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The Libertarian Communist No.11 November-December 2010

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The Libertarian Communist

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Issue 1i



Aim: the creation of a World

wide Libertarian Communist

A Discussion Bulletin for the Anti State,

Non Market Sector

The purpose of The Libertarian Communist is to promote discussion amongst

the Anti State, Non Market sector irrespective of whether individuals or
groups consider themselves as Anarchist, Communist or Socialist as all such
titles are in need of further qualification. If you have disagreements with an
article in this or any other issue, wish to offer comment or want to
contribute something else to the discussion then please get in touch. If any
2 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

article focuses on a particular group then that group has, as a matter of

course, the right to reply. So please get in touch with your article, letters
and comments. You can do this by contacting
or writing to Ray Carr, Flat 1, 99 Princess Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset
BH12 1BQ.



Page 2: Help.

Page 3: Opposing the cuts: what should the strategy of the anti state, non market
sector be?

Page 4: Toward A Libertarian Socialism: Chris Faatz

Page 7: Problems of Revolution: Parliament and Revolution: some issues to reflect on:
Ricardo Mond

Page 9: Opposition to cutbacks: French workers lead the way.

Page 10: Leaflet from France: We are One, let’s be All!

Page11: Contact details for groups in the anti state, non market sector.



As impossible as it may seem the end of 2010 is not that far off. This is already
issue 11 of The Libertarian Communist, a project that started back in March
2009. It began as a way of discussing issues after I had left The Socialist Party
(SPGB, Clapham) at the end of 2008 and then moved quickly to become a
discussion bulletin for the anti state, non market socialist/anarchist sector. The
bulletin is distributed by email or hard copy and thanks are due to one
supporter who places it on the internet. It is pleasing to report that the
readership has increased steadily since March 09.The other day I was reading
the editorial of a 2007 edition of Black Flag (BF) and I was struck by the fact
that more professional outfits face similar problems to publications such as The
Lib Com. They were making the point that how often BF appeared, its size and
quality, depended on supporters sending their articles in, they also made the
point that whilst they felt there was a need for BF continuing as an
independent journal they would be happy to merge with other journals to
produce one good quality anarchist magazine. Personally I think there are
benefits in a number of class struggle anarchist journals being available rather
than all merging in to one as variety is no bad thing. I not only read Freedom,
Resistance, Organise, Black Flag, Direct Action and also the Socialist Standard,
I also try and sell them, though in the Bournemouth/Poole area where I live this
is no easy task.
3 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

So is there a future for The Libertarian Communist? Well, I would like to think
so because as far as I know there is nothing else around that is specially aimed
at the anti state, non market sector rather than being specifically anarchist or
socialist and whose aim is to focus on the similarities of those two strands
rather than on their differences. If there is another such publication than, yes, I
would discuss the possibility of a merger, the aim was always to take like
minded people on board. Yes this is an appeal for articles, because it is
supposed to be a discussion journal and the better issues have been where we
have had articles from two or three people. Our readership is probably mostly
activists and they have that name because they are busy running around
promoting ideas and stirring the working class into self activity. So I would like
to remind people that any articles sent in do not have to be freshly written, so
if you have written something sometime ago that you think would be suitable
or you know of something that someone else has written that they would like
publicised then please get in touch. It would be good to hear from you,
otherwise its back to searching through places such as World in Common and for suitable material.


Opposing the cuts: What should That groups within our sector should be
the strategy of the anti state, providing workers opposing the threat
non market sector be? to their working and living conditions
with their full support is not a matter
A point that should be made when for debate. How we go about this is
discussing the present capitalist more problematic as was indicated by a
recession and our response to it, couple of articles in Freedom, [issue
leaving aside the fact that it is global 7118, September 25th]. The first of
and our response must be organised on these, “Persistently Protesting”,
the same dimension, is that for many concerned a demonstration outside the
sections of the working class the TUC conference in Manchester on the
system is never out of recession. Even opening day. The following day the TUC
at present just when the axe is poised announced that it was to organise a
and ready to be swung we hear talk on campaign against the cuts. This
the daily propaganda programmes that campaign ranges from the opinion of
passes for news under capitalism that Bob Crowe that it must include co-
the economy is coming out of ordinated strikes and civil disobedience
recession. The questions that need to to that of Les Bayliss of Unite who
be asked in relation to this are firstly; thought this would amount to suicide.
what precisely is meant by this? Presumably Bayliss feels that the TUC
Secondly; who is going to benefit from should send a delegation to meet with
this supposed upturn? So the point is the likes of Cameron and Clegg and
that the crisis is not a short-term they would see the error of their ways
problem but has been and is ongoing. and withdraw all proposed cuts. The
In truth any so-called upturn is just in type of campaign that would emerge is
terms of increased profits for some indicated by most of the groups
among the parasite class and if we are represented in the demonstration, the
really lucky a few more part-time £6 an Socialist Workers Party (SWP) with its
hour jobs. Just how lucky can we get? “Right to Work” banners, refashioned
“Communists” (meaning more
supporters of state capitalism), trade
4 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

unions, trade councils and the National (RWB) so we can map out how our
Shop Stewards movement (NSSM) In views differ from the mainstream
other words it would be led by a labour movement. A statement from
handful of trade union leaders who will the South London Solidarity Federation
tread carefully and not even consider states the following: “We also intend to
any action that breaks the law, even if be a visible anti-capitalist presence on
the law on strikes is further tightened, the demonstration pointing out that it
and this in effect will make the is capitalism that has caused the crisis
campaign a complete waste of time. that has led to these cuts and that in
response to their class war we need to
The left such as Bob Crowe, the SWP,
reciprocate meeting cuts with direct
SP (Militant) and NSSM will criticise action – strikes, occupations and civil
such a policy but it is unlikely they will disobedience – whilst fighting for a
actively oppose it. different world which puts human
What is wrong with such a campaign needs first.” The idea of a radical
from an anti state, non market (ASNM) workers bloc was criticised by Ian Bone
perspective is indicated by the second at a meeting at The London Anarchist
article in Freedom, “Light Trim Sir”. Book Fair but we would argue that it is
As this article suggests if we are to a positive idea because we need to
organise a meaningful campaign it spell out to workers that there is an
must be organised from the bottom alternative to the left. If the idea of a
upwards where the workers concerned RWB is criticised because it is seen as
make their own decisions and ongoing separating us from the ‘mass’ of
strategies and structures have to be workers then I believe this is a false
developed directly by those involved in view because what is proposed is about
the struggles. So any strategy likely to inviting workers to join us in a more
be developed by the TUC is not only radical grouping. Would we, for
ineffective because it lacks militancy, example, cancel all our meetings on the
and that will be the main criticism of cuts and just meekly attend those of
the left, it will be ineffective because it the so-called mainstream labour
will be based on a leadership basis movement? No of course not. Let’s
where a hierarchy not directly affected come together and use any opposition
by cuts will be issuing instructions. The to the cuts to not only aid workers in
second problem with any campaign their struggles but also to put forward
initiated by the trade unions and the our message; “Oppose the cuts by
left is that it will fail to put forward a opposing the profit system”.
radical alternative, meaning a
perspective that will point out to ++++++++++++++++++++++++
workers that the whole problem is
rooted within the capitalist system and The Following article was posted on the
that the only meaningful way forward is World in Common forum in March of
to begin to think outside the capitalist this year. It fits fairly well into the
box. So while being fully behind rationale of what The Libertarian
workers in their struggle to oppose the Communist stands for and whilst we
cuts groups within the anti state, non might not agree with everything it is
market sector need be careful not to well worth inclusion and hopefully will
entangle themselves in a traditional raise further discussion. The original
going nowhere campaign organised by reference is:
a trade union movement and supported
by the state capitalist left. In this
respect it is encouraging to see that in TOWARD A LIBERTARIAN
the Anti Cuts March proposed to take
place in London on October 23rd there is
a proposal for a Radical Workers Bloc
5 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

By Chris Faatz rather than reify them into hazy

( categories [as lifestyle anarchists are,
according to Bookchin, prone to do [CF],
"By 'socialism' I mean a classless it tries to incorporate them into
society in which the State has everyday life. It is committed to
disappeared, production is rationality while opposing the
cooperative and no man rationalization of experience; to
[person] has political or technology, while opposing the 'mega-
economic power over another. machine;' to social institutionalization,
The touchstone would be the while opposing class rule and hierarchy;
extent to which each individual to a genuine politics based on the
could develop his [or her] own confederal coordination of
talents and personality."
municipalities or communes by the
--Dwight Macdonald, “The Root
is Man” (1946) people in face-to-face democracy, while
opposing parliamentarism and the
At one point in the not-so distant past,
a friend and I were discussing certain
This, as I see it, and as Bookchin makes
people, Victor Serge, Gustav Landauer,
clear in the second essay in this book,
Daniel Guerin--who attempted to
"The Left that Was: A Personal
combine the libratory vision of social
Reflection," a compelling “socialist
anarchism with the rigorous analytical
vision”, albeit of a very specific type, as
method of Marxism in a libertarian
well. Indeed, throughout this little book
Marxist, or libertarian socialist form.
the argument is implicit (and, on
While the discussion, at that time,
occasion, explicit) that, in the end,
didn't really progress too far, it hardly
there's very little difference between a
died altogether, and has been festering
coherent social anarchist and
in the back of my mind ever since.
libertarian socialist vision it's all just a
Recently, the whole issue was brought
matter of words. Refreshingly enough,
vividly back to life in my reading of
in this age of relentless analysis and
social ecologist Murray Bookchin's book
little prescription, Bookchin goes on to
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle
offer a libertarian left program around
Anarchism, a book which quite
which such a rational, humanistic,
effectively if somewhat vitriolically
pluralistic socialist project could and
demolishes the "anarcho- primitivism"
might cohere. Bookchin emphasizes
and anti-rationalism of large elements
four points as central to such a
of the anarchist milieu (at least in North
program: confederal forms (a commune
America: see the paper "Fifth Estate,"
of communes, as he puts it at another
or the works of the likes of John Zerzan
point); opposition to statism, class
and Hakim Bey for illustrations of this
oppression, and hierarchical forms of
current). As Bookchin describes it,
social organization; a belief in direct
"lifestyle anarchism" emphasizes
democracy; and what I can only
"personal insurrection rather than
delightedly call "the vision thing," i.e., a
general revolution... as opposed to
picture, however fuzzy, of what a
social anarchism, with its roots in
libertarian society might look like. He
historicism, the social matrix of
then goes on to insist that:
individuality, and its commitment to a
rational society." Social anarchism, on
The most important issue that left-
the other hand, is summarized as "heir libertarianism, libertarian socialism no
to the Enlightenment tradition, with due less than anarchism faces today is:
regard to that tradition's limits and What will it do with these four
incompleteness. Depending on how it powerful tenets? How will we give
defines reason, social anarchism them social form and content? In what
celebrates the thinking human mind ways and by what means will we
without in any way denying passion, render them relevant to our time and
ecstasy, imagination, play, and art. Yet bring them to the service of an
6 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

organized popular movement for today so effectively shackled the

empowerment and freedom? popular mind, and is winding its
poisonous course across the face of our
These are all interesting and planet.
challenging questions, and for those of
us who have emerged from the In the book's second essay, Bookchin
hermetically-sealed world of those parts relates his views of "how the left once
of the left that Bookchin has little was," highlighting the pluses of the pre-
patience with, they are perhaps the Bolshevik experience, and emphasizing,
most challenging of all the issues he once again, that "vision thing." He
raised. Of course, to be fair, one must stresses confederation, anti-militarism
recognize that those who adhere to (as opposed to pacifism),
some form of Leninism or social internationalism (Lenin's "opportunistic"
democracy would find this program, kowtowing to the nationalist aspirations
and the resulting questions, noxious, of his period, in Bookchin's mind,
petty-bourgeois nostrums at best, helped lay the seeds of the crisis of
downright reactionary utopian particularism as opposed to an
misleaders hip at worst. internationalist universalism that was to
But, we live in a world where time- come), the radically-democratic spirit,
hallowed assumptions are changing, and the rational secularism that
where orthodoxies of all sorts are moulded the pre-Bolshevik (far) left's
fraying in the face of never-before worldview and principled interventions.
imagined realities, and where serious While one can't disagree really with the
people are seriously examining the overall thrust of Bookchin's arguments,
history and trajectory of movement(s) it’s here in the details that his tendency
for social change and for revolution. In for narrowness and dogmatism, his
the context of the environmental crisis, tendency to insist, ironically enough, on
such a vision of decentralization and One True Path come forth. These are,
direct, grassroots democracy makes perhaps, niggling points, but I feel they
more than a little sense. In an age of must be made.
particularistic obsessions on large parts For example, he disparages the "broken
of the left, whether it be with race, rifle" of contemporary pacifism as
gender, or sexuality, the Universalist compared to a glorified radical "anti-
message virtually cries out to be heard. militarism" of an earlier age, the ideal
And, in the post-Bolshevik era, the of an entire citizenry in arms against
focus on the centrality of the individual the state or the class enemy. In doing
and of a radical localism is, at the very so, he seems to forget that the flame of
least, reassuring, if not downright the Left that he holds so dear was kept,
inspiring. At least in my heart and mind, at least in part, flickering by the radical
the cogent libertarian thrust of conscientious objectors and absolutist
Bookchin's argument cuts right to the pacifists of World Wars I and II, of Korea
bone. Indeed, there's something of the and Vietnam, with their refusal on all
prophetic in Bookchin's assertions. His fronts to cooperate with the state or
ideal society is one that is compelling, with the killing machine that is capital
beautifully, and starkly and eminently at its most feverish. He shrugs off the
human and humanizing. It's something experience and influence of
that's far out there on the horizon and organizations such as Peacemakers, or
just beyond our grasp, as he's its precursor, the Committee for
convincingly argued in such earlier Nonviolent Revolution; of periodicals
works as Post-Scarcity Anarchism. And, such as Dwight Macdonald's marvellous
let's face it: prophets don't wait for and irritating "Politics;" and he pays no
reality to catch up with them before attention whatsoever to the role that
they start bellowing from the such organizations and others of their
mountaintops at least not when the ilk, or of individuals such as AJ Muste
reality is as sordid as the one that has and Barbara Deming, played in keeping
7 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

the memory, practice, and, above all and harmony for the cooperative
else, principles of a more humane and commonwealth of all humankind? In a
humanizing left alive in the face of pluralistic movement, what means are
overwhelming opposition by the status most appropriate in advancing such a
quo. Indeed, it's arguable that, without vision? How might fluidity and
the existence of such radical pacifists continuing openness to new ideas be
and their consistent and principled insured? Can we return to a vision of
witness and actions, alongside that of the individual and her or his fulfilment
the rump IWW, SLP, left communists, in community as key, leaving behind
and tiny, fractured anarchists of the the fetish of five year plans,
period, the light of Bookchin's "left that industrialization, and production for
was" would have flickered out production's sake as the relic of an
altogether. earlier period from which we have
There’s another weakness, in my mind, learned much, but have now passed
one shared by most of the secular left, by? Could such a distinct tendency
and still capable of raising the hackles operate across organizational
of comrades of almost any flavour. boundaries, advancing a broad left-
That, of course, is the question of libertarian program, while loyally
religious radicalism. To keep it brief, building, say, the IWW, NUP, IWA,
one need look no further than the Solidarity, the left of the Socialist Party,
Catholic Worker movement, and its Class War, or Love and Rage? If such
stance for sixty-plus years, or the were the case, as unlikely as it sounds,
reality of base-community organizing in how could work and focus and vision be
liberation theology to realize the role coordinated?
that radical religionists can and do play Ideological hair-splitting is not the
in keeping alive and advancing the monopoly of any one tendency on the
vision that Bookchin describes. To far left. Nor is sectarianism, and the
ignore them is folly, to attack them is inability to see the value of another's
sectarian. They are, whether we like it experiences and practice. But, it seems
or not, a vital and living part of our to me, the kinds of principles and vision
tradition. I, for one, like that very much, that Bookchin elucidates are the kind
and anticipate that we'll be seeing that can draw many of the fragments of
much more, rather than less, organizing the far left together again, however
along left libertarian lines among loosely, in a kind of phoenix rising of
persons of faith--Christians, Jews, the "left that was."
Buddhists, and none-of-the-above alike In short, it is possible for the
in the days and years to come. construction of a libratory vision of the
left freed from shackles of all kinds, and
Can such a libertarian, decentralist wedded to the drive to move forward to
vision be melded with the "scientific" a confrontation with history, organically
analysis of Marx and Engels? How can rooted in a culture of struggle and an
the innumerable lessons of Russia and understanding of the real world, and
the USSR, the Ukraine, Germany, Italy, armed with a vision of the immense
Spain, China, Hungary, Cuba, etc., etc. potentials inherent in a pluralistic
be integrated into such a vision, movement dedicated to the sacred
creatively and without mindlessly nature of human personality? Bookchin
reiterating the ideological certitudes writes that "present society is totally
half-truths, at best that so many of us irrational and must be replaced by one
have, quite literally, spouted for that is guided by reason, and ecological
decades to no avail? Organizationally, ethics, and a genuine concern for
what is called for in such a vision of a human welfare
libertarian socialist movement, playing There's no halfway. The prophets are
a prophetic and principled role in the bellowing from their mountaintops, and
class struggle and the battles of all the the world cries out as never before for
oppressed for a world of true justice
8 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

liberty and justice. What then are we Standard, “For or Against

waiting for? Parliament”? However whilst what
follows concentrates on arguments set
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ forth by the SPGB it is the issues
involved that are important rather than
Problems of Revolution: the group/s that hold them.

Parliament and Revolution: A Violent or Peaceful Revolution

some issues to reflect on
There is a supposition amongst the
By Ricardo Mond advocates of using parliament that their
method will lead to a peaceful
One of the major points of division transformation to socialism whereas
amongst groups in the anti state, non one based on forms of direct action will
market sector (ASNM) is the question of be violent. For example the article in
how we go about achieving our aim of the September Socialist Standard
bringing about a free society. In many states; “… and most organisations
ways this disagreement seems strange or political parties calling for
as at the moment we are a million miles revolution still envisage, whether
away from being an advanced enough explicitly or otherwise, violent
movement to have to worry about this means”. {For or Against Parliament,
problem. However the point is that Socialist Standard, September 2010, p.17]
even at this stage we need to have
some idea of how our methods fit in Firstly where is the guarantee that
with our aims. Secondly how we intend using what might be termed as
to go about establishing a revolutionary legitimate means such as parliamentary
change in society does impact on the elections will result in a peaceful
way we organise in the here and now. transformation? Whether it will be
There would seem to be three methods peaceful or otherwise is dependent on
available to us; to use a dual method of the actions of the ruling class when
gaining a parliamentary majority whilst they feel their rule is threatened and
at the same time building Revolutionary such a decision is likely to rest on them
Industrial Unions as advocated by the losing power rather than because a
De-Leonist Socialist Labour Party and particular method is being utilised.
similar but separate groups; to declare Secondly advocates of direct action are
that parliament can never be used to not arguing that workers should arm
bring about a free society and argue themselves and, in the case of Britain,
that we need to focus on methods of storm Buckingham Palace, Parliament
direct action and the formation, when and other institutions of power and take
the time is right of workplace and control by force. Such a strategy could
community councils or to focus almost only lead to failure and bloodshed. The
exclusively on Parliament as does the whole question of whether a revolution
Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB). is peaceful or violent is a false one but
They may deny that this is their policy in such a situation it would be foolish in
but since their only current activity is the extreme not to organise in such a
propaganda meetings and contesting way that we were able to defend
elections it is difficult to see how they ourselves against any possible violent
can deny that their overriding strategy backlash.
is to achieve socialism via a
parliamentary majority. The reason for A Faith in Capitalist “Democracy”
this article is a response to a recent
pamphlet published by the SPGB; Linked to the point about using the
“What’s wrong with using parliamentary system to avoid violence
Parliament”? And an article about the is a belief that meaningful democracy
pamphlet in the September Socialist exists under capitalism and the ruling
9 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

class would act fair if their rule is Advocates of the use of parliament
threatened. This seems strange for any argue that; “it is essential for the
organisation which has a revolutionary revolution to be brought about by a
objective but there is little meaningful majority using democratic means”.
criticism of the assumed democratic [Sept Socialist Standard, p.17], No
system and an assumption that, “it still argument about that but parliament is
provides the means for a majority to about a particular and limited form of
take political power once a socialist democracy suitable for running a
majority has emerged”. [ibid] system where political parties, mostly
Individuals and groups who argue that elected by a minority of the electorate
the ruling class would never allow a anyway, govern on behalf of a minority
revolution to take place via democratic class but not applicable to a society
elections are labelled as conspiracy where people are organising production
theorists. The article states; “ . . . but and distribution for themselves. Is a
the main one is that there is somehow movement or movements where people
a power behind or beyond elected begin to develop institutions of their
governments that in reality controls own to run their workplaces and
them . . . “ However it should be stated communities not democratic? In reality
that in the October issue LB in the it is more democratic because as these
article “Practical Politics” pages 13- organisations develop people begin to
15 puts a more realistic view: “ Where learn how to run things themselves,
there are genuine intentions to help
they will develop their own democratic
workers, protect the environment etc,
these soon come up against the power structures based, probably on
behind the parliament which is not the delegates not as far removed from
people’ as we are led to believe but them as MPs or whatever would be and
the capitalist owners” [page 13] And therefore more directly accountable
on page 15 the same writer states: “ and removable if necessary. The type of
Democracy is exploited by the society advocated by the anti state, non
capitalist class as a disguise for the market socialists/anarchists has to be
basic set up, which is mass brought about by democratic means
exploitation of workers for minority otherwise the new society would be
gain, and not for the wellbeing of doomed to failure.
society as a whole.” It seems highly
dubious that the capitalist class, or it’s Some will argue, and understandably
representatives, who have committed so, that debating how we go about
all type of acts in various parts of the bringing the new society about is rather
world to prevent, even reformist premature at the point when we are a
governments taking power would tiny minority. But it is an important
simply stand by whilst their whole point because to some extent whether
system is overturned. Of course their we organise along the lines of
argument is that a socialist majority representative or direct democracy has
would be organised in such a way to an important bearing on what sort of
prevent such a reaction. But that is the organisational structures we develop.
whole point it is the way the working The question is can a political party that
class is organised in their workplaces intends to select some of its members
and communities that would cement to stand for parliament in order to bring
the socialist revolution not any about revolutionary change avoid
parliamentary activity. Should a organising itself, to a certain extent
majority of the working class see as anyway, along a hierarchical basis?
necessary some sort of vote to confirm Who will select and have control over
the revolution whether via parliament, the selected candidates? Will it be the
if it still existed or some other local organisations or will control rest
institution that had taken its place, this with a central body normally who, it
would be merely rubber stamping what may be claimed, is more representative
had actually already taken place. of the entire membership of the
10 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

organisation? We are dealing here with

a situation where the representatives
are far removed from those they
represent and there is likely to be a
problem of direct control. Compare this
to a situation where the whole purpose
of organisations is to develop structures Opposition to cuts: French Workers take
based on a local level where any the lead
delegates elected at a workplace or in a
community are not so far removed from The following is news on the recent
those that have elected them. Report struggles in France which many readers
back meetings can be organised and may have already picked up on but this is
the delegate or delegates are therefore to remind them and inform others of what
far more accountable than would be the has been happening there: the following is
case of representatives far removed in from
an institution such as parliament. This gives a flavour of what has been
happening in France and the kind of actions
that could develop elsewhere.
It would not be so bad if what was
being advocated was a dual method
which sought to use parliamentary or Days of Struggle in Rouen (October
local elections only as a tool to push 13th to the 15thth)
forward the idea of a anti state, non
market society. It seems possible that Rouen 24 hours of all sorts of
some anarchists in London are blockades and demos.
suggesting such a strategy for elections
in 2012. Or if to go along with From now on, each day at 11 in front of the
contesting elections there was also prefecture, the different sectors in struggle
some concentration on helping to assemble to organise blockades.
develop class consciousness through
Wednesday, 13th October: the assembly
forms of direct action at grass root
turned into a demonstration which blocked
levels. But judging by the activity of
successively (and briefly two bridges). In
groups who appear to advocate the afternoon around 200 people (train
parliamentary action alone this is not drivers, postal workers, hospital workers,
the case they seem to shy away from electricians, teachers, students, etc)
any connection to the class struggle blocked the eastern industrial zone for an
because in their view such activity is hour.
reformist. This analysis is not being
applied to organisations that focus on Thursday, October 14th: at 5.00 am: the
building revolutionary unions as well as sorting office was blocked for more than
engaging in elections. What role two hours, with the aim of the preventing
revolutionary unions can play or how lorries from leaving to distribute the post to
they can be built is a somewhat smaller offices. The students and railway
separate issue. workers went to support the struggling
postal workers.
These are just a few of the issues
At 11.00 am the interprofessional
that need to be picked up on in this assembly was cut short by the arrival of
debate. No doubt there are many masses of lyceens [1]. Many high schools
more and it will be interesting for were blockaded in the morning. At one of
others to pick up on some of these them the police intervened, making some
as well as developing thoughts arrests. At this assembly it was decided to
critical or otherwise on the issues leave all together in order to go and
interrupt the Europe 1 [2] radio broadcast
that have been tackled here.
(live in Rouen that day) with the aim of
broadcasting our own message.
11 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

At 1 pm a blockade was installed (by more 5 pm: the blockade of the petrol depot still
than a hundred people) at a fuel depot. The holds on. Now it is expected to be
nearest refinery is one of the 10 refineries permanent. The blockaders expect to spend
on strike in France. The region was supplied the night there, and to take shifts. There’s
by the small reserves at the fuel depot. To a fire of palettes to keep them warm, a tent
stop lorries entering this depot amounted to to keep the rain off, a barbeque.
depriving the petrol stations of their last Footnotes
1) The lycee is a specifically French institution,
th something like our sixth-form colleges or high
Rouen, October 15 ; blockades of schools (UK). 15-18 year olds attend. The
roads, bridges, petrol depots etc. lyceens, a particular social force in France,
systematically have a central role in the
4 am: the blockade of the fuel depot was development of struggles there.
restarted. That morning it was the truck
2) French news radio station.
drivers who had just come out on strike
who initiated the blockade. They were 3) The word cortege, which exists in English (as in
quickly joined by workers from different ‘funeral cortege’) is used extensively in French.
sections and students. The truckers left to It marks a group that’s broader in composition
block another depot next door. than a ‘block’ but still moving somewhat
coherently: and that’s more practical than a
mere ‘demonstration’ – with all its political
8 am: a blockade was organised by assonances in English – since it’s often – as in
students close to the university of Mont- this context – on the way to some act or another
Saint-Aignan. The idea was to block the of economic sabotage.
road from the bottom of the valley, main
4) Brigade Anti Criminalite, a section of the
route of access to the uni from town. Forty French National Police, a plain clothes unit that
people undertook the action: tree trunks acts in the context of demonstrations as a sort of
were dragged on the road, along with informal skirmishing unit operating fluidly
palettes and tyres and fires were lit. Tracts around static lines of CRS riot police. When
were distributed to drivers – who turned they intervene they have to put on orange arm-
around – or to people who parked their cars bands; they often carry helmets, batons, pepper
spray etc.
and climbed by foot. The participants left
the blockade after about an hour, leaving
the barricade and setting fire to the piles of
tyres before they left. Continuing with the French theme, we
reproduce below one of three leaflets
11 am: Since the last few days the related to events in France in October. This
interprofessional has been systematically one and another, “Down with Social
attended by lyceens. That is to say where Peace” were posted on the World in
we had to block Mathilde Bridge with 300, Common forum. Another one, “What’s
now we find ourselves heading there with this Life”, is also available on the main link
2000. A cortege [3] (evidently, like given at the end of the leaflet.
everywhere in France) lively and worked
up: that runs, drags, blocks, throws, hurls, We are ONE, let’s be ALL!
leaves the agreed route etc. Nevertheless
the demonstrators arrive at Mathilde road Like workers, unemployed, students,
bridge (which has four lanes), which they pensioners… in Greece, Spain, Portugal,
invade. A huge mess right at the heart of China, Bangladesh, South Africa,
the circulation system. From now on the Algeria, Peru and many other regions in
lyceens lead the cortege. Later, at a the world, we also take to the street in
crossroads, the cops get out of their vans France.
and get their helmets on. Stones are
thrown and builder’s fences are piled up in We are the “infection in action”… the
front of the police. The order to disperse is one that all governments of all
given. One lyceen (at least) is arrested by countries and from all political
the Bac [4]. The “tense face - off”, as they
tendencies are afraid of! Our specific
say on telly, carries on for a while.
demands are nothing but the
expression of
12 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

ONE AND THE SAME MOVEMENT: that support for the protests are
AGAINST SACRIFICES that Capital’s beginning to wane. A report on
managers try everywhere to impose on seemed to indicate that the
us. situation was somewhat confused as
some groups of workers had been
AGAINST SURVIVAL CONDITIONS striking for reasons not linked to the
(housing, health…) everywhere pension reforms. Whatever the
always more deteriorated; immediate future holds these problems
are not going to vanish and it is to the
AGAINST OUR WAGE SLAVERY sort of protests we witnessed in France
everywhere more increased (rise in in October and also in Greece, Spain
work and elsewhere that could form the
pace, in working time, work always beginnings of a fight back; Solidarity to
more destroying…). all workers in France and across the
world in the struggles to come.
Obviously the exploiters and their union
lackeys already try to neutralize our The following was sent in by Laurens Otter.
demands on the field of reform:
negotiation, revision, rejection of the “There seems to be a common
law, or even a change of government… semantic misconception among the
to better satisfy Capital’s needs! media writers of politicians’ profiles.
Because a vegetarian is one who
eats/consumes vegetables, they
To satisfy OUR HUMAN NEEDS there is assume that anyone who
no low-key solution possible: destroys/consumes humanity should
be described as a humanitarian.”
Economy is in crisis? Let’s finish it off!
LET’S BREAK UNION AND SOCIAL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Libertarian Communist is sent out
Let’s spread and deepen our by post or email, free of charge. A big
movement! thank you to those readers who have
LET’S SELF-ORGANIZE OURSELVES AT made donations, either by money or
ALL LEVELS! postage stamps. Such donations help
keep this discussion bulletin going and
LET’S PREVENT THE RETURN TO hopefully will achieve, in time, a bigger
NORMALITY and better publication. If you wish to
BY ALL MEANS! make a financial contribution please
make cheques payable to (World of
NOW, LET’S BE ALL! Free Access) and send them or
stamps to, c/o Ray Carr, Flat 1, 99
Internationalist Proletarians Princess Road, Branksome, Poole,
Dorset, BH12 1BQ.
http://proletairesinternationalistes.word ++++++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contact Details for Groups in Anti

State, Non Market Sector.
Writing, as we are, at the end of
October another general strike is due to worldsocialistmovement/SPGB:
take place in France. However with the
legislation on pensions having gone Postal
through parliament, although the bill address: 52 Clapham High Street
still faces a legal challenge, reports London SW4 7UN.
from several sources seem to suggest Email
13 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

Another place to keep up with news from

========================== around the world from a Libertarian
============ Communist viewpoint. Also has a Library,
History and Gallery sections as well as
Northern Anarchist Network (NAN) active online forums.
If you want further information about this ++++++++++++++++++++++++
group contact: Brian Bamford, 46 +++++++
Kingsland Road, Rochdale, Lancs Ol1
3HQ or email Wrekin Stop War This can be found at
========================== or contact
============ Duncan Ball, 23 Sunderland Drive,
World In Common: Leegomery Salop, TF1 6XX email:
Very good for discovering groups that do, or
Red and Black Notes
have made up the Anti State, Non Market
sector. Some of the news and articles You can obtain some RBN items from
featured in TLC are sourced from this as listed above. If you want
website. So join the forum and help take it to know more than read issue 6 of The
forward. Libertarian Communist and the article
by Neil Fettes pp.4-7. Recommended
site if you can still obtain the full
Anarchist Federation: listings. Postal Address BM
Arnafed, London WC1N 3XX. Email See also: Institute for Anarchist
Studies, the similar but separate,
The Manchester website is well worth a visit
for looking at texts from former
Anarchist Studies Journal and the
organisations such as Solidarity, Subversion Socialist Labour Party of America
and Wildcat. (
============ Red Anarchist Action Network
The following three groups are anarcho (RAAN)
syndicalist or revolutionary industrial unions
and offer an anti bureaucratic alternative to
trade unions.
Notice from Andy Cox.
Solidarity Federation. or PO Box 29,
South West P D.O Manchester M15 I’m planning to create an accessible
5HW Email: ‘socialist database’ which socialists may
draw upon for writing articles, planning
Industrial Workers of the World: www. speeches etc. I have devised a sort of Or P/O Box 7593, Glasgow, categorisation schema for ease of
G42 2EX Email: reference, but it’s not set in stone and can
be revised as the need arises. To get the
Workers International Industrial data base, simply click on the following
Union. link: or or see
Basically what I am asking for is:
the article on Industrial Unionism
in issue 9 Any snippets of information (as well as
++++++++++++++++++++++ details concerning their source – html links
and the like);
14 The Libertarian Communist Issue 11 November/December 2010

Any ideas as to how the database may be


Many thanks

The Libertarian Communist now
has a few pamphlets and journals
related to the anti state, non
Market sector. If you are interested
please contact the postal or email
address on Page 2 with your details
so we can send a full list of the
literature we have in stock
including their prices.

Another place to get your

Looking for books, pamphlets or
Journals from the Anti state, non
Market perspective; try the following:

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