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1745A Assignment 1 Moon FW1718-2

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NATS 1745 Section A Assignment 1: Moon Project

Part 1 due: Oct 19 2018, 11:30am, in class

Part 2 due: Nov 16 2018, 11:30am, in class
Part 3 due: Nov 16 2018, 4:00pm, on turnitin


(assignments handed in after the start of class are considered late, and will be penalized)
weight: 15%
(Part 1 worth 4%, Parts 2 & 3 worth 11%)

The purpose of this assignment is to observe the Moon for a period of approximately 8-10 weeks,
note any changes in its appearance and/or position over this course of time, and understand why
the Moon goes through changes. You should observe the Moon on as many nights as possible, and
record your observations visually on a Location Diagram of the area where you are observing, as
well as in the Record of Observations log, both described below. Begin your observations as soon
as possible.

There are 3 separate parts for this assignment:

Part 1: Multiple Observations of Moon in a Single Night
Part 2: Observations of Moon for 8+ weeks
Part 3: A short formal essay on ancient historical observations of the Moon

Making the Observations

Find a convenient location near your home or work, with a clear view of the southern sky, where
you might be at a consistent time several nights a week. When facing south, you should be able to
look east (your left) and west (right) without any major obstacles blocking your view.

Make all your observations from the same location if possible. If you need to use more than one
location, you will have to draw more than one location diagram. The observations can be made at
any time the Moon is visible (day or night), but taking several observations at roughly the same time
will give you a better idea of how the Moon’s position is changing.

Note that the Moon does rise and set at different times daily. If you are having difficulty locating
the Moon, check online or a newspaper for the Moon’s rise and set time for that day. A very useful
website is:
as well as:

A minimum of 20 observations is required, but do as many as you can. More observations will help
you answer the questions. It is recognized that the weather is unpredictable. You can note in your
log when it was cloudy, and you could not see the Moon (but this would not count as one of the 20
observations). You must log your observations with hand drawn sketches, but you may supplement
the drawings with photographs if you choose.

Location Diagram

The location diagram is a visual record of your observations, where you draw the nightly position of
the Moon, and try to understand how and why the Moon changes in position and appearance. To
make your location diagram, draw the horizon features of your chosen observing location on a
piece of paper. Include such things as hydro poles, buildings, trees, hills, etc. and leave plenty of
room for the sky. For each observation of the Moon that you make, indicate its position on your
location diagram, with the appropriate number of your observation given in your Record of
Observations log. If you are making observations from more than one location (e.g. work and
home), you will need more than one location diagram. The quality of this diagram is considered only
in that it is possible to distinguish the objects, and the numbered observation positions. No
consideration is given for artistic quality, so keep it simple. Do NOT make a good copy. Your ‘on
site’ observations are the most important part of this assignment, and must be handed in. Make
sure to label directions (west, etc.) on you diagram.

Example of how to do a location diagram – note how directions are indicated along bottom
- draw your local landscape
- place multiple observations of the Moon on the same Location Diagram
- can use your outstretched hand or fist as an approximate angular measure, to help you place the
- if you observe from more than one location, use separate Location Diagrams
- do separate Location Diagrams for Parts 1 and 2 (explained below)

Record of Observations

The Record of Observations is where you record the data for all of your Moon observations. For
each observation that you make, fill in the appropriate columns of the Record of Observations log
provided at the end of this file (feel free to make modifications to the format of the log to better suit
your presentation of data). You are to draw the shape/phase of the Moon, comment about the
weather, how clearly you are able to see features on the Moon, and report any other comment that
you feel is relevant. Record the position of the Moon in the sky relative to the landmarks on your
location diagram. If the weather is poor and you are unable to see the Moon, you should note this in

your Record of Observations (but this would not count as one of the 20 required observations). Do
NOT make a good copy of your Record of Observations. Your ‘on site’ observations are the
most important part of this assignment, and must be handed in.

Note that the professor will also be observing the Moon and keeping a record of weather conditions.
Falsification of data and/or plagiarism of any sort will be severely punished, according to the
York University Senate Policy on Academic Honesty.

Part 1. Observe the Moon multiple times within a single night

In this section of the assignment, you are to observe the Moon at least 4 times in one night,
separated by approximately 1/2 hour intervals. You will need to create a location diagram for these
observations, as well as record your observations in your Record of Observations log. Note that one
of these single-night observations can count as one of the 20+ observations required for Part 2.

On your location diagram for Part 1, sketch the Moon (paying careful attention to size, shape and
orientation) at the appropriate location, and note the time of your observation. Repeat this process
at half-hour intervals, for a minimum of 4 observations (more observations are better).

Following your observations, answer the Part 1 questions posed at the end of the assignment, and
hand in your answers on the question sheet attached.

Part 1 is due on Oct 19, 11:30am, in class.

Part 2. Observe the Moon nightly through the 8+ week period

For Part 2 of this assignment, you are to observe the Moon nightly, recording your observations on
the location diagram and Record of Observations, as described above.

Part 2 Subsection 1:
A subsection of your observations includes observing the Moon over a 4-5 night period, where you
observe the Moon at the same time each night, paying careful attention to the size, shape (i.e.
phase) and location of the Moon. You will answer questions based on this subset of observations,
as well as on the 8-week period as a whole.

Part 2 Subsection 2:
For subsection 2, observe the Moon at least once in the daytime (i.e. morning) sky.

Other than the specified observation times for Subsections 1 and 2, you may observe the Moon at
any time when it is visible for the rest of the 8 week period. Note that the Moon rises and sets at
a different time each night, so you will not be able to find the Moon at the same time each
night throughout its entire cycle. You will however be able to use the same observing time for
several nights (or days) in a row. Check the references listed above on the Moon’s rise and set
times, if you are having difficulty locating the Moon.

Following your observations, answer the Part 2 questions posed at the end of the assignment, and
hand in your answers on the question sheet attached.

In answering these questions please use your own thoughts and words. Do not copy or simply
paraphrase answers from a text. If you use an outside source to research your answer, give the
reference for that source (APA or MLA format).

Part 2 is due on Nov 16, 11:30am, in class.

Part 3. Essay Section

For this section, you are to write a 4-5 page essay (12- point, double spaced, plus appropriate
figures or diagrams, and references) on a selected historical (pre-medieval) topic related to the

Include the following in your essay:

 for a particular ancient culture, or archaeological site, describe current evidence for that
culture’s observations of the Moon (even if that evidence is not fully conclusive)
 describe how the observations relate to the phase or position of the Moon
 can choose an ancient lunar calendar system instead of (or in conjunction with) an
archaological site
 for the same culture, discuss a myth or cultural story or interpretation of the Moon
 in-text citations and references in APA or MLA format
o see
 any relevant diagrams or images (include reference) of sites, drawings, etc.

Speak with the Professor if you have questions about the essay’s focus.

Please see the posted file on “How to write an essay on a scientific topic”. Note that full references
are to be given, and your sources must include books and/or referred journal articles – you cannot
only use wikipedia! You will be graded on style as well as content, so make sure you use formal
essay structure – avoid colloquialisms, and make sure you have someone proofread for spelling
and grammar.

Part 3 is due on Nov 16, 4:00pm, on turnitin. Upload a single pdf, and include the Verification
of Academic Integrity sheet.

When handing in Parts 1 and 2, make sure the work is stapled (or enclosed in an 8x10 envelope).
Make sure your name and student number are clearly labelled on the front, and underline your
last name. Make sure you read, fill in and sign the Verification of Academic Integrity sheet, and
attach it to the front of your assignment (for all parts). Note that assignments are due at the
beginning of class.

Any plagiarized work will be dealt with according to the York University Senate
Policy on Academic Honesty. Penalties can include a grade of zero for the entire
assignment. Make sure you are familiar with this policy:

Verification of Academic Integrity cover sheet
Assignment will not be graded unless this cover sheet is filled out and signed, and placed at the
beginning of the assignment.

Full Name (underline Last): ____________________________________

Student Number: ____________________________________________
Course Name & Number: ______________________________________
Assignment Name & Number: __________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________

In this assignment (check all that apply)

 when I have taken word for word material from a source, I have enclosed the material in quotes,
and given the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have taken numbers, facts or ideas which are outside of common knowledge, I have given
the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have performed experiments or made observations, I have included my own observations,
and not presented falsified or imagined data, or results copied from a source or from another
 when I present an image or a figure taken from a source, I have given the source a proper in-text
 when answering questions in the assignment, I have not copied my answers from a source or
from another student
 I have presented all of my reference material in a reference section at the end of an assignment,
which contains all of my sources (including web, book, video, and lecture sources)
 except for quoted material from a source, I have written the rest of the assignment

My signature confirms what I have checked above to be true


NATS 1745A Assignment 1 | Moon Project Name: _______________________
Student #: _______________________

Part 1: Multiple Observations of Moon in a Single Night

Due: Oct 19, 11:30am
Hand in: verification of Integrity cover sheet
Record of Observations
Location Diagram
Part 1 questions
staple and hand in at beginning of class

Part 1 Record of Observations

Obs Date Time Comments (weather, clarity of Moon’s

# features, other planets or objects of
interest in sky, etc.)

Part 1 Location Diagram:
Sketch position of Moon several times in a single night (can draw a horizontal sketch)

Part 1 questions: answers should be typed

1. How did the size of the Moon change over the series of observations made in a single night?
If there was a change, explain why.

2. How did the phase of the Moon change over the series of observations made in a single
night? If there was a change, explain why.

3. How did the position of the Moon change over the series of observations made in a single

4. Explain why the Moon changed its position.

Verification of Academic Integrity cover sheet
Assignment will not be graded unless this cover sheet is filled out and signed, and placed at the
beginning of the assignment.

Full Name (underline Last): ____________________________________

Student Number: ____________________________________________
Course Name & Number: ______________________________________
Assignment Name & Number: __________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________

In this assignment (check all that apply)

 when I have taken word for word material from a source, I have enclosed the material in quotes,
and given the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have taken numbers, facts or ideas which are outside of common knowledge, I have given
the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have performed experiments or made observations, I have included my own observations,
and not presented falsified or imagined data, or results copied from a source or from another
 when I present an image or a figure taken from a source, I have given the source a proper in-text
 when answering questions in the assignment, I have not copied my answers from a source or
from another student
 I have presented all of my reference material in a reference section at the end of an assignment,
which contains all of my sources (including web, book, video, and lecture sources)
 except for quoted material from a source, I have written the rest of the assignment

My signature confirms what I have checked above to be true


Name: _______________________
Student #:_____________________
Part 2: Observations of Moon for 8+ weeks
Due: Nov 16, 11:30am
Hand in: Verification of Integrity cover sheet
Record of Observations
Location Diagram
Part 2 questions
staple and hand in at beginning of class

Part 2 Record of Observations

Obs # Date Time DRAWING OF Comments (weather, clarity of Moon’s
(indicate MOON features, other planets or objects of
am/pm) interest in sky, etc.)
(indicate phase)

Obs # Date Time DRAWING OF Comments (weather, clarity of Moon’s
(indicate MOON features, other planets or objects of
am/pm) interest in sky, etc.)
(indicate phase)







Obs # Date Time DRAWING OF Comments (weather, clarity of Moon’s
(indicate MOON features, other planets or objects of
am/pm) interest in sky, etc.)
(indicate phase)









Part 2 Location Diagram:
Sketch position of Moon throughout 8 week period (You can draw a horizontal sketch; can use other
paper and staple to final assignment. If you observe from more than one location, you will need to do a
location diagram for each place.)

Part 2 questions: answers should be typed

1. Describe how the phase and any other aspect of the Moon’s appearance changed over the
course of the 4-5 night period, where the observations were made at approximately the same
time each night, in Subsection 1.

2. How did the position of the Moon change on your location diagram over the course of the 4-
5 night period, where the Moon was observed at the same time each night, in Subsection 1?

3. Why do you think the Moon changed its position in the sky over the 4-5 night period, where
the Moon was observed at the same interval each night, in Subsection 1?

4. Describe in general terms how you observed the Moon to change its size, phase and position,
over the 8-week period.

5. Give a full explanation for why the Moon changes its phase throughout its cycle. Include a
diagram in your answer, and give a reference for your diagram.

6. For your observation of the Moon in the daytime sky, in Subsection 2, make a sketch of the
relative positions of the Sun, Earth and Moon. Indicate the phase of the Moon seen for this

Additional questions:

7. Sketch the configuration of the Moon, Earth and Sun for

a) a lunar eclipse

b) a solar eclipse

8. Why don’t we see eclipses every month?

9. When is the next lunar eclipse visible from Toronto?

Verification of Academic Integrity cover sheet
Assignment will not be graded unless this cover sheet is filled out and signed, and placed at the
beginning of the assignment.

Full Name (underline Last): ____________________________________

Student Number: ____________________________________________
Course Name & Number: ______________________________________
Assignment Name & Number: __________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________

In this assignment (check all that apply)

 when I have taken word for word material from a source, I have enclosed the material in quotes,
and given the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have taken numbers, facts or ideas which are outside of common knowledge, I have given
the source a proper in-text citation
 when I have performed experiments or made observations, I have included my own observations,
and not presented falsified or imagined data, or results copied from a source or from another
 when I present an image or a figure taken from a source, I have given the source a proper in-text
 when answering questions in the assignment, I have not copied my answers from a source or
from another student
 I have presented all of my reference material in a reference section at the end of an assignment,
which contains all of my sources (including web, book, video, and lecture sources)
 except for quoted material from a source, I have written the rest of the assignment

My signature confirms what I have checked above to be true


Name: _______________________
Student #:_____________________
Part 3: Essay
Due: Nov 16, 4:00pm
Upload to turnitin. Make sure similarity score is <20.


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