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Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee Bylaws

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The document outlines the organization and rules of the Republican State Central and Executive Committee of Ohio. It describes the composition of the committee, election of officers, responsibilities of managing party affairs and campaigns, and rules for nominating presidential electors.

The committee manages the affairs of the Ohio Republican Party, including day-to-day operations, policy, campaign activities, and fundraising. It also oversees auxiliaries and entities that support Republican candidates.

The Committee is responsible for managing party affairs in Ohio, directing general policy and campaign activities, designating fundraising committees, promoting the interests of the party, and performing duties required by law.



Filed with the Secretary of State as of May 29, 2009



Section 1 The controlling committee of the Ohio Republican Party, the Republican
State Central Committee, shall consist of two members, one man and one
woman, representing each senatorial district in the state. All members of
the Committee shall be members of the Republican Party and shall be
elected for terms of two years, by direct vote at the primary held in an
even-numbered year. Candidates for election as State Central Committee
members shall be elected at primaries in the same manner as provided in
Sections 3513.01 to 3513.32 of the Revised Code (or any successor
provisions then in effect) for the nomination of candidates for office in a

Section 2 At the first meeting of the State Central Committee following the election
and qualification of its members, all of its officers, the chairman and co-
chairman of the Ohio Republican Finance Committee, and the National
Committeeman and National Committeewoman, shall be nominated and
elected to the State Executive Committee, which shall then be merged into
the Republican State Central Committee.

Section 3 After the action directed in Section 2, the name of this Committee shall be
the Republican State Central and Executive Committee of Ohio, and it will
hereinafter be referred to as the Committee.

Section 4 The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Republican Party in the
State of Ohio; have responsibility for its day-to-day operations at the State
level; direct the general policy of the party organization; direct and conduct
campaign activities; designate as an element of this Committee, the Ohio
Republican Finance Committee, which shall be the principal fundraising
adjunct of the Ohio Republican Party, and the Committee hereby commits
to assist the Ohio Republican Finance Committee fully in its fundraising
efforts. The Committee may also designate such political and fundraising
auxiliaries and such candidate supporting entities as it may choose from
time-to-time; promote the best interests of the Party; and perform all duties
prescribed by the Ohio Revised Code, federal election law, and by these
Rules and/or by custom required of it. In its campaign activities relating to
offices created by Ohio law, conducted either directly or through the Ohio
Republican Party Campaign Committee and in reports thereon to the
Secretary of State and the Federal Elections Commission, this Committee

shall identify itself as the Ohio Republican Party, and shall be referred to
as the Ohio Republican Party.

Section 5 No person elected to or holding any elected public office, other than a
political party office, or member of a local board of elections or a
presidential elector, shall be qualified to be elected to or serve on the
State Central Committee, or except as provided in Article II, Section 2,
serve as an officer of the State Committee.



Section 1 In the first meeting of the Committee following the election and
qualification of its members on 1992, the Committee shall meet and elect
its officers by a majority vote of all its members. Thereafter, during the
first two weeks of January 1995, and thereafter in the first two weeks of
January of each odd-numbered year, the Committee shall meet and elect
its officers by a majority vote of all the members of the Committee. Any
contested election for officers shall be voted by secret ballot. The officers
shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of all the members of the
Committee, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Unless
otherwise provided by law (Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.02 or any
successor provision then in effect), the Committee shall be the judge of
the qualifications and the election of its members of the Committee. All
contests of the election of members shall be brought, filed and determined
in accordance with the laws of Ohio (Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.02
and Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.03 or any successor provision then
in effect) and the rules of the Committee, not inconsistent therewith.

Section 2 The officers of the Committee shall be a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a

Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer.

Section 3 The Committee may designate the position of Chairman Emeritus and
Vice Chairman Emeritus for those persons who have served the Ohio
Republican Party for a consistent period of time no less than 25 years, in
addition to being Chairman or Vice Chairman within that time of service.
They shall be elected by a majority vote of the Committee.

Section 4 As required by Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.02 (or any successor
provision then in effect) a list of officers and member of the standing
committees shall be filed with the Secretary of State within thirty days after
their election.


Duties of Officers
Section 1
(a) The Chairman shall maintain and direct the operation of the headquarters
for the Committee in Columbus, which shall be open during ordinary
business hours to Republicans and other citizens of Ohio who have
business with it. The Chairman shall also manage the affairs of the
Committee, perform all other duties prescribed by statute or usually
exercised by the Chairman and not inconsistent with these rules.

(b) The Chairman shall devote full time and attention to the duties,
responsibilities and business of the Ohio Republican Party. The Chairman
shall not, at any time, use his or her official position or the products or
services of the Ohio Republican Party for private or personal gain.
Nothing in this Section, however, shall prohibit the Chairman from
accepting reasonable fees or honoraria as well as reimbursement for
expenses for speeches, lectures, seminars or panel participation, or for
published writings and recordings in relation to his or her position as

The Chairman may engage in other business or professional activities so

long as these activities do not interfere or conflict with the duties and
responsibilities of being Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. The
Chairman shall not under any circumstances, other than for Party
business, engage in lobbying the executive or legislative branches of
local, state, or federal governments. The Committee reserves the right,
upon request, to review the Chairman’s non-party business and
professional income to ensure that the work performed for such income
does not interfere with the full time duties and responsibilities of the
Chairman in his role as Chairman of the Party. The Chairman shall not
serve as chairman of a County Republican Executive or Central

The Committee, at its meeting immediately prior to the election of the

Chairman, shall review this Section 1(b) of Article III of the Permanent
Rules to determine whether to make any changes thereto.

(c) The Chairman shall be paid a salary not less than that of the lowest paid
state elected official and not more than that of the highest paid state
elected official.

Section 2 The Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the event
of Chairman’s absence, death, removal from office, resignation, removal
from the State of Ohio, or inability to act, until a new Chairman is elected
and qualified. In such case, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the
Committee within 30 days for the purpose of electing a new Chairman.

Additionally, the Vice-Chairman will work under the direction of the

Chairman to help accomplish the political and financial objectives set by
the Ohio Republican Party.

Section 3 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, copies of which shall
be sent to all members within ten (10) days after the meeting, and shall
keep and be the custodian of the permanent books and records of the
Committee except financial records.

Section 4 The Treasurer shall receive all funds belonging to the Committee, and
keep proper books of account on all monies received and paid out as to
the Federal and State Campaign Accounts. The Treasurer shall pay out
monies only by check countersigned by the Chairman, Vice Chairman or
the Chairman of the Ohio Republican Finance Committee or the designee
of either of them. The Treasurer shall render proper accounting to the
Committee at each meeting thereof and shall be fully accountable to the
Committee for all acts and doings as Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be
bonded for twenty-five thousand dollars and the Committee shall pay the
premium for such bond.

Section 5 The Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer in the
event of the Treasurer’s death, absence, resignation, or removal from
office, removal from the State of Ohio or inability to act, until a successor
is elected and qualified. The Assistant Treasurer shall be bonded for
twenty-five thousand dollars and the Committee shall pay the premium for
such bond.

Section 6 The Ohio Republican Party shall also employ a Chief Financial Officer,
who shall be bonded for twenty-five thousand dollars and the Committee
shall pay the premium for such bond.

Section 7 No officer or member of the Committee shall have any power to bind this
Committee by any financial contract or obligation except as provided by
these rules, or by resolution properly adopted by the Committee and
properly recorded by the Secretary in the minutes of the Committee.

Section 8 Except as provided in Section 2(a) of this Article, if the Chairman or any
other officer of the Committee shall announce his/her candidacy for any
elected office, not including a presidential elector, such announcement

shall be considered a resignation from the Party office that the individual
holds, and that office shall immediately become vacant.


Standing Committees

Section 1 The Standing Committees of the State Committee shall be: Audit, Budget
Oversight, Fiscal Review, Policy, Chairman and Vice Chairman Review,
and State Convention Arrangements.

Section 2 The members of the Standing Committees shall be elected at the first
meeting of the Committee following the election of its members. The
Committee’s membership shall be nominated for election by a Committee
on Committees, which shall consist of three members who shall be
elected at the same meeting. The Committee shall then elect persons
nominated by the Committee on Committees, to serve on Standing

Section 3 The Chairman of the Committee shall also serve as Chairman of the
Policy Committee. The Audit Committee, Budget Oversight Committee,
Fiscal Review Committee, and the Chairman and Vice Chairman Review
Committee shall elect their own chairman. The Chairman of the
Committee shall appoint the Chairman of the State Convention
Arrangements Committee.

Section 4 The Fiscal Review Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice
Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such others who may or may not
be members of the Committee, as the Committee may elect. The Fiscal
Review Committee shall consider and approve the budget, pass upon
recommendations to the Chairman as to staff salaries, authorize
expenditures and arrange for the collection of funds.

Section 5 The Budget Oversight Committee shall be composed of seven members

of the State Central and Executive Committee and the Ohio Republican
Finance Committee; and the authorized number of members to be elected
to the Budget Oversight Committee from the Ohio Republican Finance
Committee shall never be fewer than one member less than a majority of
the total membership of the Budget Oversight Committee.

The functions of the Budget Oversight Committee shall include the


(a) To advise and assist the Chairman and the staff in preparation,
implementation, and oversight of the annual budget for the Party’s

(b) To recommend the final budget for review and approval by the Ohio
Republican Finance Committee and the Fiscal Review and Policy
Committees of the State Central and Executive Committee by December
31 of each calendar year, for final approval by the Ohio Republican State
Central and Executive Committee.

(c) To review and analyze quarterly all proposed and actual income and
expenditures of the State Central and Executive Committee.

Section 6 The Audit Committee shall consist of three members. The Audit
Committee shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer, for which
purpose it shall have authority to employ a certified public accountant, and
shall make an annual report to the Committee.

Section 7 The Policy Committee shall consist of the officers of the Committee, the
Chairman of the Audit Committee, the National Committeeman and
National Committeewoman, and the Chairman and Co-Chairman of the
Ohio Republican Finance Committee, and shall have the power to act on
all matters for the State Committee and Executive Committee during the
interval between its meetings.

Section 8 The Chairman and Vice Chairman Review Committee shall be composed
of seven members elected by the Committee, including members of the
State Central and Executive Committee, the Ohio Republican Finance
Committee, and former Party chairmen. Where possible, this Committee
shall include at least two members from the State Central and Executive
Committee, at least two members from the Ohio Republican Finance
Committee, and at least two former Party chairmen. The Chairman and
Vice Chairman Review Committee shall periodically make a review of the
salary and other matters relating to the duties and responsibilities of the
Chairman and Vice Chairman and make recommendations to the full

Section 9 The State Convention Arrangements Committee, as needed, shall make

necessary recommendations for the management of the State
Convention, if a State Convention is held (pursuant to Ohio Revised Code
Section 3513.11 or any successor provision then in effect.)



Section 1 Three meetings of the Committee shall be held each year at such times as
the Chairman may fix. Additional meetings may be held upon call of the
Chairman or upon call of fifteen members. Written notice setting forth the
time, location and purpose of each meeting shall be mailed to every
member at least five days prior to the date of the meeting. All meetings
shall be held in central Ohio unless the Committee directs otherwise.

Section 2 A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum and
a majority of a quorum shall have power to transact any business, unless
herein or by law (Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.04 or any successor
provision then in effect) otherwise provides.

Section 3 All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public and press. It
shall be in order for the Committee or any Standing Committee of the
Committee to go into executive session to consider and to vote upon
matters of budget, personnel, legal affairs, and any other matter that is not
required by law to be discussed and voted upon in an open meeting, upon
a majority vote of those members voting.

Section 4 Any Committee member, who is unable to participate in Committee or

Standing Committee meeting in person, may fully participate in the
proceedings of the Committee via telephone conference call, video-
conference, or other means of electronic remote participation. A
Committee member shall be allowed to participate in no more than one (1)
meeting from a remote location per calendar year.

Any Committee member participating from a remote location shall be

counted as part of the committee quorum, shall be permitted to make or
second Committee motions, and shall have his or her vote counted for all
business of the Committee or any Standing Committee conducted
pursuant to these rules, with the exception of elections for officers and
replacement of statewide candidates after a primary election, in
accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3513.31 (or any successor
provision then in effect.)


Vacancies and Endorsements

Section 1 Vacancies in the Committee shall be filled as provided by law (Ohio

Revised Code Section 3517.05 or any successor provision then in effect.)
When a vacancy occurs, the Chairman shall notify the Chairman of the
County Central Committee of each county in the district in which the

vacancy exists and shall await reports from them as to their preferences
before calling upon the Committee to fill the vacancy.

Section 2
(a) The Committee shall not endorse non-incumbent statewide candidates in
contested Republican primaries for the offices of President, United States
Senator, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer,
Auditor of State and Attorney General. This shall not prohibit county
parties from endorsing candidates in the above listed races.

(b) The Committee may endorse incumbent statewide officeholders running

for re-election to the same office in the above listed offices. The
committee may also endorse in each Ohio Supreme Court primary and in
primaries for state legislative races in accordance with policy guidelines
adopted by the Committee.

(c) In reference to local and state legislative races, none of the Ohio
Republican Party candidate services shall be used to attack any other
Republican candidate in a primary election. Ohio Republican Party
candidate services will only be used in a primary campaign when the
candidate is supported in accordance with the primary policy guidelines.

Section 3 The Committee reserves the right to suspend this rule with a two-thirds 2/3
vote of the Committee.

Rules of Order

Section 1 All matters required be shall be voted on openly in a manner determined

by the Committee. One member, seconded by three others, shall have
the right to require a vote by secret ballot.

Section 2 The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all
proceedings of the Committee not specifically covered by these rules.


Adoption of Rules

Section 1 These rules may be amended at any meeting of the Committee by a vote
of two-thirds of all of the members of the Committee, or they may be
amended at any meeting of the Committee by vote of a majority of the
members, provided that written notice of the proposed changes shall have
been given in the notice of the meeting.

Section 2 These rules may be suspended at any meeting of the Committee by the
vote of two-thirds (44) of the members of the Committee.

Section 3 As required by Ohio Revised Code Section 3517.02 (or any successor
provision then in effect), a copy of these rules and any amendment
thereto, shall be filed with the Secretary of State within thirty days after


Selection of National Committee Members

Section 1 At one meeting designated by the Chairman and held without interruption
or recess during the year in which a Republican National Convention
meets, not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice of the time,
location, and specified purpose of electing a National Committeeman and
National Committeewoman, the Committee shall receive nominations for
and shall elect a National Committeeman and a National
Committeewoman. Any member present may nominate a candidate for
National Committeeman and a candidate for National Committeewoman.
A nominee need not be a member of the Committee.

Section 2 The Committee shall elect a National Committeeman and a National

Committeewoman by separate and secret ballots at the same meeting
during which nominations are received. A majority of the votes cast shall
be sufficient to elect. Voting shall continue until a nominee receives a
majority. After any ballot, the name of a nominee may be withdrawn by
the Committee member who offered it.

Section 3
a) If the office of the elected National Committeeman or National
Committeewoman becomes vacant, it shall be filled for the unexpired term
by election at a meeting of the Committee held within sixty (60) days after
occurrence of the vacancy, but not sooner than thirty (30) days after
written notice of the time, location, and specific purpose of electing a
National Committeeman or National Committeewoman.

b) The Committee shall elect to fill the vacancy by secret ballot at the same
meeting during which nominations are received. Any member present
may nominate a candidate to fill the vacancy. A nominee need not be a
member of this Committee. A majority of votes cast shall be sufficient to
elect. Voting shall continue until a nominee receives a majority. After any
ballot, the name of a nominee may be withdrawn by the Committee
member who offered it. The name of the person elected to fill the vacancy
shall be reported in writing to the Chairman and Secretary of the
Republican National Committee.

Section 4 The names of the National Committeeman and National

Committeewoman so elected shall be reported in writing by the Chairman

of this Committee to the Chairman of the Ohio Delegation to the next
quadrennial Republican National Convention.


Rules Relating to Delegates and Alternate Delegates To The Republican National


Section 1
(a) The slate of presidential delegates and alternate delegates may be
chosen in one of two ways:

i. Candidates for delegate and alternate delegate shall file a petition

and be chosen by a direct vote of the electors as described in Ohio
Revised Code Section 3513.12 or any successor provision then in
effect; or

ii. Presidential candidates who are eligible to receive payments under

the “Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account Act” may,
whether the candidate receives matching funds or not, file a
declaration of candidacy and attach a list of delegates and alternate
delegates selected in accordance with these Rules pursuant to
Ohio Revised Code 3513.121 or any successor provision then in

The procedures for the selection of delegates and alternate delegates

described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this section are alternative
procedures, and if the procedures of one paragraph are followed, the
procedures of the other need not be followed. Nomination of delegates
and alternate delegates under either method must also comply with the
remaining provisions in the Rule, to the extent applicable.

(b) Beginning in 1992 and in every Presidential election year thereafter, every
Presidential candidate filing slates of candidates for Delegate and
Alternate Delegate in the Ohio Republican Presidential Primary Election
shall apportion his or her Delegates and Alternate Delegates in such a
manner as to guarantee equality of representation (plus or minus one)
between men and women. Commencing with the Presidential election of
1992 and in alternating presidential elections thereafter, in the first
Congressional district the first delegate named shall be a woman, and
thereafter delegates from each successive district, in numerical order shall
be named in alternating order, man and woman, until all district delegates
have been selected. In the intervening alternate Presidential election
years, in the first Congressional district the first delegate named shall be a
man, and thereafter delegates from each successive district, in numerical
order shall be named in alternating order, woman and man, until all district
delegates have been selected. In the event that there is one more

Delegate of either gender, then the slate of Alternate Delegates shall
contain one more member of the opposite gender.

Section 2
(a) In presidential election years, all Presidential candidates filing slates of
delegates in the Ohio Republican Primary Election shall notify the
Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, in writing, of the names,
addresses and telephone numbers of one person in Ohio, who shall be
designated as that candidate’s Designated Campaign Official. The
Designated Campaign Official shall be responsible for notifying the
Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party of the names of Delegates and
Alternate Delegates as provided by this rule. In Presidential Election
years beginning in 1992 and thereafter, such notification shall be delivered
to the Chairman not later than the filing deadline for the Ohio Primary.
The Designated Campaign Official shall be the recognized contact with
the Party and shall perform all the functions of that office until such time as
the Presidential candidate shall notify the State Chairman, in writing, of the
removal of his or her Designated Campaign Official, and/or the
appointment of a new Designated Campaign Official.

(b) If the number of Congressional districts apportioned to the State of Ohio is

to be either increased or decreased in any Presidential election year
following a decennial census, and the General Assembly has not passed
legislation, signed by the Governor, establishing the requisite number of
Congressional districts by midnight of the 5th day preceding the dates for
filing petitions for the primary election, then district delegates shall be
elected as follows:

(i) If the number of Congressional districts is to be increased from the

previous decennial apportionment, then district delegates shall be
elected from the existing districts up to the amount of district
delegates to which Ohio was entitled before the reapportionment
and all additional district delegates shall be elected at large.

(ii) If the number of Congressional districts is to be decreased from the

previous decennial apportionment, then two delegates shall be
elected from each of the then existing Congressional districts, and
all additional delegates shall be elected at large.

Section 3 During the period between the filing deadline and the Primary Election, in
the event that a Delegate or Alternate Delegate dies, resigns, or suffers
such substantial disability as would make it difficult or impossible, in the
sole opinion of the Designated Campaign Official, to perform the duties of
Delegate or Alternate Delegate, then a vacancy shall be deemed to be
created thereby among the Delegates or Alternate Delegates listed on
petitions certified by the Secretary of State or a local Board of Elections.
The State Chairman shall fill those vacancies in accordance with the
wishes of the Presidential candidate as so directed in writing by the
Designated Campaign Official. This may include the shifting of Alternate
Delegates into vacant Delegate positions or the naming of individuals not
listed on the original petition to fill either Delegate or Alternate Delegate

The Designated Campaign Official shall notify the Chairman of the Ohio
Republican Party of such changes, together with written consent from the
Presidential candidate he or she represents, in accordance with the Ohio
Revised Code Section 3513, or any successor provision then in effect.
Such notice shall be delivered not later than 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday
preceding the date of the Ohio Primary Election. The Chairman of the
Ohio Republican Party shall notify either the Secretary of State or the
appropriate County Board of Elections of the changes to that Presidential
candidate’s Delegate or Alternate Delegate slate not later than 4:00 p.m.
of the Friday preceding the Ohio Primary Election.

Section 4 Within thirty (30) days following the Ohio Primary Election, each
Designated Campaign Official of any Presidential candidate winning
Delegates to the National Convention, shall notify the Chairman of the
Ohio Republican Party of the rank ordering of Alternate Delegates for such
candidate. The Alternate Delegates from Congressional districts shall be
ranked only in the Congressional district from which they were elected.
Alternate Delegates elected at-large shall be ranked as a group separate
and apart from Alternate Delegates in Congressional districts.

Section 5 During the period between the date of the Primary election and the 30th
day prior to the convening of the Republican National Convention, in the
event that a Delegate or Alternate Delegate dies, resigns, or suffers such
substantial disability as would make it difficult or impossible, in the sole
opinion of the Designated Campaign Official to perform the duties of
Delegate or Alternate Delegate, then a vacancy shall be deemed to be
created thereby among the Delegates or Alternate Delegates listed on
petitions certified by the Secretary of State or a local Board of Elections.
The Designated Campaign Official for each Presidential campaign shall
have the power to fill any such vacancies which occur among Delegates
or Alternate Delegates elected in the Ohio Primary. The Designated
Campaign Official shall forward to the Chairman of the Ohio Republican
Party a final list of Delegates and Alternate Delegates not later than 4:00
p.m. on the 35th day prior to the convening of the Republican National
Convention. The Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party shall convey to
the Secretary of State and appropriate County Boards of Elections the
names of all Delegates or Alternate Delegates. The Secretary of State
shall be directed to certify the names of such Delegates or Alternate
Delegates to the Republican National Convention not later than 30 days
prior to the convening of the Republican National Convention, in
accordance with the national rules of the Republican Party.

Section 6
(a) Notices of contests shall state the grounds of the contest and shall be filed
no later than sixty (60) days before the time set for the meeting of the
National Convention with the Secretary of the Committee. Notices of
contests may be filed only by a resident of Ohio. Only contests that are
timely filed under these rules shall be considered.

For purposes of the rules relating to contests and credentials, the term
“party” shall mean a person or persons who shall have filed a Notice of
Contest pursuant to this Article, and the person or person whose right to
be seated as Delegate or Alternate Delegate is the subject of such Notice
of Contest.

(b) The Chairman shall appoint a Committee on Contests, consisting of three

members to be selected from among the membership of the committee.
The Committee on Contests shall have the power to adopt procedural
rules, not inconsistent with these rules, which shall govern the expeditious
prosecution of contests before the Committee on Contests.

(c) No later than forty-five (45) days before the convening of the National
Convention, each of the parties shall file with the Secretary of the
Committee at least three (3) printed or typewritten copies of the brief in
support of the party’s claim to sit as Delegates or Alternate Delegates to
the National Convention together with such affidavits or other evidence as
desired. The Secretary, upon receiving the brief of a party, shall furnish
the opposing party a copy of said brief. Each brief shall contain not more
than one thousand (1000) words setting forth succinctly a specific
statement of the points relied upon.

(d) The Committee on Contests shall promptly hear the matter, decide what
issues are involved, either of law or fact, or both, decide upon its
recommendation for resolution of such issues, and submit such issues
and its recommendations for resolution to the Committee for its
consideration in making its recommendation to the Republican National
Committee. The issues so submitted by the Committee on Contests shall
be the sole issues passed upon and determined by the Committee and the
Republican National Committee, unless the Republican National
Committee shall, by a majority vote, extend or change the same.

(e) The Committee on Contests shall make up a report of each contest filed,
showing the grounds of contest; the statute and rule, if any, under which
the contest is waged; and the contentions of each party thereto. The
report shall conclude with a statement of the points of issue in the contest,
both of fact and law, and a statement of the recommendation of the
Committee on Contests as to resolution of such points of issue, and shall
be signed by the Chairman. When the Committee on Contests has
prepared such report stating the issues of law and fact, a copy of the
statement of such issues shall be forthwith submitted to the Secretary of
the Committee and a copy shall forthwith be served by the Chairman of
the Committee on Contests upon the parties by certified mail.

(f) The Parties shall have eight (8) days to file written objections to the
Committee on Contests’ statement of the issues of fact or law, or both,
unless the Committee is called to act upon the contest sooner, in which
case such objections shall be made before the meeting of the whole

The objections shall contain any additional statement of issues of either

law or fact, or both, claimed by the party submitting the same to be
involved in and necessary to be decided in the contest.

(g) The Secretary to the Committee shall forward to the Secretary of the
Republican National Committee, the Committee’s recommendation and all
other requisite materials, in accordance with all applicable rules of the
Republican Party, as adopted at the previous Republican National


Rules Relating to Presidential Electors

The nomination of candidates for presidential electors to be voted for at the general
election to be held that year, shall be accomplished by the Committee at a meeting of
the Committee in accordance with the time frames and other provisions set forth in Ohio
Revised Code Section 3513.111 or any successor or similar provision then in effect;
except that, if the Committee determines to hold a state convention at which to
nominate candidates for presidential electors, rather than nominating candidates for
presidential electors pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3513.111, then the
Committee shall act in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 3513.11 or any
successor provision then in effect. The Committee by resolution may specify such other
procedures as may be deemed appropriate for the recommendation of candidates to be
considered for nomination as presidential electors. The notification of the secretary of
state of the names of all persons so nominated as candidates for presidential electors
shall be accomplished in accordance with the time frames and other provisions set forth
in Ohio Revised Code Section 3513.111, or Ohio Revised Code Section 3513.11,
whichever is applicable, or any successor or similar provision then in effect.


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