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New Frontier Sugar

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G.R. No.


June 1, 2011

Dumangas, Iloilo; New Frontier Sugar Corporation and EQUITABLE PCI BANK, Respondents.
FACTS: On July 23, 1993, respondent New Frontier Sugar Corporation (NFSC) obtained a loan from
respondent Equitable PCI Bank (EPCIB). Said loan was secured by a real estate mortgage over NFSCs
land and a chattel mortgage over NFSCs sugar mill. Due to liquidity problems and continued
indebtedness to EPCIB, NFSC entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Central Iloilo
Milling Corporation (CIMICO), whereby the latter agreed to take-over the operation and management of
the NFSC raw sugar factory and facilities for the period covering crop years 2000 to 2003.On April 19,
2002, NFSC filed a complaint for specific performance and collection against CIMICO for the latters
failure to pay its obligations under the MOA. In response, CIMICO filed with the Regional Trial Court a
case against NFSC for sum of money and/or breach of contract.
On May 10, 2002, because of NFSCs failure to pay its debt, EPCIB instituted extra-judicial foreclosure
proceedings over NFSCs land and sugar mill. During public auction, EPCIB was the sole bidder and was
thus able to buy the entire property and consolidate the titles in its name. EPCIB then employed the
services of Philippine Industrial Security Agency (PISA) to help it in its effort to secure the land and the
sugar mill. However CIMICO was able to continue its possession over the property when the RTC issued
a restraining order upon motion of CIMICO.
On October 3, 2002, CIMICO and petitioner Megan Sugar Corporation (MEGAN) entered into a
MOA8 whereby MEGAN assumed CIMICOs rights, interests and obligations over the property. As a result
of the foregoing undertaking, MEGAN started operating the sugar mill on November 18, 2002. On
November 22, 2002, Passi Iloilo Sugar Central, Inc. (Passi Sugar) filed with the RTC a Motion for
Intervention claiming to be the vendee of EPCIB. Passi Sugar claimed that it had entered into a Contract
to Sell9 with EPCIB after the latter foreclosed NFSCs land and sugar mill.
On November 29, 2002, during the hearing on the motion for intervention, Atty. Reuben Mikhail Sabig
(Atty. Sabig) appeared before the RTC and entered his appearance as counsel for MEGAN. Several
counsels objected to Atty. Sabigs appearance since MEGAN was not a party to the proceedings;
however, Atty. Sabig explained to the court that MEGAN had purchased the interest of CIMICO and
manifested that his statements would bind MEGAN.
On December 10, 2002, EPCIB filed a Motion for Delivery/Deposit of Mill Shares/Rentals. RTC issued an
Order granting EPCIBs motion for the placement of millers share in escrow. On January 29, 2003, Atty.
Sabig filed an Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration and Clarification which was subsequently denied by
the RTC. On February 27, 2003, EPCIB filed an Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for Execution, 18 which was
granted by the RTC.Aggrieved by the orders issued by the RTC, MEGAN filed before the CA a petition for
certiorari. On August 23, 2004, the CA issued a Decision dismissing MEGANs petition. ruling that since
Atty. Sabig had actively participated before the RTC, MEGAN was already estopped from assailing the
RTCs jurisdiction.

RULING: The petition is not meritorious.

MEGAN points out that its board of directors did not issue a resolution authorizing Atty. Sabig to represent
the corporation before the RTC. It contends that Atty. Sabig was an unauthorized agent and as such his
actions should not bind the corporation. In addition, MEGAN argues that the counsels of the different
parties were aware of Atty. Sabigs lack of authority because he declared in court that he was still in the
process of taking over the case and that his voluntary appearance was just for the hearing of the motion
for intervention of Passi Sugar.
Both EPCIB and NFSC, however, claim that MEGAN is already estopped from assailing the authority of
Atty. Sabig. They contend that Atty. Sabig had actively participated in the proceedings before the RTC and
had even filed a number of motions asking for affirmative relief. They also point out that Jose Concha
(Concha), who was a member of the Board of Directors of MEGAN, accompanied Atty. Sabig during the
hearing. Lastly, EPCIB and NFSC contend that all the motions, pleadings and court orders were sent to
the office of MEGAN; yet, despite the same, MEGAN never repudiated the authority of Atty. Sabig.
After a judicial examination of the records pertinent to the case at bar, this Court agrees with the
finding of the CA that MEGAN is already estopped from assailing the jurisdiction of the RTC.
The doctrine of estoppel is based upon the grounds of public policy, fair dealing, good faith and justice,
and its purpose is to forbid one to speak against his own act, representations, or commitments to the
injury of one to whom they were directed and who reasonably relied thereon. The doctrine of estoppel
springs from equitable principles and the equities in the case. It is designed to aid the law in the
administration of justice where without its aid injustice might result. It has been applied by this Court
wherever and whenever special circumstances of a case so demand.
Based on the events and circumstances surrounding the issuance of the assailed orders, this Court rules
that MEGAN is estopped from assailing both the authority of Atty. Sabig and the jurisdiction of the RTC.
While it is true, as claimed by MEGAN, that Atty. Sabig said in court that he was only appearing for the
hearing of Passi Sugars motion for intervention and not for the case itself, his subsequent acts, coupled
with MEGANs inaction and negligence to repudiate his authority, effectively bars MEGAN from assailing
the validity of the RTC proceedings under the principle of estoppel.
In the first place, Atty. Sabig is not a complete stranger to MEGAN. As a matter of fact, as manifested by
EPCIB, Atty. Sabig and his law firm SABIG SABIG & VINGCO Law Office has represented MEGAN in
other cases where the opposing parties involved were also CIMICO and EPCIB. As such, contrary to
MEGANs claim, such manifestation is neither immaterial nor irrelevant, because at the very least, such
fact shows that MEGAN knew Atty. Sabig.
MEGAN can no longer deny the authority of Atty. Sabig as they have already clothed him with
apparent authority to act in their behalf. It must be remembered that when Atty. Sabig entered his
appearance, he was accompanied by Concha, MEGANs director and general manager. Concha
himself attended several court hearings, and on December 17, 2002, even sent a letter to the RTC
asking for the status of the case. A corporation may be held in estoppel from denying as against
innocent third persons the authority of its officers or agents who have been clothed by it with
ostensible or apparent authority. Atty. Sabig may not have been armed with a board resolution,
but the appearance of Concha made the parties assume that MEGAN had knowledge of Atty.
Sabigs actions and, thus, clothed Atty. Sabig with apparent authority such that the parties were

made to believe that the proper person and entity to address was Atty. Sabig. Apparent authority,
or what is sometimes referred to as the "holding out" theory, or doctrine of ostensible agency,
imposes liability, not as the result of the reality of a contractual relationship, but rather because of
the actions of a principal or an employer in somehow misleading the public into believing that the
relationship or the authority exists.
Like the CA, this Court notes that MEGAN never repudiated the authority of Atty. Sabig when all the
motions, pleadings and court orders were sent not to the office of Atty. Sabig but to the office of MEGAN,
who in turn, would forward all of the same to Atty. Sabig.
One of the instances of estoppel is when the principal has clothed the agent with indicia of authority as to
lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that the agent actually has such authority. With the case of
MEGAN, it had all the opportunity to repudiate the authority of Atty. Sabig since all motions, pleadings and
court orders were sent to MEGANs office. However, MEGAN never questioned the acts of Atty. Sabig and
even took time and effort to forward all the court documents to him.

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