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Expert Travel Vs CA

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Expert Travel & Tours vs.

G.R. No. 152392; May 26, 2005
Korean Airlines (KAL) is a corporation established and registered in the Republic of
South Korea and licensed to do business in the Philippines. Its general manager in the
Philippines is Suk Kyoo Kim, while its appointed counsel was Atty. Mario Aguinaldo and his
law firm.
KAL, through appointed counsel, filed a complaint against Expert Travel with the
RTC for the collection of sum of money. The verification and certification against forum
shopping was signed by the same appointed counsel, who indicated therein that he was the
resident agent and legal counsel of KAL and had caused the preparation of the complaint.
Expert Travel filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the appointed
counsel was not authorized to execute the verification and certificate of non-forum
shopping as required by the Rules of Court. KAL opposed the motion, contending that he is
a resident agent and was registered as such with the SEC as required by the Corporation
Code. He also claimed that he had been authorized to file the complaint through a
resolution of the KAL Board of Directors approved during a special meeting, wherein the
board of directors conducted a special teleconference which he attended. It was also
averred that in the same teleconference, the board of directors approved a resolution
authorizing him to execute the certificate of non-forum shopping and to file the complaint.
Suk Kyoo Kim alleged, however, that the corporation had no written copy of the aforesaid
resolution. TC denied motion to dismiss. CA affirms.

Can a special teleconference be recognized as legitimate means to approved a board

resolution and authorize an agent to execute an act in favor of the corporation?

YES. In this age of modern technology, the courts may take judicial notice that
business transactions may be made by individuals through teleconferencing.
teleconferencing and videoconferencing of members of board of directors of private
corporations is a reality, in light of Republic Act No. 8792. The Securities and Exchange
Commission issued SEC Memorandum Circular No. 15, on November 30, 2001, providing
the guidelines to be complied with related to such conferences.
HOWEVER, in the case at bar, even given the possibility that Atty. Aguinaldo and Suk
Kyoo Kim participated in a teleconference along with the respondents Board of Directors,
the Court is not convinced that one was conducted; even if there had been one, the Court is
not inclined to believe that a board resolution was duly passed specifically authorizing Atty.
Aguinaldo to file the complaint and execute the required certification against forum
shopping. Facts and circumstances show that there was gross failure on the part of
company to prove that there was indeed a special teleconference such as failure to produce
a written copy of the board resolution via teleconference.
NOTE: Read SEC Memo Circular No. 15-2001, the guidelines for the conduct of
teleconferencing and videoconferencing.

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