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Lapu-Lapu Foundation V CA

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Lapu-Lapu Foundation Inc v.

CA ● The loans were covered by promissory notes which were automatically

Remedies | March 5, 2012 | Callejo Sr., J. renewable (“rolled-over”) every year at an amount including unpaid
interests, until such time as Tan was able to pay the same from the
proceeds of his aforesaid shares.
SUMMARY: Petitioner Tan, President of Lapulapu Foundation, Inc. obtained
● According to Tan, the Bank’s employee required him to affix two
loans from Allied Bank covered by promissory notes. Tan and the Foundation
signatures on every promissory note, assuring him that the loan
failed to pay the amount despite demands. Foundation denied incurring
documents would be filled out in accordance with their agreement.
indebtedness, RTC ruled in favor of Allied Bank, requiring Tan and the
However, after he signed and delivered the documents to the Bank,
Foundation to pay jointly and solidarily. SC affirmed, ruling that the
these were filled out in a manner not in accord with their agreement,
Foundation cannot hide behind the corporate veil as it has given Tan
such that the Foundation was included as party thereto. Further, prior
ostensible and apparent authority to deal with the Bank.
to its filing of the complaint, the Bank made no demand on him.
DOCTRINE: If a corporation knowingly permits one of its officers, or any
● After due trial, the court rendered judgment requiring Tan and the
other agent, to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds him out
Foundation to pay jointly and solidarily:
to the public as possessing the power to do those acts; and thus, the
○ to the Bank P493,566.61 as principal obligation for the four
corporation will, as against anyone who has in good faith dealt with it through
promissory notes, including all other charges included in the
such agent, be estopped from denying the agent’s authority.
same, with interest at 14% per annum, computed from 24
January 1979, until the same are fully paid, plus 2% service
SUMMARY: charges and 1% monthly penalty charges;
● Elias Q. Tan, then President of Lapulapu Foundation, Inc., obtained ○ attorney’s fees in the equivalent amount of 25% of the total
four loans from Allied Banking Corporation covered by four amount due from them on the promissory notes, including all
promissory notes of P100,000 each. charges; and
● Despite demands, Tan and the Foundation failed to pay the entire ○ litigation expenses of P1,000.00 plus costs of the suit
obligation amounting to P493,566.61 after two years. The Bank was ● CA affirmed with modification the judgment of the court a quo by
constrained to file with RTC-Cebu City a complaint seeking payment deleting the award of attorney’s fees in favor of the Bank for being
of the same amount by Tan and the Foundation, jointly and solidarily, without basis.
exclusive of interests, penalty charges, attorney’s fees and costs.
● Foundation denied incurring indebtedness from the Bank alleging that ISSUES/RATIO:
the loans were obtained by Tan in his personal capacity, for his own use
and benefit and on the strength of personal information he furnished. WON Tan and the Foundation should be held jointly and solidarily liable. —
It maintained that it never authorized Tan to co-sign in his capacity as YES
President any promissory note and that Allied Bank fully knew that the ● CA did not err in holding Tan and the foundation jointly and solidarily
loans contracted were made in his personal capacity and for his own liable as it applied the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate entity.
use and that it never benefited therefrom. Tan and the foundation cannot hide behind the corporate veil under the
● Foundation then interposed a cross-claim against Tan alleging that he, following circumstances:
having exceeded his authority, should be solely liable for said loans, ○ The evidence shows that Tan has been representing himself as
and a counterclaim against the Bank for damages and attorney’s fees. the President of Lapulapu Foundation, Inc. He opened a
● For his part, Tan admitted that he contracted the loans from the Bank savings account and a current account in the names of the
in his personal capacity. The parties, however, agreed that the loans corporation, and signed the application form as well as the
were to be paid from the proceeds of Tan’s shares of common stocks in necessary specimen signature cards twice, for himself and for
the Lapulapu Industries Corporation, a real estate firm. the foundation.
○ He submitted a notarized Secretary’s Certificate from the
corporation, attesting that he has been authorized, inter alia,
to sign for and in behalf of the Lapulapu Foundation any and
all checks, drafts or other orders with respect to the bank; to
transact business with the Bank, negotiate loans, agreements,
obligations, promissory notes and other commercial
documents; and to initially obtain a loan for P100,000.00 from
any bank.
● Under these circumstances, the foundation is liable for the transactions
entered into by Tan on its behalf.

WON the Foundation gave Tan an apparent authority to deal with the Bank.
● Per its Secretary’s Certificate, the Foundation had given its President,
Tan, ostensible and apparent authority to inter alia deal with the Bank.
Accordingly, the Foundation is estopped from questioning Tan’s
authority to obtain the subject loans from the respondent Bank.
● It is a familiar doctrine that if a corporation knowingly permits one of
its officers, or any other agent, to act within the scope of an apparent
authority, it holds him out to the public as possessing the power to do
those acts; and thus, the corporation will, as against anyone who has in
good faith dealt with it through such agent, be estopped from denying
the agent’s authority.

RULING: Petition DENIED. CA Decision and Resolution AFFIRMED in toto.


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