Will you hurt Suzy?,” to which
minister finds joy in the response is usually, “I might.” “Is that
uniting same-sex couples your intention?” “No,” after which a cord
is laid over the hands. The couple states
their intention is “only good and only love.”
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO Berger has also had couples “jump the broom,” an African tradition that has
its roots in slave times.
Some people think there’s more than “I think ritual is important because it con-
one path to God. nects us to a sense of spirit,” Berger says.
Takoma Park resident Rev. Bonnie J. She guesses about 60 percent of her
Berger — she insists on using her middle couples have been lesbian, the rest gay
initial because she says her name sounds men. She married three couples on the
like a sandwich special otherwise — sidewalk in front of the Supreme Court.
found herself at a crossroads in the mid- One elaborate ceremony involved mar-
’00s. The lesbian and longtime gay and rying 11 couples at once. Her couples
women’s activist was burned out from her have been together anywhere from three
work and had never found the Jewish faith months to more than 50 years. And
of her roots, quite the right fit. though HRC got most of the credit for its
She’d joined Bet Mishpachah, the lo- elaborate triple ceremony the first day
cal gay synagogue, upon moving to the same-sex marriage was legal last year,
D.C. area in 1984, but “mostly just went Berger claims she actually conducted the
twice a year,” she says. first public wedding. One of her couples
After her mother died, she went to a was second in line and she married them
metaphysics-based interfaith seminary on the D.C. Courthouse steps just after
in New York, got ordained and has be- the first couple got married by a judge.
come in demand as officiating clergy Berger advertises on a handful of D.C.-
for same-sex couples since marriage specific websites that cater to same-sex
went into effect here in March 2010. Last couples. Others find her through her
year, she married 111 gay and lesbian website, Only one of her
couples and six straight ones. Her all- couples has broken up that she knows of.
embracing language has hit a chord with Another contacted her for marital coun-
gays — both in the D.C. area and those seling, which she says she’s happy to
who come here to wed from other states. provide. One couple came from Australia
When gay D.C. couple Derick Sim- but many are from other states and find
mons and Mike Miller got married last significance marrying in the U.S. capital.
October, they met with several potential She won’t quote her rates — she says it Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
ministers before determining Berger was depends on how elaborate a ceremony is
the right fit for them. Though neither is planned. For out-of-towners, she’ll even Rev. Bonnie J. Berger conducting a same-sex marriage last weekend at Metropolitan Com-
munity Church of Washington.
especially religious, Simmons was raised help secure the license. One pre-ceremo-
Christian and Miller Jewish and they ny meeting is required — even if it has to
wanted clergy who would be sensitive to be done via Skype. proach to faith. to Judaism and I found the god of the
their different faith backgrounds. So what about the common dogma “We can choose what works the best Old Testament, who was always smiting
“She was very personable and really that many faiths use claiming their faith for us,” she says. people, that was a god of rules and fear
took the time to get to know us,” Simmons is the only true path to salvation? Berger She is celebrating Passover now but and not what I wanted my god to be.”
says. “It was awesome. She did a really says that’s a man-made construct. also enjoys the Eastern practice of medi- She emerged from a two-year pro-
good job. She basically used God as op- “That’s really where it becomes based tation and listens to gospel music be- gram from a metaphysical institute based
posed to any religious or denomination- on fear,” she says. “The opposite of love cause, “that brings God front and center.” in Silver Spring with “a sense of spirit in
specific references. It was just sort of an is not hate, it’s fear in metaphysical phi- Berger believes each individual pos- my life and a sense of joy and lightness
all-encompassing God or higher being. losophy. It’s a climate of fear because sesses divinity and that love is “the high- that I had never known before.”
We incorporated one Jewish tradition people who believe that way feel they est vibration,” a notion she explains as Berger plans to wed her partner of five
with the breaking of the glass, but other have to be right. They’re banking their an invisible, but real energy force based years, Romie Palladino, next year when Pal-
than that it was pretty cross-religion.” whole life and their afterlife on it.” in the laws of the universe which, in ladino relocates to D.C. from Connecticut.
Berger says it’s important that what- But ultimately isn’t there one thing that metaphysics, are attraction, love and She says non-religious ceremonies are
ever traditions the couple wants to incor- either happens or doesn’t happen to hu- other notions. just as valid, but feels spirituality can add
porate are used. She studied many faith mans when they die? Berger says the con- Ultimately Berger’s own faith experi- an important dimension to a marriage.
backgrounds in seminary but sometimes cept that “only certain people go to heaven ence informs the ceremonies she con- “It eases pain in times of stress, it’s
has to study up a bit for some of the less- doesn’t resonate with me at all.” She feels ducts for others. a reminder to always choose love, a re-
common faiths. her job is to “lift an individual’s path and help “After my mom died, I just thought, minder to seek forgiveness and to hold
Handfasting, a marriage custom of- them find peace, not to impose my path.” ‘There’s got to be something more to this. the other person as sacred in your life in
ten performed in pagan and Celtic cer- Her path is indicative of what she calls I was not feeling full, not feeling whole a way that truly honors them and allows
emonies, involves draping cords over the the “spirituality-as-smorgasbord” ap- and I thought, ‘What’s going on?’ I looked for perfection without judgment.”
26 • A PR I L 2 2, 2 0 1 1 WASHINGT O NBL ADE.CO M

Good Friday (today) N.W.) will be holding midday Lenten Church (2300 Cathedral Ave., N.W.) planned for 12:15 p.m. with the
services today at noon as well as is having Good Friday matins at 7:15 church’s gay organist and music di-
Foundry United Methodist Church Good Friday services in English and a.m., the Good Friday Liturgy at noon rector Charles Miller playing. At 7:30
(1500 16th St., N.W.) will have Good German. English services will be at and Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m. p.m., the church’s choir will perform
Friday worship services at noon and 12:45 p.m. and German services will National City Christian Church (5 Faure’s “Requiem.”
7 p.m. be at noon. Thomas Circle, N.W.) has a Good Metropolitan Community Church of
The United Church (1920 G Street, All Souls Memorial Episcopal Friday-themed organ recital today Washington (474 Ridge St., N.W.) will
be holding Good Friday service at 7
Washington National Cathedral
(3101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.) will be
holding communion with reserved
sacrament at 7:30 a.m. Good Friday
service will be held from noon to 3
p.m. The service will be webcast.
Christ Church on Capitol Hill (620
G St., S.E.) will hold its Good Friday
service at noon and 7:30 p.m.
Dignity Washington will have its
Good Friday service at 7:30 p.m. at
St. Margaret’s Church (1820 Con-
necticut Ave., N.W.)
Institute for Spiritual Development
(5419 Sherier Place, N.W.) is holding
Good Friday Service of the Shadows
meditation at 7:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (3rd
and A streets S.E.) is holding a Good
Friday Liturgy from noon to 1:30 p.m.
in the nave.
Wesley United Methodist Church
(5312 Connecticut Ave., N.W.) will be
holding its Good Friday service at 7
Mount Vernon Place United Method-
ist Church (900 Massachusetts Ave.,
N.W.) will be holding its Good Friday
service at 7 p.m.
Metropolitan Memorial United Meth-
odist Church (3401 Nebraska Ave.,
N.W.) will be holding its Good Friday
service at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 23
Foundry United Methodist Church
will have an Easter egg hunt at Stead
Park (1625 P St., N.W.) from 10:30
to 11:30 a.m. For more information,
contact Theresa Thames-Lynch at
All Souls Memorial Episcopal
Church (2300 Cathedral Ave., N.W.)
is having the “Great Vigil of Easter”
at 8 p.m.
Washington National Cathedral
(3101 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.) will have
the Great Vigil of Easter starting at 8
p.m. The service will be webcast.
Dignity Washington will have an
Easter vigil mass at 8:30 p.m. at Clar-
endon Presbyterian (1305 N. Jack-
son St.) in Arlington.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (3rd
and A streets S.E.) is holding a Holy
Saturday Liturgy from noon to 1 p.m.
Washington Blade file photo in the nave.
Gay organist Charles Miller plays a Good Friday-themed recital today at 12:15 p.m. at National City Christian Church. The church, in Thomas CONTINUES ON PAGE 27
Circle, has the third largest pipe organ in Washington.


Foundry United Methodist Church
(1500 16th St., N.W.) will be holding
Easter Sunday worship services at 9:30
and 11 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.
River Road Unitarian Universal-
ist Congregation (6301 River Rd.) in
Bethesda will be holding a multi-
generational Easter Sunday service
at 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. led by Rev.
Ginger Luke, Beth Irikura, director God, our Creator, invites
of youth ministry, Rev. Maureen Kil-
loran, Clif Hardin, director of music,
and Greg Boyd. to the table of grace
United Church (1920 G Street,
N.W.) will be holding Easter services all who love God and
in German and English today. English
services will be held at 11 a.m. and
German services will be at 9:30 a.m. seek to live in peace with
National City Christian Church (5
Thomas Circle, N.W.) has a sunrise one another . . .
service on its front steps today at
7:30 a.m. The Church’s gospel choir
will perform. And at 11 a.m., a ser-
vice will be held in the sanctuary with
organ, choir, brass and percussion.
All Souls Memorial Episcopal
Come Worship with Us!
Church (2300 Cathedral Ave., N.W.)
is hosting low Mass with Easter hymn Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
at 8:30 a.m. with a children’s Easter 421 Seward Square, SE ~ Wash., DC 20003
egg hunt on the lawn at 10 and pro-
cession and high mass at 11 a.m.
Metropolitan Community Church of Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
Washington (474 Ridge St., N.W.) will
be holding two Easter Sunday servic- We are Methodists, “of all sexual Dumbarton United Methodist Church
es. The first, at 9 a.m., will have ASL orientations and gender identities 3133 Dumbarton St., NW ~ Wash., DC 20007
interpreters and the second service
will be held at 11 a.m. that work to transform our church Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
Christ Church on Capitol Hill (620 and world into the full expression of
G St., S.E.) will have multiple servic-
es and events today. There will be a Christ’s inclusive love.” Foundry United Methodist Church
sunrise service at the Congressional 1500 16th St., NW ~ Wash., DC 20036
Cemetery (time to be announced).
The Holy Eucharist with Brass of Washington’s Reconciling United Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
Peace will be at 9 and 11 a.m. There
will be an Easter egg hunt and fes-
Methodist Churches welcome YOU
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church
tive coffee hour at 10 a.m. and noon. to come celebrate Easter and every 3401 Nebraska Ave., NW ~ Wash., DC 20016
Dignity Washington will have its
Easter Mass at 6 p.m. at St. Marga- Sunday with us! Come be a part of a
ret’s Church (1820 Connecticut Ave., diverse community of believers who Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Institute for Spiritual Development seek to be in relationship with God Mt. Vernon Place United Methodist Church
(5419 Sherier Place, N.W.) is holding and with one another. 900 Massachusetts Ave., NW ~ Wash., DC 20001
Easter Celebration Service at 11 a.m.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (3rd
and A streets S.E.) is holding Holy Come explore the depth Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
Eucharist from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. in the nave of God’s love for you! Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley United Methodist Church 5312 Connecticut Ave., NW ~ Wash., DC 20015
(5312 Connecticut Ave., N.W.) will be
holding its worship service from 11
Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mount Vernon Place United Method-
ist Church (900 Massachusetts Ave., Baltimore Washington Area Reconciling Methodists
N.W.) will be holding its Easter Sun-
day service at 11 a.m.

Good Friday
April 22, 2011
“The Seven Last Words of Christ”
Services at 12:00 Noon
Photo courtesy of

Easter Sunday
April 24, 2011
“Christ the Lord Has Risen” The truth about
what’s in the Bible
Services at 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM

926 11th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20001
Rev. Dr. Louis Shockley, Senior Pastor Jesus never condemned love is a basic instinct. Falling in love is not
an accident, but an act of nature, an act
homosexuality of God. It was obvious to John Paul I. The
Regular Sunday Morning Services person one has the natural instinct to fall in
8:30 AM and 10:30 AM By BISHOP CHARLIE BRAUN love with determines sexual orientation —
not whom one has sex with. In recent months we have seen a se-
ries of high-profile suicides. How heart-
Many have been poorly instructed
concerning the Scriptures with long out-
breaking to see grade school, high school dated information. In this, the 21st cen-
and college students being bullied to take tury, we know more about the Scriptures
their own lives because they are gay. than ever before. No Scripture scholar
We would not be truly Old Catholic worth his or her salt would ever sub-
should we ever exclude those who are gay. scribe to the notion that the Bible is the
Homosexuality is very much a part inerrant inspired word of God. For the
of the human experience, and we know sake of the good people clergy serve, it
More Light Presbyterian Churches Welcome You how difficult it is to share this with par- is their duty to teach Scripture based on
ents and friends for fear we will lose their 21st century evidence.
love. But to be bullied to take one’s life For instance, we know now that the

He is Risen and is nothing short of immoral and sinful. So

I offer the following that those who seek
the truth will benefit, and our gay broth-
words “homosexual” and homosexual-
ity” do not appear in the original Hebrew,
Aramaic and Greek texts. The concept of

He is Fabulous! ers and sisters will find comfort.

Long before John Paul II, there was Al-
bino Luciani, the happy, smiling, people-
sexual orientation was only developed in
the late 19th century.
We know that the Bible has a lot to
loving John Paul I. He had great plans for say about temple prostitution, including
the church, including correcting Rome’s homosexual ritual prostitution. Just as in
erroneous concepts on sexuality. Unfor- Shakespeare’s time the roles of women
tunately the power behind the throne pre- were performed by men, so during this
vented this from happening. They made time, men took women’s roles in fertility
sure we would have this good pastor rites. Paul had nothing nice to say about
among us for only 33 days. that. The book of Leviticus, with its many John Paul would often ask: “What is purity laws, was written by priests and
the greatest of sins?” Frequently the an- leaders to keep the Israelites from as-
A D V E R T I swer S I N was:G P R “I Osuppose
OF sex.” So let us be similating into Babylonian culture. The
clear. Sex and love are synonymous. Sex destruction of Sodom had nothing to do
is God’s creation given us as a wonderful with homosexuality.
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of gift. This loving pastor-pope would usually Of the many hundreds of Jesus’ in-
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
NS the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
proceed to explain in detail, sex in itself is structions and prohibitions, few have a
GN responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
nothing more than human nature and not sexual component and none condemn
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any
copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair a sin at all. The greatest sin of all is ha- homosexuality. Bible translators must
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE tred – hatred of other kinds of people and be aware of the errors that have been
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
hatred oflimited
those who live lives differently. made in previous versions of the Bible. It
By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not to placement,
St. thomaS’
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omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations payment and insertion schedule.
and warranties.
1772 Church St NW
One day, John Paul I addressed the is such Scripture scholars that we need
cardinals that “the day is not far off when and want who freely and diligently seek
we will have to answer to these people truth and teach accordingly.
who through the years have been humili- When all is said and done, we are fol-
ated, whose rights have been ignored, lowers of the Way, not of Moses or Saint
whose human dignity has been offend- Paul. We are followers of Jesus the Christ.
ed, their identity denied and their liberty Scripture scholars lead us to the truth as
oppressed. What is more, we will have to taught by Jesus, our Elder Brother.
answer to the God who created them.”
Psychiatric and medical communities Bishop Charlie Braun is with the Old Cath-
concluded long ago that sexual orientation olic Diocese of Saint John the Beloved.
cannot be changed, that the ability to fall in Reach him via

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april 22, 2011 • 29

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responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users
is pm poached rhubarb, strawberries poached rhubarb, strawberries
EVISIONS Easter Vigil, April 23–8 pm
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by The Dupont Circle Hotel
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All about baskets

Turn this typical Easter treat sists Benedict. “You have to keep the
candy and the treats!” she says.
into something unique The fabled lapin may have a distinct
fondness for carrots, but kids want good-
By JoANN GRECO ies and lots of them, Benedict points out.
Frazzled parents can look beyond gum-
These days, it seems as if Santa Claus my jelly beans and gooey Peeps, though.
has nothing on the Easter Bunny when it “I like the idea of an Easter basket
comes to imagination. The floppy-eared overflowing with cupcakes instead,”
bearer of goodies has in recent years upped Benedict says. Tossing a recipe book
the ante, and everyone from Martha Stewart and a few cake-decorating nozzles into
to the average first grader has weighed in the mix can turn the holiday into a baking
on what makes the perfect basket. adventure for the whole family, she adds.
No longer are a mere half-dozen dyed If your kids insist on staples like foil-
eggs, one chocolate rabbit, and a pack- wrapped Easter eggs, jazz up your pre-
et of marshmallow chicks – all nestled sentations. One year, Benedict decoup-
in a fistful of bright green plastic grass aged a tubular oatmeal container and
– enough. stuffed it with candy, while Centner has
Of course, the three basic elements of filled cellophane piping bags with the
every Easter basket remain. “You need a pastel-hued sweet stuff, then tied them
vessel, a liner, and, of course, stuff to fill with contrasting ribbon.
it all up with,” says Sebastien Centner, di- Centner also believes that the best
rector of Eatertainment, a Toronto-based baskets contain a craft-making gift.
catering company. “Have kids form Play Doh eggs,
Beyond that, though, all bets are off. and include decorations such as silver
“Easter is the craftiest of holidays,” ob- beads, mini jewels, and pastel-colored
serves Jeanne Benedict, a party planner paints,” he suggests.
and former host of “Weekend Entertain- As for real eggs, Centner recom-
ing” on the DIY Network. mends dyeing them beforehand to save
The options are endless, and enter- time and mess, and then encouraging
prising basketeers have learned to put kids to make the eggs their own by using
many a spin on the tried-and-true. Lately, washable markers instead.
May 5, 2011 that’s meant a predilection for curled rib- Plastic eggs that unhinge to reveal
bon or shredded newspaper to replace tiny treasures are a great finishing touch,
less eco-friendly choices like the very ar- adds Benedict, who says they serve
tificial turf of our own youth. as ideal receptacles for anything from
National LGBT Scholarship Fund And, it’s certainly meant that the pink Matchbox cars to gross-out candy (ba-
Cornerstone Event plastic dollar store basket of yore is a nana-flavored jelly beans that resemble
bore. Centner suggests substituting gal- earwax, anyone?).
vanized metal pails or jewel-toned stack- Many parents also use the surprise of ing Japanese-style lunch boxes. the Easter basket to take care of spring
Or, he recommends, buy a real wicker “I want this, I need that” whines. The
or rattan basket and have kids paint it in modern bunny trail is littered with items
their hue of choice. “Not only does this – from rolled-up T-shirts to coveted DVDs
add variety to the same old, same old,” – once more commonly found under the
he says, “but it makes the whole thing Christmas tree.
more special. It encourages kids to actu- “I’m a firm believer that anything you
ally keep it and use it all year round for can put into a gift basket, you can put
storing art supplies or trinkets.” into an Easter basket,” says Benedict.
However, one tradition must stay, in- Just don’t forget that candy.
april 22, 2011 • 31

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32 • april 22, 2011

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O U R C O M M U N I T Y • O U R S T O R I E S • S I N C E 1 9 6 9
arts & entertainment • vol. 42, issue 16 • april 22, 2011 • Page 33

Laughs and librettos

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

Librettist Mark Campbell says even without ostensible gay themes, gay sensibilities inform his writing because he’s gay and his sexual orientation is a factor in one’s sense of humor

New Wolf Trap-commissioned opera its own spin on our contemporary world, because this is
not about high art, but they each set out to entertain.”
the English play of that name (in Italian it means “sly
fox”) written by Ben Jonson and first produced in 1606.
‘The Inspector’ debuts next week What’s great about the two, she adds, is that “they Musto is Italian — half Sicilian and half Neapolitan —
use actual English words and the same syntax you so Campbell says that when they put their heads together
By DAVID HOFFMAN would use if you spoke to someone on the street, so it they soon decided to revamp and relocate the classic Go-
doesn’t feel theatrical, it just sounds familiar,” in Camp- gol comedy, set in Tsarist Russia, to Mussolini-era Italy, and
Comedy is a different animal when it comes to opera. bell’s way with words and Musto’s melodic punctuation. instead of Russian-flavored music, Campbell says it is very
That’s the experience of Mark Campbell, author of Witman, an old hand at making opera come alive for new Italian in flavor, with tarantellas, those Italian folk dances
a new comic opera, “The Inspector,” that features his audiences, admits that “We’re hampered by the fact that we with fast upbeat tempos, not cossack-style dances.
laugh-out-loud, incisive libretto matched perfectly to the are called opera,” but she stresses, “in many ways ‘The In- “The composer must help make the opera funny,”
expressive melodies in composer John Musto’s sophis- spector’ is really musical theater. It’s simply that it’s sung by and all of Musto’s music, says Campbell, is created to
ticated-yet-fun style. It comes to the stage in its world people with operatically trained and expressive voices, with- make sure that the comedy of the libretto — the words
premiere at The Barns at Wolf Trap on three nights be- out microphones.” She points out that on Broadway, singers’ — lands with flair and funny impact.
ginning Wednesday. voices are amplified, but not in opera. “That’s what makes This is their fourth opera together. Three are com-
Based on all advance indications, it will be another it opera,” but with “The Inspector,” she says, “in everything edies, and the fourth, says Campbell, has comic ele-
triumph for the veteran collaborators, Campbell and else it could just as easily be musical theater.” ments — “Later The Same Evening,” based on the paint-
Musto, whose comic operas “Volpone” won major plau- Opera is alienating to some, she says. ings of American artist Edward Hopper.
dits at Wolf Trap in 2004 and returned there for a suc- “Many people won’t come out to anything called “When it comes to comedy, we know how to do this,”
cessful reprise in 2007. opera, because they think they’ll feel stupid or that it’s he says.
“We were their matchmakers,” Kim Witman, Wolf Trap stupid because they can’t understand it. It’s because of That doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Opera’s director, rightly boasts, about bringing the two the trappings of opera, the exaggerated posturing, that “It’s harder to do than drama, because it must do the
together for “Volpone,” and she admits that “anytime people stay away, and because it’s in another language, same thing that drama does, create clear characters
you do that, you just don’t know at the beginning what’s so people think ‘I won’t understand it,’ and because they who want something, the same thing as when you tell
going to work or not.” think it’s going to be five hours long.” any story, but it must also be funny.”
This combo worked so well, says Witman, “that we’ll take But “The Inspector” is sung in English, with constant Campbell says that “you’d have to ask my friends if
the credit” for making it happen. About “The Inspector,” she wisecracks, and she says, “is very fast,” clocking in at I’m funny” but that he thinks that he’s “actually a pretty
says, “They both have an approach to this work that is mod- just two hours long. miserable person, as are most people who have a com-
ern in feeling, not as in avant-garde” — which in opera can Campbell — who is gay, and openly declares, “I’m ic bent, because at the core of their heart is something
be cold and remote — “but that hits the sweet spot.” single and available for marriage, unfortunately not yet in that’s pretty dark.”
“The Inspector,” an update of the 1836 classic New York (he lives in New York City), but in D.C.” — says Soprano Anne-Carolyn Bird, who sings the role of the
tongue-in-cheek satirical play by Russian writer Nikolai that he and Musto “were told to write a comedy because
Gogol, “intersects as music and words,” she says, “with they (Wolf Trap) loved ‘Volpone,’” which was based on Continues on page 47
34 • april 22, 2011

QUEERY: 20 questions for Brock Thompson


Brock Thompson is the kind of person who can take a germ of an idea and run with it.
Upon coming out to his father at age 18, the 34-year-old Toad Suck, Ark., (it’s
about 30 miles from Little Rock) native was told there were probably other gays in
the family, it just wasn’t discussed in those terms.
His father told him his “Great Aunt Opal” was mostly likely a lesbian and had lived
with a woman most of her life.
“I barely knew her as a child, but it was a different time in Arkansas and women
could get away with living together as old maids or spinsters, and two men could be
bachelors sharing a place,” Thompson says. “It was a different time and people had
different ways of categorizing these relationships, but it encouraged me to look into
Arkansas’s past and I found there was a very rich gay history there.”
Thompson, a historian and Ph.D. who works in the Library of Congress’s Ameri-
can Folk Life division, thus began an eight-year odyssey that came to fruition when
the University of Arkansas Press published his 260-page book “The Un-Natural
State: Arkansas and the Queer South.”
He found a surprising amount of drag, especially in hetero-normative gatherings,
in Arkansas in the ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s. “Womanless weddings,” would have men
play all the roles in mock wedding ceremonies that were held as fundraisers for
regional charities and guards in Japanese-American prison camps would conduct
drag shows for the inmates. A lesbian commune flourished and still exists.
“So often with gay and lesbian history, we tend to focus on the cities and tend to
not think much about these flyover states, but they have a rich and unique gay and
lesbian history that you can’t discard,” Thompson says.
He did years of research and says a lot of his most interesting finds came about by
knowing where to look — some of the gayest tidbits were filed under non-LGBT tags. He
also conducted about 50 interviews with older residents of the state who remembered
the era. Thompson also intentionally tried to make it a reader-friendly, accessible volume.
“If it’s too starchy and impenetrable for a general audience, then what’s the point,” he says.
Thompson still has family in Arkansas but has been in Washington for about five
years. He previously lived in London for four years for a doctoral program at King’s Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
College, University of London.
His book can be purchased on Amazon for about $20. How long have you been out and who If science discovered a way to change
was the hardest person to tell? sexual orientation, what would you do?
I’ve been out since I was 18, my fresh- Stay put. I’m having a blast.
man year of college. The hardest person
to tell was my father. What do you believe in beyond the
physical world?

Who’s your LGBT hero? I believe in a loving God.
Oscar Wilde, Harvey Milk, Michelan-
gelo, Barney Frank What’s your advice for LGBT move-
ment leaders?
What is Washington’s best nightspot, Look beyond the urban cities to the gays
past or present? and lesbians in the rural areas. Also, you
I’m partial to JRs. It’s the bar I feel are doing a lousy job painting gay rights
most comfortable in. in the larger light of civil rights in America.

PERSONALS AD Describe your dream wedding.

What would you walk across hot
coals for?
My friends.
What non-LGBT issue are you most
ISO GWM, Over 30 Years, Over passionate about? What LGBT stereotype annoys you
$30K (at least). Must love my dog! Literacy. most?
That we are all sissies and wimps. I’ve
What historical outcome would you been in more bar fights than I care to re-
change? member.
Probably the 2000 presidential election.
What’s your favorite LGBT movie?
What’s been the most memorable pop “The Celluloid Closet,” “Jeffrey,” “An-
culture moment of your lifetime? gels in America,” “Priscilla: Queen of the
Sitting on top of my parents’ station Desert,” “Beautiful Thing.”
wagon watching “Star Wars” at the drive-
in movie theater back home. I was 4. What’s the most overrated social
On what do you insist? I’m from the South. All we have are so-
Punctuality. This “running on gay time” cial customs.
thing is ridiculous.
What trophy or prize do you most
What was your last Facebook post or covet?
Tweet? The publication of my book.
A short note thanking friends for their
birthday wishes. What do you wish you’d known at 18?
PLAcE yOuR FREE PERSONALS AD ONLiNE tODAy! That the liberal arts often equal poverty.
If your life were a book, what would
the title be? Why Washington? “How to Drink and Eat One’s Feelings: Chicago, too cold. New York, too pric-
The Brock Thompson Story” ey. Washington, just right.
april 22, 2011 • 35
36 • april 22, 2011

Sushi & Lounge

We don’t make waves.

We make sushi.

Lunch Specials
Only $14.95

Happy Hour Specials

5-8 pm • Lounge Area Only

Dine in
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Private parties
Photo by Jack Chen; courtesy of BL-PR,Inc.

MON-THUR 12-3, 5-12

FRI 12-3, 5-1 Native D.C. DJ returns to Town
DJ Jerome Farley returns to his native D.C. on Saturday when he will appear at
SAT 12-1 Town (2009 8th St., N.W.).
SUN 12-12 Town is Farley’s favorite place to spin in the U.S. and he’s excited to be back, as
the owner, Ed Bailey, tougher him how to DJ when he was a teenager.
“I’d hang out in the DJ booth and look over his shoulder,” Farley says.
Farley, who’s gay, will also be premiering a music video for Vanessa Mitchell’s
new song, “Hope,” which he wrote and produced.
1326 14th St. NW Doors open at 10 p.m. There is an $8 cover before 11 p.m. and $12 afterward.
2nd Floor All attendees must be 21 or older.
202.588.5889 New York DJ Michael Hades will open for him.
Owned and Operated by Thai Tanic staff.

Photos courtesy of Creative Souls Management

ISSUE DATE: 12-31-10 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: JERYL PARADE ( Inaya Day to spin at Cobalt
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
Recording artist Inaya Day will be at Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) on Saturday from
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. with DJ Wayne G.
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users Not only does Day write for herself, but she has also written for artists such as
can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
EVISIONS any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any Bootsie Collins, Randy Crawford and Missy Elliot.
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation,
SIONS or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE
UMD plans queer studies symposium
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations payment and insertion schedule.
and warranties.

The fourth annual D.C. Queer Studies Symposium will be held April 29 in Tawes
Hall at the University of Maryland in College Park.
Graduate students and faculty from schools throughout the area will be present-
ing some of their work and Regina Kunzel, author of “Criminal Intimacy: Prison
and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality,” will serve as the keynote
To register, attendees should e-mail with name, insti-
tutional affiliation (if any), e-mail address and if they’ll be attending the buffet lunch
and/or closing reception.
For more information, visit
april 22, 2011 • 37


Photo by Stan Barouh; courtesy of Factory 449

Stephen Schmidt, Lisa Hodsoll as shock artist Lizzie B. and, on display, James Majewski in
Factory 449’s ‘Magnificent Waste.’

World-weary wares
Bored and jaded New Peopled by unlikable, one-dimension-
al characters (whom the five-person cast
Yorkers inhabit ‘Waste’ mine with varying degrees of success),
Svich’s mercenary New York scene feels
By PATRICK FOLLIARD familiar. Yes, the selling of an installation
featuring a real live boy sparks debate,
For its third fully staged offering, Fac- but the play otherwise retreads frequent-
tory 449: a theatre collective is taking on ly travelled territory — soulless New York
the art world with a production of “Mag- artists, the cult of celebrity and all that.
nificent Waste,” playwright Caridad Sv- Slated to receive the John Aniello
ich’s polemic on excess and superficial- Award for outstanding emerging theatre
ity in our celebrity-driven culture. company (along with co-recipient No
Shock artist Lizzie B is very aggres- Rules Theatre Company) at the Helen

have you
sive, professionally and personally. At Hayes Award on Monday, Factory 449’s
her New York opening, she boldly propo- plays are interestingly staged and “Mag-
sitions a well-heeled patron named Ar- nificent Waste” is no exception. Director

den. While not interested in her, he does John Moletress, who’s gay, envisions the Revisions PleaseRevis
like the art she’s selling: an installation intimate Mead Theatre Lab as an art gal- Redesign for accura

seen us lately?
Text revisions presumed Te
featuring a slim male in pink briefs and lery. In fact, when entering the space, Image/Logo revisions corrections
feather boa reclining on a floor of Good audience members are encouraged to by 24 hrs.
and Plenty candy boxes inside a bright- move among the art work (Lizzie’s instal- the lgbtq community’s news source No revisions
the lgbtq community’s news source copy of
ly-lit cube. And that’s just fine with Lizzie lation and various projected anti-con-
— she’s happy so long as she’s closing a sumerism statements) PROOF#: CR their
before taking ISSUE
DATE: 100430
Signature Signat
deal one way or another. seats. And like the collective’s previous
When not hawking her work, Lizzie works, video design — compliments of
(played as an anger-fueled survivor by Jesse Achtenberg — plays an integral
Lisa Hodsoll) spends her off time down- part in this production as well.
ing vodka and pills with TV chat show host As the young man, James T. Majew-
Bret (likable actor Tony Villa) and Mindy, ski eventually climbs out of his box and
an aging It girl (Sarah Strasser making her vividly relays his story. It seems he was
Factory 449 debut). A self-described but in search of a place to crash when he
ill-defined ménage a trios, the symbiotic met Lizzie at an art party. His need to
trio mostly uses one another to advance be looked at and desired made him an
careers, score drugs and pass the time, ideal fit for her latest installation, and, of
all the while spewing endless babble course, cunning Lizzie was more than
punctuated by brief flashes of profundity. happy to encourage her new find in his
On the sly, Lizzie begins a relation- longing to be a part of something bigger
ship with Arden (played appropriately than himself by connecting with the gods
weird by Stephen F. Schmidt) who col- through art. On their first meeting, Lizzie
lects beautiful-but-disposable things like marked him with her Sharpie, rendering
cheap black lighters and unsettled young the young man — like everything else in
men. Initially the pair meets exclusively at the world Svich depicts — saleable.
a trendy oxygen bar until Arden eventually
invites Lizzie to see her installation now ‘MAgnIFICenT WASTe’
in his Park Avenue apartment and have Through May 8
sex. Afterward, zombie-like Arden informs Factory 449: a theatre collective

workin’ a street corner near you!

Lizzie that since he doesn’t like women, Flashpoint’s Mead Theatre Lab
he entered her as if she were a man. She $20
916 G. Street, NW
shoots him a slightly dirty look, but isn’t
terribly fazed … most likely it’s nothing the
jaded artist hasn’t heard before.
38 • april 22, 2011

CALENDAR the Birchmere Dec. 17. (Photo courtesy of the Roches)

Image courtesy of Touchstone Gallery

‘Wide Grass’ by Mary D. Ott is part of her ‘Grasses’ exhibit at Touchstone Gallery on display through May 1.

see Gross National Product’s month, Green Lantern (1335 day Georgetown, in the Shear its on display, Janet Wheeler’s
Today “State of DisUnion” at the Atlas Green Court, N.W.) is hosting Madness Hair Styling Salon. “Nest with a Twist” and Mary D.
April is country month and Performing Arts Center (1333 Jocks vs. Jocks from 10 p.m. Tickets are $42. Visit kennedy- Ott’s “Grasses” which will be up
The Lodge (21614 National Pike) H St., N.E.) at 8 p.m. The show to 2 a.m. Cover is $5 if wearing for more information through May 1. The gallery is
in Boonsboro, is celebrating with features a condensed version sports attire, $7 if not. There’s a and to purchase tickets. open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
line dancing along with its usual of the group’s last show, “The trophy and cash prizes for the
karaoke with DJ Christy from Sound of Palin.” winning team. Monday, April 25 Thursday, April 28
Brown Entertainment Group Today is the last day to see
tonight from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, April 23 the exhibit “Image/Fame/Mem- SAGE Metro D.C. is holding The OutWrite Author Series
There’s a $5 cover after 10 p.m. ory” an exhibit featuring pho- its monthly meeting tonight from presents Brock Thompson read-
Baltimore’s Gilded Lily bur- The Lodge (21614 National tographs of well known musi- 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the D.C. Center ing from his book, “The Un-Natu-
lesque will be performing “I Pike) in Boonsboro, presents cians, artists, writers and actors (1318 U St., N.W.). ral State: Arkansas and the Queer
dream of Bettie: A Burlesque ”Fever: the underwear party” by Curtis Knapp, Gerard Malan- Bears do Yoga at Green Lan- South” at the D.C. Center (1318 U
Tribute to the Queen of Pinup” tonight at 9 p.m. with an open ga, Billy Name, Kate Simon and tern (1335 Green Court N.W.) St., N.W.) from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
at The Birchmere (3701 Mount refresher bar at for those in un- Shepard Fairey’s collaborations tonight at 6:30 p.m. Class lasts Caregivers Connect, a
Vernon Ave.) in Alexandria to- dies from 9 to 10 p.m. There’s with Name and Simon at Irvine for an hour and serves as an support group for those car-
night at 7:30 p.m. a $5 cover before 11 p.m. and Contemporary (1412 14th St., introduction to yoga for people ing for someone with HIV/
DJ Lil’ E is hosting a Lady $8 afterward. Visit thelodgemd. N.W.). The gallery is open from of all different body types and AIDS is meeting today at the
Gaga vs. Madonna vs. Rihanna com for more information and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and the exhibit physical abilities. It’s taught by Elizabeth Taylor Medical Cen-
dance party at Rams Head Live dress code. will be on display through Satur- Michael Brazell. For more infor- ter (1701 14th St., N.W.) from
(20 Market Place) in Baltimore. Pocket Gays presents DJ day. For more information, visit mation, visit 7 to 8:30 p.m. This is a confi-
Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Tickets Lemz from Baltimore, Menya dential group and will run for
are $12 and can be purchased from New York City and Sherell Tuesday, April 26 10 sessions. For more infor-
online at Rowe at Velvet Lounge (915 U Sunday, April 24 mation, call Jessica Moss at
Caliente Grande is tonight St., N.W.) tonight from 10 p.m. to The Gay and Lesbian Activists 202-797-3580.
at Apex (1415 22nd St., N.W.) 3 a.m. There will be a $5 cover. Gallery plan b has three ex- Alliance will hold a membership National Youth Advocacy Co-
starting at 9 p.m. DJ Michael Apex presents Easter with a hibits featuring with paintings meeting tonight from 7 to 8 p.m. alition is hosting a happy hour at
Brandon will be spinning the Twist tonight. There will be an by Greg Minah, works on pa- at the Charles Sumner School Nellie’s (900 U St., N.W.) to sup-
Latin dance party in the main Easter bunny walking around per by Mars Tokyo and works in Museum and Archive (1201 port LGBT youth, tonight from
hall. There is a $10 cover the club passing out candy and gold leaf by Andrew Wapinski. 17th St., N.W.). 5 to 8 p.m. A dollar from every
charge. Attendees must be 18 Easter eggs hidden with sur- The gallery is open from 1 to 5 Nellie’s (900 U St., N.W.) Nellie’s beer will go toward the
to enter, 21 to drink. prises in each one. DJ Melissa p.m. and the works will be on hosts its weekly “Glee” watch cause. People can also donate
The New Gay presents Homo/ from Philly will be spinning in display through May 15. party tonight at 8 p.m. on the $10 by texting ACTIVIST to
Sonic with DJ Natty Boom the main room at midnight and “Shear Madness,” a comedy deck in the pub room. 85944.
Boom at Black Cat (1811 14th Kristina Kelly and The Girls of whodunit, will be performed Gays & Lesbians Opposing
St., N.W.) from 9:30 p.m. to 2:30 Glamour will be performing at 11 twice tonight at the Kennedy Wednesday, April 27 Violence (GLOV) is having its
a.m. This is an all ages party p.m. There is a $10 cover and all Center Theater Lab (2700 F St., monthly meeting tonight in the
and there is a $10 cover. attendees must e 18 or older. N.W.) at 3 and 7 p.m. “Mad- Touchstone Gallery (901 New main room at the D.C. Center
Tonight is the last night to Every fourth Saturday of the ness” takes place in present- York Ave., N.W.) has two exhib- from 7 to 8 p.m.
april 22, 2011 • 39

Visit us at

Trisha Brown Dance

Saturday, April 30 at 8 p.m.
This astonishing nine-member company
has been challenging the boundaries of
contemporary dance since its legendary artistic
director, Trisha Brown, founded it four decades
ago, exploring alternative performance spaces
and staging performances on rooftops and
walls to investigate the relationship between
dance movement and gravity. Celebrating
those 40 years, the Company performs a new
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra work, Pygmalion, as well as other new works and
revived works from the company’s repertory.
Arabella Steinbacher, violin $22, $36, $44
Saturday, April 23 at 8 p.m. Washington Blade This tour engagement of Trisha Brown Dance Company original
is file: Adobe In
Performing without a conductor and rotating the musical leadership roles for Apr 22,the2011
piece, funded through the American Masterpieces program of Mid
“Orpheus Chamber Orchestra elegantly refutes the notion that a collective mind is unlikely to Atlantic Arts Foundation with support from the National
1/8H (4.75” x 2.6875”) Non-SAU
produce the same caliber of performance produced by a single mind.” (Chicago Tribune) With Endowment for the Arts.
German violin virtuoso Arabella Steinbacher, the program will include Strauss’ Serenade Theatres/CF
for Winds
in E-flat Major, Op. 7; Hartmann’s Concerto Funèbre; Mozart’s Rondo for Violin and Orchestra in C

Major, K. 373 and Adagio in E Major, K. 261; and Haydn’s “London” Symphony (No. 104).
$28, $48, $56

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Making the Boys

“CaPTiVaTinG and enTerTaininG.“ “You are tearing me apart, Lisa.”



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40 • april 22, 2011


Getting ‘Results’
Local fitness guru Jefferies would go on to open up three
other Results Gyms in the city.
turns attention to Ironically, March 1 marked the clos-
philanthropic ventures ing of his first Results Gym and the one
year anniversary of the opening of Jeffer-
ies newest fitness endeavor. Stroga is a
By KEVIN NORRIS blend of strength training and yoga that
was fueled from his own yoga practice,
Mission: Results may sound like just which began shortly after 9-11.
another PR slogan to get Washingtonians But beyond Jefferies’ commercial suc-
to buy gym memberships but for Doug cesses, he has always been involved in phil-
Jefferies, it has a deeper meaning. anthropic endeavors and giving back to the
It’s the name of a new non-profit organi- community long before he started organizing
zation he hopes will be part of his legacy. relief trips. Jefferies has donated $100,000 a
For almost 20 years, Jefferies has had year in memberships to local charitable or-
an influential impact on the local health ganizations, sponsoring the Capital Hill Clus-
club industry and in whipping people into ter school 10k races, building an award win-
shape in one of his many fitness endeav- ning parade float 10 years in a row for Capital
ors. From his small Training for Results stu- Pride, to the famous Results cheerleaders
dios and award-winning Results Gym loca- who every year would get the crowd going
tions to the newly established strength and at the High Heel Race that attracts nearly
Yoga studio, Stroga, Jefferies has provided 10,000 people each year.
cutting edge exercise outlets and social Jefferies’ relief work began after the dev-
environments for the exercise induced. astating 2005 tsunami hit. He hung posters
Jefferies began his fitness career in the in the gyms asking if anyone else wanted to
early ‘90s. He offered personal training to volunteer to go to Sri Lanka to help the peo-
a few close friends who liked the “Results” ple affected. Twenty people signed up and
they were seeing in Jefferies. After build- traveled to Sri Lanka to help. Shortly thereaf-
ing a client base at Washington Sports ter, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, and
Club, he rented a 1,000-square foot ga- instinctively, people approached Jefferies
rage and purchased his own equipment. requesting that he arrange relief trips to the
For almost two years Jefferies typi- Gulf. Jefferies personally escorted nearly a
cally trained about 60 sessions a week dozen relief trips for hundreds of Washing-
in this space. In September 2005, Jeffer- tonian volunteers.
ies moved his operation to a commercial Then Haiti hit Jefferies’ radar when an
space at 1704 R Street N.W., the space earthquake ravished the small helpless
next to Swift cleaners and across from country. Since then Jefferies has lead 10
Cobalt. The business needed a name so of the 11 trips he has arranged.
Training for Results was born. “It is remarkable how much Doug and
Jefferies would go on to employ just Mission: Results has accomplished so
about every up-and-coming personal quickly” Astrid Fitzgerald of Kids Con-
trainer in Washington, many of whom grad- nection Haiti, says. “I’ve been working in
uated from the “Jefferies Personal Training Haiti for years and have seen organiza-
School” to open up their own spaces and tions get less done in twice the time than
to continue on to their own successes. they have accomplished.”
“I’m happy to be a part of anyone’s Jefferies is building orphanages, financ-
success,” he says. “It’s a feather in my ing small business growth, creating ways
cap and I have always encouraged per- Haitian’s can obtain the resources available
sonal growth.” to them through the larger organizations
Training for Results outgrew the new per- that require paperwork and procedures that
sonal training space within six months and make it difficult to obtain the food, shelter,
he started dreaming on a bigger scale. An clothes and school supplies already in Haiti
opportunity presented itself at the EB Ad- being held up by the process.
ams restaurant supply store, once the first- After being encouraged by friends for
ever Chrysler car dealership in D.C. at 1612 years, Jefferies established a tax exempt
U Street, N.W. In December 1996 Results non-profit organization called Mission:
ISSUE DATE: 04.15.11 SALES REPRESENTATIVE: JERYL PARADE ( the Gym opened to rave reviews. His per- Results. Its goal is to become an army
REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of
sonal training business had escalated to a of volunteers and resources prepared
proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of
the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts
full scale gym. And while the gym became when help is needed.
omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is
responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users popular to local gays, Jefferies had always “Lots of people get the urge to vol-
EVISIONS can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or
any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any intended the space to be populated by a unteer when they see something on the
/LOGO REVISIONS copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair
competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, diverse community and be a “chameleon news that moves them, but are unsure
SIONS or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE
washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all
liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred
toto the
By signing this proof you are agreeing local
your contract community.”
obligations with the
washington blade newspaper. This includes but is not limited to placement,
The space was how to go about it. We want to be the or-
by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertiser’s breach of any of the foregoing representations
and warranties.
payment and insertion schedule.
always about inclusion and acceptance for ganization people think of. We want to
every walk of life (Results won “best gym” be the conduit for those people” he says.
in the Blade’s Best of Gay D.C. readers’ Visit for details.
choice awards every year from 2001-2007).
Results, The Gym quickly became the
best gym in the area. People magazine Kevin M. Norris is a
health and fitness
called it “the place to be seen.” Everyone
columnist for the Blade
from JFK Jr. to Anderson Cooper worked and owner of Mind
out at Results. W Magazine names it one our Own Body, LLC.
of the greatest gyms on the planet. Results Personal Training. Reach
set a higher standard for health clubs in him at
design, style and customer service.
april 22, 2011 • 41


eyewear style show

Photo courtesy of

Life’s too short to spend it in an unhappy relationship. If you’re stuck in one, it’s time to reflect
and work on the situation.

A cure for bad relationships april 30, 2011 I 11:00AM - 3:00PM

Work on your problems allow people to stay in these unfulfill-

or move on
ing relationships. Security reasons, for
example, financial stability, play a huge
CoLonIAL oPtICIAns BethesDA
Are you stuck in an unhealthy relation-
part. For some, being “on your own” is
scary because, let’s face it, two incomes
4942 st. elmo Ave. I Bethesda MD 20814
ship? Maybe a better question to ask first
is, can you walk away from your relation-
are better than one. Do you really need
the second home in wine country? Your
301.657.3332 I
ship knowing you put 110 percent in? Is long-term happiness is far more impor-
the guilt you have from cheating keep- tant than any material possession.
ing you partnered? Do you think it may Now comes the big “D” word. Di-
Lines Displayed
be too hard to find another partner or are vorce. Are kids thrown into the mix as
you just plain lazy? Does your partner put well? This can complicate things fur-
you on a pedestal, where you’ll sacrifice ther. We don’t want to downplay the
what you really want just because he’s fact that having kids with your partner
spoiling you? If the answer is yes to any can make you want to stay together “for
of these questions, then you are in an un- the sake of the children.” However, kids
healthy relationship. know when their parents are unhappy.
So what do we mean by “unhealthy?” We Kids have an incredible sense of intu-
don’t mean 40 pounds overweight with ition. If you’re unhappy and actively living
a serious nicotine addition kind of un- in an unhealthy relationship, they feel it. If Free Frame drawing at the close of the show.
healthy. We mean having trust issues, ar- you’re in a bad situation, do something Must attend style show to be eligible for drawing.
guing more days than you are having sex, about it. Be mature and make the healthy
doubts in sincerity and verbal or emotional decision for you and the kids.
abuse. If you are experiencing these prob-
lems, you’re not the only one. The good
Now you find yourself wearing a big
old ugly “I’m in an unhealthy relationship”
news is there’s a cure for the unhealthy re- sticker. Have you given your relation- 20% OFF a complete pair of eyeglasses for Blade readers.
lationship. Work on it or get out! ship 110 percent? If you’ve exhausted
Sorry, we can’t cure you until we do all your options, thoughtfully, it’s going to
a little reflection first. (Lesbians love to be much easier to have “the talk.” You’ll
reflect!) This is when you get out your be clear headed about your decision to
pencil and check off the examples that move on if you’ve reflected deeply. Have
describe your relationship and you’ll the talk, cry yourself to sleep over a tub
know how severely “unhealthy” yours is. of ice cream, and tomorrow the sun will
Do you feel like you are stuck in a rou- be shining a bit brighter.
tine? Routine is that warm, fuzzy, com- We don’t claim to be therapists, but
fort feeling everyone loves. Routine is we agree that sometimes a little advice
easy. Routine loves you back. However, from a professional helps you realize why
this is a very common factor as to why you’re in an unhealthy relationship. Get-
relationships turn sour. “Routine people” ting an objective perspective is always a
stay in their relationships because they step in the right direction. Having a thera-
enjoy knowing someone is there in bed pist doesn’t mean you can’t manage your
with them every morning. Routine peo- own life and relationships – it just means A D V
ple also probably can’t differentiate one you’re #2
PROOF on the way there or you’reISSUE
day from the next – and that’s no way to proactive about changing for the better.
live. Let’s be honest: Dating again might Be mature enough to be honest. Don’t REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of proof.
scare the hell out of some of you. Trust stay because it’s easy. Sacrificing your- Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of the date
us, you always have options. REVISIONS
self for others is sacrificing your own of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts omnimedia
llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is responsible
There are other lifestyle factors that happiness. REDESIGN
Be healthy! for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users can link through
the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or any rgihts of third
TEXT REVISIONS parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any copyright, patent,
IMAGE/LOGO REVISIONS trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair competition,
defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, or any other right
NO REVISIONS of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) and ADVERTISE
to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all liability, loss, damages, By signing this proo
42 • april 22, 2011


Sat, Apr. 23 National Pastime, Keegan Theatre,
NEXT at the Corcoran: BFA Class of 2011, Church Street Theater. 703-892-0202.
Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Wed, Apr. 27 In Your Ear: Avant Garde & The Capital
Influence, 25 Years of Glass Art, City Showcase, DCAC. 202-462-7833.
Workhouse Arts Center.
703-584-2900. Pagliacci and Maria La O - Winter Pocket
Jenny Freestone: New Prints, Washington Opera Double Bill, In Series, Source
Printmakers Gallery. 301-273-3660. Theatre. 202-204-7763. The Walworth Farce, The Studio Theatre.
John Musto’s The Inspector, Wolf Trap. 202-332-3300.
1-877-WOLFTRAP. The New Electric Ballroom, The Studio
Theatre. 202-332-3300.


King Lear, Synetic Theater, Dumbarton House. From House to Home:
One Night of Queen with Gary Mullen and The Works Lansburgh Theatre. 202-547-1122. Reinterpreting Dumbarton House. 2
Wed, April 27 02-337-2288.
Strathmore. 301-581-5100. Photograph 51, Theater J. 800-494-8497. Kreeger Museum. Tom Wesselmann
Freddie Mercury and Queen reinvented rock and the entire concert experience, DRAWS. 202-338-3552.
creating blazing anthems, including “We Will Rock You,” “Somebody to Love” and The Weir, SCENA Theatre,
“Bohemian Rhapsody.” Aided by a custom-built lighting rig and detailed costumes, H Street Playhouse. 703-683-2824. National Gallery of Art. Venice: Canaletto
frontman Mullen and his band mount a rocking--tribute to the British legends and and His Rivals, Gauguin: Maker of Myth,
the late Freddie Mercury. China: The Whole Enchilada, Gabriel Metsu, 1629–1667, Lewis Baltz:
DC Arts Center (DCAC). 202-462-7833. Prototypes/Ronde de Nuit, In the Tower:
National Symphony Orchestra: Nam June Paik, From Impressionism
Kurt Masur, conductor / Sarah Chang, violin, plays Bruch, Wed, Apr. 27 to Modernism: The Chester Dale
Thu, Apr 28 thru Sat April 30 Artist in Residence: The Sweater Set, pop- Collection. 202-737-4215.
The Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. folk duo, Strathmore. National Geographic. America I AM,
The Times of London says conductor “Kurt Masur has extraordinary joie de vivre.” Beyond the Story: National Geographic
Violinist Sarah Chang plays Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1. Also on the program are LIMITED ENGAGEMENT Unpublished. 202-857-7700.
Mendelssohn’s Overture to Ruy Blas and Brahms’s Symphony No. 1.
Apr. 22 - Apr. 23 Museum of Women in the Arts. Eye
The Disorder of Things, Round House Wonder: Photography from the Bank
Divorciadas, Evangélicas y Vegetarianas/Divorcees, Theatre Silver Spring. 240-644-1100.
Evangelists and Vegetarians of America Collection. 202-783-5000.
Through Sun, May 1
Gala Hispanic Theatre. 202-234-7174. Apr. 23 - Apr. 24
Three women on the verge: A divorcee is on the brink of suicide as she realizes her
Human, Joe’s Movement Emporium. ONGOING GALLERIES Put a CORC in It!, Corcoran Gallery of
unfulfilled life has passed her by; a faux vegetarian is a high-octane diva who feels
Art, Renaissance Dupont Circle Hotel.
jilted and taken for granted by her married boyfriend; and an evangelist constantly
struggles with her inner passions. Ultimately, the women find comfort, and salvation, ONE NIGHT ONLY 202-775-0800.
in each other. In Spanish with English subtitles. Fri, Apr. 22 C2YN (Countdown to Yuri’s Night) &
Nancy Wilson, Strathmore.
Hamtdaa: Together, ARTISPHERE. 703-
Second Lives: The Age-Old Art of Recycling Textiles, 301-581-5100.
Green: the Color and the Cause. Through September 11 Sat, Apr. 23 Dimensional Landscapes: New
The Textile Museum. 202-667-0441. Step Afrika! National Geographic. Perspectives of our Natural World, Fisher
The exhibition highlights the ways people in various cultures ingeniously have re- 202-857-7700. Art Gallery, Schlesinger Concert Hall &
purposed worn but precious fabrics to create beautiful new textile forms. Includes a Symposium on New Irish Arts, Arts Center.
pictorial kantha from India embroidered with threads recycled from old saris, a coat The Studio Theatre. 202-332-3300. Works by Greg Minah, Mars Tokyo, and
from 19th-century Japan painstakenly woven from rags, and other recycled textiles. Andrew Wapinski, Gallery plan b.
Wally Cardona, Dance Place. 202-234-2711.
The Guide to Arts & Culture is provided by Your Link to Arts in Metro DC, A program of
the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington. Photo courtesy Strathmore.
202-269-1600. Artomatic Takes Flight: Special Exhibit
The Empresarios with Fort Knox Five at National Airport, Artomatic, Reagan
DJ Set, ARTISPHERE. 703-875-1100. National Airport. 703-417-8600.
The World in Abstract, Arlington Artists
ONGOING STAGE Alliance, Arlington YMCA. 703-525-
Liberty Smith, Ford’s Theatre. 5420.
202-397-7328. IN-FLUX: Judy Byron presents ‘’What
The Walworth Farce & The New Electric Matters’’, Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts
Ballroom, The Studio Theatre. Gallery at Smith Farm Center.
Stage Door, American Century Theater, Cindy Packard Richmond’s “Food,
Gunston Theatre Two. 703-998-4555. Glorious Food”, The Art League. 703-683-1780.
april 22, 2011 • 43

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44 • april 22, 2011

Now Is A Perfect Time To Plant!

SpECtaCuLar COLOr iS EvErywHErE

annuals • perennials • Hanging Baskets • Container Gardens
Flowering trees and Shrubs • and So Much More
First Shipment of Gorgeous EartH Day iS apriL 22nD
potted roses Just arrived! plant trees for a healthier Photo courtesy of
and more beautiful earth
EaStEr pLantS
including Lilies,
Our Nursery Professionals travel the country to
hand select the best varieties for your landscape –
discover our incredible selection in all sizes Spring planning,
Hydrangeas, Orchids
and lovely Potted Plants
FrEE SEMinarS (Gainesville Location)
Special Buy

red, white, pink & Lavender

summer rewards
Saturday, april 23 at 10 am – Shade Gardens $
varieties in bud & bloom

12.00 While Tips for pruning lar landscape shrub because they will
bloom reliably even after heavy pruning
your hydrangeas
they last
Sunday, april 24 at 1 pm – Plants You Can’t Live Without 2 gal. cont. – Reg. $18.99
Good 4/20 – 4/27/11 or a severe winter. In some harsh win-
ters, the plant will die back to the ground,
By KYLE THURMAN send up new growth in the spring and
Merrifield • 703-560-6222 still bloom profusely. The blooms tend to
8132 Lee Hwy., Merrifield,VA
We all know that Washington is known be quite heavy, sometimes bending the
Fair Oaks • 703-968-9600 for its spring blooming trees and shrubs. stems to the ground. The stems may be
12101 Lee Hwy., Fairfax,VA
As the spring blooms fade, now is the staked to prevent this, or pruned to about
Gainesville • 703-368-1919 time to consider what will be blooming in 24 inches to help the stems become
6895 Wellington Rd., Gainesville,VA
your summer landscape. stronger and better able to support the
Hours: Monday - Saturday 8 am - 8 pm Easter Sunday 9 am - 5 pm
Everyone loves hydrangeas, and I be- heavy blooms. They can be pruned any
lieve there is a reason, whether they are other time of year, but it isn’t necessary
reminiscent of your grandmother’s garden to prune Annabelle each year except for
mgcblade4-21-11.indd 1 4/18/2011 12:55:43 PM
or you enjoy their midsummer bold punch removing dead wood or branches that

of color after your spring display has faded. don’t contribute to a nicely shaped plant.
Hydrangeas are a very popular landscape Oak leaf hydrangeas are native to the
authentic brazilian cuisine SINCE 1992 plant and are prized for their abundant U.S., and as their name suggests, they
blooms and easy care. But often the ques- have large, deeply lobed leaves. The white
LIVE brazilian music tion is “When do I prune my hydrangea?” blooms of oak leaf hydrangeas are beautiful
Every Other Sunday 6-9:30 pm How you care for and prune the hydran- in early to mid summer, tending to turn pink
& Every Thursday 8-11 pm PERSONALS AD geas will depend on what type you have.
There are four categories of common
as they age. Oak leaf hydrangeas should
be pruned at the same time and in the same
Happy Hour Mon.–Fri. 4:30–7 PM hydrangeas: Hydrangea macrophylla,
commonly called Big Leaf; Mophead or
manner as the Big Leaf hydrangeas.
Like the oak leaf hydrangeas, PeeGee’s
Half Price Bottled Beers, ISO GWM, Over Lacecap hydrangeas; hydrangea arbo- white blooms tend to turn pink as they age.
Chilean House Wine, Rail Drinks 30 Years, Over rescence, which includes “Annabelle” PeeGees often grow very large, up to 8-10
Caipirinhas $30K (at least). and its relatives, also known as Smooth feet tall and just as wide, and should be
(Brazilian National Cocktail) $3.95 hydrangeas; hydrangea quercifolia, also planted where they’ll have ample room.
Appetizers start at $3.45 Must love my dog! known as Oakleaf hydrangeas; and hy- They do like some shade in hotter climates,
drangea paniculata, which are common- and are tolerant of sun if they receive
ly called PeeGee hydrangeas. enough moisture. PeeGee may be pruned
Big Leaf hydrangeas are some of the at any time except in midsummer when
most popular hydrangeas in landscapes. they are preparing to bloom, and they can
Most of these bloom in July to August in also be pruned to a tree shape.
either blue or pink, although a few variet- Hydrangeas don’t require much spe-
ies are white. Except for the white variet- cial care after planting. You may want to
Brazilian Brunch ies, any of these can be grown as either give them a balanced, slow-release fer-
Sat. & Sun. 12-4 PM blue or pink, depending on the acidity of tilizer once a year in late spring to keep
3 Course Brunch the soil they’re grown in. them happy. At Environmental Enhance-
with Glass of Champagne If your Big Leaf hydrangea needs to ments, we use hydrangeas in designs
or Bloody Mary be pruned, this should be done in ear- whenever the conditions call. The showy
$18.95 ly summer, before the flower buds are flowers in mid-summer, when most other
formed for the next season. These hy- shrubs have finished their blooming have
Top Ratings by drangeas bloom on old wood, which is earned their place as a staple in the mid-
The Washington Post, wood that was formed during the previ- Atlantic landscape.
Washingtonian Magazine ous growing season. The flower buds
& Zagat PLACE YOUR FREE are formed in August through October,
Kyle Thurman is with Environmental
so do any necessary pruning in the sum-
m-th 4:30-10:30pm, fri 4:30-11:30pm PERSONALS AD ONLINE mer, prior to August. Prune out any dead Enhancements, Inc., a full-service land-
sat 12-11:30pm, sun 12-10pm scape design and build firm established
TODAY! wood each year, and after the plant has
in 1996 providing trained crews to design
private room available for weddings & private events reached five years old about a third of the and install almost any aspect of your land-
stems can be pruned back to the ground
1858 columbia road nw • adams morgan each summer to help revitalize the plant.
scape. Reach them at 703-421-7400 or
Annabelle hydrangeas are a popu-
april 22, 2011 • 45


Photo by Kelly O; courtesy of the author

Revisiting a phenomenon
‘It Gets Better’ morphs into The responses came from around the
world: the U.S. and Canada, England,
moving, if profane, book Australia, Iraq. Politicians weighed in, as
did ministers, doctors, dancers, soldiers
By TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER and teachers. The posters were gay and
straight, parents and friends. One of-
High school, it seems, was built for fered to send readers a letter of support.
drama. One gave the website for an alternative
Maybe it’s because of hormones or school. Some saw being gay as a gift.
because everybody’s searching for who One man said he was his own bully.
they are or the person they’ll become, but The responses are varied, but the
one thing’s certain: Mean Girls, jocks and message is the same: find your people.
cheerleaders, nerdy kids, geeks, and bul- Hang in there —it will be over soon. Don’t
lies generally cannot co-exist in peace. suffer in silence. We need you to live.
And therein lies a problem, particu- “It Gets Better” is one of those books
larly if you’re on the receiving end of that slams you from emotion to emotion in
brutality, teasing or ostracism. Not only six pages or less. Readers will get teary,
does that stuff hurt, but it makes life so they’ll laugh, nod their heads, gasp, and
unpleasant that you can sometimes see want to scream. And this book isn’t just
only one way to stop it. for teens: adults who need it and read it
Columnist Dan Savage, with his hus- will find comfort here, too.
band Terry Miller and a friend, decided The only caveat is that this book is
to do something about that. In “It Gets (somewhat) targeted to middle-school-
Better,” they explain what happened and ers, but it may be too much for them to
how their un-splashy video became a handle. What’s written here is often pro-
tidal wave of support. fane, in-your-face, and generally pretty
Just a hundred videos. grown-up, so caution should be used
That’s the response that Savage and before giving this to a kid who isn’t ready
Miller hoped they’d get from a YouTube for it yet.
post they made in the aftermath of sever- Still, if you know someone that needs
al suicides by LGBT teens. In an “a-ha!” this book, you’ll feel compelled to act.
moment, Savage realized that those kids After you’ve read it yourself, you’ll know
had no vision of a future and no idea that that “It Gets Better” gives him or her a
things get better — hence, the video. better chance of surviving.
But one video begat two, then a hun-
dred, then a computer crash, a presi-
dential message and a movement. In this “IT GETS BETTER”
book, they gather notable messages to Edited by Dan Savage and Terry Miller
$21.95 / 339 pages
LGBTQ teens; some poignant, and some
Like teens who see only “one way out”
of the torment, many It Gets Better post- Terri Schlichenmeyer
ers tell of trying to take their own lives at has been reading since
she was 3 years old.
15, 12, even 10 years old. But, as one
She lives in Wisconsin
pointed out, there are many things she with two dogs and
would have missed, were she success- 12,000 books. Reach
ful. Another poster begs teens not to her at
make him miss the chance to know them.
46 • april 22, 2011


Photo courtesy of WPAS

Michael Feinstein, shown here in a recent publicity shot, shared anecdotes and standards last
weekend at the Kennedy Center.

Feinstein a delight
Kennedy Center Sinatra “Someone Who Needs Me” so long it
started to feel like a lung capacity test,
tribute concert gives but this was the exception. More often,
standards singer room he showed skill and grace with his vocal
choices. Especially on the quieter mo-
to shine ments when he was accompanying him-
self with solo piano and the band took a
breather. They were steller — don’t get
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO me wrong — but it made for great sonic
Standards crooner Michael Feinstein His interpretive abilities are quite good
was a crowd pleaser Sunday night at his — he may not have quite the finesse
Kennedy Center concert, which proved of Harry Connick Jr., but almost. An
— as billed — largely a tribute to Frank 18-piece band, powered by a bombastic
Sinatra, though composers, perhaps (but never overpowering) horn section,
Cole Porter most dominantly, were also added great punch to the tight, 18-song,
generously given their props. 108-minute set (not counting intermis-
So what sets Feinstein (who’s gay) sion). A nice touch were the generous
apart from any cheesy covers-depen- anecdotes and asides about many of
dent tribute act? Two main things. First, these great artists of yesteryear — Fein-
he’s a keyboard wiz. His skills at the ivo- stein knows his stuff and he was a stellar
ries were ably demonstrated on several tour guide and raconteur throughout the
numbers, from bang-it-out barn burners evening.
like an instrumental take on the standard The set list was:
“Brazil,” to oceans of cascading arpeg- 1. Luck Be a Lady 2. I Thought About
gios with which he embellished ballads You 3. Exactly Like You 4. Time After
like “Time After Time.” Also he’s got a Time 5. Brazil (instrumental) 6. Fools
pretty decent voice. Feinstein’s got lim- Rush In 7. What Kind of Fool Am I 8. Just
ited range but he really shines with the One of Those Things * intermission 9. At
oomph. There’s major power in those Long Last Love 10. How Do You Keep
pipes and he really cut loose vocally on the Music Playing 11. It’s Alright With
numbers like “What Kind of Fool Am I,” Me 12. I’ve Got a Crush On You 13. So in
“So in Love” and “For Once in My Life.” Love 14. Medley — All My Tomorrows/All
There were a couple moments where the Way 15. Begin the Beguine 16. For
the money notes were excessively os- Once in My Life * encore 17. The Lady is
tentatious — he held the final notes on a Tramp 18. New York, New York
april 22, 2011 • 47


Humor and poignancy

mix in new opera
continued from page 33
mayor’s daughter, Beatrice, in “The Inspec-
tor,” agrees. She has worked with Camp-
bell before, in the 2007 revival of “Volpone,”
when she also sang on the cast recording
of it which was nominated for a Grammy.
“He’s very friendly,” she says, “but at
the same time he’s very private, and a lot
of artists are like that.”
“We know how to bond with people,
but we save ourselves for a few people
and put the rest into our art,” so she says
that “you get to know more about Mark
by reading his work than by spending Washington Blade photo by Michael Key
time with him in a casual setting.” Mark campbell, co-author of the new Wolf
And “The Inspector” is funny, albeit set Trap-commissioned work ‘The Inspector,’ says
in a dark time, in late 1920s Sicily, when comedy and tragedy are heavily linked in opera.
the new Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini,
the fascist leader, or “Il Duce,” decided “The Barber of Seville.”
to try to clean up the inbred corruption on “I have done my job,” Campbell says,
the island with its Mafia-style gangs that “if I have first seduced people with the
ruled in politics and society with a heavy jokes and then pull a 180-degree turn
hand of thuggery and thievery. and stop them dead in their tracks, sur-
“His ego had been hurt,” says Camp- prising them with an incredibly sad mo-
bell, who spent a long time researching ment. Opera allows you to do that, and
the history of the period, “so he sent in in many other art forms you just can’t do
his own inspectors — called “prefetti,” or this so efficiently, because it has music
prefects — to clean up the corruption in which allows you to cut to the chase fast-
local power centers on the island. So the er than with mere language.”
scene is set for the village (imaginary but Campbell, who wrote the funny lyrics to
based on his research) of Santa Schifez- the musical “And The Curtain Rises,” which
za, whose local mayor’s rule is both crim- just closed its world-premiere run at the
inal and unchallenged, until someone the Signature Theatre in Arlington, has also just
mayor (Fazzobaldi) believes to be Mus- come from Norfolk, Va., where the Virginia
solini’s inspector arrives. Opera premiered this month his musical
Tancredi, this mysterious stranger, theater piece based on a Civil War theme,
traveling with his manservant Cosimo — “Rappahanock County,” in collaboration with
exceedingly smart, acerbic even, and the composer Ricky Ian Gordon, who is also
definitely more pragmatic than his “mas- gay and whose own musical “Sycamores”
ter” — arrive just as the citizens of Santa premiered last year at Signature Theatre.
Schifezza have gathered to rehearse the Campbell is philosophical about be-
town’s new anthem — which is so bad it’s ing single, having been, he says, “in sev-
utterly funny — for the next day, Munici- eral long-term relationships, which were
pal Mayor Day, a day Mayor Fazzobaldi fairly happy ones, but I am not someone
has instituted in honor of himself. who believes in love forever, because
But the mayor has been informed that people change and can evolve into a re-
an inspector from Rome will soon ar- lationship and then evolve out of it.”
rive, incognito, and put at risk the entire Three of his former partners “are now
way of life, based on corruption, he has among my best friends,” he says. “If
worked so hard to keep going. When the you love someone, you want them to be
goofy twins, Bobachina and Bobachino, happy, and if you’re truly invested with
who run the post office, stumble in with someone it’s just a matter of reformatting
the news that they have spotted a new the relationship.” But he’s also realistic
arrival at the inn, and that he is tall, elo- — because first “you must get past the
quent, elegant — and blond — the mayor awkwardness of the first couple of years
immediately jumps to the conclusion that and the first new boyfriends.”
he must be the anticipated inspector. Could a comic opera on the subject
“Comedy as a form of theater is differ- be far behind?
ent from humor,” says Campbell, born in
D.C. and a Maryland resident until age
‘The InspecTor’
12. “In opera it’s usually found,” he says, A world-premiere opera based on Gogol’s
“when characters are so obsessed with play ‘The Inspector General.’ Music by John
something — with greed or in the case Musto, book and libretto by Mark Campbell.
also with abuse of power — that audi- April 29 at 8 p.m. and May 1at 3 p.m.
ences don’t find it sad but funny.” Free one-hour talk at the Center for Educa-
But he says his own favorite moments tion, next door to The Barns, an hour prior to
in comic operas are the sad or tragic each two-hour show.
moments, such as in the character of Fi- The Barns at Wolf Trap
1645 Trap Rd., Vienna, VA
garo from the Beaumarchais play which
Tickets: $32-$72
formed the basis for Mozart’s opera “The 877-965-3872/
Marriage of Figaro” and Rossini’s opera
48 • april 22, 2011

washington, dc Delta elite
3734 10th St. NE
nellie’s sPorts bar
900 U St., NW
30 Degrees Washington, DC 20017 Washington, DC 20001
1639 R St., NW 202-546-5979 202-332-6355
Washington, DC 20009
202-462-6569 Longtime bar popular with African-Ameri- Sports bar featuring poker can men in Brookland events, drag bingo, trivia contests
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men neighborhood; hosts regular ladies night. and other specials. Popular bar
but check schedule for other events. Check web site for special events. with massive outdoor deck
and plenty of TVs f
1409 Playbill Café DiK bar or watching sports.
1409 14th St., NW 1637 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20009 omega
202-265-3055 202-328-0100 2122 P St., NW
Logan Circle area restaurant and bar (Du- Washington, DC 20036
pont Circle Metro) popular with the theater In Dupont Circle area, above 202-223-4917
crowd and featuring open-mike nights, ka- Dupont Italian Kitchen.
raoke and other special events. Dupont Circle area bar and club popular
DUPlex Diner with men featuring dancing, drag and
aCaDemy of Washington 2004 18th St., NW other special events. Washington, DC 20009
Longtime organizers of drag events in the 202-265-9599 Phase 1
city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See 525 8th St., SE
web site for full list of upcoming events. Popular restaurant and bar in the Washington, DC 20003
Adams Morgan area; happy hour
annie’s ParamoUnt specials and many other special events.
steaK hoUse See web site for updated schedule. The Phase opened in 1970 and remains
1609 17th St., NW a popular lesbian bar and club. Features
Washington, DC 20009 fab loUnge regular special events, including Jell-O Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

202-232-0395 1805 Connecticut Ave., NW wrestling, ’80s theme nights and more. Get your bonnet on! Last year’s Easter bonnet party at JR.’s.
In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime Washington, DC 20009 Check web site for details.
restaurant and steakhouse with recently 202-797-1122 Piano bar attracts a mostly male
renovated Upstairs Lounge.
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men
LGBTQ NIGHT baltimore crowd, though welcoming to women
@ blaCK sqUirrel 1722 and straight patrons.
aPex but hosts regular women’s events. 2427 18th St., NW 1722 N. Charles St.
1415 22nd St., NW Washington DC 20009 Baltimore, MD 21201 leon’s/tyson PlaCe
Washington, DC 20037 firePlaCe Party featuring disco house, electro, indie Multi-level after-hours dance club 870 Park Ave.
202-296-0505 2161 P St., NW pop, dance and industrial every Friday attracts a mixed crowd but remains Baltimore, MD 21201 Washington, DC 20037 night. gay-friendly. 410-539-4993
In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, 202-293-1293
but check schedule regularly for other In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar remingtons baltimore eagle In business for more than 50 years,
events. popular with men. 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 2002 N. Charles St. Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in
Washington, DC 20003 Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore and among the oldest in
baChelor’s mill green lantern 202-543-3113 410-82-EAGLE the country. Friendly bar with juke-
1104 8th St., SE 1335 Green Court, NW Longtime Levi/leather bar not far box gets especially busy on Sunday
Washington, DC 20003 Washington, DC 20005 from Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, nights. Tyson Place is a restaurant
202-544-1931 Popular country/Western nightclub in billiards, outdoor patio, videos and a bar located behind Leon’s with a
Longtime bar popular with African-Ameri- Capitol Hill neighborhood with more than full store for your leather needs. separate entrance.
can men in Capitol Hill area. Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy 6,000 square feet of space for dancing Mostly men, but welcoming to wom-
hours and special events, including ka- and billiards. One half block west of East- en. Port in a storm
banana Café raoke and shirtless drink special nights. ern Market Metro. 4330 E. Lombard St.
500 8th St., SE Check web site for details. McPherson ClUb Phoenix Baltimore, MD 21224
Washington, DC 20003 Square Metro. toWn 1 W. Biddle St. 410-534-0014
202-543-5906 Danceboutique Baltimore, MD 21201 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar Jr.’s 2009 8th St., NW 410-837-3906 gets especially popular when the Ra-
Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and 1519 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20001 Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar vens play. Features billiards, music
bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men Washington, DC 20036 202-234-TOWN attracts men and women; friendly and more.
and women. Features Cuban, Mexican 202-328-0090 service.
and Puerto Rican cuisine. Dance club and bar popular with men qUest
Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area bar and women, features regular drag perfor- DrinKery 3607 Fleet St.
bloWoff popular with men; videos, regular special mances. U Street Metro. 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21224
815 V St., NW events. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-563-2617
Washington, DC 20001 Ultrabar 410-225-3100 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown laCe 911 F St., NW Another of Baltimore’s friendly neigh- area is popular with men and women
Created by musicians Bob Mould and 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE Washington, DC 20004 borhood bars in Mount Vernon featur- and offers billiards.
Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional Washington, DC 20018 ing
dance event popular with men. Events are 202-832-3888 billiards, jukebox and welcoming Large dance club with gay-friendly events service.
held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s 1001 N. Charles St.
Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club Every night is ladies night at Lace; and vibe located downtown near Metro
Baltimore, MD 21201
in the popular U Street corridor. features regular special events for women Center. gallery 410-752-7133
in Brookland neighborhood. Check web 1735 Maryland Ave.
Cobalt site for details on happy hour specials. Where the girls go Baltimore, MD 21201 Part of the Grand Central complex,
1639 R St., NW 410-539-6965 Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd
Washington, DC 20009 larry’s loUnge Queer women’s events in the D.C. area. Longtime bar and restaurant popular and offers comfy couches, outdoor
202-462-6569 1836 18th St., NW Check web site for latest info. with African-American clientele. patio and more in its second Washington, DC 20009 floor location.
In Dupont Circle area; part of complex of 202-483-1483 ZiegfelD’s/seCrets granD Central
LGBT businesses at this address, includ- Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant 1824 Half St., SW 1001 N. Charles St.
ing Level One restaurant on
street level and 30 Degrees bar.
popular with both men and women. Washington, DC 20024
Baltimore, MD 21201
northern va
the loDge freDDie’s
Beach Bar
CreW ClUb 21614 National Pike Featuring all-nude male dancers Wednes- Large entertainment complex featur-
555 23rd St. South
1321 14th St., NW Boonsboro, MD 21713 days-Sundays, drag performances, large ing friendly pub, lesbian bar Sap-
Washington, DC 20005 301-591-4434 dance floor and many regular special pho’s upstairs and a dance club on Arlington, VA 22202
202-319-1333 events, contests and more. Large parking the first floor. 703-685-0555 lot available; located in Buzzard’s Point Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment
includes a restaurant and friendly
Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, Favorite for: Both Men & Women, Billiards, warehouse district. hiPPo bar, regular specials and is popular
featuring steam rooms, lounges, Dancing, Drag, Bear/Leather, Karaoke. 1 W. Eager St.
private dressing rooms and more. Local and guest dj’s play the latest Top 40, with men and women. Crystal City
Baltimore, MD 21201
House, Trance & Electro dance beats. Metro.
DC eagle
mixtaPe Large club popular with men and
639 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001 Different locations women featuring billiards, top DJs/ laurel, md
202-347-6025 dancing, karaoke, videos and more. PW’s Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto is 9855 N. Washington Blvd.
The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date Alternative dance party for queer men and “where everyone is welcome.” Laurel, MD 20723
to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie 301-498-8202
tournaments and other special events. rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check Jay’s on reaD
Located near the convention center, two web site for 2010 schedule of events. 225 W. Read St. Restaurant and bar is popular with
blocks north of Gallery Place Metro. Baltimore, MD 21201 gay and lesbian sports fans and is
410-225-0188 known for its superb burgers.
april 22, 2011 • 49



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50 • april 22, 2011


Mr. FairFax pageant So Addictive Lounge in Herndon hosted the Mr. Fairfax pageant on Friday. Brian Reach (top left with crown) of Herndon, Va., was crowned Mr. Fairfax 2011.
april 22, 2011 • 51

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The market is blooming

D.C. trends differ Inventory has declined significantly from
this point last year, so the good proper-
from sluggish ties are selling and they’re selling fast.
national market When there is a price adjustment on
a home, other buyers who have been
circling may also decide to throw their
By SUE GOODHART hat in the ring. The result is often a mul-
tiple-offer situation even if the house has
The Spring market in D.C. bloomed been on the market for several weeks
with the Cherry Blossoms. or months. When you are in competition
In the last month, we’ve seen almost with another purchaser, you are compet-
every competitively priced listing go un- ing with the other purchaser by upping
der contract within the first few days on your price, instead of negotiating with the
the market, often with interest from multi- seller for a lower price.
ple parties and sometimes multiple offers. Despite the competitive market, it is
Unfortunately, the national news still still a great time for buyers. Thirty-year We are seeing a healthy market re- see what’s out there so you can make an
reports of a down market and sluggish fixed interest rates are averaging 4.86 develop in our area. If you are thinking educated decision when you are ready
sales. But this is not the reality of the D.C. percent, still hovering at a historical low about buying a new home, talk with a Re- to buy.
area market. This disparity causes many though they have been slowly rising altor early in the process to see how the
buyers to think they can “play the market” since last fall. Another buying incentive, market is moving in your price point and
or sit and wait for a price reduction. While if you are a resident of D.C., you can still desired location. Many Realtors will set Sue Goodhart is a local Realtor with
it is good to do your due diligence before qualify for the D.C. First Time Homeown- you up on a search and will e-mail you McEnearney Associates. She can be
purchasing a home, there is a problem er Tax Credit if you purchase before the properties that will fit your criteria. Even reached at 202-507-7800 or sue@
with this approach of playing the market. end of 2011. if you aren’t ready yet, it will help you to

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Michael Deninger PhD
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Marguerita Cheng, CFP®, CRPC®
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Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. (703)212-8406 •

Results-Oriented q Affordable A D V
23 years serving the lgbt community
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april 22, 2011 • 55

When you improve your home, FR U
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For All Your Computer Repairs Officiates Weddings Spectacular Beverly Hills home perched above Monticello Park offers an exceptional
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DC, VA, MD, NYC The chef’s kitchen is fully equipped with custom cabinets, granite counters, Subzero
refrigerator, Wolfe gas range and a butler’s pantry with Scotsman ice machine, extra
1636 R Street, NW
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202.462.7195 en suite bath, double dressing rooms, laundry area and juliet balcony. 1100 sq feet of exceptional outdoor living space offers additional options for entertaining. Serene vistas
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1636 R St., NW • WDC 20009 • 202.506.1065

PROOF#: 1 ISSUE DATE: 091218
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april 22, 2011 • 57


Where you always get your way. Celebrating 90 Years in Business!
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final, 4-20-11

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Argent’s Exclusive $1,000 Capitol Energy Credit omnimediaonllc,
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LEGAL NOTICES N. ARLINGTON MASSAGE - Sports / Over Individual/couple counseling with
volunteer peer counselor. Gay Men’s
Deep Tissue / Swedish / Reiki, in private, 8 years experience swedish / sensual
body work. host & outcalls also. Also offer Counseling Community. 202-265-6495.
CBE, Women & Minority
home studio. Clean, quiet, discreet. By
detailed clothing / closet organization. Try LIMOUSINES / DRIVERS No fees,
appointment @ mymassagebygary. donation requested.
Owned Business me today!
Subcontractor Bids or Material com or call 301-704-1158 Gary
for the following trades: and Veteran Owned since 1987 A MINDFULNESS-BASED MENTAL
Masonry, Steel Stairs, Operable AFFORDABLE MASSAGE by friendly Hourly, Point to Point and Airport HEALTH PRACTICE specializing
Partitions, Flag Poles, and intuitive Latin male, in relaxing, priv. Transfer Service. Call Today (202)- in a holistic approach to anxiety,
Parking Control studio just 15 min from DC in Arlington. 554-2471 (800)-455-2471 http://www. depression, careers, and relationships.
Equipment, Fireproofing, Plenty of Parking same day appts, click on rates! 20 years experience helping people
Kitchen Equipment, Loading Dock (703)401-9093 or identify and overcome impediments
Equipment to a fulfilling life, satisfying careers,
Marriott Marquis Washington D.C. and healthy relationships. Jonathan
Washington, D.C. ITALIAN JOCK Give full body massage.
Masculine, muscular, VGL masseur,
CATERING Kirkendall MA LPC, 202.550.3589,
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 3:00pm
Hensel Phelps Construction Co. offers, full-body, Swedish, sports, deep
4437 Brookfield Corporate Drive, tissue massage on a table, including BARTENDERS WITH THAT PERSONAL
Suite 207 stretching, shower available. See my TOUCH Bartenders and wait staff ready
Chantilly, VA. 20151-1691
Phone: 703.828.3200
photos on to assist you with your next private affair. LEGAL SERVICES
jockguy. Located downtown, parking Contact us at 202-390-4018 for more
Fax: 703.802.1580 available. Brian 312-961-7724. information. Our 20th year!
Our Company is an Equal Opportunity EMPLOYMENT LAW ATTORNEY
Employer & Contractor. - Wrongful Discharge, Sexual
We encourage & actively solicit Harrassment, Contract Review,
bids from qualified PAMPER YOURSELF with a 60 or
Whitleblowers. The Law Office of Carl
Minority & Women subcontractors & 90 min. massage. With 11 years
suppliers on all our projects. experience let me tailor a session ENTERTAINMENT Roller (202) 531-2777, www.carlroller.
right for you. Ben 202.277.7097 PIANO / ACCORDIAN / ORGAN,
first class music for any occasion. FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Representing
EMPLOYMENT Experienced (references avail),
the GLBT community for over 30 years.
Family adoptions, estate planning,
TIME TO RELAX, TAME YOUR 100% professional. Visit my website immigration, employment. (301) 891-
TENSION & improve your health with a @
PROGRAM DIRECTOR Resources 2200. Silber, Perlman, Sigman & Tilev,
professional massage! Swedish, Deep Contact: P.A. www.SP-Law. com
for Human Development, Inc. (RHD) Tissue, Athletic and Pain Management (301) 564-9482.
( is seeking a full-time massages really can improve your
Program Director for a new Housing
outlook. J. David Starn, Nationally ADOPTION & REPRODUCTIVE LAW
and Drug & Alcohol Treatment program
for 18 transgender adult individuals. Certified, LMT. Call 202-257-9726 or Jennifer Fairfax handles adoption,
Ideal candidate will be a member of TRAVEL donor, carrier & parenting matters
for LGBT families. Experienced.
the transgender community, and have Ask about weekday specials!
a Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree Affordable. Maryland & D.C. 301-221-
preferred) in a clinical field, with prior AFFORDABLE FORT LAUDERDALE 9651.
drug & alcohol experience. In addition, Perfect Vacation Apartments. From
the candidate will have 3-4 years BY EXPERIENCED MASSAGE $89/NIGHT & $550/Week, Full Kitchens,
experience providing clinical services THERAPIST. Convenient Arlington mins. to Gay attractions, Nude-Gay
to transgender individuals. Three to Beaches, shopping. Clothing optional service law firm serving the GLBT
location. Evenings and weekends.
four years of experience managing heated pool, Internet. 877-927-0090.
$60/hr, $85/90 min. Visa/MC community. Protecting You. Protecting
and supervising others, and managing
Errol (703) 525-4616. Your Family. Since 1972. (301) 656-
a program required. Please send your 6905 or
resume and cover letter with salary
expectations to Debbie Kulp, by email:, for consideration. EOE.
THE MAGIC TOUCH: Swedish, Massage
or Deep Tissue. Appts 202-486-6183, INSURANCE
Low Rates, 24/7.
MASSAGE DC Fitness Matters offers Personal
Training, Boot Camps, & Wellness Nationwide Insurance Gay
Coaching. Pvt studio in Logan owned insurance Agency, We are
SPRING SPECIAL professional RELAX, REGENERATE, Circle. Sean Robinson, ACE on your side for Auto, Home, and life
massage therapist offering $10 OFF REJUVENATE The 3 Rs to Health. Certified Trainer.
SHIATSU BY DAVID David insurance. David Cropper Agency.
(mention this ad), the best deep Experienced Certified Massage Call today 877-822-9495 or email
Therapist helps you with the 3 Rs: Kupferschmid Licensed Shiatsu &
tissue massage available. Stretching, (202) 544 7771.
Swedish & Sports massage. Dupont. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Massage Therapist www.davidshiatsu.
Marcio (202) 271-9440. www. Reiki, Energetics. 240-491-7829 david. Call Bruce (202) 491-8306. MT 0697. Same day
appointments, 7:00 am - 9:00 pm Silver
Spring, MD & Northwest, DC
MAGIC FINGERS $55/hour, $85/90
mins at your service. Experience a INDULGE YOURSELF THIS SPRING
great Swedish Deep Tissue Massage with my unique touch. I offer you a 1-hour FAST CASH!!! Wanted Cars & Trucks.
LGBTQ Affirming Therapy at
to reduce your stress & tight muscles
by a well trained & experienced
massage that will help you deal with stress
& revive your spirit! Handsome, licensed
PHOTOGRAPHY Dupont Metro. Individuals, couples,
Don t throw your money away, call
me! I will buy your vehicle. Call Marty
masseur. You deserve the best for families, adolescents. Over 15
massage therapist will indulge you. Call Salins, at Auto Plaza, in Rockville,
less. Call now 202-641-1078 Adams years serving the community. Mike (301) 340-1390.
now to schedule your appt. (202)213- STEVE O’TOOLE PHOTOGRAPHY
Morgan / Hagerstown Giordano, LICSW. 202/460-6384,
0401. Fine Art Photographer for portraits,,
weddings & dating photos for the
internet. Call (703) 532-3031. www.
MASSAGE that soothes the soul & PETS & SUPPLIES
INSTINCTS with a combination of
deep tissue, sports and Swedish promotes a state of well being. Alan
designed to provide a great all Waguespack MT#0808 (202) 271-7276 ADOPT AN ADORABLE PUPPY OR
round massage. open 7 days 10am PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED DOG All-breed, non-profit rescue. 100%
to 9pm, hr massage only $85 major volunteer run. Donations welcome &
c/c. call 202 293 8484. needed.
WA S H I N G T O N BL ADE . COM APR IL 22, 2011 • 59


TOO NEAT GUYS INC. Residential & Bloomingdale $725 All Inclusive Room
commercial cleaning in DC & Northern for rent in row-house. Looking for easy
VA. Over 12 years experience, gay going roommate to add to our house.
owned, licensed, bonded & insured Currently occupied by 3 gay guys (31-
(703) 622-5983. Wood & Whitacre Contracting: We 45 years old). One of which is off at
replace all roof systems: Slate, tile, school during the week. We are looking
and shingle roofs. We specialize in for a good person to share our space.
POWER CLEANERS, LLC. Experienced, flat roofs: Modified Bitumen, EPDM,
dependable service seven days a $725/mo includes utilities, television
Copper and Standing seam metal and internet. House comes with huge
week. Gay owned and operated. Call roofs. 25 years of experience in the
Matt for free estimates at 202-352-0739 kitchen, great back yard and 2 cats.
Metro area. Historic renovation a The Bloomingdale neighborhood is
or visit specialty. Visa, Mastercard, Amex,
one of the best kept secrets in DC. Big
and Discover card. Please call Jeffrey
Bear and Rustik a block from house.
Wood (301) 674-1991. Licensed-
FERNANDO S CLEANING: Residential Metro accessible, Bus accessible.
& Commercial Cleaning, Reasonable Give us a yell if this is something
Rates, Free Estimates, Routine, 1-Time, you are interested in checking out.
Move-In/Move-Out. (202) 234-7050,
MAID TO CLEAN. Rated #1 in Metro
DC. Gay owned. Serving DC/VA/ RENT / MD
MD. DC 202-270-2967, VA (703) 299- BRANCHES TREE EXPERTS has
certified experienced arborists. Expert
0101. MD (301) 656-7171. Visit www.
Tree Care Service Since 1988. 301-589- Hyattsville 1 Bedroom $1050
6181, utilities included
SHARE ADS ARE FREE! sweeping view
Convenient to Metro, UMD
Place your housing to share ad on New kitchen
MOVING REHOBOTH SHARE and the ads print free in the paper and online! Central heat A/C
(25 words or less prints free - anything more it is $1.00 per word) Controlled access building
Call Rick 301-312-5881
relocations’s. Packing, pianos, antiques. 2/BA, In Maplewood RT. 24 & Highway
Local & long distance 202-483-9579. 1 Rent $600 plus utilities, Deposit and
First Month rent. 302-827-2789 (Bill)
FURN. HOUSING / DC Walk to Shady Grove metro Large one- HISTORIC MOUNT RAINIER bedroom, all new, gas fireplace, walk-
*$299,995 4 Lovely Levels! in closet. $1,595 includes all utilities,
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Competitive Prices! Moving DC/MD/VA DAILY / WEEKLY Reasonable Rates f Dining! Fireplace! Incredible!
or room rental. House in quiet setting be clean, quiet, respectful, and non-
-- Experienced, Careful, Friendly. All credit LARRY PERRIN,Realtor (301)
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cards. Free e-mail or in-home estimate.
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O: (240) 396-6360. M: (240) 246-4785.
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Ideally seeking roomate who is mostly Bathrooms! Modern Updated
HOME IMPROVEMENT a weekender. The house is located Supreme Court, LOC. (202) 544-4419.
Kitchen! Basement Party
Veteran owned small business www.
approximately equal distance between
Room with Fireplace! LARRY SUPPORT THESE
Rehoboth and Lewes. rbflamingo@ PERRIN,Realtor (R) LJPerrin@aol.
PATRICK MCNULTY HOME com (301) 983-0601
IMPROVEMENT - Bathrooms,
Kitchens, Basements, Porches, AIDS HEALTHCARE
Garages, Countertops. Licensed, SALE / MD FOUNDATION
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Rambler, Ready-to-Finish GLAA
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*$218,000 - Large Family Room
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PJ McTAVISH & Co. Roofing Repairs, LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (301) 983- MCC
New Roof, Gutter Cleaning. Licensed - 0601 NGLCC
Bonded – Insured. See our display ad 2600+ Sq Ft 2 lvl Condo in Logan Circle PETS DC
in this issue. 301-476-8551 Perfect for Entertaining w/Outdoor Space. RAINBOW HISTORY PROJECT
Kitchen w/Granite, Stainless, Cherry REEL AFFIRMATIONS
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In /Out (Alexandria VA) 10AM - 10PM ENASARIS 5’ 11”, 155lbs, 30yo, 9X6,
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Call Robert (703) 655-2130 Versatile Top 202.271.0440
DAVID EROTIC MASSAGE by certified Comfortable studio, private home.
therapist. Deep tissue also available. $70/hr. Days/evenings, metro.
On table. Handsome man with class. BRUNO (301) 580-2716.
Thank you for your repeat business.
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Erotic Swedish Massage - healthy clean (202) 289-7367.
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HOT LATINO with a special touch. massage table, noon to 1:00 a.m.,
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Swimmer/Gymnast. Exceptional
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40, in-shape, shaved head. OUT 1652,
62 • april 22, 2011

Whitman-Walker Clinic’s 18th Annual Spring Gala


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1630 Crescent Place, NW

6:30 – 9:00 pm | Business Attire

Ticket Prices: $250, $500, $1,000

Please join us as we celebrate the accomplishments David Messing, Chair
of our rich past & look toward our bright future. Adam Falk, Esq., Vice-Chair
Alexandra Chandler,
Esq., Secretary
Once you leave this event April 27, you will never Gerald P. Beaulieu,
see Whitman-Walker the same way again! June Crenshaw
Jehan El-Bayoumi, md
For more information, please call 202.797.3543 now or André Eleazer
Martin Jervis
visit today! Brian Johnson
Gardiner Lapham, mph, rn
Michael Manganiello
Alex Slater
Wesley D. Thomas, dmd
Mary Tierney, md
SaVanna Wanzer
Mark Young
Donald Blanchon
(Chief Executive Officer)*
Cocktail Reception & Light Buffet
Musical performances by a string quartet from the World Doctors Orchestra. *Ex-Officio Board member
april 22, 2011 • 63





explore the unexpected


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