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Diagram of The Area Where You Are Observing, As Well As in The Record of Observations Log, Both Described Below. Begin Your Observations On Nov. 3

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AK/NATS 1810.

06 ASSIGNMENT: Observing The Moon

Due Dae: Mon. !an. "# $:00%&
'eigh: 1"(
The purpose of this assignment is to observe the moon for a period of at least 8
weeks, note any changes in its appearance and/or position over this course of time,
and understand why the moon goes through changes. You should observe the moon on
as many nights as possible, and record your observations visually on a location
diagram of the area where you are observing, as well as in the Record of
Observations log, both described below. Begin your observations on Nov. ).
There are 3 separate sections for this assignment
!. "bserve the #oon nightly through the 8$week period
%. "bserve the #oon several times within one of these nights
3. "bserve the &unar 'clipse on (at. )ov. 8
Ma*ing he Observaions
*ind a convenient location near your home or work, with a clear view of the southern
sky, where you might be at a consistent time several nights a week. +hen facing
south you should be able to look east ,your left- and west ,right- without any ma.or
obstacles blocking your view.
#ake all your observations from the same location if possible. /f you need to use
more than one location, you will have to draw more than one location diagram. The
observations can be made at any time the moon is visible, but taking several
observations at roughly the same time will give you a better idea of how the moon0s
position is changing.
Noe ha he Moon +oes rise an+ se a +i,,eren i&es +ai-.. /f you are having
difficulty locating the #oon, check your local newspaper for the #oon0s rise and set
time for that day.
1 minimum of 25 observations is re2uired, but do as many as you can. #ore
observations will help you answer the 2uestions.
/o0aion Diagra&
The location diagram is a separate piece of paper on which you are to draw the
hori3on features of your chosen observing location. /nclude such things as hydro
poles, buildings, trees, hills, etc. *or each observation of the moon that you make,
indicate its position on the location diagram, with the appropriate number of your
observation given in your Record of Observations log. /f you are making observations
from more than one location, you will need more than one location diagram. The
2uality of this diagram is considered only in that it is possible to distinguish the
ob.ects, and the numbered observation positions. )o consideration is given for artistic
2uality, so keep it simple. ,1lthough keep in mind your 4#oon 5reative 6iece7
assignment if you wish to make more substantial drawings.- Do NOT &a*e a goo+
0o%.. Your 8on site0 observations are the most important part of this assignment, and
must be handed in.
1e0or+ o, Observaions
*or each observation that you make, fill in the appropriate columns of the Record of
Observations log provided. You are to draw the shape of the moon, comment about
the weather, how clearly you are able to see features on the moon, and report any
other comment that you feel is relevant. 9ecord the position of the moon in the sky
relative to the landmarks on your location diagram. /f the weather is poor and you are
unable to see the #oon, you should note this in your log. 1s for your location
diagram, +o NOT &a*e a goo+ 0o%. o, .our 1e0or+ o, Observaion. Your 8on site0
observations are the most important part of this assignment, and must be handed in.
)ote that the professor will also be observing the #oon and keeping a record of
weather conditions. 2a-si,i0aion o, +aa an+/or %-agiaris& o, an. sor 3i-- be
severe-. %unishe+.
Se0ion 1. Observe he Moon nigh-. hrough he 843ee* %erio+
*or Se0ion 1 of this assignment, you are to observe the moon nightly, recording your
observations on the location diagram and Record of Observations, as described
*or a :$; night period, try to observe the moon at the same time each night, paying
careful attention to the si3e, shape and location of the moon.
*ollowing your observations, answer the following 2uestions
!.!. <ow did the appearance of the moon change over the course of the :$; night
period, where the moon was observed at appro=imately the same time each
!.%. <ow did the position of the #oon change in your location diagram over the
course of the :$; night period, where the moon was observed at the same time
each night>
!.3. +hy do you think the #oon changes its position in the sky over the :$; night
period, where the moon was observed at the same interval each night>
!.:. <ow did the moon change its si3e, shape and position, over the 8$week
!.;. +hy do you think the #oon changed its apparent si3e/appearance as it did
over the 8$week period>
/n answering these 2uestions please use your own thoughts and words. ?o not
paraphrase answers from a te=t. 1lso note that / am not looking for the 4right0 answer,
rather an answer which is consistent with your observations. /f you do not know how
or why the moon goes through changes $$ his is goo+ 5 r. o use on-. .our
observaions an+ 0reaive houghs as o ho3 or 3h. hese 0hanges &a. be
o00urring. ?on0t look up the 4right7 answers in a te=tbook. /f you do already know
how and why the moon changes, try to use only your observations
Se0ion 6. Observe he Moon severa- i&es 3ihin one o, hese nighs
/n this section of the assignment, you are to observe the moon at least : times a night,
separated by !/% hour intervals. You will need to create a separate location diagram
for these observations. ,5hoose ! observation for your Record of Observations of
(ection !.-
"n your location diagram for (ection %, sketch the moon ,paying careful attention to
si3e, shape and orientation- at the appropriate location, and note the time of your
observation. 9epeat this process at half$hour intervals, for a minimum of :
observations ,more observations are better-.
+hen you have completed the observations, answer the following 2uestions
%.!. <ow did the si3e, shape, orientation and position of the moon change over this
series of observations>
%.%. +hy do you think the moon changed in this way>
Se0ion ). Observe he /unar E0-i%se on Sa. Nov. 8
*or this section, you are to observe the lunar eclipse on (at. )ov. 8.
$ #oon enters @umbra@ A3% pm, '(T
$ total eclipse 8BA $ 83B pm, '(T
$ #oon leaves umbra !BB: pm, '(T
You are to complete the Eclipse Journal of observations for this night ,attached at
back-, where you note the time of observation, sketch the appearance of the moon
,can sketch in colour- and comment on the brightness and colour change of the moon.
#ake your observations at !;$minute to half$hour intervals when the moon enters the
umbra, then every ;$!B minutes during totality, and again every !;$minutes to half$
hour until the moon leaves the umbra.
+hen you have completed your observations, answer the 2uestions below. ,Be sure to
include any references you use.-
3.!. ?escribe the appearance of the moon during totality.
3.%. (ketch the configuration of the moon, earth and sun during a lunar eclipse.
3.3. +ould the eclipse be visible throughout the world, or only in Toronto and the
'astern Cnited (tates>

1e0or+ o, Observaions Na&e:
Su+en 7:
?ate Time ?91+/)E "*
5omments ,weather, clarity of
#oon0s features, other ob.ects of
interest in sky, etc.-
?ate Time ?91+/)E "*
5omments ,weather, clarity of
#oon0s features, other ob.ects of
interest in sky, etc.-
E0-i%se !ourna-: Sat. Nov. 8, 2003 Na&e888888888888888888888888
Su+en 7888888888888888888888
i&e o, observaion s*e0h o, &oon 0o&&en on brighness an+
0o-our 0hange o, &oon

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