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Core Concepts of A Stroke Centered Transactional Analysis

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Core Concepts of a Stroke Centered Transactional Analysis.

by Claude Steiner PhD, TM

Abstract: The author presents a set of core concepts that
satisfy the author's idea of "What is Transactional Analysis?"

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Below I present a set of core concepts of a Stroke Centered
Transactional Analysis. When he finished Games People Play, Eric
Bernes transactional analysis theory had almost ten years to
differentiate itself from psychoanalytic thinking and to mature
in its own right. In the Introduction of the book he laid out
stroke theory and made clear that he considered strokes to be
the fundamental motive for human behavior and the reason why
people play games. He writes:
"the individual for the rest of his life (after infancy) is
confronted with a dilemma upon whose horns his destiny and
survival are continually tossed. One horn is the social,
psychological and biological forces which stand in the way of
continued physical intimacy in the infant style and the other is
his perpetual striving for its attainment." (pg 14)
The following core concepts of a stroke-centered transactional
analysis are substantially based on Berne's theory of strokes.
However the concepts here presented, while based on Bernes
theories represent a substantial elaboration over many years
after Berne death. Unfortunately Berne was prevented from
hearing many of these ideas. The presentation of my work on
strokes and the Stroke Economy that I had prepared for a
presentation on July 1, 1971 at the Tuesday Seminars in San
Francisco fell a few days after his deadly heart attack. Those
ideas in their mature development are presented here as a
tribute to his prescience and openness to original thinking.
Core Concepts of a Stroke-Centered Transactional Analysis.
PURPOSE and FUNCTION of Transactional Analysis
Concept #1: The principal activity of a transactional analyst is
the analysis of transactions for the purpose of contractually
improving people's lives.

Concept #2: Through the analysis of the information contained in

transactions it is possible to understand human behavior and
Concept #3: Through the contractual modification of human
interaction it is possible to beneficially modify human behavior
and experience.
Concept #4: People need strokes to survive physically and
psychologically. Stroke hunger is a form of information hunger,
which is a fundamental, constant and pervasive drive in all
living beings.
Notes: Strokes are transactional units of recognition. Research
has shown that strokes are required for actual survival in young
children and psychological survival and health in grows ups.
Strokes can be generally divided into positive and negative
based on the subjective experience of the recipient; positive
strokes are pleasurable, negative strokes are painful.(Click her for

more on this subject)

Concept #5: Positive strokes are in endemic scarcity due to a
set of inhibiting social and internalized rules that prevent
people from exchanging them freely. The scarcity of strokes
creates heightened stroke hunger that stimulates stroke-seeking
The stroke economy is a set of rules that seek to interfere with
the exchange of positive strokes; asking, giving and accepting
strokes that are wanted and rejecting those that are not wanted.
Concept #6: People prefer positive strokes but will seek and
accept negative strokes when stroke hungry and positive strokes
are not available.
Concept #7: A transaction is an exchange of information. Every
stroke is a transaction. However a transaction can contain more
information than a simple stroke does. Transactions can be seen
to emanate from separate, distinct systems in the person each
with its own specialized function. Berne constructed three such
systems and called them ego states: the Parent, the Adult, and
the Child.

Notes: Normal human behavior can fall into distinct, internally

coherent patterns or behavioral systems. Berne called these
systems "ego states" because they are three separate
manifestations of the ego as defined by Freud. The three egos
states are distinct enough that it makes sense that they have a
biological basis in distinct neural networks in the brain. Each
ego state is associated with separate, observable modes of
perception, emotion and behavior.
The three ego states are the visible manifestations of
evolutionarily developed neural expert networks, each with a
different function: The Adult is expert in predicting events.
The Child is expert in maintaining emotional motivation and the
Parent is expert in evolving value judgments.
The Adult is the rational, problem solving ego state. It is
devoid of powerful emotions, which tend to disrupt understanding
and logic. Of the three ego states it is the most likely to have
a specific brain correlate--the neocortex--which is the seat of
imitation, language and abstract thinking. Research shows that
the neocortex has and can develop connections with other brain
systems and can affect and modify them as well as be affected
and modified by them. (Click here for more on this subject)
The Child. The Child is the emotional ego state. All the primary
emotions and their combinations: such emotions as anger,
sadness, fear, shame, on one hand and love, joy, hope, on the
other have their origins in the Child. Research shows that the
emotional portions of the brain have the capacity to flood and
disable the neocortex with stimulation in what can be
interpreted as an asymmetrical relationship of dominance of
Child over Adult or "contamination" of the Adult by the Child.
The Parent. The Parent is the judging, tradition based,
prejudiced, regulatory ego state. The separation of the Critical
Parent from the Nurturing Parent is essential to the effective
application of transactional analysis. Of the three ego states,
the Parent is the most metaphorical in nature. It is can be
visualized as a microchip implant with recorded external
messages, and has been referred to as a witch or ogre, an
electrode and so on.
The Critical Parent. Authoritarian systems in place for
millennia are highly dependent on the dominance of the Critical
Parent. Starting at the end of the second millennium AD there
has been a global struggle to replace coercive, authoritarian
methods with democracy, equality, universal human rights,

cooperation and non-violence in support of every person's goals.

The premise of this movement in TA terms, is that every child is
OK, that the Child's needs are legitimate and that the most
desirable and beneficial form of interaction is a cooperative,
non-violent, nurturing relationship. This premise stands in
contradiction with the function and assumptions of the Critical
Parent, whose premise is that the Child is not OK (stupid, bad,
crazy, ugly, sick or doomed) that children require physically
and emotionally violent power plays to be educated including,
especially, the curtailment of strokes (hence the Stroke
Economy). This cultural sea change requires that the functions
regulating the Child, heretofore performed by the Critical
Parent, be performed by the Adult and Nurturing Parent instead.
It is therefore desirable to sharply limit the Critical Parent's
control of human affairs. On the other hand, given the goals of
transactional analysis--to improve people's lives by teaching
them more effective ways of interacting--it is essential to
strengthen the Adult ego-state. Just as important, since the
Adult's interactions are not the most powerful source of
strokes, is the strengthening of the Nurturing Parent.
The Nurturing Parent. The Nurturing Parent is as prejudiced as
the Critical Parent except that instead of judging the person
not OK it argues instead that the person is OK: smart, good,
sane, beautiful, healthy and deserving and capable of succeeding
and getting as many strokes as he or she needs.
The Nurturing Parent though essentially beneficial nevertheless
can overtake the personality and by excluding the Adult damage
the person's capacity to deal rationally with reality.
Concept #8: Each ego state represents an evolutionary
achievement and survival depends on the independent function of
the three ego states in coordination with each other. The ego
states seldom appear in their potentially pure form and are
usually "contaminated" or influenced by each other. The
influence of the Child or the Parent on the Adult is especially
significant because effective Adult functioning detached from
emotional, "irrational" influences and prejudices is essential
to the contractual goals of transactional analysis.
Contaminations of the Adult are the metaphorical representations
of neural connections between the neocortex and more primitive
areas of the brain, caused by repeated or dramatic events in the
person's life.

Concept #9: Interaction can be divided into competitive and

cooperative. Competition is transacted through power plays,
cooperation is free of free of power plays.

Notes: Competitive, adversarial interaction is based on the

assumption that it is acceptable to coerce others into giving up
their rights and to undermine their power. Power plays are
interactions to coerce others. Cooperative interaction is based
on the assumption that everyone is OK and has equal rights and
that it is not considered acceptable to coerce others at any
level.(Click here for more on this subject.)
Concept #10: Games are power plays for strokes; habitual,
dysfunctional patterns of stroke procurement usually learned in
the family early in life, which undermine health and human
Concept #11 Every person who plays games has a favored set of
games and resulting emotions to which he is habituated. Every
instance of games played, and the ongoing playing of games,
reinforces the life script which is an overall plan acquired and
sometimes consciously decided upon in early life. Scripts, the
life long patterns built on habitual games, can be re-decided.
Concept #12: People play games by taking on roles in the game.
Three roles: The Persecutor, the Rescuer and the Victim appear
in all games. Any one who plays one of the roles will eventually
play the other two. Since the particular manner in which any one
person performs these three roles are the daily building blocks
of the script, giving up these roles will also facilitate the
abandonment of the script.
Concept #13: Transactional analysis was designed for, and is
ideally practiced, in groups. The role of the Transactional
Analysis practitioner is defined by a contract arrived at
consensually between the client and the therapist, teacher or
Concept #14: The basic existential position--"I am OK, you are
OK"--reflects the belief that people are born with an inherent
tendency for health and healing. Natures helping hand, "Vis

Medicatrix Nature," the tendency to heal, is the transactional

analysts principal ally. To facilitate natures helping hand by
encouraging beneficial behavior and discouraging toxic behavior
are the transactional analysts principal tasks.
Concept #15: The three operations of the process of
Transactional Analysis are permission, protection and potency.
Permission to change unwanted behaviors, protection from the
Critical Parent and other influences that will resist or
counteract the desired changes, and potency-the transactional
analyst's information, skills and personal support and
investment in the process.
Avoiding the three basic game roles (Rescuer, Persecutor and
Victim) by learning how to get strokes directly is the
fundamental lesson of the transactional analyst. A potent
transactional analyst will also bring all additional available
science, and proven, practice-based information to the
completion of the contractual relationship with the patient or
Notes: Transactional analysis is a contractual process in which
a promise is made and performance is expected. This requires
difficult hard, and at times exhausting action. It is difficult
to run groups, it is difficult to establish and assiduously
pursue contracts. It is difficult to offer creative suggestions
or to make contract driven demands. It is difficult to stay
current on the research literature and to acquire regular
supervision. Regarding psychotherapy many practitioners are
satisfied to do only individual one-to-one work, passive and not
always contractual, hoping that attunement, kindness and
intuitive analysis will suffice to effectuate a successful
It incumbent upon any health professional, regardless of
training background, to practice empathy, attunement and
kindness, while avoiding co-dependency or Rescuing. A competent
mental health or education professional should to stay in touch
with well researched and validated areas of knowledge such as
substance use and abuse, diet, exercise, sexual and emotional
trauma, spirituality, cognitive-behavioral techniques,
attachment theories and research, death and dying, to name a
few. Finally she or he should seek supervision and/or therapy
when needed and pursue a healthy life.
In addition to all these basic requirements for any modern
professional it behooves the transactional analyst to make

contracts, analyze transactions and stroking patterns, practice

group psychotherapy, tender permissions and deliver protection
for those permissions and maintain focused attention on a
satisfactory completion of the contract or "cure."
This is the art, knowledge and pragmatic skills that
transactional analysis brings to the behavioral sciences. (Click

here for more on this subject)

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