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Transactional Analysis Journal: Old and New Legends

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Transactional Analysis Journal

Old and New Legends

Viola Litt Callaghan
Transactional Analysis Journal 1981 11: 35
DOI: 10.1177/036215378101100107

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>> Version of Record - Jan 1, 1981

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Old and New Legends
Viola Lift Callaghan

Abstract "gold mine of energy," so to speak, with

Describes personal impressions of, and lots of creativity and excitement and high
experiences with, Eric Berne, during the energy levels.
formative stages of transactional analysis Eric was a catalyst. He could stir people
practice and theory. Emphasizes the excite- up and turn them on to be creative. He
ment and energy of building a new theory. was interested in everything including
Encourages continuation of active involve- basics such as intuition, insights, feelings
ment of ITAA members in expanded and dreams. His qualities of brilliance and
development of TA theory and application. greatness brought out similar qualities in
us, whether it was by "heated discussion"
or by simply stimulating us with questions
A legend is a story that grows out of a and suggestions. He had a way of turning
kernel of a real life experience. It gets em- negatives into positives, and a knack of
bellished and changed-some basic facts capitalizing on differences of opinion, an
change and some stay-and you do not ability to put dissension to use by culling
know which is which after awhile. The out the positive ideas.
important thing is that a legend has a basis Sometimes his polemics created a lot of
in fact. The Rodgers Film, Hello Up There very exciting energy, and then it was neither
Eric, is full of legends about Eric-told positive nor negative, just exciting and in
lovingly and to me, very touchingly. And that sense, very creative. And that's what
it also seems to prove that Eric Berne the Seminars were like in the early days,
actually did exist. Although for some of exciting and creative. Later they simmered
the newer members it must be hard to down and became more of a teaching and
get in touch with this fact. Their lives polishing affair. And then the feeling of
never directly touched the life of the real- something vital, new and "good" was still
person-Eric. very much alive and present but more as an
In the "good olden days" he started underlying, even "hum."
what, in the "good new-en days" has The way we did our "jumpin' and jivin' "
become the longest ongoing weekly seminar was to go on our famous "field trips" to
on group psychotherapy in the world. It the Spaghetti Factory or some such place.
began as the SFSPS, became the SFTAS And sometimes there or at our 101 Gradua-
and is now the EBSSF.... tion parties, Eric would do his famous or
There was a good deal of excitement in infamous "Eric's Stomp," a jumping up
the early days. Building and discovering and down rhythmic stomp to music that he
and developing the new theory was highly called his Fox Trot. These became some of
exciting and rewarding. It was like a "gold the ritual events we would look foward to.
rush" of human creativity. "Gold" here The experience of being part of the
being synonomous with value and high organization was impressive and challenging,
quality. And we attracted a lot of golden- hard work and lots of fun-Eric was a
feeling people, "golden" in terms of tough taskmaster and a prolific writer. And
interest and energy input. They created a it was well worth being an internal part of
San Francisco Social Psychiatry Seminars, San Francisco Transactional Analysis Seminar and Eric Berne
Seminar of San Francisco.

Vol. 11, No.1, January 1981 35

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"Building and discovering and developing the new theory was

highly exciting and rewarding."

these people who were "making a new become "golden"-bright, alert, charming,
mark." intelligent, expert and even controversial,
Energy pulsates, attracts and repels. and these features will add up to your be-
And so it was with Eric Berne and the inner coming part owners in the "gold fields" or
and outer circles. There were two nuclei "legends in your own right."
or "Nukeli" as he called it. Eric was the The "golden" very special feeling that
center, and the Seminar was the circle attended "the good old days" of high
around him. The energy kept growing and excitement, discovery and adjustment, the
expanding. When he passed on, leaving us flowering, the birth and growth of the
bereaved, it was very scary: would we be definitive baby of TA into a child and
able to refuel the spot where Eric had been? ultimately into adolescence, with a little
Well, as we know, history has been kind to maturity thrown in, still exists. It will be
us. His spirit is still very much alive in the the joy and job of the new energy in TA to
center of the hub. bring elements such as Script Theory into
"High energy" and "high power" are adulthood.
still being invested in TA and ITAA with The good things Eric Berne stood for
positive payoffs, both in the "homeland," and contributed: his spirit, enthusiasm,
California, and "abroad," U.S.A. and high professional principles, excitement of
Internationally. And the wonder of it is discovery and development of theory, his
that this does not mean just Costa Rica welcoming people into the inner circle
anymore. Back in 1962, our first and lone and his optimism, are still preserved. These
international member was Dr. Adis-Castro were very much alive in the warm feelings
Gonzales, who was "pleased to report" at the 1980 Summer Conference. Especially
in the January 1965 TA Bulletin, that eight in the Connection Room with its warm
professional staff members at his clinic in strokes, and the Rodgers film keeping talk
San Jose, Costa Rica were studying TA. about Eric going on around us.
We have grown so far from those early I am looking forward eagerly to seeing
exciting days when "International" meant what new legends will spring forth from the
one member in Costa Rica and later one energies that are now viable and surfacing
in Saskatchewan, whereas we now have in the ITAA.
a multitude of member countries and
hundreds of individual members in those
countries. Viola Litt Callaghan, MA, MFCT, CTM,
These new members are producing a new is in private practice in San Francisco and
influx of energy, eagerly adding their ideas the Bay Area, does advanced training in
and excitement, pressing for recognition Transactional Analysis, runs intuition
and membership. And the "gold mine" of and script workshops and marathons, is
TA still has a lot to offer them. Co-President of the Eric Berne Seminars of
I believe the secret message still is, that San Francisco, and was the first Secretary-
if you join you "Automatically" will Treasurer of the ITAA.

"Eric was the center, and the Seminar was the circle around

36 Transactional Analysis Journal

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