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When The Sun Goes Dark: March 2017

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When the Sun Goes Dark

Book · March 2017


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2 authors:

Andrew Fraknoi Dennis Schatz

University of San Francisco Pacific Science Center


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Andrew Fraknoi
Dennis Schatz
Copyright © 2017 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to
Andrew Fraknoi
Dennis Schatz
Illustrated by Eric Freeberg

Arlington, Virginia

Copyright © 2017 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to

Claire Reinburg, Director Art and Design

Wendy Rubin, Managing Editor Will Thomas Jr., Director
Rachel Ledbetter, Associate Editor Joseph Butera, Senior Graphic Designer, Cover and Interior Design
Amanda Van Beuren, Associate Editor Illustrated by Eric Freeberg
Donna Yudkin, Book Acquisitions Coordinator Printing and Production
Catherine Lorrain, Director
National Science Teachers Association
David L. Evans, Executive Director
David Beacom, Publisher
1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201
For customer service inquiries, please call 800-277-5300. Lexile® measure: 890L

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Fraknoi, Andrew. | Schatz, Dennis.

Title: When the sun goes dark / by Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz.
Description: Arlington, VA : National Science Teachers Association, [2017] |
Audience: Age 10-14.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016024881 (print) | LCCN 2016025040 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781681400112 (print) | ISBN 9781681400129 (e-book)
Subjects: LCSH: Solar eclipses--Juvenile literature.

Classification: LCC QB541.5 .F73 2016 (print) | LCC QB541.5 (ebook) | DDC


LC record available at

Copyright © 2017 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to
Grandma was telling us about the big event again because more and more of the bright Sun
during their trip. First, the Sun looked like it had became visible. They could see the bite taken out of
a little bite taken out of it. They had to use special the Sun again, but now it got smaller and smaller
glasses to be able to look at the Sun without until the whole Sun was back.
hurting their eyes. Then that dark bite out of the Grandma called the event a solar e-clips. I’ve heard
Sun got bigger and bigger. When the Sun was of e-mail and e-books, but I didn’t know what an
almost covered, it looked like a diamond ring for e-clips was. But I didn’t want to look ignorant in front
a second. After that, not only the Sun but also the of my pesky little brother, so I didn’t say anything.
sky turned dark. The birds even stopped singing. After dinner, I sat next to Grandma on the couch
The stars came out in the middle of the day. All in the living room and asked her to tell me more
of the people watching with my grandparents about solar e-clips and what they were. She chuckled
oohed and aahed because there was a halo of at the way I said e-clips, emphasizing the e.
light around the Sun that was very beautiful. She told me, “Most people say eclipse with the
“The darkness only lasted four or five minutes,” emphasis on the clipse part of the word.”
Grandma said. So now I knew how to pronounce it, but I still
Then everything that had happened before didn’t know what caused an eclipse or why people
went backward. They quickly needed their glasses traveled thousands of miles to see one.

Copyright © 2017 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to
Earth Moon Sun

Grandma smiled and said, “It isn’t hard to explain “Diana’s head has too much hair; my head’s a
an eclipse like the one we saw. It happens when better Earth,” Grandma just put a finger to her
the Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocking the lips and said, “Sammy, it’s quiet in space.” I have to
light from it.” remember that line!
Grandma could tell from the expression on my She gave each of us a tennis ball from her
face that this wasn’t clear enough for me. Then, luggage and said it would be the Moon. She asked
she got that look she has when a good idea comes us what the Moon went around, and we both
into her head. knew that it went around the Earth, although I
“Let’s make this room more like outer space,” said it first. Grandma told us to hold the tennis
she said, “and then I can show you what happens ball Moon with an outstretched arm and make it
with the Moon and the Sun.” go around Earth (meaning our heads).
She turned off the lights in our living room She then told us to look at the tennis ball
except for one lamp on the table. At this point, Moon as we moved it around. When we held it
Sammy, who’s always getting into my business, in the direction of the lamp, she told us to stop.
came in to see what was happening. Grandma told She asked us what the side of the ball facing
him he was welcome to join us in outer space. That each of our heads looked like. We both said it
hooked him; Sammy is really into space video was dark.
games! “This dark Moon is called the new Moon,” she
Grandma took the shade off the lamp, saying, told us.
“Let’s pretend the bulb is the Sun, and Diana and I didn’t think that was such a great name. Dark
Sammy, each of your heads is the Earth.” Moon would be better—but let’s face it, we kids
When Sammy, who has really short hair, said, don’t get to vote on things like that!

Copyright © 2017 NSTA. All rights reserved. For more information, go to
“First, the Sun looked like it had a little bite taken out of it. They had to use special glasses to be able to look at the Sun without
hurting their eyes. Then that dark bite out of the Sun got bigger and bigger. When the Sun was almost covered, it looked like a
diamond ring for a second. After that, not only the Sun but also the sky turned dark. The birds even stopped singing.”
—from When the Sun Goes Dark

This illustrated book introduces young astronomers to

the extraordinary science behind eclipses. It tells how
two curious children and their grandparents re-create
eclipses in their living room using a lamp, a tennis ball, two
Hula-Hoops, and Ping-Pong balls. Later, in the backyard
and around the house, the family learns about safe ways
to view a solar eclipse and ponders phenomena from
sunspots to phases of the Moon. When the Sun Goes Dark
gives children and adults vivid examples of hands-on
techniques to learn about the marvels of the universe.

Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz, authors of NSTA’s

Solar Science: Exploring Sunspots, Seasons, Eclipses, and More,
are award-winning experts in both astronomy and science
education. Andrew is an astronomy professor at Foothill
College near San Francisco. Dennis is a senior adviser at
the Pacific Science Center in Seattle.

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Lexile® measure: 890L ISBN: 978-1-68140-011-2
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