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Sathyabama University: Register Number

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Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch B!E"B!#ech $ C%&&%' #% A(( B)A'C*E+
#itle of the ,a-er ,ro.ra//in. in C &a0! &ar1s 23
+ub! Code 5E#43655E#11556C3336 #i/e 3 *ours
7ate 31"35"4311 +ession A'
,A)# 5 A (13 0 4 9 43)
Ans:er A(( the ;uestions
1! <rite a note on data t=-e >ualifiers!

4! *o: can the ?alue of an e0-ression be con?erted to a different
data t=-e@ <hat is this called@
3! <rite the difference bet:een brea1 and continue state/ents!
A! <rite the -ur-ose of loo-in. state/ents! Gi?e an e0a/-les!
5! Bind the out-ut of the follo:in. -ro.ra/
#include < stdio.h >
void main ( )
arr [4] [4] = { 1,2,3,4,,!,",#,$,1%,11,12,13,14,1,1!,&
int i,'(
)or (i = 2( i >=%( i**)
)or (' = 2( ' >=%( '**)
+rint)(,-d., arr [i])(
6! <rite the ad? of function!
6! <rite the si.nificance of -ointer!
2! 7escribe the out-ut of the follo:in. -ro.ra/
void main ( )
int count = 10, *temp, sum =0;
temp = & count;
*temp = 20
temp = &sum;
*temp= count;
printf( %d %d %d ,count, *temp, sum);

9! 7efine Bile -ointer
13! *o: :ill =ou identif= the end of file@
,A)# $ B (5 0 14 9 63)
Ans:er All the ;uestions
11! +tate the -rinci-les of structured -ro.ra//in.! <rite the
techni>ues to con?ert unstructured -ro.ra//in. into structured
14! (a) 7iscuss the difference bet:een to- do:n and botto/ u-
desi.n! (A)
(b) Briefl= discuss about -riorit= of C o-erators! (2)
13! 7escribe about the ?arious control state/ents in C!
1A! 7iscuss about the ?arious in-uts and out-ut +tate/ent of C!
15! (a) <rite a C -ro.ra/ to re?erse the .i?en strin.! (A)
(b) <rite a C -ro.ra/ to find the sorted order of ' ele/ents
usin. functions! (2)
16! 7iscuss about the stora.e Classes of ?ariable used in C!
16! <rite a C -ro.ra/ to .enerate -a= bill for ' e/-lo=ees usin.
-ointer to structure! Allocate and deallocate /e/or= locations to
store e/-lo=ee structures d=na/icall=!
12! (a) <rite the difference bet:een Union and +tructure! (A)
(b) struct { int a;
lon !;
{ int a;
lon !;
<hat is the ?alue of siCe of (s) and siCe of (u) if siCe of
(int) 9 4 and siCe of (lon.) 9 A@ (4)
(c) *o: can the structure be -assed as ?alue and reference
-ara/eters to function@ (6)

19! (a) <rite a C -ro.ra/ to create a te0t file and -rint the nu/ber of
:ords and ?o:els of that file!
(b) 7iscuss about the co//and line ar.u/ents :ith an e0a/-le!
43! (ist out the built $ in functions of BD(E!* to access se>uential
and rando/ access file!

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