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Socialist Standard April 2008

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Socialist Standard April 2008 

April 08.indd 1 25/3/08 15:14:19

socialist standard
april 2008


16 22
9 If I Were A Rich Man . . . 3 Editorial
A look at Warren Buffett New York Times, revealed by Forbes magazine last
month to be the world’s richest man. 4 Pathfinders

11 Who cares? 5 Letters

The US presidential election circus passes, people continue to suffer even in
the US. 5 Pieces Together
12 Maufacturing Britishness 8 Contact Details
Getting school leavers to swear allegiance to the Queen, what’s it all about?

6 Material World
14 What is the public’s opinion? The Invisible Primaries
In the vicious world of capitalist competition, opinion polling finds a vital and
profitable niche not for the laudable purpose of discerning or complying with 13 Cooking the Books 1
the public interest but with the manipulation of public opinion in the interest of What’s China’s game?
17 Cooking the Books 2
16 Kosovo: Open for Business That’s capitalism
Kosovo became an independent state in February and was immediately 19 Reviews
recognised by the US and most European countries. We look at one of the Popcorn; 2050 Vision; The
reasons why. World Bank – A Critical Primer;
Making a Killing.

21 Meetings

22 50 Years Ago
Another Economic Blizzard?

23 Greasy Pole
Blair’s a Catholic

Subscription Orders The Socialist Party of Great Britain 24 Voice from the Back
should be sent to The Socialist Party, 52 The next meeting of the Executive Committee Police Are Workers; Loaded But
Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN. will be on Saturday 3 May at the address below. Stupid; Friendly fire? and more.
Rates Correspondence should be sent to the General
One year subscription (normal rate) £15 Secretary. All articles, letters and notices should
One year subscription (low/unwaged) £10 be sent to the editorial committee at: The 24 Free Lunch
Europe rate £20 (Air mail) Socialist Party, 52 Clapham High street, London
Rest of world £25 (Air mail) SW4 7UN.
Voluntary supporters subscription £20 or more. tel: 020 7622 3811
Cheques payable to ‘The Socialist Party of Great e-mail:

 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 2 25/3/08 15:14:20

Introducing Editorial
The Socialist Party Don’t vote for what you don’t want
The Socialist Party is like no other political We don’t have to accept the self-fulfilling tional, but never deliberately cruel or anti-
party in Britain. It is made up of people who prophecy that “capitalism is the only game social?
have joined together because we want to in town”. Whatever words they use to explain or
get rid of the profit system and establish Imagine that all the people in the world sloganise their ideologies, all parties except
real socialism. Our aim is to persuade made a set of informed, collective and the Socialist Party stand for the continua-
others to become socialist and act for democratic decisions about what kind of tion of some form of capitalism. From their
themselves, organising democratically system would best meet their needs and point of view, a vote for their own candidate
and without leaders, to bring about the solve global problems. Would they choose is best; a vote for one of their competitors
kind of society that we are advocating a money and property system that forced is second best. Not voting could be a wor-
in this journal. We are solely concerned nearly half their total number to try to sur- rying sign of alienation from the system.
with building a movement of socialists for vive on a dollar a day? Or would they pre- Worst of all, a vote for the Socialist Party
socialism. We are not a reformist party fer to organise production and distribution candidate – or, where none stands, writing
with a programme of policies to patch up of goods and services on the basis of what “Socialism” across the ballot paper – would
capitalism. they need, without the profit system? indicate the beginning of a resolution to re-
Would they, if and when given the place capitalism with socialism.
We use every possible opportunity chance to vote, do so overwhelmingly for Don’t forget:
to make new socialists. We publish candidates who—whatever labels they at- •Before the first Labour government
pamphlets and books, as well as CDs, tached to themselves or their parties— came into power, and when some members
DVDs and various other informative stood for the continuation of some form of and supporters used to profess socialism
material. We also give talks and take part capitalism? Or would they elect delegates, as their eventual goal, there was some jus-
in debates; attend rallies, meetings and from among their own number, to initiate tification for the argument that: “The La-
demos; run educational conferences; the process of setting up and running a bour hell is one degree cooler than the Tory
host internet discussion forums, make fundamentally new form of world society, hell.” So “Choose the lesser of two evils.”
films presenting our ideas, and contest a system based on the common ownership •Today, after successive administra-
elections when practical. Socialist and democratic control of the means of tions of the same system, the difference
literature is available in Arabic, Bengali, wealth production and distribution? in temperature is too small to get excited
Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Would they embrace nationalism, in- about. The same applies to others lining
Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and volving armed forces paid to kill and in- up to be our government—the Lib Dems,
Turkish as well as English. jure other groups (“the enemy”) with whom etc. We don’t want them and we don’t need
they have no quarrel? Or would they re- them.
The more of you who join the Socialist gard themselves and behave as citizens of •Support for socialism isn’t a matter
Party the more we will be able to get our the world, regardless of any geographical, of campaigning to make the poor rich in
ideas across, the more experiences we cultural or philosophical attachments they today’s terms of material consumption.
will be able to draw on and greater will be may feel? That wouldn’t be environmentally sustain-
the new ideas for building the movement Would they divide themselves into able. The socialist aim isn’t even equality
which you will be able to bring us. classes, rich and poor, leaders and led, in the sense of sameness, like amounts
privileged and unprivileged, dominant and of work contributed or goods and services
The Socialist Party is an organisation of submissive, superordinate and subordi- consumed. Socialism is essentially about
equals. There is no leader and there are nate, master and servant, powerful and social equality, encouraging and enabling
no followers. So, if you are going to join powerless? Or would they, despite individ- every human being to realise their full po-
we want you to be sure that you agree ual differences in abilities, personalities, tential as giver and taker, not buyer and
fully with what we stand for and that we interests, tastes, likes and dislikes, think seller, in the context of society itself moving
are satisfied that you understand the and behave as members of the one human towards reaching its full potential.
case for socialism. race, not perfect, sometimes fallible or irra-

Socialist Standard April 2008 

April 08.indd 3 25/3/08 15:14:20

Home Is Where
robot managers, home care of an ageing population, a blurring
of ‘work’ and ‘home’, and, on a less gleeful note, the possibility
of endemic cyber-warfare.

The Heart Attack

What’s interesting about this is the spin placed on it by the
Institute, which emphasises the upskilling of workers together
with their greater flexibility as if these are self-evidently in
the interests of the workers themselves. The argument is that

workers, being able to pick and choose from a huge, non-
geographically based work menu, will be in a position to refuse
‘meaningless jobs’ and ‘will choose ethical careers and not the
rat race.’ There is also a lot of reported guff about companies
learning ‘to regard wisdom as a valuable resource. Some
It is the year 2028. You have just put the kids to bed, and would try to nurture… rituals and storytelling, and listening to
adjusted your ageing parents nightly feed tubes. It is 11.00 pm the accounts of long-term employees.’ Managers (not the robot
and you are still wearing the same dressing gown you got up ones, presumably) will be expected to show ‘a greater degree
in. You are tired out with looking after the whole family in one of emotional intelligence… so they can understand how people
flat, and now it’s time to go to work. work and their likely reaction to change’.
You commute 12 metres to your office, where your first In a pig’s eye. What will really happen, if we let it, is this:
holographic design meeting is already underway. You hit the the global job-market will be matched by a global labour pool,
‘Attend’ button and a fresh-faced, sharp-suited, young male all undercutting each other and desperately vying for ever
version of yourself appears at the meeting. You give your shorter contracts on ever worse terms, while simultaneously
report to the robot manager and take your instructions. taking on itself the cost of office space, power and heating,
This is not your ‘job’, because there are no ‘jobs’. This formerly borne by the employers, as well as health
is just one of a dozen ‘projects’ you currently serve, each care for old workers or children, formerly borne
short-term contract found for you by the vast Scout by the state. Unionisation, a product of a time
employment network you subscribe to. As projects when workers physically met together to operate
end, so others must be found, each the subject of heavy factories, will be made ever more difficult, rights
competitive bidding. Over years, your rates have been cut will be eroded, heart attacks and other stress-
and cut. You are working at least 12 hours a day just to related diseases due to poverty, long hours,
get by. You barely see another living soul, outside your deadlines, isolation and loneliness will rocket,
family, from one month to the next. You are the most as will antisocial behaviour, binge drinking, drug
diversely and highly skilled worker the capitalist addiction, depression and suicide. All of this will
system has ever produced, and one of the be unseen and invisible to Health & Safety at
most overworked. Work inspectors, hidden away behind
You are paid by results, so closed doors, the statistics uncollected,
no boss ever needs to watch over uncollated, and unreported.
you or check your attendance or Employers will literally get away
punctuality. The meetings you with murder.
attend are not even in real-time. Conditions for today’s workers
This gives you the flexibility to in capitalism are not great, even
be exhausted beyond anything in advanced capitalist countries
a physical workplace would be and even where they are in
allowed to tolerate. Soon you will work. But we can remember the
not even need an office, because time when we were told energy
the office will be inside your head, would be ‘too cheap to meter’
as all humans will have microchip and automation would give
brain implants, wetware through which your us all a problem with how to
brain can view the world directly and, more fill our extensive leisure hours,
importantly, employers and the state can view so we know what such promises
your brain. The only thing worse than the are worth. Never trust a capitalist who
isolation of your 21st century slavery is a ‘power tells you the future is looking bright,
down’, a sustained cyber-attack which takes because they don’t mean your future, they
out not only your ability to communicate with mean theirs. Things are not so bad for
anyone at all, but your ability to earn and hence workers that they couldn’t get worse, and
your ability to live. The threat of starvation is extensive home-working, though it might
quite real. save on car bills, will save employers and
All of this is being predicted now, but for the state a fortune by passing costs on to
ten years time, not twenty. Home-working the worker, and in the process creating
is being hailed as the middle-class answer a workforce ever more fragmented,
to traffic pollution, expensive office-space alienated and easy to control. Looking
and heating, and the increasingly complex ahead, ten or twenty years, if one can
and fractured work timetables required both borrow H G Wells’ Time Machine, the
by businesses operating in a 24/7 internet future for workers could be bright, but
environment, and by workers forced by shrinking not as a breed of pasty and enervated
health provision to take on the care of their hi-tech Morlocks, beavering away in
elderly and infirm as well as their children windowless cells to keep the pleasure-
(Guardian, March 14). A report produced by loving Eloi in luxury and indolence. For
the Chartered Management Institute, a kind workers to really have a future, they have
of employers’ think-tank, lists a number of to stop being ‘workers’. And that means
imminent and desirable scenarios, including they have to start being socialists.
mass home-working, project-based multi-
employment and aggressive self-marketing,
extreme flexi-time, virtual holographic meetings,

 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 4 25/3/08 15:14:20

CND’s weaknesses that “there will not be time” for a deeper In general, the right immediately grasps
objective than nuclear disarmament (I the whole potential of BI and is therefore
Dear Editors made it myself) has, thankfully, proved to totally against it (as the debate in the
As a former ban-the-bomber I would be erroneous. Spanish Parliament revealed on 2 October
like to make a few points regarding CND RICHARD HEADICAR, Hethersett, Norfolk 2007). The left, at least part of the left,
(Socialist Standard March) has more problems in understanding of
1. Its original appeal was rather the whole potential a BI could have for
insular, asking the government to set a Back to basics a good part of the working class. It’s a
moral example and give a lead to the rest shame, but that’s how things are.
of the non-nuclear world—“Let Britain Dear Editors Daniel Raventós (by email)
show the way”. Thank you for the comments. I’ll like to
2. It recognised that it would respond only to what I think are the main Reply:
seem completely unrealistic to demand issues raised by Adam Buick’s remarks on We can’t see how, given the way
unilateral action from either of the my book (Socialist Standard, March). This that capitalism works, a state payment,
two great nuclear powers. Much more does not necessarily mean that I am in whether conditional or unconditional, to
reasonable to seek to prevent nuclear agreement with him over other things that all workers is not going to end up being
possession spreading—those who do not I do not take up here. a wage subsidy to employers. It is bound
have them should not make them. (1) The Speenhamland system is about to upset the labour market by setting in
3. The Labour Party leader Gaitskell as similar to Basic Income (BI) as en egg motion downward pressures on wages and
and others (and the media) consistently is to a chestnut. We are more than two salaries. Of course workers, through their
and quite knowingly mis-stated the CND hundred years on from that agrarian unions, should resist such pressures (as
policy as: “Asking ‘the West’ to disarm.” economy. Moreover, Speenhamland they always should), but the employers’
Which it never did—urging ‘multilateral’ was a conditional system and BI is, by trump card is going to be “Look, your
agreement and reductions by means of definition, unconditional. Criticisms of a members are not going to be worse off,
various treaties. conditional system can hardly be applied since their total income from us and
4. CND sometimes made ludicrous to a system that is unconditional per the state is going to be more or less the
claims that it influenced Test Ban excellence. same”. In other words, a Basic Income
agreements etc. All Test Bans or Weapons (2) The objection at the core of the scheme would not make workers better off
Limitation treaties were concluded whole article, that BI “would be a wage in terms of money income; it would just
when (a) Testing was no longer deemed subsidy to employers” is rather odd. If be a more or less neutral “reorganisation
essential or (b) when the warheads to be the law prohibits employers from paying of poverty”. Surely you don’t think that
scrapped had been rendered out of date less than a Minimum Wage, as happens if BI was fixed at even as low as £5000
or no longer necessary as technology in many countries, the argument sinks a year workers would be better off by
enabled the production of smaller, but all by itself without any extra help. Some that amount? Or that employers could
more accurate and effective, weapons and trade unions are more than aware of this be prevented by law from taking this
delivery. and, for example, the ESK (Basque Union payment into account when fixing or
5. Significantly, CND support in the Group) have been BI supporters for some negotiating the wages they pay?
UK began to diminish when it broadened time now. Yes, we are aware of the benefits that
its campaign to oppose all nuclear (3) The author’s views that a BI would are claimed for BI and they sound alright.
weapons. be a “wage subsidy to employers” without But excuse us if we are rather sceptical as
6. Some CND supporters supported taking into account the economic forces we’ve heard claims of this sort made for
the existence of NATO. of the time and without bothering to look many reforms of capitalism (including for
7. Some (Stalinists and some into what effects a BI might have on the family allowances, which the advocates of
Trotskyists etc) members of CND did working class are not only more-than- BI now want to replace by their scheme).
want ‘one-sided’ disarmament and were dubiously based in historical terms but The fact is that, while workers can obtain
staunch supporters of the “workers’” he also seems to be arguing as if the only some improvements under capitalism,
bomb. decision-maker is the management. But capitalism itself cannot be permanently
8. Some ‘Communists’ did have the aren’t management wishes conditioned reformed so as to work in the interest of
integrity to oppose capitalist and workers’ in any way by resistance from the wage and salary workers. At the present
bombs. workers? According to this line of time, with the fiscal crisis of the capitalist
9. Pacifists (like myself) were argument, one might almost deduce state, any reform that will cost more
a minority in the movement—most that the workers shouldn’t engage in too money is not likely to pass anyway. Much
accepting that non-nuclear conventional many distracting struggles to improve better, then, that workers should go
war may sometimes be necessary. their conditions because the minute a for the bakery rather than a few more,
10. “Entryists” did achieve some bad economic situation comes along the perhaps unobtainable, crumbs – socialism
limited success (certainly temporarily management will take away what they’ve rather than a reform to capitalism
controlling at least one Branch), but they won previously. This is an odd way of –Editors.
were generally flushed out by the more understanding things.
genuinely radical elements among the (4) Have you pondered how a BI might Police strikes
membership. affect the sector of the working class that
Nevertheless, it would be churlish is subject to the more precarious form of Dear Editors
to ignore the remarkable contribution contract (about 40 percent of the workers Many thanks for forwarding on the article
CND made in raising public awareness in my country, Catalonia)? I’ve seen in from the Socialist Standard (January)
of the nuclear issue. Sometimes it is the talks I’ve given over the years that, about the last, failed, police strike. I’m
forgotten how deeply limited was the when the public consists in particular sure many of the officers who heeded the
public knowledge of the kind of facts of very young workers, BI is understood old Police Union’s strike call would have
that CND routinely uncovered. Speaking as a measure that would help them to agreed with the sentiment – although I’m
personally, the kind of stuff that I have avoid accepting the very bad and insecure not sure history has necessary proved it
tried to articulate exposing (in the cause working conditions they’re obliged to true.
of socialism) the breathtaking hypocrisy of accept at present. A BI would give them One thing that the article does not
double dealing defence policies of the past the chance to say “no” to job situations reflect is the police’s reluctance, as true
and present was spawned by CND. The that they have to agree to now. Have you now as it was then, to have to resort to
real disappointment is that comparatively wondered how a BI might affect a lot of this final exercise of industrial action.
few CND members moved beyond women who depend economically on their
the optimistic (but narrow) objectives husbands? Have you really thought about Communications Department, Police
embraced by the original policies. the possibilities for workers’ protests that Federation of England and Wales.
Obviously, the oft repeated claim a BI could offer as a resistance fund?

Socialist Standard April 2008 

April 08.indd 5 25/3/08 15:14:20

Selecting a US President:
the invisible primaries

he expression “invisible primary” No challenge to corporate interests out what specific changes Clinton and
comes from Arthur T. Hadley, What makes the political positions of Obama have in mind and you can count
The Invisible Primary (Prentice- a candidate acceptable or unacceptable to on being underwhelmed. They would not
Hall, 1976). A more recent study refers the media owners? have got through the invisible primary
to the “money primary” (Michael J. They would certainly judge any had they been determined on serious
Goff, The Money Primary, Rowman & opposition to the capitalist system change.
Littlefield, 2004). The two terms refer to unacceptable. But the limits are in fact For example, Obama and Clinton
the same process: the efforts of would- much narrower than that. In order to pass convey the impression that they are finally
be candidates to gather support, raise the test a candidate must not convey an going to make proper healthcare available
funds and cultivate the media in the “anti-corporate message” or challenge any to everyone. But this turns out to mean
year before a presidential election, significant corporate interest. That means only that everyone will have access to
before the “visible” primaries begin. in effect that he or she cannot advocate health insurance. You will still have to pay
Charles Lewis, director of the any serious reform. for it. Well, in that sense the U.S. already
Center for Public Integrity, defines the I reached this conclusion by observing has “universal healthcare”! OK, they will
phenomenon as “a private referendum what happened to the most “left-wing” make the health insurance companies
in which the wealthiest Americans of the Democratic Party candidates introduce a wider variety of more
substantially preselect and predetermine – Dennis Kucinich, the Congressional affordable schemes. That may reduce
who our next president will be… The Representative for Cleveland. Kucinich the number of uninsured somewhat.
hottest candidate in the check-writing is not against capitalism, though unlike But cheaper schemes are schemes with
sweepstakes is deemed ‘worthy’ by the general run of American politicians poorer coverage and/or higher co-pays
the major media via hundreds of news he appears to be independent of specific and deductibles. (A co-pay is the part of
stories… All others are dubbed losers business interests. (As mayor of Cleveland a charge for services that is paid by the
before the first [public] votes are cast.” he resisted pressure to privatize the patient, not the insurance company. A
This slightly overstates the case. The city’s public utility system.) Like Franklin deductible is the amount that the patient
number of candidates deemed worthy D. Roosevelt in the 1930s, with whose has to pay before the insurance company
may, as this time round, be two or tradition he associates himself, he starts to make any contribution at all.)
three. But the great majority of would-be aspires to “save capitalism from itself” And some people won’t be able to afford
candidates are indeed thrown out. by instituting long-overdue reforms. even the cheapest schemes on offer.
He was the only candidate to stand for The media and the candidates
Money and media coverage a “single-payer” system of healthcare themselves relieve the strain and
So to get through the invisible primary finance that would eliminate the parasitic frustration of trying to assess and
you need two things: money and media health insurance companies. Similarly, compare policy positions by distracting
coverage (lots of both). Let’s look at this a he was the only candidate to challenge us with trite pseudo-issues such as the
bit more closely. the military-industrial complex by calling relative merits of “youth” and “experience”
Money and media coverage are closely for big cuts in “defence” spending. These and whether the U.S. is “ready” for a
connected – partly because money can reforms are readily justified in capitalist nonwhite or female president.
buy media coverage in the form of political terms, as essential to restore the
advertising, partly because (as Lewis competitiveness of U.S. civilian industry. Media reform?
notes) the media treat fundraising success The media did their best to ignore Socialists consider most of what
as an important criterion of “credibility.” Kucinich, except to ridicule him as a passes for “democracy” in the U.S. and
And also because both money and media “kook” because, like Carter and Reagan, other “democratic” countries to be phoney
coverage are allocated mainly by members he says he once saw a UFO. The networks and corrupt – “the best democracy that
of the same class, the capitalist class. excluded him from TV debates, even money can buy.” But we do not deny the
They make most of the large financial when that required changing their own existence of some democratic elements
contributions and some of them own and rules. (He sued NBC, but the courts in the political system of these countries.
control the media. upheld its right to exclude him.) As a One such element is the suffrage itself,
This is not to say that money and result most Americans were unaware of which we hope will eventually play a
media coverage are perfectly correlated. his candidacy, although polls indicate role in establishing the fuller democracy
A candidate needs money for many other that the policies he advocates enjoy wide of socialism. The strength of these
purposes besides media coverage, such support. In January he withdrew from the democratic elements changes over time,
as to hire staff, pay travel expenses, and race, but has managed to hold onto his and the direction of change cannot be a
bribe uncommitted convention delegates. seat in congress. matter of indifference to socialists.
Nor does media coverage depend solely A crucial factor is the extent
on fundraising success. For instance, Change as a mantra to which the capitalist class is
the bosses of Fox, CBS, and NBC also In order to get through the invisible able effectively to silence critics of
take into account candidates’ political and the visible primaries, a candidate, capitalism by monopolizing control over
positions when deciding who will be and especially a Democratic Party communications media. Until the mid-
allowed to take part in televised “debates” candidate, has to engage in vague and 20th century outdoor public speaking was
(actually, grillings by TV journalists) and deceptive rhetoric. Obama and Hilary an important medium of free political
what questions, if any, each participant Clinton talk endlessly about change discussion, through which socialists
will be asked. because that is what the voters to whom could reach quite a large audience. This
In terms of the analogy of a they appeal are looking for. They are fed democratic medium was displaced by
referendum of the capitalist class, it is a up with sending their children to war, television, to which socialists had virtually
referendum in which the media owners with layoffs and home foreclosures, with no access. Now the internet is starting to
have the casting vote. escalating health costs. Obama repeats undermine the monopoly of the corporate
the word “change” so often that it has mass media, although its impact so far
been called his mantra. But just check has been modest.

 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 6 25/3/08 15:14:21

Socialist Standard April 2008 

April 08.indd 7 25/3/08 15:14:21

This is Freedom? The American Dream
“As if the Government doesn’t know “More American homeowners are mired
enough about us already, it is now us- in negative equity than at any time since
ing lie-detector equipment (or ‘voice-risk the Great Depression of the Thirties ...
analysis’, as it is euphemistically known) to Close to 9 million Americans, or 10.3 per
signal whether people claiming benefit are cent of homeowners in the US, now owe
telling the truth. If you receive a phone call more on their mortgages than their house
from a town hall official asking about your is worth, according to the latest figures
circumstances, it seems that your answers from Moody’s, the ratings agency, as in-
- or rather, the tone of voice in which you ventories of unsold homes continue to pile
give them - could well be scrutinised by a up in an already over-supplied market.”
computer for telltale signs of ‘stress‘. ... In (Observer, 24 February) “House prices
Land of the Free? the Government’s book, apparently, stress in America are now falling at their fastest
“For the first time in U.S. history, more than in the voice is a pretty good indication of rate since records began in 1964, while
one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, flagrant dishonesty. You will be investi- repossessions and new houses for sale
according to a new report documenting gated further. Big Brother is most certainly are at levels not seen since the Depres-
America’s rank as the world’s No. 1 incar- watching you.” (Times, 27 February) sion in 1929.” (Observer, 2 March)
cerator. It urges states to curtail corrections
spending by placing fewer low-risk offend- War is Stupid
Democracy in Action?
ers behind bars. Using state-by-state data, “The last French veteran of World War I,
“President Bush has vetoed a law prevent-
the report says 2,319,258 Americans were an Italian immigrant who lied about his
ing the CIA using interrogation techniques
in jail or prison at the start of 2008 — one age to join the Foreign Legion and fight in
condemned by many as torture, because
out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita the trenches, died Wednesday aged 110,
it ‘would take away one of the most valu-
or in raw numbers, it’s more than any other President Nicolas Sarkozy said. Lazare
able tools in the War on Terror’ ...The veto
nation. The report, released Thursday by Ponticelli, the last of more than eight million
throws the spotlight back on to America’s
the Pew Center on the States, said the 50 men who fought under French colours in the
use of so-called coercive interrogation
states spent more than $49 billion on cor- 1914-18 war that tore Europe apart, died
methods like waterboarding, the simulated
rections last year, up from less than $11 at the home he shared with his daughter in
drowning technique invented by Spanish
billion 20 years earlier. The rate of increase Kremlin-Bicêtre, a Paris suburb. Reflecting
inquisitors and adopted by regimes such
for prison costs was six times greater on his wartime experiences, he once said:
as the Khmer Rouge.” (Times, 10 March)
than for higher education spending, the “You shoot at men who are fathers: war is
report said.” (Yahoo News, 29 February) completely stupid.” (Yahoo News, 12 March)

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7.00pm. Head Office. 52 Clapham High Hull: Keith Scholey, 12 Regina Crescent, The Quaker Hall, Victoria Terrace (above Box 22265, Kitwe.
St, SW4 7UN. Tel: 020 7622 3811 Victoria Ave, HU5 3EA. Tel: 01482 Victoria Street), Edinburgh. Asia
West London branch. 1st & 3rd 444651 J. Moir. Tel: 0131 440 0995 JIMMY@ India. World Socialist Group, Vill
Tues.8pm, Chiswick Town Hall, Skipton. R Cooper, 1 Caxton Garth, Branch website: Gobardhanpur. PO Amral, Dist.
Heathfield Terrace (Corner Sutton Court Threshfield, Skipton BD23 5EZ. Bankura, 722122
Rd), W4. Corres: 51 Gayford Road, Tel: 01756 752621 Glasgow branch. 3rd Wednesday of Japan. Michael. Email:
London W12 9BY each month at 8pm in Community
Pimlico. C. Trinder, 24 Greenwood Ct, South/southeast/southwest Central Halls, 304 Maryhill Road, Europe
155 Cambridge Street, SW1 4VQ. South West branch. Meets every two Glasgow. Richard Donnelly, 112 Denmark. Graham Taylor, Kjaerslund 9,
Tel: 020 7834 8186 months on a Saturday afternoon (see Napiershall Street, Glasgow G20 6HT. floor 2 (middle), DK-8260 Viby J
meetings page for details). Ray Carr, Tel: 0141 5794109. E-mail: richard. Germany. Norbert. E-mail:
Midlands Flat 1, 99 Princess Road, Branksome,
West Midlands branch. Meets every Poole BH12 1BQ. Tel: 01202 257556. Ayrshire: D. Trainer, 21 Manse Street, Norway. Robert Stafford. E-mail:
two months on a Sunday afternoon (see Bristol. Shane Roberts, 86 High Street, Salcoats, KA21 5AA. Tel: 01294
meetings page for details. Tel: Tony Bristol BS5 6DN. Tel: 0117 9511199 469994. E-mail: derricktrainer@freeuk.
Gluck 01242 235615 Canterbury. Rob Cox, 4 Stanhope com COMPANION PARTIES
Road, Deal, Kent, CT14 6AB Dundee. Ian Ratcliffe, 16 Birkhall Ave, OVERSEAS
Northeast Luton. Nick White, 59 Heywood Drive, Wormit, Newport-on-Tay, DD6 8PX. World Socialist Party of Australia.
Northeast branch. Contact: Brian Barry, LU2 7LP Tel: 01328 541643 P. O. Box 1266 North Richmond
86 Edgmond Ct, Ryhope, Sunderland Redruth. Harry Sowden, 5 Clarence West Lothian. 2nd and 4th Weds in 3121, Victoria, Australia.. Email:
SR2 0DY. Tel: 0191 521 0690. Villas, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 1PB. month, 7.30-9.30. Lanthorn Community
E-mail Tel: 01209 219293 Centre, Kennilworth Rise, Dedridge, Socialist Party of Canada/Parti
Livingston. Corres: Matt Culbert, 53 Socialiste du Canada. Box 4280,
Northwest east anglia Falcon Brae, Ladywell, Livingston, West Victoria B.C. V8X 3X8 Canada. E-mail:
Lancaster branch. P. Shannon, 10 East Anglia branch meets every two Lothian, EH5 6UW. Tel: 01506 462359
Green Street, Lancaster LA1 1DZ. Tel: months on a Saturday afternoon (see E-mail: World Socialist Party (New Zealand)
01524 382380 meetings page for details).David Porter, P.O. Box 1929, Auckland, NI, New
Manchester branch. Paul Bennett, 6 Eastholme, Bush Drive, Eccles-on-Sea, Wales Zealand.
Burleigh Mews, Hardy Lane, M21 7LB. NR12 0SF. Tel: 01692 582533. Swansea branch. 2nd Mon, 7.30pm, World Socialist Party of the United
Tel: 0161 860 7189 Richard Headicar, 42 Woodcote, Firs Unitarian Church, High Street. Corres: States P.O. Box 440247, Boston, MA
Bolton. Tel: H. McLaughlin.01204 Rd, Hethersett, NR9 3JD. Tel: 01603 Geoffrey Williams, 19 Baptist Well 02144 USA. E-mail: wspboston@
844589 814343. Street, Waun Wen, Swansea SA1 6FB.

 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 8 25/3/08 15:14:21

If I Were A Rich Man . . .
‘There’s class warfare all right, but it’s my class, the rich class,
that’s making war, and we’re winning’. New York Times, 26th Nov

o said, with more than a hint of a man given to ostentatious displays of ended up going to Columbia University
shame, the person revealed by wealth. instead where he studied under Ben-
Forbes magazine last month to From a very early age Buffett was jamin Graham, considered by many at
be the world’s richest man – Warren fascinated by numbers, mathematical cal- the time (and plenty since) to have been
Buffett. With a fortune estimated to be culations and money, and was obsessed the greatest investment analyst of the
in the region of 62 billion dollars, Buf- with becoming rich, to such an extent twentieth century. Graham wrote two
fett is now a couple of billion ahead that according to Mary Buffett, as a child seminal works: Security Analysis (co-au-
of the Mexican telecoms tycoon Car- in 1938, ‘in the sweltering summer heat of thored with David Dodd) in 1934, and The
los Slim, and four billion or so ahead Nebraska, he walked miles to the race- Intelligent Investor, the original edition of
of his friend and bridge partner, Bill track where he spent hours on his hands which was published in 1949. The teach-
Gates. Britain’s richest man, Labour and knees scouring the sawdust-covered ings of Graham, and these two books in
Party donor Lakshmi Mittal, is fourth, floors for discarded racing stubs, hoping particular, had a profound impact on Buf-
one of 49 billionaires living in the UK. to find a winning ticket’ (The New Buffet- fett, to such an extent that he eventually
Buffett, dubbed the ‘Sage of Omaha’ tology). The son of a Nebraska stockbro- persuaded Graham to take him on at his
because of his homespun wit and wisdom, ker, he made his first stock market invest- own Wall Street investment firm (at one
is something of an enigma, a compulsive ment when he was eleven (three shares stage he even offered to work for free).
accumulator of wealth that he is in some in a firm called Cities Service) and by the When Graham retired in the 1950s,
respects embarrassed about. He may be time he was old enough to go to college he a homesick Warren Buffett returned to
the richest man in the world, but lives in had made $6,000. Nebraska to set up his own investment
the same house he bought for $31,000 partnership. This was the real begin-
when he was 28, exists on a diet of ham- Harvard reject nings of his fortune, where he began to
burgers, candy bars and Cherry Coke, After his degree, Buffett applied to turn an initial investment of $105,000
and refuses to have more than one car (an study at the prestigious Harvard Business collected from friends and family (only
old one, at that). In a world obsessed by School and was rejected. But this was a $100 of which was his own) into the
conspicuous consumption, he is hardly blessing in disguise for him, because he $62,000,000,000 it is now. Buffett’s fund

Socialist Standard April 2008 

April 08.indd 9 25/3/08 15:14:22

management fees were performance-re- over insurance companies and other firms felt ‘like an over-sexed guy in a whore-
lated and by 1969, when he decided to that generated steady cash flow. In own- house’. He invested massive amounts and
close down the partnership, assets under ing firms outright, he was able to mitigate saw share prices recover within a year or
management had grown to around $104 his exposure to the stock market when so, despite no significant change in the
million, in which Buffett’s personal stake he felt it necessary. Over time, though, performance of the underlying economy or
was over $20 million. By this time Buf- Buffett used Berkshire’s excess cash to the companies within it.
fett was convinced that a bear market selectively buy back into stocks. Buffett is no lover of the free-market
was around the corner, where sustained In doing so, he abided by the invest- and has made much of his money through
downward pressure would be put on ing principles handed down to him by his exploiting the fact that capitalism isn’t
share prices after the end of the 1950s mentor, Ben Graham, often referred to as nearly the competitive ideal that many of
and 60s economic boom. ‘value investing’. In essence, this meant its fiercest advocates assume. Illustrative
But it was also in this period that Buf- investing in companies based on their of Buffett’s approach is the type of com-
fett laid the foundations for his greatest real value and assets (and their ability to pany he has used Berkshire Hathaway
leap in wealth, taking over the company grow them) rather than what was likely to buy into: those he identifies as having
with which he has been synonymous ever to happen to their short or medium-term an economic ‘moat’, a durable competi-
since: Berkshire Hathaway. This ailing share price. Graham and Buffet both took tive advantage or quasi-monopoly position
textile company was steadily bought up the view that value and price were not that their competitors (if they have any)
by Buffett and his partners typically for identical, even if they gravitated in the cannot easily breach. Buffett hates, and
around seven to eight dollars a share and same direction over the long-term (leading steers clear of, companies that operate
in 1965 they seized control of it. When Graham to famously comment that ‘in the in price-competitive markets, as they are
Buffett dissolved his investment partner- short run the stock market is a voting ma- the most vulnerable to the vicissitudes of
ship he offered his partners a choice of chine but in the long run it’s a weighing the capitalist economy and those whose
either cash or a stake in Berkshire Hatha- machine’). growth is least assured and steady over
way. Those who took the shares instead In particular, Graham and Buffett took time. Instead, he typically invests in com-
of cash have seen them rise in price in the issue with the academic theory known as panies that have very different character-
period since to the extent they currently ‘Efficient Markets Hypothesis’. This theory istics – for example, firms:
trade in excess of $140,000 each on the states that stock market prices (allegedly 1 that achieve dominance through
New York Stock Exchange. like all other prices) are efficient, in that having strong brands that involve repeat
all known information is reflected in them buying (Buffett has been a major share-
Woodstock for capitalists so that it is impossible for significant mar- holder in both Coca-Cola and Gillette),
So, how did Buffett really become so ket inefficiencies to occur, and impossible 2 that can exercise control over a
rich and help other Berkshire Hathaway for any investor to ‘beat the market’ in service through which they allow access
shareholders to be the same? By being, the long run through anything other than by charging others for the privilege (such
in Buffett’s own words, in the right place, pure luck. as some utility network companies),
at the right time, but also by being the Ben Graham had attacked this view 3 that secure massive forward
perfect capitalist. As Buffett would be the with his parable of ‘Mr Market’, an agree- orders based on major long-term con-
first to admit, he has never invented or able potential business partner who is al- tracts, typically with the state sector, for
made anything; indeed, he is very far from ways ready on any given day to do a deal outsourcing, regeneration, etc.,
being the great all-American entrepreneur over a business or share of a business so 4 that have a product that be-
of popular mythology – he’s happy to let long as he can name the price. One Gra- comes so all-pervasive that switching to a
Bill Gates take that sobriquet. Instead, he ham and Buffett acolyte has explained the competitor isn’t worth the trouble (Micro-
is the most famous example of a phe- concept this way: soft),
nomenon Friedrich Engels wrote about ‘Mr Market is bipolar. Our partner 5 that have a company secret such
in the nineteenth century, where Engels goes through gigantic mood swings from as a patent that acts as a barrier to entry
identified that the key technical role that the highest euphoria to the lowest depres- for other firms (e.g. Intel, GlaxoSmith-
entrepreneurs played in the growth of sion. Most of the time Mr Market is taking Kline),
capitalism was on the wane: his meds, and on most days he’s pretty 6 that have such economies of
‘All the social functions of the capital- lucid about the prices he sells and buys scale they can undercut their competitors
ist are now performed by salaried employ- at. That means most of the time the price and achieve market dominance (e.g. Wal-
ees. The capitalist now has no other social of a business is pretty close to its value. Mart in the US and a recent Buffett buy in
function than that of pocketing dividends, But sometimes he can get so insanely the UK, Tesco).
tearing off coupons, and gambling on the optimistic that he prices everything in- When these type of firms are mis-
stock exchange, where different capital- sanely high. On other days Mr Market priced in the stock market because of
ists despoil one another of their capital.’ can get so depressed that, unlike Annie, negative sentiment – giving what Gra-
(Socialism: Utopian and Scientific). he’s convinced the sun will not come up ham called a ‘margin of safety’ to the
In this sense, the capitalist class, as tomorrow . . . buyer – then Buffett starts accumulating
owners of capital who no longer have to It’s kind of a shame to take advantage shares. Companies with an economic
work and whose key technical function of someone who’s emotionally unbal- moat typically grow their profits well
in the rise of capitalism has been largely anced, but then again, he doesn’t seem to in excess of 10 per cent per annum on
taken away, become functionaries of mind. He’s been bipolar for so long he just average; indeed, Buffett usually looks for
capital – and interestingly, Buffett has thinks it’s normal. He doesn’t honestly firms that can grow their ‘book value’ and
defined himself as being an ‘allocator of think that he’s mispricing anything, even profits at 15 per cent, potentially giving
capital’ above all else. In this respect, if one day the price is $100 a share and him a huge compounded return over the
Buffett is a very modern capitalist – an just a few months later it’s $10. And if years, especially if he has already bought
investor in companies and markets rather you ask the professors who study Mr Mar- them well below their real value. And he
than an inventor of things. Every year, ket, they’ll tell you the guy is fine.’ (Phil has declared his favourite holding period
Berkshire Hathaway shareholders arrive Town, Rule 1.) for such companies to be ‘forever’ (Buf-
in Nebraska for their annual sharehold- In essence, this is how Buffett has fett rarely involves himself in short-term
ers’ meeting to pay homage to Buffett and made most of his money – by realising speculation and when he does it tends to
his side-kick Charlie Munger in an event that the market economy isn’t intrinsically be through taking advantage of arbitrage
they call ‘Woodstock for capitalists’; there an efficient allocator of resources and is opportunities, again based on market
is little entrepreneurial spirit to be seen, driven by wild swings of sentiment that mispricing).
for there is no need. often belie underlying reality. In the great
bear market of 1973-4, when stocks in the Unions
Meet ‘Mr Market’ US more than halved in price measured In many respects, Buffett probably
Buffett used Berkshire Hathaway as by the S & P 500 index, and fell by nearly has a better understanding of how capi-
an investment vehicle, using it to take three-quarters in the UK, Buffett said he continued on page 19

10 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 10 25/3/08 15:14:22

Who Cares?
The US presidential election circus passes, people continue to
suffer even in the US.

t’s the US presidential election year. disorder (PTSD), especially if they had had that charity appeals were made in order
Populations of the world take notice. to undergo a second or third term of duty. to provide hats, scarves and mittens for
The media circus is in full flow and the Many were simply given a course of drug the wounded. Mittens, because they fit
season is a long one. The mainstream therapy, a pep-talk and sent back to their wounded hands better than gloves.
media love a good fight and will pounce unit or, whilst in the US between tours, Here’s the rub – this huge military
on any juicy morsel, wringing it to death some of them, with impeccable records set-up with an annual budget of billions,
in the cause of democracy – Clinton’s and commendations for heroic action, desperately recruiting from all quarters,
moment with tears in her eyes or the developed problems with drugs, alcohol, promising college educations for free
decision or non-decision to show some gambling, writing bad cheques and ended and later reneging, promising full US
cleavage; Obama’s plagiarizing or agreed up in military jail, some losing rank and citizenship to non-citizens and then
borrowing of phrases from a third party’s others being discharged dishonourably. reneging and promising full support to
speech – grist to the mill of information In the early days counsellors and veterans and reneging wherever possible.
for the masses, essential in the common psychiatrists were pressed not to accept The reason PTSD is a contentious
voter’s decision making process. Who PTSD, certainly not to register it on diagnosis is because it means that
do we think will make the toughest record, rather to rebrand the affliction sufferers are entitled to full support,
Commander in Chief and be able to as ‘Personality Disorder’ and to suggest free drugs and veterans’ benefits for life
make the ‘hard’ decisions? It appears the that those so afflicted were obviously (i.e. expensive). If it can be reduced to
aim is to keep the public’s eyes as far unstable before they entered the military ‘personality disorder’ they can be thrown
away from reality and the real issues as and were consequently kicked out of the out and denied entitlement. If they can
possible. Deflect their attention whilst service. Eventually after pressure from be recommended for an ‘other-than-
hypnotising them into believing their certain quarters thousands, rather than honourable’ discharge (for drug use whilst
vote will actually make a difference in the original few dozen, were accepted recovering or other misdemeanours)
any significant area of their lives. as bona fide sufferers of PTSD and were notwithstanding an exemplary service
Even the more serious ‘liberal’ or put on a list to await treatment. But still record, veterans’ benefits would be denied,
‘progressive’ US media are spending an denial of PTSD persists, especially in the including healthcare, for life.
inordinate amount of time and space Marine Corps which has “a deeply macho The bottom line, soldiers, sailors,
debating and dissecting which sections culture”. It is 93% male, 66% of whom airmen and marines, don’t kid yourselves
of the population will vote for (1) a black, are 25 or younger and 13% are teenagers. about patriotism or fighting terrorists
or (2) a woman. The fact that they are One civilian psychiatrist who treats Iraq or protecting your country. When was
from the same party and broadly back the and Afghanistan veterans tells of young war any different? It’s just the workers
same agenda – and may ultimately stand veterans being ridiculed by their chain of protecting the interests of their masters.
on the same ticket – is less important command if they asked for help. It’s the same for you as it is for the rest of
than speculating about in which direction The Pentagon’s Mental Health Task us. You’re simply there to be used, abused
the various sections of the electorate are Force reported last June that 31% of and paid as little as they can get away
likely to be swayed either by popular marines serving in Iraq and Afghanistan with. These are the issues that should be
appeal and endorsement of celebrities or are suffering from traumatic stress and engaging the media circus, placing them
by muck-raking and negative campaign that marine suicide rates have been above squarely in front of the electorate and the
advertisements. average since the invasion of Afghanistan. presidential candidates. But they aren’t
Seemingly disconnected from the (32 active duty suicides in the Marine and they won’t be because the mass media
multi-million dollar, multi-media frenzy Corps in 2004, no mention of the number supports the status quo. Will the workers
of the race for the presidency can be among veterans). There are severe ever learn?
found other articles given over to topics shortcomings in providing care for those JANET SURMAN
not covered in the mainstream media who do qualify. A year after the Marine
but which ought to be in the forefront for Corps’ review of less-than-honourable
the presidential candidates, the whole discharges recommended screening
electorate and the rest of the world. all marines and sailors who commit
Writers of several articles recently have ‘particularly uncharacteristic misconduct’
investigated the care of physically injured following deployment the programme
or mentally scarred US troops returning has not yet started because they lack the
from Iraq, and have revealed some chilling manpower.
truths. Last year conditions at the Walter Before the severely wounded or
Reed Medical Centre, a military hospital, traumatised arrive back in the US they
became so bad that it entered the realm are transported to the Landstuhl Regional
of international coverage for a short time. Medical Centre in Germany. The Air
Equipment was in short supply, specialists Force colonel who was chief of medical
Want to receive notifications about
were leaving, the unit was seriously operations in the Europe headquarters
for 2 years, 2004-6 said “politics infused upcoming Socialist Party meetings,
underfunded leading to lack of appropriate
care for seriously wounded patients every aspect of care” and that the funding events, and publications? Then
and a Pentagon Mental Health Task was the worst she had seen in 20 years subscribe to spannounce, our new
Force deemed its staffing level “woefully in the military. They weren’t allowed to announcement mailing list. Point your
inadequate”. Bush made promises that it increase staffing because it would give web browser at
would be sorted and the hue and cry died the wrong message, that it would look
away. Fairly early on in the conflict in Iraq like they were expecting more casualties. spannounce/ or send an e-mail to
some doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists They weren’t allowed to send the visibly
and counsellors recognised that significant wounded home on commercial planes
numbers of military personnel were because it might upset US citizens to see
suffering from post traumatic stress them and the military planes were so cold

Socialist Standard April 2008 11

April 08.indd 11 25/3/08 15:14:22

Getting school leavers to
swear allegiance to the Queen,
what’s it all about?

ordon Brown now appears to and only as “natural” as the needs of the and his duty, that he put his Royal life on
believe that, like Candyman, if inventors. the line to go and fight.
you say “Britishness, Britishness, Quite how those needs are served Pictures of the smiling princeling
Britishness” in a mirror, it will come to was nicely illustrated in March this year. playing sport in the desert sent out a
get you. At least, that’s how it seems with Brown let it be known that he wanted to message of the equality of service, how all
the outpourings of his government. Of raise the profile of the British military by the boys are equal under the badge – and
course, in his report, Lord Goodman was encouraging troops to wear their uniforms added that air of glamour to proceedings
merely suggesting that all school leavers on the streets. We were to be encouraged that comes with a Royal personage and
get to have a citizenship ceremony, in to feel pride in the presence of their their saturation coverage in the media.
which they might swear true and lasting resplendent attire, and be continually That it simultaneously improved the
allegiance to Queen and country – it reminded of the marvellous service these image of the Royal Family was, surely,
isn’t policy (yet). Even if that small part boys and girls do for us, putting their just a coincidence.
of the report was spun to make the lives on the line for their country, being He even, it was reported, killed over
headlines, all that team Brown are doing the rough men who let us sleep quietly in thirty Taliban “militants”. Or, that is,
is floating an idea, to see if it has legs. our beds. The political purpose of such rather, he co-ordinated the attack so that
Brown would say that he is just trying a subtle reminder would be to assist the air strikes could be brought down on
to promote and shape a sense of collective morale of troops fighting in the various those dreadful fanatics. He bravely got
identity; to improve social cohesion and foreign adventures (Iraq and Afghanistan someone else to do his killing.
welfare; to provide a platform for the in particular) that the Labour government Alas (it seemed) this wave of
different identity communities in Britain has seen fit to commit itself to. propaganda was punctured. On 6 March
to overcome their antagonisms. Brown It also was a way to spike the guns of it was reported that personnel at RAF
simply wants us to celebrate those the Conservative Party and the natural Wittering, near Peterborough, had been
British values of tolerance and fairness Tories in the military establishment who instructed not to wear their uniforms in
(which, of course, no other polity on Earth have suddenly discovered something public, despite the wishes of the great
espouses). called “the military covenant” – some leader, because there had been incidents
As Goodman explains: process by which the state assumes a of verbal harassment of troops by a
“…analysis also shows that [patriotic] duty of care to look after soldiers. This is “cross section of the community.” This
feelings have fallen over time; they are of recent invention, and forms the basis follows similar complaints of harassment
less prevalent among younger people; of all bleating about soldiers not being of troops “forced” to share regular NHS
and there is disaffection in parts of our properly cared for or protected. It is a hospitals with members of the public.
communities. claim for special treatment and a useful Once upon a time, such incidents
So the challenge is to renew our establishment manifesto. Doubtless, were would not likely be reported, and the
shared sense of belonging and take steps the Tories in charge, we’d never hear of it wall of propaganda would hide the
to engage those who do not share it. again. divisions in society. This time, though,
Especially in the light of social changes, Beyond that, is the hope that getting the press latched onto this story, and
we need a narrative of what we stand the folks back home to empathise with the began bemoaning the abuse of “our
for together; and we may need to set out military will iron out any political fallout boys” who “put their lives on the line.”
that narrative in more explicit terms than that from launching an unpopular war in Soldiers began to be clapped in the
we have had to use before and using pursuit of loot and profits. Getting people street. Newspapers broadcast their
frameworks that are created for this to think of themselves as being against support for the troops. Politicians said
purpose.” the war but for the troops is an excellent that we should all get behind these brave
It is not, you understand, a “crisis”, means of quelling practical opposition lads. Suddenly, a story about how the
but, like the spouse in a failing marriage, to the wars – turning the troops into unpopularity of the war was turning
feeling the romance start to ebb away, the political and
Goodman recommends we cry out our symbolic hostages
love of country ever more arduously. We of their masters.
should, he opines, have a national day, All this was
given over to being British. given a fillip by the
Since “British” is what we who happen highly orchestrated
to live on the outlying archipelago just (as revealed
off the northern coast of Europe are by Private Eye)
supposed to be anyway, that seems to outing of Prince
make as much sense as a day celebrating Henry Charles
carbon. Albert David
Unless, such national identities are Windsor’s tour in
not as natural as we are led to believe, Afghanistan. He
and they only work by continually shoring became, in a blaze
up the fragments of their highly artificial of publicity, an
walls. If they are a part of manufacturing ordinary hero, so
consensus that would mean that all those committed to his
traditions and values were invented; comrades in arms

12 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 12 25/3/08 15:14:22

into abuse of the troops, turned into yet stakes are so high that they are worth and need, is for their political masters
another exercise to achieve the politicians more than a human life. That they are who are using them to be removed, so
aim of binding us together in love and worth killing for. The logic of the mafia that all that skill and energy can be
respect for the lethal arm of the state. don. redirected into useful work, and not used
Herein is the rub. These people are As socialists we consider that this against us.
doing a dirty job. Skills, talent, energy international system of perpetual This could build the practical unity of
and resources are being directed from warfare stems entirely from the division living, working and sharing together, so
creative productive work, and instead of the world into units of property, and that we need neither patriotic parades nor
being dedicated to death and destruction. that it can be replaced by the common oaths of allegiance to bind us together,
Even, were we, for one moment, to ownership of the world by the human and we can put the spectre of the dismal
accept the unfortunate necessity of having race, co-operatively and democratically time where murderers were heroes far
to keep a standing force for murder, we running their own lives. The “unfortunate behind us.
could still question why they should be necessity” for the dirty work of slaying can PIK SMEET
lauded so. Tax collecting and being a be eliminated, and no-one need suffer to
bailiff is an unfortunate necessity of our wear a military uniform again.
current society, but no-one asks us to We understand that, much like those
celebrate bailiffs. supposed Taliban
What of, though, putting their lives militants, who are
on the line? Well, from accident reports usually boys fighting
we know that thousands of builders are for a pittance and
putting their lives on the line every day. a rifle at the behest
Train track engineers are risking life and of well-heeled
limb. At least, those workers could point leaders, the military
to some accomplishment, an addition to is made up of
the wealth and wellbeing of society from workers in uniform,
the risks they are putting themselves to. proletarians on
It was once a commonplace of radical parade, hired killers
politics, never mind socialist politics, that plying their trade.
a standing peacetime army is a sign of Their work is dirty
tyranny. The option to resort to lethal and despicable, but Lizzie,
force remains in place, and implicitly they, as human
I can’t tell if the
backs up any decision of the state and beings are no more
its agents. When Tony Blair said it was worth spitting on bastards are swearing
in the interests of Britain to go to war, he nor abusing than TO us or AT us.
was saying, perhaps without the actual any other person.
thought crossing his mind, that some What they deserve,

What’s China’s “China is forecast to consume more than half of all the world’s
key resources within the next decade and the country is seek-
game? ing to control mines and oilfields to ensure its supplies. China
is already the world’s largest consumer of every big resource
except oil and accounts for 47 per cent of all iron ore, 32 per cent
of aluminium and 25 per cent of copper.” (Times, 5 February).
An interesting take-over battle is now tak- China is also the world’s leading consumer of nickel and zinc.
Cooking ing place in the world mining industry. To-
wards the end of last year, BHP Billiton, the
To ensure a steady supply of all these essential materials, China
has set up a whole range of state-owned capitalist corporations
the world’s largest mining company, made a bid
to take over Rio Tinto, the world’s second
which operate on the stock exchanges of the world, doing deals
with and acquiring shares in Western capitalist corporations.
Books 1 largest mining company. According to the
Times (5 February) a BHP-Rio merger
Western financial journalists such as Patrick Hosking of the
Times are intrigued as to “why is China playing the Western capi-
“would create the world’s largest
talist game” (Times, 5 February). Hosking doubts that Chinese
iron ore, aluminium and coal supplier . . . A merged BNP-
state corporations such as Chinalco are interested in maximising
Rio would control about 36 per cent of the world’s iron ore,
profits or in maximising dividends to their single shareholder, the
which is used to make steel, and consolidate 75 per cent
Chinese state, and concludes:
of that market in the hands of only two companies”. (The
“In one sense it is encouraging that Beijing is buying – liter-
other would be Vale, the Brazilian mining corporation).
ally – into joint-stock capitalism. But it would be naïve to assume
Steel-producing countries dependent on imports of iron ore
its business leaders are motivated by the same forces as their
– China, the EU, Japan – are not too happy about this prospect
Western counterparts”.
of an “OPEC for iron ore”. But so far only China has acted. At
He is probably right. While non-state capitalist corporations
the beginning of February Chinalco, the Chinese state-owned
are motivated by maximising profits and dividends to their share-
aluminium company, splashed out £7 billion in cash to acquire a
holders, states can take a longer and broader view of the overall
12 percent holding in Rio Tinto, probably to at least have a say in
national capitalist interest. They need to take into consideration
the disposal of Rio Tinto’s assets.
such factors as the security of supply of essential materials to
There is a theory which sees multinational corporations such
industries within their borders. Many a war has been fought to
as BHP and Rio Tinto as agents of the Western “imperialist”
achieve this. But wars are expensive and risky. Much better to try
states, but here the victims will be other capitalist corporations
other means first, commercial as well as diplomatic.
in the developed capitalist world who are consumers of iron ore
This is what China appears to be doing via its state-owned
and aluminium. In any event, there can be no doubt that China’s
corporations operating alongside Western corporations. At the
various state-owned companies such as Chinalco, Sinochem
same time China is building up its armed forces just in case this
Petroleum and China Shenua Energy are agents of the Chinese
fails and other means of acquiring a secure supply of essential
capitalist, not to say “imperialist”, state.
materials have to be employed (see for example http://www.
Capital accumulation is going on apace in China and China
has a desperate need for the materials to sustain this (while it

Socialist Standard April 2008 13

April 08.indd 13 25/3/08 15:14:23

What is the public’s opinion?

In the vicious world of capitalist competition, opinion polling finds a

vital and profitable niche not for the laudable purpose of discerning
or complying with the public interest but with the manipulation of
public opinion in the interest of profit.

s in all previous stages of human social development, wasteful exercise is profit which is yielded only when purchasers
today wealth is produced and can only be produced by are persuaded to buy specific goods or services from among the
the application of human labour power to the resources of competing suppliers. It is important for capitalist enterprises to
nature. Capitalism complicates the process of wealth production by ascertain public attitudes either to adopt their products or prices to
the separation of these two productive essentials; a relatively small prevailing modes or to influence change in those attitudes by product
minority of human beings claim a right to the ownership of nature’s design, price or advertising.
resources, which are effectively the means of life of the whole of
humanity, while the great majority are obliged to sell their physical Politics and public opinion
and mental abilities to these owners. The wealth that results from this In the last British General Election, the Labour and Tory parties
combination of resources and labour power becomes the property of spent some £18 million each and the Liberal Democrats spent £4.3
the owners who give those who have expended their labour power million. These large sums were additional to what might be called their
tokens which are called wages with which they can purchase the part ’constant capital’ in the form of existing organisation, publicly-funded
of the vast aggregation of wealth they have created. offices, salaries and equipment; vast sums that must surely conflict
That is the basic nature of capitalism. However, with the notion of ‘free’ elections.
in effect it is much more convoluted and wasteful These amounts are being dwarfed by the massive
than this might suggest. In today’s world all the “Two-thirds sums currently being invested in the US primaries, where
goods and services needed by people are produced the two candidates for the role of capitalism’s political
mainly in the form of commodities against the of Americans office manager are being selected. In contradistinction
background of their real or imagined use value.
But the shareholders who own the enterprises believe to the nonsense about ‘spreading democracy’ in
areas deemed of consequence to US interests, the
that produce these goods and services and the
usually richly-rewarded directors who organise the
government American variety of that system reveals a monumentally
expensive and cynical exercise between two politically
enterprises are not philanthropists concerned with
the public good.
is being indistinguishable groups concerned with sculpting politics
in the general interests of capital. As in Britain and the
Their interest is not primarily the use value of run by big rest of the developed world, other aspiring politicians,
the commodities they produce; it is the exchange denied real public exposure by a pensioned media,
value of those commodities; the price for which interests will be permitted to enter the hustings to make up the
they are bought and which contains, in normal numbers and reinforce the fiction that the public are
circumstances, that surplus beyond the cost looking offered a fair and informed choice.
of production (including the cost of sale) which
enriches the shareholders and allows for continued out for Obviously Public Opinion in both politics and
commerce is of considerable importance; but it is
economic viability.
So the kernel of this complex and extremely
themselves” politically innocuous in that it never questions the
fundamental way in which the needs and requirements

14 Socialist Standard April 2008

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of the human family are organised. Politicians, the business fraternity, Socialists offer a clear, practical and rational alternative but as yet the
clerics and journalists may criticise some aspect or aspects of the socialist movement is small and unfortunately the broad Left, whatever
system: show a preference for making some adjustment in planning or its intentions, has not only created massive confusion among
administration or suggest a different political or economic strategy but our class but in claiming state capitalism as its goal, these ersatz
always within the framework of the existing social system. socialists have created a mass consciousness of the cure being worse
Such people may display courage, energy and enthusiasm in than the disease.
campaigning for a cause but always they do so on the assumption This notion of the immutability of capitalism is the bulwark that
that there is no alternative to the present order of things; that the old defends that system and the ruling class and their political hirelings
political and economic fundamentals of capitalism are as inevitable as are not slow to use lies and scare tactics in defence of their system.
the seasons; that they have always existed and that there is no other The millionaires and billionaires do not invest their millions and billions
way of running society. in the electronic and print media to inform the working class about the
cause of their problems; these are valuable instruments in fashioning
Dominant ideas contemporary public opinion. The media will find space for acres of
Karl Marx made the obvious point that the ideas that dominate in nonsense: a man who bites a dog, a Prince whose mother, the Head
society are those of its ruling class. It doesn’t follow that in our present of the Anglican Church, advised him to go killing in Afghanistan, the
society the majority of people like capitalism. On the contrary, the lunacies of celebrities. . . Effectively, what we call ‘news’ is part of the
mere want or dire poverty of capitalism, the frightening destruction conditioning process of capitalism.
of the biosphere, the increasing disparity of wealth between rich and The fare served up by political journalists is simply the current
poor, the permanent threat of war, violence and crime, these things vicissitudes of capitalism; the vices and virtues, as they or their
are too pronounced, too close to the lives of the people to escape masters see them, of the inevitabilities of the system. Rarely are they
being the daily staples of news and public concern. equipped with a knowledge of the socialist alternative and even if they
The point was well made by a contributor to the World Socialist were and wished to advise the public it is unlikely that their material
Movement’s website ( would pass muster with the concealed editors – the shareholders.
who quoted a University of Michigan opinion poll showing that some Socialism is not a palliative for the ills of capitalism; those ills are
two-thirds of Americans believe government is being “run by big endemic to the system and they have defied the best plans and the
interests looking out for themselves” (message 35220). best intentions of the wise and the well-intentioned right across the
We do not need an opinion poll to confirm this finding; ask those political spectrum. Uniquely socialists do not suggest that they have
you work with or the people in the pub or in the club. It is no secret the answer to either the system or any of the system’s problems; in
that a small minority of people are millionaires and billionaires or fact we argue that they are not problems, they are inevitable aspects
that such people do not actively participate in producing goods and of capitalism; that instead of voting to change the politicians who
services. Unfortunately, despite claiming that they live in a democratic run the system we should be voting for representatives mandated to
society, most people’s reaction to their own condemnation of the abolish capitalism and establish socialism.
system is likely to be something like. “Yes, it’s true but, unfortunately, Still, whether they like what is happening or not, the media must
there’s not much we can do about it!” deal with what are deemed newsworthy situations They must report
the presence of 200,000 people demonstrating in Trafalgar Square
In the past about the war in Iraq. The case for socialism, too, will
Capitalism’s great historic mission has been become ‘news’ when 200,000 people are demonstrating
to make the production of wealth social; socialists not against a particular war but against the system that
want to make the distribution of wealth social. To causes wars and the multiplicity of social evils of which
achieve its purpose the bourgeoisie overthrew the Left make separate causes.
feudal society and its aristocracy by means of
violent revolution. To do that, to get the political The socialist objective
control of that combination of labour power and The public opinion that socialists want to promote is
the resources of nature, they had to contest and one that encourages the public to consider the case for
overcome the prevailing public opinion. socialism and ultimately to use the limping
A stalwart of the, then, prevailing public opinion democracy afforded by capitalism to
was the church. It proclaimed that the power of kings abolish that system and establish
to rule was ordained by God. In turn this ordinance of socialism.
Divine Right was reciprocated by loyalty from king to Socialism will mean that all
church. Power under the monarch was organised by patents the instruments of production and
of vast estates to men who were favoured by the monarch for distribution will be taken into the
service to the crown and who paid tribute and pledged loyalty common ownership of society as a
to the crown. This aristocracy of lords and titled personages in whole and will be used solely to produce
turn granted servitude to the poor and dispossessed serfs who, the goods and services needed by the
in return for working their landlords’ estates and being available for human family. The axiom: “From each
military service, were afforded the privilege of a portion of land on according to their ability; to each according
which to provide habitation and subsistence for themselves and to their need” will become the general
their families. principle underpinning the production and
As the medieval merchants, the burghers of the towns, grew distribution of wealth. The wages and
more affluent and nascent technological developments created the money system, so wantonly wasteful of most
basis of greater productive units for the employment of labour the human activity today, will become redundant;
middle class, the bourgeoisie, challenged the aristocracy for political people will no longer be stratified by class divisions; the nexus
power in order that it could legislate political conditions conducive to between property and crime will be broken and the vested interests
its interests. The public opinion that underpinned feudalism had to be that promote armaments and wars and a frightening threat to the
changed including the theological dictums of the church which upheld entire biosphere will cease to exist.
the power base of the king and the aristocracy and condemned such The nature of the socialist case determines the means by which
practices as usury, as banking was an important function in the new it will be achieved. Socialism from its inception will need the voluntary
fledgling capitalism. co-operation of its citizens. The mass of people will no longer be
So Europe saw the birth of Protestantism and ‘religious’ wars that anonymous wage slaves. Those who opt for socialism must know the
concealed the profane interests of the opposing owning classes. The life-changing benefits to be derived from the new system; equally, they
victory of capitalism over its archaic rival was assured; it represented must be clearly aware of their individual obligations to that system.
a progressive social development, in fact an idea whose time had That is what socialism is about; it is not a quick-fix; it involves
come and it was ultimately irresistible. clarifying the meaning of socialism and shattering the belief that there
is no alternative to capitalism and that cannot be done by claims that
Public opinion today we can patch-up the system with piece-meal reforms.
Today capitalism reigns supreme throughout the world not That is something we would ask out fellow-workers on the Left to
because the majority support it but simply because the majority consider.
accept it and they accept it because they know of no alternative to it. RICHARD MONTAGUE

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Kosovo: Open for Business
Kosovo became an independent state in February and was
immediately recognised by the US and most European
countries. We look at one of the reasons why.

osovo emerged as an independent State after be resolved peacefully. In other words it was a fight among
decades of uneasy existence as part of Serbia. competing capitalists interests. One of these interests lay in
There was an inevitable new anthem and new flag. Kosovo – the supposed “heartland of Serb identity.”
But there are real political concerns best not forgotten “Trepca is a sprawling conglomerate of some 40 mines and
in the ballyhoo and hopes for a brighter future. factories, located mostly in Kosovo ... Its great mineral wealth
One man interviewed by the BBC’s Mark Madell described is the basis of the economy of Kosovo, but the complex is badly
how during the war he fled his village with many relatives under run-down as a result of under-investment and over-exploitation
attack by Serbian troops. He had to leave his aunt behind and by governments in Belgrade.” (Trepca: Making Sense of the
she was burnt to death. He said: “Kosovo is rich in minerals Labyrinth (ICG Europe Report N°82, 26 November 1999) http://
and rich in farming land, is rich in all other aspects. Here, we
provided wealth for so many years for the whole of Yugoslavia, In 1974 Tito’s new constitution accorded the province near-
there is no reason why we cannot provide now for just Kosovo. republic status, with its own parliament and courts, Kosovo
That’s why I’m saying Kosovo has a bright future.” (Mark elites enjoyed a period of greatly increased control over their own
Madell’s Euroblog: ‘Mining Kosovo’s Future’ 29 January) resources. They used their enhanced authority to build factories
Alongside the declared humanitarian reasons for the UN in Kosovo that capitalised on their mineral production, created
intervention in the Balkans in the 1990s there were other, thousands of jobs, and brought some income into the province.
economic and political, considerations also in play. It is these After Tito’s death, pressure grew for more rights and greater
interests that will shape future developments in the states of the political and economic autonomy, but with little success.
former Yugoslavia and dominate the lives of workers there. Belgrade reasserted control of the mines. Kosovo Albanian
The New York Times (8 July 1999) carried an article by workers were accused of having stolen vast quantities of gold
Chris Hedges about the Stari Trg mining complex in Trepca, and silver and many engineers and technicians were fired.
Kosovo. Possibly inadvertently, it gave an insight into some of “From 1981-89, Belgrade monopolised the export of Trepca’s
the considerations that surrounded the minerals to Russia and elsewhere,
decision to intervene. According to Hedges, reaping the profits in hard currency and
“The sprawling state-owned Trepca mining “The war in Kosovo oil, while compensating the Kosovars
only with electricity and other non-
complex, the most valuable piece of real
estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 is about the mines, fungible forms of payment.…
billion.” Trepca’s Kosovar management
It was the reported view of the mine’s nothing else. This is attempted to sell its products on the
director, Novak Bjelic, that “The war in
Kosovo is about the mines, nothing else. This
Serbia’s Kuwait – the European market and to modernise the
facilities’ modes of production, only to
is Serbia’s Kuwait – the heart of Kosovo. In
addition to all this, Kosovo has 17 billion
heart of Kosovo.” be foiled time and again by the Serbian
government, which was in the process
tons of coal reserves.” The Yugoslav web site of “integrating” Serbia’s economy – that (now defunct) described is, of tethering all economic sectors even
Trepca as having the “richest lead and zinc more closely to Belgrade.
mines in Europe.” The capacity of the lead and zinc refineries By the late 1980s, with the final integration into the Serbian
ranked third in the world and the area as a whole represented system of the power generating system, Kosovars had lost
some 80% of Yugoslavia’s mineral deposits. The problem was virtually all control over their economy, as they would over
they were old and inefficient and seriously polluting. their politics and civic freedoms.” (Trepca: Making Sense of the
According to Michael Palairet of the University of Edinburgh, Labyrinth (ICG))
a leading authority on the economic and social history of the In 1996 Trepca had exported $100 million of products,
Balkans, making it the largest exporting company in the Federal Republic
“The Trepca system ‘as a rule’ lost money under Yugoslav of Yugoslavia and an invaluable foreign exchange earner at
socialism … Because of Trepca’s incapacity to generate funding a time when the country was experiencing grave economic
of its own for investment, all investment funding had to be difficulties.
financed externally, by fund providers who did not anticipate Throughout the 1990s the ownership of Trepca conglomerate
that they would see any return on (or of) their capital.” In was never entirely clear. In November 1997 Trepca was under
his opinion the $5bn figure quoted by Hedges above was consideration for privatisation by the federal government in
exaggerated. However while Trepca consistently performed Belgrade. This process stalled when the ‘red businessman’ Zoran
poorly, this was not because it could not have been managed Todorovic, was murdered by a gunman in Belgrade. Todorovic
more effectively: “Unlike most heavy industry… Trepca had good had been a close confidant of Slobodan Milosevic and was one
mining assets and low cost access to energy, so on the face of of the richest men in Yugoslavia. He was one of a group of state
things there were no structural reasons for its inability to trade capitalists who had been able to use their political connections
profitably.” (European Stability Initiative http://www.esiweb. to purchase state assets at bargain prices. (He was also
org/pdf/esi_bridges_id_2_a.pdf ) director of Beopetrol, another state firm in the process of being
Further insight may be gained into the economic privatized.) This was in effect a conversion of state owned assets
underpinnings of the UN intervention from a report by the into de facto privately owned ones by the ruling capitalist class.
International Crisis Group. The report is interesting in that Officials of the UN Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), who
it provides further evidence that the breakup of the former took over governing Kosovo in 1999 after the withdrawal of
Yugoslavia was in large part motivated by conflicting economic Serbian troops, concluded that the complex was overall public
interests. The various regions of the Federal Republic had fallen property and therefore came under their authority in accordance
out over how their assets and liabilities were to be divided and with its mandate. The then head of UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner
allocated. The differences were long standing and could not (now French Foreign Minister), confirmed that an international

16 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 16 25/3/08 15:14:23

swathe of South East Europe. Soros had invested millions
of dollars in philanthropic endeavors in the region, but said
this fund would practice “tough love,” and be driven purely
by profit.
The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation had
agreed to provide a loan guarantee for another $100 million
of investments. OPIC describes itself as a self-sustaining
federal agency that sells investment services to American
businesses expanding into emerging markets around the
world. It provides a level playing field for U.S. businesses in
emerging economies.
“Since 1971, OPIC has supported nearly $130 billion
worth of investments that will generate over $61 billion in
U.S. exports.” (
europe_equity_fund.html )
The Soros investment was conceived at a “donor”
conference in Sarajevo in 1999. It was one of a series
of efforts to take advantage of emerging investment
opportunities in the Balkans. “A year ago, after NATO
Billionaire George Soros won the war in Kosovo, more than 40 leaders came together
in Sarajevo determined to win the peace with economic
consortium had been appointed to run the plant. A $16m investments”, according to National Security Advisor Samuel
(£10.7m) investment package was also announced, funded by M. Berger.
Britain, France, Spain, Germany, and the EU. The money was George Munoz President and CEO of OPIC said he was
to be spent on a full-scale refurbishment of the plant prior to it pleased that they were making the region safe for international
being sold off. “We have no intention of closing any part of the capital. It was a demonstration that “Southeast Europe is an
Trepca mining complex. On the contrary, we’re going to make important region on which we should focus our efforts, to enable
it safe and profitable.” he said. (The Guardian, 15 August 2000, it to rebuild and enter the global marketplace as a full partner. The Southeast Europe Equity Fund is an ideal vehicle to connect
But it was not only the mines that capitalist interests had American institutional capital with European entrepreneurs
their eyes on. In July 2000 it was announced that a fund run eager to help Americans tap their growing markets.”
by the billionaire George Soros was to invest $150 million (most The Soros Private Funds Management, he said, was sending
backed by U.S. guarantees) in companies in the Balkans. Soros “ a strong, positive signal that Southeast Europe is open for
Fund Management would invest $50 million of it own equity in business.”
new businesses, expansions or privatization in the region and GWYNN THOMAS
would have full autonomy to choose the investments in a whole

That’s on rising . . .” (Times, 29 February)

It should not be thought that MF Global
some short-term money and someone has
to pay for it. It’s really sad for people in the
capitalism is in the business of delivering wheat. It developing world where food can account
doesn’t run a fleet of ships or trucks. It is a for 70 per cent of the family budget. Wheat
In the February financial institution specialising in specu- is predominantly grown in America, Aus-
Socialist Standard, lating on how the price of wheat – and tralia, Europe – the wealthier areas – and
in an article on anything else – moves. When the delivery people in under-developed countries are
Cooking the price of bread date of, in this case, wheat comes near hurting the most”.
( they pass the contract on to a shipping or The Times (12 March), reporting this,
the delivery firm. said he added:

Books 2 feb08/index.html),
we commented on
As Marx once pointed out, the capitalist
is not interested in any particular prod-
“I suppose that’s just capitalism but it’s
jolly disappointing. If society looked down
the fact that under uct. All they are interested in is profit and on these funds then perhaps it would make
capitalism a basic foodstuff such as wheat they don’t care whether they make it from a difference”.
was “a world commodity traded on world producing and selling bibles or producing It is indeed a powerful indictment
markets and so subject to international and selling whisky. Firms like MF Global, of capitalism that firms like MF Global
speculators betting on its future price going with no connection with actual production, speculate on the price of wheat while at the
up or down”. illustrate this point well. same time millions throughout the world
At the end of the month the news broke Wheat is not sold to individual consum- are suffering from a lack of food. Proof, as
that a “rogue trader” called Dooley working ers. It is sold to capitalist firms with money if any more were required, that capitalism
for a firm called MF Global had lost his invested in milling it into flour, who, in turn, is a system geared to profit-making not the
employers $141.5 million. Rather foolishly, sell this on the other capitalist firms with satisfaction of human needs.
it might be thought, he bet that the price of money invested in baking it into bread. But would it make any difference if MF
wheat would go down. But it went up: These intermediary firms are not happy Global and other speculative funds were
“He had bet on the price of wheat with the rise in the price of wheat which has “looked down on”? It is probably true that
declining by entering into about 4,000 doubled over the past year. The head of most people in the world do already look
futures contracts, which would require him one of them, Sir Michael Darrington, lashed down on them, including a decent-minded
to deliver about 20 million bushels of wheat out at wheat speculators on the occasion capitalist like Sir Michael. But they can’t do
at an agreed time and price. The greater of his retirement as managing director of anything about it. After all, investing money
the decline in the price between agreeing Greggs, the high street bakers: to make more money is what capitalism is
the contract and delivering the wheat, the “There are stocks of wheat and grain all about. MF Global and the other funds
cheaper the cost of satisfying the delivery in the world, and crops are growing at the are just applying the profit motive.
and the larger the profit Mr Dooley stood to moment but funds are being set up as
make. But instead, the price of wheat kept speculators see an opportunity to make

Socialist Standard April 2008 17

April 08.indd 17 25/3/08 15:14:23

Price and Qty
Gladys Marie Catt 1918-2008
PAMPHLETS Marie joined the SPGB in the spring of 1941. The out-
break of war had profoundly disturbed her, along with
Ecology and Socialism.......................................................................£1.00 x____ her family and friends. Her two brothers and her future
husband had become conscientious objectors and she
From Capitalism to Socialism: how we live and how we could live....£1.00 x____ became engaged in their struggles to win conscien-
tious objector status. Marie was persuaded about the
Africa: A Marxian Analysis...................................................................£1.50 x____ necessity of socialism partly by the Party’s stand against
working-class participation in the war, but also by the
Socialism as a Practical Alternative....................................................£1.00 x____ forcefulness and clarity of the Party’s speakers at the
outdoor meetings held at Lincoln’s Inn Fields and she
Some aspects of Marxian Economics............................................... £2.00 x____ joined the Palmers Green Branch where she met Sid
Catt, her future husband.
How the Gods were Made................................................................. £1.50 x____ In 1957, she, Sid and daughter Jean emigrated to
Canada and settled in Toronto. After settling in, they
Marxism and Darwinism by Anton Pannekoek...................................£1.50 x____ became a contact and propaganda centre for the Social-
ist Party of Canada. They set about recruiting members,
How we Live and How we Might Live by William Morris.....................£1.50 x____ holding discussion forums in their home and speaking
at Allen Gardens. By 1964 they had organized the first
The Right to be Lazy and other articles by Paul Lafargue..................£2.00 x____ Party Local east of Winnipeg.
Marie continued her activities for many years. She
Marxism Revisited..............................................................................£2.00 x____ always spoke forthrightly and passionately in favour of
socialism in whatever circumstances she found herself.
Socialist Principles Explained.............................................................£2.00 x____ Her grasp of the meaning of the Object and Declaration
of Principles was thorough. She once wrote of the sig-
The Market System must Go! Why Reformism doesn’t work.............£2.75 x____ nificance of these Principles to members of the Party:
“These have remained the sheet anchor for their un-
All the above pamphlets (25% discount).....................................£15.00 x____ derstanding, proved the strength of their case and their
integrity, making it impossible to confuse them with any
reformist organization This Object and Declaration of
Books Principles are as valid today as they were at the time of
the inception in 1904 of this unique political party.”
A Socialist Life by Heather Ball...........................................................£3.75 x____ B.S. (Canada)

Are We Prisoners of our Genes?........................................................£4.75 x____ Jean Higdon 1934-2007

Jean’s secular send-off was attended by fifty of her fam-
Socialism or your Money Back..........................................................£11.95 x____ ily, friends and party members.
Of those who were invited to speak on Jean’s life
All the above books and pamphlets (25% discount)..................£30.00 x____ were her son, Jon, who spoke of Jean’s dedication as a
mother; Mike Lee, Chairman of the Auckland Regional
Local Bodies’ Council, who briefly outlined Jean’s social-
DVD ist thinking (production of use, not for sale); and Jean’s
neighbour whose fractious child was always comforted
by Jean’s pleasant manner, and a party member whose
Capitalism and Other Kids’ Stuff.......................................................£5.75 x_____ galloping rhetoric brought smiles to what might have
been a sombre occasion. Said he, “None of those para-
TOTAL ...........................................................................................£___________ sitic bastards in Buckingham Palace, the White House
or the Kremlin would be tall enough to polish the shoes
of Jean Higdon!”
All prices include postage and packing. For six or more
Jean was for many years secretary of the Auck-
of any publication, reduce the price by one third. land Branch of the WSPNZ, taking lengthy notes of the
discussions we had, and typed out the minutes almost
Return this form along with your cheque or money order to: verbatim.
The Socialist Party of Great Britain, FREEPOST, Jean was responsible for the layout of the party
London, SW4 7BR, United Kingdom. journal, The Socialist Review, from 1971 till 1982 when
(No postage necessary if mailed within the UK) it folded because we couldn’t find any writers. Jean was
also a sometime parliamentary candidate for Auckland
NAME.................................................................................................... Central on the socialist ticket, and with her late hus-
band made a vital contribution to spreading the socialist
ADDRESS............................................................................................ case in New Zealand.
They are both remembered for their humanity and
.............................................................................................................. generosity of spirit.
Our condolences go to Jean’s family.
Executive Committee, WSPNZ, 8 February 2008
............................................ Postcode.................................................
PHONE (optional)..................................................................................
E-MAIL (optional)..................................................................................

18 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 18 25/3/08 15:14:24

continued from page 10 Theatre Review
talism works than most other supporters Blame culture amount of violence that does exist is a
of it. While, for instance, he understands characteristic of class society. In class
the need of workers to organise them- Popcorn Grand Theatre, Lancaster society institutionalised violence lies at
selves in trade unions so as to defend its foundations in the power of the mili-
their interests, he is apparently wary Popcorn is a play based on a 1996 novel tary and the police. In class society an
about investing in highly unionised com- by Ben Elton and is perhaps a satirical economic system cherishes money and
panies: tribute to Oliver Stone’s 1994 film, Natu- power to the detriment of human beings.
‘The inherent financial weakness of ral Born Killers which portrays violence, Commodity is valued over community
the price-competitive business has given family upbringing and abuse as factors and well-being, so that we grow up to be
organized labor enormous power to de- in creating killers. That film’s self-con- insecure while surrounding signals tell
mand a higher cut of a company’s profits . scious portrayal of media-propelled us that consuming products will make
. . in situations like these, unions become voyeurism was maybe intended to get us better – by the age of thirteen, 75
demanding semi-owners with whom audiences to question whether in view- percent of what children are told about
shareholders must constantly share their ing the film they are becoming implicit themselves is negative.
wealth or risk a strike that could lead to in promoting and excusing violence. I work with young people, a sig-
the financial destruction of their business. Natural Born Killers was initially banned nificant percentage of who have been
Warren doesn’t like to own businesses in England, apparently because it glam- labelled as “growing up in deprivation.”
that have organized labour.’ (Mary Buffett, orised serial killing. In America, critic Many of these young people have been
The New Buffettology). John Grisham went so far as to sug- the victims of violence and many have
This quote illustrates that Buffet gest that film makers should be made learnt to stop feeling by disassociating
knows perfectly well what is going on in legally accountable for inspiring real life themselves from their experiences. Fur-
the struggle between capital and labour murders after a couple went on a killing thermore, some have learnt to disassoci-
(and which side he necessarily sits on). spree in Texas. At the time I remember ate themselves from their own behaviour
thinking that what was more likely to enabling them to hold the view that
Irony cause offence to those who controlled their current behaviour and actions are
One of the many ironies of Buffett’s the media was its powerful attack on the not their fault. This way of looking at
life is that he has accumulated capital for media through, for example, its satirical the world is supported by a prevailing
the sake of it, very much as the system use of a TV-style comedy perspective to culture of blame. While the violence they
demands, yet has never really known represent sexual abuse within the family faced certainly wasn’t their fault and one
what to do with his vast personal wealth; as being jovially dysfunctional. can never underestimate how difficult
he spends very little of it and doesn’t Popcorn centres on a film director, it may be to survive, it is crucial for the
believe in inherited wealth either. So in Bruce Delamitri, who makes movies future well-being of these young people
2006 he declared he was going to give which are said to glamorise violence. It for them to learn to recognise that how
away at least $30 billion of his fortune to mainly takes place at his after-award they choose to behave now, within the
the Bill Gates Foundation, so that it could ceremony party which is hi-jacked by a limits of capitalism, is their choice. They
be spent improving healthcare across the couple, “The Mall Murderers”, on a copy- do not, for example, need to continue
world. cat killing spree which is seen to mimic a family history of violence. Tragically
In many ways this was a noble ges- that of characters in his films. The play some choose prison over the violence of
ture, and a more generous act than any- is perhaps a less morally loaded critique poverty and the purposeless they experi-
thing from most of the world’s other rich of the media than Natural Born Killers ence outside. What is critical, however,
men, yet it is the very system in which and more a critique of wider society’s for these young people and for those
he is a proud ‘allocator of capital’ that blame culture. whose lives have not been so damaged,
leads to world poverty and lack of decent Within Popcorn, film director Bruce what is critical for all of us to move in a
healthcare in the first place. Buffett has Delamitri faces widespread criticism for positive direction is the need to begin to
recently attacked the Republican adminis- inspiring murder through portraying take responsibility for actions and the
tration in the US on the grounds that it is it as cool. However his films are still in society we are part of. Simply blaming
obscene that he pays less of a proportion high demand and he wins a prestigious the socio-cultural environment we grew
of his income in tax than someone on the award. In this sense the audiences of up in for the world we live in can be
minimum wage. Yet, above anyone else, his films can be seen to condone their an excuse for inaction and a barrier to
Buffett should know that in capitalism, violence by consuming not rejecting the change.
capital accumulates to those who have films. To counter his critics, he presents Of course Popcorn doesn’t go far
it and invest it. And it expands because the well-used argument that human be- enough. Taking personal responsibility
those who are relatively poor (the working ings are not passive recipients. They do will not necessarily free us from aliena-
class) create value greater than they ever not simply process his films as instruc- tion, poverty and violence, but it is a
receive back in wages and salaries, with tions and then go out killing in robotic start. Of course we know that boycotting
this ‘surplus value’ created by those who like fashion. Violence has always been in a product, going on a demo, recycling
have to work for a living sustaining those society, he argues. Like Delamitri, how- our rubbish or giving to a charity won’t
who don’t, generating rent, interest and ever, “The Mall Murderers” also do not change things either, apart from perhaps
profit for the system as a whole than can take any responsibility for the killings, creating a sense of individual smug-
be reinvested in the capitalist treadmill. blaming them both on Delamitri’s films ness. How many people ‘did their bit’ in
In the market economy, the rich are and on past abuse and a dysfunctional the Poll Tax riots or Reclaim The Streets
rich because the poor are poor. Indeed, family background. In fact no one takes marches and now sit on their imaginary
companies grow because the rich are rich responsibility for anything, “the story is laurels passing the buck? It is easy to
and exploit the poor, and it can’t work any full of witticism and when some one dies critique capitalism. It may be easy for us
other way. you feel nothing”. (Wikipedia) to blame our own behaviour on it and
Mr Buffett may be a highly intelligent In order to feel, the creators of Pop- it is not always easy to feel motivated to
man and a great philanthropist, but the corn are perhaps asking us to take back organise for change, especially after a
bipolar extremes characteristic of Mr responsibility. Take back responsibility hard day of wage slavery. However, the
Market are no way to run a sane society, as consumers and as actors and to take only way to bring about radical social
but are characteristic instead of a system responsibility for society as a whole. change is for us to take responsibility
where only a minority can be winners and Saying that that’s how things have for our lives and take responsibility for
they depend for their position on the vast always been or will always be is not an organising for a socialist world. We have
majority being losers. And no amount excuse. no desire to reform a system which de-
of well-intentioned philanthropy is ever Whether or not violence on TV, the pends on violence and control over oth-
likely to change it. theatre or in computer games can play a ers but to build one based on common
DAP part in promoting violence in wider soci- ownership and mutual cooperation.
ety, as socialists we believe that a large LORNA

Socialist Standard April 2008 19

April 08.indd 19 25/3/08 15:14:24

Book Reviews
Just in one country? major CO2 emitters, which have access to colonial shareholders and the blessing of
large reserves of coal and/or other fossil the US”.
2050 Vision. How can the UK play its fuels. It was therefore felt unreasonable The Bank’s mandate was to be
part in avoiding dangerous climate to expect these countries to reduce their purely economic, not to be involved in
change? By Matthew Lockwood and fossil fuel consumption just because the politics but even the first loan it granted
Jenny Bird with Raquel Alvarez. UK had taken a lead”. in 1947, to France, was held up by
Institute for Public Policy Research. Precisely, and that’s the whole point. the US government until Communist
2007. £10.95. The EU countries, including Britain, Party members were ousted from the
are prepared to reduce their reliance coalition government. One chapter is
on having to import fossil fuels to specifically devoted to examples showing
This 100-page study by the left- generate energy. That makes economic that the policy of granting loans is first
leaning IPPR argues that Britain “should sense for them. The US and China, and foremost determined by the US
be aiming to make reductions in carbon which do have access to large internal government often on the basis of purely
emissions of at least 80 per cent from reserves of oil and/or coal, are not so political objectives. From the 1990s the
1990 levels by 2050, if we are to avoid a keen. And, given that under capitalism US influenced against granting loans
2ºC global warming above pre-industrial “nation shall compete with nation”, why in areas that would compete with US
levels”. should they be? Why would they shoot products. Where oil was concerned
The authors show that this is themselves in the foot by undermining drilling was encouraged, refining, not. In
technologically feasible in that wind their competitiveness any more than essence, more primitive accumulation,
power and carbon capture (from fossil any British government is likely to by showing no regard for environmental
fuels) and storage could be developed if unilaterally adopting the measures? concerns or human rights and contrary to
enough resources were devoted to this. proposed by the IPPR’s naïve researchers. the UN Charter. The over-riding message
Technically feasible, no doubt, but how There is, quite simply, no solution is the blatant, systematic disregard for the
likely is this to happen? The authors to the problem of global warming within founding principles of the Charter.
themselves mention, though only in capitalism. As to the answers to criticisms of
passing, the main flaw in their analysis: ALB the Bank’s succession of errors or bad
UK emissions represent only 2 percent of management Toussaint reveals them
the global total, so even if these measures to be “a deliberate part of a coherent,
were adopted in Britain this would only carefully thought out, theoretical plan,
have a very marginal, if any, effect on World Bankers taught with great application in most
global warming. But if other countries universities.” The strategy, in a nutshell,
didn’t follow this would have a disastrous The World Bank – A Critical Primer. is that providing infrastructure should
effect on British capitalist industry. By Eric Toussaint. Pluto Press. fall on the state sector and anything
The authors admit that the forecasting that might prove profitable should be
models they used failed to include given to the private sector (preferably
“interactions with the wider global Throughout this comparative study favouring multinational corporations),
economy” and add limply: of official World Bank statements and i.e. privatisation of profits combined with
“Some of these interactions involve internal memos, Eric Toussaint lays the socialisation of the cost of anything
risks for energy-intensive, and therefore bare the absolute conflict between the not profitable. Within the indebted
carbon-intensive, industries exposed to public and private ideologies, time country failing private companies would
international competition, and these may after time revealing the imperative of have their debt transferred to the state
need extra support in decarbonising if achieving US political aims above all other (as the military junta in Argentina
production and jobs are not to relocate.” considerations. It is a very interesting transferred $12 billion of private debt
Well, yes, and if that happened global book making the facts and figures of to the state). Thus the capitalists in
warming would not be affected at all. economics accessible to the layperson developing countries escape their debt,
The emissions would continue but in through ample explicit tables and clear having it paid instead by the Treasury at
a different part of the world. And since explanations with minimum use of jargon. the expense of the workers (Toussaint’s
all industries depend to some degree Contrary to common belief, the analysis). In Argentina in the 80s (just
on energy they would all be affected by mission of the World Bank under the one typical example) even subsidiaries of
the increased energy costs the authors umbrella of the UN was not and is not transnational corporations indebted to
proposals would involve, even if it is true to reduce poverty but (1) to rebuild their parent companies had their debts
that energy-intensive industries would be Europe post second world war and (2) transferred to the Argentina Treasury;
the worst hit. to promote the economic growth of the Renault, Mercedes–Benz, City Bank,
In short, applying unilaterally what South through development. As a part of Chase Manhattan, Société Générale etc.
is technically feasible but more costly the World Bank Group the World Bank etc., all transferred their debt and as
would undermine the competitiveness of is (supposedly) bound by the UN Charter the government had no access to their
British industry on world markets, and and according to the International Court accounts, one might raise an eyebrow!
that no government would dare do. So, of Justice it is the duty of the World Bank Describing the demise of Mexico in
in practice, there is no chance that any to respect human rights and customary the 80s Toussaint is of the opinion that
British government would go it alone on law in general. However, nowhere is this “Mexico has lost control of its destiny
this issue. But the authors still maintain obligation seen to be incorporated in which, historically, has been the US’s
the illusion that one might, by talking the implementation of their policies; in objective since the nineteenth century.”
of Britain giving a lead which others will fact examples abound as to how readily By the end of the 90s all six major
follow. Some of those they consulted and easily these obligations have been developing regions showed negative
thought this might happen. Others were circumvented or simply disregarded. In net transfer meaning simply that their
more realistic: strict violation of a UN right of people debt to the World Bank was continuing
“Respondents from the United States to self-determination the World Bank to grow because they couldn’t keep up
were generally less convinced that leading granted loans in the 1950s to Belgium, with the payments. Reports and internal
by example would be enough to encourage France and Britain to finance projects memos reveal the Bank saw the crisis on
movements from the US – despite the in their colonies, mostly for mining for the horizon but their “double discourse”
‘special relationship’ between the US the benefit of the colonial powers and informed the public and indebted
and the UK – or from other countries. then, following independence, the debt countries that there was nothing to
Differing national circumstances were was transferred to the newly emerging worry about. When the subject of Debt
cited as one reason for this. The UK’s nations. This “odious debt” is a violation Reduction was eventually raised (in 1989)
(and the EU’s) increasing dependence on of international law which Toussaint by the US government the Bank complied.
fossil fuel imports puts them in a very describes as having been imposed on “the This consisted of indebted nations buying
different position to many of the world’s Bank, with the connivance of its main US Treasury bonds in exchange for a

20 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 20 25/3/08 15:14:24

reduction of their debt; in effect now the
indebted countries were financing the
Manchester Branch Central London
policy of indebtedness of the US itself. School Dayschool
As for the Bank’s own accounts, since its
Saturday 19 April, 1pm to 5pm Saturday 5 April, 1pm to 5pm
founding in 1946, they have consistently
produced positive net results. Since The Sick Society POLES APART, CLIMATE CHANGE,
1985 each year has exceeded $1billion in Capitalism on The Couch CAPITALISM OR SOCIALISM?
profits whilst all developing countries’ net Speaker: Peter Rigg Speakers: Glenn Morris (Artic Voice),
transfers since 1987 have been negative,
resulting in increasing debt. Can Socialism Cure our Ills? Brian Gardner (Socialist Party)
Eric Toussaint is President of the Speaker: Ed Blewitt Small Hall, Conway Hall, Red Lion
Committee for the Abolition of Third Friends Meeting House, Mount Street, Square, WC1 (nearest tube: Holborn).
World Debt (CADTM) whose mission is “to
contribute to the emergence of a world
City Centre (next to Central Library and
based on the sovereignty of its peoples,
on international solidarity, equality and
Manchester Town Hall) Chiswick
Tuesday 15 April. 8pm
social justice” with which we can broadly
agree. Throughout the book he promotes Summer School THE NATURE OF HUMAN NATURE
“a break with the capitalist system” and Friday 18 July to Sunday 20 July Speaker: Adam Buick
tells us that “a system of redistribution RELIGION Committee Room, Chiswick Town Hall,
of wealth is needed.” Point 30 of 31 Our weekend of talks and discussion Heathfield Terrace (corner of Sutton Park
indictments of the World Bank says “a
will explore socialist views on religion Rd), W.4. Nearest tube: Chiswick Park.
new international, democratic institution
must urgently be found to promote a and its impact on society. How does
redistribution of wealth and to support
people’s efforts towards development that
faith relate to other aspects of capital-
ism, such as relations between coun-
is socially just and respectful of nature.” tries or between communities? How
Then he goes on to talk of 21st century Is Socialism a Faith? 14 April
does a religious outlook differ from a
socialism without addressing what this Ravages of Eco-Tourism 12 May
means except to break away from the socialist or humanist one?
Immigration: Can it Carry On? 9 June
Washington Consensus, the World Bank The venue for Summer School is
Talks followed by questions and discus-
and the IMF in favour of new financial Fircroft College, which offers excellent
and monetary institutions and to point to sions.
facilities within easy reach of Birming-
possible alternatives such as Venezuela, Venue for talks: Unitarian Church, High
ham city centre.
Bolivia and Ecuador. Street, Swansea, 7.30pm
An alternative system, hostile to Full attendance (including accom-
capitalism but without a commitment to
abolishing money? Is it possible that Eric
modation and meals Friday evening
to Sunday afternoon) costs £120 per
Central London
Friday 25 April. 7.30pm
Toussaint hasn’t yet heard of the Socialist person, or £60 to those on low incomes.
Party? “If you prick me...”: a survey on racism
Send a £10 deposit (cheques made Speaker: Bill Martin
payable to the Socialist Party of Great The Lucas Arms, (first floor) 245A Grays
Britain) to Summer School, flat 2, 24 Inn Road, London WC1 (nearest tube:
Food for Thought Tedstone Road, Quinton, Birmingham, King’s Cross St.Pancras)
B32 2PD. Enquiries to Mike at
Making a Killing. Bob Torres. AK Press
Some Socialists are vegetarians, but Monday 28 April, 8.30 pm
others are not. We have never seen a Socialist Ramble ‘Discussion on Housing’
reason to take a stand on this issue as a A ramble along the Green Chain Unicorn, Church Street, City Centre
party, however strongly some individual Walk in South-East London, approx 6
members may feel. In this book, though,
miles. Sunday 8 June, meet
Bob Torres makes a political case for
veganism, in keeping with his support for Falconwood station 11am. Edinburgh and
social anarchism.
Torres begins by accepting a Marxian
This is open to members, supporters,
non-members, etc. - anyone interested
Glasgow Day School
economic analysis of capitalism, in finding out about socialism and the Saturday 10 May, 1 to 5pm
as commodity production involving
Socialist Party in a relaxed informal set- Community Central Halls, 304 Maryhill
exploitation. But he then goes on to claim Road, Glasgow
that animals perform unwaged labour and ting. We shall stop at a pub for lunch.
If you would like to know more about CAPITALISM IN THE 21st Century
are super-exploited living commodities.
In Marxian economics, however, they are the route in advance, contact Richard Why Capitalism Can’t Go Green, speaker
a part of the means of production, i.e. Botterill on 01582-764929. Paul Bennet (Manchester)
of what Marx called “constant capital”,
On the day, phone Vincent Otter’s Another Century Of War?, speaker
which does not create new value but Gwynn Thomas (South West London)
merely transfers its value to the product. mobile 07905-791638.
The Tyranny of Copyright, speaker Tris-
Just as slavery involved some humans
that there are separate species with tan Miller (Central London)
being the property of others and hence
identifiable characteristics, but no distinct Each speaker will speak for 30 minutes.
treated just as means to the end of the
owners, so animals are under the power The rest of the session will be devoted to
The ‘animal rights’ movement comes
of humans. They are bought and sold, questions and discussion.
in for heavy criticism. For one thing, it
kept and killed in appalling conditions,
is dominated by large organisations that Free tea, coffee and light refreshments
experimented on, and used to provide
employ professional activists earning will be available throughout the afternoon.
milk, meat and eggs. This is speciesism,
high salaries. As such, it can be co- Admission free, all welcome.
he says, integrated into society as
opted by the meat and animal products
much as racism once was (though note
continued next page
Socialist Standard April 2008 21

April 08.indd 21 25/3/08 15:14:24

Reviews continued
PARTY NEWS industry. People for the Ethical Treatment Veganism, which involves making no
The Socialist Party will be contesting one of Animals has even given awards to use of animal products at all, ‘must be
someone who invented a more ‘efficient’ not only the foundation and baseline of
seat in the elections to the Greater Lon-
kind of slaughterhouse. any movement to end the domination of
don Assembly on Thursday 1 May, the
In contrast, Torres argues, the animals, but also the daily practice of
same day as the election for the mayor advocacy of animal rights needs to anyone who seeks to live their life free of
of London. The seat is Lambeth & South- become part of a wider movement that all domination and hierarchy’.
wark and our candidate will be Danny challenges all hierarchy, domination and There can be no dispute that many
Lambert. This is the constituency in which exploitation, whether of other humans, animals are treated abominably under
our Head Office is situated. Members and animals or nature. We do not need to capitalism. One question is to what extent
sympathisers who wish to help distribute eat meat or animal products in order their treatment is due to capitalism’s
our election leaflets, please contact the to live, therefore we should not do so. demands for profit and for constantly
Election Dept at 52 Clapham High St, Vegetarianism is not sufficient, since the cheapening the costs of production. For
production of both milk and eggs involves it does not follow that mistreatment is a
London SW4 7UN or phone 0207 622
cruelty (e.g. cows must constantly be hallmark of all use of animals for food.
3811 or email
kept pregnant in order to provide milk). It is perfectly possible that a Socialist
society would involve less eating of meat
Another Economic Blizzard? and eggs, and any animals kept for food
purposes would certainly be treated as
So the bread lines and the soup the present writer saw in Dearborn, humanely as possible. It’s all very well
kitchens have appeared again—in when he was there last September, to talk about opposing all hierarchy,
the United States and Canada. were the expression of something including that of humans over animals,
It looks as if the slump that would more than the shift of industry out of but if it came to the crunch I suspect
never come again is now on its way. Detroit and the change-over to auto- almost everyone would regard the life of
At least that is the impression one mation. a fellow human as more important than
gets from statements by leading fin- The News Chronicle writer has that of a non-human animal. So there can
anciers, here and in America, and this to say:- be no real equality of treatment between
from articles that have appeared in “Signs of the slump are every- humans and animals.
London papers recently. where and this is frightening Ameri-
The Times for March the 4th, un- ca. Picture Credits
der the heading, “World Unemploy- “For beyond this city millions
cover: Warren Buffet -
ment Survey,” gives figures of unem- more jobs depend on the car indus-
ployment in different countries. In the try. One business in six is wholly con- com/.../CzkQA0zHNA3prVXHmN-VHA.
United States in January the figure cerned with it. Trooping the colour - © 2007 Jon. Creative
was 4,494,000. This does not include “Steel, rubber, glass, leather; they Commons Attribution 2.5 licence.
unemployment among the 30 million all slump when the assembly lines p2: Trooping the colour - © 2007 Jon.
who are not covered by unemploy- slow; and soon it spreads to us all. Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence.
ment insurance. Since January there “So Detroit, the centre of it, is
George Soros © 2006 Jeff Ooi. Creative
has been a considerable increase in harder hit to-day than in the ‘thirties.”
unemployment. The Times gives the Commons Attribution 2.5.
The writer states that there are
unemployment figure for Canada in 250,000 unemployed in Detroit now, p4: Robot - Ngchinfung, 2006.
January as 520,000. Here also the and he tells of the soup kitchen run p9: Hamburger - Eric 2003. Coke - Hariadhi
figure has increased since January. by the Capuchin monks which can 2007. p14: crowd - Ragessos, 2007.
The News Chronicle for February only touch a tiny fragment of the thou- p15: toilet paper 10 - anyjazz65, 2005,
28th contains an article on Detroit by sands of hungry. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 licence.
Bruce Rothwell. From this article it is (From front page article by “Gil-
p23: Symbol - Missionários Passionintas.
evident that the huge empty factories mac”, Socialist Standard, April 1958)
around Detroit, and the empty shops p24: ambulances -
Saddam - US military, 2003.

Declaration of Principles
This declaration is the basis of by the capitalist or master class, the emancipation of the working 7.That as all political parties
our organisation and, because and the consequent enslavement class wil involve the emancipation are but the expression of class
it is also an important historical of the working class, by whose of all mankind, without distinction interests, and as the interest of
document dating from the labour alone wealth is produced. of race or sex. the working class is diametrically
formation of the party in 1904, opposed to the interests of all
its original language has been 2.That in society, therefore, there 5. That this emancipation must sections of the master class,
retained. is an antagonism of interests, be the work of the working class the party seeking working class
manifesting itself as a class itself. emancipation must be hostile to
Object struggle between those who every other party.
The establishment of a system possess but do not produce and 6.That as the machinery of
of society based upon the those who produce but do not government, including the armed 8.The Socialist Party of Great
common ownership and possess. forces of the nation, exists only Britain, therefore, enters the field
democratic control of the to conserve the monopoly by the of political action determined
means and instruments for 3.That this antagonism can capitalist class of the wealth taken to wage war against all other
producing and distributing be abolished only by the from the workers, the working political parties, whether alleged
wealth by and in the interest of emancipation of the working class class must organize consciously labour or avowedly capitalist,
the whole community. from the domination of the master and politically for the conquest and calls upon the members of
class, by the conversion into the of the powers of government, the working class of this country
Declaration of Principles common property of society of national and local, in order that to muster under its banner to the
The Socialist Party of Great the means of production and this machinery, including these end that a speedy termination
Britain holds distribution, and their democratic forces, may be converted from an may be wrought to the system
control by the whole people. instrument of oppression into the which deprives them of the fruits
1.That society as at present agent of emancipation and the of their labour, and that poverty
constituted is based upon the 4.That as in the order of social overthrow of privilege, aristocratic may give place to comfort,
ownership of the means of living evolution the working class is the and plutocratic. privilege to equality, and slavery
(i.e., land, factories, railways, etc.) last class to achieve its freedom, to freedom.

22 Socialist Standard April 2008

April 08.indd 22 25/3/08 15:14:25

Blair’s a Catholic – it’s official. But who cares?
If Blair had read Labour Party history, would he have been put off a
political career for life?

oon after Tony Blair’s costive farewell to Number Ten, mark there would help him in applying for other seats. Perhaps
anyone who fretted about the chances of him joining that, as well as the rock-solid Tory vote, gave him some scope
the ranks of the impoverished – which his government in how he presented himself politically; he had no qualms
promised to abolish – would have been reassured by the about describing himself as “a socialist”(either without defining
carefully crafted plans of this reluctantly-disciplined ex-public the word or offering a definition which was a nonsense) and
schoolboy who grew up into the ambitiously to admitting to support for CND. Of course he
manipulative barrister on the look-out for lost his deposit, reducing the Labour vote by 10
an easy way into Parliament. All will be well percent in the process. But he did indeed make
for the Blair family budget. There will be the his mark and, buoyed up with approval from
“lecture” tours during which each speech will local Labour stalwarts, he moved thankfully in
attract fees running into tens of thousands search of a more possible seat.
of pounds. A lavish advance of payment will This came in 1983, in Sedgefield, where the
lubricate the writing of his memoirs (we all local man Les Huckfield was expected to win the
wait with tightly bated breath to find out how Labour nomination. Conscious that the people
much he reveals and how much hides, of had their differences from the bankers and chief
what went on). With staggering, if predictable, executives of Beaconsfield, Blair was careful
audacity he accepted the job of a Middle East that his address for the adoption meeting did
Peace Envoy charged with repairing some of not mention that he had been to public school
the damage wreaked on that unhappy place nor that as a barrister he had represented big
by military decisions in which his government corporations in court. He presented a letter of
was heavily implicated. Any spare time will support from the then Labour leader, ex-left-
be absorbed by the “consultancy” jobs which, wing-firebrand Michael Foot and it was arranged
for a few hours a month, promise to richly to unsettle Huckfield by hostile questions fed
reward the advice he will give to commercial to Blair’s supporters in the audience. It was all
and banking interests about how to inflate tightly organised and very effective, giving Blair
their profits through prudent contracts. But apart from the nomination in a safe Labour seat. It was also – although
all that – after all, a poor boy from a multi-million pound none of the party members there probably realised it – a
home in Connaught Square has to scrape a living somehow foretaste of how he would behave when he got into Parliament
– there are the spiritual riches Blair expects to spume out of and later into Number Ten.
his formally declared conversion to the Catholic Church.
Rebuke We may ask, for example, how those Sedgefield members
The announcement of Blair’s change to the Roman Catholic would have voted had they heard him say, as he subsequently
church was “formal” in the sense of his long-standing contact did: “I believe Margaret Thatcher’s emphasis on enterprise was
with that church while he was a practising Anglo Catholic. His right” or that “Britain needs more successful people who can
biographer, Anthony Selsdon, described him as “a profoundly become rich by success through the money they earn”. Would
religious figure” and says that it was religion and not “… those members have sat on their hands knowing that Blair was
reading Labour Party history” which brought him into politics to justify the invasion of Iraq, at the cost of tens of thousands
in the first place. (It will be a matter for Blair to discuss in the of lives, by lies about weapons of mass destruction the
confessional whether, if he had read Labour Party history, he existence of which, he said, was “beyond doubt” and the defiant
would have been put off a political career for life). But for some declaration “I am absolutely convinced and confident about the
time there has been little doubt about where, in terms of his case on weapons of mass destruction-critics will be eating some
allegiance to a church, he would end up. Although an Anglo- of their words”? And would they have approved him sucking up
Catholic he took communion at Westminster Cathedral which, to the rich and powerful while 13 million – that’s one in five – of
as it is not permitted for non-Roman Catholics, brought down the population of the country he was supposed to be leading to
a stern rebuke from the late Archbishop Basil Hume. For Blair, the promised land of plenty and safety are officially classed as
it must have all been reminiscent of time up before the head suffering poverty?
of Fettes. That his present situation continues to be confused If Blair is to be a proper catholic he will have to attend
was quickly pointed out by Ann Widdecombe (herself a confession – get down on his knees behind the curtain in one of
convert): “he’s gone against Church teaching on more than one those small boxes in a church while some robed hypocrite who
occasion”. On the Michael Parkinson chat show in 2006 Blair rivals him in disseminating falsehood sits on the other side of
offered a rather different version, saying that he had prayed the grille trying not to yawn while listening to him unburdening
while deciding whether to order British troops into Iraq “I think his mind before telling him how he can make himself feel a bit
if you have faith about these things, you realise the judgement less guilty, perhaps by reciting some meaningless incantation
is made by other people…and if you believe in god, it’s made or other. The question is, can Blair be trusted to come clean
by god as well”. Which conveniently passed off the blame for about his sins? After all what he has to confess will be the most
the slaughter onto someone who, as they don’t exist, could not serious for a catholic – the mortal sins which have speckled
have a say in the matter. his time in politics. This may take him some time while others
– politicians, media people, bankers and the like – wait their
Sedgefield turn. It is all a part of the great deception which keeps this
But Tony Blair cannot argue that his conversion was an unbearable society in being.
attempt to understand, and unravel, a history of confusion IVAN
about his political aims. Any reading of his rise through the
Labour Party must bring a chilling sense of his single-minded AN APOLOGY
ambition. His first attempt to get into Parliament was in May There was a mistake In last month’s Greasy Pole (Flint’s Hard
1982, in Beaconsfield. A less likely opportunity for an aspiring Line). The TV programme in which Flint stood her ground
Labour candidate would be hard to imagine, for Beaconsfield asgainst Andrew Neill was not The Politics Show (which does
is one of the most arborescent and moneyed towns in the not exist) but The Daily Politics. For this confusion we apologise
Chiltern Hills. Blair agreed to stand there on the advice of a to everyone. Even, in case he reads the Socialist Standard, Neill
more seasoned party member, on the grounds that making his himself.

Socialist Standard April 2008 23

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Reformism Fails Again - the transport of terror suspects around Another Ray Of Hope
It is a basic socialist principle that no the world for interrogation - only came to The awful carnage in the hate-filled Middle
programme of reforms can solve the light after a US records search, he said.” East and the religious brutality there fills
problems of capitalism, but here is an ...”Amnesty International UK director Kate socialists with gloom but this report would
example where well-intentioned reformism Allen said extraordinary rendition was ‘a seem to suggest that all is not lost. “After
has made the situation worse. “Hospitals polite way of talking about kidnapping and almost five years of war, many young
were last night accused of keeping secret detention’”. (BBC News, 21 February) people in Iraq, exhausted by constant
thousands of seriously ill patients in firsthand exposure to the violence of
ambulance ‘holding patterns’ outside Jobs For The Boys religious extremism, say they have grown
accident and emergency units to keep a When in opposition, Gordon Brown criticised disillusioned with religious leaders and
government pledge that all patients are the last Tory government for the “revolving sceptical of the faith that they preach. In
treated within four hours of admission. door from the cabinet room to the board two months of interviews with 40 young
... An Observer investigation has also room”, but he has remained silent about people in five Iraqi cities, a pattern of
found that some wait for up to five hours a similar ploy by his own party members. disenchantment emerged, in which young
in ambulances because A & E units “Twenty-eight former Labour ministers have Iraqis, both poor and middle class, blamed
cashed in on their connections clerics for the violence and the restrictions
in government and Whitehall by that have narrowed their lives. “I hate Islam
taking jobs in the private sector in and all the clerics because they limit our
the past two years. It represents freedom every day and their instruction
the biggest exodus of ministers became heavy over us,” said Sara, a high
into the private sector since Labour school student in Basra. “Most of the girls
came to power and is worth at least in my high school hate that Islamic people
£10M a year in salaries and fees.” control the authority because they don’t
(Sunday Times, 24 February) deserve to be rulers.” Atheer, a 19-year-old
from a poor, heavily Shiite neighborhood in
A Ray Of Hope southern Baghdad, said: “The religion men
Socialists are often told that are liars. Young people don’t believe them.
socialism is impossible because Guys my age are not interested in religion
Sorry to keep you waiting...
human beings are innately war- anymore.” (New York Times, 4 March)
have refused to admit them until they like and aggressive, but this report seems
can guarantee to treat them within the to suggest otherwise. “More and more
time limit.” (Observer, 17 February) Israelis are avoiding mandatory military Maybe the Imams are next?
service— something long viewed in this
Capitalism And Euphemism country as a proud rite of passage. “In
Capitalism has got to have euphemisms to the past, it is true that not serving in the
cover up the sordid nature of the system. military was considered the exception,”
Thus children maimed by napalm bombs said Dr. Rueven Gal, author of A Portrait
are called “co-lateral damage” and troops of the Israeli Soldier and former chief
blowing up their own troops is called psychologist for the Israeli military. “In more
“friendly fire”. A recent addition to this sorry recent years it became more tolerable
catalogue is “extraordinary rendition”. “David and more acceptable to people.” In 1997,
Miliband has admitted two US ‘extraordinary according to army statistics, fewer than one
rendition’ flights landed on UK territory in in 10 Israeli men avoided their mandatory
2002. The foreign secretary said in both three-year military service. These days,
cases US planes refuelled on the UK it’s closer to three in 10. Women, too, are
dependent territory of Diego Garcia. He opting out at a faster pace: Over the last
said he was ‘very sorry’ to have to say that decade, the number of women avoiding
previous denials made in ‘good faith’ were military duty rose from 37 percent to
now having to be corrected. The renditions 44 percent.” (Yahoo News, 2 March)

ISSN 0037 8259

24 Socialist Standard April 2008
Produced and published by the Socialist Party of Great Britain, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN

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